Tb« JowMi-irauiot 1^ tb® trail of pro* >■ U»e *^tc of J^lkra" For Tears.' . XXVIl^ NO. 44 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 27,19^ I.'*• r -mtih''■ ' aBili’iUiaai r, ■ " %flM IN T^^ATB^l.50 OUT OF THE Many Young Men’ 1 Rprnvers Greater Sedi' Membership In Forest Corps Applications Bein^ Taken! By The Scores At The | Welfare Office ONLY 46 TO Careful BE CHOSEN Study Of Individu- [ al Cases To Be Made By Mrs. Foster Part of $1,901.00 Taken by‘Friends’ Neil Canter Loses Sum of Money, But Most of It Was Returned !T\VO ARE HELD IN JAIL I Tyre Brown and Son, Willard, .-Mlesed To Have Stolen the Money I Scorns ot applications f o r membership in the civilian con 's serration corps to engasre in the reforestation relief program now under way are lieing receivod I One dail.v at tlie office of the county “Imliy superintendent of welfare. sistan The applicants, irrespective of, mciu!)cis, goes to a mid-wt stcni- the status of their needs, are he-^ er. Harry Wooilring. fornicr Ing given a preliminary physical govcnuir of Kansas (uiiovcl lias examination which includes the been made as-isfant secrciar.v of 'Wassermann's te.st to determine war. his noinination hy I’rcsideiil their physical fitness. The re quirements are known to the general piildie and no difficulty has been experienced along that line. One young man, w’le is nnem ployed and has no i. lat'vcs to Roosevelt having heeii contirmed hy tlU' senate. whom he could portion of his ■ ed hy the govci ■ let Mrs. Valei • : welfare offici'r. ^ ■! Ill liar' ina.ior r-'Minr- 00- ot offered to It. lie Foster, 1- >'l l nec.i'- fam ilies to receiv# $t’u ..f Hk- $:;ii Me will earn per montli tie as'eii that Mrs. Foster kec- s‘, for him each month. Wilkes county s-n;l only 4fi young men to the camps. They i will be selected only aftt r a care ful investigation of the inilivida- al cases, Mrs, Foster state! yes terday. Kacli aiiidicant will he considered n[ion tlic tuisis, first of hi.s help to his family during the past winter, second ih.' iii'cd of his family or relatives at the present time and thini upon liis mental, moral an! physical fit ness. A comiilcic examination u ill be given the candidatc.s wiicli .^irs. Foster selects at Winston- Salem lii'adqiiarters ami if they pass there, they will tie given two weeks' training at Fort Bragg. I .\l a trial liefore .Magistrate .1. Wallace last Friday. Tyre 1 Brown and ids son. Willard. I w»>re lioiind over to Superior iconrt on a charge of stealing $1.- pluce ill Hie Koosevelt : ('anter on tlie caliinet." composed of ! .sinnday previous. Failing to fiir- ■seevetaries to cabinet | jjj,. )•,-(juiced bond of $l.d(ifl eiicli. the father and son were 1 committed to jail. I Accordiii.g to rejiorts. tlie Browns assisted Mr. Canter in connting the money at hi.s home I and sometime during the day, j tile money was taken, .\fter the j money was missed, one of the! men is said to -have told Mr. ( an- j iter that he would find the inon-j ey 'f lie would giv” him Jintl. I .\lr. Canter agreed to tills ami I ! HU’ lini;!' iiills wiis r*'-1 lurriil. However, it whs iliseov-| ei’iMl IliHt, roniitiii!: Hie pHO i;iv-j ■ en ;1S a re.Miird, $ M (► was miss-j ill.;. l•^)liowin,^ a 11 ion. Shevitl \V. H. Somers arresled | ' llrowii iiiid iwo SOILS. Wilianij Grading Will Be Conpleted On No. 18 In a Few Days Joe Greer ^ In Accident Near' . Purlear Monday i Struck By Bridge Railing ! Hurled By-Truck As He ! Crossed Bridge I DIED 2 HOURS LATER ! Funeral Service Held Yes terday Morning At New Hope Baptist Church ftuuuer capitol of the United State* 'thia year will likely be at the New York resident of President Rooeerelt at Hyde Park, which i* shown above. Such is the report from Washlngion where' great uncertainty prevails as to when Confess will end Its work on Immediate legfiilation. Reports from the White Eonao-aiao tell of the President’s plan for a week ’« cruise on the 45-footer, “ Amber Jack II ’ with only his four sons as shipmates. It is thought the cruise will be up the Maihe coast for a short stay at the Roosevelt home there. Below, the President and Mrs. Roosevelt off for a short week-end rest. ^ .loe nreer. young man of the i Purlear community, died at the I Wilke.-i Hospital here Monday evening about 7 o'clock from in- i juries sustained two hours ear- i lier in an accident which took I place at a bridge near New Hope I Baptist church. ; The young man. in company witli three other hoy.s, was walk- ling across the bridge when a ’state highway truck, operated by ’Clarence Staley, came along. The i driver threw up hi.s hand In j greeting to the hoys and a sec ond later, a chain hanging on the Stfon Ti. Open I p ILirdsni- Route Through To Alleghany ;M A( E OR WEI. ."^OON liiadiiiv on Nh'. lx helwceii Fuinduiii' aii.l I’m ,\ llcuhii iiy coimtv line will In* comid*'tci] lic.xi wc'k. it Wii.' Iciirio'il ysicr dav trom .1 .1 Bat lifshill. siifn'f- iiui'iiilent of tile coiistniclioti and I lin e Spainhower Is Eliminated From Mayoralty Race Through Failure to FileBeforeAprill2 mauisi raio’s iUl FEDERAL JUDGE’S ACT . AROUSES RESENTMENT forc-i of rliaiidi* rC.icgoiy coai[Mii.'. i-oiit raci-irs. This .sec tion of tiiiiliwa.x lias liccn iimlcr consiviicl ion for spv>ra! moiil'is lull i j.c d'day in con ;d**l ion «asi dui III ; ill' iinfavoialilc wcailu i ilui'iiu I l;i* Htnicr monilis, | Afli'i' t lie ai'adin.g is finisli**d. • ciiHi l «iil Ilf idacctl on tlie higli- way. Thi.s vmu'k will iicgin with in I v\ o wci-ks. .Mr. itaitcrsliill I said. Will'll this section of numlicr ’ and (ii’ccii. liarr.v (Iritiiii ,\ very I’ilki'iiton. Tltc lattf'r wi'i-c frccil at th trial. .Sheriff .-Comers is holding jiis:i whicli was ro;itiil on tlie person I of Willard Broivii al the lime "f' Everything In Readiness Foi | Tuesday ' his arrest iiiui if!*, wiiid, his fa-; ()f ;}.2 Beer J3„ Formality: Only One i .‘'JJate Of Candidates First Shipment Of | New Beer Received ^ In City Yesterday] I 'rear end ot the truck, caught the |!iridge railing. Intrling it across I tlie iriick. The railing struck ; young flrecr a glancing blow, - ’ hitting his slioulder and his head. I'flic other hoys wi'ii* uninjured. ' Mr. firecr was picked up and rushed to the hospital here, hut efforts to save his life were un successful. The deceased was 21 years of a'-'e and is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Ruliy Kller, and an ini'aiit son. Billie .loe. He is also survived liy his iiarerits. .Mr. and I . I 111 wlr the which his fa-* I' 'vas carrying in his shoe ■n lie was phiceil in jail. On -May I Board Of Eiection.s Rewarded Meeting Tuesday And ' ^ o c i Ruled On Matter Attendance Record "Vr.''- 17'' |(!aynell and Helva. llirec hroth- E. R. Spruill Gives.''rs. Roby, C. W.. .Ir., and Clay. Theatre Party For 85 of funeral service. His Students ELECTION LAWS CITED fo P»of. Public Invited To Legion Hut Opening JJ. Invitations l.ssucd To For mal Opening On Coming Monday Evening i Washington, .Aprii 2">. !>•*- wiami.s came from some southern representatives today that Fed- #ral Judge James A L.oweii, of Boston, he piinisiicd liy atiolition of his office or liy Imiieaclinieiit for his action.s on freeing (ieorge Crawford, a negro, wanted al Mlddle*burg, A'a . o n murder charges. Lowell, at Boston yeslenlay. released Crawfoixl on a writ of habeas corpus on tin* gromni that negroe.s do not serve on juries in Virginia and tliat any conviction ohtained a.gainst him there could he reversed hv llic United Sta'cs Sii|iremi- court. will of ' he : ;!tl 'I’hc iiithlic generally is invited to attend the formal opening of the I.egioii-.Aiixiliary Hut -Mon day evening. Invitations were sent oat the first of tin* week to I , civic oi gaiiizutioiis and cliiirches jlx i.s olicned to the inihlic. Wilkes’so that the people of llic Wilkes- jwill have direct "onncc.lion wit ti 'may Icel free to attend. ! .Allegliany over a hanisurfaced ] ^f'>l'>''‘>' openiu.g held lielwccn the hour; ' . and t'Kih. Pleasing Operetta Was ^ — - — Given Tuesday Evening Thieves Took Ham | The opereiiu, "rinilerilla liij And Corn Friday! Flower l.an.1." xas presented in ' a very jileasing mannei hy I he i Footprints of Woman and primary children of Wilkeshoni, Man Sf6n; Bloodhound | , high school Tuesday evening he- Fail.S To Trail ! foie a capacity andicncti. Tin* cos- III,. I Someone is a , j stolen five hiishels of corn .,iu|!u ham from Frank Sparls al Friday A inick. loaiieil with l.'iU casus of llic newly legalized beer, ar rived here yesterday arienioon. om I’liiladcdpliia. The sliipnienl v.as for Mr. W. A. .McNeill. Shipment of beer is now logai. lull thirsty throats must wail un- I til next Alomlay morning for re lief. (Juile a niimher looked on , yestertFay after Hu beer had i been stored, lull tlie lot was und- I er limk and iKit even a sample I was available. ' A nitnihi'r of local luisincss j houses hiive ma.le ai’ratigemenls I to retail I’le newly legalized tieverage. Kighty-five stiiih'iits of lin View hi'-'h school who were ill atlemlance daring the ' term now coming to a close wer- The Wilkes t'oimty Board of ’ F.lcctions al a meeting Tuesday ' aflerniHui held that Mie failure 11'*’''^’'''' of .Artiuir K, Spainhower to file notice of his camiidacy prior to rewarded yesterday arternoon for April 12 aiilomalically elimiiiat-! their failhfulr.e.ss wilii a theatre, ed him from the mayoralty race' in the city election which will he i held next Tuesday. | The decision was iiased upon at leaded hy itearly one thousand lieople. was tield at Xew Hope Moan- Baptist chinch yesterday morn ing al 11 o'clock. The pastor, I Rev. Avery Chiircli. was in :charge. Interment followed in the church cemetery. TWO OFFICERS SLAIN Attending Area Meet At Newton the election laws governing stale .and inuuitdiral elections wliic.h the hoard interpreted as mean ing that a candidute of any po litical party or an independent candidate must file notice of I candidacy at least five days ! prior to Hie primary. The date for the primary this year was I April 1 party. The sfnrieiils were guests I’ldf. K. K. Spruill, principal of' tli« school, ami saw the picture i at the. Orpliemn Tliealre. ; .\l! of the lioys and girls had! attended the entire term without i missing a da.v. i Nashville. Tenii.. April 2:’.— of'sheriff (1. B. Winuingliam and his son, Deputy Sheriff Floyd Winniiigliam, of I’ickelt county, were dead toda.v as the result of wounds received during a raid at Byrdstown, near the Kentucky line. Young Winiiiiighani was killed Lions Club Is Selling instantly by gunfire coming from Orpheum Theatre Books!a fifigl't car as the party of of- ' ficers approached to arrest sev eral men alleged to have attempt- •Meinbers of the I.ions ('lull it was pointed qiit that should ^ are now engaged in selling hooks led to attack an aged resident ot of tickets to l.lie Urplienm 1'hea-lthe 4tnck Creek, section. Sheriff ! candidate.^ he permitted to enter! MembtM's'" Local Mrs. .Absher And Mrs. Kilhv Go There inmes wcr.' lieautifiil anil cliildreii gav" evidence of e lent Irainiiis; Misse.s .lemiy Madeline llunis directed liearsals ,■(.. I laplaiie last Friday night jlhe fumily slept. Though officers land hliiiid lioiiiids were olilained, liieillier the thieves nor tlie loot 'iia.! Iieen discovered ovc*r Hie iweek-eml. Both llu* coni and the nieai are said to have been in the smoke Inuise very near tlie dwell- iiKi. It is clainieil llial footpriiits of a mini and a woman were dis covered uhoiit Hie premises. ,\ man and woman are llioiight Ho liave stolen tlie chickens fioni Hie farm of .Mr. C. C. Camhill I here and this may he Hie same ’pail' operaling in Hie Dellaplaiie i com III unity. have and Uel- vliile Wilkes Trains Nos. 3 And 4 Operating ' Between Winston-Salem And This City To Be Discontinued A bulletin to the tffeel that Southern itailway trains .\'o J and 1, oiieratiiig between North "Wilkeshoro and Winstoii-.Salem. will make their last rims .Satur day was posted at the local sta tion yf»Htf*rday. 'Hu* ortifi' was signed hy J. S. Bergiiiaii. su'y^i iii-1 fare in ttreeimlioro Monday tendent of the Wliiston-Saiem di-1 ff'femes on relief programs Attended Conference In Greensboro Monday ^ M r s. Valeria itelle Foster. I'ounty Welfare sniierinteiideiit, ■Miss hie'/. Alisher, loe Hllis. Jr. land .A. ti. Foster at tended the ' meeliiig of Hie association of ; siiperiiitendenls of puhlic wol- Nine mi'Uiliers of the unit of the American .Auxiliary in addition to .Mrs. AV. Idle race after the regularly con- AuXlliary, stiiui,.d primary has been held. I the opening would he paved for the entrance of any number ‘>f' a,.g ’candidates in the election. Where] there is a vacancy created by the' tre. Kight tickets, admith.ig uie 1"'‘’U'lf'ed in the . , , ,i abdomen, was brought to a Nash- piirchascr to aiiv show, specia ’ , • y ville iiospital, or otlierwise. at the iicliided ir sells for $1.25. t he Part Legion Orpheum hook which of the pro- I resignation or death of an office- used hy the club to where he died shortly before last niid'night. historian. I holder, candidates may file lit [carry on their civic activities. ".Marrying Anne" is the title of the play which will be given at Traphill on Hie evening of ;t. Alisher, department .a... election, it was!-— and .Mrs. A. h. Kilby, districtl ^ primary] Kommitteeniaii. are alfe.nding Ihe', ,, , , ai'eii meeting al Newton today May 6. is called this is not the case. riie area mei'Hlig will lie presid- I .All members of the hoard. Joe | eil over by Mrs. Wilson WarlicV. .ii'ea chairman. The meeting will he attended by representatives of .Auxiliary; I ,M. Pearson, chainnan. Barkley, secrelary. and E. W. B. { A. I Jones, were present at-the meel- i ing. the ri.iing heinjf'reached by I units from I hi'oiighoiit the of l.he state. towns and cities noi'Hiwest section! unanimous Following vote. the Truck of Beer Is Hi-Jacked On Road Near Henderson; Young White Man Arrested meeting. >enior Clas* Will Present “Husband For Sale” May 5th the ‘ Doctors To Have Charge I Henderson. .April 2i>.— .A huge 'board prepared a statement for, Of Lions Club Program i truck loaded with 115 cases of i pnhlication citing the sei'tioii of | j . | beer de.stined for dealers in and I the law upon which their'decision i ; i an i. - | n,..,,* Kasley. S. (’.. was held up ! was based. The statement will he ; U- Smith will have charge of lhe|j,„(j seized, beer, truck and all. ' round on page, eight of this 'sue of The Jfiiiinal-I’atriol. The election next Tuesday will Rev. J. t. Armtiriisl will he i Ddishtful Play To Be Given; he a formality proara in in Winsloii- :! leaves Win- p. m.. arriv- vlsiou. Nos. " and 4 are mixed (rains ami at present operate daily be tween the city and Wiiiston-Sal em. No. 4 leaves the city at 6:40 a. m. and arrives Salem at 9:55, No. gton-Salein at l;2.i Ing here at 4:40. The order discontinuing -Nos. 3 and 4\ means that North Wil- keaboro xvill have only one in coming and one oiit.going train daily alter Saturday. Trains -No. 13 and 14 will eontiniie to oper ate on their iireseiil schedule. No. 13 arrives here at It;50 a. m, and leaves at 2:10 p. m. No information regarding the points to which the men now em ployed i held during the. day. cliHirinun at Friday’s ('on-I linuiu'oii of thf' Kiwanis rluli. wcM’c I Miisi*al iniinlHM'.s will foalnrH Ihe Iiro'4:ram. i' Minstrel Show To Be Given Friday Night At Wtficesboro High School ' Dr. J. H. .McNeill and Dr. H. B. Smith will have charge of the is-1 program at the l.ioiis Cliih's regular semi-monthly meeting tonight. (Thursday) at Hotel Wilkes. The two doctors have ■A minslrei sliow of an iially high order will be ,^iii us us- he present- j srdo ed hy young men and young i a string Excellent Class Is Be ing Trained The sAiior class of North 'Vil- j kesboro high school preset!'. "A ] Husband for Sale" as th' i‘ class’ , play Friday evening. May 5. at 1 I 8 o'clock. This play selected for] i the occasion, is a ’delightful i fhrep-act comedy of real spice ( Janrt variety. The characters are j coinnosed of datire and vocal 1 itiiiiihers. An orchestra and there being only ' for mayor, five i the five commis-1 kept the nature ot their program and three caiidi-! a secret, hut Lions can expect one candidate candidates for (Stoners' places emi ...m.; , ; dales for the three vacancies on i the very best, according to Sec- I (Continued on page four) iretary K. A. Shook. North Wilkesboro’s Milk Supply Is Given High Rating By Official women of Wilkeshoro in the Wil- keshorn high school andilorinni l'■I■i(lay evening at ,x' o'clock. The proceeds from the show will be conrrihuled to the fund for the physical education liuild- itig which has been planned. The cast of characters is com posed *of yiiiing men and young women, most of whom are not the t wo students of the school, who de- on the trains which "'ill j gjve the show as their be discontinued will he t''nnsfer-^j,, jj,,, gymnasium rod has been .given, out. fund. Rehearsals have been held hand will furnish eiilei'laituiieut for the other acts. Warner Miller. Jr. and Walter Pi'esslev .loliiisoii have taken the lead Iti arranging the show. Thi? public is cordially invited to attend. Tile cast of characters follows: Lucille Carwood, Lucille Hart. Eleanor Smoak. Helen Call, Nell Henderson. -Mrs. Helen Cashion, •Mrs. Walter Johnson, James Oar- 1 wood, Ernest Linney, Frank Services To Be Held Zion Baptist Church have utririi nf*iu 1 regularly for the past throe oj-, Henderson. Robert Henderson, four weeks and ever.vthlng is ini'^’”' Henderson, Tom Bumgarner.' readiness for the presentation. | Walter Emerson, Charles Hiil- aiid Rev. i The show will consist of five j cher. Robert Church, William at j acta. Two acts are devoted to the i Carrigan, Tom Dula, Alfred Du- la. Ed Crysel, Warner Miller Jr.. Walter Johnson, 'Will Rush, Bill Rev. O. W. Miles Ul^i^ln Brown will preach Hon Baptist church at Hays Sun-j minstrel proper with the inter- April SO. St 11 o’clock. The lochtor and his circle entertein- ^ lilTited to hear them, (ing in grand style. One act'will to Install bottling and equipment within the next real jie.ople and of enoiigli dif ference to lend plenty of interest to the plot. The lovely young !„iays. This is the latest step in widow, tlie soft old maid and the. production of the highest eccentric spinster, the million-J quality milk and wMll require a aire with a flat purse and his (.„„8jderable outlay, companion togottier with a I close co-operation between preacher and two delightful ne- juje sanitary inspector and the giioes give all Ithe human interest i dairymen has brought about this neces.sary fora whole evening's j ,.xceUeht rating. Every precau- capping 89. :!0 ! North Wilkeshoro rates second among the towns and cities of North Carolina which come und er the provisions of the public health ordinance regarding the milk supply, it is learned on good authority. The rating was given by a rep resentative of the United States Public Health Service, depart- entertainment. ; tion possible is being taken to Fiirllier details will be an-’ jbe purest and most .sanl-] ment of milk control. The city non need soon. Ashe- R.\LPH rURI-EV ! tary milk supply. I was given a rating of 93 ' The following ratings for sev-iville, the only other town or city i eral towns selected at random standing Wilkeshoro. Ralph Curley, infant son of j give some idea of the Ed Curley, of Wil-jof North Wilkeshoro: Asheville —94.4, enforcement. 94; Char- jqtte—83, enforcement 78; Dur ham — 92, enforcement. 97; XSreensboro — 80, enforcement, 83; Lenolr^—68, enforcement 63; Statesville—88, enforcement 95; Tate. t Mr. and Mi's kesboro. Route 1. died .April 24, and the funeral service was con ducted at Pleasant Grove Baptist church April 24. The child was born October 3, 1932, lieing 6 months and 25 days of age at the time of his death. '' , surpassing North was given 94.4. Gordon Battle, state sanitary inspector, who Is responsible for the enforcement of the regula tions here rt^ceived an enforce ment fating of 98. X _ It was also' learned yesterday that Qrsjdie A dairies selling raw Winston-Salem—83,' enforcement milk in the city will he-required sevenil miles norili of Hender son on federal route No. 1 early today hy a group of men with pistols ill Hiree niitoinohiles. Sheriff J. E. Hamletl said. Gar land .lohn.soii. well known young white man of Henderson, was ar rested and held in jail in default of $5.01)0 bond in . eonnectlon with the hold up and seizure. On the triirk al the lime of the iiold up. according to Hie of ficers. were K. Y. Pruitt, his wife, and .lames llolcomiie. who were forced to d’sinount hy the hold up group, and later walked to town, where they reported the Incident to officers. No chargee were preferred against them, as the beer merely was heiiig trans ported to its destination, it was said, for sale when it could be disposed of legally in South Car olina. Tne theory advanced by the officers was that the original truck was driven to a point on the Epsom highway, where the beer was unloaded onto another truck. The Pruitt truck was later in the morning fqund abandoned and empty on the main highway rive miles south of the city near Bear Pond. The truck was later Identified by Prnitt'aa hi* ftrop- erty and was turned over tp him.-^*' Meantime. otUeers. found .^IIS« cases of beer in athruge at (Continued 'an' page; foury. ■ ■ -.1 .'•■.’''-gV m

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