!^%xvn, ^ Pablished Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., MONDAY,. MAY 8, 1933 Rev. J. C. Story Preached Finii Sexmon to Graduates Of Wilkeshoro Last Night Essential Elements In A Successful Life Was | Theme Of Sermon' FROM PHILIPPINES AUDITORIUM IS FILLED t ^ Exercises Will Come To An End Tuesday Evening With Address Choosing for his text tl>e thir teenth and fourteenth verses of the third chapter of Philippians— i “Brethren. I count not myself to i have apprehended; but this onej thing I do, forgetting those things i ^ which are behiml, and reaching! forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark 1 for the prize of the high calling' of God in Christ Jesus”—Rev. J. j C. Story, pastor of the First Pres-1 byterian church of Marion, N- C., delivered a splendid sermon to the graduating class of Wilkesboro high school last night. * The auditorium was filled' al- , most to capacity and the large au dience listened inter.lly as the well known divine delivered the very inspirational .‘sermon. Class day exercises will be held this evening and the com mencement exercises of the school i will end tomorrow (Tuesday) eve-' ning when C. W. Phillip.s, of Greensboro, deliver.s ihe annual literary address. Dii)lomas will be presented to nearly 50 graduates following the'address. With his text in mind, Rev. Mr.! Story used as his sermon subj^ect ■“The Essential Elements in a Sue- TO HELP cessful Life.” Three things are Cowles btroduces B31 To Appomt Special Police Officer For County The Hon. Manuel L. Quezon, president of the Philippine senate, is now in Washington for confer ences regarding Philippine inde pendence. Paul N. Montague Spoke To Kiwanis Club Last Friday Officer Would Handle the County Bloodhound or Bloodhounds Is Executive Secretary of N. C. Division of National Economy League Representative Chas. H. Cowles introduced a bill on Thursday empowering the board of county commissioners to appoint a special police officer to handle the county , bloodhound or bloodhounds. The i bill was introduced at the request ! of the county commissioners, j Following is a copy of the Gen^o Cardwell Told of Di- Jjg entitled an act au- LISTERS ARE NOWATWORR A. C. Walls Releases Dates For Listers In Various Townships BEGIN WORK TODAY Tax listing dates in the various townships of the county were an nounced the latter part* of last week by A. C. Walls, tax super- EXCELLENT ADDRESS vision Meeting In Greens boro Thursday New Home Agent Is Now Here To Begin Her Work Paul N. Montague, of Winston- Salem, executive secretary of the North Carolina division of the National Economy league, deliver ed the addre.ss at the regular luncheon of the Kiwanis club Fri day. Mr. Montiigue prefaced his re- ni.irks by saying that the economy league had ju.stified its existence thorizirg the county commissom- ers of Wilkes county to appoint a special police officer to handle the county bloodhound or bloodhounds. “The general assembly of North Carolina do enact: “Section 1. That the county conimi.ssioners of Wilkes county be and they are hereby authoriz ed and empowered to appoint a keeper of the county b'oodhoundj or blooelhounds as a special police officer, which appointment shall as a fact-finding organization, if; authorize and empower such offi- for nothing else. He declared that j cer to use the county bloodhound civilization had advanced most; or bloodhounds for tracking and rapidly when individual initiative | capturing criminals and to serve Miss Edna Reinhardt, of Black Mountain. Arrived Here Today RELIEF necessary, he declared. There must: Miss F.dna Reinhardt, GASES of Black a great aim in life. In discu.ss- Mountain, arrived here at noon to- this poini, the minister stalc'd' *•'’ begin her work as emer- tkat “man is a spiritual amphibi- ftency home demonstration agent an.” Ire n?- a .■v.u, «-h,cn ir.ust be for Wilkes county. She takes up St a.s surely as his earthlv ber work immediately, he said. “The finer faculties’ Reinhardt will work under ’ 'of your soul will not develop un- tbe supervision of the county wel- ’ til you partake of the spiritual! fare department and will assist life,” he declared. . hou.sc-wives of the county in plan- Declaring that m every success- '>'ng their canning and other ac ful life there must be a supreme tivities i-elating to the preserva tion of foods for use the coming struggle, Rev Mr. Story declared that “you will find that all the "'ater. - , . ... progress in this r.uman life has' Tb'^ purpose of relief ae iv. les been made because someone stood | ‘be present time is .o help re- the test.” He pointed to the sac-|'>ef cases’ become self-supporting rifice of that brave doctor who al-; ‘he work ,s direct^ toward lowed himsMf to be bitten by a ,‘hat end. M ith practica ly all of moisquito in order that medical: hose who have been on the rel«f science might know what was the j bst grcnving a gooc^ garden, if the crops thus produced are preserved, (Continued on page eight) “Poppy Day” To Be Ovserved In n . «■ ^,,^1 I VKs.on ac rvui Mgo. County May 27th, ^ there should be little need to call on relief agencies for help next winter, it is believed. The home demonstration agent is being paid out of relief funds with the assistance of the extension di- vi.-iion at Ral‘igh. was rated highest and that a tyran-! pa|>ers in criminal actions arising nical form of government resulted j out of such use of the county when a special group was allowed to burden tlie government. The speaker was introduced by H. H. Morehou.se, program chair man for the (lay. The meeting was opened with (Continued on page lour) bloodhound or bloodhounds. “Sec. 2. That the appointment of such special police officer shall be in the discr-Tion of the com missioners of Wilkes county and may be revoked by them, and a (Contin led on page four) coimry commenceiient held AT WILKESBORO ON SATURDAY Tlie annual cciinty-wide com-1 pastor of North ilkestioro inencemeiit aas held in the Wil-1-Methodist church. In the course tcesboro high school audiloriiiro j of his splendid message. Rev. Mr. Saturday and brought to an end j Arnihnist paid a beautiful eulogy the echool year for all the rural to the superintendent of schools, schools of the county. i Mr. Wright, and in tribute to the Prof. C. C. Wright, venerable ] venerable official, the audience county superintendent who re-'stood at the request of Mr. Arm- tires at the end of liis present'brust in silence for 30 seconds, term in July, was master of cere-; Following the address, ad- monies and called the moeting to 'journmenl was taken until after order at 10:30 o'clock. The de-jthe luncheon hour, votional service was conducted ! Class exercises in which a by Kev. Seymour Taylor, pastor j number of the seventh grade stu- of Wilkesboro -Methodist church. I dents took part were held imnie- The feaiurc of the morning! diately following the noon hour, program was an inspiring ad-' A feature was a play given by dress by Rev. .1. H. Armbriisl, i (Continued on page eight) State Convention Evangelistic Clubs To Be Held Here Next Year Legion Auxiliary Sponsors “Poppy Day" For Aid of Needv Veteran.s Man Struck On Given 33 Scoutersj Head With Bat Gitv Is SeVected At Annual visor. Some of the listers began work today, while others begin their work later. The assessors will work with the listers and those who seek a re valuation must list with the listers rather than wait until the listing is closed, Mr. Walls saM. Those who list iater at the courthouse will be unable to obtain any ad justment, he pointed out ‘ The dates for the various town ships were announced as follows: .Antioch Township N. T. Jarvis, lister. Cranberry schoolhouse, May 15. Shepherd’s garage. May 16. Dellaplane schoolhouse. May 17. Lee Martin’s old store. May 18. Beaver Creek G. H- Walker, lister. Dates not furnished. Boomer Ed Eller, lister. Boomer: Greer’s store, May 15. M- G. Parson’s store. May 16. Goshen postoffice. May 17. A. M. Walsh’s residence, May 18. A. D. Steele’s residence, May 19. Boomer: Greer’s store, May 22- M. G. Parson’s store. May 23. Boomer: Greer’s store, May 24. Brushy Mountain J. J. Hendren, lister. E. B. Hendren’s Mill, May 8. M. L. Hendren’s store. May 9. J. F. Barnett’s store, May 10. New Hope church. May 11. Gilreath postoffice, May 12. Edwards No- 1 Ted Lyon, lister. Maple Springs school. May 29. Macedonia church. May 30. Ronda, May 3l and June 1. Edwards No. 2 J. Q. Burcham. lister. Plea.sant Home school. May 22. Shepherd’s Cross-Roads, May 23. Boss Blackburn’s store, May 24. Ed Parks’ store. May 25- White Plains church. May 26. Roaring River, May 27. Edwards No. 3 Rev. L. B. Murray, lister. J. A. West’s home. May 8- Benham. May 9- W. W. Darnell’s store. May 10. Pleasant Hill school, May 11. Pleasant Ridge school, May 12. Li.ster’s home. May 13. (Continued on page eight) Two Men and Two Women Are Arrested On Charge of Committing Many Thefts ISHBEL GETS THRILL Walter Foster, His Mrs. V«rdie Edminston and George Parsons , QUARTET NOW IN JAIL at Stock of Goods Valued Several Hundred Dol lars Found Miss Ishbel MacDoald, daugh ter of the British premier, Ramsay MacDonald, who accompanied her father to Washington, both being White House guests, found her Washington stay “most interesting and quite thrilling.” Funeral Held Today For Mrs. Isaac Smithey One of City’s Oldest Residents Died Sunday Morning At 7 O’clock Meeting In Mooresville Yesterday ..-Wilkes county will ob.serve j I.Hst Program of Training tkPoppy Day” this y ar on May 27,’ Course Was Held Last the Saturday before Memorial [ Evening Day, it has been announced by Mrs. W. R. Absher chairman of; Ce,rtificates were awarded Olin Haye.s In Hospital In Se rious Condition; May Recover the poppy committee of the Wilkes I thirty-three Si-outera from var county Unit of the American Lc- sections of the Winston-Sa- gion Auxiliary. The unit Is inak-,e„, Council. Boy Scouts of Amer- I (Hill Haynes, 30. of .Mill.s. i.s ill the Wilkes Hospital j a serious condition as the re in ing extcnsivfl preparation.s for the Sunday evening at the close suit of injuries received yester- ohservance of the day ami is hop- jy,g training course which was afternoon in an altercation ing for the full cooperation of all progres.s two week-ends. The j during a liasehall game. He is re- other organizations and individu certificates were awarded by j ported to have quai reled with ala- . Scout Executive W. K. Vaughn-j (juipcy .Myers who is alleged to Memorial poppie.s. to be worn in of Winston-Salem. 1 have struck liim on the head honor of the World War di ad, will Hofdiiia their final program j with a baseball hat. be made available to everyone in First Baptist church, the- Haynes was knocked uncon- I the city by volunteer workers from scouters heard a splendid serm-j sclmi.s, but regained conscioiis- Aiuciliary Unit. Organization pastor. Rev. Eugene i upss after being brought to the forward ;the workers is going luiwa.u ^ impressive service Tnpidly under Mrs. Absher’s d'-held. Inction and the Unit expects to, course began on the week- have its “poppy girh.” in all parts, 23, and was re- Ipf the down town di.stnct through- ^ „ ,j, g (j Saturday, continuing the day. The flow?rs for the^j^^^^^gj^ evening, have been ordered from Oteeni ^ resoluton praising District lospital where th^ h^e ibecn,g^^^^^ Commissioner C. S. Coffey, le by disabled World War '^■^jthe city and others wuo helped toS. . , , , i to make the cour.se a success was ‘Poppy Day is the day for lal tribute to the men who lost ^ ^ j appreciation rir lives in the country s service., ^ wagoner irs. Absher explained. It is a ly when -11 can show that they course. ill remember and honor the Mc-j receiving certificates jees made y t war'certifying that they had com- Amenca ^ the Scout course were as jis, and that they are carrying' f for America in time of peace. wilkesboro-Rev. J. H. hospital. Although his condition is regarded as serious, it is thought that he will recover un less complications develop. The annual convetjtion of the j State Evangelistic Club will be; in North Wilkesboro next year, j Selection or this city as the meet- I ing place was made yesterday at | Halls! the state convention In Moores-j ville. 'Phe meeting of representa tives from evangelistic clubs of the state began Saturday and ended yesterday afternoon. R. C. Bunch, of Statesville, was elected president. Other of ficers elected were R. B. Price, of Rutherfordton, vice president, and V. E. Lackey, of Statesville, secretary and treasurer. More than 1,000 people attend ed the service Sunday afternoon at First Presbyterian church and ! heard Boyd W. Hargraves, of I Chattanooga, Tenn., former na- I tional officer of the organization. ; His subject was “Personal Evan- Wilkes Gets 50 Instead of 46 Places For Boys Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Sebas-1 gellsm.” Those vho heard him tian, of th"" Mulberry section, an-1 considered his address as one of nounce the birth of a son, Sher-1 the most inspirational they had man, Jr., on May 5. I (Continued or back page) iWilkes county will place 60 instead of 46 in the forest camps, Mrs. G. G. Foster, coun ty superinbendent of i»iblic welfare, was advised Thursday in a letter from the governor’s office ■'of relief. An error had bren made in figuring the allot ment for Wilkes. The young men, none of whom has yet been' called, must furnish themselv's with the ne cessary supplies before they go away. Listed as necessary are a toothbrush, tooth paste, comb and brush, safety razor, shaving soap, small mirror and a sew ing kit consisting of scis.sors, thread, needles, pins and an as sortment, of buttons. A total of 305 applications for forest jobs had been made at the welfare office Saturday. WAS BELOVED WOMAN A very impressive funeral serv- Ve was conducted from the resi dence this afternoon at 2 o’clock for Mrs. Sarah E. Smithey. a mem ber of one of Wilkes county’s pio neer families, who died .yesterday morning at 7 o’clock. The last rites were in charge of Rev. Eu gene Olive, pastor of the First Bapti.st church, a.ssisted by Rev. J. H. Armbrust and Rev. C. W. Rob inson. A quartet composed of Dr. P. J. Bramc, D. E. Ell-dge. Mrs. Tal Barnes and Mrs. C. S. Sink sang “Asleep in Jesus’ and “How Firm a Foundation,’ two favorite hymns of Mrs. Smithey, at the service. The floral offerings were beau tiful and profuse, attesting to the high esteem in which Mrs. Smith ey was held in this city and else- Two men and two women were arrested Thursday by Sheriff W. B. Somers and his deputies on charges of committing a series of robberies in various sections of the county during the past few weeks. At the time of their arrest, stolen goods the value of which amounted to sever.al hundred dol lars, was found and taken in charge by the officers. The four arrested were ,Walter Foster and his wife, Florence, Mrs- ■Verdie Edminston and George Parsons, all of whom live in the Buck community. They are now in the county jail at Wilkesboro. A clue pointing to Foster as one of the robbers was obtained by the officer.'^ and Sheriff Somers and Deputy Sheriff P. V. Turner made the investigation. It was report ed that some of the stolen goods was stored at the home of Mrs. Edminston and a search of her home disclosed an unusually large stock. As the officers were load ing the goods in their car, Poster came up the road in the direction of the hou.se, but turned when he saw them. Deputy Turner gave chase and placed him.,^under ar rest. Going through the Foster home, the officers found still more loot, consisting of cigars, bed linen, automobile tires, di.shes and almost every conceivable type of merchan dise. In the basement they located 73 keys which F'est^r a’nd his .as sociates are believed to have used in gaining entrance to stores and residences. Later in the day a considerable (|uantity of loot was located at the Parsons home. The stolen goods was gathered up and brought to the county jail for distribution Friday. A part of the loot was identified as that taken from the summer cottages of Mrs. N. C. Boren and Mrs. C. E. Leak, of Greensboro, Mrs. J. W. White, of Wilkesboro, and Mrs. J. E. Spainhour, of thi.s city, on the Brushy Mountain. Bed linen, blankets, dishes and numerous oth er articles were stolen from the cottages a few weeks ago. * Dr. W. R. Triplett, w?li known physician who resides near Pur- lear, identified six new automobile tires which were taken from an outbuilding on Wednesday night, but 1200 pounds of meat which had where. Following the service, interment' be^n taken from him could not be was made in Mountain Park! found. cemetery in Wilke.«boro. Active pallbearers were; Dr. F. C. Hubbard, P. E. Brown. E. O. Woodie, J. B. Srfyder, J. B. Rhodes, Major Shumate. Ser- .sjeant I. E. Valentine and R. E. Prevette. Honorary pallbearers were: S. V. Tomlinson, J. L. Sprinkle, C. M. Tevepaugh, E. .M. Blackburn, L. Bumgarner, A. W. Greene, T. S- Miller, W. A. Stroud, Dewey Parker, J. T. Prevette, Ralph j Duncan, Joe Pearson, I. .M. My- ! ers, Carl Bumgarper, R. E. Se- (Continued on page eight) Wants Names of 81st Division C. Chaplin,' Winston-Sa lem, Seeks Names For His Records ! J. V- Whittington, of Reddies River, recognized a part of the loot as that taken from his store a short time ago. Mr. Whittington lost approximately $400 worth of mer chandise in two robberies. J. M. Beshears, merchant of Cricket, found only a small quan tity of the merchandise stolen from his store. His loss was be tween $400 and $600. When the parties known to have lost in recent robberi's had identi fied their own goods, there was still a large portion of the loot un claimed. The opinion is that mem bers of the quartet had committed many other thefts and that other robberies will be charged against them when others come in and identify their property. Capture of the quartet was one of the biggest round-ups of thieves made in some time and may put an end to some of the bold thievery which has been going on. poppy Armbrust. J. Q. Adams. H. F. A means honor for the d‘>ad ^ ^ ^ ^ will be asked for therCoKey, A. G. f-'nley. M. P. Hunt. merim LeP"" Auxiliary pop-1 R- 9' ““f®’ r „ ReavlT** ' ’The Auxiliary wants every-'”- Wagoner, K. H. Keavis. e to Po7py and to coLl Wilkesboro-T. E. Story and ihnto for the flower according to j R- V. Day. * MB. AU contributions will! Winston-Salem—T. M. Dixon, u-n for reUef work among the | S. T. Jones, R. L. King, J. C. iblod veterans and their famil-j Kesler, Melville Prongay and J. the Salk the money goingl.*- Colson, support the reUef activitlc's ofi Greensboro—H. W. Johnstop. Amriltory Unit among! Burlington-Lon 0. Turner. fytlu. in tiiia e^.” I (Continued on page eight) .A;--: .■ . ■ MAYOR ROUSSEAU PROCLAIMS NEXT WEEK AS “CLEAN UP WEEK” FOR NORTH WILKESBORO To the Citizens of North Wilkes boro—Greetings: The week of May 15-20, inclu sive, has been designated as “Clean Up M’eek,” and we hope that every citizen of North Wilkesboro will join in making this more than a mere gesture toward civic improvement. 'The tourist season will soon be here and it should be the desire of every property owner and citi- zenf to make our town the (lean est and moat attractive in North Carolina. ■ ■ - The beat advertiaemenC for. a town ia data atreata, claan va cant lots, clean places of busi ness and clean residences. With everybody joining in this clean up movement, it will not be dif ficult for us to have a town which, from the standpoint of cleanliness, will rank with the best in the state. All rubbish should be placed in convenient places in the al leys behind business concerns and homes so that the town trucks may gather it m and earry it away.' There wlU^be no charge for tUa service. .. We, want to amie tke dti- zm" that tin majror^aiMi' the co-operation of every person in this movement and we pledge our own efforts toward this end. All citizens desiring work on their premises during “Clean Up Week” should get hi touch with Rev. J. H. Armbrust, welfare officer. May we again remind that a home and property owners will result in our town more attractiva and we - tmat that -“Clean Up Week’.’ will be prodae- tive of |gcdlart icmHs. -Tows foe a sanitary .towa, ' All World war veterans who, were members of the 81st Divis- j ion are asked to send their names i to A. C. Chaplin, ,Winston-Salem, in care of the Hin-'-Bagby Co. The names and addresses of the former division members are wanted so that invitations to a re-, union to be held July’2, 1934, may be sent them. Wilk”s county veterans are re quested to send in their names at once. Confederate Veterans’. Reunion On Wednesday •The few remaining veterans of that great conflict between the states will hold their annual littk'effort “on the part of alF= reunion in Wilkesboro Wednes day. Following the assembling of the veterans about-’tO: 3 O', a program will be given and at noon the Wilkes Conpty copter of the Uaited Uaofhtsra^^^^^ town board sppreci^ tlw. J> A..10pPfll(Ali»-'llayse.^p* .them. will servp List City Taxes May 22nd To 27th City Clerk W. P. KeUy Is List er; Pn^rty Owners Askeb To List City Clerk W. P. Kelly has an nounced that listing of city prop erty will begin on May 22 and continue through May 27.- Property owners are asked to Uke note of these dates and make arrangements to list during’ .fiiis period- «:.■' It is very important Uifd every one list and save the troiiMe'^ of a recheck and other inconvehiieiuies. Mr. A. W- Greene, of Boariag Rhrer, was a biuiriess vUtor to die mty'Friday, He is the .fotiwr of ’Mn. Dean of ^^nihlMfbro» atnd Mr- Glenn Gmme,

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