m THE flven lO * aont lohi^ !!%roUiw, ' Mr ■jcept r^edlnf iMsa ' ,eondii^oM;. Ifik^Nclailon t^e loyal^” pt ,j, ^ i',i ^ |Ul^ |M»re in Greenwood, ^Ipjety ,Woodyutf. Renfrew, *^riy,'^ImOTonTille, Easley and were affected (by jftrtaes'. - , awhile, eltber mill officials adding workers to the^fac- Ppry rolls while still others con- spplated “wage adjustments.’’ jprer the week-end, the Green- Mathews, Panola Numiber- dod Grendell mills at Green- and the Ninety Six mills at Lidety Six announced the in crease. ' ,i\] X Others Come In flPoday additional announce- nents were made by the Brandon rporation here for the Bran- I'hnd Poinsett mills here; the lenfrew at Renfrew and the Srandon corporation plant at loodruft. The Woodslde mills rith plants here, in Simpsonville and Fonataln Inn and the Eas- |ley Mills with two plants at Lib- B4’y and one at Easley also in creased their employes’ pay. Late today officials of the Vic-1 HKHaB •aiMUnB>I«inteii.’'i . Mlll^ managements in other et^tlhii8 sikld'%Uinhew'lB hnpi^T|- ingJuiJ'.iWi^u.?. bfF't # wAshln;gtdn'.--^nih ^’wotd has Co^ity^.lbog ’f'TjBdh r 20 Miles After’M Man Thlfef'Ptills' Qever Rase Tg ' " Direct Officers To the ' ’ ‘' Wrong Man ’Ehe thief who entered the out building of t)r. W. R., Triplett near Purlear o n Wednesday night of last week and got away with about 1,200 pounds of meat apparently attempted to throw the blame on an innocent party. The- county bloodhound' was tak en to Dr. Triplett’s 'by Its keep er. S. M. Estep, and put on the trail early Thursday. The-dog fol lowed the -meanderings of the thief about 20 miles to the home of Tom Church, two miles west ?itTRIOT, NORTH WELKESBORO, N. C. - - BBOaME B|F ■iK v:i)r sGf’SrH Tra4e .agroemeatSi toj reffalitte gone out that I all of the. Roose- no^ lOnly, iprgctlceh .^ut _-jprlc- .■velf. program ls(, to /, be, .Pushed through,^ Congress before the date of ihe World Economic Con ference; ^ which is' tb' ’ Weet ' In LondoB'on'JahB‘14. A’good many Senators and-’ Representatives, will I want ,to go , to ; London .at that tini«K whether thejr are delei- gates to the Conference or ncA; and Mr, Roosevelt will, natural ly, want to have some of his close advisers over there, but as long as Congress is .in session he needs them here. So ,the big rush will be to get .through and adjourn early In June, leaving less pressing matters to lie over until the regular session next December. Another reason for the desire for an early adjournment ip to give business and industry a chance to get used to the changes In conditions brought about by of Summit, but it was known that Mr. Church was not involv-i^,, f^Tce by I early June. So much of the leg- The track made by the man at | ig,ation which has been adopted Dr. Triplett’s tallied with thej^^ president broad track in the yard of Mr Church’s | discretionary powers that many Church’s track homo, but Mr. cnurcn s | business leaders and industrial- was not at all like it. It seemed., waiting to see how the use that either the thief had gone to | to these Mr. Church’s home in the hope; gbead too or Monoghan mills said their i ft placing the blame on him fr ^ with their own plans, ive plants would ipimediately in- to steal something there. Heavy Program Mr. Church is working with | the officers in an effort to ap- i nrehend the guilty party. ■crease wages of employes, but |tbe amount of the increase was lot specified. The Woodridge and Easley of- jtlclals in announcing the increase ■id: “This increase is not based so ■uch on earnings but to show Jur appreciation for the loyalty af our help. They stood hy us Ithout a murmur and we plann- to remember them as soon as iff' could do so. We are doing hat now and, on the prospect of etter times, we can announce |his wage increase.’’ Business Improving Officials of the Judson mills here said a number of employes fiad been recalled to work dur- tJiB past few days and that ponders were piling up. W. J. Bailey of the Clinton ■Ills said, when asked about I'jyges in his mills: “We will have to wait and see how long prosperity lasts. We only that it is not a flash in the ■n. Ill looks like the genuine SAFETY OF RAILROADS OF THE UNITED STATES BOOSTED BY SOUTHERN With the Farm Rellel 'bill out of the way, and its attached amendments giving the President full control over currency in flation, the Muscle Shoals hill, I the railroad reorganization bill, j the banking reform bill includ- i ing some sort of insurance to I depositors, the public works bill Atlanta, fia., May 10 menting on the remarkable saf-; provide more employment, the ■]L A TONIC Laxative CONSTIPATION, with the annoy ing symptoms that usually come ■With it, cuts down organic force and disturbs normal health and well-being. A thorough cleansing of the digestive tract is of great ety record of the railroads of the United States for the year, 1932, a statement issued by the Safety Bureau of the Southern Railway System points out that on the Southern no passenger lost his life as the result of a train ac cident during the year. measure for direct financial gifts to states and municipali ties for unemployment relief, the measure to prevent the sale of worthless securities and the bill giving the President great authority over private industry, including the power to advance 08„ M well g8jl>e«vs ,pf- labiQi%. are to, ^ enco.uraged if, not dictated ,by '(the G^verpmepL .Regulations ^S^ne0 tp. give the, wage-easn- Ms in Induatfy .not , pnly ,*,good, workljog conditions, ( but iahort' hours and aifeirly-blgh nUnimum wage-appear tp,be a part of the program-. Agreement toi..sncIi regulation will j undoubtedly ,be a Condition Ipiposed it induatries aye to be aided by grants,.: of funds or .credit by the (Govern ment. ( i , ' of bi* uncle, Mr. C. J. Wallace, k(!J PA6E«E¥Sil -Sandayi. sis Mju {Edna Brjoek visjted t^M. Hail WlRe Swaavs Prflm lace vnlted M r) tC. brother and P.«V. te visited in Mjw ^ Vatted' Ijler! wil t , PORES KNOB, . May ».-^Th«»fc .warnt days have put thp ^ b® bees to, work • alaoK ,-Tl>«y s iMUi swarmed early and)’rapidly year.; M*'- ,C- J-. ^WaUace (has; slit i^er a doaen swarma,|tbe, Bix.^inuoajtijo n_idw Ioof[>8 rurii*. i' one lOQ Easter Sunday-, On;. l.,one old. bjve swagmed, May^ji lt swarmed the second >tlme a^d; May ,6,. it swarmed for the third time..,Quite a repord for,.one hive in such a short, time,., 1 Mr. Bynum Propes .has return-; ed to his home in South Caro- K> 1 IV *fJ ’(.JHi.' V; lUi Ytftir; :| If fr Similarly, regulations i/as to after, having visited among wages, hours of labor and other conditions may be imposed npon processors of agricultural pro ducts, it they do not agree volun tarily to conform to the most humanitarian standards. In this connection, there may be still hope for the rehabilitation of the New England cotton-spinning in dustry, which has been nearly friends in the section for several’ days last week. , , , , ?' Mrs. Effle Davis, and children, Eetella and May, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wallace, Fri day. Miss Alma Wallace spent Sat urday with her sister-in-law, Mrs. R. J. Wallace. Mrs. Gordon Laws visited Mrs. ■ r u .m.-.i ruined by the competition of cot-, ton-mills in the South working' Wallace, Saturday, long hours at low wages. ! hisses Edna and Maude Joines , !visited Mrs. Rom Lowe, Sunday. The mam objective is to raise) ^ j Wallace visited Mrs. prices and keep them up, so that j ^ wage-standards may be kept up ,j. ^ ^ and the purchasing power of all the people maintained at a high level; to cut production to pretty close to our domestic needs and to open the doors to the importa tion of foreign goods in order to enable our foreign debtors to pay their debts to ue. Wright To Have Charge Kiwanis Program Friday SYNTBOCOTE is «;«pebial type of finish vdach will not ’ only prtddng' the Efe of yoot linofema but mm you time- labor and expense. ' S7NTH0C0TE lasts longtr than ordinary lindemn fHihhea It imparts a too^ ti?awt»*i dnraUe, bij^b-glcaB eoatfaigi Under nonnaf drying ooniditkms SYNTBOCOTE can be walked on in 4 to 0 hooiSi Give yonr linoleum a eoat of SYNTBOCOTE-^yoa win be amaaed at bow easy it ia to keep dean and fresh looking all the timai NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Miss An nie M. Finley, deceased, with the Will annexed, late of Wilkes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate *of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Oakwoods, North Carolina, on or before the 4tb day of April 1934, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Im- SEE US FOR PRICES Prof. C. C. Wright is schedul ed to have charge of the pro gram at the Kiwanis Club lunch eon tomorrow (Friday). The ven-‘ mediate payment erable superintendent of schools , This 4th day of April, 1933. , , I MRS. ELLA OGILVIE, has not announced the features | Administratrix, c. t. a.. Miss An of his program, but Kiwanlans) n|g jj. Finley, Deceased, iare urged to attend the luncheon. 5-11-61. JENKINS HARDWARE COMPANY NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. Complete reports for 1932 (jovernment funds in some cases, which have now been filed with jq provide both houses the Interstate Commerce Com-jp]g„ty of work to do in a month mission show that during the ,r so of time. On top of those year the railroads of the United States handled 480,000,000 pas sengers and that among this vast number there' was only one fa tality iii a train accident. This is the best safety record in the history of the railroads of this country, 480,000,000 pas sengers having been carried with onl;.- one fatality. Passengers on the Southern Railway System rode a total distance of 405,514.- -68 miles during 1932 without a .single fatality. Ql ESriON AND ANSWER time and it is expected that the President will ask—and receive — broad and final authority to adjust tariffs, negotiate trade treaties and' make binding settlements in the matter of the war debts. There is little doubt that Con gress will continue to give Mr. Roosevelt everything he wants. There is no possible doubt that he has fired the imagination of the mass of the American people as no other President has done since the famous “Teddy,” and Congress knows that. There are many men in both houses, of both parties, who do not at all approve all of the projects which the President has put up to them, "Take it itom me—here’e th'j Aieet ear that ever cur motor ing coeta." "I believe you. It certainly hae ererything I look for in a motor car." ■■ m anslstance in the removal of sick- i Q —tV hen ns the best lim ening constipation symptoms. to plant soybeans for hay When excessive accumulated .seed? waste matter disturbs and strains , \—j.-„i i)est re.sults, the beans and who sec great danger in giv- the muscles of the large Intestines, i g^ouid be planted within th^ next ing the Executive so much more rendering them tem^rarily tp- three wjcks- Early plant- power than, the Constitution con ing gives the beans a longer grow-1 teniplated. hut they do not ex- ing season which is nece.s.sary for press their oppo.sition publicly, heavy hay and seed production-1 because they are aware that the Late idantrd beans stop growing. bulk of their consttuents are as soon as the nights gro^w cool I with the President, and ,-is a r-sult the h.ay crop is j ij„,.ah small. This applies also to velvet | Q,,iy outstanding Demo- beans and farmers .should get both i [)gg temerity to able to perform their wave-like evacuating movements, Thedford’s ' ■ Black-Draught is useful in stimu lating them to activity, which, again started, should continue I?, regularly until some future dis turbance interferes. In this way, Thedford's Black-Draught is one of the TONJC laxatives, tending, as it does, tjo establish a regular ' lablt of evacjuktiob- A- jjj --f-rt — crops in as early as possible. T Hi ’■-.f V: ;-i t h- “Hfhat’s this gadget?” Iii he asked *—aiki we sold him 4 new tires h, ^ : Goodyieair All-w4ddi*r« 6.50 The “^dget” is a little machine that shows the difference between ordinary cord, used in other tires, and Super- twist coed, used In Goodyears... That difference is In the stretch and come back—you can see bow Supertwist cord stretches and comes back, how the cord in other tireslosee la life and elasticity ... It takes about A^jahiatea to tell the story—but as this CostoMer safd—“If every car owno’ could see that demon stration, there wouldn’t be anything used but Goodyear Tires.” voice his opposition to any of _ Mr. Roosevelt’s major policies. ^! That is Senator Carter Glass of — I Virginia. .Mr. Glass was greatly I desired ’’uy Mr. Roosevelt as Sec- ' retarv of the Treasury. He de- I dined, for reasons not dearly stated at the time, mainly, it was said, because of his advanc ed age and poor health. But there was no sign of age or illness when this little giant rose in the Senate to denounce the proposal to permit the President to re duce the amount of gold in the Lnited, States dollar. Mr. Glass said that he did not object so much to the currency inflation proposals, but he regarded as a dishonorable evasion of our ob ligations even to consider the project of paying gold debts in depreciated gold dbllars. Regardless of the firm belief of Mr. Roosevelt’B friends .that he will never use that power, that he only wants it for trading purposes in negotiating monetary questions with Europe, Mr. Glass was as vigorous as any man has been in Congress at any time in his opposition to S'th4 melsunej He failed^ to'carry -Sefiaie with him, and his friends are ‘‘There’s-' more^room, all right—and the upholstery ia certainly^ better." "Yes—ahJl -no other low-priced car has Fy4ffe^ No Draft Ventilation, and I irbuldn’t do without .that." I ■ H ♦'Kee Chevrolet )« etill topping 1 ^hetp all in ealem.’", • Take a minute to watch the new Chevrolets that pass you by. Look at the pleased expressions on the faces of the drivers. These people are enjoy ing life—going places in style—going with less fuss and bother, and with more solid contentment than fnost people have ever traveled adth before. They are driving the one low-^priced car that coroWnes all the best things motoring can offer. "Tm thinking of buying a car. What’s your advice?" 'A six-cylinder Chevrolet. There’s one engine you know is right—a good many millions of owners have proved it for you" suggesting that his defeat may impair hiq .influence; , , ^ > Another hbte df- 'opipokllioh ’tq) ■- the Administration was sound'ed by Senator Borah, who challeng ed the right of the Government to demand the return of gold to the Treasury. “It I had five thousand 'dollars in gollff l w'o^ld refuse to give it up and therei is no legal power to make roe ^ve up what ft my own,”; Seastor Borah said, in •«fect.'vBfut that, again, was one man’s expression, against an overwljelQtinL ^kJof- Jty which, wJii Id bidding whatevb# ~’h# ‘df them. Where We Are Heading The general -policy of the Ad ministration is beginning to take 'Jfo wonder. A Chevrolet ttir as little ak $445 ia bound to dp'paal fb every smart j buyer." How about it—wouldn’t you like to get more fun out of motoring-^axJd be money ahead?. Then drop in on your Chevrolet dealer.' In no time at all he’ll fix it up so you can save With a new Chevrolet. ^ ' t ' ■ f CBEVROLST MOTOR CO.. DETROIT. MICB. "Seventy alteadyl "You'd never guess it trossk - the sound ot that engirte." ' "And you’d never guess it if you were driving. Oive me a big, heavy, low ear every time, for roadability." , ,»445,t9,*565 ; AUprices f.o.b. flint, Mich. Specie!equipment extre. JLowdeliietedprices, eesy O.M.A.C. terms. ‘«0(»i .'>iii ixji'.ii iioNOjBTJHt, 'Mi't in, nisdl bn'>q8 .oS'.d ll'iiot 161 uvia’l ,.Wo)Ji lfielHX)4> I V l: ST I I )*tU jIioY weVl ■' f>no up Histg'' s .ffi haul ')'J «ss BlpdJ os.i.'tqnq qn bind .XtilStl -td WOW jliab; m *diojE RjjtO itoiioH

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