TIm JoonMll^atrlot hM blued tb«-tniU of ems in the “8tnta ,- of mUraa’* For M Yeora. xxvn, NO. 53 PuMisti«d >nd Thiir^ys ’ IjORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., MONDAY, MAY 29, 1933 ■'cwi independent fair and aquaMB .« and all, fb|a newspopv la dedicijted' tor tUe prF* gteaa afc wyh»^Oa«». m'jHE STATg--5iir0ia OF rag^ ^GUbert Barks, Colored, Dies Frm iSow On Head With Axe • f • lit Stone 'V leve Sudter Sales, His Alleged i Assailant, Is In Coun ty Bastile Prison Itofky Seek To Continue! Finals Of City .;> Gilbert Parks, 2B-year-old col ored man of Roaring River Route 2, died at the Wilkes Hospital Saturday about 11:30 o’clock ^Irom Injuries sustained Thurs- ■ day afternoon when he was struck, on the head with an axe said to have been wellded by ..Sucker Sales, another colored man of the same community. Sales is alleged to have picked up the axe and struck Parks during a quarrel between the two men Thursday afternoon. ParKa •was knocked unconscious by tba blow and died without re Schools of City As An Urban Unit Schools Opened,. Sun^y Mofiiiiu[ Application To Be Made To State School Conunission - * For Privilege BOARDS MET IN CITY County and City Boards In Accord Relating To Fu ture of Schools By unanimous action of both the Wilkes County board of edu cation and the board of educa tion of the North Wilkesboro public schools, application to set up the town of North Wilkes Sermon Delivered Yesterday By Rev. J. H. Annbrust; Gribtnn Coming CLASS NIGHT THURSDAY Graduating Exercises To^ Be Held On Friday Evening, June 2nd Despite a highly eriotional tral , I a jury of twelve matried men re gaining consciousness. He was a verdict of nurder in the brought to the hospital Immedi-j gefonj degree against Harry ately after being Injured. Murch, 16-year-old New York'i,„ro as a city administrative Sales came to Wilkesboro Sat- j school boy for stabbing a 12-year-1 i,„it in the school system will be urday evening and surrendered : dj playmate to death. The pen-1 forwarded to to Sheriff W. B. Somers and is ! alty is 20 years to life imprison in jail without privilege of bond.! onment. Provioualy the ofUcers had been i unable to locate him, it being ^ State i to locate him, it thought that he was hiding out Gilbert Parks was the son of Hamp Parks, who survives hi He is also survived by his wife, data Walker Parks, and two I brothers. Kloyd and Lonnie. j The funeral secvioe was to be. conducted from Union Banquet k Given ^ For Gulf Dealers In This District the new l,Sehool Commission today. A joint meeting of the two boards s’as held in the office of the North Wilkesboro Insurance Agency this morning. The meet ing was called for the purpose ef making recommendatiens to the. State School Commissioa re^iard- ing tke beindaries of the North Wilkesbore school district. Such a meeting was necessitated by ckurck Monday (today) at •’deck by Rev. J. W. Majors. I _ a meeting was necessitaieu , w. Grove j D, Coffey, Jr., Distributor, I the 1933 school law which abol I Is Ho.-it; Anuounceinent Was Made Reynolds Speaks At Lions Meeting «AS NOW LUBRICATED i ished all special school districts. I Various members of both I board's expressed themselves as I being iu favor of continuing | Uical distribu-1 ^’o^lh Wilkesboro as a city ad- T h e baccalaureate sermon, opening the annual commence ment of the North Wilkesboro schools, was delivered at the First Baptist church yesterday (Sunday) morning by Rev. J. H. Armbrust, pastor of the Metho dist church. “‘Measuring Life" was the sub ject of the sermon. Life is not measured by time, nor by pos sessions, nor by happiness, nor by attainments, but by growth, the members of the graduating 'Class was told. The local minister delivered a .strong «e8s«ge t* the large con gregation which filled the ehurch to capacity. The organ prelude was render ed by Mrs. I,ewls Nelson a'nd the choir sang. "Lead On, Oh King Eternal." The scripture reading was by Rev. Eugene Olive, pas ter of the First Baptist church. The offfei'tory was given by f' School Orators o£ U. S.' r. r Reprieve Suii^Iit - ByJndgeGowper WiBces Slayef^ J^^^^.B Executed Oir cffoBy of This Week . KILLED SON-rti-tAW Was Convicted Upon Circum stantial Evidence of Strong Nature ' !(irtD Here are the four ckampion higb school orators of the United States for 1933, crowned at the national meet at Wooster, 0. No. 1. Caryl Arnold, Grand Rapids, Mich., (humorous); N*. 2, Harold Stark,. Granite City, 111., (oratorical): No. 3, Gene Davis, Cicero, IlL, (original oratory); No. 4, Robert Dunham, Sioux Falls, S. D., (extempore). Bryant Stone, Wilkes county white man under sentence of j death for the sla^ng of ■ his son- I in-Iaw, Wayne Norman, was granted a 30-day reprieve Satur day by Governor Ehringhaus. Stone was to have been execut ed in the electric chair Friday of this week. The reprieve was requested by Judge 6. V. Cowper, 'who pre sided over tbe court last August at which Stone was convicted. Thteie were no eye witnesses to j tbe slaying of Norman and Stone was convicted upon evidence which tbougb circumstantial was of a strong natucs. During She expiration of the 3ft-day period. Governor Ehring haus will seek to obtain all the circumstances in the case on which to base his decision on Ithe'appeal for a commutation of the death sentence. P. M. Reid’s Store At Spmgeon Was , ^ „„„ Entered and Robbed Friday Morning: I this termory ai a ueiiKHLi-ui uau- His Subject Was “Hi.‘?tory of .quet which was held at the G. D. Wilkes”; Committee : coffey & Sons warehouse Wed- Maku^ Report i nesday evening. ' After the delightful dinner. . ''f^rn't^Refin^Vg comMnTprr-'n^ unit. It has been ) Mrs. Lewis Nelson and a vocal! drs w:l hos;"o G"fdeaierLnJ operated under this plan since solo. "Holy City," was sung the legislative act of 1904 which created the North Wilkesboro charter school district. Brothers Again this territory at a delightful ban- Miss Grace Grissom. The commencement was then delivered. The benedic j Together After sermon 132 Years Apart Loaded Saf? on Truck andi Carted It About Half Mile Away Meet Tomorrow Should the Slate School Com-j tion was spoken by Rev. C. W. I mission give favorable considera-1 Robinson, venerable pastor of | An address by Henry Reynolds.* told the deal- I'on ^o the application, the j the Presbyterian church. - , UlsuiiiULUi \ i TITMI 1 THo nfvotliiria wns rAni I itu LUi h popular local after-dinner speaker. about the new X--K _ . was the high light of the semi- '^Blpnthly meeting of the Lions club 8| Hotel Wilkes Thursday eve- * "* Mr. Reynolds spoke on ih ‘ ‘‘His tory of Wilkes County.” Going back to the early .settlements in Wilkes, Mr. Reynolds touched upon the high .spots in the coun ty’s history. ’The program was in charge of E. A. Shook and H. V. Wagoner. The nominating committee which was composed of B. T. Hen derson, Henry Moore and J. H- McNeill made its report- The an nual election of officers will be held at the next m-eting. low uie ueui- -- - ■ , J J u Good Gulf gas-' North Wilkesboro school proper- The postlude was rendered hy oliiie The gasoline, the dealers Uy will remain within the custody Mrs. Nelson. . 1. 1 K.„n troatert with I of the North Wilkesboro school The commencement exercises .^:;ocS^^"cWind^Sri^ntiboard as will the making- and continue Thursday evening with or ' **^**^y^^y out of all pollcioB.relafcn.claaa exercises llh'king values and other top {InK ‘he operation of the cylinder lubricating troubles. The j new lubricated gasoline will he j sold to the public at the same, price as the regular Good Gulf j gasoline. Dr. A. J. Eller To Lecture Midwives On Friday evening, the com mencement address to the gradu ating class will be delivered by | Dr. Robert Gribbin, pastor of St. ' Paul's Episcopal church. Wins-1 ton-Salem. An excellent program has been arranged for the clos ing exercises which will be fea- Tlie following interesting item is taken from a St. Maries, Idaho, newsimper: Golston Smith and son P'nsl, of North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, motoretl to St. Ma ries, arriving here Tuesday to pay a surprise visit at the •tmino of the former’s brother, A. .\. Smith. The brothers had not seen each other since the latter left for the west 82 years ago WDRRITPSS 'MAirir F^CAPP ^ Moravian ROBBERS MAKE ESCAPE gchoolhouse; Is P. M. Reid's store, one of the largest country stores' in the county, which is located at Spiir-t geon postoffice, was broken into ' and looted by thieves early Frl- I I day. I Gaining entrance through a window, the thieves took a still jiunknown quantity of merchandise i consisting of suits, shoes, hats. Annual Meeting The Brushy Mountain Rural Letter Carriers’ Association will hold its annual meeting in the Moravian Falls school auditorjnm tomorrow (Tuesday). Carriers from Wilkes, Iredeli and Alexan der will be in attendance, the three counties composing the asso ciation. An excellent program will get , „ . ;r.. . I Hired bv the address and the pre- Law Requires Midwives To diplomas to the Attend Course; To Be Given Next Week graduating class. Dr. A. J. Eller, M. E. Auxiliaries To Meet In City Meeting At Local Methodist The dealers were all very en thusiastic about the new pro duct and expect a big increa.se in their sales. Dealers attending the meeting were: A. Greene. Deep Gap; J. .4. Elledge, Purlear; C. L. Pearson, j otfjeer, will meet niidwives Purlear: Mitch Reeves, Cricket: the county at central points in people’s Cash Store D.-E. Turner ,‘he county next week and give a , wilkesboro’s newest mer- jBum.garner, North W ilkesboro. . course in midwifery. At each I I Hilton Johnson. North W .Ikes-1 point the course will «“‘rt at 9 i building adjoin- I boro: Glenn EUcr. North Wil-|a. m. and, except for rcos. on Tenth keshoro: H. C. I.andon. Jr.. ,i continue until 4 - -- county health of People’s Cash Store Is Now Open For Business tobaccos and many other items ..... »— and then proceeded to ransack. ynder way at 10 a. m. The mom- Tlie three men left Wednes- I Spurgeon post office, which isjing- hour will be featured by an ’ 'located in the store building. Lit-,• address by R- Don Laws, editor of tie, if any, money had been left | the Yellow Jacket and well known in the post office department and | lecturer. the thieves, after going through j Dinner will be served at 12:30 the mail and papers, left them : and in the afternoon there will bo scattered about. No money order a business session, string music blanks were taken, j I'indlng no money in the open, I the thieves loaded a fiOO-pound I safe and carted it about a half- (mile away and blew it open. day to .spend a couple of day-s with .\. Smith’s son, A. T. Smith in Spokane, and his daugjliler, Mrs. Perry .Ja.sper in Cusick, Washington. Superior Court Convened Today and a baseball game. in Wilkesboro ! However, it Is stated that there was practically no money In the safe. Budweiser Beer Is Now On Sale Church Tomorrow Be gins .At 10 O’clock Ladies from srveral towns in this section will gather here to morrow (Tuesday) for a zone meeting of Methodi.st church aux iliaries. The meeting will begin at 10:30 o’clock. The zone is composed of North Wilkesboro, Wilkesboro, Sparta, Union and Moravian Falls. The ladies are expected to bring lunch and the meeting will be in, session until general business i matters are attended to. North Wilkt-.^lmro: L. G. Cald well. .Nortli Wilkesboro; W. W. Woodruff. Hays; J. W. .Adams, North Wilkesboro; .Archie D. Rhodes, North Wilkesboro: W. .A. Groce. Wilkesboro; Ernest MeLean. Moravian Falls; W. F. McNeil, Purlear; L. I.. .McNeil. Purlear; 0. D. Kilby, North Wil- keshoro: T. P. Elledge. Purlear; Ralph Caldwell, Boomer; Odell Whittington, Reddies River; I. R. Vannoy. Daylo; .A. F. Kilby, North Wilkesboro; C. B. Lomax. North Wilkesboro. ; Street. The new store is owned I p. m. Midwives may select whatever | ^ by W. M. Osborne, place they wish to attend, hut it i . . . i , ,i,„ they wish to continue to Prac-) business In the coun t.ce midwifery, they mu^st attend, one of the meetings. Dr. Eller | ^ said this morning. The law re-1 ,Jwho has been'engaged in the PUBLISHER DIES AT TAYLORSVILLE Listers Are Now Completing Work Taylorsville, May 27.—John E., owner and erlitnr of The’ ^ r « j Taylorsville Times, died at his D. 0. and S. L- Paidue borne here at 5 o’clock this after-1 Listing Countv and [fr noon after a lingering illness with' City Ta.xes diabetes. He is survived by his I , Widow and two .sons, W. G. Hart, I l of Springfield. Mo., and H. H- keshoro township tax lister, and I wi F s J, pardiie, city lister, are now I' Hart, of Bluefield. W. Va. Judge Michael Schenck Is' it was believed that there were Presiding; Is To Try Civil 'three members of the party. Cases Only ' f^ree different tracks in front ^ -> spot ‘ of the store around the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company; Is Distributor In Local Territory -- — I A shipment of Budweiser beer> TO LAST FOR 2 WEEKS | where the truck had been backed | iiiiauc by the famous brewer, . i up to Ic.ad the safe indicating' Anheuser Bu.sch, was receiv'd Sat- , A splendid line of clo'hing, A two weeks’ t=rm of superior | sheriff W. B. Somers and said this morning. The | shoes, etc. has been stocked. The , court opened in Wilkesboro this ^gp„tieg were notified of the quires their attendance, he ' i „gw store is also handling a full i morning. Judge Michael Schenck,! investigation was us,. line of'staple and fancy groc-|one of the state’s ablest superior; g,^g to the iden- Followiiig IS the sehediilo. Lries Mr Osborne invites a visit: court jurists, is on the bench. i.v. Wilkesboro schuolliouse, Mon-, ' ‘ . day, June 5. | Trapihill schoolhouse, Tuesday, i June 6. r Summit schoolhouse. Wednes day, June 7. Roaring River schoolhouse, Thursday, June 8. Ronda schoolhouse, Friday, Junis 9. to his new store. ' tity of the parties was obtained. Since this is a civil term, only a j I’lie robbery occurred about 3 Memorial Service small crowd was on hand when I Friday morning, it was : court convened. Attendance is usu- All Boy Scouts are ask'^d to meet in front of Hotel Wilkes, tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at ^ 7 o’clock for the Memorial Day; Service which will be held in the city. I ally light at civil terms. thought. A neighbor living near ligni at civil terms. | t,,g number of important civil safe was cases are on the trial. calendar for C. N. Watson Dies LUGH SEASON OFF 10 A GOOD STAKhHRSTGAMESSAIlIRDAY I Was Uncle Of A, A. .And AV. K. Sturdivant, Of This City I News was received here Sun- , day of the death -of E. N. Wat- I son, prominent citizen of Kate 'city, Va., who passed away Sat I completing their work of listing I property for taxation. All those ; who have not yet listed their I taxes are urged to do so at once. - (Parody on “Springtime in the' A* ^as frequently been point- BJekies." written and sunk by .«^, out, no adjus nients In prop- .£^3 Ellen Robinson at the valuation will be allovied [Springtime In TTie Brushies wanis club luncheon.) When it’s springtime in the Brush- , ies, And the woods are all aflame azalea and laurel, And flowers of ev’ry name; ’ Once again we come to revel la the beauty of the hills, 'when it’s springtime in the Brushes, In 0»e Brushies oh, so fair. 'When ft’s summer in the Brushies, And the cottages are filled Wit)j those who love the mountains Am! the glowing view from I tibere, the lovely Yadkin valley, d the bMmtlful Blue Ridge: Lit’! sninmer in the Brushies, j BrtuUes over tlisre- ' after the township books are closed. For this reason every tax payer is urged to list now before the listers finish their work. W. C. T. U. Will Meet On Thursday Afternoon The meeting of the W. C. T. U— which was postponed last Thursday will be held the com ing Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. R. E. Faw. Ail Interested ladies are invited to attend. Visit Chicago With Only $6 I .1. R. Forter ami son, George, I 'returned iast week from Cliica-’ I 'go, 111., where tliey s|)ent six ! weeks, looking over the World Fair grounds and had an en joyable time all for gO. That is something of a rec- onl for being easy on the pock- etbook. However, anyone plan ning to make the trip should hardly use this as a basis. They caught rides and did -a very successful job of “burning,’’ which is something of uu art in itself. Second Games Will Be Played.’^rday night following an illness Saturday; All Teams Played blown open heard Jthe explosion, but thought it was shooting. He said it was between 3 and 4 o’clock when the explos ion occurred. Tire tracks indicated that the thieves started away in the di rection of North Wilkesboro. Md Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaither from spent the week-end in Thomasville with Mrs. Gaither’s parents, Sher iff and Mrs. G. V. Bodenheimer. On Saturday Mrs. Gaither attend- .— — ed the ropniao of h«r class at'dug a hole in the frovnd MiBrtb Greensboro CoUg^, Greensboro. it - YOUTH ES KILLED Asheidlle, May 25.—Fred Hall, 21, was killed instantly when struck by lightning while lying in a hammock in the yard of his home ihere today. ’ The bolt struck a tree, coursed down it through the hamntock and North Wilkesboro, Millers Creek, Wilkesboro Clingman were the winners of the opening gamea^of the Wilkes County iBasebwl League season Satur- 1 day. The sea.^on started off auspic iously with 'high class games in each instance .lespite rain-soak ed turfs. ' The North Wilkesboro Torna does defeated Moravian Falls at the fairgrounds 7 to 3. Coy Bil lings, who was on the mound for the local team, was in rare form and set the visitors down with four hits. Dickie Hlx, Moravian Falls ace, also pitched brilliant ly, but had weak support at times by Uie Infield which was haniflcapped by the wet ground. Rob Billings, Bill Mead and Russ Hayes starr^ for^ North Wilkesboro, w h il e Lawrence gMdtcher was the star hotb on the fWAAiAi Jit bM AarJMo*"?* : (Coatlnued qn foor) of several weeks. Mr. Watson was an uncle of Messrs. W. K. and A. A. Sturdivant, of this city. Mr. Watson until recently held | a responsible position with the i Virginia highway department, I being in charge of road construe- Service Station Opened To Public urday by the Pepsi-Cola Bottling company and goes on sale in. number of th» leading restaunyit stores and service stations of,i county. Budweiser, the most popular beer at the time beer was out lawed by the government and the famous brewer refused to place" explosion, j gjjy jjggj. had not been proji- somebody pgfiy aged on the market when the manufacture and sale of beer be came Igeal in April. This is the first time Budweiser, “king of bot tled beer,” has been av.uilable in this section. The Pepsi-Cola Bottling com pany announces that among the Budweiser deale'-s will be Fores ter’s Nu-Way, Snappy Lunch, Beeches Place, Princess Cafe, Ab- sher and Eller, Mitch Ree'ves' station, located Service station, located near Dick’s Service Station No. 3 [Cricket on the Boone Trail high- wT J iTi-iAQv ' way, Red Castevens Service sta- Had Fine Opening Fnday , J’ ^ and Saturday Dick’s Service Station No. 3, Bottled beer is now on sale, and being in charge of road construe- I ’’on .top Of the hill,’’ was | keg beer will be available in the tion and maintenance in twelve the nubile 1 counties. The funeral was to be held this (Monday) afternoon at 2 p. m. opened to the public Friday and Saturday, the opening being at « . t 1 ~ ..a X vrmt/wlafi H. H. Morehouse Host To Kiwanis Club Directors H. H. Morehouse was host to directors of the Kiwanis club at Hotel Wilkes Thursday evening. Dr. Fred C. Hubbard, president of the chib, was in the chair and re ceived reports from the chairmen of several compiittees. Mr. T. M. Crysel, of Wllkes- horo, former cdtinty official and one I of the' b«t known magto- trates In the county,' was taken %o a StatesvUle hospital last week >,twiatnn>nt- . HIS condition; iS' ,dty/^ited In and JBWn to litvp a comidi»^e service tended by Hundreds of motorists from all sections of the county. Attractive offers, coupled with a superior filling station service, combined to attract many visi tors. Mr. A. A.,(Dick) Cashlon, the proprietor, this morning express ed himself as well pleased with the receptlog, accorded his new station and expressed his thanks to all those who paid the station a visit. I The new station handles Standard gasoline and other Standard- products and Firestone TlrM.^v, ■ *. Mr. V. S/ Foriiihtr, Jr„‘ of this near future. The Pepsi-Cola Bottling com pany is distributor of Budweiser in Wilkes, Ashe, Alleghany, Wat auga and Alexander co.mtties. Mrs. Albert Eller Boys ' ' Interest IB' Cbife Here •V ,4 J 1 Mrs. Albert Eller has phrrikfaad the interest of Woodrow jUbriter in tbe Absher and Eller Cafe and in the future the cafe ■will be ope rated under the name of “Mrs. Eller’s Cafe.” The cafe .is located next door to. TomUaM^.’i^. ..J^. partment Store. Mrs. EUot and Mr. AiteheT^oP^ rated thie cafe' several vre^ Md it has enjoyed h pat- romge.1k. Mra. DOffi v^ continoa S*

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