i=^.r ~ ■f/%! i ■ :h-A ->'‘^.,-_Ai{e.:,^^ f7j fJj telr «ad s^vilinit' and «U, tbir natriyfo decUeRted W-' «M of WitkM tbr Ooa(4» I Pablished Moneys and Thursdays ~NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1933 jtiSiip^lJM'oUT Of THE 0" Wilkes Crime Wave to Saturday Are *North Wilk^feoro Days* Values Are Offered Mass Meeting of Citizens Called For Next Sunday Will Be Held Simday After noon at Courthouse in Wilkesboro SOUCITOR JONES WRITES All Citizens Urged To Attend; WUl Begin at 3:00 O’clock ' A mass meeting of citizens of Wilkes county to discuss the crime situation will be held at the county courthouse in Wil kesboro Sunday afternoon. Taking the initiative in calling the meeting. Solicitor John R. Jones saiij the recent crime wave ' In Wilkes county is alarming and ' that he felt that the time has come ^or citizens to take action. The meeting will begin at 3 o’clock and every citizen "inter ested in building a better citizen ship through the teachin.g of a greater respect for the law" is requested to attend. Soft Spoken Moravian Falls Visitor Caught at Asheville Sherwood Today Donald Campbell Arrested In Asheville Friday at the Request of New York Officers; Fleeced Number of People In Wilkes and Beat 18 Months’ Board Bill Donald Campbell, remembered I fortune coming from a piece of I by a number of Wilkes people as the smooth-talking gentleman from New York, was arrested in Asheville last Friday at the re quest of New York officers who identified him as an escapee from Sing Sing prison. The officers were in Wilkes week before last on the trail of suddenly disappeared and their man. However, they were i not heard from until the property in New York which had increased in value due to the growth of the great metropolis. However, after getting into the good graces of several peo ple who loaned him money on the j strength of his representations I and after piling up a large board bill, Campbell and the woman were New Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, honorary chairman of the Na- told that Campbell, who closely I York officers came through re resembled the photographs of the i cently. Russel T. Sherwood, friend and alleged financial confidant of former mayor Jimmy Walker women's organizations in the U.. s. The meeting has a two-fold purpose, 3clictor Jones said. One purpose is to discuss v ays ami means of combatting the crime wave, while the second is to lay plans for an educational pro gram looking to a more wide spread observance of all law.s. The committee which is ar ranging the program for the meeting is composed of .Solicitor Jones, Sheriff W. B. Somer.s. Mayor W. E. Harris and Rev. W. C. Meadows, the latter a vener able Baptist minister of Bores Knob. Circulars atinounclng the meet ing are now being distributed. Solicitor Jones has also mailed i Partment has called tional Committee on the f'nuse | months in the .Moravian and Cure of War, representing ' community, some three million American I During his stay at .Moravian women, announces that definite! paUg Campbell and a much steps are being taken to further j yf,„j,ger woman who passed as organize public opinion “at the | j,jg put up at a boarding hearth." Round table discussions | jj^iise and lived as a gentleman i are being launched by eleven | ipisure. He is said to have e.scaped prisoner, had moved on | Campbell Is about 50 years of ■ York is back after 21 last December after spending' age and was wanted in New j absence to face court York to complete his prison sen-1 involving a tax lien and tence. It is understood that var-j ^ |50,000 contempt fine. Sher- ious communities have been j ^.qqj disappeared preceding the soft fleeced by him with his spoken misrepresentations. j Governor J; C. B. Ehringhaus | immediately granted extradition j papers for his return to New; Walker Investigation. By Merchants of Giy For Special Trade Event Many Merchants Co-Operate In Staginsr Special Event Last Two Days of Week; Prices Are Lower PUBLIC IS ADVISED TO BUY NEEDS Three Per Cent Sales Tax And Advancing Prices Indicate Greater Cost On All Merchandise to Consumer claimed that he had a sizeable York. Construction of \North Wilkeshoro Selected New Post Office i fQy Postmasters^ Meeting May Begin Soon Charles McNeill Elected County Welfare Officer Election Took Place Tue.sday Afternoon at Meeting of Boards Tretisury Deptirtment Asks For Detailed Survey-of Local Site North Carolina Branch of National League of District! SUCCEEDS MRS Postmasters To Meet Here Next Year; Mrs. Mat- tie F. Greer, of Boomer, Is Member of Executive Committee FOSTER OUTLOOK IS BRIGHTER North Wilkp.‘tboro was seletod i Friday’s session were: W. E. ,as the 1934 convention city fof' Bailey, Chadhonrn. first vice . .“TT". . 1 1 president: N. 'V. Johnson, Den- The I’nited Slates treasur\ de- (f,,. Xorth Carolina branch of i, , . -i #. ton. second vice president; Miss the National League of District | gg|]|g Wilkins, Magnolia, sec- for a out a letter to some of the lead ing citizens of the coinity, call ing their attention to present conditions. Since it is impossible for Mr. Jones to write everybody personally. The Journal-Patriot secured a copy of the letter for publication. The letter follows: ‘‘In the last I." months, there has been more than a dozen hom icides in Wilkes county. We have a population of around 36,000, more than one homicide to every four thousand eitizen.s. This is a much larger homicide rate per (Continued on page eight) tailed survey of the I’revette ! postmasters at the annual meet-i retary and treasurer. J. E. Wak- Radiator Repair Shops Are Merged j property on "C" street between ■ jog Jn Hickory Friday. Ninth and Tenth streets and a | The city was selected for tlie proposed contract for this work , annual convention after an invl- has already been forwarded to Tallon had been extended by Mrs. Washington by Sam P. Mitchell, | .Mattie F. Greer, Boomer post- civil engineer of this city. : mistress, who is a member of the Postmaster R E. Walters atat- executive committee. Mrs. Greer ed yesterday that he had receiv-! is to he congratulated upon the 1 ed no information as to the success of her efforts to laud the course that will he taken regard- convention for North Wilkesboro. ing the project here, hut North | G. 11. Goodson, of Lmeolnton. Wilkeshoro citizens are more was elected president of the hopeful than they have been In ; league. Other officers elected at . several weeks over prospects for | immeiiiate coustnicliou of the i po.st office building. | The I’revpttP property was se- ■ leeted as the site for the new' .building early this year, but an 1 indefinite delay in construrtion^ Martin, of Salisbury,! kace, of Denton, w’as added to; Charles McNeill, of Purlear. was elected county welfare of ficer Tuesday afternoon at a joint meeting of the board of county commissioners and the board of education. The election took place at the end of a three- hour session during which the various candidates for the posl- the executive board which is, composed of the first and second tion were considered, vice presidents, J. H. Carlton, of Burgaw, and Mrs. Mattie F. Greer, of Boomer. The meeting Tuesday was held as the result of the failure of the two boards to elect at their Dirt Now Being Moved For Buildup Fill To North End of Yadkin Bridge Attorney Charles A. Jonas, of I joint session on the first Mon Lincolnton, former United States ! jn June, congressman, was the principal j Mr. McNeill succeeds Mrs. Va- speaker at the convention. I ig^-i^ (Belle Nichols Foster who The convention at Hickory was ; 1,3, jj^ij tj,at position for the considered one of the best held in years. Mrs. Foster was a number of years. leading contender for re-elec- jtion, it is understood. There were I about 17 candidates for the j place. i The new officer will take charge on the first Monday In jJuly if his election is confirmed Reports to the effect that sev- hy the state welfare eommission- was thought likely when the i =„cccssful bidder onl*’'"' idded ^ er. Summers Shop Merged With ,.ral emergency fund for public I in connect ion with *'> the structure now undei con-. Mr. McNeill Is a young man of Williams Mill Company: buildings wns absorbed by vidkin ^ New Equipment reforestation project. I’"''-’’*’ Yadkin .. change of ^graduate ot Appalachian information that a detail-, here, moved his steam shovel | pj^^g ,,gg marie .so far as | Teachers College, Boone. Announcement of the merger .survey is to be made of tbe ' )iere the first of tlie week and ' could be learned last night. i the son ot Mrs. W of the Summers Radiator ilepair pp„j„.,.ty nives rise to the belief trucks are now engaged in haul-1 Dirt is now being lianled from i of, Purlear, with whom he makes Shop with the Williams -MiH jimt actual eonstructioii is like-. jng dirt for the fill. 'the cut from the hill at the point, his home. His father died State He is B. McNeill, re- company will be of interest 10 automoltile owm'rs of tbis sec tion. -All equipment of tbe Sum mers shop, operated by H. I!. Summers, ha.s been moved to ibe ' new location. New equipment has been pur- 1 chased by the new firm ami the ( ■WHlliarns Miil company is now adequately equipped to take care of the automobile owners needs In radiator repair work, body re pairing. glass replacements general automobile service. Iv to he started soon. Checks For Civil War Veterans Are To Be Distributed Tlie fill begins at tlie end of' of the new entrance to the bridge ' cently. the bridge on the North Wilkes-1 from the Wilkeshoro side. It >s ] ^ r . «wtUT boro side of the Yadkin and j being moved to the north side. BrOOks And White slopes to a point near Forester’s j of the river for use in building! Are Arrested In N'u-Way .Service Station. 1 the fill. Heeeivisl Tliis Week roni State .\inlilor; No .Now Ones On List J. M. Ray Dies at , Funeral Is Held Roaring River! For Fred Kilby Kilby Death Case The June payment to Confed- and erale veterans and their widows Away Tuesday Night 11.ji.st Ritcs Conducted was received tiy Clerk of Super-^ After Long Illness; Funer- Reddies River Baptist The Williams Mill companv is ior Court Wm. A, Stroud this, j Church Monday River week and the checKS are now, re-idv for deliverv. The checks , J. M. Ray, a well known citi- From Both Released Under Rond On Monday; Neither Wa.s S*ri- ously Injured located near the Reddies bridge. Robert Brooks and Tony White, young men ot this city, were arrested Monday at the Wilkes Hospital in connection with the death ot Fred Kilby, of at Somers and Williams may be obtained by calling — ■ r'Tork*'? office Mr. Stroud uu •will appreciate your patronage, tin. .loiK s oiiite. mninced Messers. zen of Last rites for Fred T. Kilby, | this city, who lost his life Sun- the Roaring River com-1 24, of this'city, who lost his life I day morning in an automobile 'munity, died Tuesday evening at 1 in an automobile accident Sun- ! accident in front of Call post oi Twenty-two men who are on 10:30 following an Illness of 1 day morning about 7 o’clock on I flee. Orpheum Theatre pension Has Fine Program' p,"! eive $132 "'^ t'b'l O'*® colored in declining health for I? The arrest was made Just be- : the pension roll as veterans^ will | about six months.^ He had |'^well'co^dT^^^ cr "Cynara” and “The Kid From ! pain" are the feature I’ftlons at the Orpheum Theatre during the coming week. The coming week’s program is prob ably one of ‘he best offered in 'aeveral' months. “Cynara." w hich w'ill be shown •day and tomorrow, finds Ron- Id Colman and .Kay Francis, two man. listed as a veteran, will L iget $100.00. Widows in Class B. I ® ' numbering 33. will receive $50, : years. He was day from Reddies River Baptist | church at 2:30 p m. Rev. Noah seriously Injured. White was^r^ 70 years of age while Te widowr 'in''class 22 of this year. A are entitled to $150.00 each, j The funeral service was to be No new names have been j conducted from Cranberry Bap- added to the pension roll for thej^jg^ church this (Thursday) June payment, Baxter Durham, o’clock by Rev. state auditor, states in s e rp_ Jarvis, widely known Bap- to Mr. Stroud. The financial con-1 minister. Interment will fol- *1. ’ a-eatpst favorites ^Bion of the state ma “‘ low in the church cemetery. i"osUe^'::r‘oSer Sn j «“->vlng are his wife, Mrs. ® on *^oll. I Matilda Ray, one son, J. B. Ray and two sisters, Mrs. J. A. Wood ftturdsy, movie fans will see in« Grey’s ‘‘Smok» Lightning,” keaturlng KJeorge O’Brien. • Bddie Canter and bis beautiful frit ‘ are featured In ‘"rhe Kid [>m Spain,’’ said to be the tldnc Canter hae done on he Loraen. Previews ladlcate St tMt-Ptetars has eatertaln- i Lucinda Ray, all of the Office To Near Theatre community; Percy C. Walters, popular young Insurance man, has moved his office next door to the Lib erty Theatre. His new office has •a mala irtreat aatranoe. Mr, W*!*' s kaHi tanuraass ot all kinds. one Wright, 16 on 1 Hayes was in charge. I Many people from this city and surrounding communities attend ed the service. Mr. Kilby was a popular young man and was highly regarded by all who knew him. He was killed wnen the car In which he was rldlrg with Tony White and Robert Brooks turned over on tbe concrete highway. White and Brooks were only slightly injured and were able to leave the hospital Monday. sister, Mrs. Vance grandchildren. A resident ot that community for 30 ^rs, Mr, Ray'was high* leased under bond of $1,000 while Brooks was required to furnish a $2,000 bond. , Brooks and White were with Kilby at the time of the fatal ac cident. Brooks is alleged to have been driving. Attorney J. H. Whicker has been retained as counsel for the young men. Pie Supper To Be Given At Moravian Falls Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Church and sons, Edward and Harlan, (; .of this city, attended the fnnersl - for Mr. O. H. Profllt, of taplM team. > deUgkMal eve- A pie supper will he given at Moravian Falls schoolhouse to morrow (Friday) .. evening, be ginning at 8 o’clock,A* for the beifsHt of the Moravian »Falls Seven Arrested In County During- Past Week By Prohibition Agents Journal-Patriot To Receive Fund Grayson Memorial Tlio .loumnl-I’alriot, spon soring the movement for the ereetion of a permanent mark er for the late .lames R. Gray- .son, city policeman who was slain here two weeks ago, is treasurer for the fund and all donation.s should lie tuniel over to this newspaper. ^ The Journal-Patriot will re- eelre the donations and keep a record of the donors which will lie tumeil over to the me morial committee to be ai>- l*oliited later. j Federal prohibition agents op- ! crating in Wilkes during the past ^ week arrested seven men, seized i one automobile and poured out a considerable quantity of liquor. ! Investigators D. C. Dettor, R. I E. Prevette and H. C. Kilby, ac- ; corapanied by T/ M. Setzer and j .M. S. Phillips, arrested Wood- j row Marley in tlie Lewis Fork section Thursday. He was locat ed at h distillery and was cap- Hinshaw Slayer Evades Officers Herschel Richardson Still Liberty; May Have Left the State ftured after a chase through the I woods. The same officers arrested Charles .M. MaHaffey at a still in the Traphill section Tuesday. , W. C. Hall and G. D. Rat- ' ledge arrested E. M. Gibbs, of j Charlotte, near Wilkesboro Fri day 'ft'ith 30 gallons of whiskey Ion his car. Bond of $500 was re- i quired. The car •was held. : Hall and Ratledge,’ aceompau- ! led by Sheriff W. B. Somers, at found so gallons of whiskey in I an outhouse at Oliedlab Gentry’s ! in the lower edge of the 'county on the same day. Gentry was main- i taken into custody and bro'ught I for his appearance at the next Although officers have talned a constant watch for Her-j to Wilkesboro for a preliminary schel Richardson. 26-year-old , Rearing. He filled bond ^of »_80_0 Traphill resident, who Is alleg ed to have shot and killed Mar-, j . tin Hinshaw. no trace of him has! ^rMay was «^usy for fniinii I Agents W T. Kennedy, L. M. ® Stewart and Homer A. Smith who After firing the shots 1 Johnson at a still killed Hinshaw, Richardson Is said to have left the scene hur riedly. Officers searched for the (Many people from all sections of Wilkes and adjoiningr counties are expected here Friday and Saturday for “North Wilkesboro Days.” Merchants of the city are offering attractions galore in the way of quality merchandise at possibly the lowest prices the buying public will have offered them in several years- The steady advance in the price of practically every com modity indicates that merchandise may increase from 10 to 40 per cent before fall. This opinion is based upon the price of basic commodities such as cottorl, which has risen from 5 and 6 cents per pound to 10 cents per pound, y An increase of three per cent will be necessary when the I sales tax goes on July 1. — Merchants of the city feel that the buying public will wel come this special event known as “North WilkesboroJDays.” For Friday and Saturday some unusual values are offered. A check of the price tags which the merchants are now plac ing on their stocks indicates that the merchants are antici pating the largest volume of business that they done this year. Arrangements are being made to take care of the trade promptly and assurance is given that the stocks are ample to supply the needs of the many customers which are expect ed. Thrifty buyers have the greatest opportunity in many months to buy quality merchandise at a very reasonable price. There is the certainty that the sales tax of three per cent will be saved and to buy now is to protect yourself from advancing prices. It is believed that the merchants have chosen a most oppor tune time to stage “North Wilkesboro Days.” The Journal- Patriot, co-operating with local business houses, joins in ad vising the thrifty buyers to pay North Wilkesboro a visit either Friday or Saturday and investigate the stocks of local stores- The attention of Journal-Patriot readers is called to the big values that are listed in the advertisements of the var ious stores in today’s paper. It will pay to patronize them. 4 '1 H5 P -'Sl ’3D In the Windy Gap section and later In the day arrested Grover Lunsford and Marcus/Jarrls. alleged slayer Sunday night, but reqnlred _ [fptrioto without success. It Is considered very probable that he made hln escape In an antomoiblle before Sheriff Som-, ers conld be notified of the fatal affair. It is thonght likely^ that he left the state. ’ ' " Young Hinshaw J. was .Uhot at the Holteook mill poj»4 6 o’Atoek Sunday afternoon, dyl^ - in W each of the three deteiuhUttB.. _ ^ ’The ’past week was bn« ot.flis busiest United States . ^ sioner J. W. Dula. has lirt'. ’lii some time. - .j, >^.hta'fitands / an4: ;|^,,]!thi^ Baptist oharo^ ^.wuotoA enky^ who at» bmtantly when struck^ hack of the head' Mrs. E. E. Eller left Wedsee- day tor SaUshurir wh(|pa ahlT la Jto attwd the mijjlfjl^.aodetr meetlnc u)ul dayghr ter,. Jim. W.^il--MeOuney. Mr. w pistol rjote her there smm- {tor the

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