50 OUT OP THE STAT%2 Celebration Cr^ Chnrch Sunday An Otttsibnding Success Citizens’ . Body Is Recejvii^ Pledges Of Strong Backing Captain Percy W. Foote Is Principal .'Speaker of the Day ■y of This Old Church In Paper By Miss Mattie E. Sale IS LARGELY Rev W. ATTENDED ... E. Linney and Rev. N- T. Jarvis Are Among thv\ Other Speakers Lodges, Churches, Civic Or ganizations and Individ uals Backing It PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED Merchants Will Meet At Gty plan For Ad&| Sales Tax After First To Come County Commissioner Anxi ous For Complete Co-ope ration During Court The sesquicentennial at Brier Creek Baptist church, 16 miles east of the Wilkeshoros, Sunday, June 25, was quite largely at tended, and a complete success. Though it wa.s necessary to make some changes in the tentative program outlined, the various numbers and the entire day were ^11 of even greater interest than could have been anticipated. One interesting tact to be noted in connection with the celebra tion of its loOth anniversary, is that Brier Creek is the oldest surviving Baptist church planted in all the territory now embraced in the counties of Wilkes. Yad- . kin. Surry, .\she, raldwell, Wa- tau^. Alleghany, .•Vle.vander. Ire dell, and some other western , counties. I After the singularly felicitous words of welcome, spoken by I Rev. X. T. Jarvis, pastor of the ,^church. Rev. J. B. Kay gave the appropriate scripture reading from Revelation, describing the L-auties of the future home in leaven; and pra.t-er was offered I, 'wRev, A. T. Pardue. venerable 9^ist divine. Because of the startling facts HEARING HELD TUESDAY it pointed out. about the anti quity. influence. a;.d colorful narrative of the organization, the history of Brier Creek church, written and read by Miss Mattie E. -Sale, made an evtraor-,. dinary appeal. Miss Sale, through : Tuesday afternoon following a her father s T7 rears as a mem-. Preliminary hearing before J. C her of Brier Creek and 47 as a 1 Wallace, justice of the peace, at clerk, and her own constant at- offices here, tendance there .since her birth I At the conclusion of the state's and for more than 60 years, has | evidence, Attorney J. H. Whick- been enabled to keep in closer er. counsel tor the defendant, touch with the records of the moved tor a judgment as of non iMany pledges of support in their movement looking toward stricter law enforcement and bet ter law observance are being re ceived by officers of the Wilkes County Citizens Association, it was learned yesterQuy. A number of churches, at least one civic organization and one or more lodges have gone on record as solidly behind the as sociation’s program. The board of county commis sioners has given Us support by calling upon the governor for a special term of court tor the purpose of removing some of the ca.ses from the criminal dock et. in commenting upon the court, X. B. Smithey, chairman of the count.v board, stated Tuesday ' fleneral Hugh S. Johnson, ad-i that ‘‘We have secured the court Iministrator of the Federal Indus-'and lawyers, court olf.c.als and .trial Act. at bis desk in Com- everyone connected with the merce headquarters at Washing- court should co-operate to the ton. where he .started the whc.dslcnd that the courts business may rurning in our new industrial handled "'ith greatest dis- i patch possible.' Herman Handy fsl^tr^Buriai Freed In Hobart' Assertion Here C- W. Robinson celebrated his elghty-flftb birthday Sunday by occupy ing the pulpit of North Wilkes boro l*resbyterlan church, of which he has been pastor for thlrty-eiglht years. He came here soon after the local church was organized and has been the only pastor of the church. He has been engaged in the ministry for 55 years and Is known throughout the state. Robinson churcii near Charlotte was named in his honor. Despite his 85 years, Rev. Mr. Robinson Is physically active and alert and hls mind retains Us youthful vigor. As someone has said, he has truly grown old gracefully. Merchants Are Required 'Bf, Law To Pass Tax On To ?: the Consumer SEEK UNIFORM METHH> Meeting Will Be Hdd Hdsy' Evening At 7 O’etodt;-' - Want All Merchaoits cl^ Win Merchants of the meet at the city hall this evenlnc (Thursday) at 7 o’clock Jor the purpose of discussing a uniform method of adding the salee tpx to the price of merchantltoe, It ; was announced yesterdhylv ■ ,, j Under the law, merchants are vf ' required to pass the sales tax of .three per cent on to the conram- I er. Failure to do so will ImrHw prosecution, the state law clat^* ^ fying violation of this provisibn Myers Death Casej' ssociiition 1.S Under Bond Of S5.000 To Carry Oul .\H Of ft.s By-Caws Motion of Coun.sd For De-' -p|,p formation of the Reins-' fendant To Dismis.s the _siurdivant Burial As.sofiation Charges Sustained ' was announced today by Reins- Sturdivant, Inc., local undertak- Jurors For Special Term of Court Are Drawn At Meeting of the County Board I as a misdemeanor, i The sales tax will be discuaaod * I at length this evening and Ip der that some general agreomeirt-.,! may be reached, every merchallt r has been asked to attend. It is undrstood that a plgS it under consideration wherel^ j prices, except when increases arb necessary to take^care of the ad vance in commodity prices, will remain the same and the thr^ per cent will be added to the time j of the purchase by figitriite th*. I cost of each article or theVdtal ' amount of the purchases anf( then adding three per cent, I Small Items, costfng around 1ft cents, under the plan whlck may be adopted, wotild npt be taxed.. The sales taij must be added Ott and after Saturday, July ' Herman Handy, young man of the Halls Mills section, - nwier arrest in connection with the . death of Hobart Myers, of the was set free Copies of the by-laws are now j ready for distribution and may | their I be obtained by calling at place of business. i “To quite a number of our! friends we are only fulfilling aj church than has anyone else. The relatively brief lecture de scribing the “Growth of tlie Bap- tists “ delivered in a pleasing manner by Rev. X. T. Jarvis, re vealed intensive research, and was a most vivid chronicle of the progress of this denomination and the underlying cau.ses of that progress. Recreating the atmospltere of the period two years after the, Revolutionary War, in which ^ Brier Creek was established. Kev. ' W. E. I.inuey limned dramatic. pictures of tlie history and strug-, gles of the Baptist and of the exponents of religious freedom, and traced some of the diaholi cal persecution which tvas for- . merly perpetrated in the name of forget and re- !suit. The motion was allowed. Handy was in company with Myers when Myers was fatally in jured in an automobile accident on the evening of June 10. Evi- d'ence disclosed that .Myers was driving the autombltile and that Handy was in no way responsible for the accident. State D. A. R, To Erect Marker On Rendezvous Soon we promise that we would form an organization of this kind when, and only when, the laws of j North Carolina were so adjusted that they would have some pro tection for the money entrusted to U8,“ Mr. W. K. Sturdivant, president of Reins-Sturdivant. j Inc., stated. The new association j carries a bond of $5,000 as a | guarantee to every member that, the by-iaws will be carried out j in their eiitircly. The secretary | is bonded for $1.0oo. I Memberships from Wilkes and I adjoining counties will he ac cepted provided the applicants' bc-‘ Officers School To Be Held First Day Court In coiiiplianre with a re quest of the Institute of Gov ernment, Solicitor Juhn B. .lones is asking all enforce ment officers and judges of inferior courf.s to meed witli ■Judge G. Vernon t’owper and himself at the county court- hou.se in WilkesbOro on July at 1 p. m. Those requested to be pres ent arc the^ sheriff’s deputies, constables, police officers, justices of the peace and the nelfare officer. The meeting will take the form of a school, i Instruct ions being offered in the duties of these officials. Solicitor Jones announced the meeting Tuesday. Commissioners Met Tuesday Afternoon At Courthouse To Draw Jurors TERM BEGINS JULY 24TH; I Juror.s for the two weeks j special term of Superior court, which is to convene on July 24, drawn Tuesday afternoon are in sound healt!. and ar , tween the ages of one and ">5. ; ^ *LL* 117*11 Anyone interested in. joining 1 ^ VjnDuUl TflU invited to call at the associations office for a copy of the by-laws ' and for a full explanation of the proposition. State Officers Here Monday To Confer With Local Peo ple About Plans religion- I-€*st we -- turn to similar tortures and bar-| PLAN 2 OTHER MARKERS bariety. he offered three effec- live remedies. state Regent, Mr.s. II. O. Steel, ing the course o \.ain«t hrought an indictment against | . ,, th^ present system of education for not making more prominent in histories the names of John Robinson, who led the pilgrims to Leyden. Holland, and finally ■Iji the Mayflower to the “New World"; and of Christmas Ivans, a’ Welshman who was the most powerful preacher since St, Paul, was said by many hearers to have : heed the most powerful to which ’ the audience had ever listened. (Continued on page four) , tee, and .Mrs. Eugene Davis spent Monday in the city, conferring with Judge and Mrs. T. B. Fin ley and .Miss Lucy Finley, Regent of Rendezvous Mountain Chap ter, D. A. K., about thb erection of bronze markers on the Ren dezvous Mountain and on the two main highways on either side of the mountain. These markers are very hand- .some, and will be unveiled dur ing the summer or autumn. Company “A” To Camp July 15th Local Company Guard WiU Go To Camp Jackson This Year M > f t mmm Speak To Kiwanis I were I at a special meeting of the board lot county commissioners with j Mrs. W. A. Stroud, assistant I clerk of Superior court, and Old I Wiles, chief deputy sheriff, i Judge G. V. Cowper has been I assigned to preside at the court. Only criminal cases will come up for trial. j Following is a list of the jur- ' ors: ^ .Mrst Week I G. T. Cooper, Ed Crysel, Wll- , lie Gilliamf Charlie Faw, T. O. j Hayes, Paul Byrd, J. M. Hutch ison, B. c| Price. Joe Green Jr, I Barney Jordan, J. W. Neal; W. X. Minton, Zack Yale, D. E. Treadaway, J. S. Steele, C. ?. Foster, C. L. Walsh, P. E. Chur h. Fourth Of July To Be Ob>erved Quietly Here Independence Day will be observed quietly in North Wilkesboro with practically all business hou.ses closel and no formal celebration of the day. It Is expected to be a day featured by motor trips and neighborly visits. For sport fans^ the six teams of the Wilkes County Base ball League will play three games, one at North WUkes- boro, one at Wilkesboro and one at Millers Creek. The game l>etween Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro here is ex pected to attract quite a large crowd. Changes To Take, Effect Sales Tax Gdes.On First Time Wilkes Bar Held Meet Yesterday In State’s History; Post" age Lower v Besides being the first da^ of a new fiscal year, Saturday, Joly 1, will be a memorable one In North Carolina for it will mark the first time in the history of the state that a sales tax Is a part of the sate system, of,wve- I nue. It means that three per ckijt iwill be added to the price of all \ I merchandise. ' Another change of interest will be the reduction of one cent on local or drop letters. No change will be imade, however, in the postage rate on letters going to post offices other than in the one at which they are mailed. I t ; W. B. Money, M. R. Cook, R. D. j Episcopal Minister of Win ston-Salem To Be Here For Luncheon Friday Nichols, Wiley Johnson, A. G. ' Poster, W. E. Gaither, Cecil Mill er, Columbus Wells, W. R. Han dy. Bret Cothren, D. L. Absher, iJ. Lee Edsil, Jas. F. Mastln, T. J. Wood, L. Chap Ferguson, J. F Solicitor Jones and Eugene Trivette To Prepare Cal endar For Court James Grayson Memorial Fund Fruit Growers To Meet On Saturday Company “A”. 105th Engi neers of the North Carolina Na tional Guard, will entrain July 15 for their annual 15-day so journ .at camp, it ’ was learned Tuesday from Captain Ralph R. Reins. The local company will go to Camp Jackson, located near Co lumbia. S. C.. this year. .\lthough for economy reasons, the appropriation for national guard companies has been great ly reduced, the local company still has 61 men enlisted and all I of these are expected to go to camp this year. Dr. Robert E. Gribbin, ‘ V\'UOU, U. A/na.p reiguauu, u. *• of St. Paul's Eipiscopal church, yf p Billings, Theopolis National^of Winston-Salem, will deliver Yale, W. C. Walsh, W. L. Church, the address at the regular lunch-|T. J. Bishop, Calvin Saunders, J. eon program of the Kiwanis Club | Wyatt, at Hotel Wilkes here tomorrow! ^ (Friday). ; R. L. Wooten, E. R. Eller, Joe F. The Wilkes elation held i County Bar Asso- meeting at the Wilkes Gets Three Delegates To Meet Dr. P J. Braine, Mrs. A. E. Spainhower .\nd F. J. McDuf fie to M. E. Conference Two Wilkes county Methodists were elected delegates to the x®" ntial conference at the Mt. Airy courthouse yesterday afternoon district' conference of the Meth- The Winston-Salem minister I Hayes, R. C. Meadows, Donations previously, reported: | Williams, Jl.ftO;-Mayor J. * I Arrangements To Be Made I At Meeting For the An nual Picnic Rousseau, $1.00; A. fi. John-1 meeting of the Brushy ston, $l.ftft; Carlyle ilngle, $1-00; Kjountain Fruit Growers Associ- L. R. Fisher, $1.00; -James M. ! atlon will be held at the conrt- Anderson, $1.00; W. M. Morrt-jhouse in Wilkesboro Saturday son, $1.00; L. A. Harris, $1.00; ' afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, ac- Ralph Duncan, $1.00; S. V. Tom-j cording to an announcement 'llnson, $1.00; I. E.' Pearson, $1.00. Later Reports New donations: Frank L. Smith, of Cleveland, Tenn., $2.ft0. ' t' ^riff W. B. Somers, $6.00. ' J.iH. R^r. 60 Oents. - & 4U|rtirn»t^ fl-OO. Mrs. C. F. Breth- yesterday by oil, secretary. Arranperaents for the annual picnic this year will be made and topics of Interest to the growers discussed. All members are urged to attend and non-mOmbers, Is- teMsted in fruit growing, are iiiTifed. - Spanish War Vets To Meet Saturday K. M. delivered the commencement ad-1 Lockhart. A. S. Lowe, • C. V. dress at the North Wilkesboro! Davis, Hamp Woodie, Chas. P. , I Brock, W. L. Myers, S. R. Laws. schools a few ^ ' Spencer Elledge, E. S. Staley, L. known as a IM. Hawkins, James R. Adams. L. er. He comes John i M. Nicholson. U. G. Matherly, J. the invitation of SoHcltor John | Nichols, R. Jones who is scheduled to waiier orowu. and authorized Solicitor John R. Jones and Eugene Trivette, pres ident of the association, to pre pare the calendar for the special term of criminal court which convenes July 24. odist church in Jefferson Monday and Tuesday. ’ Dr. P. J. Brame and Mrs. A. E. Spainhower. members of the local church, and Attorney P. J. McDuffie, of .Wilkesboro,- weirt the three named. Seventeen dele gates compose the district’s rep- A committee, composed of Ralph G. Bingham, W. H. Me-' resentation at the annual confer- Elwee and J. M. Brown, was ap-j ence. pointed to draft a resolution set- j The district conference at Jet ting forth the position of the as- ferson was largely' attended and sociation with reference to the! was a pronounced success, those have charge of the program. Open House Party Public Jesse F. Darnell, J. J, T. Vannoy. M. German, Wilkes iCouny Citizens Associa tion movement. On the whole, the bar is very favorable to tli program, it is understood. o XIT* C I iCity Board Not bcott 10 dpeak j To Meet Tuesday At Grange Meet Invited 'Po Baptist .sonage Tonight Par- Mrs. Eugene Olive and mem bers of the Ladies Aid Society of i attending from Wilkes reported. Menibei* Of Camp 13 And All Other Veterans Of That War Are Invited Spanish-American war veter ans will meet Saturday, July 1, at the courthouse in Wilkesboro at 2 p. m., U. A. Miller, adjutant of Camp 13, announced yester day. All veterans, whether mem bers of the camp or not, are re quested to attend,, Mr. Miller stated, since very Important bus iness af'feeyng all- reterang- la schedilled' come -'■' before ^ the meeting., the First Baptist church have ar ranged' for an "open house” party nt the Baptist parsonage this (Thursday) evening between 8 and 10 p. m. Members of all denominations and the public generally are in vited to attend. The parsonage was recently remodeled and re painted and is now very attrac tive. The "opejt house” tonight will be In the nature of a get- acquainted occasion. State Master To Address Po mona Grange Members Wednesday Evening Regular Meeting Is Postponed W’eek On .Account Of Na tional Holiday The board of city commission- will not hold the regular A special meeting of Wilkes Pomona Grange at ^ the court house in Wilkesboro Wednesday, July 5, will be add'ressed by State Master Carr Scott, of Haw River. era Baseball Game A North Wilkesboro and ^ Millers Creek will clash ,ln a''*baaflball at the fairgrounds h^at 1:30 this (TharadsTj jtterBoon.^ An announcement to this ef fect was maide yesterday by County Agent A. O,, Hendren who Is a leader In^ Grange aotl- yities' In the.,connty. TTie meeting will begin' at 8 p. mi*’All Grange’’members are re- quelled to attend' and hear 7 Idress.^^'*^ ” monthly meeting on Tuesday due to the fact that this Is a national holiday, Mayor J. A. Rousseau announced last night. The meet ing will he held the following ’Tuesday at the usual hour. Mayor Rousseau stated, how ever. that If any cltlxen has an Important,matter which should be brought to the attention of the board at once, a speclal.mect- Ing will be called by iMueslf. In that bvuBb he should hif, notified ■■ -- ~ *■ Alleged Slayer ^ Free Unde^ Bind a Crom Dancy Obtains Release Under Bond of $2,000 Un- ^ til N«xit Court " 'Crom Dancy, of the Kaymea- dow community, who Is alleged^ to have shot and killed Noah ; Brown on the afternoon of June 18, was released from jail under bond of $2,000 Saturday. '"V Dancy is saW to have sUted > that he shot Brown through a ^ mtatake. He had^ Intended, to shoot Pet Hayes who he claimed was the leader of a party which .wf/ engaged In thwWrteg ' rooks at* the DMicy hon» and otherfiae safety g aotltiei thraateuig^ the life and of hls hone,... g TM boud'givea Daney hls free dom until thu special whicb coumus 01

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