C Wright, Veteran Wilkes Died Friday fiigkt Strickm Suddenly About Nom Friday and- Died At Hosfdtal Here SCHOOL HEAD 34 YEARS Api^ximately 2,000 People Attended Last Rit^ At Edgewood Church Prof. C. C. Wright, veteran Wilkes educator, -died Friday eTentng at the Wilkes Hospital here at 7 o’clock from kidney i trouble and complications. The former superintendent of schools was stricken suddenly about noon and an hour later was brought to the hospital here. He was In a state of coma and never regained consciousness aft er he was stricken. For several months he had suffered severely from a compli cation of diseases and 'had con served his strength as much as possible, especially since his re tirement as county superinten- A simple country church fu-1** neral, attended by between 1.500 I ** and 2,000 friends of Mr. Wright. 'was conducted from Prospects For CHiening To Public By First of Sep tember Are Bright Wright, who retired re-1 ing 34 years as | of the county schoo^system, was claim- EdgeXd ed by death Friday evening^ Sixteen Wilkes Boys Leave For Forestry Camps Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Atwell Watts, pastor of Edgewood church. Dr. B. B. Dougherty, president of Ap palachian State Teachers Col lege, Boone, and a life-long friend of the Wilkes educator, and Attorney Hugh A. Cranor, of Wllkeshoro. an intimate per-1 A* sonal friend, participated in the | To Be At Fort service For Two Weeks of In attendance at the final | Physical Training rites were hundreds of teachers rpin A V~ MORNING who had taught in the schools of! LEFT I-TtlUAY MUKINIINU Wilkes during Mr. Wright’s long tenure of office as county super intendent, many leaders in the | edncational field from various j 'parts of the state and hundreds | of Mr.. Wright’s friends in this “IfSft'hfsTrlS. the body was; they wiU weeks of The Yadkin River bridge here will probably be completed by the first of August, it was learn- I ed yesterday afternoon from ah j official of the contracting com pany. , The nine spans have already been poured and workmen are now engaged in applying the fin ishing touches. The raliings on I either side will be poured in the ' next few days. In the meantime, the fill across the bottom Is being con structed as rapidly as possible.' ! The steam shovel now engaged on the job is cutting through the hill on the Wilkesboro side of the bridge. Both jobs are being pushed to completion and prospects are bright for opening the bridge to the public, possibly in September. The till extends from the brid.ge to a point near Forester’s Nu-Way Service Station. After it is finished, hardsurfacing will begin and this Is expected to take some time. One of London's most thrilling pastimes each season la to select the most beautiful an 1 loveliest dej)utante. This season the un animous award went to Mis Phyllis Salt, daughter of Lon don's air defense commander. Sixteen Places Allowed In stead of Eight Places That Were Expe^ted.^, ; Sixteen Wilkes county boys left i Fridav tor Fort Bragg where Labor Union To Meet Thursday Meeting Tq Be -Held Here At Amory; Officers Miy Be Installed Eight school districts have been set up In Wilkes county by the state school commission, it was learned following a meet ing of that body in Raleigh last week. Each district is built around a standard high school and is composed of sub-districts. The eight districts are as follows: Millers Creek, Mt. Pleasant, Hon da, Roaring River, Wilkesboro, Mountain 'View, Trapbill and the territory adjacent to the North ■Wilkesboro administrative unit whose students attend North Wil kesboro high school. Prof. C. B. Eller, county super intendent of schools, stated this By afternoon that the school com^ mittees would be named as soon as the number of teachers allot- ted the county is announced by FUNERAL HELD SUNDAY the state department. The ap- w 111 probably be Joel Minton Dies From Injunes At Saw Mill Friday Local Citizen Is Struck Plank At Mill On Hunting Creek A meeting of the North Wll keshoro union of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners will be held Thursday After the service, tne ooay was — ! evening, July 20, at the armory Interred in the family cemetery intensive physical training before ■ it was learned this morning near the grave of Mr. Wright’s | being sent to ope of the civilian ! daughter. Mary Dori. M right, i conservation Vho died about 20 years ago. Pallbearers were Carey Gla.ss. (t-. I'anoearers were v-uic;- ij. R. Laws, Luther Moore. Frank here Friday morning and boys underwent a rigid phy- were Clifford Moore, Gurney Robinett, j the Stafford. S. C. Stewart and Mont | steal examination. ! Sixteen places were allowed Flowerbearers were the ladies j Wilkes instead of the eight places ^'right’s Sunday school; originally expected. ! These sixteen make a total of It was announced at the 8erv-,66 Wilkes boys in the conserva- ice through Rev. Mr. Watts that | tlon camps. H. Lovette, president of camps. ! the newly organized union. An army officer and physician The meeting is to begin at 8 o’clock and will be attended bv the two hundred or more mem bers which-have been secured. Officers of the union may be Installed at the meeting, Mr. Lovette said. The charter has not been delivered to the union, but is expected to here by the last of the week. all friends of Mr. Wright present' Those leaving Friday were: at the service were considered by Bryant Johnson, Houston Pain- the family as honorary pallbear-. ter. Turner Foster. Cleo Coltrane, , Geo. St. John, Howard Johnson, The veteran educator’s death; How-ard Wingler, Otis Byrd, Cy- oame just 23 days after he re- | rus Wiles. Monroe Brooks, Arnold tired as county superintendent of I M. Stamper, Fred Miles, Turner Bchpols, after having served I Lenderman, Robert Nicholson. ■V^Ukes county in that capacity Hill Henry Joinese and Woodrow Joel S. Minton, a well known resident of tbis efty, died at the Wilkes Hospital Friday night at 11 o’clock from injuries sustain ed Friday afternoon when he was struck by a plank while at work at his saw mill in the Hunt ing Creek section. Mr. Minton was struck on the side and died from the shock produced by the blow. The deceased was 56 years oW. * He is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs. Chester Welch, of High Point; E. R., Arvllle, Ennis, Lola, 'Val ue. Annie Belle, Major. Lessie and Guy Minton, all of this city. An impressive funeral service, attended by an immense con course of people, was held at Pleasant Grove Baptist church at Buck Sunday morning at 11 o’clock by Rev. L. B. Murray. Interment followed in the church cemetery. for 34 years. .At the time of his ntlrement, Mr. Wright said that he expected to spend the re mainder of his days in the quiet (Continued on page fourj \ Pledges Its Support In Move Against Crime Johnson. Buses Will Be Routed August 7 Question One For Jury Topeka, Kansas, July 13.— The Kansas supreme court ruled local ■ question whether l)g|3.2 per cent beer is intoxicating and consequently in violation of the state’s prohibition laws is one of fact tor the judge or jury sitting as trier of facts to pass upon. Help To Be Given Only Upon Advice . Of Relief Worker repeal VOTE certain IN 35 STATES IN 1933 No Further Aid Until Case AVorker Investigates, It Is Announced Board of Education Will Des ignate Routes On First Monday . Eearfution Is Drawn Up By Committee Appointed By Bar Recently WKHES MOVE SUCCESS School buses will be routed for the coming year at the meeting of the board of education on Au gust 7, Prof. Chelsie B. Eller, county superintendent. stated Friday. After the routes are designated, bids will be received on the con tract routes where county buses are not used. Prof. Eller said Bids will not be asked for until after the first Monday. Family of Twelve Has Had No ■nie Wilkes County Bar Associa tion is officially on record as „Qiq>orting the Wilkes Citizens Aflsoeiation in the move against trime *nd for better law observ ance in county. Ralph G. Bingham, chairman of the committee appointed by the ^ bar association at its recent m»et- MarriaSf^S ing to draw up a resolution back- i , ing the citizens group, made pub- j lie the resolution Saturday. Fol-1 lowing is the resolution: j ..aWhereas, there has recently j been organized in Wilkes county a j *Xfltisans’ Association for the pre- • i^tinn of crime, and that said/SS- fociation in meeting assembled recommended the teaching of crime prcv«>tion in the schools and diurchM and other organiaatioM of Wilkes county, and has in addi The family of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W- SLJohn, who reside on “E” Street, opposite the North Wilkesboro high school building, is probably unique. There are twelve members of the family, Mr. and Mrs. St. John being the parents of ten children, elgiit girls and two boys. 'Their ages range be tween 4 and 24 years. The family bad never had a Announcement was made this morning from the office of the county welfare officer that no further aid will be allowed any family until an Investigation has been made by the county case worker. The limited funds available for relief work has caused the state to put into effect stricter regula tions and hereafter no aid will be allowed until each case is investigated by the case worker. Those who have been calling at the office for help for others will not be able to obtain It un til the Investigation is made Washington, July 14—A decla ration that Texas would join the list of states voting to expel pro hibition from the constitution was made to President Roosevelt today by former Governor “Jim” Ferguson. Almost simultaneously Gover nor Dave Sholtz, of Florida, was arranging for a special election to be held in his state on repeal October 10. This brought to 36 states—one less than the total necessary to complete ratification of a consti tutional amendment—the num ber in which ballots already have been assured for this year. Sixteen states already have voted to ratify the repeal amend- pointments will probably made at a meeting of the county board of education the first of next week. Prof. Eller said. J. F, Sturdhrant Dies In Virginia Father of Messrs A. A. and W. K. Sturdivant, of This City Taylorsville Bank Reopens} Is the Only One In County | The Merchants and Farmers Repeal Issue August 19 Bank of Taylorsville, closed by the national banking holiday, opened with restrictions Thurs day afternoon. J. B. Robinette is president and T. C. Barnes cash ier of the Institution, which is tlie only bank in Alexander coun ty. Jefferson City, Mo., July 16. Gov. Guy B. Park announces that Missouri’s election of delegates to a constitutional convention to act on ratification of the propos- (fe 21st amendment will be held August 19. 'The convention will be held on August 29. LW.WorreUKiUed At 11A.M. Today In Auto Accident At Cycle AT WilKeS cuuuvy* s*»*» — ♦ - ^ Mcommended that the county death or a marriage and none have inora courts In order te try the law violators and promote , niij- detennination of civil and ^whniBnl cases, .*■ . vhereas, Wilkes County (Copttaued on page eight) of th« children has lived or boarded away from home. Is there another family of this sbe -with a record that equals it? The family to believed to be anteae in that rMpect. ' I. W. WorreU, a resident of the Cycle community, was kill ed about 11 o’clock thiS-- Mon day) morning in an automo bile accident which occurred at a creek near the Wilkee- Yadkln line. The car plunged from the bridge. acroM the creek and Mr. WoiTOll was probably kill ed instantly. He was alone at the time - the accident took' place and the canse of tLe wreck was not known. He was dead when the body was re moved from the wreckage. Mr. Worrell was a native of Virginia, coming here from Carol county. He was 40 yean of age. Surviving him are his' wife and several children. He was a vdteran at the Worid War and ha# made mav tUgJcoonty. J. P. Sturdivant, father of Messrs. A. A.'’and W. K. Sturdi vant, of this city, died Thursday evening at 9 o’clock at his home near Independence, Va., follow ing a short Illness. Mr. Sturdivant was a prominent fanner and cattleman and was held in high esteem in his community and wherever he was known. His career was marked with usefulness and service to his fellowman. He was 71 years of age. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mae Trent Sturdivant, two daugh ters and seven sons as follows: R. M. Sturdivant, of Hochem, Wash.; E. R. and F. L. Sturdi vant, of Akron, Ohio; W. L. Sturdivant, Mrs. T. K. Morton and Mrs. E. H. Wingate, of In- dependeu'je, Va.; D. P. Sturdi vant, of Sparta, and A. A. and W. K. Sturdivant, of North Wil kesboro. 'The funeral service was con ducted at Pleasant Grove church near Independence Saturday morn ing at 11 o’clock. Those attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Sturdivant and children, Mr. and Mrs. J- C. Reins and daughter, Elizabeth Gordon Reins, Rev and Mrs. Eugene Olive, J. H. Rector, C. A. Canter, C- F. Canter, Joe Canter, Mrs. W. E. Linney, Mrs. Helen Cashion, Misses Manie Brew er and Mae Bryant. Otto H. Kahn, senior partner of Kuhn, Loeb and company, whose testliuony before the sen ate Investigating committee re vealed that no income taxes were paid by him for the years 1930 ’31 and ’32. Roaring River High Placed On Accredited list School Authorities Advised of New Rating By A. B. Combs, of Raleigh RATING IS CONDITIONAL The Council on Secondary Edu cation has voted to add Roaring River to the list of accredited schools. Prof. C. M. Cook, prin cipal of the school, and Cbunty Superintendent C. B. Eller were advised last week by A. B. Combs, of the associate division of Instructional service. Effective July 1, Rdarlng River became an accredited high school in Group 2, Class B. Mr. Combs stated in his letter to the school men that the rat ing was conditional and would not be continued If adequate building facilities are not pro vided. With the addition of Roaring River to the accredited list, Wilkes county has ^even stand ard high schools, not including North Wilkesboro, which is ope rated as a city administrative unit. They are: Wilkesboro, Millers Creek, Mountain View, Trap.hlll, Mt. Pleasant. Honda and Roaring River. Guardsmen Away At Camp Jackson Lijft Saturday Afternoon For Two Weeks of Intensive Training New York Is Broke New York, July 13.—The city, financially embarrassed, today appealed to the state and federal governments for funds for unem- .ployment relief and public works. Governor Herbert H. Lehman was asked by the board of estimates to 'call a special session of the legislature to increase the city’s revenues several million dollars to finance home and work unem- j)loyment relief. Vestal To Conduct Revival Here Soon Smiling and happy despite the two weeks of intensive training before them, members of Com pany “A,” lOSth Engineers of the National Guard, boarded the train here Saturday afternoon for Columbia, S. C. They will be stationed at Camp Jackson where the guards men have been in camp tor the past several summers. Captain Ralph. R. Reins is In command of the company, being assisted by First Lieutenant Ed mund P. Robinson and. Second Lieutenant Wllllara Staley. Registrations For Summer School At Elkin On Saturday One of President Rooeevett's Civilian Conservation ca^iptf will be located in Wilkes countTi- ft was learned definitely 'the laifet part of last week when th*,leaso ^ for a camp site between-Pnrloar-—^ and Parsonsville was signed Sind forwarded to government offid-^ als. Only formal approval is neces-.',^ sary. It was learned’ from T.. A. Finley, county forest warden, who was active In the movement to -secure one of the camps. The camp site was approved last week by army officers who came to the county to look over prospective sites. The camp win be located on the property of Dewey Tates near Jones Creek on the Purlear- Parsonsvllle rmd. Seven atres' was leased for this purpose. Two hundred young men will be put to work In the near. fO" ture, it is understood. In; , tke_a mountain section adjacent to thS^ ‘ camp. y ■ Mr. Finley said he. undpietqpd. that the government- officials would formally sign the lease, this week and retum'-lt to -the proper parties. It is believed that work will be started immediately and that a contingent of the camp boys will be sent ahead to erect build ings and do necessary work pre liminary tq opening np the camp. Dr. Highsmith Is Coming August 8 Will Hold Conference With Prin cipals of Ail Schools In the County i Dr. J. Henry Highsmith, stats inspector of schools, will come to Wilkes to hold a conference with principals of all the elementary and high schools of the county- on Tuesdsy, August 8, it was an nounced 'FVlday. The new school law and other important matters relative to the . operation of^the schools next year will be disciBsed by pr. ]pgh> smith. All principals will be re quired to attend the conference. It will be held in Wilkesboro. Board of Education Will Receive Six Car*' of*CoaI The county board bf education will receive six carloads"of coal for I distribution | among the schools of the county within the next few days. The job of un loading and transporting the coal, to the various points will- be, tog" to the low bidder and tbo^ In-: terested are requested to get in touch with County Superinten dent Eller. Stone To Go To Dectric @iidr Friday, July 21 Widely Known Evangelist Conduct Tent Revival Dur ing .August i Rev. To Second Term Of Catawba Col lege Summer School To Next Week Registration for the second term of Catawba College Sum mer School, Division at EnUn, will take place ^turday, July B. H. Vestal, widely known evangelist, -wlH conduct a tent revival In this city, begin ning August b) he announced while in the city this afternoon. At the present time, the evan gelist is holding a serjes of serv ices at Elkin. The Elkin revival will close July 30. The tent will then be brought here for the August meeting. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. CaJd-^U and .'.children and Mr. and Mrs.; W. H. Clafk and son, Hubert, of this city, spent Sunday in Greuw boro. 22, from nine to one o’clock, ac cording to a teacher who is at tending the present summer school there. The courses to be offered In the second term are Industrial Teaching Geography, American, , wn* fho History, Classroom Management,. .v ' w .a «dM«sn (ilA Iti wlhA The Negro In American Life, and American Contemporary Short Arts, Materials and Methods inj^' Story. O: Instructions In the first term' will be retained lor the' second term. All courses wfil both, college and professional credit. J. S. Stevens^, of Porte Rev. t, III N ^ miMK Knob, Rm% lK’.»pent.a,too^torB •* Ite the oRT'oij buslii^ Ifliljjr., Governor Has Not Yet Made Known His Deci^oirDi Wilkes Man's Uase O - DATE^JS SET BY' LAW For the second time within two months, Bryant Stone, convicted slayer of his son-in-law, WUyno Norman, faces death in'tbe elec tric chair. Failure of the governor to act^ on the appeal for a commutation of the sentence within 30 days I from the date first set for execu tion of the Wilkes man aalo matically get Friday, July kl.j the date. Unless another' prive Is grantlbd; Biyant will have the unenviable man to die In the No-man sent^ji of Wilkes has "since. James Byerw Wilkesboro In Counsel for the are cbatinuing>v sate his. Hie. commutation of ; baaed lartely^