'wr Weeks Superior Court ^tts Monday; IS Murder Mnd 2Rape Cases On Docket To Be Presided er By Cowper Very Close But Still Alive TsMety-Tyro Defendants In! 15 Mur^r Cases Docket ed For Trial WALSH TRIAL AUGUST Two Weeks Special Term Toi Ron Into Regular Term Starting August 7 feginnlnK Monday morning, , WUkes ia to have four successive ■weeks of Superior court. , The special term, called by OoTemor Ehrlnghaus at the re-1 lB«st of the commissioners, be-' gins Monday and continues un- tn the date of the regular term ; August 7. Judge Q. V. Cowper, who pre-i sided over the August term of' court last year, will be on the j bench during the special term. ■ SoUcltor John R. Jones will | prosecute the docket. j Fifteen murder cases are in-; eluded In the large number of caees awaiting trial. The entire j lour weeks will be devoted to the , trial of criminal cases and the j atata is expecting to dispose of a targe majority of the cases. In addition to the murder cas- M. W. Beach, a member of The Journal-Patriot’s mechani cal force,'had a verj' close shave Tuesday afternoon, but is still alive to tell the story. Standing beside a tmdc in WUkesboro w^atchlng a teat of carburetor, he was struck a glancing blow by a fan leaf which was hurlel from the fan and went whizzing over a near by building into Space. A frac tion of an inch and the jugu lar vein would have been sev ered by the leaf. The leaf cut through the .skin on his neck and rlppel through the ear. Several stitch es were required ou the ear. The motor of the truck was accelerated to a iiigli speed In making the test and tiie leaf was hurled with tremendous forw when it came off. School Board To Name Committees Within Few Days Because his picture resembled a son who had drowned, Peter Christ- opolis, 13, in an Omaha Orphan advance guard of the Wilkes county camp of the Givll- ian Conservation Corps arrived Home since being 2 years old, is 1 here Tuesday and Immediately now living in the home of Jean' proceeded to the camp site, lo- Strengs, a wealthy silk manufac turer of Paterson, N. J. It is a 3 month trial. If satisfactory to both Peter will then b? adopted. Marriage License Business Picks Up At County Office cated on Jones Creek on the Pur- lear-Parsonsville road. This advance troop consists of twenty-five boys, two trucks and four tents. Lieutenant Howard Stelllng is in command and Lieu tenant Wolfe is with him. The young men are preparing the grounds for the arrival of the main body next Tuesday. Captain Crane, who will be in command, will not come until the 175 or more boys are sent to the camp. Loosening Of Laws Add? Im- Seven acres were leased as a petUS To Business In camp site and the advance troop Counties Of State j ** eogased in cleaning off the ; grounds so that tents may be AGE requirement .18 l pitched immediately .after the j others arrlye. The second contingent will Medical Certificate Is No Longer Required; Keep Couples At Home Now Waiting For Word Of Teacher Allotment For The Coming Year A remarkable increase in the license hiTsiness has come by train,' arriving here about li:50 Tuesday raor-aing. T. A. Finley, county forest j warden, who has been assisting To the right is shown general Italo Balbo, Italian minister of aviation, who headed the transatlantic flight of a'-' fleet of 24 huge flying boats from Italy to the world fair at Chicago in hops from the continent to Iceland, Labrador and Canada. Above are shown the crews of the boats in review. Chicago grave a mammoth wslcorae for the -flyers. ' Another 30-Day Respite Is^ Given Wilkes County Slayer Divorce Is Granted To Bryant Stone Gets Reprieve Fred C. Smith In Nevada; At Request Of Judge G. HAVE EIGHT DISTRICTS es, two men will go on trial «?’»»«.!! Wilkesb.,ro^;lle« Creek e.,e, lollom: ' Are Largest Of School July 24, F'oster Smith, charg-' Distncts ed with slaying Jesse Ja'uos By- board of eTincation will ®”- a, , - name committees for the schools Bmui\nd — -. " of .he county as soon as infor- raarriage license misiness nas | Lieutenant Stelling in every way been noted since the hew North j possible, said last night he under- Carolina marriage laws went in- ! stood th&t work will be begun In to effect July 1, according to ithe latter part of next Register of Deeds T. H. Settle. The Wilkes regiater is Of the | opinion that the increase is en-1 tircly due to the new laws whicn 1 I week. Ed Brown. Hector Neil Wadkiiis, charg- ■ ®d with running over ."Mary Lou Settle with an automobile and killing her. r. July 27, De .\rville Mathis, ^pharged with rape. July 28, Squire Hutchison, for murder of Tyre- Bowers. July 31. Herscipel Richardson, ^^harged with murder of Marlin fjP^^inshaw. -- ♦.ugnst 1, Odis Sprinkle, oharg- wlth murder in connection Ith death of Elbert Sprinkle. August 3. Glenn Walsli. charg- ■ ed with murder of Policeman James R- Grayson. August 7. Dallas .Moore and ^^L^ugene Haupt, charged with Hjanrder in connection with the' ^ ’’ death of Arville Cass in an auto mobile accident. August 9, Frank and Julius Johnson, charged with rape. August 10. -Vrmstead Brown, charged with murder of John A. Tldllne. at Traphill. I August 11. Clarence Holloway. Dock Robinson, Mack Lane, Bar- ' field Holloway, Clifton Adams and Clyde Canter, charged with murder of Floyd Clanton at still., matlon relative to the number of teachers to be allotted for the coming year is received from the state school commission. The probability is that the al lotment of teachers will be an nounced by the end of the week. Two hundred and sixty-three teachers were employed in the county last year. This number may be reduced slightly, it is stated. Wilkesboro and Millers Creek are Ibe two largest districts of the eigjht dirttricts which have been set up in the county, by the state school comtnis.sion. F,ach of I the eight districts, with the ex ception of the Sulphur Springs district which is a feeder for North Wilkesboro. is bnill aro\ni'. a standard high school. The eight districts and the schools in each are as follows: Wilkesboro district — Wilkes boro, Oakwoods, Edgewood, Ar bor, Miller. Osbonieville, Mount Pis,gab, Lovelace. Somers. Moun tain View tWindy Gap), Shady Grove, Cranberry, Boomer, Gosh- (Continued on page eight) are less strict than formerly. If the , contracting parties fur nish satisfactory proof that they are over IS years of age, a mar riage license is granted upon ap plication, under the new law. The old law required five days' notice when either the man or the woman was under 21 years I of age. 1 The law requiring a health 'certificate ha.s been repealed rad 'in its place the maid applicant I for license must file an affidavit I that he is not suffering from tu- I berculosis or any venereal di- jsease. This must be, sworn to be fore some officer empowered to I administer an oath. I Under the new laws, all cou ples who go out of the state to 1 obtain marriage license must ' register their marriage certifi cate in the county in wliich the Program For B.Y. P.U. Meet Sunday Associational Meeting To Be Held At Pleasant Home Church Talks by Bryan Burd, regional president, and Miss Winnie Rlck- ett, state secretary, will feature the 'Brushy Mountain B. Y. P. (Special 'To Journal-Patflot) ELKO, Nevada, July 17.—A divorce was granted to Fred C. Smith and Stella E. Freeman Smith, of North Wilkesboro,' in I the courts here July 10. An ab solute divorce was granted and the former Mrs. Smith was given the use of her maiden name. Vernon Cowper HE WILL INVESTIGATE Labor Union Meet Here Tonight Another 30-day reprieve was granted Bryant Stone, Wilkes county man under sentence of death for the slaying of Wayne Norman, his son-in-law, by Gov ernor Ehrlnghaus Monday. Governor Ehrlnghaus said' tho reprieve was granted “solely” at I the request of Judge G. Vernon j Cowper, wfio was the presiding jurist at the trial of the Wilkes ■ Although the eonnty cojnittl*- sloners will not fix the tax levr before the first Monday to Au-, gust, -It is understood that thOjj rate for 4933 taxes may be 80 cents on the hundred dollars valaailon. ' ^ C. H. Ferguson, county^ ac- conntent, who Is authorised" to collect: taxes until the hew books are turned over to the sheriff, is accepting payment on the ba sis of 80 cents. The budget may reqqlre a larger levy, but the fact that Mr. Ferguson is accepting paympiit at this figure is generafly inter preted as nfeanlng that the com missioners will not go beyond that rate if it Is possible to avoid it. It was learned yesterday that the_ budget*wiU probably bo com- piete4^ the latter part of the month and that ,the levy' will be fixed either on the first Monday or soon thereafter. The tax rate for 1932 was $1.20. ’ . ■ I man last August. Officials of Brotherhood Ofi stone was the first man sen- Carpenters And Jointers jtenced to death by Judge cowper Are To Be Here 1 jurist asked for time to / I make a personal inyestigatlon. Albert Beck, representative of j Conyicted, on circumstantial the United Brotherhood of Car-1 evidence. Stone has been in U. Associational meeting a 11 North Wilkesboro union at ^ penters and Joiners, will address i death row since August of last I year and has now been save i members of the newly organized , the.governor. The Pleasant Home church, near Mil lers Creek. Sunday afternoon. The meeting will begin at groom resides. The registration 2:30 o’clock. The following pro-1 expected to accompany Mr Nortn wuxesDoro union “‘ J sentence of the lower meeting at the armory here this j affirmed by the Su- (Thursday) evening at 8 o clock. i mov Other officials of the union are ' gram was announced yesterday by Mrs. Flelen Cashlon, associ ational president: Program Wil- ; lee is 50 cents. ! Loosening, of the requirements ^ Devotional, Eula Lowe, j is expected to bring back to jjggjjoro B. Y. P. U. I North Carolina a large portion of; Quartet, Revs. Eugene Olive, here. The local union was organized at a meeting Wednesday evening I of last week and about 200 men Song service, conducted by j have applied for membership. _ Rev. Hubert Bullts, Harmony; The charter will be delivered Baptist church. | to the local union the latter part Welcome address. Lillian Kil- j of this week or the first of next by. Pleasant Home B. Y. P. V. , week. Response, Marie Haigwood, j i North Wilkesboro B. Y. P. U. „ ^ I Judge Cowper is expected to I go into the case further while he is here during the next two weeks presiding over the special term i of Superior court. Rousseau Named Senior Deputy / the marriage license business which the state has been losing to South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia during the past several years. August 14. Partee ' r'Memorial lexed muaderer of \\jlliam i AiFay * /-v j j YoilL ! Marker Is Ordered August 15. Jannie Wiles and I Albert Wiles, mother and broth-, Plaque KxiH-etiHl To . m tr respectively of Everette Wiles, Within Few Days^ 8-2 Sa^ed as accomplices in con- More Is N^HHled .ectionw9^--Xhemurder^ofNath| Range Campaign to End Next Saturday Wyatt. EvAAe Urge The plaque tor the memorial to the late James ,R. Grayson, a member of the local police who Tony White and Robert Brooks ; ^ jjas was KlllUU a oiiwit vjAww . Trill be tried during the | ^een ordered, a sufficient sum of ddas the regular term in con- section with the death of Kilby in an automobile wreck Fredi'“""®y having been donated by friends of the late officer to in sure payment when it arrives. It is expected to arrive within ^a few days. ■* * ' Twenty-two dollars more is needed before the marker can be erected. li e Journal-Patriot wliich has sponsored the raising of this memorial fund is accept ing donations and trusts that many small gifts will be made to the fund. A stolen a^omobile was lo- Previously reported $28.00 ? cated in the city yesterday by lo- I ' New Donations ) cal police. The car was found In .Genlo Cat'd-well -frobt ol the Wilkes Hospital and j. C. Reins _ I W rUlncidence was that R had R. W. Gwyn 100 stolen -from in front of a . Stolen Car Is Found In City ''%neated In Front of Hospital Yesterday; Stden In , Charlotte Prices on Eleetric Kange.s Expectetl To Show In- Are " a ■week ago. | _ It wa> a 1039 model Chevro- Bradley Rector, prominent let and was owned by a Belmont farmer of Emory, Va„ died last who came here and claim- Thursday evening, according to a ed It yeatefilay alternoon. erea.se Soon The electric range sale staged by the Southern Public Utilities company will end Saturday, July 22. Thrifty housewives who are contemplating the purchase of an electric range should buy be fore the end of the sale and take advantage of the easy terms and low prices which are being offer ed. Commodity prices are rising rapidly and it is believed that prices of tho electric ranges will be increased considerably after the close of this event. During the sale, the local of fice is making the easy terms of $5.00 down and 24 months In which' to pay the balance. The old stovL will be taken In at $10.00 and applied as a credit. The housewives are invited to visit the local office and ask for I a demonstration. « mbesage received here by bis brother-in-law, Mr. J. H. Rec tor. Mr. Rector was about 75 years of age. Fa.1, One Dwath Record^ 9,000 C. C. C. Men FayertPtBJe, July 19.—There haa beep tke d.OPO *\or J. C. genney company store he^ CoiiaeM&on 'Cerpe. attended a meeting of Pen^ Miwius stpyc'managers In Winston-Salem ' tbe^ laat-joigMi. .Eighteen stores in this, - J, district were repreaqnted. Attends Winston MeetUg W. H. Clark, manager of the Baseball Games .All Teams of County Loop Play Here Saturday To All three games In the Wilkes County Baseball League will be played In the Wilkesboros Satur day. Purlear and Wilkesboro will clash about 2130 on Wllkeaboro's field. Ortor MHK will meet Mil lers Creek, it is understood, about 1:30 at the fairgrounds in order that, plenty of time may be al- Avery Church, Hubert BuUis and Plato Hendren. ' “Looking Unto Jesus for Life's Ideals.” Vaughn Jennings, Wal nut Grove church. “Looking Unto Jesus for Spir itual Strength,” Grace Blevins, W’ilkesboro B. Y. P. U. ■T.x)0king Unto Jesus for Guid ance in Life's Choises,” Clyde Hayes, New Hope B. Y. P. U. “Looking Unto Jesus for Guid ance in Life’s Pleasures,” Lola Proffit, Goshen. “Looking Unto Jesus for a Vis ion of World Needs,’.’ Ella May Foster, Mt. Pleasant 'B. Y. P. U. “Looking Unto Jesus for the Way of Life,” Bill Dancy, North Wilkesboro B. Y. P. U. Solo, Rev. Eugene Olive. Car is Stolen Here Yesterday North Wilkesboro Man Given High Place In Revenue Department 4 Hayes and Stout Clan h Reunion Delightful Affair Held Sun- dav At Home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols J. R. Rousseau, of this city, I who has been deputy collector Taken From In Front of For-1 ji,e state department of est Furniture Company | revenue, for several years, was In Afternoon revenue, appointed senior deputy by Com missioner A. J. Maxwell Satur day. Mr. Rousseau la consldere^_aa expert in his field and hae^ade 'one of the department’s most ef- The 1929 model Ford road ster, owned by Clarence Rash, an employee of the Forest Fur niture company, was stolen from the streets in front of the fur-fjejent collectors, niture company on “B” street | icrlends here believe that Mr. yesterday afternoon. j Rousseau will head one of the The theft was committed in | collection districts. “broad” daylight and without j '4. - the benefit of Mr. Rash’s car IAdvertising Approximately 256 membeni of the Hayes and Stout families attended the first annual Hayes- Stout reunion which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. . Nichols, of Purlear, Sunday. • Guests gathered at the home in the morning and enjoyed great ly the get-acquaInted horfr. P.ev. G. W. Sebastian made a splendid v talk just prior t.> the picnic din- " ner which was spread on the tables erected on the lawn of the attractive country home. Letters were read from Judge Johnson.' J. Hayes, of l.reensooro, judge of the middle federal district, and Rev. J. M. Hayes, of Beck- ley, W. Va., who expressed re gret that they 'were unable to • attend. ' t The reunion was a most de lightful affair and it is planned to make it an annual event. Those attending from out of Wilkes included‘Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Phelps and Miss Sallle Mc Neill, of Winston-Salem; Sit. and ' Mrs. Eugene Bll^r, of Sewland; ^ Mrs. B. F. Eller and danghtor. Jack, of Heatont J; H, Moore ai\d little son, of Oneonte, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Shomaker, of MiamiA Fla,: Mrs. J. F. Stout, Mrs. Opal Stout ' Short and daug^hter, Jesse Frank Hall, of Canton, Texas. , ^ al Wilkes Has Two Candidates For Bar Examination keys. The car had not been lo cated late yesterday. ^,-ur' Alabama Goes Wet Begins Jn August Little Rock, Ark., July ,19.— Democratic leaders today, count- ed ?lrty loyalty as a big factor Sheriff Is Instmcted To Adver tise Property On First Monday , Land aiid pi'operty on which 1932 taxes hiTO jiot been paid T. E. Story and Thoinas R. Bryan To Take Law Examination On August 21 in Arkansas’ 5 to 3 indorsement ] Monday In August of the 21st amendment to repeal advertised dbring the the prohibition laws and began a movement to provide beer | geptember. Dellnquenl; taxpayers Twj applicants from Wilkes county are inclfided in the list of 225 candidates- who will take the bar .examination to be given by the Supreme court at Raleigh on August 21. The Wllkei men ere Thomas R. Bryan, of TraphUl, and' Prof. T.- E. Story, of Wilkes boro. The 225 candidates for admis sion to. the baj include many prominent white men, a number, of negroes 'and a liberal sprink ling of women. Jiyick Dqmj^a^y Weda Elko, Nev., July IS.-^'yWllllain Harrison (Jack^f Dempsey, for mer heavywelglK: boxing dham- plon, and. r.)F{pniiah 'Williams, vua,.. — .“cheerful littlp;^rfnlX^ of ,the Idired Moravian Frtte and North Broadway stage, were married «t Wilkesbor^for'theUr game, a surprise cere"" — the state. Returns from yesterday’s elec tion gave the repeaiists 58,584 votes to 38,214 for the drys vheri 1,308 of the state’s 1,986 precincts had reported, an esti mated fonr-filths of the vote cast, s Hold Regular Services At Methodist Church Sunday The regular services will be held at the Methodist church Sunday. The schedule follows: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.! ser mon by pastor. Rev, J. H, Arm- brust, at 11 a. m.; Fellowship hour at.7:l& p. m. and sermon by pastor at 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. R. tf.: Laug^je* and son, Bobby Gen^' are pijend- :ing a -few days in; Winston-Sal em with friends and 'revives. Mr. Laughter, who is manager o( Rose’s store here,' is, off on are re minded that . , considerable cost will be saved>by; paymeDt of the U 1932 obligations prior to flrs^ Monday. The sheriff has been instruct' ed to proceed with the aifvertls- Ing of taxes according tn law and a list will be prepared and turned over to the ^ress Tor- publication Immediately after the first Monday. Mr. Calvin Wright returned to ' State College Tuesday following the death and funei^l of Me fa ther, Prof. C. C. Wright. He was ' called home when "Prof. Wright was stricken HD Friday at nooji. Ji'" Railroad Track Mt Vh RRIes Jenkins Company Prepares tp Move Rolling St^ Soon About one and a half mll^ of have been built on the old Wr '$^tauga and'Yadkin River Rail-, way, C. E. Jenklna, head of the JenTrine company... which now n owns. the. railroad, said this mom- , lag. 'F-. Sraior Young People Will Gve Party ig People Thid"i&t temoon The Senior Yonng People of the Methodist cbnreh will b« en tertained by the young people, whd returned Tueaday '^|lpm the camping trip to Chimney,' Rock, at a swimming party and^water melon feast at HoHywo(||j^Lake Twins Bona Twin daughters Ji) ^ Mr. and Ifrs. Job ^ near Porea Knob atternoon.[jftoaring River All VQUDg — --- the The track wu built hack^t^ e ..water tanks - so that -wate^ 4 odght be obtained and so ' rolling stock of the company be moved. It will be serei^ daya,.lt learned, before^h definite ion as to whether the i win again .be operated is - -■/£

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