i i The Journal-Patriot has blazed the trail of progress in the ‘‘State of Wilkes” for 2tTear8::g tJ.-- tv;. YQh, xxvn, NO. t *ia: V PuUished Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKBSBOHO, N. C., THURSDAY, OCT. 26, 1933 11.00 IN liEE STATB-^1^ OUT ...JJ '■ ..' AND JEfFERSON ROADS ->'! |f?’ iMe Morphy Will' ^teak In County;' Lovill Is Coming Repeal Campaign Repeal Forces To Hold Ral ly Next Tuesday Night At The Courthouse Tammany In Struggle To Regain Power r 1: Wilkes & Western Railway Company Charter On File 71 j| ^ Manfl Pftsoii For Unde Sam*s Gangyera ONLY ONE ‘‘WET” RALLY BoMie Attomey To Fire Fin- tal Gun In Dry Campaign On November 5th { Interest in the election on No vember 7 in which the voters of (Wlftes will elect a delegate to the constitutional convention to vote on the question of repealing the Eighteenth Amendment is picking up and indications are ^hat both the repeal and anti-repeal leaders y/ Has An Authorized Capital Stock Of $500,000 With $224,000 Subscribed PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT) Definite Information Regard-1 ing Project Is Withheld At F^sait Time The charter of the Wilkes and Westen Railway company, with I offices in this city, was filed in j the office of Secretary of State I Stacy W. Wade at Raleigh yester- I day. 1 The company, which recently I purchased the old Watauga and oe^ > ,'x^ — — 47Proje^ To W^ '. i ‘ ToBeApproyrfi Portion Of~SCHer8 Oum^ Jefferstm Road To Get,. Some Attenttoa-^ OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCfil ,, _ • .• i.,- Yadkin River Railway company’s Once again in the cycle of years New Yorks Tammany is f>K““ngl authorized capital will see the busiest days of the i to retain its political powers. Mayor John P. O’Brien, Tammany can-jg^p^jj {5000,000 with {224,-j campaign between now and elec- didate, l it, asks reelection. Joseph V- McKee, center, “Recovery Party” subscribed by C. E. Jenkins, j tion day. I candidate, said to have Washington support, is running as Indepen- I j. r. hIx, R. W. Gwyn, J. H. | The big guns of the campai.gn ; Democrat, and Fiorello H- La Guardia, right, heads the Fusion whicker, J. B. Williams, John R. i of those favoring repeal will be i Jones, J. G. Hackett, S. V. Tom-1 heard next Tuesday evening, Oc- ' i llnson and H. C. Landon. tober 31, at the courthouse in Wllkesboro when the county- Hoyle Sink To Hear School Tax Matter Tomorrow Night Definite Date For Hearing Is Set By Superior Court Jurist After Attorneys Agiee; Number Of L4)cal People Ex pected To Go To Charlotte wide rally of the repeal forces will be held. Pete Murphy. of Salisbury, state manager for repeal, and a prominent Republican speaker, whose name could not be learned this morning, will be the speak- ors. The dynamic Salisbury at torney and legislator is expected 'to draw an immense concourse of, , . -r r> . DeoDl to hear him Tomorrow evening has been' .ludge Tam C. Bowie, of West The rally will begin at s i uefinitely set for the long-deiaycd , Jefferson, represents tlie plain- o’clock Tuesday evening and,i>earing ou the order restraining Uiffs who seek a permanent re- leadters extend an Invitation to the city from collecting the school straining order. The pla.ntit s a -1 the public to hear the two speak- tax supplement voted by citizens , lege that the election was not call- ; of North Wilkesboro in the Au- ed by the proper authorities and era. . The closing gun of the dry cam-^ election, paign'will be fired Sunday, No-| ^ vember 5. when ^ Alcatraz Island, located in San Francisco Bay, ia the spot where jnuu w. V,. Uncle Sam proposes to house desperate gangsters, kidnappers and j Prospects are bright for early I racketeers, thus eliminating outside aid in prison breaks and riote. operation of the railroad, accord- 1 The prison now located there, (above), is being taken over from the ing to information obtained this week, but no definite information as to w^hen steps in that direction will be taken is known at this time. Route No. 268 Toward la Surry, Also Induded In The List . > Two Wilkes project were included in a batch , of road projects senfctoi^^B&ifljlr’ ington Tuesday highway commission for ap proval of the federal; btt- reau of roads. In reply to a telegram yesterday afternoon, John D. Waldrop, chief highway engineer, wired The Journ al-Patriot that the jobs are listed as being for work on Highway No. 268 whieh- connects North Wilkesboro and Elkin and for work on Highway No. 16 between Millers Creek and Jeffer son. The telegram stated that “both jobs cover grad- War Department ... and foremost among the first ^00 ^ 600 “bad ^gravel “Machinegun George Kelly, left.— * . men” to be confined there are Albert Bates and Harvey Bailey, right, leaders in the Urscell kidnap ing, for which all received life sentences. Federal Court To \ Saturday Is Only Day To Convene Nov. 20i Jfggisfgj. for Repeal Vote that there were certain irregular- judge Hoyle Sink will hear the ities which render the election W R ^Loviu ^ arguments of the attorneys at j null and void. R^n'p attornev will de- Charlotte between seven and eight The board of city commission- ' ’ ■ • ■ ! o’clock. A number of local peo'ole i ers, defendants In the action, are jare expected to go there for the 1 represented by Solicitor John R. hearing. 1 Jones. liver an address at a county-wide rally in Wilkesboro. Announcement that the big ral- ly is planned was made yesterday | *w by dry leaders who expressed' t(|uCatOrS HCfe pleasure at being able to secure; Mr. Lovill for this meeting. • The rally will be held in the evening at 7:30 o’clock either at I Jury List Is Announced By I)^uty Clerk L. Bumgar ner, Of Wilkesboro Federal court for the trial of criminal eases will conve.ne on November 20. Registrars WiU Be At Polling Places Only On This One Day To Register New Voters; Those Already Re^tered Need Not Register Again for Repeal Election Saturday, October 28, Is the Judge Johnson J- |only day on which voters may To Open Funeral For Big Meetii^[ Home In Watauga the courthouse or in the Wilkes-; l Hathcock, Director Of | Reins-Sturdivant boro school auditorium. Accounts, Presides; Six ; Undertaking Establishment Both sides are expected to make Counties Represented ' At Boone Soon every effort possible to get their sympathizers registered Saturday,' Coimf’' superintendents and Reins-Sturdivant, popular lo- Lane, Hayes, of the middle federal dis trict, will preside. The list of jurors announced yesterday by Deputy Clerk Lin- ville Bumgarner, of Wilkesboro, follows: Allegany County T. S. Moxley, Laurel Springs; To Locate'Glade Valley; I Neal Hendrix, Sparta; Major iJoirics, Whitehead; Carl Cook, Stratford; Quincy Blevins, Cher- W. Glenn Fender, En- 1: e only day which registrars will ^he board of education' cal undertaking firm, will open! at the polling places. counties were present at, a funera'i nome at .Boone next j Up to the present time, the re- odnrat/^ro nt week, it was learned yesterday, peal forces have held no speakings; a group meeting of educators at and no active campaign has bei'n | Hotel Wilkes yesterday morning. Arrangements for the opening have been completed and the new wagred. However, the drys have| j. l. Hathcock, of Raleigh, di->fyf,prai home in the Watauga been busy, sending speakers school accounts, state! city will open with a complete almost every nook and comer of education, presided, line of up-to-date caskets and the the county. eauipment w'iil De modern in The response of the citizenship j and led a general. detail to their campaign has been most ? discussion of the accounting sys- H.'Somers, of this city, enthusiastic, according to leaders. 1 tern. | has been connected with the On the other hand, those favoring rp^e counties represented were ^ local firm for the past three or Watauga, Wilkes, Alexander, 1 four years, will be In charge of Burke, Yadkin and Avary. The,tl>e Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Morganton, North .Wilkesboro and; Boone. Mr. Somers, Glen Alpine city administrative! experience units were also represented. | repeal believe that the great wa/e ™Rpf sentiment which has resulted in a repeal victory in every state {ich has voted will continue and Wilkes and North Carolina m the wet column when the votes are tabulated. FTax Discount Is Being Given fOM Per Cent To Be Deducted If Paid Prior To First Day Of Coming Mmith Wilkesboro Team Goes To Harmony 'Troutman-OoMcfaed Gridders To Meet Harmony Eleven Tomor row Afternoon There as an assistant here, is an efficient funeral director and Is well pre pared to take charge of the bus iness there. The funeral home will be lo cated near the Boone Baptist church. i Wilkesboro high school's foot- I ball team will visit Harmony 1 high school in the edge of Ire- . dell county tomorrow afternoon diaeount of one per cent iSjjgj. fourth game of the sea-' fewed on all city taxes which ^ paid prior to the first of No- j wilkesboro boys have Ira- aher. City Clerk W. P- Kelly. proygj considerably in recent yesterday. _ I days and are believed to have Payment of 1933 taxes is now | than an even chance (heisg »cc*pt®d, the books having ggai^gt Harmony. The margin of open for some time. ' SINGING ASSOCIATION WILL MEET ON SUNDAY i^een Many tstxpayers are saving one ^per eent by paying their 1933 ob-; ions tiiis month. victory for Wilkesboro should be at least one touchdown. The regular fifth Sunday meet ing of the Southside Singing As sociation, which m^ts Sunday at Wzdoat-Grove church at Pores Kiieb for an all-day program, is numhhr 0 etc. An unusually large crowd is expected. A feature of the after noon session will be an address by Rev. J. H. Armbrust, of this city, at 2:30 o’clock. expected to be attended by a large )f choirs, quartets, duets,!ing River; O. C. Holcomb, North nice; Harrison Lyon, Sparta. Ashe County B. W. Graybeal, Lansing; John W. Eller, Grumpier; CUnt Gilley, Clifton; Charley Gentry, West Jefferson; T. S. Baker, Creston; Eugene Lewis, Ashland; Geo. C. Bower, Wagoner; J. W. Neal, Jef-, ferson; Jake Graham, Todd; O. S. Wilcox, Oblds; W. R. Brown, Parker; C. H. Sheets, Glendale Springs; Lester Wyatt. Eldreth; R. D. SheeU, White Top; W. P. Colvard, Grassy Creek; Joe El liott, Comet. Watauga Ckmnty Lee Mast, Sherwood; CoUls Green, Blowing Rock; W. Raleigh Johnson, Vilas; V. C. Cox, Trip lett; E. B. Pox, Banner Elk; Walter Brown, Laxton; D. C. Cof fey, Boone; D. L. Green, Zion- ville; M. W. Mast, Valle Crucis; Elbert Vannoy, Hodges Gap; W. O. Robertson, Boone; Clyde Per ry, Sugar Grove. Wilkes County W. C. Scroggs, Moravian Falls; Jeter P; Crysel, Wllkesboro; A. E. Triplett, Purlear; A. C. Den nis, Wilkesboro; V. C. Elledge, Purlear; Edgar M. Eller, Pores Knob; J. E. Edmlnsten, Ready Branch; G. M. Alexander, Roar- register for the repeal election which will be held November 7. Only those who have changed voting precincts and new voters, not previously registered, are re quired to register, the old regis tration being accepted for the forthcoming election. Registrars have been instructed to be at the polling places all day and all those who wish to register should make it a point to do so Saturday. There will be no absentee vot ing allowed on November 7 and indications point to a smaller vote than is usual in a general election. However, Interest con tinues to pick up in the so-called wet and dry campaign and Wilkes may be one of the banner coun ties In the percentage of votes cast. The registration books and transfer blanks have been deliv- erad to the registrars. It was learned from B. B. Barkley, sec retary of the Wilkes county hoard of elections this morning. Those who have changed voting precincts within the past four months must get a certificate of transfer and have their names placed on the books of the pre cinct in which they are now re siding. Voters of North Wilkesboro township will register at the mayor’s office Saturday. The registration books will be open from 9 a. m. to sun-down. surfacing.’ The news that work is to be started on these two. important road projects will te received with much satisfaction by the people of North Wilkesboro and along the two routes. Mr. Waldrop announced Tues day that 47 proposed projects, estimated to cost {2,129,940, had been sent to Washington tor ap proval with a view to Including a portion of them in the Novem ber 8 letting. Municipal jobs for Sparta, Le noir and Yadklnville were also announced as having been ap proved by the state highway com- misBlon. The starting of activity on the North Wllkesboro-Blkin project and the Millers Creek-Glendal® Springs project, which now ap pears a thing of the immediate future. Is a culmination of stren uous efforts on the part of civic clubs, county authorities and In-* dividuals of Ashe, Wilkes and - Surry. Local Eleven To Play Mount Airy Gridiron Battle b To Take Place At Fairgrounds In City at 3:45 o’Oock iY WILL DELIVER HBITION ADDRESS ■ -«|«ev. L. B. Murray will deliver address In favor of prohlbl- »n at Purlear Baptist church. larsday, November 2, at .j7 p. The pablle la invited to hear Arella Adnms, seereUry Mn. W. R. Absher. president tkdJIorth CaroUna Department ! American iMgioa Anxill- the 9aet .«eelt-«n4 at Wilkes County Com To Be Placed On Exhibit At International Show Wilkes County White, a varie ty of com originated by the late D. V.'Nichols and developed by his sons in the Purlear communi ty, will be placed on exhibit at the International drein* and Hay show in Chicago in December, it was learned this wsek. Wilkes exhibitors recently won with this variety. Among those who will make entiiee in the International show are W. M. Hayse, R. Don Nichols, Ted R. Nichols, W. H. Nichols, dthers are also expected to enter com at th« show. " In recent years, Wilkes county aom has won -Ugh honors at the Qilii^onf o( tea Int piaees. for fjhltagp ehow and, is puNHei 4A com exUbits at the State Fair wiilke a good aIiowing*thls time. Wilkesboro; Gaither A. Bumgar ner, Wllkesboro: C. S. Bumgar ner, North Wllkesboro; J. A. Souther, Spurgeon; J, A. Poplin, Ronda; H. J. Ogllvie, Oakwoods. Midway the season’s schedule. North Wllkesboro’s Mountain Lions are hoping for better suc cess in their remaining games and will endeavor to check the Mt. Airy high school eleven in a game at the fairgrounds tomor row afternoon at 3:30. Tickets are now oelng sold by the students and indications are that the largest crowd of the season will be on hand to cheer the local boys on. With early season examina tions behind them, members of the football squad have less to worry about the remainder of the i schedule and a strong team will be placed on the field tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bumgarnor and sons. Gene, Jack and John, of Winston-Salem, visited Mr. Bum- garnf-r’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bumgarner, of WilSmboro, the past week-end. Kiwanis Directors To Meet At Hotel Wilkes George Kennedy will he host to directors of the Kiwsnts Clnh St the monthly meeting to be held St Hotel Vnikes this ^ are-^ singii(( 7 o’clock. All dtraotors sre eipectSd to be on hsnd tor the meeting. Masonic Lecturer Here Next Week Gulf Dealers In Splendid Bai^_ About 135 Dealers And Their Guests Present; Is Hdd^ At Hotel Wilkes Jeff Nelson To Lecture At Local Lodge Daily Thru- Out Entire Week Jeff Nelson, of Statesville, Ma sonic lecturer, who will be here 'mext week, beginning Monday, to deliver lectures at sessions of North Wllkesboro Lodge No. 407, it was announced yesterday. Two sessions will be held dally throughout the entire week and a (all attendance of local lodge members is desired. Officials of the local lodge said they wished to extend through the press an invltatlop to mem- 'bers of all Masonic lodges in the county to bear the lectures. Lions Gub WJl Hold Meeting This Eveniiig H. V. Wagoner and S. B. Rich ardson will have charge of the However, the ability of tho Mt. program at the seipi-numthly AIit eleven is not discounted and I meeting of the Lions pl'db this the Mountain Lions are In for a evening. ’The meeting be^ held tough battle. | at Hotel Wilkes at 7 ©’dock. Printers of This District WiS- Meet At Hotel Wilkes Tomorrow Printers of this district, 'which is known as the Winston-Salein district, 'will hold a meeting at Hotel Wilkes tomorrow evmiiBg at 7 o’dock. In addition to inqiortaat mat- teir to eenc vp for ecosldezntfoa.,attendance Is expected for A. G. Gordon, president sf this^ state aasodatioQ of printers. Is ex- psetod to be j’iifwt and Approximately 135 - dealers 4a Good Gulf products frois five counties in this territory were guests of Distributors C. D. Cot-> fey, Jr., of this city, R. G. Vsn- noy, of West Jefferson, and R.'!^ L. Church, of Elkin, at a delight-\ ful banquet at Hotel Wilkes ' Tuesday evening. Distributor Coffey was toast-j master and welcomed the large number of dealers and their guests. The five counties represented at the banquet meeting ..wereW-! Wilkes, Surry, Ashe, Alleghany and Watauga. The principal speaker A. Bourne, of Atlanta^ special representative of this Refining company who told of the efforts that are being made by his company to help service station operators to obtain a large share of the gasoline and oil trade. He stated that the com pany had gone to conaiderabto- expense to gather together the material used in the picture,- which was to be shown and that: the ideas incorporated Jn it had been tested and were' being UKd to advantage by Many Good Gait dealers throughout the couhtry. , The talking picture^ resealtog the transformation of rupt serriee station into a paying ^ enterprise, was the ^outstoadl^^ _ feature of the program. In' ad-^W diUon to showing the modem of merchandising, tbs tnre gave the dealers aosnev^n- the ^lonailty of Good G A deliglitfal dlnasr an address. If able to attend. Mr.' Gordon will, give a synopeis of the printers code now in its form and awaiting the sigdatare of Presideiit RMSevsIt The code i^pliaa to boQi new*-, .. papers and job shqpa and a largel**>** Infonnatlon rsga»«^ meeting iMn. — ^ D, j. Carter will be boat p*lntor|prt" m

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