or WflmAwp* Bi I. CAxnm wi juum c hvmuib^ . ttflietimR »A1M Tmv I» *• Itatoi |U» (M If tte ttalib «k tlM pMt ilfict «t ItaHl k X. 6^ M aMMA «iiM mIIv «iir Ml if VtNk ' A im. ■F THUSSIIAY, NOYBMBER Jt, 1I8S November Cold and fray Novamber Wbat do you ghre, ipkyT I give abon^t wo^, and too 1 bring Tliankaglving Day. Rkh and full the harvest. Though winter’s winds blow cold. For winter soon is coming, When Adds turn white with snow. The birds have long since left us. The sheep are in the fold; For little li^be .were bleating Because their feet were cold. And so we srive them shelter And cover from the blast, ' Just as our Heavenly Father Calls us home at last. Calls us home at last. Into the Heavenly fold; When we come crying lonely, Because the world is cold. —Nina Pride Hoag. Don’t expect too mneh of any code. Think how kmg it is taking to put oTer that one Moses prs- ioited—Tncson Citisen. Another Epidemic? Are we to have another epidemic of homi* odes in Wilkes? That is a question the sob er-minded folks are asking themselves at this time and not without reason. As the evidence points in that direction, there is no use for us to evade the issue and pay homage to the gods of silence. Wilkes has received some unfortunate publicity dur ing the past several months. It does no good, however, to blame anyone for the publicity. The thing that calls for the attention of the best minds is a cure for this cancerous growth. What is the underlying cause? What is it that is making murderers out of men who in ordinary life appear to be norm al people ? That is the question that is forced upon us as a series of tragedies and semi tragedies are noted. A Liberty To Be Preserved Two hundred years ago Peter Zenger, pub lisher of the New York Gazette, was im prisoned by the Royal Governor of the Col ony of New York because he dared to criti cise the Governor’s actions in his newspaper. A jury set Zenger free after he had lain in jail for several days, and declared it to be the right of every free man to speak and write his opinions freely on any subject, even the Royal Governor. From that day on the freedom of the press has been one of America’s most cherished traditions. Numerous attempts have been made to place the newspapers of the nation under Governmental control. Under the in famous Alien and Sedition Act, at the be ginning of the last century, many editors were imprisoned for saying what they thought of those in authority and their ac tions. But so greatly was public opinion aroused by these high-handed proceedings, that the very first amendment to the Con stitution of the United Siaes was the one guaranteeing the right of free speech and a free press. Lately there have been renewed efforts in many quarters to control the Press of America. Not only local and state authorities have tried to dictate what shall and shall not be printed, but there have been J.ints and threats from those high in the Federal Government itself. Not long ago an agent of the Department of Labor threatened to prosecute for treason a newspaper which printed a criticism of the effort to unionize certain industries. His threat was promptly disavowed by his superiors, but since then similar threats to “clamp down” on news papers and reporters which dare to criticize the NRA have been voiced by General John son himself. The United States has not yet become a despotism. We are not ruled by a Dictator. The first act of those who usurp power is al ways to try to control the Press. It is time now, when the trial of Peter Zenger is being as a great historical event, to de- «lare mce more that neither this newsiMq>er any ot^or in America will to)f)nit(i«a3r..eff^ hy Authority to say what It may or nay sot pitot banking system of the nation and only ferioaoe irith the new pros^ona will Ostab- Hsh ^finitely prograis that has been ■ade. S The need fw tome jtoangai that vould prevent a recurrence of the losses incurred by depositors throufldt bank faOi^ has been rather generally recognised hf the pbblie. That the new code of fair competition fiBs ^e need is the belief in well ii^ormed dreles. The reduction in interest rate paid on time depoaita will be more th^n offset by the fuacantee that hereafter the depositor, par- tlcutariy the small one, will not in the future •to his lifis*s sadmp a W never to bo ston l^jdn. rtost of gs had lathor have a few hundr^ m .interest to three per oent and taiow^t we get tt bask than to have the atone am^t at Ibur par eeto and Ue awahe at higm: ^n- deitof whether a bank failare would toacc ui \mk where we started etodier in m fha earvito ehargea are not dnxeasonable. If banka have been maUhg a noss mistake in any writeular limu it haa btoh in the mat ter (» zrae aerviea. mo institotioin, whether it be a store, newtpi^ or bank, ean hope to aurvive without making a it It cannot render service at a loas. And it is far better to pay for the eorvice a bank renders—and it must be remembered that banking is neceasary to the Ufa of butonesa—than to have no bank at all. It was in that direction we were headed in the daric days of the lat ter part of 1982 and the eai^ days of 1938. The changes, we are convinced, will prove beneficial to the banka and should encourage, ratber than discourai^ the peqple to place their money in the banks. Of a certainty, these chan^ will restore confidence in banking. Patience Is The World The evidence increases from day to day that business is picking up everywhere, in almost every line. Producers, whether of foodstuffs and other farm products, of manufactured goods of all kinds, are getting better prices for their products. More men and women are back at work, money is be ginning to circulate more freely, all the evi dences that the upturn has begun are at hand. Yet we hear many people grumbling, de claring that the President’s recovery pro gram is a failure, because it has not perform ed a miracle over night. No sensible person who has stopped to think about it ever imagined that this ^at nation could jump back instantly into its foimer prosperity. It took us nearly four years to slide down the hill; we cannot hope to leap back to the top in one bound. We do not believe it will take four years, or anything like it, to get back on Prosperity Peak; but we do feel sure that it will take more time than some of the kickers are willing to allow. It is hard to ^ patient when one is up against it for ready cash and the means of livelihood. But patience is the word that needs to be impressed upon everybody in these days. If the return of prosperity has not made itself manifest to any particular reader of these lines, be patient, for it is surely on the way. Of that we have not the slightest doubt. And if we wanted to pose as prophets, which is a rather useless, not to say thank less, sort of endeavor, we would hint that the next peak of prosperity is going to be even higher and more attractive than the last one was. r HdSvt* to «to i OAA iBwislfyln# tlie to^ b -Uk4 begiaiiiis (toto to - • torn II *0 Itwra But ItoBu kuMli knows rrlwra to b«tln. mwi« is tbs OB forr iMk; Bveryofis kiowt'”tbe hMMr o(: thst oM tree, and -toere it -Wilt nse In solm into tbt|i but . the old tree Is rsptdljr deecjriiic. tad anlSBs t^kft In hand tomtditU- ty. It will BOOB be coae. We all know the elfort that attorOar Pnnk Hendton Uadh to keep the old tree a llvlnf landj^k. It needs lunette attention. Two sMea 61 th« plot ot;irosad Obovl It bave been conenied, bnt the remalolnf two sides are break ing down, and it it eoats too much to have them concreted, tbejr could be built up with rock. A rock wall U nicely built would serre the purpose, would be more artistic, and more In keep ing With the a|^ of the tree. Atttir the wall le built up, a planting of Ikiglish ivy complete ly around the base of the tree, and well attended to, would In about two years cover the tree, and that would preserve what is left of the tree for another gen eration or two. It would not take many Queen of Sheba violet plants to border the little plot, and one dosen each of crocus, golden emporer Jonquils, Darwin breeder tulips, white narcisci, (the poet’s narcisci that blooms in May) mixed hyacinths, one or two dosen pansy plants, a few roots of purple verbena, and some portulaca plants . . . these two bloom for about six months, and the first named plants bloom from February on until about the middle of May. That would give U blooming season of about nine or ten months, depending on climatic conditions. Yes . . . and let us not forget the birds . . . put a few bird baths close to the ce ment or rock foundation . . . they could be placed so that they would not be in the way of any thing . . . and the eourt house caretaker might keep them filled for us. The Old Tory Oak has been held before the public for so, so long as a means of death . . . now let us preserve what remains of It and keep It before the public as a resting place for God’s first musicians . . . the song birds. titMjt a C^a Hoi THB COURT HOUSE Is it necessary for the house where Justice is meted out to the county’s offenders to be so bleak and severe as it greets the pub lic eye? A very little bit of dig nified and sUtely shrubbery (what 1 have in mind 1s the Irish Juniper I think) about the cor ners of the front of that building on either side of the steps, with a finish of lower growing bloom ing shrubbery, would add much to the appearance of the build ing. There is much more that could improve the public square, but It can wait awhile. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By REV. CHARLES E. DUNN PAUL IN JERUSALEM Lesson for November 5th. Acts 15:1-35. (iolden Text: 2 Corinthians 3:17. We have arrived at one of the most critical mo ments in the life of the early church. Both Peter OUR OOMMUNITY HOUSE Soon the highway workmen will have finished the work of changing the street at the Inter section of the streets in the east ern approach to the town. Then what? A broad open space of red mud for many weeks. I do not know what that space be longs to, the town or the state, but part of It belongs to the town, and we could get the other part from whoever it belongs to. That plot of ground is about a central section of the towns, and we could use it well . . . one of the things we could use It for would be a community house and town library, with reading room, and recreation place for our young people. Have we ever and Paul had preached the gospel to Gentiles with i thought why our young people gratifying results. But the Christian Jews, in their zeal for the Mosaic law, insisted that while Gen tiles could be received into the church, they must first be circumcised. This demand Paul and Barna bas. in the name of freedom, vehemently resisted. They did not want the Society of Christ to be a mere Jewish sect, but a universal community em bracing all men sharing the Master’s faith. How far sighted they were! We cannot be too thankful that, at this early stage, the fortunes of the church were moulded by men of such liberal sympathies- If the narrow “Judaizers” had trhunidied, the Christian movement might have been condemned to perpetual obscurity. Fortunately, by the hiatoric de cision of the Jerusalem council, a broad and gen erous strategy determined the future expansion of the church. Instead of becoming the private posses sion of a Jewish clan, zealous for the legal tradition of the old covenant, Christianity grew into a world religion animated with the spirit of a new and liv ing way. Thus was faith saved. Note that both sides of the question were pre sented in the course of the debate. ’Then James, the Master’s brother, propoi^ an honorable compro mise. The Gentiles, he suggested, should be asked to observe only four reasonable regulations em bodied in the Mosaic law. This judgment, really a victory for Paul, but also recognizing a certain merit in the position of his opponents, was adopted and sent, in the form of a letter, to the Gentile brethren of Antioch and vicinity. We have the right to conMder this letter a Magna Gharta of oar ChristiaB Uberties. The followw of Jesus is not nnder the yoke of any ceremonial sys tem, be it Mosaic or othaiwiae. “A Cknistian aiaii,* •aid Lather, the toOth annivwsary of'wholia^toM^ tolls im Nvmnher “is the most free loid of aQ, sad ■dtjeet to BOM.” w OBtf jroaiS LtbitoY themt Aid to )|a jtotai 6i or &06 te sp^ their lelssrs hpnrsf tqjaiy th«e irouid be l«iw„ eriUd ana’B^key driaUag imna time osd thnngltt vrn* gtr- en to providing a plaoa; not only for the yosng foUB, but for the older folks as welt, to spend their leisure Uaie. Som«,;oeopie get In to trouble not beeaoee they are rehlly wicked; but becanee then it nothing tor interttlnmeot dur ing leisure hours, and most peo ple have to be entertained. What could serve the porpoee better than a Community House end Town Ubruiyf Seeks Federal Aidh Makmg Ocean Airwaysl Washington, Oct. 80.—From America to the capitals of Eur ope in last planes flying on regu lar schedule and touching at giant floating Islands of steel in the Atlantic—that was the plan out lined today to the panic works technical hoard of review. nie floating, airports would be operated by the Seadrome Ocean Dock corporation, of Wilmington, Del., which seeks a 130,000,000 loan from .the public works ad ministration for construction of five such Islands. They would be strung across the Atlantic at intervals of ap proximately 460 miles. The Azores would serve one, with four located on the American side of the Asores and one on the other. Each seadrome would be equipped with hotel accommoda tions for 200 persons together with a restaurant, barber shop, beauty parlor, swimming pool, gymnasiam, fishing accommoda tions and regular stock quota tions. Advocates of the project, led by B. R. Armstrong, inventor of She sea-dVomes, claim that with fhelr use regular 24-hour flights could be made between the Unit ed States and points in Europe. Appearing before the board to day, Aranstrong said his plan was "feasible and practical.” The seadromes would be simi lar to aircraft carriers used by the navy, bnt with “legs” 200 feet long extending down into the sea to assist in stabilizing the landing platform and keep It afloat high above the water’s surface. Armstrong would agree to re pay the loan by 1946. Tolls would be charged for use of the dromes, which would be available to air planes of all nations. Let (^Dge your oil to ^per ,, for feolder weather. ' ’ to., 15. us adjust your caihuret^, cluitn or renew sparl^lugs.' Let us sell you a heavy duty Batt^. Let us check your cooling system—to avoid anti-freeze leaking out. We have a good line of Anti-Freeze at a cheap price. WBey ■rooks tad SeSar Oyael He ItorSatioe MaMk ITOetosM. M. a /Met At Summit Sunday Nine Choirs Parildpsta la Pro gram; J. G. lioIfeMI is Be* Elected Ghairntaa BETTY COMPSON WILL APPEAR IN TWIN CITY Betty Compson, famous and' popular star of stage and screen will make her personal appear ance at the State Theatre, Wln- ston-Salt ui Tuesday night, Nov. 7, only, In the elaborate Variety Revue, High-Lltes of 1934. Miss Compson haa more successful pictures to her credit than any other Hollywood celebrity. Her return to her ‘first love, the legitimate theatre, will be one of the outstanding theatrical events of the season. Among Miss Comp- SUMMIT, Oct. 80.—(The great est and best session of the Blue Ridge Singing Assoeiation met at Yellow Hill church Sunday. There were seven classes present besides Yellow Hill, which hsd two, making a total of nine who took an active part in the steg- Ing. The classes were as follows: Yellow Hill Nos. one and' two. Stony Fork, Big Ivy, Blue Ridge, Mt. Pleasant, Cricket postoffice. Arbor Grove and a visiting class from West Hickory, led by Mr. M. M. Phillips, a great leader of Binging and a highly esteemed Kormer resident of this section. AU the classes except the class from Hickory belong to the as- Boeiation. Besides the classes there were the following quar- |tets who sung: Yellow Hill mOle quartet. Stony Fork male quar tet, Big Ivy male quartet and a mixed' quartet from Blue Ridge and West Hickory. The classes and quartets sung only one song Bach before noon and after lunch eon three each. One of the larg est crowds ever seen together in this section were entertained by the singing classes and all were unanimous in praise of this ses sion of the association. The next regular eeeslon of the association will be held with Mt. Pleasant church, near Champion, the fifth Sunday in December, this year. Mr. J. C. McNeill, of Cham pion, was unanimously re-elected as chairman. There wlllTie a county-wide singing at the court house Thanksgiving day. Olaff Tbaliiftp i champion tkalar, sayi of HANES WondcrwoalC Reading that the United States has a total of 3,040,000 miles of highway, the holiday motorist is son’s excellent and versatile com-' inclined to wonder why some of go to so many places they should not go, or why they do so much of their visiting along the high way in parked cars? It is large ly because there is no other place for them to go. It would not cost so very much to begin a library. I have in mind a building something on the style of an old fashioned cottage, with a wide hall and open fire place, and on one side of the hall a large, long room, or wbat could be devlded Into two rooms • • • this would serve for library and' reading room, and on the other side of the hall have a combina tion kitchen, workshop, and of fice, (that would be a mrt of the long room divided) and have the larger section of that room for entertaining clubs, and other or ganizations, or where the young folks could have parties if they desired to. We could do this. The women of this town, in their various de nominations have made much money for church und other re ligions work, and I feel Confi dent that if the women put their efforts together In one common cause, to make money for this library 'we can do it. It might be that we^ could grt the builfSng through the Bnfliing and Loan Asaocfotion. Wilkes county has fts share oT iliasirfeOs lioidi Tie^ did apt mltf die on tha battle fMd. bat an to 'Ml' ahtotttoto! -'‘HMta pany of 60 players are: Frank Gaby, leading comedian of Ar tists & Models, Gay Paree, A Night In Venice and many other successes. Gale ft Carson, well- known vaudeville headliners and featured In Sidewalks of New York and other Musical Comed ies; Bert Matthews and Beth Clarke, featured players In Good Boy, Lucky, Marx Bros. Animal Crackers and Spring is Here; Federico ft Francine, Continental Dancing Stars; Irene Cody, a really funny comedienne; Lucille Matthews, leading Ingenue and a dainty Hollywood Prod’nct; Lee Kramer, winner of Paul White- man’s radio coast to coast con test, Winona, featured dancer with Paul Whiteman and Ben Bernle; Ned Wayburn’s all American beauties noted as the world’s greatest dtncing ensem ble; A1 Johnstone ft Company’s Xylophonla, musical novelty from Cochrane’s Revue, London, Eng land and Harry Underwood’s Sllvertone Radio Grenadiers Band and' Orchestra, long favor ites of the Radio Audiences. High-Lites o f 1934 contains every possible variety of np-to- dj^te musical ' entertainment. Speed from b^inning to end, funny and tpieey comedy, fkjts> Bensatlonal dancing, beantitnl scenic settings snif novel eleetrtc ^ects at prices to salt every body. Mail orders now. the other 3,039,999 miles are not in use.—Christian Science Monitor. BRAME’S RHBUMA-LAX FOR RHEUMATISM Quick Relief S. M. BRiW ft SON Nortk WUkctoMh N. C. I ’ V ^^Warmest in the world, and have lots o^ freedom” TSEBB’g BO sneh persoB aa Olaf Thutoff. Bnt thousands any what ws say hs said. No matter bow sridud His Winter they wear, and swear by, Hanes I Shove yoBT legs into the fluffy lining ... poke your arms through foe sleeves . . . button the heavy, •oft ribs across your chesg .. and M tb» tbenaomettr Hanes is knit and cat to tmc sizes, and marked by an honest measure. You can retch to foo top of your closet, without it pinching the crotch! Button holes, cuffs, S|d scams arc sewld to lust foe U{b of the warm fabric Stock-up for Winter with Wonder- wear. P. Hanes KnitthW^ Con Winston* Ssl^ N. C. Aeeept BO Imltattoas. WsMb Now s eatUesMB propoees that ifld bulls ho •Unghtorod' and the v meat glvenOo foo •unomployed^^,"*’* As though- foft BEtfoPlSMfl kto B’t swalloiiidi ’to* iBOdy.—-Duabar*s Wookly (Phoo- •ii*). “A Littie Nfoftter- A Little Better” THArS THB WAT WH DO. THE JOB R^-Way SIloe OL O. FSMXXO, Prop. Talsg^oue f Tm Can Users Buy Sanitary Enamel lined, rih-braoed five - gallon SQuan cans BUd save losses from tin rust. Uses less paekiBg sp«me gad When onee used, you wlli oeoept no other. QaaUty guuraateed. ean Is embossodi “SaaltBry Mnapel.” We an now luuidling ezoeBent Une of oasa and we as. aapi^ yosr needs, any C* to. UOWE AND lOMS Heath Wmnshsro. It. O. U-IMI. On Sale BEUC’S Dept. Store PAYNE OediingCo. E. M. Biackbum &S(to

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