Will the return of liquor solve the crime problem in Wilkes? Is an indifferent attitude toward the enforc^ ment of the prohibition laws as satisfactory as strict enforcement? What effect will the repeal of the Eigh teenth Amendment have upon crime and automobile accidents? These are questions the intelligent man is asking himself as November 7—elec^ day—api^aches. What are the answers? There is no better way to study these questions than to delve mto the tncts. For the purpose of comparison, two corresponding periods were studied to ascertain conditions in Wilkes county. These two periods are from May 1, 1932, to Noveml^r 1, 1932 ^d from 1, 1933. Why were these periods chosen? Because May 1, 1933 marks the date when KING BEER—the so- called great benefactor of mankind and tax-reducing stimulant—was placed on the throne in North Caro lina. In the period from May 1,1932, to November 1,1932, there was reasonably strict enforcement of Ae national and state prohibition laws in Wilkes county. In the period from May 1, 1933, to November 1, 1933, Kmg Beer was with us and little enforcement of the liquor laws, federal officers having been withdrawn and an indifferent attitude taken toward enforcement. Here Are the Facts: There were 75 per cent more murders in the 1933 period under a non-enforcement poUcy than there were in the 1932 period when there was an honest effort to control liquor. Eighty per cent of the automobile accident faUlities occuring during the two periods occurred during the non-enforcement period of this year. There were 109 more liquor cases tried in the North Wilkesboro mayor’s court in the non-enforcement period than during the period of last year. May 1, 1932, To November 1,1932 (Under Prohibition Enforcement) TWO KILLED June 13, 1932—Lester Bauguess killed by his father, Joe Bauguess. June 12, 1932—^Wayne Norman killed by Bryant Stone. FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS One killed in accident in wiuch liquor was reported to be involved. May 1,1933 To November 1,1933 SDC KILLED May 26,19933—Gilbert Parks (col.) killed by Snicker Sales (col.) May 31, 19933—Policeman James R. Grayson killed by Glenn Walsh. June 4, 1933—Clyde Anderson allegedly killed by Royal Holland. June 11, 1933—Martin Hinshaw killed by Herschel Richardson. June 18, 1933—Noah Brown, in drunken condition, shot by mistake by Crom Dancy. October 1933—^Lum Anderson allegedly killed by Fred Glass. FATAL yUJTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS