I MaMIS SOCKWIkSu in>ROK s- PTOjra ns . tiM e( he Bema SundaT* Sehoot eleae of the Ffret BkpUet ebnreh at hie home oa Memerla} Arenoe Tneeday eTenhit. CoTer* Wore laid tor foarteen aad a^ three J. M. Brown !• •aa To Brklgo Clab ' meinberi of the Wtlkea- JSro Brtdce dub aait eoTeral ad- r ional i{ueeU were eatertataed M. Browa on Wedaea- eonrse dinner wee wrred by Mro. Tomlinson aaateted by Mrs. E. E.' BUer aad Mrs. Cf. 6. McNelt. Place carde were auasestive of the Halloween season. Dahlias, gladiolus and roses were used tor 4aaoa «diiQtW''W^UtK Knby Peadley. Mrs. W. K. Stordlyant. is leadbr ot the group snA Miss Mary Ella McC^ie assistant leader. _ ** of- ' ' ! glSOlUUW ISUU AW0W tewas* » nieeting et the Idlewlse club on' decorations. A business and so- Thursday erening was Mrs. E. M. eial hour ot the class followed ■ Trogdon the dinner. -■S’ Long at her home on street.^ Hallowe'en decorailonS ^ ^, made a colorful background for Bible Clim Held the club members and three oth afternoon. Colortal dahlias or friends who spent an hour or a festive scene for the' ’ where three tables were Mrs. Kent Thomas, Mrs. A. Oassel and Miss Gladys Lometx At the end ot the sewing lod Mrs. Long had the assist- • ^ w ^awv MavatTD weir waned for the game. The count ar tallies showed Mrs. Jeter Waekbum to bo the holder of fMa top score prise. A salad ^aaane followed the game and served by Mrs. Brown aad Gall Bumgarner. Mcseting Tueaday Afternoon _ The Woman's Bible class of the more In needlework and conver- North Wllkesboro Methodist satlon. Visitors of the club were church had seventeen members present at their business and so cial meeting that was held at the per- home of Mrs. P. J. Brame with •w.. .u.o. U..US “»>» •“= -oslst- Mrs. Joe Whit® as Joint hostess ance of Mrs. J. B. Williams in on Tuesday afternoon. The devo tional period was in charge of serving a salad by sweets. coarse followed JCaa Hallie Waugh urterfams At Bridge Mlsar Bailie Waugh entertained He members of her bridge club and a trio of visitors at her home an Thiursday evening. Bridge was ■fc ptay at two tables which were airangeid in a pretty setting of antnmn flowers. Miss Daphine •painhower made high score Within the club and' the guest award went to Miss Julia Finley. In serving a salad course at the •ioee of the game tho hostess was aided by Mrs, James O’Daniel. Tutors of the club were Miss ■BMy, Mrs. Jeter Blackburn aud ■ik. E. A. Shook. E. M. Long Is Hoatess To Idlewise Club Hostess for the fortnightly Tea and Topics Club Meets With Mrs. Lomsuc The members of the Tea and Topics club and a few additional guests were delightfully enter tained on Tuesday evening by Mrs. C. B. Lomax at her home on Sixth street. Autumn foliage and dahlias made gay decorations for the living room where the guests sewed and chatted for sometime. Misses Myrtle Norris and Ruth Henry aided the hostess in serv ing a salad and sweet course at the close of the evening. Visitors of the club were Misses Clyde Scroggs, Myrtle Norris and Ruth Henry and Mrs. C. L. Jessee, of Newland, houseguest ot Mrs. Lo max. «MI EXPECTANT MOTHER? ‘I know of nothing bet ter for expectant m^en “. ftcrcc’a Favorite than br. Prescription," said Mrs. /. G. Dawson of 7C« George St, Hagerstown, Md. "I have eight heaJtby chil dren. 'WTien I would need strength during expectant period and felt .so nervous and sick to my stomach I mtd Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and flsBwd great relief." Sold by druggists. Kcw aiiae, tablets 50c; liquid $1.00. Large liM, UbA or liquid. $1.3i. **W« D* Our Purt,** Young People Enjoy Socials SICK HEADACHE —cases of SICK HEADA.CBB ■vs dne to constipation. If you BBve headache that is due to con- Mi^tlon. take Thedford's BLACK- BSAXTQHT for refreshing relief. T have taken BLAca-DasnaHT, ufesn needed, for about 15 years,” writes Mr. J. W. Cooper, of I/mg- wlew, Texas. "I first began to use m. for sick headache that sowned W come from constipation. ' “1 would suffer about twenty- Mowr hours with these headaches. B foond out that BLACX-DaaaaKr Wilkesboro Woman’s Club Holds Fine Meeting Friday The October meeting of the Wilkesboro Woman’s club was held on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C. Hubbard with Mrs. C. H. Cowles and Miss Grace Gilreath as associate hos tesses. The meeting was well at tended and under the leadership of Mrs. F. G. Holman. Civic De partment chairman, an interest ing program on, "Tree Planting and Beautifying the Town” was given. Those helpdng Mrs. Hol man with the program were Mrs. W. E. Harris, Mrs. B. H. Goss and Miss Mabel Hendren. A splendid report of the district meeting that was held in Tay lorsville last Wednesday was giv en by Mrs. C. P. Morrison. Mrs. L. B. Dula, president of club, held the chair for routine busi ness and at this time plans were made to organise two Junior Woman’s clubs. Mrs. Goss and Miss Helen Bostic will serve as chairmen of the two clubs. Sug gestions of Hallowe'en were pres ent in the decorations and also _ others, for this trouble, for It wfD give relief.” Thedford's BucK-DsAuaHT is a ^etr vecetaMe laxative, preferred by AewBSBda of men and woomo beoausa etfaotlTe and eosnomloal. *br tba new. sl^ 8TBVP of Tkodforfo moeB-DrorngM. la IM A botUaa ed during an hour. enjoyable social Sewing Club Meets ttg C - With Miss Spainhower Miss Treva Spslnhowor bostess to the members of her sewing club at her home on Thursday evening and had as an additional guest Miss Marianna L V. WILLIAMS BUYING HNE MACHINERY WUI Be Brought Here For Me At His Large Ma rine Warehouse And Mill Plant. “Whistling” E. V. WU- Eams, of North Wilkesboro, K. C ., is now in Philadel phia, Pa., attending a grMt auction sale of fine machin- ary formerly used in the ten ■lillion dollar plant of Jo seph Lupton & Sons, who secently failed. M r. Williams advises heme folks that he is mak ing good buys of modern aiachinery which is to be transported by local Caro- trucks making the re- apm trip from Philadelphia which will haul for half the eharges asked by the rail soms. Hallowe’en Party Given By Intermediate B.Y.P.U.’s Around thirty-five boys and girls of Intermediate Group No. 1 of the First Baptist church B. Y. P. U. had an exciting time at their Hallowe’en party in the Le gion club house on Friday eve ning. The games and decorations were in keeping with the season. In the slogan contest Miss Mickle Bryant was winner of the prize. Baby Ruth candy was served for refreshments. Chaperones for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant. Mrs. Brsime and the prayer was offered by Mrs. J. C. Smoot. During the business session Mrs. W. P. Horton presided, the usual routine of business being trans acted. The class decided to clothe an orphan at the Methodist Orph anage at Winston-Salem as one of their projects. An enjoyable social hour followed the meeting at which time the hostesses serv ed delicious refreshments. Scout Troop No. y CKrdk fliiilowe'on Pwty Tl^‘ memhbWi ot' Olti tout’s TrOop Wo. 8, wltbithfeir dates, 'and a svather of other tiiends, anjoyed jb couple of hoars ol Igood oM-Ume Hallowe'en fun Ebitwdny evening atHallowe’en party given the Girl Scout’s “Littla House." The room was dressed up with cornstalks, au tumn foliage and other symbols of the season. Games and con tests appropriate for the occasion (nmlshed amasement and prtaas were awarded. Fortune teller for the evening was Hiss Satlle Oat- law. Around twenty young peo ple were present and were serv ed sanitwlches, punch and pop corn balls. Miss Mable Topping is leader ot the troop. At Ca«tdm«nij and To Be C-r MThUi Counties T^^flkeriioro — WllkeT county's a* 8 whits Hallowe’en The young people of the local Methodist church enjoyed two delightful affairs in celebrating the Halloween season. On Mon day evening about twenty-five of the Senior group gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Moore for a social. For the occasion the girls wore their gingham dresses and the boys overalls. Games, contests, stunts and a number of ghost stories filled the evening with hilarious fun. Refreshments suggestive of the season were served by Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Armbrust. Rev. and Mrs. Arm- brust and Joe, Jr., were guests of the party. The Junior group had a weln- er roast at t'l i Girl Scout’s “Lit tle House” the same evening. Toasted marshmallows and cakes completed' their supper, which was followed by a number of games. Fifteen children were present and leaders for the group were Mrs. Murphy Hunt and Mrs. Ira Payne. Miss Mnble Wiles Is Hostess To Club Tme Initial meeting of “The Last Round-Up” club was held on Monday evening with Miss Mable Wiles as hostess. The group, numbering around twelve, spent sometime in sew ing and chatting and' later was served dainty refreshments by the hostess with the assistance of her mother, Mrs. D. G. Wiles, Mrs. Cecil Wiles and Miss Be atrice Jennings. Touches of Hal lowe’en were noted in the re freshments and also the decora- WBS tlons used in the home. Music Lovmrs Club Met Thursdmy Afternoon The first meeting of the fall of C^*l”"^wlnrand‘talking filled, the Music Lover's club was held Many Get Ready For Repeal Vote Registrations Saturday In Ex cess of Expeetatioi^; Many New Voters Cnstomera of the . Auto Parts company in Wilkes sad sdjedning counties will be feted at a sapper at the Legfon-AaxillaiT club Chouse Thursday evening, Novem- [iwr 9, It waa.snnonneed Toasdsy by Ralph Rasvls, proprietor; The hour and other portiealavs regarding the anppw and enter tainment which will follow are to be announced later. rrhe Auto Parte company since opening in the city three years ago has enjoyed a splendid pat ronage and the sapper is to be given in appreciation of the courteslee extended the firm by the people ot this eection. The local branch of the com pany announces that Hr. J. Boyd Hinshaw, of Wlnston-Salem, will be' added to the force about No vember 10. Mr. Hinshaw was connected with Glasgow-Stewart & Co. for two years as manager of their parts jobbing houses and has had eight years of experience in the business. He comes highly recommended both as a business man and as a citizen. teaehere will hold their second county-wide meetf^ of*the year Saturday In Wilkesboro school anditorlnm. County Superinten dent C. B. Snier said the meeting will msihiA (6 the sehooii iUg iN«k SpMlc At IfayMidmr Mrs. Bi 1. raw and Attomoy C. G. Oaresth daHvered proWIH- tlon addreeeea at ihiyiBiaiWr' church Sunday evening. A l«rge aadlence heard, the exeeltont 1 a* Reigistrations Saturday were far in excess of expectations, ac cording to reports received from the various townships. The exact number of new voters has not been ascertained, but it is esti mated that 600 or more names were placed on the books In the 27 voting precincts. Judging from the Interest shown by those coming of voting age and older persons who bad never registered before for a gen eral election, a large vote Is like ly next Tuesday when the people will cast their ballots on the Eighteenth Amendment. The vote is not expected to approach the total reached In general elections, but indications are that it will be heavier than in many counties. Missing Husband Reported to Law Woman TeUs Officers Jim Davis Last Seen With Nora BroyhiD Mrs. Jim Davis, of Hunting Creek, reported to county officers yesterday that her husband, Jim Davis, had abandoned her and that be had been missing from the county since October 21. Davis was last seen in com pany with Nora Broyhlll, of Con go, who la reputed to be a wo man of bad reputation, Mrs. Davis said. She said she didn't know whether the couple had left the county or not. School Teaelwrs WHEN YOU ARE IN NORTH WILKESBORO MAIffi OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTBSS YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME WILKES DRUG COMPANY “ON THE SQUARE ’ J Sermon Announcements PORES KNOB, Route 2, Oct. 30.—Rev. T. B. Payne, of Hud son, will lecture at Mt. Olive Baptist church in Northern Alex ander, two miles of Kilby Gap, Saturday night at 7 o’clock, Nov. 4 th. Everybody invited to come out and bear this able speaker. Rev. Edgar German, of Boom er, will preach at Mt. Olive Bap tist church Sunday night 6:30, Nov. 5th. Backache bother you ? A Insgyiis bsekadM wkb i0stlfciuj4eatisnds X J I m may worn of somk dbovdcftd W ^ Icidnoy or bkddcr function. rJ \ Dent AW TfyDom’tPia ^ \ Sun«USOyem.UWW 7 Doan’S ulus STATBmiRE wnmov-OTOwr. t OHM NIOBC OJUtT Siagri Jtg /IIP WAirtUPN • A MOTION PIOTtfftI \ . Qa I linnet *nx tlJt-Bnlei ILM, 81.U _ OatMoa BMtmr On. Minn Mae Brown Dies on Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Ellen Robinson, the evening and when the work was laid aside the hostess served tempting refreshments. The room teacher of the class. The retiring where the guests were enterUln- president, Mtes Gwendolyn Hub- ed was attractively decorated bard, presided and the following with a profusion of autumn bios officers were elected for the new year. President, Margaret Paw, ■vice-president, Rebecca Brame; secretary, Gwendolyn Hubbard; treasurer, Mary Gwyn Williams. At the end of the husiness period a musical program was enjoyed as follows: Miss Brame played, “Mystery": Miss Hub bard, “Scarf Dance” and Miss Lucille Casey gave several short solos. To close the afternoon Miss Robinson served dainty re freshments. Miss Mae Brown, 17-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Brown, of Hays, was claimed by death Friday after an illness ot several days. Funeral services were held Saturday at Maple Grove Baptist church at 2 o’clock being in charge of Rev. S. L. Blevins. Besides her parents, two broth ers, Lonnie and Glenn, survive her. For Your iVeu; Electric Welder Just Installedl Scout Troop No. 1 Enjoys Hallowe’en Parly To celebrate Hallowe’en about twenty-five members of the Girl Scout’s Troop No. 1 held a Hal lowe’en party at the “Little House,” on Tuesday evening. The girls were dressed in appropri ate costumes with Mary Parker YOU STOP [QUICKLY ON slippery ,PAVEMENT, Masquerade Party Enjoyed By Children Grace Frank and Lomax Kil- , — - —' by, children of Mr. and Mrs. A.,.;— Koads^ thus saving frei^t p. Kilby, gave a masquerade I Kelly receiving prize for the best •ost which will be a savmg| party Friday afternoon at the lb those who buy machinery y]>jr;rn club house honoring from him. 'abou. fifty of their little friends. A very unusual andjBach guest, masked and costum- amusing thing happened ed, for the party, was greeted at during the sale Friday.^ Aft- the door by Grace Frank and Lo- cr several expert machinery max Kilby and ushered into the room which was decorated with autumn leaves, chrysanthemums, pumpkins, orange and black pap er and' lighted with Jack-O-Lant- erns. After a period of finding who was who, a series of games \ suitable for the occasion were directed by Misses Sallie Outlaw and Ruby Blackburn. Mrs. A. W. Horton delighted the children Mortv mmutes, ana receivea with a ghost story. Dixie cups mty dollar bill and an j and cap cakes in orange and black cups and candies wrapped Era. He then employed £. in the same colpr furthered the ^ to boy several otiiiw^ma- Hallowe’en note. Those assist ing Mrs. Kilby with the serving were Mrs. R. P. Gaaey, Mrs. Eu gene Olive, Mrs. Jack Quinn, Mrs. Horton and . Grace Frank Kilby. Sayers had at first urged E. y. to give them a ten., per premium to buy ma- dunery for him, came back end paid him over fifty dol- -lars for haviim bought for pmri- Mr. ^^illiams btwght §mtr pieces of macniiierjr for this New York gent|e^ m^ which todx less tfum minutes, and receired y dollar bill and an eiztra five for good meas- He then employed E. to boy several odtpr ma- ebines wnlch will be sdect- pyfrom dealers and at a better premium for This is not all as one. Various games and' contests i were enjoyed throughout the evening and In cutting bat from string. Fay Hendren was the win ner of the prize. For refresh ments, “Some-Mores” were serv ed and favors for the evening were orange and black baskets filled with candles. Leader of the troop, Mias Gertrude Gilliam, was assisted in entertaining the chil dren by Miss Mary Nelson. • If your *P. slid* M»d skid now, think how danger ous tfaey’U b« these coming numUis of slippery roads sod more darkneeet When you ran buy Safe, new Goodyeers at today’s low prices, why rUc M On cod raids uw rubber wem ray elewhr — hew Goodyesfs wii grotert you all erthter and etfll he almdet new nest epclng. 8o har now, fee Mde add siw money! OMd ^V. stetM fttr^or W to « dealer at Pl^- asisipliia a single nmehine ftp imxm. (Adwtuement) F. C TMnlinson Hoet y# Nareaw Class OfHeers rrsak C. Tomlinson wss host Senior Intermediate B. Y. P. U. Cdebrates Hallowe’en The Legion clubhouse was the scene of much merriment on Tuesday evening when around twenty-six of the Senior Interme diates of the First Baptist ehnreh gathered there to celebrate Hal loween. The boys and girls came In costume and for the most ap propriate Marcella Pendley and Wade Poole were awarded pris es. Autumn leaves, pampkins and other symbols of the season were used for decorattons. Toast ing marshmallows, pbgplng pop corn and bobbing apples and oth er amusements in keeping 'with 4.S«-M pfi 4.M-2I ft: 4.75-n Md-M S.N-M 7*0 S.3S-1I ftM Radiator Repaking and Body Rebuilding At Lowest Prices. Used Parte For All Makes of Cars At Mmi^ Saving Price*. In order to give our patrons just the kind of service they SHOULD get for their money, we have just installed a new, up-to-date HO BART ELECTRIC WELDING MA CHINE. This new piece of machinery is now in use at our shop and all cus tomers will find that it is a time- saver, which in turn means a money-saver for those having work done at our shop. If you are in need of welding of any kind—in fact, any kind of repair job on cars, trucks or machinery— give us a trial and you will be con vinced that, we are in position to do the job, BETTER, QUICKER, and CHEAPER. We spend money for the benefit of our custoaners. We know we will get more business when we are pre pared to give a Biffi^ Eh SERVICE WE EMPLOY ONLY EXPERIENCED WORKBfEN Highest Cash Prices Paid For Old Radiators, Batteries, Brass, Lead, And Aluminum. See Us First. Glass Installed In Car Windows and Doors 1 Autp & Yadkin YaBey Motw Go. Ntath Stwri «»aa Mi AaMnriiff Thttltr* Central Swvice Station iCor. B and IMh Sta. Phone 27] .'•■.a ' 'Sl- T. H. WILLIAMS, Owner and Manager. , Near Hoddfw River Bridge Phone 131 North Wilkesboro, N. a ;