wKal-Pswt hiw bUaed the trafl'^of progfress In the “State >£^Wttke$*'for^2T Yea^ I^ORTH WILKESBOBO, N. C. MONDAY, ^NOV. A ^ Carolina Will Vote On €cal Postoffice Examination Candidates Have Until Nov. 21 To File Application DRY DELEGATE Vacancy Created By Resigna- tiott of R. E. Walters To Be Be Filled Soon I NOTICE RECEIVED HERE James M. Anderson Is Acting Postmaster; Quidifications Are Listed , An open competitive examina tion to lill the vacancy in the position of postmaster in North Wilkesboro was anno lyiced e Thursday by the United States ^ Civil Service Commission a t Washington at the request ot Postmaster General James A, Bootlegger To Bej Helped By Repeal, W. R. Lovill Says I Sees Chance For State To I Take Stand For Prohibi- I tion On Tuesday RALLY HELD LAST NIGHT REPEAL DELEGATE T. E. Bingham Says Watauga County Will Go Ovewhelm- ingly For Prohibition The vacancy in the North Wil kesboro office was created by the resignation of Captain R. E. Walters, who served as post- Conven- master here for nearly tomorrows election, years. Since his resignation. | , Instead of getting rid of the bootlegger, repeal of the Eigh teenth Amendment will bring an I ora of prosperity for the boot- I legger. Will R. Lovill. well j known Boone attorney, told an I audience at the county court- j house in Wilkesboro last night. I Speaking at the county-wide ^ , wn (rally of the dry forces. Mr. Lovill T. B. Story, principal of Wil-1 ^ Seven Die When Airplane Dives Into Residence URGES REPEAL Five Negroes In Residence Were Burned To Death After the Crash EXPLORER AMONG DEAD Two of the Seven Victims Oc cupied Plane; Plane Took Big Dive Shrewsbury, N., J., Nov. 5. H. H. Morehouse is the candi date for election as repeal dele- kesboro high school, is the can- j booUeggers when the | gate. Voters favoring repeal of | that followed, -rtie nouse was A national guard airplane carry ing George R. Johnson, noted aerial photographer and explor er, and a pilot, late today plum- I meted Into a residence on Cher ry street, ana exploded. ' Johnson and the pilot were Jellied in the crasn. ?Mve negroes were burned to aeath in the fire BOTH SIDES ARE ACTIVB Wilkes County Is Considered Doubtful; Workers To Be In the Field didate of the dry forces for dele-j amendment is blotted 11 h e Eighteenth Amendment i destroyed by the flames. ^st6. Drv synipiithizcrs should ■ ... .... Him I w. h in fHo James M. Anderson, former city; chief ot police, who is expected to return to his duties on the po lice force as soon as a permanent postmaster Is named, has been serving as acting postmaster. Receipt of applications for postmaster here will close on No vember 21. I Thinks Outcome Will Depend To be eligible for the examl-' nation, at. applicant must be a citizen of the United States, must reside within the delivery of this post office, must have so resided T. E. Story Urges That Dry Leaders BeBusyTomorrow from the constitution as it ap-j should vote for him. parently will be. Despite the in-1 evitable repeal. Mr. Lovill saw a chance for North Carolina to • take a stand for state prohibition and to tell the nation that hers | is a people that will not be led by | , political strategy into voting j I against their convictions. j The rally was presided over by | Morehouse Says Vote For Repeal Not Liquor Vote Those who died in the burning house were: George R. (Tuck) Johnson, of Bed Bank; Sgt. Alfred Poole, Newark; Margaret King. 28; Cora Raglan, 25: Patricia King. 2; Edward Wilson, 35, of Little Silver; June King. The house, a five-room bunga- On Interest Shown By Prohibition Friends for at least one year next pre ceding the date for close of re ceipt of applications, must be in good physical condition, and be tween the ages of 30 and 66 Rev Avery Church, pastor of j Declares Majority Favonng^ Peterson, grandmother of the Wilkesboro Baptist church, spoke Reptral Are Advocates of I King children. The father. Otis briefly of the efforts the dry Real Temperance 'King, had left the place only a forces have made to acquaint the ITRrPD' minutes before the crash, voters with the seriousness of REFORMS TO BE URGED 'phe wife of M. N. Gofer, negro. 4’ostmaster Cienergl Speaks To 3,000 At Raleigh On Friday Morning IS HOPEFIX OF VICTORY! morrow, T. E. Story, prominent cduca- T. E. Bingham, well known tor and- civic leader, for whom j Boone attorney and co-chairman friends of prohibition will vote in i Watauga county dry foi^ tomorrow’s election, issued a es, spoke at some length on the I evils of prohibition and the ■rears Both men and women are' statement this morning in which: origin of the movement for re JVIII . , K-. 1 t rv_ J MW.* *Haf frti'oiP’T admitted. ! he urged every dry leader to be' peal. He declared that foreign Under the terms ot the execu- active while the polls are open. tlve order, the Civil Service, g^id he was hopeful distillers had appropriated $5,- 1000,000 as far back as 1924 to H. H. Morehouse, candidate for election tomorrow as Wilkes county’s repeal delegate. Issued a statement this morning .in which he declared that the repeal issue has been beclouded by the “er roneous idea’’ that a vote for re- a neighbor, said the plane left Red Bank airport, about 150 yards away, gained altitude for a while and then swooped low and landed. The pilot, she said, took off again and the plane circled the peal Is a vote for liquor. Declar-j As it started to bank again Ing that a majorltv of those fav-jlt suddenly dived. The tall hit an oring repeal are strong advocates adjoinli^ house and the splane c.«.wo. .m to ‘':,o.t th. a„. .rii Postmaster General the names of I lean prohibition repeal, me cam the hlehest three qualified eligl- prediction to offer as to! pgign of propaganda continued * the probable vote. His statement i goj the mllllonnaires I ^ ifitei II as many as three are ■''^qualified, from which the Post master General may select one of this follows; “Having done all that I rea- for noml^Itron ■ by' the President, j sonably could for the cause of Confirmation by the Senate is | Prohibition and the retention of „ , ,, I the Eighteenth Amendment dur- the final action. , » Applicants will not be requir-1 Ing the campaign now coming to ed trassemble in an examination ; a close, at this late hour have room for scholastic tests, but will j nothing to say except that I want ie rated oh their education and I to urge that every dry leader be ..■^elness experience and fitness, j active tomorrow In my opinion The Civil Service Commission l*he outcome will depend largely vrill make inquiry among repre- upon whether dry a™thlzers wntative local business and pro- fo to the polls and cast their bal- • T J 11 fessional men 1 “"whether defeated or victor-1 UCniO tardWell eemlng the experience, aMiit>.i , Hand cLracter of each applicant, ■ lous in the election tomorrow. 1 *tnd the evidence thus secured | want to thank all my co-workers ill be considered in determining !^or their efforts in the campaign. country were told that they could lift some of the burden of tax ation from their shoulders if they could secure the return of legal ized liquor. They fell in line, Mr. Bingham said, and their millions have been expended to the end that taxation may be shifted to the Innocent womanhood and childhood of America. of real temperance, Mr. More house urged' repeal of the Eigh teenth Amendment which “has injured and set back the cause of temperance most seriously." Mr. Morehouse’s statement fol lows; “It is deplorable that so many of our good citizens of Wilkes of the crashed into the rear King house. The Gofer woman said she heard one of the children scream, but no other sounds came from the house. Another neighbor said the plane “slapped the house.” There was an explosion and a geyser (Continued on page eight) Is Some Better the ratings to be assigned to the''The cause of prohibition has en-| Business and applicants. ' sympathies and servic- ; Leader Recuperat- Presldential postmasters are I es of a great band of splendid | ing At Hospital th classified civil service , “®n and women and posterity I ° and the commission announced I will, I believe, look back upon | Genio Cardwell, popular local Repeal advertisements in re- that its duties in connection , the battle they waged and be business man and civic leader. that Its aiiues I proud of their forefathers ’ have clouded the Repeal issuefuel rose and settled with the erroneous idea that, eompletely enveloping the small those who stand for it are fight- ®tr^ture. ing against Temperance, whereas i ’The five occupants, it is be- the vast majority are strong and I "ered, had been sitting In the ardent advocates of Temperance j kitten. and firmly believe that the 18th Amendment has injured and set back the cause of Temperance most seriously. “We must keep clearly in mind that this is a non-partisan National issue, as was most elo quently stated by the speakers at The plane bored downward un til it struck the basement floor. Voting WiD Be In Call Building Postmaster General James A. Farley spoke to 3,000 persons In Raleigh Friday urging the state to ratify the repeal amendment Tuesday. President Desires Repeal Victory In State, Says Farley MAKES RINGING APPEAL and I w a s considerably better this ‘Let us all do everything we j Hospital where he is a patient •with appointments to such posi tions are to hold examinations ‘he stand t ey to k. and to certify the results to the ^®t us all ao e ana to > J ^ yotgrg (q the polls, stated Posmaster Oe"e'-a _ The | automobiles and our I ” - mission is no in - I influence toward this end.” the hospital Thursday suffering political, religions, or fraternal ^ | from appendicitis and compli- affillatlons of any applicant. I ^ I j.j ^ . ' ,gtions and at first it was M Full information and applica tion blanks may be obtained from the secretary of the local : board of civil service examiners at the post office in this city, or .... from the United States Civil Plans Are Made For Next ' f lervlce Commission. Washing- Meeting To Be Held On on, D. C. Saturday, Dec. 16 the Repeal Rally at the court-'^orth W'lkeaboro Township house last Tuesday evening. One i Voter.s To Cast Ballots At has only to .study the illiiminat-| U.sual Place Jng statistics on the subject in ' Voters of North Wilkesboro cent issues of the Jonrnal-Palrio'. I township will cast their ballots to learn what a colossal failure gt t^e usual place, the Call Hotel Raleigh, Nov. 3—A ringing ap peal for North Carolina to Join the parade of repeal states was made here today by Postmaster General James A. Farley, who said President Roosevelt person ally was “looking forward’’ to such action In next Tuesday’s ref erendum. Farley, addressing a statewide repeal rally in Raleigh’s Memor ial auditorium attended by ap proximately 3,000 persons, de clared It was the President’s wish that North Carolina will back him as it did in Chicago and the 1932 election by complying "with his wishes and vote for repeal.” He said Roosevelt told him this at 10 o’cink last night shortly before Fvley boarded a train for Ralei^. The statement was the only digression in the cabinet officer’s written address which was an attack on critics of the administration as well as a plea for repeal. The postmaster general, who Is also chairman of the Democratic national committee, called' upon the state to "keep faith with the President’’ and “take a decisive part in ending the disastrous and costly experiment of national ‘prohibition.” Farley’s seven-hour visit to Raleigh was crowded with acti vity. He was guest of Governor ■Ehringhaus at a breakfast at the i Will hitherto dry North Caro lina vote to ratify repeal of tho Eighteenth Amendment or will she remain true to the stand tak en in 1908, eleven years before • the prohibition amendment was adopted as the basic law of the land. Will traditionally wet Wilkes county maintain her anti- prohibition position or turn to the anti-repeal forces? These are questions that are on the lips of the people as Wilkes county and all North Car olina prepare for the repeal elec tion tomorrow. The polls will be open from sunrise to sundown and between those hours North Carolinians will write a blK chapter in the state’s history. If the state goes into the yet column, the vote will be a great reversal of the 1908 prohibition vote. If on the other hand, a dry victory is obtained, this state win be the first to break a chain of 33 states voting for repeal. Anyway it goes, history will be written. Both sides have been active in the county and in the state. The dry forces are hopeful of victory in the state. North Carolina be ing considered one of the most doubtful ot the seven states vot ing tomorrow. Wilkes county drys have been active and the re sult in the county is doubtful, observers say. A large vote Is predicted in Wilkes. Interest has Increased as election day neared until the probability is that almost half ot the normal vote will be cast. Voters should be careful in marking their tickets tomorrow, it Is pointed out by both sides. Drys should be sure to vote for T. E. Story and “No Convention,” while those favoring repeal should vote for H. H. Morehouse and “For Convention.” (Two ballots will be cast, one d«terminlng whether a conven tion is held and the other decid ing whether a repeal or anti-re peal delegate shall be elected from Wilkes county. State Baptists To Meet In Gate City Number of Local People Ex pected To Attend; To Con vene November 14 The North Carolina State Bap tist convention, composed of more than a thousand delegates from ev ery section of the state, is sched- executlve mansion. He received |meet in annual session in newspapermen telling them it "is | the First Baptist church. Greena- morning, attaches at the Wilkes the. mh ^Amendme^^^^ ^ ^ aecre-j ^rtTu;" IhatTeTamVTo^he j boro, Tuesday. hava 'tn ha'Bnartad hv niir 'Itate ' tary Of the county board of elec-j state to crack the patronage I ®o"tinue in session three days, .have to be enacted by our State, | Democratic party,! Following their custom of many Splendid Meeting Mr. Cardwell was carried to i ggrefui study of the new tions. stated this morning. conditions by our most competent j The voting place had not;— — - — statesmen. One ot the most Im-! previously been definitely decid-favor repeal I ference at the convention site, thought that recovery was doubt- „„Jand that he “sincerely” believed ] tbe Baptist pastors of the portant matters must be the re quirement ot an automobile I ed upon, Mr. Barkley said, and nr L II IJ '>'8 can pe i‘his reason he requested that Ul Icncncrs llCld proved and his chances are permanently revok-1 ^ P"hlic announcement he made ' much better, although the dang (Continued nn Pack page) as to where the election for this precinct will be held. Glass Released Under Big Bond Approximately 200 of the 233 i white teachers of Wilkes attend-1 ed the county-wide teachers ■ meeting in Wilkesboro school i ! auditorium Saturday morning. After the auditorium addre.ss, j‘bh’’’ sessions starting a day in he Inspected Raleigh’s postoffice the convention. ' A number of Wilkes people, in- Congressman “Farmer Bob” Doi^hton Will Be 70 Years Old Tomorrow; Has Served For 22 Years and attended a luncheon in his ... . . honor, reiterating that .-presi-j'^^“ding M Bla*burn. who is a dent Roosevelt means what he ”'«'"b/'- of the state board, are ex- says and wants everybody who i *> ^‘tend the convention. rot^jor him In 1932 to vote ‘or | ' To Be Sold Friday Washington, ^^Given L‘IEtrty"uE speaking before | Nov. 4. — Big I nomination in a bald - headed Bond of $4,000 i the body on matters pertaining | ygarg old Tuesday, eased his 1 to school and semi-school acti-: husky frame back in his leath- Fred Glass, of the Call sec-,vities were Charles McNeill and tion, alleged slayer ot C. F.' Mrs. G. G. Foster on relief work. fLnm) Anderson, was released j Dr. A. J. Eller, county health last night from the county Jail,officer and Rev. Eugene Olive, .under bond of $4,000 for his ap-, Red Cross roll call chairman, pearance at the next term of I Announcements were made by criminal court. I Prof. C. B. Eller, superintendent OUm bad been In Jail since'of the Wilkes school system, re week lative to plans for the remainder (onday morning of last , l^^hen he surrendered to county of the school year I "^authorities. Anderson, It Is stat ed, was fatally wounded at Glass’ 'l^me late Sunday evening and ^"dled early Monday morning. An JovestlgaUon revealed that « ere la no evidence ot first de es mnrder and the large bond was set tor the release of Olasa. hound swivel chair in the house office building and allowed—aft er considerable questioning—that he got into politics quite by acci dent but has remained there by hard work. That hard work has made him the Hon. Robert L. Doughton, North Carolina’s Democratic chairman of the powerful ways A committee, composed of j and means committee, but at Geo. H. Hill, D. R. Wright, Lest-1 heart he’s the same “Farmer er Gregory, Mias Verna Foster (Bob” who used to dMve cattle to and Miss Zell Harris, was ap pointed to arrange the program for the December meeting which will be held on Saturday, Decem ber 1C. pasture in Alleghany county. That was before he went to the North Carolina senate back in 1908 and two years later won the Democratic congressional four-candidate convention fight. Coming from the smallest county in the dis trict, Doughton said he had no idea of winning his first nomi nation. Carried Republican District Since then, he has had that nomination without opposition except on one occasion, when be had to fight it out in a primary. Carrying the Democratic 'ban ner in Doughton’s district back in 1910 was a pretty tough Job because until “Farmer Bob” won out, the district had been Repub- li(»n 12' of the previous 20 years. In fact, in Dougbton’s first general election he beat repre sentative Charles H. Cowles, Re publican nominee, by only 759 votes. That was the beginning of a congressional career that haa run uninterruptedly tor more than 22 years. The slim 1910 margin was boosted to 3,262 majority the next election but Doughton mod estly explains this by recalling that Wilkes county, Republican stronghold, had been taken out ot his ninth district. Since then, Doughton has had “close calls” in four years when his majority dropped below 2,- 000 votee. The first two close races came on the heels ot each other in 1914 and 1916. In 1920, the Harding landslide cat Dongh- toa’s majority to 1,088 and In 1928 the Hoover deluge left “Farmer Bob” with only 1,384 majoritr. Just as Republican landslides (Continued on page eight) Harmony Coming Here On Friday j Trustees To Sell Stocks Owned I By T. B. Finley, Bankrupt Here November 10 Stocks owned by T. B. Finley, Meet Wilkesboro Ramblers at! bankrupt, win be .offered for Fairgrounds at 3:lt5; Ex? pect Oose Game Harmony high school eleven comes here Friday afternoon for an engagement with Wilkes^ro high school at the fairgrounds at 3:16. Despite the 19 to 0 defMit hand ed them two weeks ago by the Harmony team, the Ruiblera are confident of a dose game cm will be fighting for a victory Friday. This will be the first chimee lo^ fans will have to- see Wilkesboro in •erion and a large crowd is ex- peeted.. , sale in front of the Bank of North Wilkesboro building Fri day, November 10, at 2 p. m. by the trustees In bankruptcy, J. R. Hlx, C. C. GambiU and C. T. Doughton. Among those offered for sale will be shares in the OtoUfM \ Mortgage Indemnity ’ ^compidK Turner-White Coffin companyr Forest Furniture company, ‘ Dn> posit ft Savings Bank and North Wilkesboro Hotel company. ■fl- Vi. E! K. Wooten, of Lovelaee, was » bosineas visttor boro That*- ' Mr. and Mrs. David Klmbrel and Miss Addle Lee P^dne,' OharlottA, spent ' Sahdky ‘wtl^’; Mrs. Kimhrers and Wkt INrdtM^ pwrentsi Mr. and dub, ft MorfcvUui ,1 .‘1

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