'CONFBBENCE^OUTLINED W. R. Absher. of This ▼ City, T* PraMe At Aux- > ffiary Sessioiis ®iHra. William H. Biester, jV^ natfamal preeld%nt of the A«iheii- CM X«Blon Attxilianr, wlll,v^- dfwa thh post and unit otflosn’ Qostfsrence of the North Carolina department In StatesTllle on Feb- roary IS, It was annonnced Sat- : nrday from the local office of aJItri. W, R. Absher, Auxiliary de- |»arUBent president. 1^' Mrs. Blester is a resident of Philadelphia and Is -widely known “for her services to the Auxiliary. Members of Auxiliary units from all over North Carolina will Satber in Statesville on Sunday, February 11, for the two-day con ference and hear the address of Mrs. Blester. Mrs. Absher will preside over the Auxiliary conference. "This conference was called,’’ ^^||ba. Abaher states in the an- Lions Entertam ' La^ Guests h IDelightful Way Roosevelt’s Address WUl Be Heard Over Radio rParty For Worthy Caos^ WKITE:HOUSE OP HEALTH AT WARM SPRINGS i Mrs. William H. Blester, Jr., National President. American Le gion Auxiliary. Early Erection Of Post Office Is Anticipated One-Act Play Given Under Directitm of Mts. Wag-' oner Is Feature I The Roohevelt Birthday Ball 'at the armory hbre tomorrow i night is expected to draw a large crowd. It being generally believ ed that many of the adjoining counties will be represented. The worthiness of the cause for which the local hall is being given is cited as a reason why those who have not already »pur- , chased their tickets should do so Lions entertained their lady i once, guests in a very delightful manner' 'The Peddlcord orchestra, of Thursday evening at Hotel Wilkes Winston-Salem, will furnish mus- ,1. ^ • 1the occasion. Several other on the occasion of their Mnuai ob ■ entertainment have been servance of “Ladies’ Night” arranged and this, coupled with Dr. H. B. Smith, president of the address of President Roose- the club, welcomed the ladies andjvelt. will round out an excellent guests to open the program. Evening of delightful entertaln- MRS. C. S. SINK SINGS ^ouDcament to Auxiliary units of j the «t«te, “for the purpose of re- ' .«eiving And exchanging ideas and .pQBSldeting the best and most •itleient means of carrying for- Ugbrd-our great Auxiliary work. Vfe want to see how far we have «oaio. If we are giving our best. If we are workers or slackers in the program of service to God *nd country, as outlined by na tional headquarters.” The first sessions will be held Sunday, February 11. at 2:30 p. m. The Auxiliary will hold a joint memorial service with Legion post officers at 7:30 p. m. The program for Monday fol- V lows: 9:00 a, ni. K.'cecutive Board Breakfast. 10:30 a. m. Auxiliary Confer- -♦nce called to order by the .De partment President. (Broad Methodist Church). Although all of the program did ment. not materialize, the meeting' prov- The armory has been decorat ed to be a big success. * The mov- ed in a very attractive manner ing pictures of Lions showed up! under the direction of Mr. Ed I blank and this feature had to be Vannoy and the Radio Sales com- Committee of Three Is In eliminated. pany is installing a radio tor the Charge of Erecting Build- Mrs. C. S. Sink delighted the reception of the nation-wide ings In State 'dub and guests with a vocal solo,. birthday ball broadcast over, the “The Old Spinning Wheel," and Columbia and National chains. $50,600 TO BE SPENT (jirs. Elizabeth Wagoner very: Everything is in readiness for Early const^^^rti^ of the new | charmingly gave a reading, “Vil-. the ball and now is the time to ^^nfield Stadby AndLudierT3h^.| HeldhOUCii^^l Mrs. mtj B«ev«( T^it Writer of Note Fimnd* ^Aproa Rocket - HEARING ON SATURDAY Hearing To Be Given Tfiar and Stanley Friday Befoi%^, Spainhower ^ ^ Mrs. Luther Tilley, 3e-ye«wrf* wife of Luther Tilley, was arnast- ed last night on a wanAaA charging her with the mU»(hrf «tt'- Mlss Leota Childress ani^V, placed In the county Jail at Wft- kesboro this morning at 1 o’etoeiL The sister-in-law of the girl was arrested by Deputy iff Tyre Barker. The warrant «» which she was taken into eusto^T was sworn out by Hill Cot,., a brother-in-law of 'Miss Ohildreem- a Kariy construcuon oi me new .— , ** , * a p X- eu Txrm. V « laffe Orator,” a satire on gossip- purchase a ticltet, post office tor North Wilkesboro the is foreseen as the result of recent developments in Washington. ng wmoen. One dollar or me purchase meiii leauers, neauea oy v./OioiH;i nenry l,. L/oncn,y, « owiguns UU uonu A feature of the program was price of each ticket will be ^t ary 30, Mr. Roosevelt’s fifty-second birthday, 6,000 Presidential Birth _ ^1^.. hho Warm FlnrlnM Foundation Hqv nalla in knnnr nf fViP rhip-f pYAoiitivA hs a mMns nf raisincp j , , . .. „ t Solicitor John R. Jones stated With Its imposing white pillars reflecting the bnght sunlight of a niornlng that he wiia not perfect day, Georgia Hall, one of the main units of the Warm Springs | disclose the findlnn ot' Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, reflects the cheerfulness always th* ovnerts who have been atnAvi apparent at this gp’eat health-restoring center in Georgia. Recognizing tl^ invaluable assistance which the Foundation has rendered to Presi dent Roosevelt in his fight for health, a national committee of prom inent leaders, headed by Colonel Henry L. Doherty, is staging on Janu- 59 !ve»oyuieius iii «osuiiisiuii. the one-act play entitled, “’The to the Warm Springs Foundation The Public Works artrainlstra- J Light Went Out,” which was pre- for the treatment of persons af- tton is endeavorins to get its rented under the direction of Mrs. fUcted with infantile paralys s. Street Methodist cnurcni. vising architect, will have charge 1:00 p. m. Dutch Luncheon. construction of the North Car- 2:00 p. m. Dnit Presidents and District Committeewomcn’s Conferences, Methodist Church- j ' 4:00 p. m. Parade. I 5:00 p m. Tea for Honor Gaests, home of Mrs. T. G. Shel- ton iinrtor wTv heforp Wagoupr. The ca.st was composed 'The local ball is only one of 6,- theT«”t is e2d and T- Henderson, reader; E. A-, 000 balls which are being given reas». it is expected that the lo-j Shook, the hero; W. J. Bason, the jail over the nation for s cal lliiKilng will soon be started. 1 Gillian; Ivy Moore, the rnother, ^ worthy cause. It was announced last week i a"d J. I). Moore, Jr., the daugh-1 Sponsors of the ball here It was announced last | 'urging everybody to co-operate that an inlerdepartmental . , , , * *^1, in alpine , , - * Q v, ' Sit thp lYisctincr included til© fiillftst 6Xt6nt in sc© 6 nilttee^ composed ^ success and that a e^e treasurer in charge of con-1 Mpore, Jr., Mrs. Elizabeth Wag-' substantial sum Is raised for the stniction. Silliman Evans, fourth ; oner, and W. N- Wood. | oun a on. assistant postmaster general, and, ^ »* w j p • 117*11 James A Wetmore acting » p|anie IS ! MrS. LlTVlIl TIUl J T >,*• M ^ - day Balls in honor of the chief executive and as a means of raising a > permanent endowment fund for the Foundation to carry on and ex pand its work. to,**'' olina biiildin.gs. Including the North Wikesboro office. ' The sum of $50,600 was allot-j ted for the local office. ! The site, which is located on, "C” Street, was selected a year Sent To Senate| Speak In City Local Airport Project Approved By State CWA Administrator and Is Sent To Washington Officials New Ctmrse Will Be Started Soon inger the experts who have been stndr^ ing handwritings which luni*.- been collected In the case, buS It is believed that Mrs. T^ho:^ handwriting was found Ul v he very similar to that of the purported to have been relr hr Miss Childress and said to tkAW jbeen found in the pocket of tbs I apron worn by the girl at tk* J time of her death, j Additional evidence supportins I the charge of murder agalnat 1 Mrs. Tilley will be offered mt i the fourth coroner’s hearJag which will be held in the court house at Wilkesboro Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. Luther Tilley husband of th* l>r. Derendinger 11 t^er Course* In “History Of Amer ican Paintings 7:15 p. m. Joint Session of The ago. Confirmation of Mr. Reins as-Union Sei-vice Will Be Held, or. E. Derendinger. professor Postmaster Expected Wednesday Evening At of art in Catawba College, will Within Few Days i Baptist Church open his class in the "History of • 1 American Paintings” at Wllkes- Amerlcan Legion and the Ameri- .enn Legion Auxiliary. Dance. /WASHINGTON SILENT ON FEDERAL OFFICES Washl^ton. _ Jan. 27.—It is Wit Msiln|pd that there will be a court in the middle judicial dis trict. and that it will be properly The nomination of J. C. Reins [ Mrs. Mary B. Ervin, nation^ as North Wilkesboro postmaster'secretary of the W. C. T. U., will was transmitted to the United i deliver an address at a union States Senate for confirmation I pmyer service at the First Bap- I Saturday. Mr. Reins was recom-1 tist church Wednesday evening .Mr. Ralph Reavis, Owner, Views mended by Congressman Walter at 7:30 o’clock. 10:t4 With Much Optimism Lambeth on January 4. churches of Wilkesboro ' Confirmation by the senate is and North Wilkesboro are Auto Parts Firm Enjoys Good Year Ralph H. Reavis, owner of the Auto pany. Parts and Statesville. Electric Com- and Auto Parts expected within a Reins will Mr. « few days and ling in the union service and the j probably succeed : members are urged to attend and boro on February 5. Some of the most famous paint ings will be shown and studied and the class, which recently completed a course in “American Art and Sculpturing.” is looking (forward to the new course with * ■ anticipation. ' ' Dr. Derendinger is a native of I II - . ; wi*cj C. T. Dwughton, Chairman of alleged murderess. Is still in the "Xocal Committee, Is Ad- J county jail on a charge of mur- vised By Letter Andrew Bldrldge wh» ■ - - dead body was found in a IftM LEADERS’ ARE HOPEFUL on the Klondike farm near Elkla In 1927. Winfield Stanley Is in ai^ort tjjg same charge. It belns I Th’’ North Wilkesboro jaii on me aauie cuhikv, *4 project, calling for the expenditure alleged that Stanley and TlUesr of between $60,000 and $100,000 strung Bldrldge up to a tree a»d for the construction of an airport i ijuiej him. Later they hid tl» near here, has been approved by body in a log, it was stated, and Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, civil works fearing discovery, threw it in th* administrator for North Carolina, 1 lake. and sent to Washington for final j qihe two men will be given a approval. hearing in the Eldridge case Fri- This information was received ^ay before Justice of the Peace in a letter from state headquarters j a. B. Spainhower. • Raleigh Thursday by C. T.j solicitor Joi^es in an intervldiV Monetary Bill Passes '‘■‘1' Company, this city, after recent February oCtloered. The department 01 completion of inventory here and Jostice has failed for some weeks, the installation of a perpetual in- ~ however, to recommend to the, ventory system reports a very President the appointment, eith- aatisfacto.'’y year for 1933. Both er of district attorney or a mar- gtores have experienced an in- ■hal. crease in business during the past ' Carlisle Higgins, of Alleghany, year which has more than doubl- y,-nty, has the Indorsement ofigd any previous year. Mr. Reavis Snator Bailey for district attor-1 attributes this increase to the but. while J. O. Carr >•»"' I Acting Postmaster Jimmie An-1 hear Mrs. Ervin. Anxious Mother Never Hears Of Son’s Disgrace .1 Washington. Jan. 27.—^Chiefi Philadelphia. Jan. 28.—After provisions of the administration | a three-day search, police learn- raoney bill: ed the whereabouts of Joseph Authority for the President to ^ Haggerty—but the Information devalue the dollar, by cutting the I came 24 hours too late, mi-.attributes this increase to me content from the present^ For J**® l^aslfact that the two stores combin-j level of 23.22 grains to some- Haggerty, died Friday night in a lieen appointed to perform a siml-’^d carrv the most complete stock 1'*'1'®’"® between 11.61 and 13.93 . fU wall* viir tuusL j lar service in the east, no action genuine and replacement parts j sralus or from 50 to 60 per cent has been taken on the Higgins, ^yj^il^hle in the state. He is very 1 present gold content. •Ppolntment, for the reason, R 1* enthusiastic over the outlook fori Creation K . : otoWliTotl/v ot a inderutood, that the appointing ; 1934 ‘-phe new method ^ stock ”‘abl»*ation fund to per nit the|a nurse was: “Please bring J«-j“ai„uined 'as game reservation; powoni have been informed that keeping enables us to rnalmaln a | secretary of treasury to stabilize, seph here. J want to see mm stocked with variety of game $2,000,000,000 to per.nlt the Philadelphia hospital without word of him. She had hoped po lice could reach hlin. The last thing she whispered to a nurse was: Please bring Jo- O - — - - m — I OVllVl tW* t* \f **• »•»-« — Doughton, chairman of the local)this morning made it clear that committee which is handling de-,sU others who. have been InvesU- tails in connection with this proj- gated in connection with tha ect. I Childress case are being l(pld to - Final approval by Washington i the county jail on other charjjas officials is efxpeeted if sufficient' and while they are desired as m*- by con- terial witnesses, none other thax Mrs. Tilley is directly charged with the Childress murder. Clyl® TUley- a brother of Lu- Section; kesboro on the Boone Trail high- ther ’nUey, is being held In JaU i way, was selected sometime ago! on other charges. He was arraat- Switzerland and his lectures have attracted considerable attention. A number of teachers are expect ed to take the* new course. C0I-, ' • *. j lege credits are allowed for this f«“ds are appropnated ,„,k. .. I. .Louiieed. P^Krty., 2,000 Acre. Bureeil -Forest fires Elkin, Jan. 27. are raging on the Blue Ridge mountain side from near Dough- ton across to the Mitchell’s River country. Apprcttlmately 2,000 acr# have been burned, includ- a huge as the site for the airport and ajed a few days ago for investlgd* em- lutaiu a j »■ ^ j “• dr. Higgins failed to develop a j moj-g complete stock thereby ilbe value of American currency ^ fore I go. (•ttolMtory degree of diligence | „,ore satisfactorily serving our and the market price of govern-^ She died believins he a ®ro8.3cuting men in Surry Customers,” Mr. Reavis said. ' ment securities. : some distant city seeking (OOBty charged with election Irre-. Following is the personnel at Provision for the treasury to Iployment. Hagger j sapp rtiaritbs. It is explained that Ue local store: I take title to all gold, including'six months ago. Before he left he Ue objection to the Higgins ap-j Mr. J. B. Himd;aw, manager; ' almost $4,000,000,000 w o r t h told her he was sure he would wlatment has not yet progressed Mr. J. T. Kenerly, salesman; owned by the federal reserve sys- find work.'But ke “ever^wro^ the point of filing formal [j^jgg gallie Hauser, stenographer- ^®™* Last Thursday Mrs. tract [ gtarted in the and stocked with variety of game . ! Including deer and pheasants was ini ... . . Haggerty p„.'g&i” against the man who j bookkeeper; Mr. J. M. mid like to do the prosecuting j p„ts man; aMr. R. C. Kenerly i Gold certificates will be given j became seTlously 111 and police the federal government middle district. ■ The W. T. Dowd appointment or mawhal in the middle district raa scheduled to come through, aeording to his supporters, Wed- ^iday. but the week, while an ueBitfnI one, did not profit Mr. towd anything. Senator Rey- lelds was at the department of ostlce again yesterday on this iJaelon, and once more appears pnfldent that the man from San- ord vrlU get the call. Jennings, I fbe r:;serve system in exchange . agreed to use every available Jr., assistant clerk. for the gold. Libby Holman Reynd^ Is. Stwjing In Dramatic Class . FbOadelphia, Jan. 2§.—Libby lopym, “torch singer.” who was ciAiwed by the bullet which kill- id Z. Smith Reynolds, heir to to- iseco’. a^Iions, is studying dram- itkx f«what is believed to be an Broadway comeback. Bi • sdect class of J12 pupils, he is tinximF P®*** which has iMctiD to the door of the > tiieatre, in the besntifnl i.VaU«gr, 2f milee outside County Cheers Cut Large StiU Approximately 2,00 Gattons of Beer Found At Place Near Purlear means to locate her son. I Deyaluation of the dollar will | From the chief of police at almost double the value of the | Savannah, Ga., last night came a I gold, giving the government a I telegram to Philadelphia police profit from which the stablllza- explaining why Haggerty had not tlon fund will be created. jeome home or written. The mes- The profit -will deipend upon I sage said he Is in a Georgia state I the extent of devaluation. I prison. strength The fire. Is said to have orlg-! is fast recovering his inated from a saw mill several | and is reeOng wel . da^ ago. High winds spread the 1 Mr. Blair was seriously Injur flames last night and today. A large steam distillery outfit was destroyed three miles south of Purlear Thursday by Deputy Sheriff G. R. Eller andd R. D, Nichols. Despite the fact that the place gave the appearance of having been the scene of manufacturing on a big scale, the operators were absent when the raid *was made. Around 2,000 gallons of beer was destroyed along with the still. Forest Fife Raging On Little Grandfather On Highway No. 18 Fire originating near Horse-[ ’The fire was found burning shoe Bend on State Highway 18 Saturday morning and rapidly had burned over several thous- ,mountain and adjoining terrt- and acres of forest land on Lit- j tie Grandfather Mountain 15: ^mage estimated at several miles north of the city up to this morning, according to reliable reports received here. Mr. J. A. Cothran. Miss Mary Mary Cothran and Mrs. Emma Richardson, of Lomax, were rial- ton in tibe city a faw horn Fri day. '■ ' thousand dollars had been done by the flames up to this morning. No report h«s been received since A contingent of about 60 mem- early this moi:nlng. bers of the James Civilian Con servation camp at Purlear were carried to the scene of the fire this morning to fight, the flames and endeavor te bring the fire ander control. . . un- The origin of the^flre Is detennii^ ' * One 'report wad to.tfae' etfect that an area-about five aqnars had been burned over, most of this being timber laiidg. High winds today carried the; flames extensively, and the Chat ham Manufacturing company dis-, patched squads of fire-fighters. Forces are working at development a&j UlC AW* WSC — — lease and option were negotiated tlon in the Childress slaylng.^i^ by city and county officials- . | Mrs. Luther Tilley was quea- Local leaders in the movement i tloned at the H®® ber, hus- are hopeful that the project will I band’s arrest, but developmOi^ be approved and that work will be' had not been sufficient at that near future. Itlme to warrant holding her OE-; the murder charge. j Solicitor Jones said the investl- gatione were being continue with the hope of , filling In $jw missing links In the chain od [evidence which has been as- , _ „ Uemhled. Long Stands Removal fTom Mos-, was learn6d from Solicitor F. P. Blair, Sr., i Is Brought Home. pital S^endidly; Is Now Resting Well •Prank P. Blair, Sr. was moved ed.Tn7ga:r;n^h“:‘;:se";v"a«oni from Davis H^ta. at States Greek lodge, new under way by Dick Reynolds, of Winston-JSalem. Heavy timber is being destroy- It was learned from Jones that the note left in the Bldrldge death was not simUi^ J to the note purported to hpfd “ been left by Miss ChilireSk. Ltt- ed and game on the reservation | from Davis Hospital ” »“^:|ther 'nUey Is beUeved to b*ra fni from the flr®-8wept [vlBe to his home here Thursday 'and stood the trip splendidly. He , Roaring Gap resort section, close by, Is not .wriously endangered unless sparks are blown by the wind. Fire fighters can make lit-, tie headway until the wind ceas*-1 accldenL es. ed In an automobile ■wreck on the ’TaylorsvUle-Conover road several weeks ago. He lost the 8lg|it of his good eye and sustain ed severe cuts and bruises in the' Bldrldge home which read: “N«>- tice—1 have gone to Elkin ta - r* work. Will be back Sunday. Anr drew.” On the other hand, the not* purported to have beea left ■. kF the girt Is rumored to be in the handwriting of Miss ChlldreoSi Infwit Dies Vannetta Will Speak At Pomona Grange Meeting Virginia Lee Bell, six-day-old Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell, ’ of • Wilkesboro, Route 2, died yesterday and fu neral and burial eervlces were held this morning at J1 o’clock at Antioch Baptist church. Inter- .menl) was made In. the church cew^erF. ' Mr. AlUe who is a law studert at W«ke f or^ “ mOee the eonhty « M Esther, Vm. C .Bi^-Hayw, . of Pqiiaar. .v;r. , Wilkes Pomona Grange meii^ bers will hear State Maatar A. S. Vannetta, of 'Orange county, at thdr special meeting at the peW house in Wiliesboro tomorrow aft ernoon at 2 o’clock. The pobUc ta faviteilvto hear -hini.r He will ,vi^ the Grange evening at ; 7 o’clo^ Mr. Clyde Hayes.%stu^t a* Wake* Forest collage. Is pending the midterm holidays* with hte ; parents^ Hr* and Mrs* C- C. HayoSi Epworth - GiwFooA 3nfe.S«w The Epworth Lesgne of local Methodist chjipc| wijj a food sale at SpainhOTr-STdBWs store Saturday mornULk at o’clock. The league so«eltaj«ha .J patnmage of the put of Purlear. IniwU WUbont Athens, Jan. 28.'- abhot Safauel Insnli’e when he Is deported a induded the conjeetare the 7-yeaiM>ld foriafr ; q^erator may havn* renudntag yaarn ’ an unwanted nuiit ■ H*» ' ■

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