toney J. M. Broim and Ur. B.'^Brovs spent s t«v boura n OB business Friday. A. hJ* Dyer, of Ready ill, was B basilien visitor here hours Thursday, and Mrs. W. 8. Moore mo- {^' SparU aud' min 8un- ^;#4ern6on. ’ Miss Mariana Moore, of lenoIr. I'ShitftinK her rrandsiotiMr, Mrs. ^W. W. Barber, of Willwaboro.' iMr. W. B. Rt5aii,““of Boone, jilt We weah^d -h» WUlw- vrlCh friends. . J. A. Caudill and son, Mr. Caudill, of Honda Route 2. •risitors to the Wllkeeboros turday. Jlr. T. C. Tevepaugb, rrell [Own resident, of Bru^y Moun- *u * visitor to is ^iday. Ilr.’ Roberson, -wh'o re des in Brushy Mountain town- was a visitor to this city iday. Col. L. W. Lunsford, of Som- rs township, was among those the city Monday looking after uslness matters. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Greene, of Uhls city, are spending a few days ^with Mr. Greene’s parents, Mr. f^nd Mrs. A. W. Greene, of Roar- ing River. ^ Mrs. D. S. Ingram and daugh- *?ter, Billie, of Elkin, spent the ,;-vreek-end with Mrs. Ing^ram’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Martin, Sof Wilkesboro Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. William Edgar .•^Reynolds announce the birth of A* Wilkes Hospital Thursday Mr. and Mrs.,W. A. Hahn, of Hickory, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs, N. B. Smlthey, of Wilkesboro. Mrs. Hahn ia a sis ter of Mrs. Smlthey. Mr. and Mra. M. Q. Kirkpat rick and daughter, Hattie Ellia- b^h. visited Mrs. Kirkpatrick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. SmHhey, of Wilkesboro, a few hours Sunday. Mr. Glenn Mitchell, of Cycle, Is ,a patient at Wilkes HospiUl here. Ihip. His condition was slightly Im proved this morning, friends will be pleased to learn. Mrs. R. S. Shoaf and son, Paul, of this city, visited Mr.«and Mrs. W. P. Shoaf, of WarrensviUe, Sunday. Miss Ora Shoaf, who has been Hi for ten days, was much Improved. Mrs. Haiel Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Royall. of Wilkesboro Route 1, continues very til. we regret to state. How ever, slight Improvement was not ed in her condition Sunday. Misses Barbarann Martin, Lottie Carpenter and Mr. Clinton Shir ley, of Morganton, visited Miss Martin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Martin, of (Wilkesboro Route 1, a few hours Saturday. Mrs. John Davis, of Statesville, visited her mother, Mrs. F. D. Forester, the latter part of the week. Mrs. Davis is proprietor of the Davis floral shops which are now operated in Statesville and in this city. returned to Durham after apendingjife 4BonUt| here with Mra. Hulse’s mother, Mrs. W. V. Williams. Mr. Hnlae ! came up for the week-end and ac-: companied them home. ' Mr. Gaither Bretholl. who Is a seaman on the San Simeon, which ;runs between New Tork and Portland by way of the Panama Canal, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bretholl, of^Pores Knob, last week. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Somers have returned to Wilkesboro from Boone. Mr. Somers has ac cepted a poeltlon as salesman with the Hafer Chevrolet com pany. Attorney R. C. Jennings, of this city, spent the first of the past week In Salisbury and Ra leigh on proiCessional business.' Mr. B.vlE jStelejr and son, Jesse, of Wllbar postoffice, were visi tors to the city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Holder,, of Statesville, and Mr. J. V. Bau- gness, ot this city, visited Mra. Holder’s daughter, Joyce Mc Neill. at Pinehurst Sunday for a lew hours. Miss McNeill is get ting along nicely and will return home within a short time. Mr. N. M. Dancy, well known resident of Reddies River post- office. was a visitor to North Wil son William Edgar, Jr., atAesboro today. Mr. Dancy son, William cagar, v tomorrow will be his 68th, Telegraph Delivery and is in po- J !» wire orders for flowers Mrs. Agnes Hart Now Manager Davis Floral Shop Mrs. Agnes Hart assumed her duties as manager of the Davis floral shop, located in the Bank of North Wilkesboro building, Friday. She succeeds Mrs. Eva Forester who has ably managed the shop for the past five years for the owner, Mrs. John Davis, of Statesville. ■> Mrs. Hart has had a number of years experience as a florist, having worked in the designing departments of both shops. She is entirely capable of filling any size order that may be placed even on short notice. The local Davis floral shop is a bonded member of the Florist i i GENUINE PERMANENT WAVE during FEBRUARY . 2 for $5.00 Make Appointments Early IT’S BEIT'ER BECAUSE . . • 1 Every wave is tested and given by an expert hair coines oi'f the winders, not kinky 2—Your or fuzzy, but with a natural curl. There is a deep, strong curl that lasts. WISTERIA BEAUTY SALON MRS LELIA HANDY LOWE—MISS LUCY OWEN Over Spainhour’s PHONE 201 j sition to to any destination in the United States. Mrs. Davis, while here the last of the week, expressed gratitude for the splendid patronage ex- I tended her shop in the past, and both she and Mrs. Hart are plan- j ning to give an even better serv- i ice ill the future. LIONS DISCONTINUE THEIR EYE CLINIC *Directors of the Lions club voted to discontinue the eye clin ic for the remainder of this [school year at the February meet- * ing at the home of Dr- and Mrs. J. H. McNeill Thursday evening. Ample opportunity had been provided for teachers to ascertain the children for whom glasses are a necessity and it was voted to end this year’s clinic. Way.s and means of increasing the club’s membership and the at- t“ndance were discussed by the di- rector.s Thursday evening. The directors were delighitully entertained at the McNeill home and the me-ting was most enjoy- able. ^ M^IONS-STONE n>ia is a eolomn «p«a to tlw mt ,, lie for frea expreasian. jhe Journal does net asiome any re- spoiuibUity for artieles printed under this heading, and neither endorses nor eondemns them Please nk brief as imsMHe. THE C. W, 11 X Journal-Patriot: Some time ago, Mr. C. E^ Shat- ley, a native of this county, vrtol a letter calling attention to abuses of the civil works progrj^ in this county. Since that tiini there haa been no improveuiedl but on the other hand there hu beat a continuation of the prac tices to which he called attention. 1, m]m^, have been .but. of woric for several moctha.^ T have tried every factory in North Wfl- kesboro in i« attempt to get em ployment and have ^repeatedly ma^ aigilication to the civil works authorities fof a job, but have been put off with the excuse that ~ no more men were being hired, only to And out that new men were wmstantly being put to work, I have a wife and four children to support and there are men work ing .'on the various projects in Wilkes county who need the work much less than I do. What is true of me is true of many other people whom I could name in Wilkes county. Mr. Shatley’s remarks a Kiwanis Meetmif Delightfully Entertains Local Ovic ChibtWltti TrIcksS of BfagicU^ QUIZZING HELD Ivey Moorei-^ a member of the .Dions Clmb who recently aston- '&hed fellow Lions with a bag lilT. of triek^ ot magic, was the guest artist at^ Friday’s regular: InneheoB of the Kiwania Clnti. -s Hr. Moore entertained Klwan- intts tor more than 20 minutes with artful manipulations and myftified his andienoe with tricks which the spectators nev er saw through.^ The program "for the day was In charge of J. Srls Cassell, inanrance man. J" t Mr. Cunel caught Klwsntsns. off their guard with a quisling bee which, according to reports, revealed an astounding lack of knowledge of ordinary loml af fairs on the part of 'members, of the town’s oldest civic organiza tion. W. K. Sturdivant alone suc ceeded in passing the test. The Goodwill committee, com- ' posed of J. C. Reins, Rev. 0. W. few!Robinson and Prof. C. B. Eller, had obtained, a Ranson Browa, A& Ohio refoma- tbry^ inmate, tm .he killed^is 18-y#ar-oId swetheart, Betty bnofOld, in Tai»well, Ya., five years ago. Underwood said Brown ■rt. weeks ago were true and since the time that he wrote there have been additional citizens who are well off, and out of debt that have was Instructed to write a letter of sympathy to the family of Ki- wanian J. B. McCoy, whose son died almost suddenly Wednesday been getting paying positions,-afternoon. while other men that I know, whoj are actually in need and who can i hardly keep their families clothed and fed have been denied employ ment. I do not know how these things are handled elsewhere, but if the people are employed in oth er counties on the same basis as they are in Wilkes county, the en tire civil works administration is honeycombed with politics and with favoritism. Of course, there is a reason for all these things. The reason in Wilkes county is politics as usual. This has been denied at times by the participants and by the people who have the authority to hand out these jobs and they pointed to the fact that there are Democrats and Republicans employed and that there are both Democrats and Republicans on the board. How ever. the joker in this deck is that there are two factions in the Re publican party in Wilkes county and two factions in the Democratic party. There is no representation on the employment of one faction in the Democratic party and also one faction in the Republican par ty, and therefore, from a political standpoint over one-half the people of Wilkes county have no repre sentation oh the board. The po litical faction in the Democratic party, which is at present domi nant, and the faction of the Re publican party, which is represent ed, work together very nicely and the result has been that any man who ever opposed either of the factions, which are represented on the employment committee, has a hard time getting even a pick and shovel job at the lowest wage, while all of the jobs which pay any substantial amount are given Miss Mary Estelle Watkins, (.j,g political workers who have Announcement OF EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENCY ON Westinghouse Light Plants and Batteries—L-Tatro 32-Volt Elec tric Radios—‘ Cook,s Shallow and Deep Well Pumps for 32- Volt D. C- and 110 A. C. Current daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Watkins, of this city, became the brid“ of Joe Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stone, also of this city, in a quiet ceremony at the office of Justice of the Peace C. M. Tevepaugb Friday afternoon at 2:S0 o’clock. Only a few intimate friends attended the ceremony. Still .After New Orleans, Feb. 1.—The Honest Election league today jsent to the senate privileges and elections committee in Washing ton a brief in which it contended the senate already had sufficient information '-om previous in vestigations to justify the expul sion of both Senators Huey P. Long and John P. Overton, Dem ocrats, of Louisiana. Still in The Hay.stnck Fort 'Smith, Ark., Feb. 1.— Federal internal revenue collec tors had just about given up their search of the premises of Ernest Reeder last night when one of them stumbled over a rake resting against a hay stack. On moving the rake they found an entrance to the hay stack. In side the stack was a 12x12 room containing a 5B-gallon still. YOUNG MOTHERS (Wilkes, Surry, Alleghany, Ashe, Watauga, Alex ander and Ashe Counties.) Hunter B. Keck PHONE 379 north wilkesboro, N. C. Don’t experi- ment with children’s colds...Treat them as your own mother did- extemally. No 3os- ingt Just rub throat and chest with . WICKS W VapoRub PROVED BY 2 GENERATIONS delivered, or at least attempted to deliver, the goods in tim’s past. These facts are generally known to every man who knows anything at all about Wilkes county poli tics and if an honest investigation was made it could be ascertained easily. However, I don’t think that anybody wishes to find out about it- All parties who have their feet in the trough are con tent, just so long as they are not scrouged out. However, the conditions in Wilkes county do not square up with the statement of President Roosevelt when he warned the people who deal out these funds not to play polities with human misery. In this connection, there is one man in this county whose household goods were burned and everything that he had was de stroyed by fire. He registered for employment a month or two be fore his fire and could not obtain any, though he needed it at that time, and now si ,ce his fire they are still unable to give this man work. Both he and his family are on the charity of th*>ir neighbors and kinsfolk. I bet this man will know how to vote next time, though probably he has got too much principle about him to be forced to degrade his ballot. It seems to me that a foundation for a political machine built upon patronage and jobs snatched from the hand of the poor and needy w’ll be bound finally to fail, but in the meantime human misery is not relieved and people who have not b-en in the machine and who are not needed in the machine are liable to suffer, BERLIE POSTER. Call, N. C. J Virginia Liquor Bill Passes Richmond, Va., Feb. ,1.—^The state dispensary liquor control bill passed the hr>uss of delegates to day with only one dissenting vote. The measure, under which the state will have the exclusive right to sell distilled liquors, and in sealed packages only, will {each the senate today where it is ex pected to pass by Monday. Read Jounial-Patriot Ada. Announce • 3 trrr. We wish to aniKminre to.^jnany customers and friends that Mrs. Atnlsmift will be in charfe of our flower shop inltlielNAm, raeeeedlBg Mra- , Eva Foreeter, who haa ser^ ua ably ’for ti»e ' five yearn Mrs-Hart ia an ,experiem»d slgner, having- worked-in tite designing deim^T ments of botii ouir Statesville and Nortii WllkeRi ?| • boro shops. ■ 4 . It ia pur purpose to give our customen the vei^ best service possible in ^ fitidre, and all ordeiki 1.will receive our prompt and courteous attenilbn ‘» at all tiine8.,f.; . , We are grat^l to all for^tbe i^erous i^tron- age ebctmMled us in the past, and we respectfully, solicit your orders for flowers adtl floral de* ,, signs in the future. NO 0RDE21 TOO LARGE FOR US TO HANDLE PROMPTLY Davis, The Florist Bonded Meiriber Florist Telegraph Delivery DAY PHONE 229 Ninth'Street NIGHT PHONE 39 North Wilkesboro, N. C. PERFECT SOUND Program For Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday The Theatre - W. E. Eqvipraent With the PERFECT PROJECTION Liberty Tbeairs Stars MONDAY AND TUESDAY- “He Couldn't Take It” “The Shadow Laughs” with Ray Walker and Virginia Cherrill. He was born to fight and love. A punch personality and a hot Celtic tem perament kept everything at fever heat. This is a picture you will enjoy. Comedy—“Gold Nuggets”; Traveltalk, “British Guinea”, and Paramount News Admission'—Adults 25c, Children 10c WEDNESDAY— starring Hal Skelly, Rose Hobart and a cast of Broadway stars. Horror . . . Mystery . . . Thrills . . . Chills . . . Laughter . . . Romance . . . in the sea son’s most blood-curdling mystery thril ler. Short Subjects—Sport Thrill No. .1; Bo^os Mechanical Man and Walter Donaldson. Admission—1 Oc You can SAVE You ca n SAVE every evening you tfo out if you’ll turn out that . one light you usually leave on a week if you keep the ELECTRIC I CLEANER in the attic and use a broom instead [ MCTB.... 1 dark )wum h a wteamt 1 sin to prowlart-.An Eladrk li|ht I kft on in Cw hou5t is (hr chaar- I *tt bmgisr tnurante you eta bus-J In oiii* territety Eleciricify is ridiculouriy cheap. SOUTHERN PUBLIC . UTILITIES CCMP4NYi.. //■> In our territory Electricily to ridiculously cheap. $0(ITNERN PUBLIC irriUTIES CCMBtNV a-