, and Tbindayaat ’^^r^^^frakesbero, N. C. ml JtJLilTS c. HUBlusa PafeBi&m — 2« BUMKaumON BATES: Tlw te tiM Kate; fl.50 Oat of the State. Katered at the poet etfioe at ^uith iWUheaheve, ‘ C.) aa mcobI daaa matter i onder A«t of A W7». THURSDAY, lAARCH 8,1964 k wQl he aa newsy as a man bitint the dog oHien fhasce pays.—^Toledo Blade. Stndy rarrency and all the world studies with yen. Buffalo Courier^Sspress. Ton think college professors dominate tlm ' ceinitry until yon see them in the neighborhood «f a coach.—Los Angeles Times. A Sensible Charge Those who listened to Judge Wilson WarKck’s charge to the grand jury Mon day morning were strongly impressed by his straight-forward assertions regarding court dockets. The young jurist declared that too many cases growing out of malice and spite are crowding our court dockets and that taxpayers' money is being spent to no purpose at all in the trial of such cases. Grand juries, he declared, should pay no attention to many petty and trivial cases such as consume the time of many courts. Here is a condition not peculiar to Wilkes. Court dockets all over NoidJi Car olina are clogged with “you indict me and m indict you” cases. And most of the time, the spiteful neighbor knows enough, however trivial, to get a warrant and a bill of indictment. Doubtless many cases on the docket of Wilkes Superior court could be nol press ed without serious reflection upon the law ■enforcement agencies and without impair ment to public faith in the courts. And we might add, that this course could be taken with a consequent saving of con siderable proportions to the taxpayers. Judge Warlick is making a splendid im pression on his first official visit to Wilkes. Altliough a young man, his four years on the bench have shown him to be among the ablest judges in the state. Look Out For Carbon Monoxide We have seldom heard of a more dis tressing accident than the death of nine Dartmouth students and their pet dog, as they were sleeping peacefully in their fraternity 'club house on the college cam pus. Something went wrong with the fur nace, and they were killed in their sleep, everyone who was in the building, by the deadly cailxjn monoxide gas. "This is a fonn cf poisoning which is becoming much too common. More than 60,000 persons were' killed last year by catbon monoxide. Some ware overcome while in their cars, left running in closed garages.-Many died from sleeping in closed rooms with a gas fire going. There were comparatively few who met their death from the gases escaping from a fur nace, as jn the Dartmouth case, but enough to make it seem desirable to utter a warning to everybody who depends upon coal stoves or coal furnaces to look to their heating plants. Many people have the idea that they can always smell the gas in time to open a door or window. And many have met their deaths because they did not realize that the poisonous carbon monoxide which'is given off whenever coal or pe troleum products are burned, is odorless. Its presence cannot be detected by the ■ nose. The unpleasant odor of coal-gas or -the exhaust fumes of an automobile mis- ,0 leads folk into thinking that unless they smell something there is no danger. Nbbody can smell carbon monoxide. There is no waniing but the sudden col- lapse and speedy death of the victim. Most of these deaths occur in winter, when furnaces are being forced and win- ^ dows are kept closed, when it seems to be . J easier to start up the car before opening ^ the garage doors. There is only one way ’ sto prevent it, and that is never to run a cak in- an enclosed space unless there is a door or window wide open; never to enter OP aieep in a room or a house unless cer tain that the furnace flues are properly ^v^xting and the deeping room is well v«iti6ted. If found fnpn enough after collapse, " .victim^ b® revived by inedical aM seWom con^ John Joseph Gaines, vhoae ar ticles on health problems are publidied by The Joumal-Pataiot in no consistent man ner, writw on birth control this ^ The eminent family physlcian^^ipeaks hte mind on a subject that deserves more consideration than it gets. Maybe, it*s a little plain-spoken, hut whether one agrees or not, the arti^e deds'vdth its subject in a atndght-forward, common-ser^^^way. Dr. Gaines says: ‘1 am a believer in educatitm---the kind that leads to int^dgent activity for the betterment of our race. We use intelli gent in the production of our livestock, —even in the growing of mr crops. Why not in bringing up families that ean be provided for? ' "The law in most states makes it a crime—to furnish any swrt of contracep tive—and call it that^to the wo^ half- distracted mother of eUht or nine chil dren, who has not the strength to proper ly care for them ... a crime that could draw—imprisonment. Any kind of inter ference with gestation—pregnancy—is manslaughter. And, who can deny it? Yet —what of bringing an unlimited flock of children into a starving world--wreck- ing the life of a poor mother? ft is noth ing short of a problem! ‘This same world will laud to the high heavens a big military rooster—^will cover him with medals of distinction—for lead ing twenty-five thousand grown-up sons of mothers onto a battlefield, and have them shot to pieces by the truck-load! That’s not “manslaughter”—or is it? “It’s a strange world, viewed from any angle . . • with codes and statutes—enact ments that require acres of buildings for their storing—when the Ten Command ments would answer every purpose! ‘Yet, birth control is a serious matter, if in the hands of the ignorant Sometimes I think—if we gave it half the study that we have given to whiskey, we would have more and happier mothers—^and brighter, better-raised children . . . The average man has a great deal of “hog” and selfish appetite about him ... So much of birth control depends on him; just as he is the chief delinquent in the lack of it... We must educate—and live up to humane principle.” Sunday School' Lesson By REV. CHARLES E. DUNN Tbemtrei 'A 'Bn* Buttm At^Oampuijr B« At Hie aad Next WeekS g A eWA Memorial We are fully in agreement with Coun ty Superintendent Eller that the Ferguson school building will be a permanent CWA memorial. Wilkes is fortunate in obtain ing one of the two complete school units erected by CWA labor in North Carolina. Without CWA, what the school situa tion at Ferguson would have been is problematical. We congi-atulate the CWA administration and all who used their in fluence toward getting through this pro ject. ■iiM Aki AtAHUin srent of umunal Interest to local theirtre xoers wlU'ibe the ‘Oersoii^ appearance of Bnu Bar ton at the LU»rty Theatre Thors- day and lYIday, of next 'week. For the enllKhtment of those few who do not know BnxS) they are asked to recall many of the exeit- iog weetem tUina which they have seen In which a certain youthtnl actor emulated the star In feats of daring horsemanship and thrilling advebture. In aU. probshillty, that actor was Boss Barton. ' * The Liberty 'Theatre manage ment is fortunate to be able to present thia popular screen fav orite to local audiences and at such reasonable prices. Not only has Bum Barton played with the screen’s most popular stars In feature pictures, but be'has co- starred with many of them in excitif^ serial stories. Thrill^, action, excitement, adventidre—. all that go to make up an enter tainment film—are as synony mous with. the name of Buss Barton as they are with such well known players as Tom Mix, Tim McCoy and Buck Jones. He has all the attributes which have proven so successful in the ca reers of these older stars—the only difference If any being in years of experience. Accompanied by a group of artists whose j knowledge of western life, ob tained through actual experience, | entitles them to the appellation of genuine cowgirls and cowboys. Buzz will entertain his audience with a sample of life in the wide open spaces. The Buzz Barton company has proven one of the most successful attractions now touring the country. The Wttkes County Bpworth League union ir 111 meet at TMendship Methodist n-r e k near Millerf Creek Snndi^ after noon at .4 o'clock. r.- President Grady Church will prbsida at .^e meeting. AU Bp- wdrth Leigners and others inter ested in this phase of church wdrk are invited to attend. Couple Found Mein Mo^nough, 6a.. MSKh 2.— Mr. and Mrs. Carter Clieek, both In the 30’a were found dead with builef wounds in their beads; at their home near here today and a coroner’s Jury returned a verdict that they had died at the hands of an "nnknown ^rsoB.” The bodies were found by the eigbt-year-old daughter-^ of the couple, Vera Leis Cheek, who iteetifled at the inguest that her I mother and father had been ■ quarreling laat night oVer drink- ling Bhe'sald Cheek had been do- ' ing. j The child said she finally^ cov eted up her head in bed and went to sleep. She found the bodies when she arose to go to school, Both Cheek and hia'wlfe were kiUed by pistol bullets but no weapon was found. Witnesses testified that cart ridges of the caliber used in the slayings were found 'in Cheek’s pocket. UBERAL TR/^E-IN AUUWANCR S®S ^ BEFORE BUYING AND SAVE MONEY. Don’t do wittout the things you need for the when you can get them so cheap from ns. SEAT COVERS j-t PARTS^Bfe^ WILEY BROOKS and JETER CRYSEL ^ Smke Co. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. A hen requires almost half a pound of feed to produce one egg, it was found in recent tests of six breeds. A study of goiter in Japan shows' that only one Japanese In a million has this disease. Popcorn pops best when moist, says an agricultural experiment station official. Ronda V/ommn HI RONDA, March 5.—Miss Ber nice Bauldin, of Ronda Route 2, Benge. We hope for her an early recovery. was carried to the Hugh Chat ham Memorial Hospital at Elkin last Saturday for treatment. She was suffering from some head trouble. Her condition is improv ed and she has ^returned to her home. There are about five to six mil lion red blood cells per cube cen timeter in the blood of a grown man. QUICKER, BETTER REUEF from use of Black-Draught **1 have taken Btaok-Draught, oft and on when needed, for twenty- p* five yeare, for It is eaay to take,” writes Hr. George T. Wharton, of | Petevrimrg, Va. "I take it for con- 1 ■tlpatlon and when 1 have that | dull, tired feeling. I toke it for 1 colds and other complaints whare f a good laxative la neeited, and 1 | Mlieve. It gives me quicker_and better relief than any other modi- f; cine I know. It certainly has f been a help to me.” P,B. — It VCK kovv CRnnaaN, gM *' them the new, pleaeanl-taeting I aYBVP of Thedfori’i Blaek-Dranght. L ares From North Wilkeaboro To— Winaton-Salem — $1.76 Greensboro — 2.60 Statesville — Atlanta Charlotte 2.60 Lenoir .....— - - 1-00' Washington 7.46 New York 11.00 Bristcl, Tenn 8.00 Boone 1-15 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 12 Atlantic Greyhound Bus lines NORTH t^LKESBORO, N. C. 13. PARABLES OF THE KINGDOM Lesson for March 11th. Matthew, chap. Golden Text: Isaiah 9:7. The characteristic method of Jesus was to herald His message in the form of vivid pic tures, or parables. In this way He guaranteed that the gospel would be surely remembered, for pictures always remain in the mind more easily than argument or exposition devoid of imagery. ‘‘Truth embodied in a tale” is a vt ry effective form of instruction. In the beautiful chapter chosen for our lesson there are eight striking parables. An entire period could be devoted to each of these appeal ing stories. Two of them, the parable of the sower, and the parable of the tar's, are full length sketches. The others are vignettes merely. Suppose we look at four of these miniatures. Consider the parable of the must^ seed. Here we have a prophecy of the expansion of the divine Kingdom. The mustard seed, proverbially the tiniest of all grains, becomes, at last, a mighty tree, its splendid branches lifted heaven ward for the refuge of birds and the comfort of man. So is it with the commonwealth of God. The life of Jesus was obscure. Few heard His gracious but urgent gospel. At the time of His cruel death His movement was a mere speck upon the horizon of men’s interests. But look at it now! Through the long centuries it has gath ered to itself many riches and peoples until it stands before us today, a great treasury of thought and life. The parable of the leaven illustrates the per meating quality of God’s Realm. Note that leav en is inward, unseen, and silent. So the dirine kingdom advances in the inner hearts of men, as an invisible, quiet force. Shunning notoriety, statistics, and trade returns, it makes' its pres ence felt unobtrusively, calmly, without the blare of trumpets. But its influence is none the less effective!. The paraWes of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price illustrate the surpassing worth of the heavenly commonwealth. In both cases there is exultant joy over the possession y of wealth of supreme value. Abshers Fashions WORN BY Abshers Brings New Spring Values for Men Living Models FEONT and CENTER liberty Theatre IN THE SPRING DRESS PARADE BUSINESS-SPORT MONDAY - TUESDAY- MARCH 12 - 13 Abshers’ Spring Fashions for men will be displayed on living models at the Merchants’ Fashion Show to be held Monday and Tuesday matinee and night' at the Liberty Theatre. See how well you will look in these smart fashions. . You’ll be the cynosure of all eyes if you select your new Spring out fit from our 1934 stockfe.. Everything for the wrtl dressed man . . . Tailored better, made for more wear and that dreseed-up appearance. You can’t go wrong in your selection at this store. GAY SPRING $m to North and South Carolina, it seems, have not obpemd anybody dying of thirst.—Chki«o| Niws. Here they are, men, and just the rtyle, the color, the modd you would choose and priwd as you like them priced. ' VISIT OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT NORTH WILKESBORO, C. THE CASH CLOTHING^ STORK A ■'/ ■ v-vrer-:'.'

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