lAMlE EDITOR PHONE »& Min M * Clauu Wa* Twiaday Eve Manle MoNMI, Mra, NaQ *il«r«a Md Mr*, i. Ihapltollty to Uw ^nem- ^WRM of tko FidoUa elan la their i:Val^l7 meeting on Tunday oto- aiey at the home of the former. ’RMaMr-eeren members and two KTs. Min Shirley Foster and Malph Bowman, were pres- fcr the meetias whl^ waa! : SM*tded oTer by Mrs. Ohal Me- ■hD. the preddent. The regalar Sayerts were heard from the dlf- taHt-eommlttees. An Impressive ■nnttViiMl period was led by ■Me Etama Eller with the prayer Mu offered by Mrs. C. B. El- MV. During the social hour Mrs. ■hank Tomlinson and Mrs. B. J. ■Nam, the entertainment com- ^lAtee, directed a St. Patrick’s aaatest and other games. Mrs. B. M. Brown and Miss Mante Brewer worn out in the contest while Mrs. ESjus McNeil and Mrs. Ed IMDVbd to be the most skillful at potato rolling.- Delicious refresh ments were served at the close af the evening. ' '■>'.1 T" Social Cdiendar Mrs. R. F. ,Cm(9 hfrs. Engeao Olive will Join as bos* ten to the Mlswlse clab^at the home of Mrs. Olive this eve- niaif. Dinner will be served at d:SO after which the gaests wUl enjoy a theatrei party. .(The WUkeAim Baptist chnrch will observe the Week . of Prayer tor Htmte Misahms tomorrow at the home of Mrs. F. G. Hidman. An all day ses sion will be held beginning at ten o’dook in the morning. Lunch will be served nt noon. Fliin :-ijiiss*^i8a';;I?fi«f*h Nn in^' Her .Chair for the business part oi-me -» meeting, the regular routine pf MonorVng her-cfassmates of the transacted. A pro- Hhwhaw Beanty school.Miss A»tn; on the Week of Prayer for Ellis entertained a group of j |j0me Mlestonsje preceded the friends nt her home near Gak- prograiS®w1^1ch was dl- woods Tuesday evening. Games jjjgg Mabl-y Wiles, Sev- were enjoyed throughout the ove- ^lembers assisted MlSs nlar. An enjoyable feature of the ‘ program. The entmrtainment was the alfteg members attending mnslc and singing famished by ^rere served light refroshments Messrs. Glenn Anderson, Wood- j laying the social bonr; row Wallace, and Bari Anderson, j , At the close of the evening the Pwygpmpnt Of MiM Lowe hostess, assisted^, by her steters, Misses Winnie and Annie Lee El lis, and Miss Doris Brooks, serv ed tempting refreshmenu to the twenty-five guests enjoying the hospitality of Miss Bills. ^ irci ^^drj EttlAMaMIlt a%ad Mf- Oiv Is Entities ‘Tea Top^.T^v Tshitirp Class Will Be Tlw NortE WiHceaboro Y.W.A. Met Momday.'. Night Misses Lnnda and Mattie Mae Hendren combined their hospi tality to the members of the North Wllkwboro Baptist Y. W. A. in their monthly meeting at their home on Monday evening.! ip^di Ahnounead Mr. and Mrs. 'Carl Arthnr Lowe, of Wilkesboro, aanonnoo the engagement of their, daugh ter, Eulab Mae,),to Rev. Ktwf Milton Church. The wedding will be"'’^^w>lemaisedl Snnday, March fSth In the Wtlkeshoro Baptist church.' ' «rn"; wjttytti v night^ 7:45 S "Tea Toper Tavern” Is thb title of an ezeellenf play which wlH be. presedt^ tonight at 7:45 o'clock in Wilkesboro high scltool auditerlam under the spons^hlp of the Junior Woman’s cfph. The caiA-in:directed by MIm Helen' OtXomorrow Afternoon At School Anditorinm ' a re- Boalte, J5t Prpbeeds the pertormaaN will N used in the erection of a eommnnlty oinb house ""In . WU- Niji^ro. Admissiod' will be . ten and fifteen eeuts. g: . ■ >1 II-. ■i.r e ■■ ■» .III ' eqalpp- Mlss Ellen Robinson will sent her music student* in cltal at the city school auditor ium tomorrow afternoon at 8:16 o'clock. This will be one of the high spots of th« current school ymur for mosle lovei*. ^ The public Is.cordially.invited to attend the recital for which od adratssloa charge yin be made. g^.gms i^h CD ■' great Zulu trlim—-gfvlng'' hralklpg stleM^f highly ' iij»c natives, after receiving-. . I preeents as warshleid* and ^ ‘'ittty work. The stalwart warri^-, paid homage to the .prince at specfalty-arranged war dance. MODBiflWipMDI Columbia abeep, a new typo de- Amerieap natomohOes ed 'witb radios are taxed $8 when veloped by government soientlstr entering Canada: The tax is not in Idaho, produce heavier flepoes than any breed commonly raised in range areas. imposed generally on ears enter ing Canada for short tours pr week-end trips. V-® Loses Bnlt ■ „ -■ . Covington, Ky;* March 6.^ ""ly Ralph P. SCharringhans of Knox- vllle, Tenn.*i today lo^t his plea for a new .trial of tbe^snit of Mkn Bveijm HMOB, former Knoxville school fancher, for flOd.OOO for breach pf promise and other damages. A Jqry reeeatly award ed the woman a total ot .g80.d00. suffM fsMsMCCNrton* CM.eliM.«afi! PM* S Miss Ellen Robinson will present her music pupils tn a recital In the anditorinm o| the city school tomorrow aft ernoon at S:15. The AmeWcan Legion Auxil iary will meet Monday night, March 12, at 7:45 at the Nurses’ home with Miss Toby Tomer as hostess. ♦X ■ra. Henderson Hostess ’b Missionary Society **Bcmzil—A Missionary Oppor- Nnlty" was the program that met in the evening and the other two in the afternoon. Circle No. 1 was entertained by the chair man of the group, Miss Virginia presented at the March meet- [ Lane, with an attendance of six of the Wilkesboro Methodist lonary Sooiety on Tuesday uftemoon at the home of Mrs. J. ■.■■ Henderson. Mre. A. H. Cline was in charge of the program which was given by Mrs. A. R. ■ny and Mrs. W. R. Miller as a Natogue. The devotional period wna led by Mrs. J. B. Henderson. Baring the business session wWch was presided over by Mrs. C. H. Hulcher plans were made tor a St. Patrick’s tea to be held *t the home of Mrs. R. R. Church, ^e ten members attending were ■cn'ed dainty refreshments at the of the afternoon. W- Missionary Auxiliary Ikld Meeting Tuesday P.M. With the president. Mrs. .1. C. ■eins. presiding a number of mutters came up for discussion at ito* monthiy meeting of the Storth iVilkesboro Methodist Mis sionary Society that was held Tiesday afternoon in the church Vrior. The program, "Brazil—A Missionary Opportunity.” was arranged by Mrs. W. P. Horton. Wd was given by Miss Mamie tockwell, .Mrs. R. E. PctoL^gs and ■xBw J. C. Smoot. Mrs. Murphy 'Bant led the devotional period ■(flowed by a prayer ty Mts. J. ■- Crawford. The attend ince write went to Circle No. 1. Ffiecbyterian Circles Held Aileresting Meetings members. The Bible study given by Miss Julia Finley Miss Janie McDiarmid aiso part on the program. With Mrs. S. P. Mitchell pre siding Circle No. 2 met with -Miss Ellen Robinson and was attend ed by fourteen members. Miss Robinson taught the Bible study. Mrs. C. C. Faw, president of the Auxiliary met with the group. Mrs. E. O. Finley was hostess to Circle No. 3 and Mrs. R. G. Finley gave an Instructive Bible lesson. Mrs. A. A. Cashlon pre sided for the business part of the meeting. Mrs. Faw the retiring president and Mrs. S. P. Mitchell the incoming president, met with the group. Eleven members were pre.sent. Circle No. 4 met with Mrs. H. B. Smith, the chairman, and was attended by ten members. The Bible lesson was led by Mrs. J. R. Finley. Tlie member.s of the Circle presented Mrs. Smith with a lovely potted plant. The meet- 1 ing Tuesday ended .'ir.s. Smith’s I year as chairman of the Circle. At the close of each of the meet- 1 ings the hostesses served delight- [ *ul refreshments during the so cial hour, t Friendly Circle Met I With Miss Irene Culler I The monthly meeting of the i Friendly Circle wa i held on I Tuesday evening wi ,h the presl- circles of the North j dent, Miss Irene Culler, and a large number of the members were present. The program for the evening was directed by Miss Louise Melville with Misses Elea- Smoak, Helen Winkler and The four Wilkesboro Presbyterian church ■aid their monthly meetings on ■*«eday. Circles No. 1 and No. 2 ^.SUFFER FROM GAS? Mrs. Fannie Scn-ell of 921 No. 3d St, Wilmington, N. C„ said: “I was in a gen- eral run-down condition. !«d|K After eating, I would .‘iuf- fer from gas and sour stom- vvjw ach. would feel dizjsy and had frequent headaches. I / became weak and tost ■weight but after taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical all this trouble was gone and 1 f hi wreiglit and strength.” New size, t.5U ds.- Uquid $1.00. "W* Do Ouc Pan.” nor Mattie Gray Guthrie taking part. Miss Culler occupied the chair for routine business. A pleasant social hour followed the meeting during which time the hostess served tempting refreshments. Splendid Program Given At U.D.C. Meeting Monday With Mrs. P. E. Brown, chair man of the membership commit tee, in charge, a program of much interest was presented at the monthly meeting of the U. D. C. Monday afternoon which was held at the home of Mrs. B. R. Underwood with Miss Nell Rous seau as associate hostess. Mrs. Underwood, president, presided for routine business and laying plans for the Old Soldiers din ner at Wilkesboro May tenth was the chief Item for discussion. For the first number on the program Mrs. C. H. Cowles read a paper stressing the importance of keeping valuable papers in the south concerning the war be tween the states. An humorous feature of the program was Anecdotes of the Old South, giv en by Mrs. J. R. Finley, a charter member of the U. D. C. A life sketch, of the late L. M. Pharr, the study of the veteran for the month, was given by. Miss Lucy Finley, also a charter member. An Acrostic of Wilkes Valley Guards, written by Mrs. C. D. Coffey, Sr., was read by Miss Rousseau. To close the program Mrs. Underwood read a poem, ‘To Mother’s of the Confeder acy," followed by a salute to the Confederate flag. COUGHS Don’t let them' gfil a mrtagl*’ boU.|. Fight |«nn» CrewnuMon cw bines 7 major help* in one. PowerM h« l^iileii, He*sm»t to «k»-^ oMie*, Tav «Ni dtoOiA b anihoriaH te rafaad ftm « th* rm* B ■ PTi’-" .,M'r EVERY GARMENT SHOWN FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK MODELING AT BOTH AFTERNOON AND NIGHT SHOWS il f I ' I' my ^ t I* XPRIMO As Shown On Living Models LIBERTY THEATRE Monday and Tuesday^ March 12-13 $4.95 to $16.50 Our collection of Spring Dresses is now ready and complete. You’ll love every one j'ou try on ... they’re so lovely and lx;Coniing. We are featuring both prints and plain crepes . . . with demure little frills gilets and collars . . . with smooth dropped shoulders trast in colors . . Prints on the bias . . Contrast values that we believe to be unsurpassed. with soft Beautiful con- in sleeves, featuring Coats - - ■ $7.95 to $16.50 K you are all of “a-dither” about your Spring Coat . , stop worrying ^d come to our store. We’ve carefully chosen the headline fashions for the newest color mixtures . , . Here are the smartest of me new Dress the newest color mixturs . . Hre are the sma^st of the new Dress Coats with clever treatments . . Sport Coats in novelty woolens popular colors . , , In sizes for misses and women. All BLOUSES 98c to $1.98 Smart Silk Blouses to com plete your ensemble and in the popular styles for Spring. Light soft shades. Suits - - - - $9.95 to $19.50 'Triumphs in new Spring Swagger Suits. We know that what every sm^t woman wants most in a Suit is smartness, and that’s what we ^ve stressed most . . Shoulders fit smoothly and sleekly are supposed to this season •. There is fullness-to-the-front with dash and sifreep to it Paris manner. Most astonisMng of all is the pnee what you’d expect for this quality, style and tailoring. the way they belted in . . . . . in the real . . Way below . SMART BAGS 98c Browns, blacks, redi. reptile leathers. Smart new shapes with large ornaments. - Just the right size. EVENING DRESSES - ■ $6.95 to $12.50 MEN'S SWTS to Spring’s latest style successes can make your outfit complete. So youthful, so gay and debonair, are these brand new Evening frocks. Dainty pastels, in sheer silks. Quite the grandest show-, ing. we have attempted. Setting the style pace with values like these . . . There’s no mistaking it . . . when it comes to downrigdit unexceUed irtyle and valuei" these Suits can’t be beat.. Fashioned out of splendid domestic $md imported fabrics in every model wanted . . . DoaUe and single breasted ... B^ted sport models . . This is one re^ son why Belk’s lead tiie style raca. '' WOMEN’S HATS 98c to $195 Maybe you look best in a sou’wester brim that pushes back to. show your widow’s peak . ^ . Maybe you have to have down brim ... or possibly in some other style.^ That's’ ail riaSit We have all of them ... 'Ehe>w^Utylw «d MEN’S HAfS & ..Top off your Sjuring outfit In a new Emerson Hat^ Hat styles 'f^r ^zing and fashioned for hard wear ^ new ,a^ the day itself Smart looking, smart sli^tly lower crpwna;^^ 4'sliKhtIy wider brims . ^ . hi all new soft ^prisg^shades. By all • ■■ '44^=” ■ L'*-means see ^epL r-..^ ' :4