a .■V-.v 28. ^idbSshd^^liondiyi and llmndaya NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C.. THT MAR. 16,1984 f 1.00 IN $ *S9B=S^ H.60O0?OFTHE 'rial b6^7oday It Is ChBifed With Ifcrdfer Of QjNic Ander- ■OB In J«n^ 1933 B^G CLEARED OC Oopirt Is Dis- Wlth Speed As Adjtmnunent Nears iVrial »t Rwral HolUad. chara- tte asrder «f Cl^e An- 4*sea tp Jnse of teat 7«ar, will niutor way in Snperlor court teday. Holland la alleged to hare eat Andafton so aererely In a drankan brawl that the young atpa died, a tew hours after the . tttfWT- ■ ■ Will aak for convic tion^ itaarder In the second de- graa. It is stated. ,»ke business of ihe court is ^ng dispatched with great speed’ and as adjournment nears. It appears that more than 75 per osat of the eases on the docket irill have been removed when the barm ends. Jadge Wilson Warlick is pre- aUMig aftd Solicitor John R. K ^OSea.tsiiapcesenting the state in tk* ^Ikaaaoation. Jaa Walsh, who plead guilty to an assault upon Mayor W. E. Harris, of Wilkesboro, was giv en a suspended sentence of 12 months at the request of Mayor Harris. rUlowing is a list of cases dis poned of; Berman Myers, operating car while under infineaea of whiskey, 3 months on road and driver’s lieanaa revoked for* 12 months. Minnie Clonch and 'Royal Church, affray, not guilty. H. L. Ferguson and Mead Ham by, f. and a., mistrial. Code Shatley, intimidating an officer, not guilty. ) Bnnett Holloway, Jesse Hollo way and Theodore Sebastian, as- sairiCnofgullty. Hickman Minton and Schuyler (Continued on page eight) Bridge Lights j lUt Turned On Handsome New Bridge Isj Lighted; Bight Lighting i Standards Erected HE IS CANDIDATE Hdbrook iondyictim Oi^olBatde Traphill Han Dies In Hos- |Mtal At Elkin After Bat- .. tie With Death - . { HE HAD KILLED COUSINj Funei;^ Held Yesterday At' Church Where Other Vic tim Was Buried The last chapter to a feud which lasted over a period of years was wiTtten late Monday when Ralph Holbrook succumbed at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hos pital in Elkin to pistol wounds inflicted by his, cousin, Marvin Holbrook, wJio was almost in stantly killed in a pistol battle between the two near Donghton Friday night. The two Holbrooks mef at (hq home of an aged relaAve by mar riage, Mrs. Amanda (Granny) Holcombs, 90 years old, to set tle the matter which had been a source of repeated fights between Call Hotel building here them. Each shot the other to row. death in the fig'ht that ensued. Marvin expired on the spot. Ralph (ought a losing game with death in ' the hospital at Elkin, his condition too serious to re- I spond to repeated blood trans- J fusions. The body was removed to the HAS EXCELLENT RECORD, home, and yesterday was convey- to .A souemm jonbs Solicitor Jones Confirms Report He Is Can£date Seventeenth District Prose cutor WiU Seek Re-election | To Present P(»t pM-j-wsaii Be Candidate For SoBcftterdib He A^ts He fe ^rknMiy CoHsddering Mntter Of Entering Race MIND IS NOT MADE UP CHAIRMAN TO QUIT , Miss Loretta Gray, of New York City, 'noted dietician and home economist, will be in charge of the cooking which will he conducted at the tomor- Carrier Delivery In City Curtailed Solicitor John R. Jones, of this I ed to Round Hill Baptist church, ■ near Traphlll for the final solemn Tuesday Afternoon .Delivery To Be Cut Off On Certain Dates, Reins States city, will seek re-election to his present post, it was learned this J. C. Reins, North Wilkesboro rites in tfie same house of wor ship where a similar service wasjjjj^j carrier delivery service Has Served Continuously As Chairman For PUst Eteht Years;, f^ne Record Attorney Andrew H. Casey, chairman of the Wilkes county schooU Republican executive committee, will not he a candidate for re- election at the county convention 'April 2. it was learned this morn ing. Mr. Casey told a Journal-Pa triot representative that he In tended to retire at the expiration of his present term. This announcement gave added ^ Importance to the county conven tion which will he called upon to name a new chairman of the party. Mr. Casey’s statement that be will retire as county chairman Be Hdd Monday Monm^AMfl^Z iBb A. H. Casey, chairman of-the Wilkes county Reptfbllcan execu-|j^^ ^ ^ Prednet Meet Held At Vering Saturday. Afteraowi NAME NEW CHAIRltAN Detegates OodnW tiro To Be.lMeded At Conventkg^OBdnjjf A call for precinct ' met^ngs and the county conventioin .^'was issued this week by ^^iL -H. Casey and J. M. Brown, 'jihwiMlW and secretary respectively of th« Wilkes county Republican exees- tive committee. The township primaries will ha held at the votipf places‘tMr ftet- urday, March. 31, at 2 p. m. and the convention wflF^l^held in the courthouse h|>hday, April 2... held earlier in the week for, curtailed slightly for the A report to that effect had been. Marvin Holbrook, first victim of j remainder of the present circulated for several weeks, biit ^*'® tragedy. Burial was in the comply .nstrnc\ church cemetery. | of Postmaster General Far- Ralph Holbrook was 27 years' jgy of age aud his cousin, Marvin | pgjj,g g^yg {j,e foUow- Holbrook, was 26 years of age.} gj^^g^g^j. 'Tn order to comply with be known that he will again encer postmaster, announced yesterday k ^ , iKoi Is regarded in some circles as an indication that he will seek the the solicitor had not made any statement up to this time. Solicitor Jones, when inter- viewed at his office today, let it Both were residents of the Trap- hill community. the Republican primary as a can- Survlvors of Ralph Holbrook tlve committee, announced this i morning that he will i^ot be a candidate for re-election. Rumor has it that Mr. Casey will seek the Republican nomination for sSlicltor. Postmaster General Farley's in structions issued March 2, 1934, didate (or the nomination. Press- vestal Holbrook, his parenU, Mr., ed for a statement, he^sald: _[.and.TSIrs. J. H, Holbrook, of Tfap- are his joung widow, Mrs. Sallle employees In «te field seriiice, except railway post al clerks, will be furloughed familiar with the work of this office during my service as solicitor and I shall leave my candidacy in their hands.” Since he befame solicitor In 1926, followinit the retirement of .Judge Johnson J. Hayes, Solici tor Jones has successfully prose cuted some of the most noted , criminal cases in the state. The handsome new bridge i priends of the solicitor have fre- •cross the Yadkin River between quently pointed to his record as the Wilkesboros was illuminated ^ strong reason why he should be for the first time last night when ‘ returned to office. «igbt powerful bulbs shined down I Among the outstanding cases from attractive standards. j which Solicitor Jones has success- Standards for the lights were j (qHy prosecuted were the Bryant put up by Ralph Duncan, local ‘‘I think most residents of fiieihlll; two small sons, and several. during district are familiar with the jristers. the remainder of the fiscal year. Railway postal clerks will be fur- Dry Forces Will Meet March 18tli' I toughed for 3 1-2 days during the remainder of the fiscal year. However there will be no rural carriers furloughed under this order. Townshin Chairmen Andl “in compliance with the above. Leader to Gather At delivery service win be Coui^’touse At 2:30 l curtailed. There will be no atter- Repnblican nomination (or solici tor in this Judicial district. The rumor that he will enter the i race has been going the rounds | for several weeks, but the local | attorney has declined to deny or j confirm the report. Questioned along this line this morning, Mr. Casey admitted that be had taken the matter under advisement. It is known that be has received considerable en couragement from his ^friends throughout the district. Mr. Casey was elected as chair man of the Republican party in Wilkes in the summer of 1926 Motorists ^ked ToLofdiOutFor School Children County School Head Calls Attentim To Law About ' -Pasrtnf TJp Bibmw'^ PROSECUTE Violators One of the important items of business to come before the con vention will be the election of a party chairman for the next two years. The call issued by Messrs. Casey and Brown follows: I “Whereas, J. S. Duncan, 'chplr- I man of the Executive Committee jof the Republican party in North Carolina, has called a state con vention to be held in Charlotte I on Wednesday, April 4. 1934: i and, pursuant to the instruettons I contained therein, we hereby call j primaries in the various precl&eta in Wilkes county and county con- ! ventlon to be held as follows: I “The prini^ieB in each‘of Um various towjlbhliw i n WUkes A request that motorists look {county will be held oh Satuday. out for school children on the i March 31, 1934, at'two o’clock hlkhways was contained in a! P-ni. with the exception of North and has served continuously in j statement issued yesterday after- Wilkesboro, which, as usual, wlU that capacity. His tenure of of-|ng„n j,y prof. c. B. Eller, super-held at 12:30 n. m. flee has witnessed some of the, intendent of the county school"These meetings will be held noon delivery on the Township c'.inirmen and leaders j Tuesdays: March 20 and 27, of the dry torn-A of Wilke.s coun-[ April 10 and 17, May 8 and 16, ty will meet ai the courthouse in and June 12 and 19. biggest political unheavels in the ’ gygtem. history of the county. The biggest | jj, gugp ggjj those who vlo- majorlty ever recorded for Re-' j^tg the law by passing' school Ipubllcanlsm in Wilkes came und- t,„ggggg loading or unload- at the regular voting places In the precincts of the various townships, except in North Wil kesboro township which will' be er in electrical supplies, who t awarded the contract for the > by the state highway com mission. The Job of erecting the ntnndards was completed this week and final connections were UIAO nade yesterday afternoon. "5# aeeCtebWai Give Operetta To Be Presented Tomorrow Evening In School Audi torium At 7:45 J. B. McCoy Nsimed As Code Officiid His Territorj’ I* Composed Of ■Ashe, Watauga, Willies And Caldwell (lounfles “Betty Lou,” the most talked j of oporetu of the season, will be 1 The appointment of J. B. Mc- arewnted by the Glee Club of I Coy, manager of Hotel Wilkes, Worth Wilkesboro high school to- J as a member of the local code morrow evening at 7:45 o’clock., authority was announced Wilkesboro Sunday, March 18, at 2:30 p. m. (or an important ses sion. The purMis.3 of the meeting, Stone "case 7nWiikes“ the Hauser ] dry leader,, announced, is to elect case in Davie, the four Taylors- a truste -, whose duty it will be vine hank bandit-robbers case. ’ promote the work of the dry the Glenn Walsh .-ase in Wilkes.! forces in Wilkes, and “to pre- the Glenn case in Milche!: aud. ‘he wishes of ho "gamra- the Freeman and Sumraerfield' by resolution to constituted j ing June 30. 1934. Martin cases in Yadkin. | authority and to fne county Solicitor Jones is regarded us hoard ef elections.’ - one of the ablest prosecutors in I "TblB meeting,’ County Chair- North Carolina, his friends de- «pan Avery Church said. Is our Clare. “This order is made in order to keep the Postal Service within the budget,^for this fiscal year, therefore making it necessary that this furlough time be taken without expense to the depart ment. All unused annual leave was also withdrawn (or the re mainder of the fiscal year, end following leadership in 1928 whenjjjjg jjg proseouted if a warn-j held at the City Hall at 12:30 the county gave a majority of jg insufficient. The law re- P- ‘be purpose of perfect- around 5,200 for Hoover and an J motorists come to a ‘he township organizations average majority of around 3,-|gt g i^its to load or ■ and electing delegates to the 500 for the county ticket. 1 unload passengers. county convontlon, which will be During his eight years asi q,j,g statement issued by Mr. i held at the courthouse in Wilkes- obairman, Mr. Casey has had to gjjgp follows: j boro on Monday, April 2, 1934,^ work at times urfHer considerable j attention has been called | at eleven o’clock a. m. for the* difficulty due to factional fights, i t,,g that many motorists' Purpose of perfecting the coun- but has never aligned himself: t^e law which requires jty organization and electing dele- wlth any group, always giving his I t,,gt tj,gy p,me to a stop when Sates to the Senatorial^ Congres- best for Republicanism regardless ggjjool busses are loading or un j effort to put into action oar sen timents which the drys voted in the past election.” E. G. Finley Will Have Charge Kiwania Program E. G. Finley will have charge of the program of the KIwanis Club which meets tomorrow at 12:05 o’clock. Charlie Sparks Given 3 Years faction, his of the dominant friends declare. When interviewed at his office , sional and State Conventions: loading school children. 'That law | and for such other bnsinees as is in the interest of the safety of j “ay properly come before the the children and should be en- “eeting. The chairman of the this morning, Mr. Casey express- i jurcej, various precincts organizations ed his appreciation of the co-| -i ^gyg instructed bus drivers are requested to call their meet- operation that members of all ^ jq fgpufi violations to me so lings in conformity with the Gets Longest Sentence Yet Meted Out For Assault On Fon Combs gyo presentation will be in the erty schooi auditorium. | Betty Lou, who is twenty reary of her step-mother's at- pretty and very determined, tempt to wed her to a wealthy -man regardless of her own wish es In tha matter. To avoid the at- taotioiu of the latest candidate, she dfeeses as a child and poses gs Betty Lon’s sister, “Just ten yssre oM.” When Mrs. Pendleton arrives, Betty Iami Is wearing seeks and a hair ribbon. Does she or can she explain? That Is n' gnsstion which the Glee Club vUl eaewer for those who attend, cast~6t charairters follows: Batty Lou, Oladys Bryant; ^(s, Anthony Pendleton, Reboo- » eft Brame; Tony Pendleton G*yn jOlhy; Lola Pend: 'Pendly; BeeA BM» Bab, Mickey Bryant: Jack, James Lowe; Joe.'Jlobort Ford; Ttobert gMrwood, V willtem Orieeom; tfUMBIndlon 'Brooks. Vera Br- rvto; AiMite. Annie Catherine 'ilcore: ’to- Lane, W»nk Tues day b y Bari H. Spence, o f Greensboro, chairman of the North Carolina hotel au thority. Mr. McCoy’s district is com posed of Wilkes. Ashe. Watauga and Caldwell countlen. Blame Crash On Motor Cheyenne, 'Wyo.. March 14.—A coroner’s jury held today that engine failure caused the crash of any army plane that killed Lieuts. Frank L. Proward and A. R. Kerwin, air mail, flyers, here last Friday. No reason for the failure was found. Dr. H^hsmitfa To Address Teachers To Speak At County Teach ers Meeting In Wffltes- boro On Saturday Ed Brown Found Guilty In Case Verdict Df Iiwtduntary Man slaughter For Death Of Settle CMM Charlie Sparks, who shot A. F. (Fpn) Combs in the log and then stood guard with his gun to pre vent anyone from administering first aid to the wounded man, was given three years on the road Monday when his case came up in Superior court. Combs’ leg was so. badly man gled by the load'of shot that it was necessary to iwputate the injured member. l%e shooting took place in the Windy Gap community Just before Christ mas. Sparks plead guilty to a charge of assault with a deadly weapon and asked the mercy of the court. factions of the Republican party Ijj^g^ jjjp offenders may be prose-; above. - qgted I “A. H. CASEY, Chairman, “I earnes.iv request that mo-' *J- BROWN,,Secretary, torlBts be r., careful as possible ■ "Wilkes County Republican Bxe- while school children are travel- j cutive Committee, ing to and from school. No ser- i ions accident has occurred so far | i this year and it is to he hoped that everybody wllL co-operate in' ,, "n ITiw- n Scouts For Needy I excel-j l/luIlagCu .I||^CiiC Oontribations Turned Over To | _ ~ ; . pjrg Starts By SpontBDeOM bad accorded him and declared, that whether he ever seeks po litical office for himself, he will always be found fighting in the ranks for the success of his party. $175 Secured By Home ChmtiFjnn city Welfare Committee For Wwk !■ City Donations of furniture, food, | clothing, etc. with an eeUmated j value of $176, war secured by Coca Cola Firm Adds Equipment Boy Scout troops of the Wilkes- Charles Strahm Here To In stall'It; Increase In Bus iness Is Reason boros during-their canvass on 'be half of the needy, it was learned this week from H. V. Wagoner, | deputy Scout commlsaioner. *fbe “good turn,” suggested by President RooMvelt, received an entbuelastic cee^nar in this city and many '^naUons which -will * TpBt9 m tMo ». ehoruf ot W itemrs »»d 10 danoert. A^ong tb^ iHU be a B*l- Beue tmir • skuting daoee Dr. J. Henry Highsmith, of Raleigh, director of school In struction, state department of education, will address the teach- o, 'Marcella era of Wilkee county at a conn- la Johnston; ty-wlde meeting to be krld. In Wilkerboro Saturday morning, beginning at 10 o’clock. Hla ad dress will be the high spot ot the program. ' ~ ^ The teachers meeting was sche duled to ^ Aete Isat Saturday but was postponed a week on aMonnt of Illness in. tlw family of County Superintendent C. B. BUer. Me- Ed Brown, colored waiter at a local hotel, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in con nection with the death ot Mary Lou Settle, by the Jury in eonrt yesterday. Sentence will be pro nounced mday morning. . The Settle eUld was struck and killed by Brown’s automobile on December' 5,~ 1932 as the little girl started to cross the highway near the home ot her parents, ReglMer of li^ds and Mrs. T. H. SettJm in Wlime^Hm. A Judgment as ot non-suit was entered in the .riJein to Hector ah tenshers in white sehooim'Bnritli and Nril -WatkinB who are requested to attend. were riding with Brown. Legion Observe* 15th_AimiVer»«iryj;^"‘ Local Poet To dive Pro|ginii|4toAe by the Scouts was turned Gommemorailng Ptnmdla|^jj|^^ - 4lver to the city welfare depart- Meetlag Miis iBvcpslmgCv's.^ A program in commemoratmi'' of the founding of the American Legion 16 yenie ago .^1 be given by Wilkee County Pdet No. 13l at a special meeting tlds evening at 7:30 o'clock at this Legion- Auxiliary Club House. The Legion 'W&a founded' in Paris on March 15, $md has grown to'be the leading vet^ erans organisation. J. M. Quinn, commander pt the local post, is anxious for a large attendance at the meeting this evening. Sfieottl Adniisioii _ Offisr At Orpheom Tickets' FortTwo Ti^Be Sold For. Price Of Own Tonorrow For mg Show Patrons of the New Orphenm! Theatre wlU be^ given a speetel treat tomorrow wKiOh two adnlt The most modern eVowning and filling machinery has ‘been in stalled at the North Wllkeeboro Coca Cola - Bottling company. Charles Strsbm, Installation engi neer for the Crown-Cork ft Sea! company. Baltimore, tostalled the machinery and Is atUl here get ting the machinery in perfect working order. ' The new equipment was ,made necessary by the large increase tn business enjoyed by the local firm. “Onr bnslimss so far this month has been better than dur ing a similar period in June or 'July of last year," W. A. Mo- Nsill, prudent of tha^eosapany, stated yesterday. Prodtibtloa -will ha inersaaed Jp meet Inereasiid salee wtfllDkJ any dUfienlty by reawn of the Con.'bustiofl In Supply I Room L Loss $14H)^: . . ' I Damage tC 'the extent .Sf fi'r 000 was suffereft’by'the 'jftoine Chair company^toly ysM'«day morning when fire, resulting from spontaneous coKbi^tion, caught In the-supply rpoi^l The fire was diacoveCjA^t 3:10 o’clock and was check by the sprinkler - system until the fire truck arrived. The volunteer fire department kin dled the situation In a very-, ef ficient manne^^iff otfiigat’'!lfHhe company, etll^ yekteediy. Excelsior Into used in packing chaira for siitpiwnt were burned. Widls of the building were - scorched, hut the tire wns con fined to the stock is the supply room. riSi-:-* of one. .Twenty-five cents wiu mimm, two, in othw words, to see t (Continued on page sterUlstng the bottles, filling and capping is antomatic, assuring atwolute cleanNsHA FbV Dq^aurlanaBt YSato % ^ Ob Fdae Ot— - The fire departUHSt wsr^- ed out this morning '!lBl|^^e truck raared over into the 'D^ lawn section of the city only to find that notUng more figa a brush pile wns aflHiu Jai^ VhP' distachad the firemen’s >aleeft If-: they 'were still asleep time, w«s not kwnfi> '

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