Tnwwaraist IN politics I'^Uighed Mktadftjrs and Thursdays al North WiftesbonH N. C. r- B. J. CARTER and JULIUS €. HUBBARD. PaUiahers - - WILLARD G- COLE, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In the State — |1.00 per Year Out of the State $1-50 per Year Entered at the post office at North Wilkes- boro. N. C.. as second class matter under Act of March 4, 1878. MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1934 A Commendable Attitude TTie North Wilkesboro Lions Club is fortunate in having a member of the type of Ivey Moore. Without any desire for personal reward except the satisfaction which comes from rendering a service, Mr. Moore has offered his services to the schools of Wilkes county in a campaign to ralarge the libraries which admittedly are inadequate. Mr.,Moore’s performance as an amateur magician is a treat and well worth the admission charge which schools are ex pected to ask in the. campaign to which he has offered to donate his time. Those who have seen him give performances are enthusiastic in praise of his ability as an entertainer. In this day of dollar-snatching, it is en couraging to observe an unselfish, public- qiirited act that looks towai'd the enlarge ment of opportunities for the boys and gdrls of the rural communities. Mr. Moore has and deserves the gratitude of every frmul of education. Frankly, it is our hope that men of the type of our local en tertainer will increase in number. Those who wish to secure Mr. Moore’s se^ces free of charge for a program to raise funds for the librai'ies should get in touch with him at once. “Clarifying Section 7-A" The Cleveland Star, published at Shel by, gives an able presentation of the pur pose of Section 7-A of the National Re covery Act in a timely editorial under the caption which will be observed above. It presents both angles, that of the em ployer and that of the employe. The edi torial in full follows: In the settlement of the threatened automobile atrike over the week-end President Roosevelt clarified the great bone of contention between employes and employers, the interpretation of Section 7-A of the Recovery Act. Union labor beads had interpreted that famous section to mean that nothing but union labor would be rec- ogpuzed in “collective bargaining.” Consequent ly a nation-wide drive to increase union member- ■hip. However, before the section was clarified by Mr. Roosevelt on Sunday, strikes had cost American workers a loss of fifty-four millions of dollars in loss of time. The settlement was a victory for both sides for it brings th°m to a better understanding. Despite those who try to keep them apart, em ployers and employes are not enemies. The only gains ever made by industry or labor are gains resulting from peaceful negotiations and genuine co-operation. Employers and employe have found out by observation and experience that strikes and lockouts almost never pay. Both sides are sure to lose. They always diif- They always will- It is well that a show-down came in the auto mobile dispute. It would have been better had tbe issue been settled months ago as oth?r strikes and disputes might have been averted. It is impossible to escape the belief that the Ameri can Federation of Labor leaders, not the work ers themselves, were responsible for the threat in the motor industry. The A. F. of L. leader in command in Detroit said the grievance was “not fundamentally for better working conditions or pay increases, but for the enforcement of Sec tion 7-A,” which everybody knows concerns col lective bargaining. Labor leaders contended that “collective bargaining means recognition of closed shop—the closed shop eventually if not at once.” In the settlement of the automobile trouble President Roosevelt said, “the government makes it clear that it favors no particular onion or par ticular form of employee organ zation or repre- resentation. The government’s only duty is to ^cui* absolute and uninfluenced freedom of rilokc without coerrim, restraint or intimidation fro many source.” Those arc the words that clarify. It means that workers may belong to a w4ional or local union, a company group or otgaoiaation or no union at all. MevH, seniority and human relationships are to be taken into consideration when employes are laid off. Married men wi'.h dependents will be given preference, the more effici-^nt and long experienced men will be retained when a lay-off period comes, as it does in every industry. This will clar'fy another bone of contention- When onion m"n have been dropped from the payroll, the union has charged discrimination. The em ployers have no doubt been guilty of discrimina- tioD in many instances, but it is not good busi ness judgment or a common practice of any been employer to dismiss efficient men even though they carry a union card. The terms of settlement in the auto industry •HI serve to bring a better nnckrstanding be- tmen industry and labor so that strife and con troversy may suhcnde. B Thiere is one claaa of'wfflfkere not on short hOTurs despite the NRA. dass is composed o£.the famifer physkaans. Several days ago, the Medical Econo- mws magazine famMed some interesting statistics regarding the doctors. To a questionnaire pn charity work, 5,^ phy sicians, representing the pyofession to all sections of the United States, replied as to their individual problen^ 'The average doctor, a compilation of the answers revealed, works 60 weeks per year and 62 hours per week. Of the 62 hours, he gives 15, hours to patients he knows cannot pay. Another 16 hours are given to patients who he discovers will not pay. Each day, the magazine avers, the doctors of the United States give paupers and dead beats professional services worth over a million dollars. No profession has shown itself more worthy of gratitude during the depression than &e medical profession. The doctors have given their time and the expense of making calls to thousands of patients who had nothing to give in return. And know ing this, they gave freely to relieve hu man suffering and save lives. Now that times are better, it is to be hoped that the doctors will receive better treatment in the matter of pay. A pro fession that is giving a million dollare a day to humanity shows true generosity. Twenty-Five Million Day after tomorrow, Richard J. Reyn olds, son of the late famous tobacco mag nate, will have 26 million dollars to call his own by reason of his father’s will which set his 28th birthday as the date for his inheritance. Twenty-five million is a tremendwis fortune. What would you do with a miL lion ? Generally, it is folly to contemplate such a possibility. In fact, most of those who have acquired a million never thought of getting that much when they staited to save. They simply began saving and adding to their little nest egg until it grew to that size. The fortune Mr. Reynolds will possess Wednesday is a tribute to the elder Reyn olds who was not afraid to work and who grasped the opportunity to get ahead. Starting life as a tobacco salesman, the elder Reynolds built up a fortune estimat ed at $100,000,000. Hard work and thrift may not earn a million for you, but generally it will lessen the fear of old age and possible depen dency. The Book the first line of which reads, "The Holy Bible,” and which contains four great treasure.*. By BRUCE BARTON A BRAVE man SPteAKS To MWI -4k • “These 30 Years” Is On At Liberty Yadkin Valley Jlolor Company Giving Free Show; Playing Thursday and Friday The talking picture “These Thirty Years” will be shown Thursday and Friday at the Lib erty Theatre under the auspices of the Yadkin Valley Motor Co. •Numerous requests hare been received by the local Ford deal er, distributor of the compli mentary tickets for the several performances. "These Tlfcirty years,” which is presented by the Ford Motor Company, is said to be a delight ful romance as exciting as It is romantic. The story begins 30 years ago In a small town that becomes a city of today. The players featured in the pic ture include K. Elmo Lowe, who played the lead in "There’s Al ways Juliet,” and "Armand” in ‘Camille” with Jane Cowl; Rob ert Strange, who played in "Mourning Becomes Electra,’ “Both Your Houses.” and the screen hit, “Smiling Lieutenant,” Donald McDonald, and Frederick Forrester. The supporting cast num'bers more than 100 players. The visible portion of the moon has been more thoroughly, ex plored by man than many por tions of the earth. The book of Job is a grand book. It does not furnish any answer to the perplexing problem of suffering. It does not explain why a good man. Job or any other, should have sorrow visited upon him in a world which is supposed) to be under the control of a living God. What it does proclaim is that God has staked His reputation on His ability to produce human beings who can stand anything that fate or fortune may bring; ipen who will be good without a bribe. It in sists that in this trial of creative strength and moral goodness GolIi is winning out. “Every man has his price,” says the cynic; but Job did not have his price. He was strip ped of his possessions, he lost his health, he had a fool for a wife, and his friends were no com fort to him. But his head though bloody was unbowed- “Even if God dpes not reward me. and treats me like a wicked man; even if He has made a mistake about me. or forgotten me, or just naturally ha.s it in for me. nevertheless I stand on my record. I am glad I fed the hun gry and helped people when I coul4 I have nothing to regret, and I refuse to lie and say that r have. The words of Job are ended.” It is a brave speech of a brave man, and small wonder that God responded to it. restored him his property, blessed his sons and daughters, and all-^wed him to live in prosperity for a hun- • dred and forty years. So Job d’ed, b?ing old and full of days. So much for the poetry of the Old Testament, and the drama. To pick up our historical outline where we left it at the end of the last chapter, we must go back to King Solomon, who has built his temple and palaces, written his Froverbs. and grown old, his heart being “turned away” by his harem. With a thousand mothers to look after them the children of a king ought to be properly brought up, but the net results in the Solomon household were hot so good). His heir, Reho-.- boam, was a typical rich man’s son, soft, con ceited, sure of his own opinion and contemptu ous of advice. As soon as it was shown that “Solomon slept with his fathers.” a rough and ready soldier named Jeroboam organized an in- suirection, demanding that King Rehoboara low er the taxes and conduct himself in a less arbi trary fashion than had his father. The old men who had been Solomon’s coun selors urged Rehoboam to compromise, but the hot-headed young courtiers were all for the Big Stick, and Rehoboam sided with them. This made it all very easy for Jeroboam, who promptly persuaded the ten northern tribes to sepsu’ate and elect him their king. Rehoboam ' kept only Judah and the littlh tribe of Benja^-„ -..-•W ■' FOR ANY KIND OF RADIATOR or WfeLDlNG job see the bid reliable Williams Welding & Radiator Shop (JAS. F. WILLIAMS) Now located one mile west of North Wilkesboro on Boone Trail Highway. We also do all kinds of Body and Fender Work and General Automobile Repairing. DO NOT BE MISLED! PHONE 334-W Extra-F^Bt R^ef ihmmmd mnd G0t baybd] GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN B ecause of a unique I»;pGe« in manufacture. Genuine Bane Aspirin Tablets are made to dis* integrate—w dissolve—INSTANT LY you take them. Thus they !ta*t to work iiutmUy. Start hold” of even a severe heiidai^ neuralgia, neuritis or rbramaoe pna for Spqnine BAYBff ASPBRIW^S not bite So ff ywi OUlCR and relief tee tS«l you get the reMMayef .artldfc for the Bayar eroes oh ev^ as shown above and for tp£ GENU^E BAYra .ASPra ^ enry you bfy. Lexington Scbaoi Head Ist Garat ^peakw Here; T. E. Story Haa Aliieon- W. Honeyc-utt, euper- intendent of the Lexington schhol system, was the^gueat speaker at Friday’s luncheon of the Kiwanls Club at Hotel Wilkes. Speaking on the sabjeot, ‘Kiwanls and the Neuj^ Deal,” the well known educator deliver ed an inspiring message. An organisation with a record of achievement snch as Kiwanls is ideally fitted to keep step with.the march of progress and for forward to even greater ac complishments, Mr. Honeycutt declared. “Mr. Honeycutt te a for mer governor of the>*. Carolinas district of Kiwanls International. The speaker was prmhted by Prof, t, E. Story, of Wilkesboro, who was in charge of tbe pro gram. Guests for the day were: Rex Morton, of Independence, Va., guest of W. K. Sturdivant: B. R. Cnderwood and B. E. Altman, guests of J. B. McCoy: W. D. Half acre, guest of T. E. Story, and Murray Honeycutt, son of the speaker, a guest of the club. Subject Of Haaagi, tan AndfiNanotlca”; vim Grades Represented Five Wilkesboro school stu dents were winners in an essay contest conducted in the school last 'week by the Women’s Chris tian Temperance Union. The win ning papers were forwarded to Raleigh to compete In tbe state* wide contest Stodents whose papers receiv ed this honor were; Geneva Wal- laoe, 11th grade; . Treva John ston, 10th grade; Virginia Mil ler, 7th grade; Rowena BuUts, 6th grade, and Joy Miller, 4tb grade, The snhject of the esaays was “Alcoholism ind Narcotics.” NRA BMBLEM FLUTTERS AT UHI0R^LL IN S. C. Greenville, S. C., March An NRA blue eagle -poster flat tered over a still near here when Sheriff B. B. Smith and deputies came on the scene. Two shots were heard as tbe officers approached and these were 'believed warnings as no operators were found. 'The still was steamed Up and full of whiskey. The sheriff. revoked the blue eagle. B BUY TIRES ^ WITHOUT SEEING US,® WB NOW ^ HAVE THE FAMOUS FISK I IliEid UBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Lions Directors To Meet Thursday Night Directors of the North Wllkes- boro Lions Club will meet Thursday evening at 7 o’clock at the Princess Cafe for their regular monthly meeting. ' The club does not meet until Thurs day evening of next week. KTIimg1¥ jy^BTAmKi • yauK MAUK asa.ttS*SAT.«fji. BATTERIES $2.00 UP ' SEAT COVERS $1.50 UP WILEY BROOKS and JETER CRYSEL ’Hie Motor Service Co. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sin cere appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sym pathy shown us during .the ill ness and death of our dear daughter, Nellie. MR. AND MRS: J. W. BROOKS. Glenn Williaiiis Bi^s Good Cows Goshen Farmer Purchases 4 Of Paul Burch’s Finest Cows; Jersey Stock Glenn Williams, prominent dairy farmer of the Goshen com- munity, purchased four of the finest cows in tne state last week from Paul Burch in Snn-y coun ty. W. N. Wood, assistant county agent, who selected the cows for Mr. Williams some time ago, said they were the pick of Mr. Burch’s three-year-olds. They are of registered Jersey stock and come from a herd that aver aged 438 pounds of butterfat last year, a record that was sec ond highest in the state. Mr. Williams is rapidly im proving his dairy herd which is now one of the best in this aec- tion. The cows were moved to Mr. Williams' farm Thursday. r Question: How much nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to ap ple and peach trees? REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Deposit & Savings Bank at North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, to the Commissioner of Banks at the close of business on the 5th day of March, 1934. RESOURCES Cash, Checks for clearing and Transit Items $ 11,684.36 Due from Approved Depository Banks 50,095.61 United States Bonds, Notes, etc. — 1,060.65 North Carolina State Bonds, Notes, etc. - 146,403.47 Other Stocks and Bonds •. , — 19,260.50 Loans and Discounts—other - - 320,635.71 Banking House and Site — - 20,000.00 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment — 2,000 00 Other Real Estate 9,000.00 Overdrafts - 379.77 Total Resources —$583,520 07 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Demand Deposits—Due Banks $ 5,742.00 Demand Deposits—Due Public Officials — 36,682.12 Demand Deposits—Due Others 232,039.92 Cashier’s Checks, Certified Checks and Dividend Checks 5,387.24 Time Certificates of Deposit—Due Others 22,802.03 ^vings Deposits-»Due Others — 187,098 38 Bills Payable — NONE Rediscounts - NONE - y Total Liabilities Capital Stock—Common Capital Stock—Preferred 5% Cumulative .. Surplus — Unappropriated — Undivided Profits —..1_ i.. Unearned Discount — —— Reserve for Depreciation Fixed Properties Reserve for Lc^aes — Reserve for Interest and Dividends Total Capital : .$489,751.66 .$ 30,000.00 - 30,000.00 . 15,000.00 5,069.90 576.15 1,400.00 . 11,293.28 434.10 .$ 98,773.38 Total Liabilities and Capital - — $583,520.07 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILKES COUNTY, ss: C. T Doughton, Cashier, J. T. Prevette, Director, and C. A. Lowe, Di rector, of the Deposit & Savings Bank, each personally appeared before me this day, and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knoi^edge and belief. ' a T. DOUGHTON, Cashier 4-:^ ; J. T. PREVETTE, Director - “ .C. A. LOWE, Director. • ••» ^ ■ Sworn to and subscribed before me this toe 30th day of March, 193C V IRENE DEMMFTTE BARKER, Notary Public. - .. (My commission expires Oct 24,1984)

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