10^'Sifturnal-Patriot has blazed ^ If :■ - .4” ill trail of pi Iss in the “ Sjtat# ■orj ".-,S‘ Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N, C.» MONDAY, APRIL jj. I imi .i^pHSaw^a .....iL-yj. - ■T .s-TTTTiii;— ——■ ?1.00-Bf THE STATE57-^1.50 OUT 0^’^TItE STATE WALTER C. 5ERRY NOMINATED >mOT0EBY SEVENTEENTH ^,^TMCT REPUBUCANS HERE Solicitor Jotft^ Gets Endorsement Of All the Counties [ "Most Beautiful' News From And Nation Many Democrats File S8 Democrats and 2 Republi cans bad filed notice of their tamdidacles witb the state board -'O^clections Saturday. Folger In Senate Race According to a news story In the state press, John H. Foiger, Mount Airy, attorney and veteran legislator, will oppose Senator Robert R. Reynolds in the 1938 primary. Mitchdl Lawyer Unairimously Named To Make Race For JudgMdtip MEET AT COURTHOUSE ] I Plans To Be Made For Postmasters’ Convention Soon Meeting To Be Held Thursday , Evening At'Hotel Wilkes To'lVfak^ Plans CONVEimON IN JULY^ Wilkes Postmasters, Civi^ % Leaders and Other Inter- ested People Invited Plans for the annual convention of North Carolina postmasters Action of Convention In En dorsing Jones Is Opliosed By F. J. McDuffie New York—Twenty-eight-fa- - mous screen stars received votes | will be outlined at a meeting to be but Irene Dunn (above), was the: held at Hotel Wilkes Thursday m R Walter C. Berry, Mltchelf county attorney, was nominated by acclamation to make the race for Superior court Judge by Re publicans of the 17th Judicial district at their convention at the courthou.se in Wilkesboro Saturday afternoon. The nomination came Just aft er the convention had irnani- raously endorsed Solicitor .lohu R. Jones for the solicltorial nom ination. The meeting was .tailed to or der at 1:15 by .\ttorney J. M. Brown, of this city, chairman of Application of North Carolina me district committee. One verse for $1,000,000 was filed with the of “America" was sung and Rev. choice of 10,000 women who voted her the “most beautiful woman on the screen” in a contest conducted by Frances Ingram, radio broad-! caster. evening at 7:30 o’clock. A call for the meeting waa'ia- Off CoaJt Johnson Favors Rich? Mrs. Gifford Pinchot, wife of Pennsylvania’s governor, charg ed NRA (General Hugh) John son with favoring the rich before a senate committee Saturday. Pon Quits Post , George Ross Pou, head of state prison for number of years, re signed Saturday and is expected to announce shortly for the seat In Congress made vacant by the j|^death of his father. Seek $1,(MM),0«0 „ V— ~ Jacksonville—^Again at the rail sued this morning, an invitation i aboard Vincent Aster’s steam being extended to all postmasters! yucht, “Nourmahal , Pres'.dent •' Roosevelt waved a happy goodbye federal emergency relief admin istration Friday. The money is sought for the purpo.se of payiiis teachers salaries. I Girls Take Bandit A 19-year-old youth, who boasted he was “pretty boy” Floyd. wa.s disarmed and captur ed by two high school girls at Stroud. Okla. Sunday. He admitt ed he was Raymond Boles, but he is held in Jail for an attempt to enter the home of the two girls Saturday night. Carl Wickman. Denver drug- ,^^gist. was sentenced to death at y Albuqner]ue. New Mexico. Mon- ■ ffSf for slaying his fourth wife, Donalda Chicoine Wickman. The date for his execution was set for June 8, Good News Flash Officials of General Motors corporation and United States Steel corporation declared their conviction that the country is definitely emerging from the de pression in reports to stockhold ers Monday. Cannon On Trial Trial of Bishop James Cannon, charged with violation of the cor- ■ui4 practices act growing out jf the 1928 presidential e»m- palgn. started in Washington to day. Robert H. .McNeill, a native of Wilkes, is chief counsel for Gannon. J. J. Hayes, Jr., Placed On Wake Forest Howler Staff -^ske Forest, April 8.—J. J. # Hayes, Jr., son of Judge and Mrs. ^ lohnson J. Hayes, of Greensboro, jjASs been appointed to the editor- ^^1 staff of the 1934 Howler, col- le*e yearbook. Editor Charles U. Harris, Jr., of Raleigh, announc ed today. Mr. Hayes is a freshman here this year and is taking an active part in campus actlvit.es In ad dition to his affiliation with the ataff of this annual publication he plays golf for the Deaclets and is a member of the Philoma- ► ^thfclan Literary sosiety. Debaters To Leave - * Thursday Morning fflkesboro .And Mount Pleasant To Semi Representatives To Oiapel Hill William Barlow, of Avery coun ty. made the prayer. .A motion to make all Avery county Republicans delegates to the convention was amended un til it was voted that all Repub licans present from the district be seated as delegates. W. B. Brock. Davie county delegate and that county’s repro of Wilkes, civic club leaders and other interested citizens to attend. Anyone who has any suggestion as to the entertainment North Wil kesboro should provide for the postmasters is urged to be present ! at the meeting. i ’The convention will be held here early in July, possibly the seventh. The date will be set by officials ‘Heaven Bound’ Has Interesting Story Behind It N»ua Pa.SiUfo Be as he set sail on a hard-earned vacation trip. He has been fishing off the Florida coast. Photo shows the President and Vincent-Aster, his host, aboard) the Nourmahal last September when the President returned to Washington from the summer White House at Pough keepsie, N. Y. With them then the near future. The purpose of the meeting Thursday evening is to plan North Wilkesboro’s part in arranging for the contention and the entertain-, In City Apr'l 17 By Negro School Teachers IS VERY POPULAR PLAY “Heaven Bound.” the play which | ment of the postmasters, will be presented in the school au ditorium here on Friday evening. April 27, under the auspices of the American Legion and Legion Aux iliary, has an interesting history. Born of the depr“ssion, cradled by necessity. “Heaven Bound” has been the vehicle which has carried the negro schools of Cleveland county through th“ir hardest Sistie and Buzzie Dali- Insert, the typical and happy Roosevelt smile. delegate and that county's repre-i The Republican c^dldate fo. =nt«Mvp in the state legislature ^ years. The story was told by Ruth state senator from Wilkes, Yad- Lirt! "hfrtalr.. luieish KI. ,„j D.,1. .Ill b. n.mln.ud porary chairman. Wade Reavis. 1 Publication, in a recent issue, district secretary, and all Repub-j A part of the W lican representatives of the pre.,s! “Heaven Bound vath 26,000 were called to serve as eecre-j m.les already travdedj taries. The temporary organiza-, ‘ tion was made permanaut land county negro schoo t^cl«« Mr. Brock made a brief hey-! who have so far given alm^OO note address and the business of ■ performances of Heaven Bound, a the convention was Immediately I rehgious pageant which is some- ® . j thing of a morality play, a revival taken up. Tones ' meeting and a concert of old-time The name of s>ollcttor jones, n j • . , . „i»»oH he- spirituals rolled into one- for renomination was placed ne- ‘ “Three years ago when drastic -^1 fore the convention by Walter Berry, of Mitchell, and seconds to the nomination came from one or more delegates from every coun ty in the district. L. Vyne and J. H. Whicker, of Wilkes, Avalon Hall, of Yadkin, W'. C. Hall, of Davie, John McBee, of Mitchell, and several others delivered eulogies to the private and pub lic life of the solicitor. •Attorney F. J. McDuffie. of this city, who has filed as a can didate for solicitor, thus making it necessary that the Republicans nominate their candidate in the June primary, protested the ac tion of the convention in endors ing anyone. He expressed the hope that the convention would (Continued on puge four) Debating teams of Wilkesboro and Mount Pleasant high schools will leave Thursday morning to » compete in the finals of the Irl* angular contests at Chapel Hill. Having won both sides of the query, the high school teams, will enter the preliminary Thursday evening. Names of the, flnElists at Chapel Hill will be inscribed , on the A.vcock cup. :^.|kK£TS WEDNESDAY ■paa Wllkeebovo Parent-Teach er 4^aoeiation wtll meet in the a4teol atuUtortum Wednesday altoMoon at JtIB o’clock. The »tfaiture of the meeting will be an ddreea by Dr. G. TT. Mitchell on 'health. meector^f UDNS CLUB HOLD ijWM’WG Tbe’^ nohMT 'Of ton of tbd Uotm dnb waa hdd at [ tiM PrineeM caf* !NmMNr Moot (* Organized Labor Meets On Friday Matters of Much Importance Will Come Up, Officials Announce A mass meeting of all orga nized labor and their friends will be held at the courthouse in Wilkesboro Friday evenng. April 13. at 7 o’clock. Matters of great importance to the voting public will come up. officials of the union announce. These will be discussed and plans to organize a labor voters’ league will be drawn. All members of organized la bor and their friends are urged to be present at the meeting. M. C. Woodie Buys Three New Cabs Chevrolet Cab Type Cars Now In Use; I’urcha.seiT Ii’i-oiii Hafer Chi-vro'et Co. M. C. Woodie, who has been engaged in the taxi business here for the past seven years, purchas ed three new Chevrolet cab type cars a few days ago. The new cars were bought from the Hafer Chevrolet company and the cab designs were painted^ especially for Mr. Woodie at Norwood, Ohio. The new cabs are the same type that are being used in many of the larger cities of the south. They are especially aCractlve. With the three new cabs, which weiT placed in service Saturday, Mr. Woodie is able to offer bet ter service than ever to ^ pa- trona. cuts were made in all state schoo! funds, Violet C. Thomas, super visor of the county n-’gro schools, conferred with the county super intendent about the pitifully small allotments for colored schools. “And ‘Heaven Bound’ was the result of that conference. .‘He believed that a play featur ing spirituals would be popular with white patrons, and that per formances could be given in many sections of the country. With this slender hope of supplementing school funds through efforts of herself and othef teachers in the negro schools. Violet Thomas wrote ‘Heaven Bound-’ The first per formance was given in the Shelby courthouse, with a special section reserved for white people. Since then approximately 100,000 white people have witnessed the pagre- ant.” ’The negro school teachers will soon begin their summer tour during which they will fill several engagements in West Virginia and New York. The State’s article furnishes many interesting facts about the play. The play was given in the Wilkesboros three times last year. Hundreds who did not see the per formances last year are dxpected to witness “Heaven Bound” here April 27. Teachers To Get All of Salaries Governor Ehringhaus Assures Teachers They Will Get Full Pay For Year teachers would be paid in full. Senatorial Ticket ToBeNamedSooHiOf Many Coupie {Before Marriage SPRING ROUND-UP OF SCHOOL CHILDREN TO BE APRIL 1819 Dealers Wil HeldWi Call Issued For Cimveiition To Be Held At Ya^nville Saturday, April 21 at Yadklnville on Saturday, April 21. Under the courtesy system of rotation, Yadkin county will fur nish the candidate. The following call for the con vention was Issued Saturday by Wade Reavis, district chairman, and W. E. Rutledge, secretary: A convention of the Republi cans of the 24th Senatorial Dis trict, composed of the counties of Wilkes, Yadkin and Davie, is hereby called to be held in the courthouse in Yadklnville, N. C. on Saturday, April 21st, 1934, at 2 o’clock p. m. for the purpose of nominating a candidate on the Republican ticket for the 24th Senatorial District, for perfecting the district organization, and for such other and further purposes as may properly come before the convention.’’ Idlewild Youth Loses 2 Fingers Dynamite Cap Explodes Aid Mangles Fingers On Left Hand of Oral Yates Are you interested in getting married? If so, the* record semes to indicate that your elmnees of finding a mate are en hanced if you make your home at the Call hotel. The marriage of Mrs. Ruth P* Gerdes to John W. Miller a few days age was the eighth from the Cali hotel family within the fourteen months since Mr. and Mrs. 1. M. Myera took over the management of the local hos telry. At least one member of the contracting parties in each in stance was a regular member of the Call hotel family at the time of the wedding. .t’n:;- iAB Service Stat 'Wilkes AM tend ' a TO RE AT COURTHOUSB* 'V ■ , Local Sub-Comnrfttee' Is Ap* pmnted; F. C. Forester Is Chairman F. C. Forester, member of tho state committee for the petrol- leum industry and clmiril^n of I the local sub-comitti^ an nounced this morflijtg'^ist a meeting of Wllken^^rjii^^i^atera will be held at the.nsiitilwji*- in {Wilkesboro WednesmT^liVeding at 8 o’clock. », Chas. A. Brown, executive sec- ' retary to the state petroleum committee, wHI attend the,,meet ing and explaltf\he provlsliWi of the code dealing with the Indus try, Mr. Forester said. Efforts are now being directed toward obtaining compliance with the provisions for price posting and wage and hour sche dules. Every service station operator is requested to attend the meet ing. The local sub-committee, whose duty it will be to see that oil dealers comply with the code of fair competition, is composed of Parents Asked To Co-operate j f. C. Forester, chairman, of the In Correcting Deff^ i independent Oil company of Among Chilfti^ j North Carolina; S. B. Richard son, of the Texas company; Hil ton Johnson, of the Gulf Hafln- ing company; Martin Beeves, of the Standard Oil company; Wal ter S. .Myeiw, of Forester’s Nu- Way Service and Carl F. Coi- vard. of th«. Shell company. CHILDREN OH 1935 Regional Convention of B.Y.P.U.Here North Wilkesboro Is Chosen At Annual Meeting Held At Statesville ■ tfOlieiS iiuu *VHO. a. A. iuaisQ. * **S«» MANY GO TO MEETING committee is making an earnest 1 effort to Induce every parent who North Wilkesboro was selected I children ready for entering Letters announcing that the annual spring round-up of pre school children will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 18»19, have been mailetT to. par ents of 135 poential entrants by Mrs. C. C. Faw, chairman of the Spring Round-Up Campaign, sponsored by the Parent-Teacher Association. A census of the pre-school ■chil dren has been taken and it ap pears that 135 children will enter the first grade this fall. ’The purpose of the ronnd-up is to determine the health defects which deter the progress of the children in their school work and to ask the parents to have these defects corrected by their family physician during the summer months. On April 18-19, Dr. A. J. El ler, county health officer, and Mrs. Bertha Bell, county health nurse, will be at the school building to examine the children and point out the defects. Mrs. Faw is assisted in the pre-round-up drive by Mrs. W. F. Jones and Mrs. J. P. Mills. This 20th Anhiver*ary Kelvinator Displayed It Is Said To Be The Finest Kel- ■ vinator Ever BnUt; Sold By 8. P. U. Co. I Oral Yates, 13-year-old son of Mr. A. E. Yates, of Idlewild, lost the index finger and thumb of his left hand Wednesday when a dynamite cap exploded in his hand. The finger and thumb were so badly mangled that It was necessary to amputate them. Both hands were severly lascer- ated by the explosion. The youth was brought to the Wilkes Hospital for medical at tention. Plays Will Be Given In Wilkesboro Tomorrow “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” and “Peg O’ My Heart” will be given at WilkesLoro school to morrow by the Joseph Sauline stock company. The firat named play will be presented at 1:30 o’clock and the second will be given at 8 p. m. Mount Pleasant Wins Mount Pleasant’s playground North Carolina’s teachers ■will get their salaries for eight months .imi. without any reduction. Governor baseball team defeated ,4 J. C. B. Ehringhaus announced in boro Thursday aft^oon IB to a statement to the nress Thursday. 11- Two extra limings were Despite the fact that revenue necessary to decide the contest, collections have not been up to-ex- The game completed the play- pectations, his excellency said the ground baseball season for the as the place for the 1935 region al B. Y. P. U. convention at the annual session held at Statesville Friday and Saturday. The convention voted to meet here with the First Baptist church. A large number of North Wil kesboro B. Y. P. U. members at tended the convention In States ville. John Kermlt Blackburn was guest soloist at the Friday night session and W. K. Sturdi vant, general director of the First Baptist B. Y. P. U., was a member of the nominating com- 'raittee. The Wilkesboro B. Y. P. U. was honored by the election of Mrs. John Cashlon as regional secretary. Officers of the west central :region were elected as follows. Bob Councilman, of Hickory, president: Dorothy Crutchfield, of Albemarle, Junior intermedi ate leader; Mrs. (Cashlon, of Wilkesboro, secretary. Among those attending the convention from the Wilkesboros were: Misses Mary Ella McCredle, Lunda Hendren, Manle Brewer, Dare Bumgarner, Mattie Mae Hendren, Sarah Poole, Vera Bumgarner, Grace Dancy, Eliza beth Frazier, Mabel Johpson, two schools. (Centianed on tear) secikin In response to a telegram dis patched by the North Wllkes- The telegram read: • “Will let section of Milters . CreCk-Glendate 'road about May boro Klwanis Club Friday, K B. l.” It wasysigned by Mr. Jeffress. It Is undenitood that the^sur- vey Aaa Wa practically epm- Jeffress. chairman of the state highway commission, wired Sat urday that a section of the Jet- terson highway will he le^ about ptetedr asd that It la the lutes ttou of Mr. JetfreM to etort work at Millers 'hiere Is a r»- at MUiera iiiens w • .wi.. port that tevea'^ MUee will be la-. North Wllkeehoro clnded in the first letting. Actionon this Important linjt In the highway system has been urged for several years. Wilkes county Is Intensely Intereated In the project because it ■wlH pro vide satisfaetory highway tke' cUlttee for a vMt territory which wllljiapply conaiderabte trade to school next year to take their children to the clinic on one of these days. The clinic in the past two years has been a decided success and the observation has been made that children whose defects were remedied during the sum mer months have made more rapid progress than those who had to enter school under these health handicaps. The following statement, cit ing the Importance of immediate attention to this matter, has also been mailed to the parents: Every child should enter school as free as possible from physical defecU. A child’s school’ pro gress is Influenced largely by his physical condition. If he is han dicapped by one or more physical defects, his schooling may be in terrupted by Illnesses an4 npt infrequently such children have to repeat the first grade. This is very discouraging to the . child, and often leads him to _belleve that he is different from other children because he cannot keep up with them. On the other hand, if a child enters school in good condition and free from de fects, he has a much better chance for normal progress and for Jiapplness in his contacts with other children. Children gfow velhr rapidly during the fk*t •fat^'yeuro-uf ’Hf«, and during this y .^growtt, physical defeete are «ptoto velop which •away eaww ’: peM**^ Bent dumge.-JK they are Aet 40^ rected early. wise to have ehUdiwu eominiweS by the IwaHy Ahyetetou *** leuet once a year. Thto taaralnatlon should be followed by early cer- ledtloa of the physical defects. It is especially Important that children who are entcrinf^ school for the first Ume he egamiued and the defects eon»cte4 M ter as possible. 'The moot: fredufut deteeti amoug ehlldfen fra den- ^ (GoBttuued ou to?*) The 20tli anniversary Kelvina tor is now on display in the showrooms of the Southern Pub lic Utilities Co. According to the statements made by. the manufac turers as well as the local dis tributor, this is the finest Kelvi nator ever made and the new models embrace a number of im provements that have not been given previously in any model sold. The management of the local S. P. U. Co. office states that every home can well afford elec tric refrigeration now—with low er rates and liberal terms now being offered. It will be a pleasure for any menvber of the sales personnel to demonstrate the new Kelvinator to anyone thinking of Installing electric refrigeration in their home. Final Meeting Of P,-T. A. Thursday Ix>cal Association ’To End Year At Meeting Thursday At 3:30 o’clock The final North Wilkesboro Parent-Teacher Association meet ing of the year will be held Thursday afternoon at 8:30 o’clock. Since this meeting will wind up the activity of the organiza tion for this school year, It Is re quested that all membete attend. ;; V Indian PottAyB Found^te’Ce^ A piece of pottery, bellevetl, to be a remnant of pioneer days when Indians trod this country, was found Iol Walnut ,^ove township by McKinley HankS a few days ago. --e The potery was brought to Tho Journal-Patriot office by Mr. Hanks and may be inspected by anyone wishing to see it. Daisie Money Hearing To Be Hew Wednesday Daise Money, of New towuahip, who-'*** towing the (Bn, eolonad'fiotth, oa - will he gl«e» a preHmte«nr.te»*r- __ hefoae F. h. hatAmmm. i**- .Uee er-tite peace,' In wtifctoboro, - morning hit 10 o’clock. ^ Honey is said to ham con- ^ leaned to nhootlng Martin, hut set up h plea of self-defense, In this contention, he In supported hy.-jv', his two brothers who were wft- iMsnes. ■ - - ■ . I been (11 foe-dnwntMiWf' N-.