il^st Rites Held For Victims of Airplane Wreck Paid To Local Avia tor By ^uadron of Nine Visiting Planes MATHIS RITES TUESDAY DooUe Funeral Held Yester day For Robert Green and Lester Boyd While nine visiting planes paid a beautiful tribute to a fallen comrade last rites vrere held jjongpjf afternoon at the resi- ^ for Carl S. Coffey, owner of the plane ned Sunday afternoon ^^'tJIlngman. Others killed ore Myrth Mathis, Robert 'Oreene and Lester Boyd. \ A large concourse of friends relatives of Mr. Coffey, many ?m distant points, gathered at home for the service, which conducted by Rev. Eugene Jlive. pastor of the First Baptist church, and Rev. C. W. Robin son, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Interment was made in the Presbyterian Cemetery. Business houses of the city were closed during the time of the funeral service as a tribute the life of Mr. Coffey, who as prominently connected in business here and was a leader In civic work, especially in Boy Scout organization. Following the service and in terment a number of visiting aviators, some of whom were members of the North Carolina Educational Air tour this .vear along with Mr. Coffey, circled the cemetery and dropped flow ers on his grave. Active pall bearers were D. J. Carter. W. J. Bason. H. V. Wag oner, F. P. Blair, Jr., W. M Allen, Gordon Finley, A. C. Pickard and Joe Taylor. Honorary pall bearers were Albert Somers, Lin coln Spainhour, Bill Spainhour, W. B. Somers, Mr. Hinson. Henry Landon, L. M. Nelson. Bill Mer- ^U,v Mr. McGhinnis. H. V. Ue- ■Witt.'^ilfus Call. Mr. Lalle, G. Y. Booker, Bryan Gilreath, Ar- I thur Finley, Dr. H. R. Smith. Dr. F. C. Hubbard. Dr. J. H. McNeill. A. F. Kilby. Eugene Spainhour, ^Bill Absher. Tom Church and C. Day. A massive and beautiful flor- 1 offering, a fitting tribute to he esteem in which the life of _^r. Coffey was held, was carried by a number of the ladies of the city, friends of the deceased’s tamily. Double Funeral Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock a crowd numbering sov oral hundreds gathered at Pleas ant Grove church near Clingman to attend a double funeral serv ice for Robert Greene, age 2 7, of Ronda route 2. and Lester Boyd, 26, of Yadkinville, both ^ot whom were well known and ^hefeln respect by their many ac- quamtances in their respective communities and by many throughout the counties of Yad kin and Wilkes. Mr. Greene was a son of the late J. C. Greene and Mrs. Elvira Calloway Greene, of near Ronda. ' He was married to Miss Anna Mae Mathis, who. with his moth er and the following brothers and sisters, survives: G. C. and Harry Greene, Clingman; Wade iCreene, Fort Benjamin; Harri- fS.#on Greene. Indiannapolis, Indi- h^n»> D. C. Greene, Pittsburg; Maggie Mathis, Mrs. Fannie t^Myers, Mrs. W. M. Wells, Misses ^Maude and Etta Greene, all of EClingman. Mathis Funeral Funeral rites tor Myrth Wil- on Mathis. 43. were held Tues- afternoon from Cranberry Bhurch. Rev. J. B. Ray led the -Opening prayer. Rev. Noah T. fjarvls gave the scripture reading ad made a short tribute to the ceased. Rev. W. G. Mitchell, Ipaator of the church, read the ^hjjbary and spoke a few words MiPiytnpathy. Rev. W. T. Comer, bM Alexander county, brought the Inieesage, using as a text I Sam- l^el, XX, 3; In which David said, |**There is but a step between me death.” Both Mr. Jarvis lad Mr. Comer, from a long ac- {Uintance. emphasized Myrth’s *tt»ordlnary kindness as a ^^bor and friend and the fact S he never refused anyone a ' , vThe unusually profuse and "Washington . . . Every day adds a new name to the list of Congressmen who announce themselves a candidate for the House Speakership but Joseph W. Byrns (above). (D) Tennes see, Democratic floor leader in the House, is conceded best chance for the seat of the late Speaker Rainey. Adult Teachers’ Meeting Called Adult and Kindergarten Teachers To Have Meeting Saturday Morning All teachers who expect to be engaged in adult and nursery teachers in Wilkes county this year are a.skcd to attend the meeting to be held Saturday morning at the office of C. B. Eller, county superintendent of schools. Announcement of the meeting is made by Rev. A. B. Hayes, chairman of the temporary or ganization of adult and nursery leachers in Wilkes. These schools will soon get iiiuier way and it is desired that the teachers confer with the county superintendent and the county relief direcior concerning plans tor the year's work. The teachers, who are unemployed people on the relief list, are paid frot-i the North Carolina Emer gency Relief Administration. Several schools were main tained in the county last year and the results were highly suc cessful, judging from the inter est taken by the people in the communities where the schools were held. EnroUment City Schools Is Near Thousand Mark Schools Here Monday Opened Smoothly; All Classes Are At Work 955 ENROLLED FIRST DAY Formal Opening High School Department Will Be Held Friday Morning (Oont»aned on p*go four) No School Books From ERA Funds Stale Director of Relief Says There Are No Funds Ft\r Buying Books Relief authorities will not be able to supply books for any school children this year, it was learned yesterday from Mrs. G. G. Foster, director of relief in Wilkes County. Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, director of the North Carolina Emergen cy Relief Administration, has is sued instructions to all county relief directors to the effect that relief funds cannot be used for the purchase of school books, not even to the most destitute cases on the relief lists. It had previously been report ed that the most needy cases would be furnished with books. With the total for the first day in the schools of the North Wilkesboro City Administrative unit 955 it appears that the en rollment will reach the 1,000 mark by the end of this week. The schools opened smoothly Monday with a minimum of con fusion and students in all de partments registered for classes and found their places without difficulty. On Wednesday morning at 8:45 a formal opening program was held for the white element ary school. Devotional was con ducted by the superintendent, W, D. Halfacre and Eugene Olive, pastor of the FMrst Baptist church, w’elcomed the children back to school on behalf of tho churches of th© city. Mrs. J. B. McCoy spoke a word for the school from the American Legion Auxiliary and Mrs. T. A. Finley, president of the Parent- Teacher Association and Girl Scout leader made some very ap propriate remarks for the two organizations she represented. Formal opening for the high school department will take place at the school auditorium on Friday morning at 8:45. Pas tors of the three churches of the city, representatives of the American Legion, members of the local press, representatives of the Lions end Kiwanis clubs have been invited, along with members of the local school board. This is a public program and all patrons of the school have a cordial invitation to at tend. Enrollment in the first grade for the first two days of school has reached 113, which is a rec ord mark for the school at open ing time. The number of first graders may increase to 135 or more within the next few weeks. Last year the total enrollment for the first day was 905, rep resenting an increase of exactly fifty over last year’s opening. Buildings In Good Shai>e Prior to the opening of the .schools all buildings were placed in first class condition, the best in several years. All necessary repairs were made and the en tire interior of the high school building was repainted. Judge Hayes Will Speak Sunday At Wilkesboro Church To Fill Pulpit .At Eleven O’clock .Service Wilke.sboro Baptist riiurch Remodeled Brame Drug Store To Open Monday The widely known firm of R. M. Brarae & Sons, wholesale and retail druggists, has remodeled its quarters on Main street Into one of the most modern and up- to-date drug stores in this sec tion. The walls have been refinish ed, a new ceiling has been placed overhead and the floors have been reconstructed of durable and attractive tile. In additions to these changes new fixtures have been_jnstalled to add to the convenience and attractiveness of the establishment. The prescription department has been enlarged and renovated to care for increased business. The remodeled establishment will open Monday and the public has a cordial invitation to at tend. "Visitors will be presented with a package of Biltmore Ice Cream between the hours of 2 and 8 p. m. Judge Johnson J. Hayes, mid dle North Carolina district fed eral jurist, will deliver an ad dress in the eleven o’clock serv ice at the Wilkesboro Baptist church Sunday morning. Judge Hayes is a very able speaker and it is expected that a large crowd will attend to hear his message. Partee Davis Gets In Toils Of Law Arrested By Federal Agents And Placed In Jail On Default Of $500 Bond Partee Davis, of the Brushy Mountain section of the county, is again in the toils of the law, this time on a charge of manu facturing liquor. Davis was arrested Tuesday by federal agents and given a pre liminary hearing before U. S. Commissioner J. W. Dula. He was placed in jail in default of $500 bond for appearance at the next term of federal court. Two weeks ago his brother, Floyd Davis, was arrested on the same charge, they being alleged to have been operating a still at the time federal agents made a raid in the Windy Gap vicinity. Miss Rebecca Brame left yes terday to enter Salem College at Winston-Salem. She was accom panied there by her mother, and sister, Mrs. R. M. Brame and Miss Ruth Brame. NRA Storm Center Washington . . . “Robbie,” who is Miss Frances Robinson (above), secretary to General Hugh S. Johnson, around whom a row is centered in NRA set up, the charge being that “Rob bie’’ frequently acts for the Chief and Is his constant advis er. Execution Stay For R. E. Black Convicted Slayer of Alexander Banker Has 30 Days More To Live R. E. Black, sentenced to die for his part in the fatal shooting of T. C. Barnes, Taylorsville bank official, was granted a 30- day reprieve Monday by Gover nor Ehringhaus. Black had already received one stay of execution which had postponed h',5 death until Sep tember 21. Commissioner of Paroles Ed win Gill announced that the re prieve w'as granted because tlie appeal of B. G. Green and Les ter Green, also implicated in the shooting, had not been acted up on by the supreme court. The Governor wishes to con sider the cases of all three de fendants together, Gill explain ed. The three claim they did not fire any shots in the attempted robbery of the Taylorsville hank. Evidence was presented at the trial of Mike ‘^tefanoff, who has been electrocuted, that he fired the shot which later ended Barnes’ life. Surry Man Held For Killing Hall Damon Cox Facing First De gree Chai’ge For Killing Deputy’s Son Elkin, Sept. 10.—In a prelim inary hearing in the court of Justice of the Peace J. A. J. Roy- all in Bryan township, Damon Cox, held for alleged killing of William Hall, son of Deputy Sheriff W. B. Hall, of Thurmond, was remanded to Dobson jail without privilege of bond. Por ter Combs, who was with Cox on the night of the fatal shooting, and who with 'Jox had been held in jail since the tragedy was re leased since the only charge against him was the possession of whisky. This charge of illegal posses sion of whisky perhaps will be preferred later. It was during the effort of the deputy sheriff and his son to arrest Cox and Combs who were alleged to have been creating a disturbance in the Thurmond community while Intoxicated, that young Hall lost hla life. Gridiron Squad Being Assembled Number of Boys Report For First Practice To Coach Ritchie Here Football squad of the North Wilkesboro high school is being assembled as rapidly as possible by Coach C. A. Ritchie in prep aration for the first practice workouts. Mr. Ritchie, who is beginning his first year here, stated yes terday that he had barely met the prospective members of the squad so far but believed that prospects for a good team are bright, notV'ithstandlng the fact that the team will necessarily be light. Light workouts are being held each day this week preparatory to scrimmage and heavy 'work within the next few days. Five-Day Exposition Expected To Attract Great Crowds Here HIGHUGHTS IN FAIR PROGRAM The Great Wilkes Fair will open Tuesday at ten o’clock, according to the program an nounced here today by ftUr of ficials. The official program for opening day follows: 8:00 a. m.—Gates open, 10:00 a. m.—Opening fair. 2:00 p. m.—Beginning ol free act program in front ol grand stand. 6:00 p. m.—BaUoon aseen slon. of 8:00 p. m.—Fireworks. 8:30 p. m.—^Preo act pro gram in front of grandstand. The prof^ram for the rew mainder of the fair will be similar with the exception of Saturday, at which time the professional automobile races will take place on the track. School chlldreta will be ad mitted by free tickets Tuesday. These tickets, however, will not be good on any other day of the fair. Contract For 5.68 Miles of Highway 16 Is Let By Highway Commission Nello L. Teer Gets Contract For Grading and Surfac ing For $50,956.20 Included in the list of projects let to low bidders by the state highway and public works com mission yesterday was grading and surfacing c:i 5.68 miles of the Millers Creek-Jefferson high way, beginning at Millers Creek. This is the first section ol this important highway to be let for contract and it Is understood that the remainder of the road between Millers Creek and Glen dale Springs will be let at a not far distant date. The contracts on the 5.68 miles call lor grading and gravel surfacing and structures. After it is completed a crushed rock and oil treated surface similar to that used on other mountain highways will be applied. Nello L. Teer, of Durham, who is remembered here as the con tractor who constructed a great part of the Boone Trail between Millers Creek and Boone, was the successful bidder on grading and surfacing for the sum of $50,956.20. The contract for structures was awarded to E. "W. Grannis, of Fayettville, for the sum of $16,818.60. Work on the project will get under way as soon as the con tracts are approved and the con tractors can get on the jobs. La bor must be furnished through the National Re-employment of fice here under the direction of R. L. Wooten. His office is lo cated in the city hall. DOUGHTON WILL OPEN CAMPAIGN The Democrats of the Ninth Congressional District will hold their district meeting in Boone, next Saturday, September 15. A number of local Democrats ex pect to attend along with others in the county. This will be the occasion for the opening of Con gressman Robert L. Doughton’s campaign, and his address Satur day will most certainly outline the issues of the campaign in “Farmer Bob’s” characteristic aggressive style. P.-T. A. Watermelon Feast On Friday evening at 6:30 the North Wilkesboro Parent-Teach er Association will give a water melon feast at the grandstand in the fairgrounds. All members of the association, other patrons of the school and all teachers are invited to attend. Jim Phillips Killed Ft. Payne, Ala. . . . Wallace Sharpe, Jr., 8 years old (above), whose left leg was amputated after a clash betVeen health au thorities and members of a Holy Cult who insisted upon a faith cure. The boy suffered for more than two weeks. Ray Pierce Ends His Life With Gun Millers Creek Resident Re ported To Have Committed Suicide This Morning Ray Pierce, well known resi dent of the Millers Creek com munity. is reported to have end ed his life this morning by firing a revolver bullet into his chest. The tragedy occured at the home of his wife’s father, Mr. I. G. Faw. He had gone there with the intention of going squirrel hunting, according to reports here, but had decided not to go but to return home. Before going he said he want ed to see his wife, who had gone to the spring. Ha proceeded to the spring and shot himself through the heart. He was rush ed to the hospital here but died on the way. No funeral arrange ments had been made this morn ing. He was a son of Philmore Pierce, of near Millers Creek. He is survived by his father, his wife and one child and several brothers and sisters. Singers To Meet At Stony Fork Successful Session of Blue Ridge Singing A^ciation Is Anticipated Jim Phillips, well known citi zen of Oval, Ashe county, was re ported killed last night In a truck wreck near Charlotte. De tails of the tragedy could not be learned at Journal-Patriot press time today. Mr. Phillips married Miss Min nie Hayes, sister of Judge John son J. Hayes. C. C. Hayes, J. F. Hayes, and Rev. J. M. Hayes, all of whom are well known here. He leaves his wife and several children. General McClo»key Will Attend Fair Brigadier General Manns McCloskey, conunaadlng offi cer at Fort Bragg, will be here for Ute opening day of the fair Tuesday. General McCloskey, one of the high officials of the army, will accompany a"* reglmeiital band to this city. Next session of the Blue Ridge Singing Association will be held at Stony Fork Baptist church near Deep Gap, according to an announcement given out yester day by J. C. McNeill, chairman of the association. Date of the coming session will be the fifth Sunday in this month, September 30. The asso ciation convenes each fifth Sun day and attracts wide interest, not only in "Wilkes but in Ashe and Watauga counties as well. Mr. McNeill states that the singing this year is going to be held In the section noted for good Gospel. singing and that a most successful session is antici pated. All choirs, quartets, soloists and all other singers are invited to attend and take part in the program. The morning program will begin at ten o’clock and the afternoon session at one. Mr. and Mrs. David Lowe and imie daughter, Ina Jean, spent the week-end In Qalax, Va. Tuesday School Children’s Day All In Readiness For (H>eiimK of Ninth Annual Exposi tion In City After Monday next week then will be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, which are the dates for tUa Great Wilkes Fair’s ninth an nual exposition at the fair grounds in Norm Wilkesboro. After eight successful years ot fairs the fair association, headed by W. A. McNeill, president and general manager, and J. C. Wal lace, acting secretary, are plan ning an even greater fair this year with the expectancy of at tracting record crowds from all over Wilkes and the other coun ties of Northwestern North Caro lina. Five big days and five big nights of entertainment are In store for the visitors. No detail has been overlooked in the plans for the fair. Every phase has been cared for in the various departments of the ex hibition. The fairgrounds and all property of the fair have been placed in excellent condition to insure safety, comfort and con venience of their visitors. Auspicious Opening To the tunes ot music from a military band, the first ever to visit North Wilkesboro, the 1934 Great Wilkes Fair will be usher ed in with a big parade Tuesday. In the parade will be a regiment al band from the U. S. Army camp at Fort Bragg, a regiment of li.ght artillery from Fort Bragg, the James C. C. Camp at Purlear, floats by business firms and hundreds of civilians. Children’s Day To give the school children • chance to take in the fair, Tues day, opening day, had been des ignated as children’s day, when all school children will be ad mitted on the special school children’s tickets, which are be ing distributed through the schools which have already open ed. The children will also have special tickets for the rides and shows, requiring only five cents in cash to enjoy the rides on the midway. Prospects For Exhibits No doubt the exhibits are go ing to b© more plentiful and better this year than in previous years at The Great Wilkes Fair. In order to build up this import ant part of the fair the associ ation this year is going to glv» something quite useful—cash— in all departments. The offerings of liberal cash premiums prove - interesting to prospective exhib itors. And incidentally, J. C. Wal lace, secretary, is asking that exhibitors bring or mall in en tries at once in order to avoid the rush. Exhibits must be dis played in the exhibit hall on Monday before the fair. Superin tendents have been named for every department and they will be on hand to help exbibito'rs place and display their exhibits to the best advantage. The read ers attention is called to the pub lication of the premium list else where in this issue for the prem iums or the list in attractive book form may be obtained from the secretary. Midway Attractions Marx Greater Shows will fill ail available midway space in the fairgrounds with ten thrill ing rides, a large number of shows and concessions. This is by far the best midway attrac tions ever engaged for the fair here. 'The Free Acts The fair officials have spared nothing in contracting the best possible attractions to be given free in front of the grandstanA Billy Senior will present a com bination of comedy and acrobat ics that are calculated to pleaM’" the hardest critic of entertaid- ment. There will also be tbe Reckless Recklaws in a series of difficult bicycle acts. Reckless Recklaws have been b e r • before but they have such good new acts and the old ones wait such popular acclaim that anoth er engagement here waa hr popular demand. The balloon aa- (Oontlnned on page tonr)