THE JOURNAL-PATRIOT. NORtH WILKISI MORE BEWITCHING THAN EVER IN / “CHAINED,” COMING SOON^T^0M»TY Entertainment At Traphill School IN THE APPLE BARREL >JDlie teland, wild, lush and kutltul with Its twt) peaks latlQK up into the cloud I, loomed up dimly ahead of sm. It became clearer and sr to the eye aa the Hlapan- sailed closer. The ship was 'finally brought to anchor in a imatl eoTe protected from the ftlde and any squall that* might .spring up. Long John Silver and pjim Hawkins leaned over the -gnawale. she’s a mighty pretty Is- matey,” said Silver, are's wild goat up in those Ills!” exclaimed Jim, excitedly. “Maybe you and I’ll hunt for goats. Long John.” seemed pustled for e moment, then recollected and coughed slightly. “Oh, yes, matey, much better.” “I ... I was Just wondering if maybe you’d care to come and live with me.’’ “With you, matey?” I^ong John was quite evidently much surprised. j “You see,” blurted Jim, chok-1 ily, “I jnay have more money aft- I er—I mean, there’s only mother and me—and we couldn’t very well fix up the inn alone and— what I mean. Long John, I never had any real friend of my own before like you . . Will you come live with us?” The gruftness in Long John’s i voice betrayed that the boy’s in ^‘®!vitatlon had touched him. “Well, maybe you and me can get to gether at that, some way.'' Jim shook Silver’s hand excit edly. “We’ll always be mates, w'on’t we?” Long John laughed. “Mates forever. Jim!” He turned sud denly, hearing Captain Smollett OB islands like that that pirates bury their treasure, beaching the great chests lull of gold, luggin’ ’em through the jungle, sweatin’ and cursin’ vile—” "Have you ever found any treasure?” asked Jim., "Not that fortunate, matey.” scribed it as though | roaring at George Merry, Snoode j ■■Ily seen it.” | ^nd Dandy Dawson who ——' you' Sir^r smiled to himself. Just | amidships talking among them-1 imagination, Jim. Should | selves: "Belay that guff and I ve been,a literary man.’’ make those lines! You, George | "My father used to tell me | Merry, do you hear?” I things, but his stories weren’t as -li could be said sweeter. Cap-j Labor Head li FirMi.Chi By Hidenn Markgnuui' ^ Charlotte, Sept. SL-r-Shota Noted Pboaognph And Radio either from ambneh or frqm a Artist To Give Prognup On Satnday KigM' Interssting as yours.” "How’d your father die. mat- Joan Crawford Rouble with his lungs—li aT-e . . . -\re your lungs bet i successfully in “D.ancing Lady,” Joan Crawford make.s her latest like your lungs better now. Long Jonh?” Impulsively, Jim seized the man’s hand. "Longs? My lungs?’’ Silver ■Make thaJ screen appearance as the bewitching heroine of ^Chain’d,’^ a^storyjjy NOTICE tain.” said .Merry, a gleam in j Paired once again with Clark Gable, with whom she scored so his eyes. Smollett walked up to h.^s^ fist doubled up. "Mak. sVhvyn, directed by the noted Clarence Brown, which comes John Silver nodded, scowling, j very soon to th-* Liberty Theatre. It’s another hit of the greater h.7> George Merry’s eyes met his. I movie season. .and the three men went to obey | : ; — ! their commander’s order. ! men don’t bite n«r tell tales, he i “Cap’n, sir. might I ask when j says.’’ we’ll be allowed ashore?’’ ' ■Well, I’m with you said ty. North Carolina, Wilkes Coun-' “'Sot before tomorrow morn- Dick. |«--^In the Superior Court, 1 tahi clerk. Silver.” growled the Cap- Dr. Livesey, the Squire, Smol- "How about the others?” ‘Gray and Alien and—” ■We’ll talk to ’em,” said Sil- ‘Look ’ee, John,” came the J. F. Shumate. J. I. Blalcc’.t., , . j ■ • -rcr and wife. Mrs. J. I. Blalock. L. , 1®“ "’®'‘e studying the ■ ver H Qhiirrnfp M \ ! map of the island that evening , . T.* r>ora Kvle and Mrs. i in the after cabin when Dr. Live- voice of Israel Han s. now o' M V’aik'”-; widow, vs J. E. i sey .■'pat out a bite he had taken | we’re here how long are we go- ; f” ' - ife, Mr=. M. C an apple in his hand. I'"S ‘ ! !a!c:':. V.. F. Shumate arc! j “rgh!” he exclaimed. “Rotten i i”Jsh ’em? I want their rum and ' U'e, fbumate. Stella Or> j core! Jim, run to the ap-j—” ty. ?.r.: li.sbanJ. Mark Oxley. I|g barrel and fetch me some “Rum over bilsiness, Israel?” Lillie Ch»ek and husband. R®-1 goo(j ones will you?” j sneered Long John. bert Cheek ;,nd Max Shumate , standing i "Well, when do we strike?” The defendants. J. E. Bla-; ..-ri^e ,ast minute I can man- \Zl V. ?. Shu!nVand' wife: j waist of the ship, lighted only by | age-that’s when! We cancer Mae Shumate, Stella Oxley an:’ i a riding light, husband, Mark Oxley. Lillie j over the edge of the barrel but Cheek and husband, Hoberi j the supply of apples was so near- Cheek and Max Shumate wil jy depleted that he could not take notice that an action ei. reach them so he climbed bodily titled as albove has been cor.; | (f,g great barrel. As he was rising with his hands full of ap ples he heard Long John Silver, saying in a tense voice: j Ute point they takes their map. You’re smart as paint to jine ] finds the treasure and puts aboard. And Captain Jim leaned far'a course back home, but who of us can set one? Here’s a first rate navigator. Captain Smollett, who will.” ■Talk to the point, John,” said William O’Brien. ■‘There’s ben too ranch loose- ■ lip a’ready—lay to that! Here’s I menced in the Superior Convi i Wilkes county. North Caroihia ' the lands of L. W. S:iu i mi deceased, between th, plaintiffs and the defendants i: this cause who are heirs at : up, Dick. ’ and next of kin of h. W. SIui-1 “Aye,” said Israel Hands, mate, deceased, and the said de-1 “Dick listentd the minute he fendants will further ta'te nu , iieard trea.sure.” , tice that they are required to ; jjm ducked quickly down in side—the result of a very heavy pear at the office of the Clerk of barrel, his heart pounding.: sea.” the Superior Court of M’ilkes John and “Like Flint ye be, John!” county, at the Courthouse f*”’ iea,-ned about the pirates’ hid-! fhuckled Hands. “And the flow- treasure was once aboard. In the silence that followed his story. Squire Trelawney ex- claimed solemnly: "Captain Smollett, I own myself an utter ass! I await your orders.” Smollett paced the cabin, grim ly. “It’s the crew that beats me. They’ve been held in check re markably.” "Thajt’s Silver’s work,” said Dr. Livesey, dryly. “He’s a very remarkable man.’’ "He’d look remarkably well from a yard-arm, sir!” cried Smollett, whereat Jim buried his face in his hands. "Easy, Jim,” .said the Doctor. "You may have been the means of saving all of us. Don’t foun der now.” Smollett stopped his pacing and faced the Squire and Live sey. “We make seven, counting Jim. It would be suicide to up anchor now without landing— our throats would be cut before it was up a fathom. We’ve our it I time till the treasure is found. Smollett I Our first move is to put the situ- -the sails us back into the trade . ation in the hand of Silver- winds, at least . . . And then one j one man we can rely on. He’s day, they ail disappears over- „To'.vn of M’ilkesboro. North Car- : den treasure? olina on the 30 day of Oct.. 193L ^ complaint of the plaintiffs in | ^Pot where it’s buried?” asked i asked Dick, this action, or the said plaintiffs | tlie J-om® of .•will apply to the Court for the er of the flock was Flint.” “You means we gets ’em all?’’ and answer or demur iw. : SI301 w nert? ii-s uuiitru: «©a,cu ( “Every last one of ’em. Like Flint saw to that,” replied i lambs to the slaughter. Reach relief demanded in the said com-1 Silver, “ftc leaves the ship 1 down in the barrel, like a good Diaint ! where we re anchored now and | lad, Dick, and get me an apple.” , » j . ^ This 28 day of Aug., 1931. ' take the treasure ashore with! Jim Hawkins covered, shud-; blow the ship up. That dastardly IV. A. STROUD, j sij. brave lads. And when he dering and aghast, down in the ®Bver. Jim could not restrain anxiou.s to smother things up and hold off. I propose to give him the chance We’ll let the men go ashore alone tomorrow. If Silver takes ’em ail, we’ll fight the ship. If none go, we’ll hold the cabin and God defend the right! If some go, mark my words. Silver’ll bring ’em back again mild as lambs.” "And they’re ail Englishman!” cried the Squire. “T^ould I could Clerk of Superior Court, Wilkes I back he comes alone. Dead County. 9-27-5t Don't Miss ES- The Biggest Event of the Whole Year Winston-Salem & Forsyth County FAIR Oct. 2,3,4,5 and 6,1934 Horse Racings Fine ExhilRts«-Hlgli Class AotS'-Featuring Schooley's Revue (At Nl(be) Antomoblle Raees fireworks (Every Night) si-,- ■ • . barrel and was saved from dis covery only by the hurried en trance of Morgan crying tensely: “John! George .Merry and the others are breakin’ out the arms from the molasses barrels and the boxes of sugar! I told ’em you wouldn’t like it, but they—’’ "The fools!” cried Long. John ■ Hve ^Rb me!” He was . . . I nev- leaping up. "They’ll give every a stifled sob. and Dr. Livesey put a hand on his shoulder. “Come, Jim, you can still spy out a lot for us. They trust you. You and Silver have been good friends.” "I know . . . Why, we were mates—and' I even asked Him to er knew anyone like him before. thing away just when it’s falling into our hands like an overripe apple! Come on, we’ll soon put a stop to that!” As soon as the way was clear, Henry Whltter, notatf^? radio and pho^og*^b artist, Will ren der a program of popdlar music at Traphill high , school on Sat urday night, hegiunlng at 7:30. He will play on bis guitar and; harmonica" a number • of his greatest hits. A stall erenlng of good entertainment is assured all who will attend. 1 ear trailing him were fired at R.' R. Lawrence, president of" the State Federation of Labor, to- |ulgbt,:jia8 be was returning here from ^'Qastonis. « The firing occurred about ten miles east of Charlotte, on, the Wilkinson Highway. Lawrence, riding with tfl M. Cox, chairman of the state strike committee, was returning from a mission to determine how jnnion forces will figure in the reopen ing of textile plants at’Belmont benefit of :the school.. Business Men’a-Group ■ ^ Regueata Abiuciionineiit Of Present NRA S^up Washington, Sept". 22.—Aboli tion of the present NRA was urged today by a special commit tee of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. In flat opposition to the ma jority repreuentation rule estab lished by the national labor re lations board, the committee said minority groups should have a voice in employer-labor collec tive bargaining. It asks early amendment of the law. The committee reported to the chamber that its final reCom- mcndatio.iis on NRA would be made in October. It did not dis cuss the more intimate reorgani zation plans under consideration by President Roosevelt nor de tail what agency it ■would have take NRA’s place. Fall Frran Trade la Fatal To Ashe YottOi **(Skfland Post)' ^ Worth Mfller. i 8-year-old aoa’* of Jesse Miller, o“ Jefferson, died In tb# Wilkes Hospital, Tuesdajr morning after living two data' with a severely fractured sknL. The boy’s bead was cmsb'id when he fell from a fast-moving truck on to the hard-enrfacM road in the Phoenix Creek see- tlbn, SnndaT afternoon. Profits from tpe Id and 20 cents admission-win go for FARLEY SAYS VOTERS TO ANSWER CRITICS Chicago, Sept. 24.—Postmas ter General James A. Farley pre dicted today that critics of the new deal would be answered by the voters in November, largely because business indices of the last ten days "indicate an up ward trend.’’ Bumgarner Reunion Fourteenth annual reunion of the Bumgarner family will be held at the old home place near Sylvia Sunday, according to an announcement received by mem bers of this well known tamily in Wilkes. ing to La'wreace, came from a distance of 30 to '40 yards, and could have been from a car be hind them, or from the roadside. He esraped the fusillade by speeding up bis machine. _ The warnings came In the form of messages telling friends of the labor bead not to ride in the car with him, as it was ru mored, throughout Belmont and Gastonia that Lawrence would ,be fired, upon, possibly by machine guns.* Au.horities could offer no ex plane tlon of the threats except that they m'ust have emanated from persons who became inimi cal toward Lawrence during re cent strike controversies. HOWWOMEN. CAN WIN MEN ANDMENWn The Favor o( Other Men XTnttM two pinti of bU« joIc« flow 4 or llv«r lato yoor bowoU, j la your boweli, ThI yoor whole body. Hoyemente get matiMted: You get yellow i iw 8kin« pimplea, dtili eyea, pad onj tute, 8»a. diaaloesa, headeefa^ I MMO^ u ugly-lookl^. iQul-i yom _ to run from you. an ugly-looklnff. f ouIm Jiltiag peraon. You hav our peraonal cBarm. i*verybody But doa't take aalta. mlaeral o!la. laxative pille, laxative candies * and expect them to get 4 ' your perr " levring gama and expect then thU pmaoB that deatroye 70 arm. They can’t ^ It for .. . ^ve out the tall end of your bowd_ _ that doesn’t take away enough of the t cayed poison. Coametiea won t help at 1 It takes 35 painters three monthSr and 43,000 pounds of paint to cover the Capitol dome at Washington. ^tt1_e Liver Carter’ju Only fl^.^i^Ud extracts. If you wo^ ka) ehi LI perso^ ehann to win men. start Car ■ Carter's Little Llve^ Pills according directions today. 26# at drug vtores. Refuse '^something iuat aa good**, far R may gripe, loosen teeth or scald Ircctem. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by n$am and get what you ask for. OI9S8, C.lCCb. PAINT MA CHINS MABB JENKINS HARDWARE COMPANY “Northwest North Carolina’s Largest Hardware Store” NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. NOTICE OP .SAI,E OP BOND.S S54,000.00 Town Of North Wilkcsboro, North Carolina Watorwork.s Improvement Bomls Sealed bids will be received until 10 o’clock a. m., October 2, 1934, by the Local Govern ment Commission of North Car olina, at its office in the City of Raleigh, N. C., for the following bonds of the Town of North Wil- kesboio, N. C.: $.54,000.00 Wat erworks Improvement Bonds, dated May 1, 1934, maturing an- nuallv. May 1st., .$1,000.00 1935 to 1939 and $2,000.00 1940 to 1963 and $1,000.00 1964, all in clusive. Denomination, $1,000; principal and interest (M & N 1), payable in N“^w York City, in lawful '-irncy '■! the United States ()i :i:erv.c; ''eneral obll- gation.s; ur.iimite.I :rx; coupon bonds registcralle as to both principal and intrr->st; no option of p.!"hient maturity. Ther-: ■.’■;n b-c no aicion. Inter- es: 4 ;;tr cent per ei :': im. The bo'n.'ls will be a;vaid- i at the highest price offer-'d. not less than par and accr.’e:! interest. Bidder? must present with their bids a certified check upon an incorporated bank or trust com pany, payable unconditionally to the order of the Treasurer of the State of North CErcU;;” for Sl,- 080. Tbe right to rej'jct all bids is reserved. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION, i Bv: W. E. Easterling, Secretary. 9-20-lt. Carey Roofs Moke Your Dollars Bi|^er W E carry Carey Roofings and Shingles In s styles and ■varieties suitable for every build ing, from the fine residence to the small poultry house. These roofs, made by a manufacturer with over 60 years of successful experience, cost no more than ordinary roofings. That’s why your dollar grows when you buy roof ing from us — our prices and quality will prove itf Wflkesboro Mfg. Co. y-i ■ ■' , He ... he gave me . . .” Jim brushed his eyes, his lips closing, firmly. “But I know him now.' I’ll show him!’’ When Captain Smollett offer Jim. his heart beating so fast he i ®*i *-**® ^rew shore leave, he was was hardly able to draw his *”®^ with cheers, but he knew breath, his hands and legs trem- ] from Silver s sudden darting bling, climbed out of the apple j look that Long John was "on ’ to barrel and hurried to the after | Ii*® reason, but he interposed no cabin where he blurted out in i objection. He did leave on board, breathless and garbled fashion i however, some of his band of an account of the treachery of buccaneers Silver and his friends and their | *^1™ watched the men get- proposal to make away with Xir. Livesey, the Squire, the Captain, himself and those of the crew who remained loyal, after the NOTICE North Carolina, Wilkes Coun ting into the boats alongside ship, he felt the pistol under his coat, and quickly decided upon a plan of his own. He would go ashore with the crew! He-slipped into a boat and was unobserved until the men were landing. When Silver saw him wading ashore, he was angry. "Who told you to come?” he In the Superior Court. Grace Harris vs Joseph Harris. i , , , The defendant, -Joseph'Harris. ®ternly. , will take notice that-an, action!, “Why . . ., why nobody . entitled as above has been com- I Just thought ...” menced in the Supefior Court of, “Come here!” Frightened Wilkes -County, North Carolina. •- by the plaintiff, Grace Harris; asking tor an absolute divorce and tbe said defendant will fur- her take notice that he is re- luired to appear at the office of he clerk of the superior court of .said county in the court house in Wllketrboro, N, C., within the time preserfbed by law, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for thf relief demanded , in said com- ilalnt. ' ' Wm. A. STROUD, 21erk of the Superior Court o! .Vllkea County, North Carolina This 2Sth day of Aaguat, 1934. his tone, Jim took to his heels and fled up the short towards the densely wooded island. Silv er hobbled after him, crying: "Jim, matey, wait! “Then he roared: “Jim. Come back here, you!’’ ’ ^ ' But Jim- plunged in among tbe underbrush, bis heart beating wildly. (Continued next Thursday) * •If perfectly proportioned,^' * man should weight 28 pbandil for every foot of heigbL ,st M. ^ It took 78 years to build the Great Pyramid of BKTPt.^ X-* ItOOFINGS t SHINGLES STANDARD FORpVCR 60 YDARS SEE THE WORLD’S FAIR 3-DAY.ECONOMY TOUR “A” JTg 1(1 (Transportation to and from Chicago Included)*F • (Transportation This tour rate if $28.10 is for one person, and includes all features listed below. It provides a most inexpen-1 sive and enjoyable visit to the World’s Fair, and^is es pecially suited to the tourist whose time is limited: „ 1. 3 days’ and 2 nights’ hotel accommodation. 2. Transportation from terminal to hotel.. 3. 2 General admissions to the Exposition grounds. : 4. Admission to one of the following: Fort Dearborn, | Lama Temple, Colonial Village. 5. Sightseeing bus tour of the fair grounds. 6. CJhoice of one of the following sightseeing trips: (a)^r Chicago Northside tour by Gray Line (b) Ghicago|, Southside by Gray Line, (c) Chicago Stockyards Tour by Gray Line, (d) Moonlight cruise on Lake Michigan, or any of the other sightsseing cruises operated by the Steamer Roosevelt. 6-DAY ECONOMY TOUR “B” JTC CA (Transportation to and from CJhicago Included)**'^*'^ This tour, rate of $35.60 is for one person, and includes all features listed below: - ‘ 1. 6 days’ and nights’ hotel accommodation, u 2. TYaiu^rtation from terminal hofeL iL LTans^iraiion irom lenmnai noteL v; - ■ 3. admission tickets to ^e’sxpositkm gnMinds^ 4. Admission to (me of the foillowing: Fort Dearbon^ Lama ,Temple, C€lIonial Village. 5. Sightseeing bus tour of Hie fair, grounds. 6. Bicludes same as listed in paragraph six above. For Further infonnatioa consult Local Agent ATLANTIC OREYHOUND LINES^ Be^ Kellar, Agent _ North Wilkegboro, N. C.

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