'iir. and. Mrs. N. a Smoak and ■ Mrs. A. G. Hendren has been children, * Norma and Bobbie, | confined to her home by Illness kora irMtors In Boone Sunday. : during the past two weeks, many Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brame and | are sorry to learn. [r. Joe Brame visited relatives | Mr. Raeford Pierce, member WInaton-Salem Thanksgiving I of the C. C. Camp near Topton, jr. ! spent the Thanksgiving holidays I '\'rr Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Absher, r. and Mrs. Jim Hauser motor- to Durham Thanksgiving ay. Attorney W. H. McElwee at tended the wake Forest-David- football game Thanksgiving Day. Born to^ Mr. and Mrs. James Rite|k, of Pores Knob, a daugh ter, at The Wilkes Hospital on Friday. Miss Grace Bryant, who is teaching at Andrews, spent the holiday season with relatives at Ronda. .Mr. Owen E. Duncan arrived Saturday from Memphis, Tenn., to visit his another, Mrs. J. E. Duncan. Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Welch, of Warrensville, at The Wilkes Hospital on Thursday, a dauu^ter. .M’jK-and Mrs. David Lowe and small daughter, Ina Jean, were visitors to Jiickory Tlianksgiv- K Day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reynol.is and family, of Greensboro, spent the Thanksgiving holiday season in this city. Mr. R. G. Myers, of Jones- vllle, was in this city Friday shopping and attending to busi ness matters. Mrs. A. S. Cooper, of Brown- wood, has been spending a few days in Wilkesboro as the guest of Mrs. B. S. Call. with relatives at Champion. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holcomo and two children, Hugh, Jr., and Sarah, visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Holcomb Sunday afternoon. .Mr. Edward Finley, Jr., stu dent at Davidson College, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Finley, here during the week end. .Miss Serlina Gentry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gentry, was taken to Davis Hospital in Statesville for treatment Satur day. Mrs. Agnes Hart returned home Wednesday night after a visit of ten days with relatives in Laurinbnrg and Orangeburg. | Hamby^^r’wiikeaboro S. C. Mr. and Mrs,’-. Thomas jUughlfn ratttnad '.Jast wMk from their ireddlng trit> to nortjti- ern points and' are now making their home with Dr. and Mrs.’Hi.- B. Smith. , ■ Misses Mary_ Mitchell and Thel ma Miley, oL Hartsvllle. S. C., were guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Smith during the holiday sea- Bou. They returned to their homes Sunday. , ^ Miss Ruby Tuttle, student of ♦ he Woman’s College of the North Carolina University. Greensboro, spent the Thanksgiv ing holidays here with-her sister, Mrs. C. O. McNeill. Misses Nellie and Hazel Bil lings. students of a Business College in Roanoke. Va., spent the Thanksgiving holidays at Hays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Billings. Messrs. John Henry Johnson. Phillip Brame, W. H. H. Waugh, Jr., students at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, visited their parents here during the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. James Hamby left Friday to return to his studies at Lees- McRae College at Banner Elk after spending Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Mr. S. Kirk, relief adminis- c., Boone. .Messrs. R. W. Gwyn and sons. Dick and Blair, attended the Wake Fore.st-Davidson football game at Davidson Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. dial McNeil had as .guests for Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Easley and little daughter, Jo Anne, of Ruther- fordion. .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc Laughlin spent the week-end in Charlotte with Mr. .McLaughlin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Mc- I.,aughlin. .Miss Lucy Pearson spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rom Pearson. Miss Pearson is a student at A. S. T. trator of Davie county, was a guest of friends in this city dur- the week-end. ■Mr. Earl Huffman, member of the C. C. Camp near Topton, spent Thanksgiving with home folks near Purlear. Rev. and Mrs. Seymour Tay lor spent a few hours Thursday In Wadesboro with their daugh ter, Mrs. B. D. Lewis. Miss Pansy Smithey, student burse at Davis Hospital in States ville, spent the week-end at her home at Oakwoods. Mr. John Miller, of Hickory, -visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Miller, residents of route 2, Wilkesboro, yesterday. Miss Alma Shoaf, a student at A. S. T. C.. Boone, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her mother, -Mrs. R. S. Shoaf. ..Miss Marianna Cassel has re- rned to Salem College after the holiday season here ] ■ her father and mother, .Mr. Mrs. A. S. Cas.scl. iss Helen Uula. daughter of and Mrs. L. B. Dula, of Wil- boro, has returned home from ■itesvllle where she underwent successful operation. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Nichols and family, of Sanford, spent the latter part of the week visiting relatives at Purlear and in the Wii;:i..s!)oroa. .Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Culler, of Lenoir, accompanied by Mr. S. A. Mila, of Washington. D. C.. were visitors in North Wilkes boro Saturday. .Miss Kathleen vientry return ed to her home 'lere Saturday from Davis Hospital in States ville. where .she recently under went an operation. Miss Rebecca Brame has re turned to .Salem College after spending Thanksgiving here with , her father and mother, Mr. and | Mrs. R. .M. Brame. i I Lieutenant and Mrs. Donald | Holliday had as guests during | the Thanksgiving season, Mrs. i Holliday's parents, .Mr. and .Mrs. Taylor, of Louisburg. Miss Eloise Starr. who is teaching at Lemon Springs, X. ('.. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Starr, during the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and .VIrs. John E. Justice and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carter, of North fVilkesboro are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Orton Boren on Nortliridge Street today. — Greensboro Daily Ne-ws, Thurs day 29. Rev. William Boland, of Duke University, and Mi.ss Sallie Hig gins. of Greensboro, were guests of Mr. and .Mrs. C. B. Higgins here during the week-end. Miss Higgins is a sister of Mr. C. B. Higgins. Students of Greensboro Col lege spending Thanksgiving hol idays here included Misses Eliza beth and Margaret Faw, Mary Hix, Adelene Jones. 'Virginia Harris. Cynthia Prevette and Mary Sink. Misses Rose and Thelma Laws, teachers in the Oxford high school, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, .Mr. and Mrs. R. Don Laws, at Mo ravian F.ills. They returned to i Oxford Sunday. Miss Jane Whicker, student of Greensboro College, spent the holiday season here with her fa ther and mother, Attorney and Mrs. J. H. Whicker. She was ac companied by a schoolmate. Miss Virginia Booze, of Winston-Sal em. Mr. Ben Reeves and his si.s- ter. Miss Irene Reeves, of Spar- of West Jefferson, and Miss Joyce Wellborn, of Wilkesboro, were among tlio.se attending the Wake Forest-Dav- idsnn football game at Davidson Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Richard Johnston, who is in school at the University of i North Carolina at Chapel Hill, j accompanied by a schoolmate, I Mr. Bob DuFour, of New York, I spent the Thanksgiving holidays Burlington, IffoT. 2T.—The. Ini., (ant daught^ of Mr>.;'itind Mrst. Frank E. Geiitry died thla morn ing at the home of Mra.;^ Gen try's parentSi Dr. and Mrs. C. 11. Walters, Union 'aivenne, Burling ton, i Funeral serHce was con ducted tktt afternoon at the graToaMe. SdrvlTlng are the par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Gentry, and three grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Walters and Mrs. -Willie Gentry, North. Wll- kesboro. WOODIE Closed and heated CabsV PHONE 431 F-. m i.m>H ■ Card Of Thanks To all our neighbors and friend^ we wish to express our apprei^tion . (or the kindness shown during the illness and at the time of the death and burial of our husband and father, and (or the beautiful floral offering. MRS. C. 0. ELLER AND CHILDREN. GREETING CARDS See our lovely selected Samples and order now THE BOOK AND GIFT SHOP Mezzanine of Rbodes-Day Co. NOTICE , ,1 here with his parents, .Mr. and .Miss VVrenn Duncan, niomber j ^ g of the high school faculty at COUGH DUqp rs. A. B. Johnston. „ , . . . I -"'J''- E- G. Finley and Fairmont, spemt Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, and Mrs. W. M. Duncan. Mr. and .Mrs. J. 1). .Master Dickie Hix, and Mr. H. L. Mr. I . . . Real Throat relief! Medicated with ingredi ents of Vicks VapoRub Houck spent Thanksgiving i.ss Julia Finley, and _ .Miss Finley’s houseguest. Miss I Bess Meade Friend, of Peters- ! hnrg, Va., and Miss Janie Mc- Diarmid attended the Davidson- with Mrs. Mary Moore Hix at i Zephyr Hill in .■\sheville. I i Wake Forest game at Davidson OVERCOMES BAD BREATH LIBERTY theatre Pride of North Wilkesboro Monday-Tuesday- FREDRIC MARCH CONSTANCE BENNETT FRANK MORGAN “THE AFFAIRS of .(JELLINrJ —Plus— Comedy, Pictorial News 'ednesday FAMILY DAY—10c TO -ALL Fr*iyis X. Bush*Ai'> and' Lightning, the Dofe '‘Waen Lightning Strikes” Plus Bosco Cartoon POPEYE COMEDY 2nd Chapter of ^Lightning Warrior’ lursday-F riday- JOE PENNER Rhythm Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corde’.l, of j^sheville, spent Thanksgiving in tViilkesboro with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Henderson. .Mr. Cordell is a brother of Mrs. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. .M. McCiilley and two .sons, Edward and Billy, of Salisbury, .spent Thanksgiving here with Mrs. McCuliey’s par- eiU.s. .Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eller. .Mrs. B. S. Call had as guests during the week-end Mrs. O. E, Liipfcrt, Mrs. W. R. Hamilton and daughter. Miss Dorothv Hamilton, all from Winston-Sal em. I Mr.s. C. W. Biillis has reuirn-, , , ed to her home in Wilkesboro ’T." /ecovery College Thank.sgiving Day. A. C. Dennis, Jr., age 13 I years, fell and broke his left leg I just above the ankle Sunday I afternoon. He was treated at the j Wilkes Hospital, but is now at j the home of his parents, Mr. and I Mrs. A. C. Dennis, where his ! leg will have to remain in a cast ; for six weeks. I .Mr. Wayne Foster, student of ^ Mars Hill College who recently I underwent an operation for ap- I pendicitis in an Asheville hos- I pital, has now returned to his I studies. He is a son of Mr. and ! Mrs. A. G. Foster, of Congo. .Many friends will be glad to from Davis Hospital in States ville, where she recently under went an operation for appendici tis. -Mrs. R. S. Shoaf and .Miss Be atrice Pearson accompanied Miss Alma Shoaf and Miss Lucy Pear son to Boone after they spent Thanksgiving at their homes here. Mr. LeRey Martin, executive secretary of the North Carolina School Commission, spent a few hours Friday with Prof. C. B. Eller, county superintendent of .;schools. Misses Frances McNeil, Eva Lee Guthrie, Vivian Johnson and Malvina Williams, students at the Woman’s College of the Uni versity of North Carolina in Greensboro, were at home here for the Thanksgiving season. Positive Relief From Itch In 30 Minutes Bissett’s S-L solution will quick ly relieve the most severe cases of itch and similar skin trou bles. S-L is very soothing to the affected parts. This solution is also highly recommended for poi son oak, jiggers, sores, insect bites, mange and other skin I eruptions. Ge. a bottle today and ‘you’ll be convinced of its won- 1 ‘derfnl healing qualities. For sale at Horton's Drug Store. Mr. and .Mrs. W. H. Ferguson and two sons, David and Rich ard, of Richmond. Va., and daughter, \Miss Dorqfthy Fergu son. who is in school at Greens boro College, visited Mr. and -Mrs. J. R. Hix during the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. Fer guson is a brother of Mrs. Hix. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller and son, Haywood, of Louisburg, Miss Evylin Stallings, of Spring Hope, and Mr. William White, of Norfolk. Va., spent Thanks giving and the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Miller, De spite the rain, several .birds, squirrels, and rabbits were bagg ed. James McDiarunid, III, small son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Diarmid, Jrw, returned to bis home in Winston-Salem Sunday after spending ten days here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McDiarmid. His fath er and mother spent the week end here and accompanied him home. Mrs. J. C. McDiarmid is spend ing a few days in Winston-Salem as guests of Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Gordon before proceeding to Raleigh, where she 'will be a guest of Mrs. John Huske Ander son during the annual meeting of the State Historical and Lit er a r y Association Tnesday through Thursday. Plop right down in the mid dle of a stirring football season comes the giddy and scintillating comedy ‘College Rhythm’ Thurs day and Friday at the Liberty floppy hat, is supported Theatre, to show just what can cast that includes Lanny Paramount stars. -Appearing in his first featur ed picture Joe Penner, together with Goo-Goo and his famous by a j Ross, I To Those Who Have Not Paid Their 1933 Town Taxes be done with football, properly j Jack Oakie, Helen Mack, Lyda mixed with girls, music, Joe ! Robert! and Mary Brian, and the Penner and a w'hole bevy of; all-American girls. Standard Oil Puts New Fuel On Market Embodies All .Adaptable (Tiarac- teristics Of ‘Kiglifing Grade’ Gasoline A new gasoline that embodies all the characteristics of “Fight ing Grade’’ aviation gasoline that are usefully adaptable to auto mobile motors is being announc ed today by the Standard Oil company of New Jersey, '.’his new motor fuel, known as Aero- type Esso, will be handled, effec tive today, by every Esso station from Maine to Louisiana. "In the development of this new fuel our pattern was ‘Fight-_ ing Grade’ aviation gasoline with That quantity of electrical its slow starting features re moved,’’ company officials said. “Because it contains a scientifi cally balanced proportion of each of three major constituents of gasoline—the light, intermediate and heavy ends—it has many distinctive features. In tests it gave 20 per cent more power than the best premium fuel on the market to date, started cars .‘>4 per cent more rapidly and warmed up 11 per cent more quickly. “Aerotype Esso, as this fuel is known, is so refined that each of these three most important fractions of gasoline are permit ted to reach maximum efficiency. The light ends give quick start ing. The intermediate ends pro vide rapid warm up, instant ac celeration and even distribution of fuel to all cylinders. The heavy ends, in the correct pro portion, insure smooth perform ance and add to the power of the fuel. Heavy ends must be limit ed, however, as if they are pres ent in large amount, they will cause dilution, knock, and poor fuel distribution. “The new Esso will continue to contain our solvent oil which is an exclusive patented product which di.sBolve.s gum, resinous and asphaltic (lepo.sits off rings, pistons and valves, loosens car bon and is not to be confused with ordinary overhead lubri cants.” can and the addition of the | State.sville firm's stock makes .his store here one of the most completely stocked electric stores in this section. The work of moving the large stock to his store here has been in progress for several days and more than a dozen truck loads have already been moved with more coming in daily. The stock contains practically everything carried by an electric company. Mr. Duncan states that the purchase of the Statesville firm will enable him to pass on to his customers at extremely low pric es almost anything they need in the electric line “Qd &sks any body in need of electrical sup plies to call at his store. He also states that the addition of a sup plies will enable him to give even quicker service on contract wiring and other electrical work. I have been ordered by the Board of Town Commissioners to advertise and sell all real estate on which the tax for the year 1933 has not been paid. The sale has been postponed for several months in o:^der to give tax payers an opportura^ to settle, but now the board has notified me to ad vertise and sell. The delinquent list will appear in the newspaper on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12,1934 Come jin and pay your 1933 tax be fore your property is advertised. You will save extra costs. I will be glad to serve you at any time. P. L Lenderman Tax Collector, Town of Wilkesboro Ralph Duncan Buys Elliot Electric Co. Ralph Duncan, for over a quarter of a century a leading dealer in electrical supplies and equipment in this part of the state, added an enormous a- mount of stock to his_ local elec tric store last week when be pur chased the complete stock of Elliot Electric Company, con tractors, located at 116 East Broad Street In Statesville. The deal involves-'the expendi ture of several thousands of dollars on the part of Mr. Diin- Gi^n Lantcmi C«fe CLEAN • MODERN - SANITART We serve Seiitliem Dairies Ice Cream. It’s the Beat eeach Keller, Williams Auto & Radiator Shop Phone 384-J — N. Wilkesboro Route 60 Radiator Repairing, Body Re building, Motor Blocks Rrimred, Extensions Welded' in ’Truck Frames. General Repair Work a Specialty Don’t Worry About Snow, Mud and Ice! Buy GILLETE Tires If you want to find out all about the GILLETTE Tire just ask one of the many owners of cars and trucks that are using them . . . your own neigh bors ... people you know... and you will find out that they would use no other tire, especially at this time of year when roads are muddy, when they may be covered with snow or ice most any day. The GILLETTE has treiid found on no other tire .. . it’s a nobby tread tire—one that pulls and h^ RBder any driving cei^ition. With this tire no need to have chains as this “super traction" tire is there adding plenty of power to “go.” Come in- l^e. very next tii^ you need tires and let us tell you how low -GILLETTES are priced. vs-.. Is die Ideal Tirt For Car and Trndt Owners In .'■S

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