O^Life Fired CflOuu:d, iMimoe Agcat» Fins Rifk Brifet tato Hfe Braiii Kllda. Dec. 4.-r«riiif a ball from # .31 rifle Ibtb bis lemple ' as be eat la bla aatomabile last erenlag, arhtle out coMecUnc pranfttti&s oa lasaranee policies oarrlpA with bis rampiurt VVed Calbard.V4«, praat^eat iasar- ance aian aad former Blkia de- partmeat store operator, ended bis life. Tbe saicidal act is tbooebt to bare been ".ommitted aboal 4tH o^oek tlM bat tbe Ijody ati^a* behind tbe steerlBf ,:ir1teel m a aide toad last «ff blgbiray 81 aortb of Blkin,' Iras not' dtsoorer^. aa- tll early this ssomtnri^bon ehildrea on tbelr way to North Elkin BCbord passed tbe scene. Although a clear case “of sui cide since the rifle, borrowed yesterday afternoon for tbe stated purpose of Idlling a cat, rested in tbe lap of the dead man and his hand was still clntcbing the trigger, a coroner’s Inquest a-as held. A note found in tbe pocket of bis coat addressed to his wife gave business disap pointments as the cause of the act. He was an active member of tbe Methodist church bnd was secretary of tbe Elkin Masonic lodge.' He was a native of Bed ford, Va., and resided in Win ston-Salem for a time before lo cating in Elkin. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Eton Marshall Colhard; two sons and one daughter, Fred Colhard, Jr., Miss Dorothy Colhard, now in high school, and. Charles Mar shall Colhard, and his foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thurman, all of this city. R HEADS CAOT Of^ E RHYTir ^ PHILCO vJWj ^$47.00 T raphill-Austin Community News Guaranteed foreign Reception tWfft thit New 1935 PHILCO Only PHILCO. bnilder of FIVE MILLION radio*. coaM offer sack a seasationai valae! Tune- p London, Rome, Paris, Buenos Aires, etc. in addition to Amer ican stations! Latest features. Bcsntifnl hand-rnbbed cabinet! EASIEST TERMS Radio Sales Co. “Exclusive Phllco Dealers" '*C" .St. Wilkesboro, .\. C. Mr. Iris Blackburn, of Fort Bragg, is spending some time with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blackburn, at Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Barker, of Elkin, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Cocherham and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Barker, at Austin. Mr. aad Mrs. Garfield Key spent Wednesday night with Mrs. Key’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hawkins, at Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Teda Key. of Booneville, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hawkins at .Austin. Misses Faye and Adelene Hol comb, of Doughton. spent Satur day night with their grandmoth er. Mrs. Eunice Scott, at Ben- ham. Mr. snd Mrs. Loyd Lyon, of Traphill. spent Saturday with Mrs. Lyon’s grandmother. Mrs. Eunice Scott. Mr. Percy Barker, of Thur mond. spent a while Wednesday night with his parents, Mr. and j ■Mrs. A. J. Barker, at Austin, I Several people of this com-i munity attended the play at, Traphill high school auditorium j Saturday night. November 24, | presented by North Elkin high school. 1 ICajHii Wayiudi: Highway Heffdl ^ Rutherford county are showlsg Interest In methods for cbeeklng sBl eroston. At a recent meeting, th» extensive losses caused by eroMon weri; SbuBed AaalstiiBt ^of State Higli - Works Raleigh, Dec. 4.—Capua Ur Waynick, Nigh Point Enterprise editor, late ^director of. federal re-employment in tbe state, member of tbe state senate ' ol 1938 and of tbe lower bouee In 1931, today was ■ ehoeen 'aselst- ant chairman of the' state^Jilgh- way and public works commis sion, which reiterated Its nlti- matum to the Wright Memorial Bridge company as to paying $125,000 for that bridge over the Curritnek sound, and in the day’s work brought the prison division of the highway and pub lic works commission under the district engineers. He will serve in tbe absence of Chairman B. B. Jeffress, of Greensboro, who has been ser iously 111 since late in August, and will be “clothed with all the powers and duties of the chair man.*’ His salary will be $416.33 1-3 per month. --- ' -"’-’74- - HANES"^ UNDERWEAR • •*^r. • ♦ at pop«4ar priteo M«i*a a S' J '• and Bo/r skea. BEUC’S NortA WiBcedwro’g Center Get Your HAN^ Uader- wear at . ^ . PAYNE CLOTHING COBIPANY FEDERAL INSURANCE FOR PRIVATE LOANS BEING GIVEN STUDY What a gorgeous medley of girls, music, comedy and stirring football scenes await you when you see “College Rhythm.’’ The film comes to the Liberty The atre, Thursday and Friday, with Joe Penner, America’s favorite radio star, heading the cast in his first feature length picture. Supported by a magnificent cast, which includes Lanny Ross, Lyda Jack Oakie, Helen Mach, Robert! and Mary Brian. In addition a very suitable r-Togram of short features have been booked for the occasion. A Pete Smith oddity entitled “Rug by’’, a Paramount News and Irving S. Cobb the well known humorous will be seen in bis latest comedy entitled “Nosed Out.” Sales Of New Cars, Trucks Are Above Figure For 1933 Raleigh, Dec. 3.—Sales of new automobiles and trucks in Ameriesm Legion Auxiliary To Meet Mcmday Night North Carolina in November con-| tiuued to lead the sales in the! same month of last year but the total of 3715 new vehicles reg-j istered was far short of the 9,- 216 listed in October. In November last year the total registration of new vehicles was only 2,778. Thus far this year new regis-1 tratlons have aggregated 53,461 j for cars and trucks, compared with 32,926 for the similar period of 193.3. | The regular monthly meeting of the American L>egion Auxil iary will be held Monday eve ning at 7;30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. A. H. Casey, with Mes- dames Ed Dancy and John Hall joint hostesses with Mrs. Casey. All members are urged to at tend this meeting, and if dues for the coming year have not been paid members are request ed to bring or send payment. All motor gasoline sold in Hungary must contain 20 per cent of alcohol under a regula tion. Washington, Nov. 2,5.—Broad scale government insurance of private loans was proposed today in a memorandum drawn up for study by hdmi'nistraiion eco nomic advisers. The memorandum suggested that the principles back of the bousing program might be used to good effect In encouraging re-employment through stimulat- infi private credit in many other lines of endeavor. Specifically, however, it pro posed that an agency, similar in many respects to the housing ad ministration, be set up to insure loans to industry for plant mod ernization. For such loans, it suggested that character be emphasized ra ther than a rigid adherence to collateral requirements. It was argued that If men were good managers and able to put funds to work honestly and economi cally, they deserved capital pure ly on economic grounds regard less of the paper they might have in their safe deposit boxes. The Buncombe county agricul tural committee and the Ashe ville chamber of commerce have agreed to raise $750 to promote a fat cattle show. ABSHERS is the {dace to buy and HANES is the Underwear to buy for Winter Warmth. Select your needs now and be prepared for Winter. Keif tkelff ti dwtleriim.». ufMk; UNDERWURI You Win Find a FuH Line of HANES Underwear at HARRIS BROS. (MAIN STREET) WE’VE (JOT YOUR SIZE IN HANES UNDERWEAR TOMLINSON’S DEPT. STORE PREVETTE’S HEADQUARTERS FOR . HANES UNDERWEAR THE CLOSE-OUT STORE Take the teeth out of windr- that bite to the bone ... dimb into Hanxs Underwcarl It’s like dimbins into another dimatel You get those toft, snug ribs of generous fluff hut- toned down your front, and it’s hard to bdieve the wesHicr repoctsi Mister, Hanxs is the Heav3fweight Championt It's knit and cut to the perfect proportions of your di^ aad trunk, so that you don’t fed all ti^ up. You never Iwvc to ease yoursdf over when you bend ... nor act Hke a cripple when you stretch. Hanss's dasric-knit is spry enough to “tpve” without cut- tii^ or pinchingl Buttons, buttonholes, cuffs, and seam are sturdily stitdied ... and th»y stay f 4. % A 4«al«r uar n* hu HANXS ObUb- Soita lOT n aa* HANKS Itdna a^ Drawan kill* HAMU at 7Se. Boyt’ Unloa-SaitL 7Sc . . . HANXS MERRICHILD Waiat-Snita, jSe. P. H. Hanaa lUt- tin* ComyaiwWia- atoo-Salaa. N. C. The Useful Gift-A Kitchen Cabinet JUST RECEIVED! A shipment of the most beautiful Kitchen Cabinets we have ever shown. SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICE 1.75 Small down payment Balance next year Give Furniture This Christmas TU-TONE COLOR (Green and Ivory) To really appreciate this cabinet you must see it! It is the most beautiful cabinet on the market... made large, roomy and sturdy ... with porcelain table top . . . 50-pound fl()ur bin, complete with doughboard . . , also nice S-piece Cabinet Set. What gift would give mother or wife more pleasure on Christmas morning? Just think how many steps this cabinet would save her every day! It would make cooking easier, and at the same time add to the appearance of the kitchen. Come in before our stock is exhausted, be cause we cannot receive another shipment from the manufacturer before the holidays... make a small down payment on the cabinet and we will deliver it to your home just when you say ... pay the balance next year. Give Furniture This Christmas Rhodes-Day Furniture NINTH STREET VISIT OUR MODEL HOME NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. W: s,