«^V\v mm ♦, - F; Nofeiift ry^yi*** •* -rut^VNit imM 1^ PC* ■#'■ Is To 18.00 ^ M»rcb 2«.—Rl^la* •imsh ^oO orj» •ti'ong ovivA* ^Pm tlM pov^al !«dmini^- , ttott machine In the Rouse' oef i^®*®*^***®^tlTee today parted ’ .Rual reading and ten^ to' the Bwate the 193SCl937 kOI with a 3 per cent sales tax. When the bill reaches the Sen ate tomorrow, it is ‘ contidently sspected it will be referred to the finance committee because of >''l$afaid€)‘'idF»’Ch^-am«Bdmeits. ,OBlyr' one "pt, wUeh,,,ig. ot^coi|W aQenpe,_ the bill is el^ctly as ported out of the foiSl^^^iiop^ committee. ■ '. - ] Thp' S^te," k^in^r. pass ed ah;; ai!j{5^ndm^^“Vi^(^^i^ng • ,the C0st'j.?f adfdkoWlii^^^ie piat.es .^m SO Mhis '^r Wnw^'welight. ,. .to. 9^ I ■ per' .tagl .^hitotjMnwn* of .^Ihplfe.' led'ilfe fi(^t^w-.the h>Wr —Rising ?r|^rra%s?jii ,'t«trte^'lii- his era, ^'ggeii k 40-cent rate?’ 14 .expected to come up reading tomorrow. ''m'Swte adjourned to meht' font of Bk, rexersing . itself by two amend- ients"wnicmrhad Tidopted yes terday and which considerably altered'the' complexion of the Mil. 0ne of these was the reduc tion of the sales tax rate to 8 per cent; the other was the Hc- Donaid ' amendment lerylhg a 6 •per cent ’ gross ••‘profit' tax on athletic contests. tEWIS- NEWS rereirae general Coffee, gromuh now only 1* 1-2 cents ponnd:—The Good will Store. tomorroir at 1^'^a. m. ’‘ Now ihat ^e House has fin ished the rerehue bill, it will be gin work tomorrow on the ap propriations measure, pn which almost as terrific a fight on school appropriations is expect ed as that which raged on the sales tax. The McDonald-Lump- kin bloc will lead this fight. Before passing the revenue bill by a vote of 78 to 26, the ^»aaaaaaaaaaaaaa'a»M»a»»aaMa»aaaaaaaa»»»»»»4 7.*> WANTED 7.*v Boys and Girls Between the Ages of ' 6 and 16 at the LIBERTY THEATRE TO TAKE PART IN THE “SCHOOL DAY FROLICS” Thursday and Friday, April 4-5 Any child between the ages of 6 and 16 vidio has talent for the stage ... if you sing, dance, recite or play musical instruments, this is your chance to display your talents on the stage. This may be your great opportunity. Any child wishing to join the North Wilkesboro School j^lics, report in person at the Liberty Theatre '^ Monday, April 1, at 4 p. m., for instructions. Here is a chancd every boy and girl has been look ing for! NOTE—It is not necessary to sing, dance or do a specialty . ;. a number of boys and girls are needed just to speak lines as part of the big show Don’t forget . Monday, April Iff, at 4 P. M. .Thp fgi^crji^pj^'',liayinf time for* gardening in 'thlif munity... ^ I ., faiWiy fiaVe retunijm ip J.TCanMpoIUi, ' 'after; spending the' wMk^nd with Ak- mother, Mrs. J. M. Jones, of Pnrlear. Mr. Claude Whittington has moved from the Log Cabin serv ice station to his new etore build ing at tba old Willis Dyer home. Mr. Percy Triplett is putting in a new store at the log cabin. Mrs. Bernice Eller, who has been seriously 111, is much bet ter, we are glad to learn. Mr. John Andrews, of Virgin ia, was a week-end visitor at Mr. Robert Hamby. Miss Ida Church, of Maple springs, was a week-end visitor at Mr. Smory Chathams. A number of friends virlted Mrs. Grace Whittington, Sunday afternoon at her new home. A- mong those present were Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dyer and little daughter, Wanda Lee Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Travis Eller, Mr. De- cator Whittington, Mrs. J. M. Jones, Miss Vera Vccle, and Haz el Church, MisB Erie Dyer, Miss es Valeria, Freda and Jean Blev ins and Misses Viola, Vera and Veatrice Triplett, M r s. Jula Chatham and daughter, Pauline. It was a very pleasant afternoon for all present, Mrs. Hallie Eller and eon, Tony, and daughter, Rebecca Joan, visited Mrs. Eller’s moth er, Mrs. J. M.'Jones, Monday. Establishes New Peace- Time Spending Record Washington, March 27.^New Peace time spending records were broken by the federal gov ernment today with costs exceed ing the five billion-dollar mark in less than nine months of the current fiscal year to date. Since the start of the current fiscal year on July 1, the bill lor running the federal govern ment reached $5,006,456,144 or 6 per cent above the previous peak peace time rate of expen ditures of $4.709,43&,398 in the corresponding period of the i previous year. ► All Extra Bed! An Attractive Piece of Furniture! A Studio Couch I ■ '■*: t vf People are turning to the Studio Couch to provide an extra bed in an emergency as well as an attract ive piece of furniture for the living room. We have sold more Studio Couches during the past six months than we sold during all the remainder of the time this useful piece of furniture has been on the market. The reason must be that it is economical to buy a Studio Couch as so much comfort and use fulness is given in return for so little money invested. $23.50 to $52.50 The Studio Couches we are including in this special sale are upholstered in green and rust. . . high grade tapestry is used ... tapestry that will give years of service . . . they are sturdily constructed ,. ..attractive in design... and we want you to come to our store just as soon as you can to take advantage of the v&es in Studio Couches now' pftsented to you. ;; SEE OUR WINDOW I'Rhodes-Day Furniture Co. -VISIT OUR MODEL HQME- T/* '5ii ' lilAHI . .. MIm Maiiriae (above), introdneed it td th»'be*efc trowd. It ia the new "Cleopkn”, rwim enit, a amart 1939 atyle wUcb geta ita Egypti'ai name frou'ttU patterned wikie. Feature Picture* At New Orpheum This Week And Next; Coming Attractions Are .4Lnnounced In Advertisement Today Through an advertisement to day the New Orpheum Theatre is announcing a program of fea ture attractions for the next sev eral days. "The Woman in Red,” star ring Barbara Stanwyck and Gene Raymond, is the feature picture for today and tomorrow. Saturday is double header day with "Baboona," renowned thril ler, as one side of the program and “Strange Wives" as the other half, making a well bal anced show with comedy and serial. "Devil Dogs of the Air,” des cribed as the greatest of air pic tures, will be shown on Monday and Tuesday. James Cagney, Pat O’Brien and Margaret Lindsay play the leading rolea in the super production. For the next few weeks such stars as Will Rogers, Shirley Temple and others will appear in “Life Begins at 40,” "Little Col onel,” “Sweet Music," “Gold Diggers of 1935’’ and others. The Catawba raspberry proj ect is making commendable progress, with the plants set last spring apparently in excellent growth condition. Thirteen far mers are conducting fertilizer demonstrations with the new crop. Reins- ShirAvant . inc. THE FUNERAL HOME nCENSED EafBALMERS AMBULANCE SERVICE ’ North Wilkesboro, N. C. Phones 85 * 228-M GET THE JUMP ON THIS “COLDS” YEAR Does winter find you "run down”—a victim «f the first cold that comes along? If so, ..there’s an easy way to combat .this treacherous ailment Build 3 1 your* resntance now—with. eKBSSON’S VITAMIN CON CENTRATE TABLETS. These temptli^ chocolate- coated tablets brmg you an abundance of vitamins A and D. A helps you resist infec tion. D furnishes the extra "sunshine” your body craves in winter. Each tablet brings you all the vitamins in one t^poonful of U.S.P.X. (revised 1984) Cod Liver Oil. In addition it pro vides the needed minerals, od- cium and nhosphorus. Take six tablets daii^ aM get the jump on colds this year. At all good drug stores. Oiie dollar per twt- Ue of 100 tablets. Begin fitting colds the vitamin way' isplf with MCKESSON’S VLTAimr CONCENTRATE TABLED Sold and Recommended by HORTON DRUG STORE MAIN STREET NORTH WILKESBORO, N. G dept admlfvrx velPa^ Preeideat pkdbably iHB depreetkta^ Mie ga at RMlsI^ 2& cree tp be ^abUahedJ.Satnrjljiif, night, it WM.K^rahy hlelie|r«^ tonight. ‘'V? '■ '''..I' ' • Whether Belgium techafisa^ will' remain, on the gtdd.. ard desplRe sMbr^a atora., | re- giained .eonjeotajid,'.... .. j ClaiiM'’Nol T».MUdt j v-’ii ' Dr, Derrlnder’a extension days will not meet next Hobday at. the regular time, an annobnoement issued this week' said.* i . BI R. M. BRAME A SON Nortti WlUmbore, N. O. WANT ADS WANT TO SELL—Four one- horse wagons, one cow and one horse. John Lovette, North Wilkesboro. 3-28-lt-pd WANTED—^To Bent 4 or 5 room house with garden Within 1 mile of city limits. Call or write Journal-Patriot. 3-28-2t NURSE—2 1-2 years’ training, age 23, desires work; refer ences; reasonable. Phone 280-R. 3-11-tf demand PAB-IVPAS Ginger Ale. The Nehi labels means quality Quarts (.not 28 os.) 19c deposit 6c. Don’t accept a aubstitttte. 9-24-tf WANTED—^Man with car. Route experience preferred but not necessary. Rawlelgh, Dept. NCC-164-M, Richmond, Va. 3-28-(T)-4t-pd. FOR SALE—One pair moles $126, and five young fresh Jerseys with calves at side $35 to $60. Leonard' ’Temple ton, Union Grove. 3-18-tf FOB SALE CHEAP — Power Sprayer, complete with engine, triplex pump, 200-gaIlon tank, mounted on steel wagon.—H. H. Morehouse & Son, Oak- woods. 3-2B-tf Used Car Values 2 1934 V-8 ’TUDORS 1 1934 V-8 COUPE 1 1933 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 2 1933 V-8 TUDORS 2 1933 V-8 COUPES 1 1933 CHBVRM^ET COUPE 1 1933 V-8 DEL. COUPE 1 1932 DODGE 8 COUPE 1 1931 DODGE SEDAN 1 1934 DeLUXE V-8 TUDOR 1 1930 CHEVROLET COACH 1 1929 CHEVROLET COACH 2 1929 CHEVROLET COUPES 2 1932 V-8 DEDL COUPES 1 1931 FORD TUDOR 1 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE 1 1929 FORD COUPE 1 1929 FORD TUDOR 1 1928 FORD COUPE 1 1928 FORD ROADSTER 1 1934 SUGHTLY USED CHEV ROLET TRUCK 1 1934 SUGHTLY USED CHEV ROLET PICKUP 1 1934 SLIGHTLY USED FORD V-8 PICKUP 1 1930 FORD TRUCK 1933 CHEVROLET TRUCK 1929 FORD ’TRUCK 1932 FORD PICKUP 2 1930 CHEVROLET TRUCKS 1 1931 FORD TRUCK Buy your used car on the easy payment plan of the Universal Cr^it Company. Yadkin Valley MOTOR COMPANY NORTH WIIXESBORO, N. C. NOM To the Taxpayers of the Town of Wilkesboro: Pay Your Taxes For the year 1934 on or before April 1,1935 and save 11-2 per cent penalty. P. 1. Lenderinao TAX COLLECTOR . WHH A NEW OUTFIT PROM Our bayeg. reegiuly retuned idkqaed » complete line ef new Spring goqiii departnicntft ef eur etore., .Since hi»,.-fiitan .we hny« busy npaddng, prie^ an^-di«pluyiiir.4li|Wjii|||2^ Now bre have on diei^y the aoet eo«|U&MBMt of-WMl^ apparel for every aember^ the —the let^ atylce, best .tatr every paiae. At this seesen when ^^ojiie'.ia' tlieh^ of • new outfit for RASTER we invite to^vUiTc^ ateiie ettl make year selection while our atocke 'afd so cojnijieteb'' ‘ .* > --ytr, , ‘lit NEW SPRING SILK u. Welcome the new Spring season with a new Spring Dress, all the latest styles embodying all the ' bright new Spring eolors, especi ally navy ... A wonderful assort ment just received to sell at— $2.98 $3.95 $4.95 SPRING COATS, Bright new Spring colors ... at tractively tailored ... in a wide range of sizes— $5.95 $8.95 $9.95 Swagger Suits A popular outfit for the Spring season . . . You will be pleased with the Suits we are displaying^— $4.95 $5.95 $9:95 BEAUTIFUL STRAWS One of the smartest lines of straws and styles we have ever shown. Rough straws. Shark skins and R^aline. ’1^ styl ing is the last word .. . Off-tbe-.* face and brims. All colors. Head sizes 20^ to 24 inches. .. 98c - MEN’S NEW SPRING SUITS Be ready for the new Spring sea son with a new Suite—^blues, grays and browns—^worsted and twists^ all sizes—^smartly tailored—and at prices you may well afford to pay. iWonderful values at— $9.95 $13.95 $14.95 STUDENT SUITS $8.95 - $9.95 BOYS’ SUITS $4.95 _ $8.95 MEN’S HATS 98c $1.98 $2.95 ains Our Bargain Biafiement is stacked bigh'-with-new Simng goods. Below we list oidy h few of the many good values you will find. Sheeting, 4 yard weight, X 60 count, 36 inches wide, yard 56 .. 8V2C 9-4 Sheeting, extra quality, unbleached, yard 3 pound Rolls Quilt Cotton Table Oilcloth, new spring patterns, yd. . heavy 29c 49c 25c and Print Dresses, women’s children’s sizes, all ACk guaranteed fast colors Others np to 98c p Women’s Lisle Hose, all col ors and sizes. These are sec onds of a 25c grade Men’s “Red Ax" Overalls Boys’ “Red Ax” Overalls 10c 79c 59c Harris Bros.-