Bat’Skettt tlM **CMW** aad MOTBswa^ iiMirs'QfeiaR^ BUiJorlty of ro|ve« and Uara. I nndantand that oao sehemo of the offieiala to to proatoe to bar duantltlaa ol potatew, coasUaf Mrs at IS eenu a doaen and Wilkes and trampled tonderfoot irttei —iMiw>-w»d^ manr of the prominent eitlaens aUkew Bvt thaM to an element of people who are glad to Masen broad the aUad ^ Uken, who look with iafinlttLlcom up- G. o. p. Nora'icsnoN OwttrSm^i^ldHxSMMt- ’ CBREMOWT AMUITOEP ^»a «v A9 09HiS m aown ■ua wav iwa w*ha aa^*a*e*a. w^''*- -m” canned fruit and Tegetahlee from, on any, except the rei^ly Indigent lag To Bo llold Bl^fiodiol Churck Jalg/Mi Tio Jonmal-Patrlot: lataan I pronitoed of my ~****on that I would eeaso •koni the apparent . ion of relief if the re- ••fljietratore fnlflUed their nlaa. ot «i|iding direct relief 1 Noi^iaber. But 1 am as prone f^mnta my mind as the rest of r aex; and relief has certainly in an enlarged welfare ~artment and many other set- even It slightly disguised In pLast tall Harry L. Hopkins nngly announced, "We are handing out baskets of quite as If he had ar- • *tl alone, at the discovery the Inefflcacy of the doling of odstuffs, when nobody else was miant enough to grasp It. But ‘“yone else always knew of the ^^M of this method, which p permanent help to the and ridiculously overstock- the greedy well-to-do with , PpUes they already had. Mr. ^Pklns Was constantly making *®®tmdlctory statements to the that he was going to cut J“*^>jolls to the really needy, or uflr^K^Kdn’t care how many ars and radios relief cases own- 1. Though We still think Presl- ent Hoosevelt an able and well- Keaning man, who had bettered Imes noticeably In many lines, pme of us are not enamoured of Ir. Hopkins, the so-called “white- mired child of the admlnistra- lon," to the boiling point. I lon’t care how many Jesse Jones- I are put up to boss him. The Republicans are about gbt in alleging that the relief ppect has been one of the major “^Jlures of the New Deal. But I ok for them to duplicate, or nent, such failure. Even Ex resident Hoover’s criticism of pe wastefulness and uselessness many appropriations to aid the called unemployed, were en- ely apt. But Mr. Hoover and bch^U^blicans ought to remem- er wBEr the dole began In bis Bmlnistratlon. It was near the Ad of the Hoover regime that 1 much flour was distributed by ke Red Cross on the principle, pparently, that the farmers who tlie most wheat needed '^most floSy.' And if, as Mr. over claims, the depression ied in his ^ministration, why a*be prophwsy that grass would .ow' In the streets If Roosevelt pre elected? Even if the upward In Industry and the rise in of farm products—such as gMmsiitckens from 8 to 18 Bts—had not discouraged the th« relief funiliw to dlstrlbobg to ether needy. But I etoo under- •tend they r^nse to call for or buy thM« products, end If anyone to foolish enough to take them to headquarters, lady-llke officials resort to blasphemy that would give lessons to an old tar. The theory to have these relief fami- lies ratoe and can all these things for themselves is excellent and the sensible way to end relief. It to also good enough for the re lief families that the officials break their contracts, as is re ported, for a larger portion of the relief families are well-to-do and monstrously dishonest t h e m- selves. It is a case of "Dog eat dog and no meat lost.’’ But there never was any excuse for lying— that great American and even Wilkes county game. Administrators and case-work ers who have relinquished rela tively good Jobs as teachers, a chain of bridge parties, or the pare of the home and children to distribute a rather useless dole unfairly to people who can not, by any stretch of the Imagina tion. really need it, consider they are making a noble sacrifice and obeying the sacred tradition that the lady of the manor should look after the poor. They expect to be "enskyed and sainted.’’ But some of us are so cynical that we wonder if the lady of the manor was paid to look after the peas antry. When society women case workers contend that people who say they are on relief and have relief mules a’"e not even on re lief, we suspect that these society women are being charitable for the almighty dollar. There were enough poor, or moderately com fortable individuals, with enough ttaining to administer relief without drafting the daughters, sons, and wives, of millionaires. 1 do not mean that I wanted to administer it. I am altogether In competent and altogether too soft-hearted. I would have done it very badly and unfairly— though I would not have lied, and though my education might not compare so unfavorably with all the staff, or even with all the teachers in Wilkes, as is ordinar ily supposed. I do not contend, and never have, that the families who re ceive help underservedly are rich and living in luxury. They are not. They were only in comfort able circumstances, with all the necessities of life. Perhaps we should all rejoic^ that their standard of living has been rais ed, that they have nyide pro gress. But it is bitterly hard on the tax-payers, especially on families who are poorer than the relief families but too well-to-do. Topekg, Km., Jane St>—Ob the broftd Btepa ot the Kanuu State eeoltol Oov. AU M. T.anAap Wllkee eouBty Stiadey Mhool b^otlMedJnly U ttot he and nnfortnnate, rellel; — -7 mw»i u* uuui.u>u lutf mhbv w u and who look ^th^iiiarcely leee convention will be held at Bethel the ReimbUean pr^dant^ nom- eeoni upon well-to^So officlato ehureh n^r Hays on Thursday,' luee in a ceremont^ that will fof^ who go Into this rather squalid . graft to mishandle the antidote tor human mis^ and to tell lies. KUTH UNNBT. CUUrCU lU5»g AMI JO vu AMwawMjp —-w — w--——^ July 9. Officlato are hoping that The Oovernor said today hto ^ The Governor said today nis every Sunday |chool in the conn- speech, tentatiye - set wllf .Ka — —a — A . A _ Sumii4ll^v9 'baceous growth, the grass ^ — \wonld have been all tramped i too proud, and too honest to ac- lown by mobs frantically grab- cept relief, to support these ling relief. l hordes of people in a style to There is little honor among j which they have never been ac- i thieves. I do not mean to imply that all relief cases or all admin- ' Istrators and case workers are thievea. Far from it. There are Far rtoCalOM*# ■■■••a ta CMattoaSaii. Oldsmobile Sales and Service Electric nnd Acetylene Welding, Body nnd Fender Repairing, Radintor Repairing and General »MrtomoUle Work. - flTietker S Service Day or Night. Motor Co. T. H. WILLIAMS, Own«. M Mile West, N. Wilkesboro PHONE S34-J. customed. It is e asperating that so many jobs hava to be created tor so-called "unemployed” men who had never been regularly employed, except in managing their farms, in 25 or 30 years; and that so many of the so-call ed "unemployed” have to give up farming, leave their land idle, to work at their MTA jobs. It destroys one’s faith in the fair i ness of the universe, to see so much duplication: to see men on WPiV jobs, boys in CCC ranks, women being given groceries and clothes, relief mules and relief hogs all in one family who are already in moderate circumstanc es, own farms, and make liquor. I hold the all-time record for fulminations against relief. I know that scathing attacks and making fun of those who fight and scratch to become beggers, and brag about being beggers, are alike futile. I know you can give milk and other things con stantly to relief families and oth ers, work and slave for them till you drop dead without a cent of remuneration, eschew re lief for yourself like the plague. SUMMIT, June 29.—Mr. Boom er Dowell, of Roanoke, Va., Is now visiting his wife who has been spending some time visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Keys. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Miller spent Saturday and Sunday nlgbt in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church. Misses Rose and Nina Church and Mrs. Freda Miller visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Adkins, Sunday evening. The people of this community are very busy cultivating corn. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Church spent Saturday night in the home of Mr. Church’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church. Mr. and Mrs. .Arnold Keys visited Mr. Keys’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Keys, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Benge spent Saturday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Church, at Pattons Ridge. - Mr. and Mrs. Coy Church vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Keys, Sunday. Mr. Edmond Cheek, of Idle- wild, was a visitor in this com munity Saturday. Mr. S. S. Phillips and Mr. Guy Phillips were visitors at Mr. J. A. Keys’, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church and children, Pressley, Johnson and Helen and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Greene attended Sun day school at Mountain View chu’-jh. Sunday. Quite a few people of this community visited on the Scenic Parkway road Saturday evening. Mrs. N. C. Mikeal and daugh ter, Mae, spent Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church. ty will be repreaented Tbe tbeme ot the program » announced by T. B. Story, presi dent, and Mrs. M. F. Bnmgarner, seeretary, will be "A Church For the New Day.” Following to the program: Morning Session 9:46, song service led by Ham ilton Blledge, of Hays; devotion al, “The Power Pilled Church," Acts 2:1-4, D. T. Dearman; ad dress, "The New Church and Its Message,” Rev. J. L. A. Bumgar ner'; music; discussion groups, problems. Rev. Shuford Peeler, Peeler, Salisbury; "The Church and Its Teaching Task," T. E. Story: address, “The Mission of the Church in Our Day,”' Rev. Shuford Peeler: offering for Sun day cause. A fellowship dinner will be spread at noon and all at tending are asked to carry along well tilled baskets. Afternoon Session Song service; devotional, "The Church Then and Now,” Rev. A. B. Hayes; discussion groups— ■Work of the children’s division, Mrs. James Perry, Work of the young people’s division. Miss Ma rie McNiel, Elements of a suc cessful church program. Rev. Shuford Peeler: after reassemb ly an address by Rev. J. C. Gen try on “Making the Church a School In Christian Living.” Evening Session 7:30—Wor^ihlp, "The King’s Highway,” Is4. 30:18-21, Marie Haigwood; address “The Church and Its Young People”, Rev. A. W. Lynch; Music and offering for .Sunday school cause; A religious dramatization, "The Sower and the Seed,’’ Miss Marie McNiel; a consecration meditation. Rev. Shuford Peeler. At the close of the night’s ses sion a pennant will be given the for 8 p. m. (central atandard time), would be made shortly be fore he starts his first sp^liw tour ot the East, lihe Initli^ &a- dress of hto tour probably will be made at W|est Middlesex, Pa., his birthplace. In response to pries conference inquiries. Governor Lsatdon said he had no comment on the anti- Roosevelt statement of Allred E. Smith and four associates, but he made this observation: “The line of demarcation be tween fealty to party and loyalty to country is something for each citizen to determine for himself.” The Governor also announced that he would confer here July 9 with Frank 0. Lowden, former Governor of Illinois, on "the farm problem as well as other phases of the national campaign.’’ s«itei Uon’s special dlWBght eommittoe, Beeratary Wallim deddiitl^*^!^ to make a parraul inspeetlon surrey ot t hnor&' ifeentral drought area. Paul Ap^y, BtoltoM’s asatot- ant, said no definite Itinerary would bo announced and that for the most ^rt Wallace Vonld travH alone. He planned to leave Washington tomorrow, Appleby Mid, adding that he might be ge- NOlk» North Carolina, Wilkes Connty. In the Superior Court. R. L. Hundley vs. Violet Hund ley. Side applications of quickly available nitrogen to cotton right after chopping and to corn at knee high will be needed this sea son. NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Greene, of Stony Fork, visited Mrs. Greene’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Right, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Bengn vis ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Keys, Saturday night. Messrs. Garnett Greer and Sam Johnson, of Brownwood, were visitors in the home of Mr. Lee J. Church last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Church and children. Iris Logan, J. D. and Ruby, of Stony Fork, visited In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church, Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Benge visited her daughter, Mrs. Pressley Church, Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Alla Blackburn and Clark Church, of Idlewild, were visitors in this community Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Keys and children, of Crickett, at tended the Beshears reunion at Mr. Johnnie Beshears’ Sunday. Rev. Lee Beshears filled his regular appointment at Yellow Hill church Saturday and Sunday. We are glad to learn that Mr. Dempsy Church, who cut his leg while working on the scenic park way road, is now improving. The people of this community are very thankful for the nice rain which fell Thursday. Mr. Zell Greer was a visitor to Brownwood Friday. Mrs. Lillie Right and Mrs. Freda Miller visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church, Saturday afternoon. Misses Nina and Helen Church and brother, Johnson, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kejti, Saturday. Mr. Lee J- Church still holds his position as night watchman on the Scenic Parkway. Mr. and Mrs. Taft Mikeal, of North Wilkesboro, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church, Sunday evening. 7- Mr. Atrls Greene visited In the home of Mr. D. D. Adkins, Sun day evening. Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Mrs. Corrie Lee Morrison, deceased, late of Wilkes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav- omce in wiiaesooro, iNorin ing claims against the estate of Carolina, on the 31st day of July, said deceased to exhibit them to ia3a «t two o’clock, p. ta., and - •said wfn' ir' you shtW .NO'nCE OF CITA’nON ’TO NEXT OP KIN North Carolina, Wilkes County. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. In Re: The Will of John L. Connor, Deceased. To Luella Hinson, John Nel son, Gladys Nelson Harlon, Car rie Nelson Wright and Hazel Nel son. You, and each of you, as per sons Interested in the estate of the late John L. Connor, deceas ed, ot Wilkes County, are here by notified that a paper writing purporting to be a nuncupative will conveying the property of John L. Connor, deceased, to E. L. Jordan. which»paper writing has been filed in the office ot the Clerk of the Superior Court, and has been exhibited for probate in open court by E. L. Jordan, Ad ministrator of the estate of John L. Connor, deceased; And you, and each of you, are hereby notified to appear before the undersigned Clerk of the .Su perior Court of Wilkes County at his office in Wilkesboro, North The defendant, Violet Hundley, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced In the Superior Court of Wilkes Connty, North Carolina, by the .plaintiff R. L. Hundley, asking that he he granted a di vorce from the defendant, Violet Hundley; and the said defendant will further take notice that site is required to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said connty In the .court bouse in Wilkesboro, N. C., with in 30 days from the completion of this notice, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This 17th day of June, 1936. CORA CAUDILL. Deputy Clerk Superior Court of Wilkes County, North Carolina. 7-9-4t. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND OaiklBnl”, homestead of the Gordons *nd Fin- leya for more than a century, is now for ^le. The property is Ioc|tta4: MToat trfjRed^es fcv- er, and conaUU of.some of the moat beaii^l )bi^dinf sites to be found in thb. section, (lew ’^han a ynile from the business section of, WilkealKiro), SO acres bottom land, and 120 acme of upland. A good M of the upl«aid> foF die hardaurfaced highway, may he used ^ eaa purpos5sj^wi|hopt injury to the lilt arc at od in this property may see or J. ?R. Finley, Agent North Wilkeaboro, N. C. the undentaited - bury Road, Colunfbla, S. C. on or before the 25th of May, 1937, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 26th day of May, 1936. MI S. DBSSIE M. JONES, Execu'or of Mrs. Corrie Lee Mor rison, Deceased. 7-2-6t Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Judgment of the Superior Court of Wilkes County In the case entitled, Robert Safriet, As signee, versus W. J. Howard and wife, Mary Howard, et als, auth orizing and empowering the un dersigned Commissioner to sell the lands described in a certain Mortgage Deed under date of the 26th day of October, 1918, exe cuted by W. J. Howard and wife, Mary Howard, to The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, record ed in Book 105, Page 67, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wilkes County, and duly as signed for value on the 28th day of September, 1935, to this plain tiff, and empowering the under signed Commissioner to sell the lands described in a deed of trust under date of the 19th day of September, 1921, executed by W. J. Howard and wife, Mary How ard, to Robert Safrlet, recorded in Book 117, Page 177, In the of fice of the Register of Deeds for tbink proper to do so. This 22nd day of June, 1936. C. C. HAYES. r-22-4t Clerk of the Court. I iffli li JUMIjwsjw Commissioner wul exposeTo" sale at public auction to the highest ’TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE TRUSTEE’S SALE OP REAL ESTATE CONDON BOOSTER FOR ROOSEVELT Philadelphia, June 25.— Dr. Trohn F. Condon, the "Jafsie” of the Lindbergh case, came to the Democratic convention today as *a good American” and credited Eresident Roosevelt with being largely responsible for the arrest of Bruno Richard Hauptmann. In good humor and talkativp, Condcn discussed the case In t^ich he was the ransom inter mediary, and said he no longer was obliged to remain quiet "be cause 1 can’t hurt the baby and I can’t hurt Colonel Lindbergh.” “Do you . U President JlopspveU t^Loalled In the gold bills?”' he asked. “Well just stop and think a- bout that. If it hadn’t been for JBrailiteftLsFiilfWfnniUli tteiian kmiML a m — Aa.g.^1 t* bave ;b66B BO trial.** Pursuant to the power and au thority contained in a certain deed of trust dated the 2nd day of July, 1934, executed by Ed Corten and wife, Sarah Corten (or Courten) to Alan S. O’Neal, Trustee, which deed of trust Is duly registered in the office ot the Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, North Carolina, in Book of Deeds ot Trust No. 146, page 459, securing a certain note pay able to Home Owners’ Loan Cor poration, default having been made for a period ot more than ninety (90 days in the payment of said note as provided therein and in the performance of certain covenants set out in said deed of trust and demand of foreclosure having been made by the bolder of said Indebtedness, the under signed Trustee, having been sub stituted as Trustee for Alan S. O’Neal, said substitution being duly recorded in the office of the Register ot Deeds of Wilkes County, • North Carolina, in 174, page 491, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash at the Court House door In Wilkesboro, North Caro lina at 12 o’clock noon on the 9th day of July, 1936, the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Situate, lying and being in Wilkesboro Towhship, fJounty of Wilkes, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described and defined as follows: Beginning on a stake on the S. Bank of the Boone Trail High way, Sales corner, and running N. 69 deg. E. with said road 7 1-2 poles to a stake; thence S. 11 deg. E. 10 1-2 poles to an Iron stake in the Holler; thence 8. 24 deg. E. 24 poles to an Iron stake In the James line; thence S. 65 deg. W. with his lino 11 poles to an iron stake In Arthur Brooks line; thenco.N. 28 ^g. ■W. wjth bis line and D. D. An derson’s line 22 2-3 poles to an Iron stake; thence N, 69 dog. E, 5 1-2 poles to an ..Iron - .stakey thence N. 19 deg. W. 11 1-2 poles to the beginning, containing 2 96-100 acres. Belac seme vtop- erty shown on plat made "by G. G. Elledge. Surveyor, April 2nd, 1934, now on file with the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation. The purchaser at this sale ■*^11 tp reiSKSrto pOBlt of 6 per c^v^r the # chase price to show good faith This 8th day of June, 1936. T. C. ABBENBTHY, A. C. Payne, Attorney. (By Substituted Trustee) Pursuant to the power and au thority contained In a certain deed of trust dated the 21st day of December, 1933, executed by Ethel Hill Norris and husband, J. B. Norris to Alan S. O’Neal, Trustee, which deed of trust Is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, North Carolina, in Book ot Deeds of 'Trust No. 160, page 590, securing a certain note pay able to Home Owners’ Loan Cor poration, default having been made for a period of more than ninety (90) days in the payment of said note as provided therein and in the performance of cer tain covenants set out in said deed of trust and demand of fore closure having been made by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee, having been substituted as Trustee for Alan S. O’Neal, said substitution being duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, North Carolina, in 160, page 590, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash at the Court House door of Wilkes County, in Wil kesboro, North Carolina at 12 o’clock noon on the 9th day of July, 1936, the following describ ed real estate, .to-wit: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being In the City of North Wil kesboro, County of Wilkes, State of North Carolina, and more par ticularly described and defined as follows: Beginning at a stake at the Northeast intersection of Sixth Street and "P” Street, and run ning thence north 27 deg. 27 min. west along the Eastern mar gin of Sixth Street 140 feet to a stake In the Southern margin of a twenty foot alley: thence north 62 deg. 33 min. East along the Southern margin of said al ley 150 feet to a stake: thence South 27 deg. 27 min. east 140 feet to a stake In the northern margin of “F” Street; thenoe south 62 deg. 33 min. west along the northern margin of “F” St. 150 feet to the point of begin-. fling." ^ ^ ■' This property to hounded on 20 ft. wide; bounded on , by the landa of Ralph bounded on the south by ™ street 66 ft. wide. The purchaser at thto zaie wui 61^ chase price to shoy( good faith This 8th day of Juno, 1911^ T. C. ABBRNEWHY, rj . A. C. Payno, Attorney bidder, at the Court House doOr In Wilkesboro, North Carolina, at twelve o’clock, noon, on Monday, July 13, 1936, the following de scribed lands lying and being in Somers Township, Wilkes county, and more particularly described and defined as follows: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 163 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the Hunting Creek road about twelve miles east from the Town of North Wilkesboro in Somers Township," Wilkes Coun ty, North Carolina, having such shape, metes, courses and dist ances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by S. T. Goforth, Surveyor, on June 8th, 1918, and being bounded on north by lands of Bam Clower, on the east by lands of R. N. Garner, on the South by Hunting Creek, and cn west by R. N. Garner. This being the same land purchased by W. J. Howard from the heirs at law of M. J. Howard by deed dated Dec. 27, 1918, and recorded In the of fice ot the Register of Deeds for Wilkes County In Book 99, at Page 406, and from Margaret Jones by deed dated Jan. 6, 1914, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Wilkes County in Book 89, at Page 454. The terms of the sale are one- third cash upon confirmation of the sale, one-third in six months, and one-tbird in twelve months. No bid will be accepted unless its maker shall deposit with the Commissioner at the dose of the bidding the sum of One Hundred Dollars (9100) as a forfeit and guaranty, the same to be credit ed on his bid when accepted. No tice is now given that said lands will be re-sold immediately at the same place, upon the same terms, on the same day, unless said de posit Is made. Every deposit not forfeited or accepted will b« promptly returned to the maker upon expiration of the period al lowed by law for the confirma tion of said sale, the same to be made.snbect to the confirmation of the Court. This 13th day of June, 1936. ■ EUGENE TRIVBTTB, t9-4t. CommteBkmwf At Dtflsth, July t, aftmr which ir cptM he woald proceed Ztokfltaa. liHCaiia.wiiA where the (fought to cawafag worzt W. H. Taylor, throi^] te. gmat or Ueenaes ha* banned pdrife in the town of Delphoa, Q« fum a of 3,ni. NOTICE North Carolina, Wilkee Carnm. By yjrtne of the power at cqniigttbd hi .a Deed at 9mtt executed t o the uadenieMil Tntotee on the 7tb day ot 1929, by J. T. Alexander wife, Maude Alexander, to a nete in the amount of Hundred dollars ($300.64L ented to. C. H. Holland, WMik Deed of Trtut and note wax tttf aseigned to A. G. Snow. which Deed of ’Trust is re in Book US, Page 247. office of the Register of for 'Wilkes Connty, the te which not having been cog with, on the request of the I er of said note to satisfy same, I will sell for cash at \ lie auction to the highest at the Courthouse door In boro, N. C. On July 11th. at 12 m. the following de real estate; located la County, N. C., Edwards ship, adjoining the lauds of' as (iaudill, W. 0. Blackbora; others; Beginning at a sta'ke: rock on North side of River 48 degree east so as te; one rod Southeast of aa a tree 20 poles from said the whole line 67 1-2 poles tow small post oak, 70 degree* aaat 37 poles to 3 red oaks. North BA degree east 23 3-4 poles to a bunch of dogwood in an old fldC North 48 poles to a maple o« a hillside, north 37 1-2 tetaaaa east 24 poles to white oak D. X. N. Edwards corner. East line of said tract 31 poles Spanish oak by a path, 86 4 grees west with the line ot aa tract and with said path 39 pat to white oak, south 11 Atgaa east with J. C. Sparks lino ai Matilda Sparks line 130 potoa i a red oak, 33 degrees west w6 Sparks line 26 poles to post oak on a ridge South Sparks line crossing Sloan 40 poles to white oak, wcat ■ degrees 8 poles to the rtrei;, a said river to the beginBiag. «aa taining one hundred acres. *MS or less. This Deed of Trust coven am halt interest in the above 4i scribed- tract land, so as to *■ brace 50 acres more or lesa. Thto 9tk »ay qf June. WJt, He fdt a dUTmit mi Relieved the Alka-Sehzer ' Why don’t you take Seltzer for Gas on Stoao^ Headache, Sour Stomach, ■“ Muscular, Rheumatic PaiiuT Alka-Seltser has a pleasant, i Inr, tancy tarte. It contain* gesfo (Acetyl-Sallcylats. a ,;alt of Aspirin) which rel‘e«« and discomfort, while Its and mineral alkaliiere help ta rect the cause of those mtoar ments associated with h, of the stomach. Year druggist sells ADca-toBaK. Rf wiSE’AlKALl7r ft «»(ipy0W Ito Mser shtaH tonidHIilalaran ',>oarltatddes»*tdw—t lit bewab. Oh Uia||au •taest . Ton sat aanstoalad. Taar . la peiasnad and m fbal aaar. wecMlaakapaik. ai* only naihaaliifli. A man —tdwa'taat at I aaai, aMCarta’a UMa Livac ItoatVaa ptuadiaf Ubtowliw woV* fee this uoion Whether your "Ne trouJbled you tat bo reenL yooH findA'I beetoa renedy effect' At Drug Stvraa : } yau totl a»"-Hsam- T DR V ' !\ i