-.-’v:*}f^(^v!^. f^tfr-JOUBNAL-FATlifi^t KOK Social Calenda? !' MAldS! SQCKWBlSi; Sditor: ’ !Me^W(»e':PP ;i:; :q ;. Jones,' V>t . '-the marriage «t tkair daughter, Lonella, to Joe^ CrtTen. also of .this city, on Tri- day, NoTenber IS, 1936, at Hick ory, irith- Rer. Jaa. H. Armbrust p^oradag '^the wedding eere-^ a»ony;'5if'* ’ Mrs. Craven is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. }. A. Jones. Mr. Craven Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. d. J. Craven. He holds a position with the Duke Power Co. Mr. and Mrs. Crave:: will make their home in this city. Foster-Greene Announcement ■ Mr.'ahd ’Mto.'A. M. Poster.vof Puri^T,'ahndunc© the martlage ,of. thely daughter, Irene, to ne^s'i t. ’crwhe,' of Harley, ' on iJuho’l,'i9»,'ln Bast VirglniA’ TOUR THEATRE LIBERTY Always the Best All Ways TODAY— “ROSE BOWL” All-Amercan Football Romance —wrhh— —Tom Brown —Larry Crabbe —Eleemor Whitney —^William Frawley —Benny Baker TUESDAY ONLY— On the Stage: ‘Town Scandals’ 20—People Musical—20 —girls—COMEDY SONGS—DANCES Dula-Hunt Vbws Announced ' . Greensboro, . Nov. 16.—^Rev. and Mrs. B. C. Reavis anrounce -the. marriage of Miss Margaret AJina Dula and Sidney Stokes Hunt, both of North Wilkeshoro, June 28. 1936. The vows were beard by Rev. Mr. Reavls, pastor of College Place Methodist church, at the parsonage, In the presence of a few Intimate friends of the couple. Cards an nouncing the marriage were mail ed yesterday. . Mrs. Hunt, daughter of George ,M. Dula, of Weavervllle, is a graduate nutse, having taken her training at Burrus Memorial hospital. High Point. For the past four years she has been in charge : of the operating room at Wilkes hospital. North Wilkesboro. Mr. Hunt Is connected with the post- I office at North Wilkesboro. i The couple are now on a motor trip to Florida and other south- i ernl points and after November I 25 they will be at home in North t Wilkesboro. . Mrs Hunt made her home with Rev. p.nd Mrs. Reavls for many yeiirs. ‘ . The thre« oirolee oC the North \Vllkeebon> Methodist 'cinrdi irfll meet Tuesday with the fol lowing M hostesses: .-^ Glrelo No. 1 wlU meet st 8:80 o’clock at the home of Mm 8, V. Tomlinson with ' W. B. Sboford as co-hostess. The hlaJTT Brame Circle wUT ' meet at 8:^ o’clock at the home of Mrs. W. B. Jones with Mrs. J. D. Moore, Sr., as asso- elate hostess. ' ' Hostesses for the Franklin circle, which meets at 7:80 O*- ' dock, ar© Mrs. Palmer Horton, Mrs. J. B. Justice, and Mrs. F» O. Hubbard at the honte of Mrs. Horton. Program l^er will be Miss Clyde Scroggs. A full attendance is desired and it is hoped that each one will be able to pay thdr dues in fall for the year. Hukher Hostess To St, CedUa Ifosic ONtb ,,. ^s high school divlslan'j of ^ St. Cecilia Music 'dub was delighttidly ' entertained Frittoy evening by Miss Ruth Huleber at her home in Wilkesboro. . ■ - For the program' Miss'* wene Phillips gave the current m^tcal events In an interesting' paper. Miss Hulcher reail a sketch of the master piano composer, Frederic Chopin, and played his "Walts in O Flat." Baxter Davis sang, and piano solos were played by Misses Velma Triplett, Betty- Pearson, Roena .:Bnllis, Blls Mae Moore and Ruth Jdues. >> ' ' Dnrthg'a pdeasant social hour, deliciotjs refreshments were serv ed by the hostess and her mother. Guests were Miss Melville, Clin ton Hnlchwr,-and Charles 3ar- wood. The club will be entertained by Miss Connie tiOWe in December The Presbyterian Auxiliary will meet Tuesday afternoon at the church hut at 8:80 o’dock. Thuraday-Friday— Doable Feature Program Laurel & Hardy — 1 n — “OUR RELATIONS' “IN HIS STEPS’’ with — Eric Linden^eeUia Pa^er North , Wilkesboro P,-T. ^ 1 Addressed By Mr. PhiUps With C. W. Phillips, of Greens- I bpro, as guest speaker Father’s Night was observed, at the montb- I Iv meeting of the North Wilkes- Vboro ParentiTeacher association 'held In'the school auditorium ; Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. I Mr. iPhillips, chairman of the ! public relations department of the [woman’s Collsg© of the Univer- '‘sUy of North Carolina, made a jsplendfd addrfess speaking mostly about iparents' look,ing toward the future of their children. He was introduced by T. E. Story, sup erintendent of 'the Wilkesboro •■High School;:: ;;F6r ..toe'husineas part of the .. u a m«■ ^_ 1 Aiftrinft J* 311611n©ru# wi»iv^ v* meeting the the late Pressley Shepherd, an mer Horton, was in the chair at ^ ^ mer Horton, was m me cnair ^ „ouncement of which ha5 alr^dy which time most encouraging re- ,„,v,iiahad Mrs , Shenherd ports were heard from the been published. Mrs. - Shepherd * ”//.h.irman Thtt was reared In Ashe county and nance and welfare chairmen. The this-section twenty-five attendance awards In the high „„„ au the mother ,.n. to M,.. *ra. ,7" rey’s room and In the elementary } ^ grades it was a tie between Miss B... F„: .nd Mi.. Sjd 2r»pK b.,1, FldW. room.. Th. moollog ^ the Baptist church here and did her part well as a patriotic citi zen of her community and was a Society faithful wife and mother in rear- M. ing a highly creditable family was largely attended. Elect Officers For Missionary Society The Union Missionary met Tuesday with Mrs. .. -- . Nichols for its regular meeting, and building u splendid home and In the absence of the president fireside. ~ Mrs. Sallie Weaver, of Seattle, J. the vice president, Mrs. D. E. Turner, presided. The officers Washington, relative of Mr. and were elected for the coming year President, Miss Winnie McLean; vice president, Mrs. Earl Baker; recording secretary, Mrs. J. P Crysel; treasurer, Mrs. J. E. Cry- sel; local treasurer, Mrs. C. W Mahaffey; corresponding secre tary, Mrs. D. E. Turner; superln tendent of Bible study. Mrs. Oscar In Lenoir for some time, have re- Elllott. Th© society decided send the M. E. Children’s Home their home a package for Thanksgiving. The state. to turned to this community to make we are pleased to meeting adjourned to meet again in December. The hostess was as sisted In serving refreshments Mrs. Mary McLean. by Mrs. Lincoln Spainhour Dinner-Party Hostess A lovely dinner party was given by Mrs. Lincoln Sl«hihonr'at her home Thursday evenlUg ,bavins as guests mam hen pf her Mdge; BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS Buy Yours Now and Then You Will Be Ready For Cold Weather Douhle Blanket Both in Cotton smd Wool Mixed club and several frieiMlh: three course'dlhner iwai served at $1.75 to $6.50 Pair You may buy your Blankets on our Easy -Weekly or Monthly Payment Plan, open to all with approved crediL' Furniture Co. r' “Almy* Outetanding Furniture Values’’ NINTH STREET NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. seven o’clock after which three tables were mad© up for bridge Yellow and white chrysanthe mums used with yellow candles made a festive getting for the party. Within the club Mrs. J. D. Moore, Jr., won the top score prize and abiong the visitors Mrs. Lewis Vickery was the winner. An honor guest was Mrs. William Marlow, the former Miss Mary Hix, of this city, and to her the hostess presented a beautiful re membrance. Idlewise Club Met Mrs. A. H. Casey Mrs. A. H. Casey entertained the members of the Idlewise club, of which she is a member, and a trio of additional visitors at her home on Casey Heights Thursday evening. A two course dinner was served at 6:30 o’oclock with cov ers laid tor sixteen at the dining table and two small ones. Red and white flowers and blue can dles decorated the tables and were used elsewhere about the rooms. Following the dinner a period of handwork and conversation was engaged in for sometime. Those present other than club members were Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, Mrs. Ira Payne and Miss Norma Stevenson. Tea And Topics C'ub Given Theatre Party A theatre party provided de lightful entertainment tor the Tea and Topics club members Thursday evening with Mrs. A. S. Cassel acting as hostess. The group assembled at the Orpheum Theatre to view th© picture ‘‘Ra mona’’ afterwards ■ going ' to the Wilkes Drug Store for refresh ments. Scatt-Eller Marriage Vows Are Announced Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Scott, of Crickett, announce the marriage of their daughter, Conni© Ellen, to Clinton Eller, of Purlear, on November 7, 1936. Mrs. DeBerry Is Hostess To Her Bridge Class The Young Ladies Bible class of t h © Wilkesboro Methodist church was , entertained in Its monthly meeting Wednesday eve ning at the home of Mrs. W. M. DeBerry liT North Wllkeeboro on F Street. Miss Helen Bostic, pres ident, presided and bad charge of the devotlonaU. During ^the busr iness session a number of import ant mattefs cam© up for discus sion. The eleven members and or one visitor attendins wsre-a^ixed it delicioua refreskmedts social hour. Ferguson News FERGUSON, Nov. 9.—^We re-, gret to record the pasalag of Bfts. Martha J. Shepherd! widow' of Wilketfcioro P.-T. A. H^s Mr. Philos Mrs. A. J. Hall, IS visiting them for several days, and will also visit relatives and friends in Le noir before returning to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and family, former residents of this place, but who have been living The Wilkesboro Parent-Teach- Or Association met in the school «adito>Inm Thursday afternoon with a large number of new mem- -hert ' present. Mrs. Steelman’s fourth and fifth grades presented an attractive playet based on Books. Mrs. ’ HemphilTs fifth grade gave a dramatic interpreta- tk>n of the courtship of Miles Standisb. Both were skillfully done. V, After the children’s program llr. Z; V. Dickson, accompanied by Mrs. R. E. Frevotte at the pi ano, sang a Solo. Mr. Story then presented some facts and statis tics concerning the school. As this was National Edncatlon Week, the object of his talk was to help the patrons to know their school. He then presented the guest speal‘:er, Mr. C. W. Phillips, chairman of the public relations board of the Woman’s College of the university of North Carolina, Greensboro. His speech was a great boost for edncatlon. He clearly showed that the job is un- flnisbed, that there ar© still many things to be achieved, that the nation has a bright and glorious tomorrow which may be reached by dispelling selfishness and ig norance thru our schools. The president, Mrs. Z. D. Dick son, presided over the business and routine matters were trans acted. Reports were heard from the various committees. Mrs. J. W|. White and Mrs. L. B. Dula gave interesting reports of the annual district meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association which was held here October 16, with North Wilkesboro and Wllkes- boro as joint hostesses. For attendance Mrs. Hemphill’s fifth “grade won first prize; Miss Hansel’s first grade, second; and Miss Scroggs’ third grade, third. Quf HHei^ Carl H„ Hrairit^ tober 8, 19US, at Kahdrtx, With' : bli Master. He graiuatod wRh honeva from Mnnihy high ** il aud with highest bason Appalacian State Tsaohert' eoaBtr. Hla parent moved to ti^egs is the class Of 1.931, He. Murphy, ;Cherokee ^nty, taaght the following four yeanF X.^ A . Ua*. TTa MaA «M a. «_ he was i small boy. He died at his. home' near Murphy^ November 6, 1936. He is mirvlved by his wife, tathw, mother, and three brothm, and five sisters. Fnneral was conducted ^rom Peachtree Baptlst';^fchn«h, ?5sam- day, November 8,^ by the Pk^r, Rev. OKelly, - and Revi A,^, S. Watts, of aylorsvUle. Carl lotn- ed the charch at.th© age of .jig years rand ever lived J^aj^lbful to In Mt. Pleasant high school, then wttf^blectod Principal of Traphlll l highsohMfi'Where he served an-, til'rMlgnitig. e few ..weeks ago on aeCoubt of lit health,’, He loved hoys, and girls as tew teaeheri ' do, and In return was beloved by - tVpm. It Is truly said of him “TO: knoi^^Jm Is to love him,’’- He has shores of friends in .'Wilkes who moiim his passing.—Con tribtttedl^ ■- •!': i : .i' :r.==^”:d Con- 1 ■„ ’ >«>.f .3 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pardue and family, at Wilkesboro, at- MASONIC NOTICE Regular communication Liber ty Lodge number 45 A. F. & A. M. Thursday night, 7:30. All members asked to attend. 'Visi tors welcome. ED CRYSEL, Master. Visit Our New Store-Now Open For Business... But... For Formal Anncuncemeht Brame’s DRUG STORE - CUT PRICES - tended the funeral of Mrs. Par- due’s mother, Mrs. Martha J. Shepherd, .here Monday. Mrs. Julia Hartsog, of Idlewlld, Ashe county, daughter of Mrs. Shep herd, also attended the funeral. Misses Blanche and Beulah Fergapon, and Mrs. T. W. Fetgnson and family, Mr. Jack ’ Fensus'on (student “Of Davidson College)', spent the'toy and were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton are always noted for their generous hospitality and entertaining qualities. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Cottrell, of Moravian Falls, were also visitors at the Carlton home Sunday afternoon. The great pollticial drama, the general election, is over and while there are always many pre cedents upset in such a fiasco which is a quadrenial affair, the country will march along in much the same way. As important as an election may seem to many of j us her© In America if viewed In a big way, there is no cause for alarm no matter what happens. We should say w© are ninety per cent Americans and our country can be assured of a safe govern ment no matter where the politi cal pendulum swings. It never swings so far one way but what it will swing back with the min ority party always acting as a check and balance wheel. The local Subordinate Grange will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shepherd Friday night, November 13. All members try and be present with quarterly dues. .The Juvenile Grange will meet at th© usual place Saturday afternoon, November 14.* Among those who visited here from the Hereford Breeders As sociation meeting held at the Pat terson school Prihay, Novrtnber 6th, were L. I. Case, Raleigh, Messrs. Hamilton and Shipley, Boone; B. S. Dobbin and Capt. P. Welse, and Prof. Fowler, Legerwood. Also about one dozen students of the Patterson Agri cultural school. SINCLAIR Announces Its Opening and Readiness For Business At Corner A and lOth Streets With a Complete Line of SINCUIR GASOLINE AND SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL Protect Your Car From Freezing This Winter hy Using Wilkesboro Loses To North Winston ball Wilkesboro Ramblers dropped exceedingly hard fought foot- game Friday afternoon 13 to on Wilkesboro’s field. The Ramblers, although out played by the ylsltors’ line, out generaled the Twin-City eleven In the other phases of the game. ^ Wilkesboro was handicapped by Injury to Miller, Backfleld ace. .._o retired from the game on account of Injuries In the Urst period. Wilkesboro displayed , a Kpo4^ passing attack ■with one pass good for their one to^hdowh Ing 88 1,000,000 WORTH OP LOST LOVB. That’s the flCBTe hte wl/e upon the mlHlmiati'e’s strayed stolen affections. Be^ In tto puts 1 HERALD. OR ALCOHOL Come In—Pay Us a Visit and Try Sinclair Gasoline and Oils for Greater Motoring Satisfaction. FRIENDLY SERVICE-ALWAYS! Service w.c. CORNER “A" AND lOTH STS.

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