). N. ifcr. R. O. Po®Mn, Blktn, was ilnesa visitor to the city yes^ “Tir,. Mitch Davis, of Qllreath, vraa c lMsiaess visitor In this city Tuesday,, Mrr C. W. Elledgo^*bf'\' HayB, was' a huslnoBs visitor. In this city Tuesday. i Dr. F. C. Hubbard returned to day from a two-day medical meet Ing In Baltimore. CARLTON’S HARDWARE We Save You Money I TRY US ! Roaster ••••••• CIRC ULAT O R S Good and Cheap SAUSAGE MILL $1.85 A Complete Set of COLONIAL INITIALED Chinaware b 22 Karat GoldW Pbtimuii INDMUJUiY YOUR OWN A COMPLIMENT TO THE FINEST HOME Ask Us For Details WILKES DRUG CO. ‘On the Square” Telephone No. 48 NEXT TO JENKINS HARDWARE STORE Af ^ FiNRsrr'A^ * CHEESE lb. 21c ANN PAGE SPAGHEni 5c HacariHu or Noodles SULTANA PINEAPPLE 2 35c RAJAH SALAD DRESSING»23c ANN PAGE APPLESAUCE 3 25c 8 O’CLOCK — MUd a COFFEE 8 O’CLOCK — MUd and MeUow Pound A&P Large 20 oz. ullman LOAF 9c 18c Grandmother’s FRUIT CAKES 1-lb. 2 lbs. 3 lbs. 85c m 45c ANGELUS Marshmallows 2 1-lb. Pkgs. 23 In Cellophane Jlaa*e Charries ■'I lb 13c ti'Sl-.- Pineapple lb I3c ritron. - «r Orange fefS4 lb 9c /tieUed Walnuts or Almonds *4 lb 20c Sliellrd Pecans Va lb. .* ..18c l/ondun l.avur I Dromedary Pitted Dates 7'4 oz. pkg 15c DroMiedary Assorted P,gels 3 oz. pkg 10c 15c Cnrrahts 10 oz. pkg. queen Am Meat 9 oz. pkg. 10c tiainel ntted Raisins. 2 lbs. .. 25c Dates 8 oz. pkg 10c FRESH PRODUCE & VEGETABLES I CELERY, large size 10c LETTUCE, nice firm, 10c GREEN BEANS, 3 lbs. 25c BRUSSEL SPROUTS, lb. 22V2C EGG PLANT, lb. 10c I GREEN PEPPERS, lb. 10c OKRA, Ib 121/20 i ORANGES, nice juicy Floridas— ’ 12^ to 25c , dozen. >week-end at Hay* with her ter, Mr*. C. C. Blerliui. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown and Mrs. C. O. Mt^Iel were TUdton to Wlnstonr^d^ Tueeday^ 1 n Mr. R; B. Pharr eontinaea to be confined to hie home by ill- nees, we are sorry to1)tate. « -■ Mr. Andrew”Payne,of Jobe Cabin township, was business visitor, to the city Tuoeday. Mr. J. W. Robhlne, well known resident of Somers township, was a visitor to Wllkeaboro yesterday. County Agent A. O. Hendren attended a gathering of tobacco growers In Winston-Salem Wed nesday. i Mr. Joe Moore, of Mayodife was a guest over the week-eiid In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chmrtes Smltoey. Mr. H. A. Patton, of State Col lege, Is In Wilkes today In the Interest of the soil conservation program. Mr. L. A. Gudger .has recover ed from a broken leg and Is able to be out again, friends are glad to learn. Mr. O. C. Turner Is able to be out again following an Illness of five weeks with Inflammatory rheumatism. Attorney Ira T. Johnston, of West Jefferson, was a visiting at torney at federal court In Wil- kesboro yesterday. ( • Attorneys W. R. Clegg and f . H. Scott, of Carthage, were pro fessional business visitors In Wll- kesboro Wednesday. Messrs. D. A. Holloman and C. M. Wellhom, of the Cycle com-' munity, were In the Wilkesboroi^ yesterday on business. Miss Mary Jo Pearson, student of Salem College, spent the week end ..here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Pearson. Mr. Claude Hutchens, who Is, connected with the Ford dealer ship agency in Boone, visited rel atives and friends here Sunday. Mr. M. E. Reeves, well known citizen of the Laurel Springs vi cinity, was in this city Tuesday looking after business matters. ;1 SALES-PERSOWNElTof GADDY MQtPRr^iPANY * • . -‘-I ^ . ..vADhUNIsmATORfB KOtTCV Hstvlng -auailfle^l as Adtahs- k^tor of UlP wtate of .E!mm» uudor, debased, all perse beroby notified to iUo ....— efaiip, If hai lhey have, with the underailii^ adthlnlstrutor*’' wRk- 1b twdlye-dtoBt|» from thS^iAatv of this. puhiUear^n or ^ame will he plead hMr of their tigW t» jmover.a- ! r' Thh tWh'daF«f Oct-. |P5«. 1 -T. ALH?AHDh^. ,^ Adminigt;irtor„ 4 ^ Smma ’Alezander, Dqe^aed. t2-3-ft - Ah^liers. Jf.'C- beat. * By Ttirtue of antborHy eontoio- -d In a certain Mortgage Deed executed by L. M. Oakley and wife, Sarah Oakiey, to the nur deraigned Mortgagees on Fehru- L Carpenter; Church, Fred ... Mis* d'|k^^rfi®n,'>f Jackson, Mlk; ar^=^V^«Mt ' of the ^ r - - . .x ■ - . . week for a iyfejt^jfltb' her broth- OlWer Absher and they a^«^d ■•er, Mr. A, ju.-^Jdfijin, .'manager of Carolina-Duke foott^ ^hte -» Ai at Cbapel Hill Saturdtqr. ; ?T'S THE FAIRBANKS-MGRS f I? RADIO TURRET SHIELDED Only $19.95 • Turret shielded chassis. Gfl^ Circle dial. Tone projector. Short-wave separator. speed and vernier tuning^V .4^;. trimmers. Toning eye. VolG^ controL Tone controL Babunoed perspective cabinet, tmd 23 major jeatmres. Nothing WsB fcf ever before^ , Mark-Down Company the’ local J, Company wtcie.- •virv’ ' V-' ' Mr. and'Jrs.- JoHil jceysf, Mrs. ;MaVy-Chipcli and" dajSfhter, Miss VJrgle phufeb, of SL Paul’s Va;, are herpjB.n.p-vi^'toMail Martha Church -and- otl^ relatiyes,.ln the county. ' ■ • - Miss Rebecca:.Biahie, student of ’Salem ^-^lhgb^%ho' bpe'nt, the week-end hM-o with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Brame, had as a guest a-K-eoboolmate, Miss Jennie Carter.. Miss Rosa Billings, who bolds a position '.tt ihei office of A. G. Hendren, Wilkes farm agent, spent the week-end at. Moxloy with . her'father, Mrs. A. J. Bll- lings; , „ Miss Inez Wannamaker.' a member of the faculty, of the .Col- lettsTiile high school In Caldwell county, was th«. guest of Mlss^ Eloiso Starr .in WtUteebom . tho^ past we«k»w#4.?ii Mr.‘L.* E. J^tocls, secretary of the WtnVttfn^aiem '^Prddu^n Credit association, was,. In . Wil- kesboro today looking after busi ness matters for that organiza tion. IX THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES, FOB TUB MIDDLE DISTRICT OF XORTH ('AROLTXA. In Bankruptcy. James Lee Turner, Surviving Partner of J. L. Turner & Son, a partnership, and James Lee Tur ner, Individually. Bankrupt. To—THE HONORABLE JOHN>- SON J. HAYES, JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA: James Lee Turner, surviving partner of J. L. Turner & Son, a partnership, and James Lee Tur ner, individually, of North 'WIl- kesboro, in the County of Wilkes and State of North Carolina, in ■aid District, respectfully repre sents: That on the 21th day of June, 1936. he was duly adjudg ed bankrupt under the Acts of Ui>ngre.s3 rolatlug to bankruptcy.' that he has duly surrendered all his property and rights of prop erty. anti has fully complied with •ill the requirements of said acts and of the orders of the court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore, he prays that he may be decreed by the Court to have a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Bankrupt Acts, ex cept such debts as are excepted, by law from such discharge. Dated this the 31st day of Oc tober 1936. JAMBS LEE TURNER, i' ■ ‘ Bankrupt- OBXYSB OP hCfflGB THEREON , Qn thU thainh day of Novem- rwding the forego- — __ jby Court that- *.^hcftrtnrilh?iiiW.hPdB' the same bk” day"- ot*. - December,' iaS6 betb’r* the undersigned iSihhnt Airy, in *ald'ia«irlbt, ’«k' ok:lock a»d “pl^jht 'nwtloe; thereof bo jtthJJshed Wv^;Jotstnal-Patrioti lbb^d^ghate^(:TilW«9«eH'. and that mUtkiwwh appear and place, and sii^ any they have,: why the, prayer of said petitioner Should tot -1^ epinted.-^; .. the court ^ the. B«er»e sh;all send hy roafi to all k^n credl* im» Tmjerpiim&wiMYtCthem jat their places'of'rmdden^ as stat- f4 i^ft'Wova ir. riiftord Avery.'of Hickory,j Mrs. E. P. Albea continues Cri- speht the week-end » Mr. ] tically ill at the Wilkes I^spltal. we are sorry to state, sister to Dr. R. M. .Bran Mr. P. J.rBrame. : | t= *■ J le Is ;a s and aky 10, 1920, and the stlpnlatlona of said Mortgage Deed not hav ing - been complied with, the un dersigned Surviving Mortgage* will on the 12th day of December, 1936, at 12 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction, for caab, to satisfy the Indebtedness seenred by said Mortgage Deed, he following described real es tate : Beginning on William Curry's northeast corner on a White Oak running south G2 poles to a pop lar on the bank of the branch small stream; thence east 97 Poles. to a black oak In John Glass’ Wne;’thence north 62 Pdos to a stake on the Bank of the road; thence with said road west to John Glass’ line 97 poles; theneo south to the be^nning, the same containing 35* acres, more or lees. This 12th day of Nov., 1936- G. G. & J. A. OAKLEY, 12-10-4t. Mortgagees. By J. A. Oakley, Surviving Mortg agee. ,-I , \ur ‘ ' For Outdoor Work! 'Cossacks *V r. AU W>oU a real wind bW- riere’s er! Sturdy all wool jackets with Talon fastener front. Sport collar and* button cuffs. The popular shadow- tones. Built for long wear! ISUEDB $4>98 jackets] j Soft leather, lined with sa teen. Button front, knit bot tom, leather collar, cuffa UNDERWEAR For Wt elastic topt Tbe vesta have ray on trimmfnlt Both regalaa and extra siaea Basco Damask Smoothly finish ed cotton for e^ n eryday nae! !■ snowy whitel Lovely floral patterns I M tak Men’s LEATHERE'H’E SHEEP LINED eOATS Priced to Sell at Once $2.fS Big Soft Wooly Pastel PUud BLANKETS .J 4 Ibe. of warmth and satis^e- tion. Not leas than 6% wool. Ex- tra large, 72x84 inches. A treat at this nnasually low price! GOLF SOCKS For School Wear! 15c „ wilK IpiymJdtR right iRltPrW> .ticdt-'aM>'=c«m'- ftirwH* Fancy. I. alUdV^'pat^^ _ tenia 7 to lOH- ? B«y8«JACKET8 V* 82 08. wool TaJ- oa front 9^ ow tooea, Mae, brown, maroon. fc rea•. lan’e Shadow MEN'S UNION SUSTS W'infer Weight 79 c Good rib cotton.. Cut to fall standard sixes. Cuffs on legs and sleevea"' Rayon trimmed. Woolgora Btaf . -fy. ! BLANKET FAIBf Plaid Or Solid Color •4' 2V4 lbs. of warmth and com- fort Nicely athchad Lota of attfaetiw^ • Warm shasta for Wtadarl n^Sfl Napkins ■ 6' f»r Snowy white, aU linen damask , wiQi floral Jao>.; qaard patteroa. ' 14 by 14 tachea. Smart fringe I NORTH WILKESBORO, N.’ C. '».Te.S ■ .. ■ ,t >: ■

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