THE JdlHtNi^PATBIO^^RTH Beidons and A&wers About Work Social Security Act WMhinston, Not. 16.—^Why did my employer receire today a lorm called ”89-4 *’ to be filled oit tor the goTemmentt This was an initial stw to Pot tbe dd age pension sectioa of the aeeniity act Into effect January 1. * Will I get a penslonT Yes, If you reach 66 after 1641 and If you meet the other re quirements. What other requirements T Principally, you must work in an employment coTcred by the law at least one day in each of fiTC different years beginning with 1937, and must have at least $8,000 credited to your "wage account.” My “account?” 0xydol..42 for GOODWILL STC 'Wirth WUkeaboro, N. STORE C ,id Yourself of Kidney Poisons ^ yoe «dhr b«riao, _ — too IrcqusBt MtosUoto McksdM, -Wkche, dizziMM, lorn of aoMy, log poiw, iwoIUe^ «»d pj«no* mim the eyes? Am you 8i^ o«t—4cei all oMhunq «d doav know what b wrang? Then givo acme dioaghf to yo« Iddoey*. Be mre they fon^ piopaw ly for fuoeliooal khtoey dboaiicr mib csces waite to ftay in oM, and to pobea aad apaei ton «Me syflWo Ube Dooa't Pma. DomS am fw ki^wya ooly. They am moomaaandad the world over. You can get the geo> Mine, tima teitod Dom*i at aay drag DOANS Pills ifHot/sfiT YOUWCRC ATuyyv CATER HOT ANY AWRt- At»0 Over-indulgence in food, drink, or tobacco nifkiuently brings on an orer-add condition in the ato- roach, gas on stomach, headache, sonr stomach, colds, and muscular pains. To get rid of the discomfort and correct the acid condition, take ALKA - SELTZER Alka-Seltser contains Sodium Ace- tyl-Salleylate (an analgesic) In com- hnatlon with vegetable and mineral alkaltsera. Your dn'Sgist sell.s Alka-Seltzer by the drink and by the package. If Your employer. If you work In business or Industry, is to be giren an “Identification number.” Toil soon win get an application blank for an “account number.” On this account will be kept a record of your earnings, as re ported perlodltaiUy ■ by the em ployer. The site of your monthly government check after you reach 66 will be based on this record. What workers are not covered? Farm and domestic help, cas ual laborers, ships’ crews, em ployees of federal, state or local governments, the self-employed, and employees of railroads (who come under another pension law), and of religious, educational, charitable and scientific institu tions. Suppose I teach school or am out of work, will I get an ac count? You can apply for one and any wages you get from a covered TRU.STEE SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the power and au thority of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated the twenty-third day of September, 1931, executed by C. M. Petty and wife Mae Petty to J. F. Jor dan. the undersigned Trustee, which Deed of Trust is duly re corded in the Office of Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, North Carolina in book 165, page 66. Said Deed of Trust securing a certain note payable to W. W. Harris and W. O. Blackburn and default having been made in the payment of the said note and Deed of Trust under the terms thereof, the undersigned Trustee will therefore offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door of Wilkes County in Wilkes- boro, N. C.. at 12:00 o’clock noon ou the 9th day of December, 1936, the following described real estate to wit: Beginning on a stake in the oack line corner of lot No. 2 and runs with the back line south 6 degrees west 23 3-10 pole.s to a dead pine C. C. Hunt’s corner: thence I 3-4 degrees west 19 8-10 poles to the t)ld Gun corner also corner of lot No. 4; thence with lot No. 4 east 61 2-3 poles to a stake in C. C. Hunts line: thence north with Hunts line 44 1-2 poles to a stake corner of lot No. 2: thence west 61 1-2 poles to the beginning, containing 17 3-4 acres more or This 9th day of Nov., 1936. J. F. JORDAN, 12-3-4t. Tmstee. ia years to come will be Mitered on It. Where will the money for the pensions come from? The wagee of the 16,000,000 employece affected and the pftf rolls In those shops each are to be taxed 1 per cent In 1987, and np to 8 por cent in 1949 and thereafter. Who pays? The boss must deduct your portion from your pay envelope, match It and turn the money over to the government monthly. The first payment is due P'ebmary 8'8, on January wages and pay rolls. Will I got back as much as I contribute? More—tbe maximum tax is S per cent and the least anyone will get back is 1-2 of 1 ,per cent more than that. Suppose I go on working after 65? Then your check will be held np for every month in which yon receive wages from a covered em ployment. Can I stay out of the plan? No, if you work In business or industry. Suppose 1 die before reaching 66? Your estate will be entitled to 3 1-2 per cent of the amount re corded on your wage account. RALLY OF TOBAO^O GROWERS TO BE HELD IN WINSTON-SALEM Winston-Salem, l/ov. 18.—The second rally of tobacco growers in this section, sponsored by the To bacco Market Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, Retail Merchants Association and Win ston Warehouse Association, will be held In front of the Forsyth County Courthouse, on ’Third Street, on Wednesday, November 25, at 1 p. A. Announcement of the rally was made today by Chairman George L. Irvin, Jr. The program will consist of a brief message particularly to to bacco growers by Ancus L. Payne, County Commissioner, music by the R. J. Reynolds High School Band, and the awarding of substantial prizes to tobacco growers who have registered at the booths maintained by the joint committee in the Trade Street Branch of the Wachovia Bank, and the temporary Eighth Street Branch of the First Na tional Bank. (XILORED DOCTOR PASSES AT HOME NEAR rfcGRADY Dr. Miles NERVINI “DU th« work" says Miss Gliwr WHY DOJTT YOU . TRY m . After more tlinw Httw mritlM rf suffering from a itervous oik- nsot, Miss Glivar used Dr. MOes Korvrine which gave her sock l^l^ndWI results that she wroto ~B an enthusiastic letter. If you suffer from "Neroes^" Its awake nights, at sudden noises, tbrs ly, ars cranky, blue and ^'fidgety, your nerves ere probably out of order. t^et and relax them with the —ftw medicine that “did ths srurk” for this Colorado girl Whether your “Nerves" haw troubled you for hours or be years, you’ll find 8 this thno- testeo remedy effectiva. At Drug Stores 25c and flM, l I QUID NOTICE By virtue of an execution to me directed from the Superior Court of Wilkes County In a certain ac tion entitled F. D. Forester & Co., Inc., against G. Q. Parker and A. C. Parker, commanding me to levy upon the property of Park ers to satisfy said execution and levy having been made by me on tbe following property as pre scribed by law, I will, on Mon day, seventh day of December, 1936, at eleven o’clock a. m., at the Courthouse door In Wilkes- boro, N. C., offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder all the right, tltlo. interest, and estate of the defendants, G. Q. Parker and A. C. Parker, in and to the following tract of land situated in Township, adjoin ing the lands of Amanda Younger and other;/ and bounded as fol lows: First Tract: Beginning on a at Polly Queen’s corner, then E. 160 poles to a poplar stump on the Younger spring branch: thence a N. W. course and up said branch 78 poles to the Younger spring: then N. 35 yards to a poplar and stone: then a W. course 71 3-4 poles to a locust in a hollow: then about N. and down .said hollow 20 poles to a stone in the old Younger E. and W. line: thence W. and with said line 9S poles to a chestnut; then S. 82 1-2 poles to the be ginning, containing 75 acres, more or less. Second Tract; Beginning on t h e Adeline Younger spring branch then N. 8 1-2 polos to a poplar and stone: thence N. 63 deg. W. 71 3-4 poles to a locust In a hollow; then N. 10 deg. E. and down said hollow 16 1-2 poles to a stone In the old Young er E. and W^. line; tbence E. and with said line 44 poles to a stone in said line; then S. 31 1-2 poles to a stone on top of a ridge; thence S. 71 deg. E. 27 1-2 poles to a stone and a pine; then S. 24 poles to a stone by the Younger spring branch: then N. about 70 deg. W. and up said branch 14 poles to tbe beginning, contain ing 14 3-8 acres, more or less. To satisfy said execution. This 31st day of Oct., 1936. W. B. SOMERS. 12-3-4t. Sheriff. By H. C. Kilby, D. S. Funeral service for Dr. W. B. Spicer, 82, colored, who died at his bom® Wednesday, Nov. 4, was conducted at the. home . Frlte', Nov. 6. Elder Copland, of near WSnston-Saleta, a lifelong friend and pastor of the family, conduct ed the funeral services. Burial was in the family cemetery near McGrady. Dr. Spicer was the first and only physician of his race in Wilkes county. To know him was to admire him for hla kind Christian spirit won for him many friends.—Reported. SUNSHINE SAYINGS (Sunshine Magazine) Some say that everything comes to him who waits, but you never find a go-getter’s name on the waiting list. By saying little, some people acquire a reputation for knowing considerable. The American people are divid ed into two classes—those w.ho think they are as good as anyone else, and those who think they are quite a bit better. These prosperous days most men have a suit for every day in the week, and they wear it every day in the week. OonttBoo Work Prognuu W^Mhlngton. — P reildaut RooBsvelt, flndlni^^^ rapidly in creasing gains In private re-em- ployment Insufficient to «dlve the; relief problem, announced today that he would' ask Congress to finance the federal work program until July 1, 1937. Point by point, the President checked the unem ployment and re-employmMit sit uation-past, present and future —^wlth the conclusion that indus try must Mr® a greater number of older and unskilled workers to reduce tbe government’s burden. Oxydol.. E.AS.STORIE Wilkeaboroy R. F. i>. NCmCB By virtue of an execution to me directed from the Superior i Court of Wilkes County In a cer tain action entitled Yadkin Val ley Motor Co., against R. L. Hen-{ dren, A. G. Hendren, et al., com manding me to levy upon the property of R. L. Hendren to satisfy said execution and levy having been made by me on tbe following property as prescribed by law, I will, on Monday, 7 th day of December, 1936, at 11:00 o’clock p. m., at the Courthouse Door in Wllkesboro, N. C., offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder all the right, title, inter est, and estate of the defendant, R. L. Hendren, in and to the fol lowing tract of land situated in Wllkesboro Township, adjoining the lands of J. J. Hayes, and others and bounded as follows: Beginning on Southeast comer of Salem and Winston Street run ning north 76 degrees 39 min utes east along the South side of Winston Street 60 feet to a stake; thence south 14 degrees 21 minutes east 160 feet to a stake on north margin of Alley; thence south 75 degrees 39 min utes west along north margin of Alley 60 feet to a stake on east margin of Salem Street; thence north 14 degrees 21 mlnntee west along east side of Salem Street 150 feet to the beginning. Being lot No. 14 In Block 3 as shown on Winston Land and Im provement Co. Map. Recorded in Book 18, page 131. To satisfy said execution. This Bth day of Nov., 1936. W. B. SOMERS, 12-3-4t. Sheriff. By H. C. Kilby, D. S. tJie BABY POWDER tiui i ANTt:^EPTIC ■ Doo*tbeMtiaSediriff>or£>MfY baby poaxferathat are rtof anti- septic. Without paying a cent njote you can get Mennen Anti septic Powder—which not omy 'jloea everything that other baby 'powderi do, but alto acta up an 'antiaeptic condition all over baby’a and figbta off germa 'and Infectiona. It atopa chafing 'and rawneta, toa So get a tm of Mennen Antiaeptic Powder at your druggiat’a today. a MEMNtN AffrtsiPtU POWDEj Now Ease Neuritis Pains Fast Honor Roll At Roaring River Eighth Grade: Lilie Porter and Eileen Staley. Ninth Grade: Marie Black burn, Mary Lucy Pardue. Tenth Grade: Dixie Caudill. T o m m y e McNeill, Madeline Scroggs. Eleventh Grade: Ruth Caudill, Joy Harris. Bayer Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly In 2 mcomU by atop wnteb. a geaaiB« BAYGB Affpirio tebtet ■UrU to dlciBtefnto mnd go to wM'b. Dr^ m Bttjtt A^lrio tablet in* to a gljM of wator. By the time It bita the bot- toA of tbe glaaa It la dltiategrotlag. What bai^oa Id thia tfeoa . , • bappeaa to yov 3 WE HAVE ARRANGED A COMPLETE TOY LAND'lfl OUR BASEMENT—WITH THE BEST SELECTION tW TOYS IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE STATE. COilE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! A StreamUtted Beauty With HeadUgkts! Had Aorainia Wags* Steering! wftk a ant. baiHMtot and rdibiifY atom; Anas*.! Ug»l IMh bjgttwtoaqrtra, U it. TRUCK 49« Her tel Tdar OUs Hew Feed Roadeter £lccnc Ughts! •4.9* nii* autobedy stoal ear with tabla nibfcar pedals. Flaa^ battarks oxtza. 6c sack MoHe Profcctor X»9S DombU Lens Direct Rewitsd Hand driven 16 aun. Keysttme projector with adjurtabJa top. With cord, top, and two 100 ft. spools. Non-infianunsbia Blma extra, 69c and np. IMIljrdr WagoM Oimfmmy rd a ^ VFHaWCVCw •I?7^ Bm U Btart Hm dite ^ Sa ' up II RoUor SKATES Tabl9 & Cboirt TEDDT bear BaABems/SdW 40 2 Chant! He AAC Spteaktl New! With leather straps aad ■laie pads! Rub her euahkina far ambWl BrMht Solidly built 25'/4' x 22" ta^: 18«' high—Two 23VJ' ebaita. Nica decorated enamel flnwhl Chubby 18' toobair pltiA by irrtb movabto bead and pg*. Ha warn a iSky ribboa Ww!_ SHOP EARLY-USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN Chryelor Automoldle Lights! Debxe Accessaries! TRAIN SET 9«* Union Pacific ScdoUr 98* Speedy! Stsndji 10.75 43)4' maroon Air-flow body! Roller bearing spoke wheels. Flashlight bat teries eitra, 6e ea. Streamlined engine with brake and bell, and three can. 8 curved, 2 straight tracks. Nursing BAEf- DOLL 98« A lOK" dolly that drinks iu bottle and weis its diaper! Soft rubber head, arms and legs. 14)4' size $lJ9. Steel framed scooter witii wood, en footboard. Rubber tirea . . . ' dise wbtirfs . • • parking stand! OTHERS FROM $4.98 to $18.75 IX \99 Miss Chamilag| 98« Truly charming she is! She has a curly blonde wig, pearly; teeth aad mov- j ing eyes. 39H' X 18K* drop desk black board. Dustless and easy on tbe • ayes! Wax eny- roM Sind picUm \ cards inctaded. * Streamlined Far Tots Of 2 to 4 TRIKE ^*.98 Edison In New Deal Washington. Nov. 17.—Charles Edison, son of the famous Inven tor, was appointed by President Roosevelt today an assistant sec retary of the navy, a post vacant since the death last February of Henry L. Roosevelt. Edison, head of the manufacturing industry in New Jersey which his father founded, had been associated with new deal activities previous ly and declared publicly for Pres ident Roosevelt in tbe eloctlon campaign. I’M A NEW WOMAN THANKS TO PURSANC // Yeo, Pamag eoatains demoitB of ^provorrafaWii^aaOrganic Copper aad IhOf qtikUy aid nature ia building rich, red ooiinndeB. When tbk happens, tha apprtite imprerea. NerrouBBees dieappwn. Ener^ and ■trangth anally return. Ton feel like a naw panon. Cat Puenng from your Ads. get attention—and resuTis! W. A. Triplett WATCHES, CLOCKS GUNS REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed REASONABLE PRICES Located 15 Miles We«a of North WUkeaboro—on Boone Trail For Amazingly Quick Relief Get Genuine Bayer Aspirin If you suffer from pains of neuritis what you want b quick relief. Gentle Bayer Aspirin tablets give quick reliu, for one reason, be cause they dissolve or disinte^te almost instantly th^ touch mois ture. (Note iUustration above.) Hence — when yon take a real Bayer Aspirin tablet it starts to dis solve almost as ^ckly as you sv^ow it And thus is ready to start working almost instantly .. headaches, neurato and neuritis P^iiw start easing almost at once. '"'nna never ask for alone That’s vdiy millions never ask for aunrin by tne nauM aspirin alone ^en they buy, but iways aay "BAYER ASPERIN” and see that they get it - Try ft. You’D say ft’s marvelons. leataMa* susYstm asson 12' ball bearing front wbeel, ad justable haiidle- ban, spring teat Bright red! OTHERS $1.19 to $4.98 tViUaktog BmM 98« Saddle is 1^' from the floor— rockers are 30' long. Colorful, and safe fun for tiny tots! ROBBER BALLS _ ^CR0d 9 op A grand assort ment of sizes and designs. ’They’re all live rubber and ex tra bouncy! Cowboy Oat^ ' W'ah Gum, Holster mud Lariut! outfit bieltoV 55S“ Pedal CAR Hard^io* Scratch Fhsish! $1.19 Red car for 1 to 2 year olds. Diac wfaeeta, rubber tires and Sett fj4" pm Ytm. Thed JFb fdobc* amnxtrmtf gukmm mm catriaca with wiro tMuptairtdL north WIL KESBORO, N. C. 4?"