■■ XMSai'V kl«f topb :ia eoaapi piU asd to ^ ills patroia, ittrn>tte^*na^'a«ed tot« w!^ oUii^lxe t}to eom- lljy ii'ar# bpan' wartad. d« arfk^anled la ara- • 2$f;^ilcs. t8 tka port at Ei^.. ^tontt tSarpltoa. a tlia lac£: aa^wM^tsbme Jonmer of « arof ▼••**», j^y weeka. At Clrt^loeton th« ■•Mo or «Aliari3iW^«Ktottoae8 oh ,^^9 1^19^ Ijlt^'^ps and et- €onTertaUbi(tW m*taal.jptad ‘-^b. ISngJa^- Colonal wl»n war, : n)90ra of •^*'a«h :?rp«-bv«r wlatfitut of tha «rlm«, Macs a3»d* o*-ktogs-^rdaklpa' ajid‘ iaSdfciipB undor -^g- toela pttbltcliir a«A aPPeal., ^cb-tho hbnaowJirbiJ wer® forced .iifaaa who ara forced to drive to' tb la!>br,,.*nd In order to reitefe lp»to orery day to eiip^ Ja tho' thb ov^g^kod housewivea aonte- ^S^iawCd btwlneas of maktog a Hr-(«hat, ke 1>^it a carding and apto- ' ;J'-dler a»neh prefer rainto the Ico'^lng honae, eanipplagijd with tbe ■** aaow of laat winter, | meet efficient machines ObtalA? * Mte Lo^e Pearson spent the able at that tme. TThls plant «wet-«nd In #ilkeaboro with Mr. * also located at the Falls, and like Bad lirB, Charles Pearsoq. I the flour and linseed oil mills, *jf. and Mrs. Ralph Hubbard, aere operated by water power. bL:* Given that snbloct to talk abqnt.^theib.oae need.only quote the dlctitmanr and In ttoiae few S _ AUoattosed Iron ^age one; fCB'IN' ® TO CLUB la'Kaint-:^®' ae*’ .. thoee ^at ^e ii» ato and from tholohat Imve are taking. w4 Are Again kebdiug making It to hate |4 have said about all there lav to aay except that the present dayr undeiatandlng of the meaning of fellef, with all of Its far-flung ramifications, embraeee far more than relieving or being relieved. Relief means different things to different IndlvIdnalB, To the man living sumptuously and com- tortabiy atop th« Brushy Moun tains, and looking down upon a toU'thousand bushel apple orch ard, and beyond to the dancing llghte of a hustling little city, re lief means government handouts » WtTMy Vfc/C*»wcr\* vj aa«K o'* —— — — —— — son, Billy, have moved to j At this time the cornmuJ^^^. some who deserve and others flipcrta to live. Mr. Hubbaird la wa.s becoming populated by -wbb do not, but with the certaln- ted with the State High- bltlous people attracted to ty that sooner or later a tax ool- Commlssion. ; village by the success of Ccilohet lector will bring. him hlS ) share The Womans Missionary Socl- Waugh’s industries and the em- of tbe bill for these beneficences, tgy of the Baptist church met pjoyment they afforded. To the man on whom'fate and mday eveniug with Mrs. J. C. — ---~ •' ” fortune have frowned;: Whose gkitcher. Mrs. Bernice Greer was CHRISTMAS SE^ -. family must go ragged and hun- la toarge. of the program and a: NET ALMOST ^aOO.vU hears the cry of a baby ■SHT interesting program was: (Continued from pa^ one) jnMBtod. The society was or- minister; who wtould work if a ganized early in the fall and now man’s clubs. The exact amount be had, yet idle Its of fifteen members. The | raised was $299.65. through no fault of his own: his meeting will be held on. One-fourth of the funds deriv- Qf what we have come to ary 29th In the home of Mrs. i ed from gale of seals will go to- gg relief, Is that It Is a god- - I,. Earp, to the state fund for use to from somewhere that saved HISTORICAL NOTE: As far; fi^ht against tuberculosis wMld s records go, Colonel ' Vangh AS lar , nsju usaniBu lu.jc.v-r—-fhllp from dosperstion: manna go, Colonel William | three-fourths will remain to the brought by the ravens from Heay- of Pennsylvania was the j county. Inn. setUer at Moravian Falls. There are records to the effect filat ether families, whose de- ■nadastB are. still In the village tmS county, had settled near the vS&tge, however. Colonel Waugh the first to be established in village proper. Just when he OHM to this section of North gkrolina there Is no definite rec- ewd, btft according to data at taad, it must have been around Unfortunately there Is another Some of the activities carrl^ out by seal sale funds last y^r meaning of relief: were purchasing milk for under- muscle privileged children in the nutrl- anything that may be had tion classes at school, improve- asking. These In multl- ments and repairs at the coun y p,jg^ numbers have welcomed aid tubercular hospitol and pay ng a Washington, have whined portion of cost of hospitalization of a paUent at the North Caro- ^ lina sanitorlum. • theory that the world Gwes them Mrs. McNiel said the people ^ they mean to collect bad responded well in the seal 1 S\. X X xmiXv ~ » EAGLE RANK HERE have are becoming more mindful tolerant of those who have A —without work. «aft. not a great many years aft- sale campaign But somewhere In this manner the Revolutionary War. students of the North Wilkesboro reasoning, there must be a If Waugh was a man of keen school raised $85-0 by meeting ground. Fortun- taesfght and remarkable ability, seal.-^. ^tpppj„g hesitatingly *TBm the lay of the land, fer - epoUTS ATTAIN toward it, even now. Those who My of the soil and tho abundant •> water supply, he perceived the llWHlbllltles of utllizin.g the na- «Bt8l resources and he immedi- Wtol>' began putting his ideas In- aw realization. He first built a 'fever mill on the creek at ndls. This was the only flour ■n to a radius of fifty miles. ■Md: grain was hauled from a gnat distance by a (Continued from page one) merit badges for bookbinding, liaudicraft, farm home planning the and Eagle rank was approved, t’ai.l Haigwood passed camping, life saving, cooking and was _ granted Eagle rank. Merit badges » surprisingly previously awarded were present- Hne number of people. He then td to Paul Haigwood, gardening; ^■eetved the idea of erecting a jue McCoy, Jr., bronze palm; R. 'Jnerd oil manufacturing plant jYv''. Finley, athletics and life; Pat ■wfefch could he operated in con-1 William. Jr., cooking and camp- ling. following were reported as Imen.bers of the Court of Honor :for 1937: T. E. Story, chairman; ‘p. W. ■Sshelman. deputy commis sioner; Frank E. Johnson, J. B. (McCoy and F.. G. Finley. FOR SALE 50 BUNCHES &gli$h Boxwood 75c Each GREEN BUMGARNER ‘ Millers Creek, N. C. ( \RI> OP THANKS many their j We wi.sh to thank the I friends and neighbors for kindTiess and sympathy shown us at the death of our mother. ! REV. AND MR:^ W. X. HAYES. 1 Mt's pretty hard to beat ww"; polBt.r bitch, Oyik Motto*. H ere is an action picture of tbe famous Suiu, the poinfefwhosweptcvery- Aiflg before her at Nation^ jiefd Trials of 1936 at Grand jBOCtion, Tenn. Sulu, the queen of diem all! Thousands of bird dogs range *e fidds... but there’s only one Snlo. To diis glorious aeature Kature gave her greatest gift, a perfect balance of the vied ele- speed, scent, endurance, iosaaa and intelligence. Aa- ocher pointer may be just as good »look at, but Suhi has that vital ijadt—oserylhinginperfect bai lor your land and your crops. B it. ■it-. BiatuTul €Jiiiiean ^ UrtBMTE of SODA NATUtAL AS THE GKOUNO H COfXIS FKOM IPFA riealEletfiB^ tn ft’ensw”* Balattce and Blond RADIO--**UNCLE NATCHEL & SONNY^ U.*- FAMOUS CHIUAN CAIENDAR CHARACTWS goo' of leading Sotttkem St^ons (T-'-- • ’’ knee to the -Seldaft oal|i|Ve am jear by WPA vtwifenHB coninne- I* Moa ^XTolmi Lfintt fettarlaMsSavc Aaa lor Mao 'West ‘Of-i year lor her tton wit foreman ***wor!S. ’crooning and i w^racka, whlto inch roads have hekF ^ underStandatato words ii»n„ nnUdnui-arii vrltherltuc for trader th* nrorailink wsiaUu more not; the timid, honest soul who would work his fingers to the 'none to provide for his family, is finding worl^ to do and doing It; and there Is indication that the government means to cearch out the parasite and make him earn his bread or feel more keenly the pangs of hunger. Obviously no hurried govern mental set-up could be made without being honey-combed with faults. An emergency, exjftod and the government set abouf lo meet It, and in all falrneCs It must be admitted that the Job has been, is being done—even at tremendous expense and some grafting. For no matter bow sincere and conscientious official Washington may be, sticky fin- ers are always to be found down tbe line, somewhere. The spread of governmen,al re lief has embraced the outright dole; the search for boondoggling jobs that have seemed silly and usele.rs, and yet which have, theoretically at least, retained the American principle of paying for bread with work; and most com mendable of all, work relief on projects of permanent value. Who can say that either of these ave nues should not have been em ployed, if in emergoncy we would avoid what could easily lead to revolution. But now that emergency has passed, what are we to do with this much discussed relief? Pres ident Roosevelt has asked indus try to absorb as many as it can of the unemployed, but warns that the federal govarninent can not and will not let people starve. ■\ noble pronouncement to be sure and freighted with much sig nificance. But in my own hum ble opinion the federal govern ment’s Interest in the needy, •should find expression through local authorities and local deter mination and supervision. Nor should all of the burden of car ing for thej needy be a national responsibility. Such joint shoal ance. So Sulu is the queen; the other is just a dog. — . Just as Nature favored Sulu, dering of the burden would tend she favor^ NaturalChUeanNi- to weed out the professional trace of Soda. Just as Sulu has^ mendicant and reduce the nation- I . *1 political significance of reilef. manj elei^nts in Natures^ ours, this ance, so has this nitrogen le^ immense future import- tilizer. Nature aged and blended Whatever your political into Natural Chilean, more than yjg^g niay be, you’ve got to ad- thirty "impurities”, or vital cle- mlt that money spent for relief ments that your crops need to was a definite political asset In crow and to produce their best the last election. These vital elements are in It because we thought and addition to Natural Chilean's talked too little about relief be- . , tofe the relief era, that w« are quick-acting mt og _ • having to think and talk so much whyNararal^ileanissogoo afterward. In the days before the depression our eco- faced highways. little chlldrea arS wltherla* want of mllk,®Sf-=. .c ■Wse are simply. , pouring j old vftoo In new bottles and ultimate ly w® will find if—eour,. We have, taken wealth and material values out of the hands of one class and put it to thfi hands of another, but the stewitodshlp has not Im proved. I have about concluded that the world has gone crazy, politic ally, economically, socially and morally. Certainly it Is crazy in Its human relations, and uncer tain and doubtful, if not down right crazy In lU morals. Econom ically we can only choose between the do-as-you-please, personal liberty theory of government and absolutism in one from or anoth er, And both break down because the human element Is forgotten. Any of these Isma might easily create desirable eondltlons of Ufa* if It were not for human eelfish- ness, greed and crookedness and brutality.. . Good government rests In the end on a good dtlzwhlp attd' good clfizenehlp Is the creation of morals, religion and Intelli gence,The great, hope of tUe world,Jthen, Is to the creation of men and women who think straight, do right and recognise the great obligations Of justice, kindness and godliness, ■who love mercy.'do Justly arid walk humb ly before God. And finally I vrould say that since good men and women are the products of morality, relig ion and intemgence, the re-cre ation of civilization will have to be largely the work of the church and the schools. The dueetion for every Kiwanlan, every individual, should be "What am 1 doing to forward the^prk .irf these basic . functionaries, for ^ttod7 depend able cnizenShfp?” County Health (^TTcUs Of The Importance Of Pure MiTk As A Pood (Continued from page one) other foods combined. There are several reasons for this. (1) Milk conveys a greater va riety of infections than any other food. Bacteria grow well in mito) therefore, a very slight infection may produce wide-spread and seri ous results. hi) “fliMB'foOdsttiira mhk w toa most difficult to harvest, handle, transport, and deliver in a clean, fresh and satisfactory condition. (3) It Is the most readily de composable of all our foods. 4) Finally, milk is the only standard article of diet obtained from animal sources consumed in its raw state. In view, therefore, of the many advantages and few drawbacks, Saintariums unanimously encour age the production and use of pure milk freely, and discourage the distribution and use of poor milk. It is the only food for which there is no effective substi tute. The composition of milk is ex ceedingly complex; consisting chiefly of water; several proteiM in collodial suspension; fats . in emulsion; sugar and a number of inorganic salts in solution; also vitamins, phosphatids, enzymes, as well as antibodies, cells, gases, and other substances. In order to give the public a safe, pure and standard milk sup ply, the United States Public Health Standard Milkk Ordinance, adopted by the State, was adopted by Wilkes County Board of Health. There are at least four Stand ards by which milk should be judged: (1) Physical standards: specific gravity, temeprature, taste, odor, etc. (2) Chemical standard, espe cially the percentage of fat arvJ total solids. (3) Bacteriological standards; the number of bacteria for cubic centimeter and absence of patho gens or patholical bacteria. (4) Sanitary standards determ ined by veterinary and medical in- spec'ons. We are trying to give the public a safe milk measured by the (3) and (4) standards. Respectfully submitted, A. J. ELLEK, M. D. under the prevalllnlg dlttons but road Work C^Qwnt crushed stone or gintoal is con sidered pracUcal^;?«Prirthless. Resources And Detioedts Of Banks Reach New High " 'I I'J’WI'. 1. (Contlntted from page Cine) vette, vice president; Ralph . PUnr oau, vice president; Dudley S. Hill and Miss Anne Duncan, as sistant cashiers. . The strong financial condition of both local banks and their j -steady growth and progress are} attributed to improved business l conditions and to sound manage ment of the two Institutions. j The banks are members of the Reading the ada., gdt _ —for teas money. T^ it: ■■ FURNnVRE LI^NGfM a Let us Re-stuff, Re-Cover or Repair joar Uvin^Rom Furniture? We use the beat materiala» and can make your job as good aa' new. Expert workmen.*^ .,Wilke| Furniture Exchange •> ' Next Door to Goodwill Store o lOTH STREET,,, NORTH WILKESBORO, N*C- Road Conditions Cause Three Central School to dose; Buses Caimot Bun (Continued from page one) the sofa, better idea . an 1. E. S. Lamp placed ‘One for two” is a . when the lamp is Better Sight Floor at the rear center the davenport. Then you will have plenty of softly diffused il lumination over the entire length the sofa. Reading becomes effortless. The I. E. S. Better Sight floor lompt ore designed se thot they give ample direct illumination down ward for close seeing. At the same -time an up turned reflector in the top of the lomp provides o soft indirect light for general illuminotion. DURING OUR BETTER LIGHT CAMPAIGN ..vin. u.t—■“V-. improved dirt nomlc fabric was a patchwork of roads and bad rrads,,over wIiich- greed and selfishness. It did not buses were routed, this year -in occur to us that ultimately we order to pro'vide transportation must b® our brother’s kee^r.-It tor school, chUdreu. This 'map was every man for himself and wilt go. before tlto. highway . ab- the devil take the hindmost. COr-: thoritles: 'wfth th®. very earaert poratfons and tndivlduals warn toQueat for soaso! type of impfovo- shrewdly harvesting and hoarding utont: that wfll plaee'tha lb dollars that had been twisted ooridfttoe .for tohveh from their , less oaleulattog broth- Lcdt ysiar the'^school schedule, n. , was seriously tototouptsd w» ae- Then the leveling time oaiito~-' count of had condition of roads out let’s not dwetl'bn that. . ‘ 'caused by sposr and foe Although The ttttog that; cesuerns now js the' tempatoitare has heott extra- tost we are head^ right hack in- drdloartly inU^ this wtotn- aldtostfA io that sort of econotolc bondage InaoBsant hnTu ^gmsed the L X a. mtter SiSlit Soar Inaos «• SU- Cvnot tnm snjr yen hsM ttae (MB bsfoes. Tbs nrf- marr putpc— ct tbwa. UShts to tt ptcvlds Mcncl mvunhiaUaa. Tbar an zwf- UfllttllC UMfWltl vet tiiar SM artMloMlr, beautiful aa waH. tbaae Ushtins tnstrumeata floor moddi, aafl models. T I

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