MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1927 THE JOUBNAI/-PATRIOT, NOBTH WHiKESBORO.^. V ELEVENTH INSTALMENT Bren Starbnck himself began tc realiae the futility of things. Ho also began to retreat slowly, - throwing lead steadily at those mo; king, fiery flashes. Dakota, slrgling him out, closed in. At ten paces, he shouted, ‘‘StarbucK, yuh crooked rat, this way. It’s Blue who’s callin’ yuh.’’ Starbuok twisted in his sad dle, snarling, and flung two ll0Utning shots. One drew a crimson 'brand across the side of Dakota’s neck. The other socked heavily into one of the bucking rolls of Dakota’s saddle. Dakota let loose one careful shot. Starbuok gasped, his snarl ing curses cut short abruptly. His gune thudded to the dusty earth. He loaded both hands about the ill of his saddle, his shoulders Idhed. his bitter face draining I'hite. He drove home the spurs, try- in.g to ride past Dakota. But the first frenzied leap of his mount sent him swaying. Quite sudden ly. he slithered head foremost from his saddle. Instantly Dakota also swung to the ground, leaping apart from his bronco, crouching low. He knew that a hail of lead would be sea>'Ching for him. In fihat he was right. 'Tlie animal he had just left collapsed in its tracks, shot through the head. Dakota ■went flat on the ground, ale^t and waiting. Lead whi.spered over and a- roiind him, one sing kicking his Charley Quinn warned them on their way with" the WinohesterB. But presently Slim’s voice, call ing out, stopped all shooting. Slim came through the dark ness warily. “Dakota, yuh all right?’’ he called. •Slttin’ pretty. Slim,” was the laconic answer. “They’ve all slo.ped. Bring the boys out, I’ve got Starbuok.” Slim exclaimed In surprise. “Leo Brockwell’s ibaok in the cor ral.’’ he vouchsafed, as he came up. “Tisdale stopped a slug some- wlhere. but it cain’t be very bad; he’s still cussln’.” He He raised his voice to a shout. “Hi, gang; come on over. They’ve pulled out.” Tisdale was the first to reach them. “Got a furrow from my wrist plumb to my elbow,’’ he explained with profane punctu ations. “She’s bleedin’ some, but I’ve got tny neckerchief wound around it. It’ll keep tor a time.” Steve, Charley and*r re ported. unhurt, except that Os car had had one boot heel shot oft. He walked with a queer hitchity-hop that caused Steve to chuckle, “Ole step-an-’a-halt Os car.” .\s Dakota scratched a match and bent over Starbuck, he was surprised to see that Starbuck’s eyes were open. The sheriff groaned. “Listen close,’’ he wh/is- pered. “I’m done for an’ I know it. Don’t hold it agin yuh. Blue, yo're a pretty good man. ■Time was when I was a square ihooter inyseif. But the glitter of eyes full of Still he held his i ,„oney an’ a lot of slick talk made ^-flre, gambling that without Star- buck to lead them the remaining nu-mlievs of tlie posse would bre;ik and run for it. In this he was also right. Kea- liziiig tiuit their leader was down, the i.'osse gave back faster ami faster, then finally turned and thundereii away into the night. For a time Steve Owens and HELPKWNEYS To Get Rid of Add ftnd Poisonoiu Waste Tonr IridBtn help tp keep sroi«««8 by eoMUatly fUUrlni wMte nutUf (roB tbt blood. II your IddBoy* gel fui>etionaUy dioordoi^ tod fill to rfwOTO exciM Impuritleo. tbort miy bo K Won log of (be vboU •yoton iid dy-w1de dWtrati. Baralog. oeiAty or too froQuont uri* BitloD raiy be » w&rolng of oome kidney or bUdder dieturbanco. You miy suffer nicclng backache, persistent headache. atucWa of dlaxineao, getting' up nigbta, swelling. pufflneM under the eyae—feel weak, nervoua, all played out. In such casee It W better to rHy on a Tnedicine that has won country^wlde acclaim than on something lees (avon* ■bly known. Use Doan'i PilU. A mulU* tude of grai Doom's. Am • teful people yottf KsicrAMrt recommood w DOANSPILLS Doan's Pills Sold Locally By HORTON’S CUT-RATE DRUG STORE At Money-Saving Prices a Slicker onia me. However, I aim to get some of tlie dirt oft my shriveled soul. I ain't got long, but I’ll do my best. "I,oyale. yuh were railroaded on perjured evidence. Arthur— George .Arthur, he’.s got all the dope. Gel holt of him an’ make him talk. He's a coward, an' he’ll comp clean. An' yu;b better skin out to tmvn. Sarg Brockwell an’ some more of his crowd are aim in’ to rob the bank toniglit. -Ar- tliiir’s idee—to keep yuh from loanin' nione.v to the Hall girl. “Arthur an' Brockwell been ninnin’ this thing. .Schemed to make a cleanup on them Big Rend herds. But they made a mess of things, an’ got me into it. Leo Broekwell’s the .man who’s been boldin' up Ulie Vasco stage.” 11 is voice tnriied drowsy and plaintive. “I’m cold—cold as hell. (:•■“ me a biankel. somebody.’' Stevp Oweii.s, subdued and a little awed, ran into the bnnk- hoiise. But when lie returned with a lilankel, there was no need for it. Slim Loyale made swift decis ion on the information Starlnick had given 'before he died. The hank hold-np did t.'it exacily sur- pri-e Slim: for tliat matter, none of the information did. But it rendered his po.sition uli 'he more secure, to know that liis conjec tures had been right. I'M A NEW WOMAN THANKS TO PURSAN6 y#S,Pur8angcmUuii»,faiproperly V 'balanced proportion*, cocb proven elements u orginic copper and iron. Qnickly Btinuiiates appetite and aids nature in building rich, red blood even in cases of simple anemia. When tUs happent, energy and atiengtb usnally return. You feel like now. Get Portang from your druggist. . He had 'leased that an at tempt might he made to loot 'bank. For that reason he had de tailed Roy O'Brien and Stoney Sheard to guard It. But he knew the odds would now be greatly a- gainst them. They would need help, ferocious fighters though they were. So SUm turned to Da kota. “'yuh an’ ■me go to town, as quick as we can get there, Da kota,” 'he snapped tensely. “Tis dale, yuh stay here an’ let Oscar fix up that arm of yores. Steve an’ Charley, get some lanterns an’ clean up things around here. But keep yore guns handy. There’s no tellin’ hut what that crowd, bein’ desperate, mlglht make an other try. Grab a bronc, Dakota.’’ Dakota’s own horse was dead, but he soon secured another, as there were several riderless ones stamping and snorting around. In a fast, grO'Und-eatlng gal’.fvp, he and Slim headed for town. Slim knew human nature, and he knew that unless this full ex oneration was made, there would always be some who would be lieve his incarceration had been legitimate. The only way to com pletely wipe out that stain ageinst ihiiu was to get that confession from Arthur. Slim’s face was grim as he considered it. He’d get what he wanted if he had to resort to Apache tricks to do it "When iSlim and Dakota reach ed Pinnacle, it was after mid night. The town seemed quiet enough. However, they took no chances, circling well around to one side and leaving their mounts ground-reined some two hundred yards away from thg town limits. They went the rest of the way on foot, stealing in through the sha dows carefully. “Roy ail’ Stoney will he some- Avhere close to the bank,” nuit tered Slim, “but by this time Brockwell an’ hi.s crowd are in town an’ on the watch. Best thing we can do is jiust lay out quiet liere in this alley and wait de velopments. 'W'hat d’yuh think?” Dakota grunted assent. So they squatted down, tiheir backs a- gainsl a friendly wall close to the mouth of the alley. From time to time Slim would stick a careful head around the corner and survey the street. The bank was some fifty yards away, on the opposite side. Two doors from it was a Mexican cantina. The windows of the Mexican joint glowed yellow and there were qiiite% few broncos slouohing at the hitching rail in front. “Brockwell an’ his gang are in that greaser joint,” observed Slim softly. “T recognize that buckskin boss of Cinder Alton’s. Hope Roy an Stoney don’t lake any chances with Alton. That crooked little devil is poison with a gun.’’ “I wouldn’t do any worryin’ a- t;oiit them two,” answered Dako ta. ‘‘They know Alton as well as We do. The first lead they throw will be haided his way. Wonder when they'll pull tlie job?” “ 'Most any time now. The town is pretty daid. I reckon iliey're figgerin’ on doin’ it plen ty quiet. T'hey won't have an ali- 'bi in the world, should they get caught at it. Knowiii this. Brock well will play his cyards careful.” “Won’t do liini no good,’’ chuckled Dakota, “lie’s gonna get caught. But somethin’ tells me tliat he won’t have no use for an alibi anyhow. Them things don’t mean a darn to a daid man.” “Yu!h must expect Roy an’ Stoney to sorta spread a lot of destruction,’’ observed Slim. “Roy's good, but Stoney is forked lightnin’.’’ grunted Da kota. “Yuh’ve never seen him in action like I have. Slim. I tell ynh, he's a holy terror. He ain’t got those quiet, cold eyes for nothin’. Besides, ynh an me onghta come in handy ourselves.’’ Dakota yawned and stretched. “Wish they’d get started.” he Free! 5x7 Enlargement Given to Each Person In Our Picture Contest DON’T DEUY-ENTER REMBRANDT’S PICTURE CONTEST NOW IN CASH OFFERED RULES: All pictures entered in contest must be finished by Rembrandt’s and must be made after June 16, 1937. All pictures entered become the property of Rembrandt Studio, and the judge’s decision is fi nal. Write your name, address and telephone number on back of picture. You must bring your film to Rembrandt Studio to be de veloped and printed. Rooibrandt's development is FREE—you pay only for prints. This picture Contest will be a lot of fan to those who enter. All you have to do is to load up the kodak or camera and select your subject. Bring the films to our Studio for de velopment, and enter one or more of the pictures in the Contest. Our Photo Finishing Department is going to give $25.00 in CASH PRIZES for the best pictures taken by amateurs. This Contest will run from June 16 to SepL 16, 1937. $5.00 for Best Picture $5.00 For Best Picture of Adult of scenes, animals, pets $5.00 For Best Picture $10.00 IN WEEKLY of Baby PRIZES $1.00 For Best Picture Weekly For First 10 Weeks This contest is being held only to advertise our Studio, and to let the public bwome acquainted ■with our high quality PORTRAIT WORK REMBRANDT’S STUDIO 807 B STREET Under Eller** Cnfe grumWed. “I'm cold." ^ . eilonco fell'. and endured un broken for a long hour. Dakota’s bead had sunk upon his chest and he wa-5 snoring softly. Slim ■was having trouble in keeping awake lilmself. The let-down In nervous tension, after the long day of ■momentous happenings, found him weary. Several times bis head began to nod, his eyelids growing weighty. AiJd then, like a Bhunderclap, a single report echoed down the street. Following It came a shrill, yammering, hlgh-pltohed yell. A -pair of guns began a staccato rumibling, in such cadence that It was easy to tell that one man wlt-h a practised pair of hands was wielding them. Thriimp thrump! Thruimp- tihrump! Thrump-thruimp! Slim and Dakota were on their feet in a bound, guns drawn, poised in the alley opening. The measured roll of tho;;;e first re ports was now shattered to bits ■by a ragged roar of other gun fire. Slim sew shadowy figures darting aibout the bank In what appeared to be aimles.s confusion. Then a stentorian yell echoed in a voice easily distinguishable as (belonging to Sarg Brockwell. ■'Close in! Close in! There’s on ly trwo of ’em. Close in. I tell yuh!’’ By the answering massing of those sihadowy figures, Slim got Stoney Sheard and Roy O’Brien located. They were beyond the bank in the corral of the livery stable. "C’mon,” he snapped to Da kota. “They got Stoney an’ Roy cornered.’’ Slim and Dakota went up the street at a run. With half the nistance gone, SUra halted and began to shoot. Dakota stepped apart from him and followed suit. Someone in Brockwell’s crowd yelled a warning. Imme diately Slim and Dakota became the center of a lashing hail of lead. Dakota Blue grunted, curs ed and went down in a heap. Behind Slim cane a bawl of warning. “Get him inside! Get him Inside. Slim. I’ll help yuh.” The next moment, fat Spud Dillon, still encased in his white bartender’s apron, was bendin over Dakota, tugging at his shoulders. “It’s my right laig.” snapped Dakota through set teeth. “Get me up. Spud, an’ I can hobble In side. Give ’em hell. Slim-, an’ back up with us.’’ Quick to grasp the idea. Slim shot with smooth precision, 'back ing up a step at a time. Just as his guns snapped empty, his shoulders struck Hie wall of aj building. Then hands grabbed him, jerked him to one side and through an open doorway. The door slammed shut. He and Da kota were inside the Wild Horse- Saloon. Old Joe Rooney was the man who had guided Slim to saf ety. ■As Slim began hurriedly re loading liis guns, Spud harked an order. "Git my die double-barrel ed Greener, Joe. an’ fasten yore- self to that front window. Spray those buzzards by the bank with buckshot. That’li keep ’em shuf fled up.” It did. Wit'h the initial bellow of the shotgun, Brockwell’s crowd scattered wildly. Slim, edging in beside Rooney, snapped shot aft er shot at this one and that. He saw two of them go down. From the livery stable corral came a wlioop of triumph and a sputter of words, thick with the brogue of old Ireland. “Whurroo! Give it to the spal peens! Away with 'em Bhe robbin’ murderin’ devils. Smoke ’em out!” Surprised and confused, the bandit crowd were quick to rea lize that there was nothing to be gained by trying to fight matters out along this line. Any chance of looting the hank was entirely gone now. In another minute or two, the entire town would he aibout their ears. The only thing to do was ride and ride fast. As this idea caught hold, they raced for their horses ■which were rearing and plunging with fright. They aplit, some riding north, some south. In, the lead of those passing the Wild Horse, came Cinder Al ton. crouched low over his buck skin’s neck. Slim tried two shots, 'but missed both. Joe Rooney calmly spat, cradled the Greener against his shoulder and pulled both triggers. (Concluded next week) TOfANCY AID TO PRECEDE^ CO^?TROIiLAW Washington. — Admiiuftratiao leaders in Congress decided today to put off new crop centred legis lation in favor of enacting farm tenancy aida and crop insurance at this session. They promised Secretary Wal lace, however, that the proposed “triple a” program would be rac- ommend for quick passage next year. Enactment this summer, they said, would delay budget balancing and put off congressional work on other axiministration measures. Colleagues' said C h a i.r man Jones (D-Tc^’c.) of the House ag riculture committee had agreed to withdraw his opposition to a pro posal for $10,000,000 to assist ten ants in acquiring farms. He had favored postponing action if 150,- 000,0000 annually could not be made avilable. Chairman Johnson (D-Okla.) said the Democratic steering commit tee voted unanimously that the House act on tenancy legislation before the Senate takes up the Roosevelt court bill. The House voted late yesterday to appropriate $194,328,000 for flood control, rivers and harbors improvements and other public works in charge of the War De partment. The bill goes to the Senate. - Thirty4hrM Yancey county sheep growers cooperated to sdl 2,800 ponds of wool fbr 89 1-2 cents a pound last week. These same iaea. will also pool their lamb* in a co operative sale later. MtyncE ' North Canfiln^ Wilke* County." In th* Superior CSourt. Order of PubHcatkm. Nettie Compton vs. J. D. Comp* ton. The defendmit, J. D. Comptmi, will take Botiee that an aetifl»«ai> titled a* mbova ia. pwdiag ia th* Superior Court of Wilkes county. North Carotins, the same beinf n action to diaBoive . the bonds ‘ Ol ^iJpAGE'THiaBr^. i4ifeif.ll.iiii " ■ ""■ir — to enter in and upon all and e goo& and chattels, ri|pta re£t* of the deceased, ^ lar the and cr the same to take into wheresoever to be found, *ml _ the juSt delfts of the said deoeaaau. to pay and satisfy, and the residw of said estate to distribute accoro- ing to law. Witness my hand and seal off said Court this the 16th day off June,~1987. v - CORA CAUDILL, Depo^ ^ Clerk Superior Court a liw BDezia n ua.«i having returned the sunu sued m this proceeding, not to be foim in Wuke Woman Passes As Man For 27 Years Budapest.—Paul Zuszenda, 39, was imprisoned for obtaining mon ey under false pretenses, and waj) put in the men’s section. iWhen the prison doctor later discovered the prisoner was a woman, slw confessed to being Maria Kuszen, da. She said, she had worn nieki’s elothes since she was i2, fought for 18 months in the Hne during the WotH War, subsequently participated ht |;(h.ur-j paries, for which ah* had served] 'prison terms matrimony between the plaintiff and defsndaati ■fhe sheriff of Wilkes conn^ returned the summons id- :es county, it is ordered by the Court that service of summons be made by publication as prescribed by atn> tote. Wherefore the defendant is ie> a nired to appear and answer or emnr to the coi^laint filed hi the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Wilkes county on or be* fore the 7th day of June, 1937. This 7th day of M^, 1987. 7-6-4t (M) HAYES, Clerk Superior Court Flea beetles causing costly de struction of tobacco plants in the northwestern tobacco belt of North Carolina may be controlled by spraying the plants with a poison mixture, recommends extension entomologists at State College.« Ads. get attention—and results! LETTERS OF ADMINIS'TRATION State of North Carolina, Wilkes County. In the Superior Court. To All to 'Whom These Presen is Shall Come—GREETING: It being satisfactorily proven to the Undersigned, Clerk of the Su perior Court for Wilkes County, that John Richard Lane, late of said County, is dead without hav ing made and published any last will and Testament, and it appear ing that jiy. F. Lane is entitled to the administration of the estate of the deceased and having qualified as Administrator according to Ipw. Now These Are Therefore to , Empower the said Administrator',!, - MISSING! , Stop astssiiM fo«d •hsvssl cover Star Sta^e-edge Blade*! Made siiice IMO by tke tovaa- tors of tlto eriginal i ■alety rasor. Keen, i loas-lasdna nnl- fom. STAR BLADES lOR CEM 3ND EVER READY RAZORS Star Blades For Sale By HORTON’S CUT-RATE DRUG STORE ,M Mon-i)' baviiig Pii':es THRIFT In Shopping Means More Money For Other Things THOSE WHO BUY THESE VALUES WILL BE AS FORTUNATE AS WE— BECAUSE WE BOUGHT EARLY AND HEAVY, THUS PROTECTING YOU AGAINST MANY PRICE RISES ON THE VERY ITEMS YOU NEED NOW AND FOR FUTURE USE. COME IN AND TAKE A LOOK — MAKE A FEW COMPARISONS, AND YOU, TOO, WILL UNDERSTAND WHY SO MANY PEOPLE ARE BUYING THEIR MERCHANDISE AT BARE’S. Ladies’ Bathing Suits, all wool, real value at $1.98 Men’s Bathing Suits, also wool. Good value at - 97c Ladies’ full fasrioned Hose first grade, 49c to . 69c Ladies Slips, splendid quality and a real value at 49c to 97c We are fortunate to have a large stock of men’s, women’s and chil dren’s Shoes—bought at the old price —^therefore we are going to give our customers Shoes at these astonishing ly low prices until this stock is gone. If you are in need of shoes for any member of the family, be sure to buy before these are gone. Men’s Work Shoes, good selection of sizes in a quality product d*0 JA at onlq, pair, $1.69 to Men’s Dress Oxfords in a price range from $1.98 to .... $2.98 One table of men’s new Oxford.?—as long as they last to be sold at only, pair, sPl*V*J Closing out ladies White Shoes—at real bargain prices. Now AO being sold at $1.49 to V1 Ladies’ Oxfords of high quality at our low price. Buy them now JA JA at only, pair, $1.98 to One table of ladies’ new Shoes to be sold at a bargain. See them. CA Special price now only Ladies’ Sandals, good selection at the low price of 97c One lot of children’s Shoes to be sold at. pair 97c 1,000 pairs children’s new Shoe.s go ing while they last at only fiC/» pair, (see these sure) .... OvV- Buy your fall supply before they go higher. You will save money. Ladies’ Dresse.s, in prints, laces, voiles —new styles and bargains at A*?- our low price of only Ladies’Silk in many AD beautiful designs at only Ladies’ Silk, better quality, at only $2.98 Children’s Dresses, in prints, priced 97c, 69c, 49c, down to 25c Children’s Play Suits, real value or at our price of $1.00 down to Men’s and boys’ Polo Shirts priced 75c down to only 29c Men’s high grade Dress Shirts Ay at the low price of only „ JI v Another lot of Dress Shirts to be sold at only — 49c Boys’ Dress Shirts, pretty pat- AQ terns, all sizes, at 69c down to Men’s new Hats, all shades ^-l gC priced from $2.00 down to.... ^ • New summer Straw Hats at Cl AA $2.00 down to only vl*W THFSE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS YOU WILL BE ™T?RESTED .N, SO COME ^AiaY^ET VWR SHARE OF THE BAR- GAINS BEFORE OUR PRESENT STOCK IS EXHAUSTED MWCHAN DISE WILL BE HIGHER AS OUR STOCK !S TAIL PRICES WILL NATURALLY Bl HIGHER, TOO. BUY TODAY. *'ri FAIR STOM TENTH STREET " .. "■^- NORTH WILKESBORO,

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