'*THURSDA?r nrLY 5. 1937 IfMNMBSSSBSEBSEBBSSSSta THE JOUBNAL-PATRIOT. NORTH Wn4KB8BO^. N. C. WMTSWHAT ^ABOUT^ - ’Social Secnrity Q. Mj «mployw says li» ^h*8 to kMP my Social Secarity tc- ebant number card. Can bo do L»«tT A. No. An omiployer may not keep the account card of an em ployee. He muat giro H to the employee, although the employer muBt keep a record of the num ber so he can make the reports MU MASM reqniied of Uio by tho TOKb3 '^IJ. Q. 1 am a nurse employed In a doMttet^ office,, but he "Bays be does not come under the So cial?-Seeurlty la-w and I do not hare to hare a security account card. Is that soT A. No. A dentist, engaged In private practice of bis profession is an eduployer, wltibfn the scope of the Social Security Act, when he employs a nurse, or anyone else for any work In the course of his business. He must get an employer's identification number. For this he should get Form SS-4 FRUIT JARS— *is 79c RAXAH FCltB CIDBB % VHECM M. M 46« nNBST ORANtlUm* SUGAR It N 50« nOHT O'CLOCK COFFEE NMri 19e Vip It le«« 6«t a Snart N*w TypblaMt AfPM Buy Ami Page SALAD DRESSING 20c Pilt J«r ^^hnoa 2 « 23g AAP LAUGH M-OZ. PULLMAN LOAF 10c SaltMs Red | SunyfMd Salmon ^ 25c ComflAkM 2 '*^l5c Swann or Bimt Star Matches, 3 hexes 10c PabnollTe Soap, 4 hers .25c We Oil, qt CM 49c M ar Bta* Si4>er S«d«, phs:. 10c TOMATOES lOc BANANAS K- 5c LEMONS 2.. - 30c Plenty of Country Produce Cantaloupes, Corn, Peaches, Squash, Beans, Cabbage, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Celery, Etc. iSe noareat post ofOob“ Of Social Beourity Board Field Of fice and file It Inwnediatrty. You should file Immedlatrty for an employee’s account aomber, us ing "Form Sa-6, which you can get from your post office or your nearest Social Security Board Field Office. Make your number known to your employer. 13. Q. Doee the Social Security law apply to persona under 21 years of age who are employed In covered occupations? A. Yee. 14. Q. I am Just opening up a new business. Do I have to apply for an employer’s identification number? A. Yes. 16. Q. I have Just received my copy of Form SS-2a. I have sever al employees wiho do not have ac count numbers. What am I re quired to do? A. First, ask each employee if he ever has filed* an application for an account number. Any em ployee who has not applied for a number — using Form SS-5 — should do so at once. Application form can be got from your post office or neareet Social Security Board Field Office. Second, em ployees who have applied, but have not received a number, should file again—using Form SS-5, paying particular attention to queetlon 14 on that form. When they get their numbers they should make bhem known to you so that you can make your informational returns to the Treasury. 15. Q. I am the president of a company which promotes enter tainment for church bazaars and other organizations during the summer months. In setting up the paraiphernalla we employ lo cal labor on an hourly basis. Some employees only work two or three hours. Do we have to deduct tax es from their wages and file re turns for these temporary em ployees? A. You do. The application of the Social Security Act and the liability of the employer to deduct and pay taxes under its proTls- ions does not in any way depend on the length of time a worker is employed nor how little he may be paid. New* And Views From Champion We are having some fine show ers here now. CJorn Is looking fine and the people seem to be enjoying the good season. We have been bleseed not to have any bad storms, wrecks 4»r other disasters In this community but are saddened to have to give up two of our good brother citi zens, A. M. Foster and Irvin Mc Neill. But let us all live to be ready to meet our savior and dwell with him forever. All members of Mount Pleasant Baptist church at Champion and others who are interested are asked to meet at the church Thursday of this week and Thurs day of next. July 15 and 22, for the purpose of shaping up the cemetery. Those who cannot be present are asked to send a hand or Jl.OO to employ someone. Tools needed will include scythes, wheelbarrows, rakes and lawn- mowers. Don’t forget the dates.— Reported. rJL&B «oii^ 27 dMMM 80 mlnates 'irith the ewn line at lot No. 4 VDO^ feet to two^Spaniah o«*e, I aontheaat eatoer of lot Np, 4 .. the n>ad: ‘ tiwnee «Hll said road nordi 64 d^fraea 35 nn^ ntw eaat 331 feet tojA atake IR' said road; thence wiQi uid road north 29 dagrtHa 3*,ni(^rteff «ut 470 feet to theoeo wilzi »re«HW a a akaurfe said utca wM *qm; feet to kMi feet w*^etel^ta the aide of aaid road; thence north 12 deenee 46 miiwtea. eaat 400 feet to a.etaka in tiM aide oL^aid road; tmibM nmrth 11 weet .200 feet to a aUke in the aide of laid roadf^the back line; thmee on aaid back line aonth 42 degrees 30 minutes weak 1680 feet to the be ginning, co&taiiditf acres surface meaatire, l^w let No. 6, in the dlvfaion of a 146 3-4 acre tract made hy S. J. Qmiiiinga, J. P. Somers and J. D. WOson and. al lotted to J. E. Finley from'the landa ot A. W. Finley, deceased, and thereafter de^ed t>y J. E. Finley to T. B. Finley, by deed dated July 20, 1915, recorded in the office of the Begiater of ;Deedgfor WUkea coonty, hi *5 of deeda, pm 696. SECOND 7«ACT: Coni seventy-^gfat hnndtedtha .78) an acre deeM to Ti B. Finley by^ Henry T, Blair, full deacripUon ef iriiieh is racoroed fat book 100. ak page 461, escMt eadi part of 4pa af la oeeupiail by State H^ctawap THUtD TBA.OT: Befaig block 129 as shown on the map of the Town of North Willmaboto and dsiy deaezibed fat deed finoa Wba> aton'tiaad & IinwuiiWOBt Gon^ paw to T. B. Fimey, neocded It ^ page 436. 7!^ bloek ii bounded oy lOtb atnet, | stea^ 11th street, and J street and la 400 by 800 feet. ■*- The following two tracts of land are excepted mm the first taack herein described. Lots No. 9 and 12 in block & deeded to Elizabeth C. Finley. Old recorded in the office of the Beg- ikter of Deeds of Wilkee eotm^, in book 142, page 467. ' Also lots Id and 21 in block Hr sold and deeded to H. C. London and B. T. Henderson. This the 21st day of June, 1987. JUUUS A. ROUSSEAU, 7-164t(T) _ Trustee AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO NORTH CAROUNIANS-No.1 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. Epitaph Southern sun, beam kindly, Southern breeze, blow softly. Southern rain, fall gently; Our loved one lies asleep. For Ernwt Williams. —William Dalzell Trader, this section Local Items From Spurgeon Section SPURGEXJN, July 12.—Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Walker announce the birth of a girl, July 1, at their home at Spurgeon. ■Mr. P. L. Jarvis and Mr. H. Lewis, of Winston-Salem, were visitors of Mr. Jarvis’ mother, Mrs. E. H. Glass, and husband and daughter. Vena, one evening last week. Mrs. Beulah Harget and son. Jack, of Charlotte, are visiting Mrs. R. N. Garner for a few weeks. Mrs. Mansfield Glass, of North Wilkesboro, visited her mother, Mrs. Boss Kemp, last week. Miss Johanna Howard was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Glass, Sunday. Mr. E. H. Glass was a business visitor in Mooresvllle last week. Mrs. R. N. Garner and Mr. Lester Bowers were bedtime guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Glass Wednesday evening. ■Miss Margaret Fowler, of High Point, was an over night guest of Miss Wilhelmlna Weatherman, last week. Miss Vena Mae Glass will leave Saturday night for Washington, D. C., where she will spend the rest of the summer. Pores Knob Route 2 News of interest Miss Grace Broyhill returned home last week from the Wilkes Hospital where she had her ton sils removed. Mr. and Mrs.* Toy Lowe and small son visited Mrs. Lowe’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kilby, Sunday. Rev. C. C. Holland filled his regular appointment at Walnut Grove Sunday. The Lord’s Sup per was observed at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Lowe and sons. Clyde, P. R. Lowe, Jr., and Caney Len, attended preach ing at Mt. Olive Sunday. Everyone is busy getting their fall gardens planted and set in NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOU COURT North Carolina, Wilkes County The Federal Land Bank of Colum bia, plaintilf, vs. W. L. Hanes and Julia Hanes, Gur ney P. Hood, Commissioiner of Banks, successor to North Caro lina Bank and Trust Company and the Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company, E. W.- Tuck er, Raymond G. Haynes and wife, Mrs. R. G. Haynes, Mrs. Ruby Johnson and husband, James Johnson, and The Wa chovia Bank and Trust Company, Defendants. The defendants, E. W. Tucker and Mrs. E. W. Tucker, Raymond G. Haynes and wife, Mrs. R. G. Haynes, Ruby Johnson and hus band, James Johnson, will take no tice that an action entitled as above lias been commenced in the Superior Court of Wilkes county, North Carolina, to foreclose cer tain land under mortgage deed; and the said defendants will furth er take notice that they are re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court' of said county in the courthouse in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, on the 12th day of August, 1937. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. TTiis the 12th day of July, 1937. (Signed) CORA CAUDILLj Deputy Cleik of the Snpenor Court of Wilkes County, North Carolina. 8-6-4t-Cr) O NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 4th day of January, 1930, to T. B. Finley and wife, C. L. Froley, to Julius A. Rousseau, Trustee for S. V. Tomlinson, which deed of trust is duly recorded in the oMce of the Register of Deeds of WiBces county in book 167, at page lOjS, and default haying been made in the payment of the bond in the sum of $10,000.00 and interest thereon, secured to s*>d deed of trust, and at the instance and le- 3 uest of the cestui qjie trust, L nlius A. Rousseau, Trustee, will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the corthouse door in Wilkes boro on the 17th day of July, 1037, at two o’clock, P. M., the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: Situated in the town of North Wilkesboro and bounded as follows: Beginning on the northeast comer of Lot No. 4 on the north side of _ Hopper’s branch from which as witness tree Hickory north 14 degrees 30 min utes west S' feet; thence running Our New ^^SPONSIBILITY P URSUANT to a special act of the 1937 Suta Leglsla- inro, advertiaemetUs will shortly begin to appear in ^national nugasincs and metropolilan newspapers of tho East, Middle West and South inviting visitors and tonrisU to North Carolina, “THE VARIETY VACATIONIAND.” These messages will reach a total of nineteen milHen farnffles. ThoninhAs Of hnstneis enecvNkrea Mrsaalnig'tho mannfsetnre and sale of products that eonid he avnde more profitably in North Carolina will be invited te vlalt the Stale and sindy our industrial advantages. The lead- ■wy farm papers of the conntry will carry the story of North Carolina’s opportunity for diversified and profit able farming and many well-to-do farmers will he seclung farmlands in North Carolina. Let ns put ear house in order. Every eitiaen of the Stale and every commnnity must cooperate if North ia !• reap the mavliwm reanhs and the in creased prosperity that wiO eesne from enr advertising. Let onr enmmanllics psH eai bright, clean faces. Int ns baontify onr hi^ways. Let every North Carolinian greet vlsilem te the State wM the s^ ef hoepllaUty f«r North Carolina is justly fasnona. Let otw PeMee Foreee •ad e^Peaea (Mfears axart avery effart ts ha twiemOy, eawtaons, and afallging In the “Strangtr wfahin enr Gatao.’’ Let eneh and everyone of ns sisnais anr new rtjgsndfcaily in Nesth Cason’s Mar^ sf Pm^esa. (rtsvnritor’s HoapMmHty Committal NORTH CAROLINA IS On Parade! All Previous Sales Records Broken ON THE OPENING DAYS OF Belk’s Great July Clearance Sale! More Values...More CustomersM.aiid More Sales than in any sale ever held by our North Wilkesboro store. Our unusually heavy Gto^ have made it pos^e for uuunial savings—therefore we must makeb^8acrificestoreducesto^rapidiy....Wes^haYeplenty of Bargains in every de- nartment... diop eariy .. the more you buy themore you save. ^ for now mid fai^ re^pnram^ for ^ the femuly!