16. Ni®" 4^ . ' . '. ,;*o- 3S3?T" kiUm SdCSWEUi. Editor w , ,.-t TOtopitfoe »S ■hUM. Tnr. Wjr Is it PtU^ : .;i ^ >1 r'ilias liOalse Fo^i.of Itte ;ralla B«H tFor. a \>t/ttift.cit7 Mhool.;fae- -.ittkaitahied at four tablee 4atarday afternoon at of Ifn. J. L. Clements 6tre^ Tbe ta'ono^ Is member of the North ^flOimboro aebobl faenlty and mim^iiaa a ^est over the week- aad the ^tter Miss F07. . b the bridge game the priz^ ireft to Miss Mable Topping f6r ibore and to Miss i Rnby Blaekbnra for low. The honoree 'vaa presented with a remem- hraaoe gfft. Refreshments In two eoarees followed play. Mib. Mhx Foster Is Sewfaif Chib Hostess Tbe Business Girl’s Sewing cl«l) Was delightfully entertain ed Monday evening by Mrs. Max Foster with Mrs. Ray , Bamee hebiF .a gnest of the club. ' For entertainment the group engaged In a ported of Sewing, also plu4l rook, after which refresh|jrmts wen served. ./ Kostaeses for the next Reeling, whleh Is to be a Cbrist|ika piirty, are Mrs. Harry Pearsar and Mrs. m 8. Rates: Ic A Word (Each Insertion) (MINIMUM CHARGE 2^) FOR RENT vwk'miMw 1- - SIX 6. Rear of month. ^Tl r- OT— ^per McNeill, at Yad- Motor Company. tS-^tf FOR SALE FMl SAliE: Good wooM’^Steer— old; wlljfsn'brk double See or V. Caudell, Rou^i^orth Wllkesboro, N. 12-16-2t-pd tATTONAIi Trucks. Vo; ^Mtiidltlo mdltioned and diUdd M** •• > M Social CaletMUar' Tha, North Vnitowbbro 8^ lor W6iim*s anh wU Monday aftembon at 8:S0 o'* clock at the home of Mrs. Ev erett Peaiwoa with Mra. O. 0, Paw, Mre. Tip McNeil, and Mrs. J. D. Moore, Sr., as co- hoeteooeo. Aff evening of fine fellowship Was ^kjdyed by the men:..' -Mle PresbTterlau church T^iesday. at thh OfJtmMi «t % aupjw ed |>rtbe*.«lKl0iit>rtI»« Woipan's Auxiliary. Supper was‘served at :16 with covers laid for ahout ■*'tJ^l5orty with-Mr. L. M. Nelson, ■'''llTMBldent of the men of : the ehwch, acting as master of cere monies. V > . ; A talk by Mr. E. O. Finley^ Jr., on his trip to Blnrope . Uite summer, featured the program planned for the evening. Rev. Watt Cooper, the .pastor, made s' short talk on the purpose of the men of the church. Music was furnished by a string orchestra., W)e Gardner Circle of th© North Wflkeeboro Methodist dmrefa win hold Its Christmas party Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ed F. Gardner with Mrs. Newland Campbell a 8 associate hostess. The “Hewrt Sisters” will be reveal ed at this time and aU gifts for th© party are urged to he sent to Mrs. Gardner’s home during the week-end. Tea And Topics Club Met 'iWth Mrs. Pearson with Mrs. Everett Pearson as hostess the members of the Tea and Topics club, with two addi tional guests, Mrs. A. L. Aycock and Mrs. Harry Pearson, enjoyed a delightful evening together last Friday. A period of needlework was followed by a Christmas word contest in which Mrs. J. D. Schafer was the winner of an at tractive prize. Mrs. Aycock, the new Methodist pastor’s wife, was Methodist Kbb Class Held A Banquet , The Young Men s Bible . .class of the North Wllkesboro Metho dist churoh, of which Mt.i Otis Keeling Is teacher, enjoyed a I banquet at the Brown Fouee i Friday evening. Toastmaster for j the evening was Johnny Allen, j Twenty-two were present. • The program was given as ,fol- ! low.s, words of welcome by Mr. I Keeling to which Mr. A. S. Cas- sel responded; ^ddrees by Rev.' A. L. Aycock, th© pastor; a read ing, Mr. Frank' Killian; and a talk by Mr.’ Prank Johnson. Wllkesboro P.-T. A. Li Meeting Thursday The December meeting of the Wllkesboro Parent-Teacher Asso ciation was held at the school auditorium on Thursday after noon. The fourth grade under the direction of Misses Cynthia Prevette and Dorothy Lashmlt gave a Chrlf tmas play and sang a group of Christmas carols. A splendid talk on the “Delinquent Child” by Mr. Halfacre was the principal feature of the program for the afternoon. This was fol- H. Cooper^ ■' * RacUo Store Here :' WUlard.!Ibylor, dent’of this efty and a sdp of the latp' Rev, Seymour Taylor,- of WilicMboro, hah accepted a posi tion as repreBratatlve of Wm. H, Cooper Ri^o -ifolm and. .Se^cfr Store- aM-^aif hegap hhi'd&tiea Ip. that capacity. Dnripc,th6 paaf few months he has. beeh,.employ ed by Johnsoa Electric company at Spruce Pine and is experienced in the line of work he has under taken here. The firm sells SparUn, Emer son, Kadette and Grunow radios and also specializes in radio serv ice. Mr. Cooper is the type of man who appreciates all. patron^ age and will he glad for his friends to call on him at any time. ^-TmS5Ku._ Troop Id Boy Sconts of Amer ica held Iti regular weekly meet ing at the hat on Friday night with a record aUMdanoew Meaily fll.mcmhns. of t|te troop wwe KMcnt, wllh aovecai ggesCs. who enjoyed the pirograpt. — Tbe troop is divided Ipto tiro patrols with ^ Lomax Crook and Ores Hudson as patrol leaden, George Campbell, Jr., senior pa trol leader; Shan Kerbaugh, scribef Wayne (Toots) Candlll, assisUnt scribe; and M. W. Green, Jr.^ cheer leader. Leaders of the troop dre Isaac Dunctm, Effner Eller, R. C. Jennings, and Shan Kerbangh. The boys are looking forward to Mr. Duncan’s return from Chicago for the holiday He has been absent from the tiwp for a few weeks, but will soon be hack again .to'^assnme his duties of t;he leadenhip in the troop. All ^ members of the troop are plann ing to give him a big welcome. Raleigj made pn of Charities i^iflWB «4I Wl,i| aooe aadn^^r dreo scctioi^ of Una Social Seoni ~ he State PnbUo Wi mo; Oljk A** The statMsent discloces that.. n.OCicneed/'^^^gero - ^ n6l,7«8.|«k idr^sQ; A’Mi«ge''W ll.lg'W’ reeHiiaBt, Fhild'’'ii(9T dependwit were given $51,617.81, an arj age of 85.48 per dilid. The nhinber of Noveml wards exceeded those "'M er by more than *4,000, ai increase in funds. distrVbnl mounted to $40,283.31. Tbj tober report showed that 88,^ '-’^'J^ve paUokda eatia 'Slim Jim, XS eomithkppaairtatr'.W'* Patri|(i on MooH|aps..| with is agglft/"" ' BOeh atfml " himself "" 0'.^ pr#':' i! tbem OL ] pair. r!flAM> I #' "»• minm remembered with a gift. by a vocal solo by Miss Ing refreshments were served the close of the evening. at Lefoion Auxiliary In Monthly Meeting Mrs. John Hall, Mrs. Jack Quinn, and Miss Toby Turner combined hospitality to the mem bers of Legion Auxiliary in their monthly meeting Monday eve- evening at the home of Mrs. Hail. The usual routine of business was transacted with the presi dent, Mrs. J. B. McCoy, in charge. The Christmas work for their welfare department and six boys at Oteen was planned. The meeting was largely at tended with Tefreebments being nerved during the social hour. finest selection in the ABhjllnas. Henkel’s, StatesvjJroT N-: C. “r-lM12t rOR SALE; _long. Also T. N1 seven each. llkeeboro,. rot^ 4-10*tf ANTED »k to ' Stay oST lot. be able , to d# gen- ework. Telepjl^e 280. 12-16-tf I work ih R^m and ev^- four now. Drartlituiii "Cdllege, Winstoa-Sal- Cardllna. l-8-8t Distributors want 3 once for this cx- ^qj^sary. Ulrkl 387-J or 18 for •fences. Pntrtoit 12-20-4t-pd. iilSCEUANEOUS Cad Bonte ^beketbook, owner le by paying for tUc^^d Ibing sane. AjPs. D. WUke6b(f8;‘'N. C.. AIF Ht-Pd. le in loarnal-l Fide'Is Gass Has A Giristmas Prograin A Christmas program directed by Mrs. Dewey Minton and the election of officers featured the monthly meeting of the Fldelis class of the First Baptist church held at the home of Mrs. R. P. Casey Tuesday evening with Mrs. Andrew Kilby, Mrs. E. M. Long, and Mls9 Emma Eller, as associ ate hostesses. To open the meet ing the class sang “Joy to the World,” after w-hich Mrs. C. B. Eller led in prayer. Mrs. Nell Hendren, thn presi dent, occupied the chair during the business session at which time the following officers were chosen: teacher, Mrs. C. B. Eller; assistant teacher, Mrs. Dewey Minton: president, Mrs. Nell Hen dren: first, second and third vice presidents, Mrs. Andrew Kilby, Mrs. Chal McNeil, and Mrs. R. P. Casey: secretary and treasurer, Miss Emma Eller; assistant, Mrs. John Hall. Under the direction of Mrs. Minton a most interesting pro gram was given as follows: “Hark, the Herald Angles Sing’’; devotionals and prayer by Mrs. Ed Dancy .and Mrs. C. E. Jenk ins; a B'ble study, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, by Mrs. Minton; a quartette, “Silent Night”, by Mrs. Tal Barnes, Mrs. E. C; John son, Mrs. Tip McNeil, and Mrs. Andrew Kilby; a reading, “From A Far Country,” by Mrs. J. O. Cook; a poem, "The Christmas Guest, Mrs. Minton; song, “O, Little Town of Bethlehem.’’ Betty Henderson and a piano solo | by George Ogilvie. The preside’it. Mrs. L. B. Dula, was in the chair for the usual business session. Attend ance prizes went to .Miss Cynthia Prevette’s fourth grade, first, Mrs. M. G. Edwards’ second grade second, and Miss Eloise Starr’s sixth grade third. Just before the meeting the study group of the P.-T. A. was held, with Mrs. A. R. Ogilvie, as lead er. iv' TO ns won hdsofokh B^h Cdanese Taffeta PniPnmn RobeS GENUIMK CREPE TWIST SILK HOS^ IxqiiisitMjCiuflfons! UTIFULLTIVTAILORED f ricky Tailored and COMPLETE OU' CURE SET..A 98c Slide Fastenei^Ease A Song of Freedom My soul is so tired of chasing Just things. Of eating the grist of the - mad money kings; - ' - I’m hungry for loyalty,' friend ship, and love, For color and sunshine that come from above, i For bird-song and music and laughter of youth, j For words of sincerity, beauty, and truth. Stri^l 2-9« TbeyVe squrtly, yet u red—-y^ in, year out ites! Lovily color*. 14 Hous| 9t8 New ShifUem Pi^ mmhtit' n I A’ish I could turn from the welter and grim© ITiat daily consume all my strength and my time, To tramp through th© fields or to follow the trails. Or sit on a stooping old fence built of rails. Or drink from a gourd as I lunch by the spring. Or walk by the rills as they chat ter and sing. O let me go back to tbe little old farm. For no place on earth holds the half of its charm; Each spot there Is hallowed by youth and by age, ; Each tree is a roster on memory’s pa2e; The breezes are sweeter, the sky is more blue. The grasses are greener, thej’re washed in the dew.. Down there I am safe on my lit tle estate, . , Like old Cincinnatus ,, (without: being great!). ’ From burdencome taxes and bills I am free. No high-pressure agents I ever shall see. Th© Spirit of Freedom fills all of the air, Around thirty were present And Ea^thi. from her bosom, and at the close of the evening! j*ifduces'lB|r fare. ' ALWAYS APmCIATEI lens DRESS WT...\.$L00 oxed Wt Christmas MEN'S^p^UINE LEATHER TftAVELINl.CASE )1.! ;r Gosing ’■'T Sped*] Re its 5c,i1S^d Rea|fVal\ Here Up 'fc 16^ doilidL c I n ^ ride Q iti^t Widi tire*, wheels-IP* * besntym Nation Wide Sheets .2 for $1.85/ yhristmas Wrapp^ WelKnie gilts' Choin niany st*fe and di.Minrtivw Mna^.:| Items, (.arefuilv jaiiqred*;4: Men’s Bill Folds 49c With Slide Fastener B0NOPO ThV Whole Family BOARDS /$1.79 Hei^y Weight / ^ I^ALL BEARING SK^$\.^ » \ ■ Just Dandy For Miss TQY COOK STO)^ I A Stn J. the hostesses served delicious re freshments. Mrs. Eller and Mrs. Minton, teachers of the class, were presented gifts by Mrs. Frank Tomlinson from the class • as a token of appreciation for (sty! the fine work and faithful - serv-) *—' ice rendered to the class by them. (Place Hard FniiaiQre jboro, N. C. f.. THE HOUSE OF «7TY\ of old cedar Re- ItrioT" 12-20-4t ►RK-xIh. XenL'Po™*” »no©d \dd- $l-V: fln^ ,a.. i DAD. A MISS DEMURE r: • RE TO surprise; 'ycJ'* i HAD TO TELL BECAUSE I WA.NT TuU TO STOP AT THE STORE ON your'WAY HOME. Bumgarner, J. prites. •re, The For Kids 1 to ^ Rocking Hdrse For Kid|/1 to 6 OakRwkers 39c St Sted! en fo tirea,diaeT R^dHyerlMgon StaMy Sted f _||A CMWtniefion/ J|h E«y to steerl Ha* plain bea? Inc*, diae wheels, and rubber' .tina. 28"x13V4" steel bed! Ited steel trikAwith rubber ped als, rear skpa. AdjuaUbk ^ring seat an^handkW*! Every Boy Wsuite ,SIe ChrydjerAido $11.75; / North ^ilkesboro, N. C. -• r, North WUkeaboro, N. C. NOW REMEMBER. ACT SURPRISED ft ''little sue demure* 'H-M-m- I HAVEN'T SEEN HER SINCE THE\ WAR-SHE'S THE SHYEST, SWEETEST,C PRETTIEST FEMIHINITY-THE I HATE TO FATHER '■A', 'vtr'. I -' Js, icArthir " TOJ^l HftCE WWTOlifl :£s: so that WAS *-r=^ A!'-f.-JlhER/, j: rS-M'' i:-tI. 4.K

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