'Ilf rs NatioB L inGirrnj8rwtoji3*il Petttloa > restraining order . will be ftWd ln\ Yedkln ecfdi^. If. tUs week ettort tb -;.belt eonatmetlon bf.tbie d,500.000 High Point hytlroolectric power project. It was ieemed last night. W. A. Rejtnolds, ohalrman of the YitdkM county board of commisslonOTs. is expected to •Ign the petition Tb-uraday or PXday. It then will be entered In Tadkla county superior court. £i». Noith - VOL. xxxn, m 1 «ji4 to,.JAN:i2,1989 oBiaareni $ii0lNTHE8TA? >t.09 OUT QFTHg fiTTATK" j .Ciiai^elttOate Car fags dr/ 1 V ^^R4^I#GH0St ■4'^k % s DoH^y^ ^ ^ws Progra^ ^ — Wk ■— Of Norftwnten People Would Be Better ■ Prepared *0 Purchaae ’ Tags Hoy. let df ^t of WcrtirweatetH lank Now Total Over AU'^PergOi^). S- $3,733,000 tr; DOUBLE’METHOD HaWfh Jan. 10.—The possi bility that capital felons may bo “put te sleep’’ before they are executed at North Carolina’s cen- Ptral orison appeared today as ^ legislator^ prepared to consider a bill which would substitute elec trocution for asphyxiation. Gov ernor Hoey disclosed that the pos- aibUltiy had been proposed, and that he believed “it is worth' look ing into.’’ STARS INDICTED New York, Jan. 10.—Jack Benny, radio and screen comedi an, was indicted today by a fed- prai grand jury on three chargee smuggling, the result of al- purchases of Jewels' from Jllbert N. Chaporau, soldier of fortune "who yesterday was con victed on a similar charge. Ben ny was the second radio star and the third person of Importance to become involved in the case. George Burns, straight man for Grade Allen, and 'Mrs. Blma I^uer, wife of a New York state supreme court Justice, have pleaded guilty 1n receiving smug gled goods from Chaperau. They are awaiting trial. SLASH VTA FUND Washington, Jan. 10. — The first committee of Congress to act upon any part of President Koosevelt’s new spending pro gram today slashed $150,000,000 from the fund he requested for WPA and revolted against his or der placing WPA administrative employees under the civil serdce. An appropriations subcommittee composed of seven Democrats and fonr Republicans recommended to the House that it appropriate $725,000,000, Instead of the . $875,000,000 which Mr. It is expected that the present session of thb ioglelature will have before It proposals to change the dste of automobile reglstre- tlon and purchae© of automobile truck license from January 1 to the first day of some fall or winter month, probably Novem ber 1. While It Is easier to date reg istrations by the calendar year, purchase of tags at or about Christmas time works a'financlal hardship upon thousands of resi dents of the state who would be better .prepared to buy tags at some other time of the year. Is the opinion generally expressed among motorists. The proposal to change the date Is now being considered by revenue officials, it was learned here today, and It is quite prob able that the present legislature will he asked to do something about it. November 1 has been advocat ed because it is in a season of the year when farmers are har vesting their cro.ps and cashing in on their year’s work. The state revenue bill would benefit, proponents of the change say, because more cars would be in operation and consuming gas oline during the winter months. Negro Is Killed In Raid On Distillery Bullet From Deputy’s 6un Proves Fatal to Colored Man In New Castle velt had requested, to Roose- operate the WPA until June 80. Harvey Hague, negro resident of eastern Wilkes, died in the hospital at Elkin at 2:30 this morning from a bullet wound said to have been inflicted during a raid on a still where he was re ported to have been workin.e at nine o’clock Wednesday night. Coroner I. M. Myers this morn- Frrnrh scene of the shnotinj: and empaneled a jury for an inquest. Ti e coroner was told that Deputies R. C. Jennings, Nath This Martian looking character is what the football player of the fu ture wilt resemble if be dons all the safety equipment demonstrated recently at a football coaches’ meet ing. The various safeguards are designed mainly to protect the play er in practice. met this’week and Ire-iriected Dr. A. J.’ Sfer health '^officer. All ether mbinbere et the health de partment peraoilnel wbre also re^ elected. ^ s The Wilkes co^inty board of health Is’now composed'of' the .following: iM; P. Aiboher,' chair man of the board 6f county com missioners, chairman; J. P. Jor dan, mayor of Wilkeaboro, sec retary:'H. B. Smith, M. D.; P. C. Hubbard, M. D.; C. B. Eller, sup erintendent of schools: and R. P. Casey, dentist. The health department person nel remains as follows: Dr. A. J, Eller, .health officer; Mrs. Bertha Bell and Miss Eloise Bennet, county nursee; Miss Luclle Hayes, stenographer. OFFICERS f^|:LECTEp IsS: Ralph Duncan.;Added tpTH' irectora;' Aaalat- ant Cashier ot Bank . 100 Treated In Venereal Ciinir In Wilkes County Penal^ Will Be Placed On Taxes Dr. Eller Says Number Pa tients Increased Since the State Furnished Drugs Net Paid On or Before Feb ruary 1; Taxpayers Urged to Pay This Month The venereal clinic conducted by the Wilkes county health de partment Is progressing very sat isfactorily, Dr. A. J. Eller, health officer, said today. The number being treated, mainly for syphilis, is in the neighborhood of 100, the health officer said, although all of the patients do not attend each week as they are instructed. The number of patients In the clinic have increased considerably since the state has begun fur- A penalty of one per cent will be added to all county taxes for the year 1938 which are not paid on or before February 1. The laiw provides that the pen alty be added on that date. How ever, taxes may row be paid at face value. Sheriff C. T. Doughton has mailed out tax notices and each pei’son should know the exact a- mount of taxes due the county for the year. Payment during the remainder af thLs moAth will be doubly ad- vairtageouB. 'There will be no pen alty to taxes paid during January and the county needs the money Keith Morgan, Chaimun of the Committee for the Cele^tioa of the President’s Birthday, pins the first March of Dimes button on Arthqr Carpenter, Director of Organization for the states of Ten- nessee, Kentucky and North and South Carolina. Mr-(^rpe|itw received the first button during a call at national headjrnartera m New York City. All the states under his direction are solidly awt^ in the March of Dimes campaign and ia celdteations which will ba hiiM January 30 in honor of President Boosevelt’s 57th birthday. Left to right, Arthur Carpenter and Keith Morgan. Local Boxers WinjFederal Term Of In Gloves Toumeyi Civil Court Ends Irvin and Steelman Win at | Demurrer In Suit of Myers A^eboro; Fighting This i Versus Snuff Company Week at Charleston nishing drugs without cost for to meet its obligations. Payment those unable to pay, Dr. Eller will be appreciated. WAR IS IMMINENT Washington. Jan. 10.—Gener .1 European war before summer !v*er Italy’s demand for Frenrli | ■blonies was predicted today by the American a,mbas»adors to France and Great Britain in sec ret testimony : Thame and R. G Spencer raided President . New Ca.stle township near the 000.000 national Yadkin county line, -nie officers gram. It was ^ at the still the negro and unimpeachable source that Joseph P,n-Ane. who P. Kennedy, ambassador to the Court of St. James, and William C. Bullitt, ambassador to France, informed a joint executive session ofthe House. Senate ^tid military affairs committee that they be lieved a general conflagration inevitable. Union Singing At Mountain View 29 under All* Singers of Wilkes and Adjoining Counties Are ^ Invited to Take Part Jrhe many singers ot Wilkes hd adjoining counties are in to take part in an all-day Sunady singing to be held at Jn View' school building Due to the fact that a number ^ view scuuu. of tfe directors and stockholders ' Tannarv 29 J A Gil- of Dank ot North Wilkesboro OB Sunday. January 29. J a uii thii fiirnitiirA ftirno- was arrested ami placed bon,’,. Coroner Myers said that Tliarpt told him that he fell and that bis gun accidently discharged. The bullet entered the negro’s back, according to testimony of a surgeon from the Elkin hos pital, and lodged in the upper part of his chest. The coroner’s hearing was con tinued this morning and three o'clock this afternoon was the hour set to hear te^stimony of witnesses in the city hall here. Postpone Meet Of Stockholders said. In commenting on the subject of venereal diseases, Dr. Eller expressed t.ie opinion that press is Postpone Dokies’ Meet Attention is called to the fact the that the monthly banquet meet- plena IB- rendering the cause of ing of the North Wiilkesiboro Do- public hJalth a great boost by kies club scheduled for Friday publicizing the venereal disease night 'has been postponed menace and has been the cause Thursday. January 19, and will for many people to seek treat- be held at the Community House (Continued on back nage) in Wilkesrboro. Bill Irvin and Marchs Steel man, North Wilkesboro youths, came out victorious in a Golden Glove boxing toiirnam^ent held in Asheboro on January 6 and 7. Steelman won the open 160-lb class and Irvin won the open 175-1'b class. Irvin and Steelman are fighting a six-day tournament i n Charleston. S. C., this; week. in Ix Overrule MEMORIAL TO REV. C. W. ROBINSON RECENTLY DEDICATED AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HERE of the singins IJam, chairman Mountain union atlon, said today. ' 'The Mountain View glee flub uikler direction of Miss Mary Kliwey will open t.be day's pro- '■ cram at ten a. m.. follewed by i^qtlonal by Rev. S. L. Blevins oiiii welcome address by T-. Vf- principal of Mountain !' 'Wew -klith school- Songs by all ' ' fCioups who wish to take part will A form' the program for the n- f-r nuMnder of the morning and the .... afl«rn©on session, Mr. Gilliam Stone are attending the furniture expo- associ- sition in Chicago, the annual ' meeting of stockiholders of the bank, one of the largest financial institutions in this section, has been postponed until Thursday morning, January 19, ten a. m. The meetin.g was originally sche duled for today. Federal Tax Men Are Coming Soon Growers, to January 21 -''b]|xbb1 meeting of the JiegBtBfai Growers ~ be mi at the pie teboratory on the fSnttm aatariay, January IeMiRtunwitiffr*'the meMing.... ■iratTf»f^^ ^ ^ att^d. * ^ ate tovHed, 3>iMarBi^_ ^ ‘ iBOt tkef, C. H. Robertson, collector of internal revenue in North Caro lina, Mas asked The Journal-Pa triot to announce that represen tatives of his office will be at Hotel Wilkes in this city on Feb ruary 20 and 21 for the purpose of assisting and advising persons In filing their federal income tax returns. A revival meeting will begin at Flint Hill church near the city On the fourth Sunday in this montdi. Rev. George Curry will ^ the preaching^ The public is The recent memorial service held in the Presbyterian church to the niemory of Rev. Charles Wilson Robin.son, ded icating the organ chimes and a bronze tablet given by his friends, in appreciation of his ministry in the town and com munity. where for 43 years ho had served the people so faith- fufiy, being the only pastor.of this church until the time of his death January 11! 1938. The tablet is placed just inside the auditorium, -where he al ways stood to greet his friends and hears the following in scription : 1848 — 1938 The organ chimes and this tablet are given as a Memorial to The Reverend Charles Wil son Robinson, beloved pastor of this church for forty-three years, 1895-1938, as a tribute' to his life and work and as an expression of love by his peo ple. “A polished gentleman, a finished scholar, an able in-: striictor of youth, a genuine Christian, a faithful and af fectionate pastor. In him were beautifully blended and hap pily united all thpse qualities, of the mind and heart which are naturally adopted to com mand respect, conciliate es-, teem, and beget pure and lasNi^ ing affection.’’ "He Walked 'With God”. Mr. J. R. Finley, who was' associated with Mr. Robinson in his ministry In the churchy from the beginning, said In'-' his remarks: "For more than 40 years Mr. Roblnnon lived here and to most of the people It Is Following a bearing on a de murrer brought by the defendant in the case of Walter Myers ver sus American Snuff company, the term of federal court in pro gress at Wilkesboro for trial of civil cases-, adjourned Wednesday afternoon. Judge Johnson J. Hayes over ruled the demurrer in the case, wherein Myers is asking $40,000 for breach of contract and certain other damages for alleged injury to reputaiton. The case was begun when My- pj-s was discharged as salesman for the. company in this territory a tew years ago. Myers i.s represented in his action against the snuff company by Trivette and Holshoiiser, J. H. Whicker and John R. Jones. The defendant is represented by Man- ley, Hendren and Wonihle. ' of i Winston-Salem. The case of Reece Carter by his next friend, Hugh Carter, ver- su^the Southern / Railway com- ; was tried during the term anfi verdict was rendered in fav- ^ the defendant, the plaintiff [-Covering nothing. Stockholders of the Northweat- ern Bank in meetiug here dsy beerd a splendid report-froBa the consolidated bank’s praM- dent, R. A. Doughton, of SpartB. setting out the instltutioB’a growth' and progress since It waa formed on July 1, 1937 as a coa- solidatlon of the Deposit ft Sav ings Bank here, the Bank of Spar ta, Watauga County Bank at Boone with branch at Blowing Rock, and the Merchants aad Farmers Bank at BakersvIIIe with a branch at Burnsville. The stockholders re-elected the directors and added to the board Ralph Duncan, of this city. The directors are: R. A. Doughton, Harry Bailey, W. C. Berry, W. B. Collins. W. D. Farthing, G. W. Greene, M. A. Higgins, W. W. Mast. J. T. Pre- vette, M. B. Reeves, N. B. Smlth- ey and Ralph Duncan. The directors in meeting fol lowing the stockholders’ meeting re-elected the following officers: R. A. Doughton, president: Edwin Duncan, executive vice president; John C. McBee, Sr., vice presi dent; and W. J. Caroon, secre- t»rjr. In June, 1938. the Bank of Ashe at Jefferson was added to the system and in December the Merchants and Farmers Bank at Taylorsville became a part of the Northwestern, making a total of eight offices. All mcmibera of personnel at each office were re-elected and Charles W. Myers, Jr., was added to the North WUkeeboro branch as assistant cashier. The .personnel of the eisht of fices follows: North Wilkesboro: W. J. Ca roon, cashier: Dudley S. Hill, as sistant cashier: Miss Anne Dun can. assistant cash;«r: Charles W'. Myers. Ji-.. assistant cashier. Sparta: Alton W. Thompson, cashier: Mrs. Marjorie Ciioate, assistant ca.ehier. Boone: W. D. Farthing, cash ier: G. P. Hagaman. assistant cashier: Miss Bernice Gragg, as sistant cashier. Blowing Rock: Gurney D. Brinkley, cashier: Boyd Jones, assistant cashier. Bakei'sville: \V. C. Berry, chairman loan committee; E. H. Poteat. ca.-'hier: Mrs. E. G. Miller, assista'nl cashier: F. A. Black, as sistant cashier ' Jefferson; W. H. W’orth. cash ier: Joe Worth, assistant cash ier. Taylorsville: S. E. Little, c.ash- ier; D. V. Deal, assistant cashier. The report of President R. A. Doughton to the stockholders in (■Continued on page eight) :||jkesboro Scout Fifth Meeting Of P C A January 28 Sponsored By School; I^aul Osborne Is Scoutmaster Of the New Troop Expected Large’Attendance at Meeting In WinstMi- Salem This Month only necessary to mention y his name to recall the memories of hie many deeds of Igve, sympathy and cheerfulne(» that character ised his life, to everyone in ^'this VtUsa-BdUft Brown la a patient coainBaltj' without retard to, UMt- Ufee his Lord ud Bfastor, whom he loved and- ae^od ao long, anyone In heed of Kelp or comfort and call that he. alwa;:^ Jiijirwered. Hla heart was alws ‘yodngf^'ifltho’, past 4 score yean of age, I would ask that! wheaewW yon eee-Hiis tablet aad-haVv^ tAtmiu irhihi hto mem ' -wo.- onrj yohr heart bg^i and iq'iHlffcUiy Jsr: need, so that our Uvea to some extent may conttnueJUila - btesl^ infInence that he started in ' ttifa oomiBnnlty.h'-.i;' JU Mr, Finloy^cicpea hlS '.ri^- mafln Mrs. Nelson jdayed; witK cUttee Mr. Boh-, inaoB’s favoi^ ht03|IU"MeaT«r God to Thee," “Dulto Street" with'ghd “Btfw Firm a Teund»tk%?^ Wilkesboro Scout Troop Num ber 32 sponsored by the high echoed was recently reorganized Yt'lih'®© following scouts as mem- Preeley Bleyins, Stuart [ns, Don Culler, Louis Dula, 'Jr,,-Clyde Elledge, 'C. L. Ken nedy, JOB^h Linney, R. S. Mil ler, itnd O. K. ■Whittington. . - 'The committee of the troop consists of T. E. Story, chairman, jttliua- C. Hubbard, and P. B. Browff The scout master Is Paul .Osborne.- y^t.the meeting held on January i.^memibershlp cards were pre sented to all of the boys by the committ^ chairman and they were notified that each''^l8 a sub scriber for “Boys Lifei’ fCtT the coming year;:'1 ' j A numbec^f the -boys wBl be ready for aJfaneement at ^tbe hart meeting ot the court ot hon- ^ January p. .j, ‘"'' . -.'fM:' V. the winter month8>4|ie ii^p mQI , hoM' Ba |iMietliig(|.''l^ .the coumunitr hot ^ In . WUhe#-; . .r"'* ' -a ■ •d» power of rtM u ■ -'.'. I -"• oloMiig >wlth ‘^asteg 'the JG _,._'hy -the dmafitai .. .f: ] The fifth annual meeting of members of the Winston-Salem Production Credit Assoclatioa will be held in the Forsyth Coun ty Court House in Winston-Salem on Saturday afternoon, 2:00 o’ clock, January 28, 1939, apeordv ing to an p.nnouncemeit by Paul J. 'Vestal, president, and B. Francis, Secretary-Treaaur.er of the Association. 'v' Copiplete and detailed reports ' will be mad© by the officers of, the Association on Us operaUpm^-r^^ for the past year aUthis meeting' I directors will be elected add oth er highly important business -will be attended to, according to Mr. Francis, w.ho says it-' is. desired that every member shall be pres ent. iv ij-i The WiastMi-Salem Produstlea Credit AssociationssneW' AUe-' ' ghany, Ashe, Caldw^, David- SOB, For^ri^ Stokes, Surry, Wa- UMh, hild Yadkia coun- tiflp and ix -IftlSJpadp.Tir lowm » thtiOfuS nNWiU.M. In. Wilkes ssmily,.|0 loans .were ipade In the amount.of'$S41h-M, o Mr; VTmn^ sal^ it was hoped ^ ^.4tttsQ4anse at'this Youl£jik-dS|%iii|t, ix t 3 g hijito^^

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