Kev TpFk, 12.—wnHim HantiiiictQn Wrt^.- 92, wbo w 8- SI .:V»n Dine ereatod tbe fletioonl chamoter Phllco Vance and made a fortune from that* aatTe naater detaettre’s aUlIt; to solre halfl- Ing murder mysterU)). died at his apartment of a heart ailmeat, hie family disclosed today. Death came last night after an lllnesa of aereral weeks. Hia ailment was dlaipiofled as coronary thrombos- 1 HLLED, 12 HURT ^Whetille, Va., April 12.— One person was killed and twelve were injured today when a north- aound Greyhound baa Plunged in to a small eonereto bridge and orertumed on V. 8. itoate S2, five miles north of HiUariUe. Mrs. D. A. See, 80, e^nonsharg, Pa., died in the ffinergeacy Hoe* pital -here of injuriea reeeiyed in the accident, Mrs. ^ See, said by wltnosses to have been thrown through the wlndahield, ,received a fractured neck and cuts and brulseB about the face and head. 536 Soil ‘ Win b«t j« Willt««b^ Shtardny ONE-SIXtU TOTAL WINTER STOTKES N Cleveland. April 12.—A big shipment of winter, Imported from Canada, made the weather market polar beeriah today from Maine to the Roddea and south ward into Kentucky. Some places had the coldest April 12 In his tory. A billiard struck Cleveland. Snow shovels scraped sidewalks in some communities in 15 states. I.ight snow and flurries were common. Chicago’s 21 was seven degrees colder than 1900. April 1’. the previous champion. Louis ville’s 27 shaved fire degrees off the record for the day. Cleve land’s 21 and Detroit’s 22 equall ed records. Members of the Greater New .Fork Safety council, whoa they met re cently, found ont what the eafe worker of 1939 wBl wear. Miss Sam my Cunningham demonstrates aln- mlmim toe guards, fiber shin guards, an eye shield of noo-infiam- mable plastered and a respirator. She holds a safety belt wit’a red reflectors. QUITS UNDER FIRE Washington, April 12.— The resignation of Federal Judge Ed win S. Thomas of Connecticut, whose financial affairs and activi ties have been under grand jury investigation at New York, was announced today at the White House. Attorney-General Murphy, discussing the csso at a press eonforonee lator.'saM, "Tbo nation has made It anhScosaary to give further consideration to the question of Impeachment.” The grand jury will continue its Investigation, he said. HealthAuthorities Asks Vaccination Of Dogs In County Annual Immunization Cam paign Against Rabies Is Now Under Way PROMISE PROTECTION IxHidon, April 12.—Britain and Prance will reply to Italy’s invas ion of Albania tomorrow by an nouncing their intention to pro tect Greece and Turkey from sim ilar attack and warning Italy and her axis partner that further ag gression endangering their inter ests will be met by force of arms. The special session of Parliament convoked by Italian seizure of Albania will hear this announce ment from Prime Minister Ne ville Chamberlain and Foreign Minister Viscount Halifax. At the same time Premier Edouard Dal- adier will make a similar an nouncement. reputed to b even stronger in language, in Paris. Dr. A. J. Eller. Wilkes health officer, today said that annual vaccination of dogs In Wilkes county is now under way and made a strong appeal for the dog owners of the county to abide by law and thUA proteeb humaaa^ ^ OB#„pt the jgaat hofHMd^deathfl known to mdOteai history. Hydrophobia has been reported among dogs In every section of Wiikes county this year, he said, and several people have taken the Pasteur treatments. No one knows how many dogs have been bitten and but few dog owners can be positive that their animals have not been exposed to rabies. For this reason. Dr. Eller said, every dog owner should have his dog vaccinated and all public spirited people should encourage vaccination of dogs for the pro tection of society, especially the [children who so often are inno- FuHnen WQl B« NotiiM Offle* County Ot« ttl gfcverttment checktt win ie pfild out to fnrmers of Wilkes county on 3atii)day. April 16, for compliance with proviaions of the government’s soil program in JfM. The exaet total ol checks re ceived by County Agent Dan Hol ler Is m.704.76. representing payment to 638 farmers, or an average payment of about |21. This repreaenti only a?;otit one- stxth of the total number of checks to be reertved and others will be arriving soon. However. Mr. Holler «q?lidned that as checks arrive from Washington each farmer for whom a check is received is notlDod by mall to call for his check and that It will be useless to call for a check un til notice is received. In connection with the program for this year, attention is called to the fact those who wish to par ticipate in the program for the first time should call at the of fice of the county agent immedi ately and sign a work sheet. Those who participated last year will not have to sign again. New signers may receive lime at 12.40 per ton, the payment for the lime to be dedneted from the 1939 earnings under the pro gram, or may later secure Aus trian winter peas and vetch seed on the same baaii alfiag with those who have already been pur Mikny jPonxaer men Named er Teno Mre. Leeella is pictured with weighed four poi jbuah liK Daytea, OUe, who will celebrate her fovtcentb birthday anniversary in April, don, who was bom in March, Her husband, Merrill Brookbank, la 16. The child ^ij^ces when it was bom. Needless to ssy. the father Is very proud! Four representfitii Publishing compmtY] ^ ... _L port. Pa., are fhT ticlpatteif In the,pPog^. eaymtaed. Butiness Deal "In' Auto Business Is Announced Here Announcement was made to day that J. H. Somers, who has been associated with the sales personnel of the Gaddy Motor Company for sometime, has pur chased the interest of his broth er, W. B. Somers, in the Yadkin Valiev Motor Company, and will be connected with the latter com pany in the future. W. B. Somers has gone to Georgetown, S. C., where he has cent victims of neglect and neg-: ^ Ford agency. Mre. Som- ligance on the part of adults. A I ers and daughter, Peggy, ]dog owner who falls to abide by^ Myrtle Beach, S. will C„ the law, the health officer said,[ ,vhere they have a summer home. any School Finals 21st At Millers Creek should be responsible for damage done by his dog. A fee of 50 cents is charged for vaccination of each dog but the money is refunded when county taxes are paid. F. D. Rev. W. M, Cooper Will De liver Commencement Sermon April 16 Mr. T,. A. Wiles and Mr Broyhill, of Pores KnO'b, we visitors to the city Wednesday. following the closing of the Wil- kesboro high school, kesboro high school. They will be joined there by .Mr, Somers, as Georgetown is only about 30 miles from Myrtle Beach. Mr. H. J. Steelman, of Mora vian Falls, suffered a light stroke of paralysis Monday. Millers Creek high school will cloae a successful year on Friday night, April 21, with graduation axarcisea and presentation of high school diplomas. The commencement program will begin on Saturday, April 15. **wheh the district commencement will he held, beginning at ten o’ clock. Included on the program will be salutatorlan’s address, rec itation and declamation contest, m^elling bee, perfect attendance awards, recognition of those to receive diplomas and valedictor ian's address. A field day will be held in the afternon and will include the fol lowing contests: 50-yard dash. tfiO-yard dash, broad Jump, high jump, chinning, girls’ events, spectacular rope jumping con test. On Sunday evening, April 16, Rev. "W. M. Cooper, pastor of the North Wilkeeboro Presbyterian church, will deliver the com mencement sermon. On Monday night. April 17, a musical recite! will be given by Mrs, A. H. Kilby’s pupils. The class day program entitled ‘■The Rainbow Trail.” will be giv en on the night of Thursday, April 20. Married Fifty Years Ago Represei Of Grit I, Here Week Marriage License Business In Slump As Applicants Fail To Have Test Made North WUk F«r Reader'^ tUing Swr0yi Selected ’Adver- by Grit Now Law Requires Physical Ex- amJnatloB ^ aad yafibennau Test For Syphilis of Grit WUliams- WBItea* ..Of used- The new marriage lieoiiae law caused a lot of dlsmxdfittnont in lyilkes county, dnripg thq easter tiuon. ' r' SfiwL maqtBctlye couples were in WlkeMKiro Tri^y and er and sdy^ ■Tlie weekly newspaper and magazine combined, has a circulation with-,Easter but w«e doomed to dlsap- n. L. B. Laws, of Moravian i, attended the wedding of I Bleanor Fox and Mr. James tin Pearson Thursday a t ford CoUege. A. L. Sidden, 75, and Nancy Yale Sidden, 70, heads of a prMB- inent Wilkes family, were feM at their hone at Joynes Sunday on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Their children. Mrs. G. C. Pendry, Hays; Mrs, B. H. Caudill, Triiphfll! A. C-. C- C., J. T., J, W„ R. A., and C. B. Bidden, Joynes; J. E. Siddeik‘Winston- Salem; Mrs.'McKinley Hardm, New Life; and Um Bovd Venable, South Boston, Va„ attended. A hig dinaeir WBPispreaa on a tour taUe at the home. Talks were made by Rev. Landreth Blevins, Rev. C>ny Cox and P> £• Brown—(Cut hy courtesy of Winstest-Salem Jonnial). ^ - .. ■ . - 1 in North Wilkesboro at 340 and a total elrcalatlon of several hun dred In rural communities near by. The circulation In the United .States exceeds 600,000. Grit is making several similar surveys in various other states to obtain a cross section "picture” of Us average type reader and the kind of towns in which its readers live. The circulation is principally in the smaller cities and towns. North Wilkesboro is the only locality in North Carolina select ed for the Grit .survey. Thn crew of representatives, including some of the men who hold highly responsible positions with the nationally circulated publication, is spending the en tire week here. They are; Gilbert E. Whlteley, who has charge of the advertising survey, E. J. O’ Sullivan and Merlin W. Troy, al so with the advertising depart ment; Richard F. Williamson, nows editor; and Paul E. Fink, of the personnel department. The survey in North Wilkes boro is being conducted through the Junior Woman’s club and the pointment because they could not secure license. The hitch was caused by that clause in the new marriage law which saya that the health certifi cate from a physician must be accompanied by a report show^g a Wasserman blood test has been made. It takes four to six days to send off the samples of blood and receive a report, thus making it Impossible for week-end marriage license applicants to get the re port and be married Easter. One couple clad in wedding clothes appeared for marriage lic ense sud intended to be married immediately and off on their hon eymoon but their plans were no go. "I just got to be married Easter,” the blushing prospective bride said, but there was no way getting married without a license and there was no way getting a license without the blood test re port, which was at least four days away. Dr, A. J. Eller, county health officer, explained that the mar riage law enacted by the legisla ture only a few weeks ago re quires that both parties applying WPA Worker Dies Of Auto Injuries Received Tuesday Alleged To Have Been Hk By a Car Driven by Kel ly Pipes Near Hays ^ Funeral service will be -held Friday, ten s. m„ at Bsptikt Home ebnr^ for SsM Adams, .WPA vorker of the TrapidU eommnnity, who died in the hos- IHdt. 'WMnei^y from in- Lted whM be Fas. hit by a car said to have been driv en by Kelly Pipes, another WPA worker. According to an account of the accident rendered by witnesses to officers, Adams was walking a- long the road between Hays and Dockery on his way to work on the road project nearby when he was hit. Officers said that reports tended to show that Pipes was driving on the left side of the road, that he was an inexperienc ed driver and had no operator’s license. He was arrested and placed under bond of 11,000. A prelim inary hearing was set tor Satur day afternoon before Magistrate R. C. Jennings. Appointments of achool eoifi- attteemen for all tbn aebo^ ||8 Witkee eonnty have been mi^'kqr tbe county hoard ot ‘ vittiatNlIu is eootiKNMd ot C, lX Mntl 'dhalrinan, R. R. Obtireh anK D. P. Shepherd. The committee appointmenta Included commlttoes tor eaoh at the eight school districts In tha eonnty and advisory commlttaoB tor the smaller schoole irlthlB the districts. Many of the sch^fil committeemen were reappoint^ However, there are several committeemen In different tions ot the county. 'The appointments follow; District Oosnnrittee Wilkesboro District: N. Smoak, C. A. Lowe, D. J. Brook shire, T. M. Foster, J. T. PrevotteL Mt. Pleasant District: T. O. Minton, W. W. Miles, J. E. Ham by. Millers Creek District; I. It. Vannoy, J. F. Caudill, C. F. lie- Nein. Mulberry .School: W. H. Hayea, H. H. Jennings, Gordon Shatley. Mountain View District; G. O. Pendry, Roy Key, Glenn Dancy, F. O. Johnson, D. C. Candlll. Traphin District: J. W. Mo- Bride, Wesley Jolnes, D. C. Caa- teVehs R o n d a District; QranvlHa Green, Leet Poplin, Dean Boat- (Continued on poige four) O. Ifewe IBlhJraw8 Prom Towu Jbee Two Candidates for Mayor And Ten For Commis sioners to be Voted on Baseball Club To Play On Saturday The North Wilkesboro Baseball Club will open its*1939 season club will appreciate cooperation | for marriage license have a cer- from all persons contacted in the survey. Many photographs a)e be ing made of public buildings, business establishments i n d homes and ihese. together with other information gained In the survey, will be used in promotion of national advertising. Incident ally giving much publicity to North Wilkesboro. The representatives expressed themselves today as being highly pleased with the courtesy and hospitality accorded them here. tificate from a physician within seven days showing that there is no evidence of venereal di.sease Saturday when the strong Hanes Cnb nine from Winston-Salem will be met on the local’s dia mond. The game will start promptly at 3 p. ra. Leslie Rhoades, former Caro lina league pitcher, will again be team manager and his players Or tuberculosis and the certificate have been going through regular (Continued on page four) practice for the past two weeks. Henry L. Moore, on© of the six new candidates who filed for the primary and election in North Wilkesboro, today announced that he was withdrawing from the race. His statement follows: “For the interests of the new can didates for town comraissionera and mayor I have decided to withdraw my name as^ a candidate for town comralsslontr.’’ His action leave.s |two candi dates for mayor andi ten candi dates for commissioners in the field for voting in the primary to be Iield on Monday, April 17. Mayor R. T. McNl^I and the present board of commissioners composed of S. V. Tdmlinson. T. S. Kenerly. Ralph Dupcan, H. M. Hutchens and Dr. R.;,P. Casey filed and announced candidacy for re-election collectively. The new ticket is dom posed of Ralph R. Reins for mayor, J. B. Caudill. F. P. Blair. Jr.. W. K. Sturdivant, J. B. Carter and Gor don Pinlev for commissioners. One Biillpower Caravan Takes to Road Apple le Trees In Bloom At Present Apple trees situated In the famous Brushy Mountain fruit section of Wilkes county are ex pected to 'be In full bloom by this ! week-end, arid a motor trip through this section will be one more than worthwhile, citizens here state. Plans have been underway for the past few*years to stage an apple blossom feetlval” at . the p height of the apple bloom, but so far no festival has been held. Hlgbways running through the fruit section of the Bmehlefi will ibe found to he in good condition If the weather Is favoral^|^."j Itnnp 'of.ft»1 _ llaiir in~ fh* 'drawer 'Air boK ' article* end it piWent them fimn^tasttiiA Get Big StiD In Traphill Vicinity. Large Steam Outfit Widi Daily Capacity 300 Gal lons Liquor Found J. L. Taleat wagered 58 add ohUdrea* hi 4Ui AHtralla. a dhrtMoe .at Ml WM inqie wyck. HAg hjgfMf ■dloaiobllc' (ajadl iMnnf tit. _ he eaaid take binmelf, hie wife edirtri^ fremmidBa’fe MelbewM, IqJMI werim.. He iad tkaveldd fer'u Sheriff C. T. Doaghton and deputies on Monday afternoon raided one of the largest capacity still outfits found in Wllkee re- cently. The still, which was found In a house near Traphill, was a modern plant for the mannfae- tnre of liquor on a lar|e scale and when- the xfaiieiqunigoB;^ f» on the plant it was running!^'’ capacity and 76 galloas of and corn whiskey had abea^ been made during the day. Coke, ' which makes no smoke, WM 'ha- ing used to fire the steam fniu- ace. ■■■ ^ ; The unique alarm aiwtela rigg ed up over the tmOaiir tw- work,and the pfdofa .mi^ th» nm-est &t one of ^e altegid 'o^ ^ rators, Clarrace PiiHtt. The alarm systeia eoaiidM. of a cow bell, in ■; 'fha.'Hp|i.''ijl tha house. From tlie ik M t» a ‘h)okont 'iM«t ta a ’trea oa the tef - Ur* ridge,, hat the JookoQ(.'maa he4 apparMtiy heam.*' Me -.r,

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