' ^ •«v.=' - tii^U^ALrPATRIOT HAS BLAZED THE TRAIL OF PRQGRI^ IN OF ,'*^5 •*r>V.^»4^W-'.- i-... \r"^ : '■ ' ■ -h ■ iir^ .V- ' Late News Of Itate ■ Nation Told Briefly 14 DIE IN CRAftH ^ Rio T>e Janeiro. Aug. 1^.— « James Harvey Rovers, eminent Yale economist, ani five other Americans were among 14 per- , sons killed today when a Pan American plane on ?»n east coast trip which hevan Miami. Fla., struck a dock crane in Rio De Janeiro harbor. Two passengers were rescued from the twin-en gined baby clipper as it buried its nose on the shore while the other half of the broken plane splash ed into the water. VOL. XXXII. No. 103Published Mondays and Thursdays. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C., MONDAY, AUGl^T 14, 1939$1.60 IN THE STAfjlB-i|C00 OUT OF THE STATlt STRANGE BABY Manila, Aug. 14.- - (Monday 1 — Baby Mary Heart Rafael, born just a week ago wi^h her heart exposed on her che t. died today at a. m. (4:2." p. m.. Siin- .^y E. S. T.i. Th-' infant had SRn in a critical condition be cause of bronchial pneumonia, and doctors had pracM* ally aban doned hope of sav'ng her Hf-'. Since her birth, tb« baby had Court Continues Grind On Heavy Docket For Term Several Sentences Meted Out Durinsr Last Two Days Of First Week Rn?d and pri.son sentences w*'’'o met‘(l out to several de fendant during the last two days of the fir^t week oK the August term of Wilke*; -unerior court in Wilke'S-'.nff'. .T idve Krn”.k Armstrong, of Trov. i.; presiding. Seyifeneo^ hand*^d down Tbur.s- dav and Friday follow: A n. Oilhert. reckless driving. nt>t guilty. ?5*o\var* Xichol.s. assault with d-’-ad’y wrai'on. 12 months road s»-meiice suspeiuU d on payment Sixteen Apples On Only 1 Twig \V. E. Horton, well known citizen of the Perjfuson com munity, today brought to The Journal-Patriot iffice a very unusual freak in the form of Id apples on one twig. lie found the cluster on a tree on his farm. The apples, fH of which were together, wer.' about the size of averaj^e hen eggs and were well de- velope»!. ‘Nudity Show’ Brings Police by Carload been the center of scientific ofi->f)sr and good behavior condi- servation. with medical m^n iin- * decided whether stv* would be j Arrhur Gentle. Betty, Joe and «^le to survive th * rare malfm*- t/iu Itash and Dnlla Brown, keep- iation. « lo 12 1- {^5s:nrii“rlv boU'C, rnon’hs suspended. Kr!!->r A*;hb*v. nj'ernMng car wbib^ iiitoxir.Ued. -ix months sit- sprTrl^-(l on payment .?lo(i fine n''d rest. fct (IriVf within t wo j (.ju y :»r^. |rr:-:iir. .If).' n^irrlu’t;*'. vi'ihition prt>bi-; (Vointy school aiithorilie-; in ‘Mtion l:nv. b*i days at work at 'discussing the prtuf ct said cfourv instituriims and two years wirk is b.^dly needed o»i many Improvements On School Buildings Are Provided For WPA Workers Begin Work ^ On 26 School Buildings ; In Wilkes County i Jones A Visitor In Wilkes County D, E. Jones, rural electriflca- cation specialist of the extension service, was In Wilkes county to day and in company with County Agent Dan Holler visited sever al farms where farmers are us ing electricity to advantage in farm operations. STICK TO NEW DEAL Pittsburgh. .Aug. 12. -— The ^ A'our.g Democratic civbs of .Amer- ! lea went down the line for ■ new deal p’rogram in the I'Mu campaign toihiy in concl'.iding , their three-day bieininl riieetiTr/. The convention ac]''''*f*d rcsol”- j tions urging Presid'-*Mt Roosev*'!’ to “pre?s forward" wiih his j “liberal” objective*: and rncoTi!-; jri.; T-^iii^io-is congresation. four mending nominatinn of ■••ndi- months:. i dates ne.xt year fav-M-ing h' pro-j i^ilidi Joh.js:'n. hi: and run.! gram. A new deal-r. 2 --old 11 wo five years in state prison., Homer Mat Adams. Springfield.' Uosc'Oo Klledge. operating carl 111., was unanim^^nsly elected ^ while irto.\*cated, six months [ president of the ATvu.' DemocraN spemied on payment ?100 fine, for the next two years. j uot to drive in two years. W'orMi Ib'T^ge. violation probi- A school improvement project for 2fi .school buildings in Wilkes coiiniy has begun, (’. M. Crutch field, area supervisor for (he M’f\A. .‘said here today. included iu the work to be done on the buildings will he painting. and making necessary It all sounded pretty awful when Boston police were notified by an Indignant woman that a “shocking** display of nudity was taking place at the Bussell Dorr home. A earful of husky cops sped to the scene to protect the community's morals—and found 11-months-old Bruce Bugbee Dorr taking a son ba'i in his “birthday" suit. The police hastily ruled that Master Brace coaid play in the sun, without clothing, any time he pleases. Mrs. Dorr has her own ideas about neighbors who complain. Improvements For County Property >-ni-nd“l i».t anoTiKU* count. Arli-‘ How^-n. colnr»‘d. disturb er i!ie liuildiug-:. Tln‘ prf'jcct is sponsnr ’fl by t!i'* county, which pays a share of tlu* Recommended Interest In Plans For Northwestern Fair Is Expressed CO.t. I Grand Jury Makes Recom-iGala Event For Northwes- I INVENTOR ('R.-XZY Idtion law. four months on one ^ South N'yack. X, Y.. Aug. ltt.— jrount aT:d 12 months suspended rhe socially prominent wif-- nf a New York invf^ntor was backed to death with a butcher's cleaver, her daughter was brutally a^- nn another. Willie Foster, operatin.g car while intoxicated, four months. Willie .rohnson. violation prn- tacked with a hammer and the iiihirion law. four months and 12 inventor him.self died several j nionths suspended, hours afterward tonight from ra- j Gene Carlton, colored zor slashes. The shambles that spread blood from top to bottom County Wide Mass Meeting Tuesday mendatlons About County Home, Jail, Courthouse Citizens and Patrons To Dis cuss School Matters Tues* day Night at 7:30 assault i Tn response to a call for a county wide mass mect.ng issued Inst week by the Citizens and Pa- tron.s CommitteR of MMlkes conn- wiTh deadly weapon. .ix months. Parks Lovettc ing and entering, thrp^* to five and I'V. a mass meeting will be held of their pretentious home looking rh*' Hudson r^'cr from yt-ars in pri.son ,*;'ispended .the Palisades was attributed bV|j>iapf.ti ,>n probation. County Distric; A^tor- Roby Kilby, forgery checks, larrpnv break-^ courthouse in Wilkesboro ion Tuesday night. August 1">, be- I not Rockland ney ileorg? V. Dorsey to Ralph'oru- to five yuars in prison. Raymor. I. inventor for the, Denver Wood, larceny. Bell Telephonp laboratories iiimiilty. New York c;ry. He recently had j T. B. Brnoksbiro versus Edna visited a doctor for treatment of Brookshire, divorce granted, di-order. ginning at 7:80 oVlock. Tn the call of the mepting i.s- sned by the committee, it was said (bat throughout the county there i*: protest against the way in which the senool system is he- I The grand jury at the present * term nf Wilkes court submitted a cmnprf'hensive report to Judge Frank Armstrong, who i.s presid ing over the term. The report as sul>mitted by J. A. Jones, foreman, contained sev eral recommendations relative to county property and a demand" for a heating system in the court house. The report follows: M’e the grand jury beg to sub mit the following report: Xumher of hills examined, 92; (rue hills. 7S; not true hills, S; continued for lack of evidence, 6; presentments. 0. We vi.sited the T. B. hut and found conditions good, except the] water system and recommend ' tern Part of State Will Open Sept. 12th Features of the Great North- wp.stern Fair to be held here Sep tember 12-1 fi have been planned with a view of attaining a bal ance between educational and In spiration features and entertain ment, J. B. M'illiams, president of the fair, said today. Tn order to mere effectively earry out the main purpose of the fair—the encouragement of ex cellence in products of the farm and home— cash premiums for ex- hihit.s were increased about SO per cent over last year and the biggest increases were made in the df'partments w'here greater j incentive is needed. P'air officials have indicated a nervous .JK-WRURN for carnrr Wa4iin--'on. Am?. 12- -Kf'pr^'- sentativt-» >u*n Rayburn, who as maiori’y f!'- r Icad'T h:»> pilotpcl new d“ul legislation through rho house f'T tbp- y.‘ars. indorsed Vice f’r-->ifl*‘rf ('.arn^'r ^"dav f''*" the 1^1” D':r..n‘r;Ui'- pr-‘*:i'b-nfi:«; nomina'’Ml. TGiybuni aiimviu - his suri."’!*' of bt- (‘-lU'W' T*'xan in a stat'^ru“iit is-uc-;! in r--s:>nr.'e to an ii.'iiiirv The I-or! Worth (TfX t S'.ir Telegram to his stand. "I arn for that (v.ir- .standii.g T- xan -muI liberal Dem- Ocra:. .T.din N. Garru-r. f.M’ Hie presidential r.ondi'uTien HM". _l)elieving that if e*'rPl h* w’ll Hfe.ake 'be c‘nnMy a vr'-ar Gent.” Hv ^'id Albert Minton To Try His Boat Trip Again Next Year! > - O |c(»artr ;that advance Interests in placing itbat .something be done at once. , of th^ fo?r iiiT nppratfd nnd a oordial invi-} ,,,p county home, | ^ . ^p^pn tario], w-is i.ssued . i.Il s^'bool ^ recommend that the wat-! ^ *1' * have been patrons and citizens cf Wilke.s ,ystem be put in at once, and a . P- county (o attend. ’^IxMisnrs nf the meeting said todi y that a large crowd is ex pected to attend the meeting and tha' amplifiers will be installed | Injured His Leg In Accident; Says He Can Go Over the Shoals In Special Boat SABOTAGE TUA(;KDV Reno, N^v.. Aug. FV Alb»Tt ^Tin*f^n. Wilkes youth whn^.v ndvcT^f If’ crackpl up on rbf rocks in YadKin last W'*‘k. said rndav (h.at he bad :’ u:- fer m \v tyjR* of boat and •';ir I'F i’FiU’.d^d to nv'ke the trip ,v h.'f-* t « *be .\tlantic on the V-i’ke-- Giving :iu acciuint of hi- journ- fv 1 wi-ck. Minton said that h“ Irid HU accident at Shoals. X. r.. w-w^ckiiig his boat, losing liis greater than last year and steps f taken to accomodate a much larg- Mil stnnv ticks to bo burnt up for | pxhihitors and ox- thev are full of bed bugs, and the J hibits. plastering m (he moms need.s m- Attention has also been Riven \Vp found 2.0 hoad of rows. 41 providintr adonnato facilities the courthnn.se in order that horses, two for industrial exhibits. who cannot get in two hulls, eight calves well P’or entertainment this year room may hear the Proceed-. fpp management has secured a I We vi'ited the .state prison , rwo-hour hill nf features for the I^-ominent citizens of iho conn-I ^ excellent stage in front of the grandstand Ity will speak at the meeting, nr-! visited the countv, and several headliner attractions cording to inforrna!ion eiven out j„nsan- have been signed, including the : iRiry condition, on account of the j Rexnla Troupe. Paramount jpliiinhing .lystem. We recommend | vue. The M^onder Horse that a new plumbing system Great and heating system be put in at on(e, and also that the windows he properly .«creened as it would hf. impossible to keep it in a I sanitary condition due to the ' present condition. } \yp visited the courthouse and (find that the toilets down in the All In Readiness For School basement is in a very bad con- White Cane Day For Benefit of the Blind Saturday Girls To Sell Canes On The Streets; Project Sponsor ed By Lions Club “White Cane Day*’ for the ben efit of the blind and for charit able work in prevention of blind ness will be observed in North Wilkesboro on Saturday, August 19, Grady Church, named as rep resentative of the Lions club to head the drive, said today. Girls will sell canes on the streets and each person will be asked a price of not le.ss than ten cents for each cane, with the en tire proceeds to be used by tho club in its activities for the bene fit of the blind in Wilkes county. Commenting on the drive, Mr. Church said that he had been in- North Wilkesboro To Be Advertised! Over Station WBT Radio Station WBT To In clude North Wilkesboro In Caravan Series North Wilkesboro’s Advertising Bureau has been corresponding with Radio Station WBT, Char lotte, North Carolina, In regard to having North Wilkesboro In cluded Id their “Carolina Cara van’* series. Last Friday John R. PrevettS^ Vice President of North Wilke** boro*8 Advertising Bureau, re ceived a letter from the WBT Broadcasting Station, stating that they would be only too glad to include North Wilkesboro Is their “Carolina Caravan" series, which is being featured over Sta tion WBT every Friday evening from 8:30 to 9:00 o’clock adver tising some outstanding commun ity in North Carolina. North Wilkesboro, no doubt, will receive nation-wide publicity when this program is broadcast ed. It will mean that millions of people will hear about some of the wonderful advantages that the Town of North Wilkesboro and Wilke.s county have to offer in recreational, commercial and industrial opportunities. This form of advertising will formed that there were many in the county who are in desperate j he a great help in really publiciz- need of glasses but who do not havp funds with which to buy them. He also stated that there are 11 cases in the county who must have operations to prevent blinojiess. He explained that help for blind and prevention of lilindness is one of the leading objectives of Lions clubs and that the club will appreciate all help i n any way in making w’hite cane day a success. Headquarters will be maintain ed during the day at Belk’s store and any pefson not contacted by one of the girls who will be sell ing caiies are asked to see Mr. Church at Belk’s store. 4-H Clubbers In Camp Last Week ing and getting people acquaint ed with North Wilkesboro and Wilkes county. It should result In interesting hundreds of people In this city and county. By the time this program is put on, which will be some lime the latter part of October, if present plans materialize, tho new booklets, “North Wilkesboro Tow'n of Opportunities/’ will be ready for di.strlbiition and one of these booklets will be sent to each inquiry received as a result of this broadcast, giving all the outstanding facts and details as to what we have to offer. North Wilkeshoro^s Advertising Bureau i.s now w’orking out sever al plans to get North Wilkesboro the kind of publicity it deserves. Fruit Growers To Picnic August 22d Forfy-Five From ^VIlkc8^ Make Good Record At j Camp Near Hoffman [ Annual Gatherings Will Be I Held At Brush Mont Or chard On Highway 16 inday. amt»ng Mir-ni being Dr. !(n!inib:il G. Duncan, (‘diicalor and author whr» livc’.s near Wil- kosboro. Roaring River Faculty Listed Re- and Peters. These feature pro vide ample variety in entertain ment. Climaxing each night’s pro gram will he a georgeoiis display nf fireworks. Frank West, with a bigger va riety of shows and rides, will fill the midway. teen persons weri-'' killed and ... , ^ ^ wr-^ck r,f , f'lirpLes and injunnsr a leg. nearly fiO injured in the ^ speeding i^otith'^rn Pacific streamliner, derailed last night as it sppd over a small bridge 20 miles west of Carlin. Nev. A coroner’s jury and railroad offi cials said the tragedy had been caused deliberately. While rescue crews dug into wreckage of the luxurious “City of San Francis co,'* seeking more dead or injur ed, railway investigators said they found definite evidence the tracks had been tampered with. " derailing the train. \Vlu*n he stepped off the train h*-ro Thursday he was walking wi'h a pronounced limp. “1 have learned enough from this experiment to be able to ‘shoo: the shoals'. I have plans for a new type of boat. I will try the same thing nextyear—and make it.*’ To Open Highway 18 Tuesday Night If Weather O. K. TO ‘TR-XFK DOWTs” Washlneton. Aus. IS—With complaint;, of vinlation.s of the fair labor standards act buildini up at a rate of approximately 1 200 per month, waee-hour -Ad- rainietrator Elmer F. Andrews has completed his procram for a drastic “oraclt-dowri" on violators of the 10-month-oid act. it was learned today. Reinforced by a $1,200,000 appropriation, passed during the closing hours of Con gress. .Administrator Andrew.s has given the “go ahead” signal on the decentralization of the earforcement agency, headed by A. L. Fletcher, former North "olina labor commissioner. An drews is building up his staff of inrestigators. Inspectors and at torneys for one of the most dras tic enforcement drives since the beginning of the new deal era. If wpathf’r rondition permit, thf* task of treating highway IS from McGrady to T.aurel Springs will be completed and the road opened for travel by Tuesday night, it was learned today from the highway divi.sion office here. Work has been in progress for the past few days in treating the highway up the mountain from McGrady and over to Laurel Springs. While t h G road is closed through traffic is being detoured by highway 16 into Ashe county and from the New River to Laur el Springs. A temperature of 100 degrees below zero, a lower temperature than any naturally occurring on earth, was recently attained by the duPont company. It will be used as one important factor in the making of synthetic rubber. Opening On Monday August 28tli Faculty list for Roaring River -chool. which will open on August 2S along with the other schools of the Wilkes county sy^iem. was announced today. All is in readines.s for school opening. The faculty list Is headed by C. V. Farmer, principal, who will teach science and history. Thom- a.s R. Litaker will teach math and science and have charce of hoys’ athletics: Miss Chloe Mich ael. engli.sh and french and girls’ athletics: Miss Grace Cock- erham, history and engllsh. The grade teachers are as fol lows: Miss Della Bumgarner, sev enth: Miss Ruth Shatley, sixth: Miss Zelle Harris, fifth: Miss An nie McNeill, fourth; Miss Nilta Sebastian, third and fifth; Miss Eva Kirkman, third Miss Era Oiliiam and Mrs. Minnie ParJue. second; Mrs. Helen Hendren and Mrs. Lena Billings, first; Miss Myrtle Norris, public school mus ic. Miss Beatrice Sebastian will teach Brier Creek uchool, the only other unit in the Roaring River district. dition and we recommend it to be padlocked. We demand a heating system to be installed at once in the courthouse. We visited the county garage and found that the school buses are in good condition with excep tion of tire.s and batteries. We wish to thank His Honor for the very fine and instructive charge to this body and also the * court and all attaches for their kindness and consideration to us. BEST GRASS Walter Pennington, of Ashe county, says the best grass in his pasture is near the no-grade ter races he has constructed around the top of a pasture hill To Complete Stone Surface Of Road A group of 4 5 Wilkes county boys and girl thoroughly enjoyed last week at the 4-H camp nearj Brtishy Mountain Fruit Grow- Hoffman. Mis^ TTarrit-t McGoog-1 ors niinual fif*ld day and picnic an, Wilkes home demonslralioti | will ho hold rui Tuesday. August agent. «aid today. \ 22. at Brush Mont orchard In The happy youngsters wore ac-* Alexander county on Highway 16, companiod in camp by County according to in anTuoiucem'’nt is- .Acrenl Dan Tlolh'r, Assistant A- gent .lesso Giles. Miss McGongan and adult diih leaders from var ious communities. The group the sued today by officials f>f Fruit Glower.'*’ As*:ociation. The day’s pro*jrarn will open at ten o’clock with a special pro- went through the entire week j grain for women and an orchard without accident, sickness or any-j tour for men. After picnic lunch, thirig ele to mar the enjoyment j for which tlie fruit grower.'^ are of the event. famous, a iirogram of especial In- week from Hoping To Have Hard Sur face On Highway 268 Before Winter ■Work of placing crushed stone surface on the new grade of highway 268 between this city Too. we wish to compliment Hon. 1 Roaring River is being car- Avalon E. Hall for his efficient .services at this term of court, on as i y .y and for his diligent efforts to order that the complete surface clear the do kets of our court. We fo”’ u the reports of the justices of the peace had made. been Highway 16 At Moravian Closed Highway 16 between Moravian Falls and the Alexander county line at Kilby’s Gap was closed today for surface treatment. Highway officials at the divis ion office here today predicted that the section of highway would be ready for use by Friday of this week if weather conditions permit satisfactory progress. Meanwhile through traffic la being detoured by way of Lenoir and over other ezlating highways. may be placed on the , ten-mile section of highway before winter. About tw'o more weeks will he needed to complete the task of laying the sand and crushed stone surface. Sand Is being applied to the new grade first in order that- the foundation will be more firmly bonded together. On ,top of the sand the stone, which is crushed at a quarry near the village of Roaring River, is ^ap plied and this must be bonded and conditioned before tho black top, or hard surface, can be ap plied. Nello Teer is contractor on the project and has stated his inten tion to have the road finished be fore cold weather if possible. Black top surface cannot be ap plied during severe winter wea ther. Also at the ramp la^t were 19 boys and girls Davidson county. The morning sessions were ^ spent in course.s in handicraft, ^ including leather and copper: work. .Tohnnle Mae Sebastian w’as 1 judged most adept in leather j work and Paul Ed Church in copper handicraft. Wilkes placed five on the list of eight outstanding campers for the week. They were Beatrice Casstevens, Sam Gray, Clcily Laws, Lizzie Lee Wiles and Dean Hayes. Courses otner than handicraft in which the boys and girls were engaged included swimming, plant identification and nature study, the latter being taught by District Agent O. F. McCrary, of Raleigh. The afternoons and eve nings were devoted to supervised recreation and tournaments In various games. ter^^st to fruit growers will be carfied out. All fruit growers are invited to attend. The full program will be pub lished later. Masons To Gather Here Wednesday Wilkes Man Gets Medical License John Reid Bumgarner, son cf Rev. and Mrs. J. L. A. Bumgar ner, of Millers Creek, has been granted a license to practice med icine. He attended Millers Creek and Wilkesboro high schools and re ceived his medical training at the Richmond, Va., medical college. He is now serving his Internship in a Chattanooga, Tenn., hos pital. Will Be Held At Lodge Hall In This City; Grand Master Coming J. W. Nichols, district deputy grand master, today announced that a district Masonic mt^eting will be held at thf^ hall nf lodge 407 in this city on Wednesday night, August 16. beginning at eight o’clock. Grand Master J. Edward Allen, of Warronton, will he present at the meeting. Mr. NMchols said, and officers of all lodges in the district, together with all Master Masons, are invited and urged to attend the meeting. Rev. Paul Caudill Preaches In City Rev. Paul Caudill, pastor of the First Baptist “church of Au gusta, Ga., preached Sunday night in the union service held at the Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr. Caudill, who is gain ing a wide reputation as a minis ter, Is a former resident of the Hays community, where he was born and reared. • His sermon here Sunday night received much favorable com- zpent. mm *> ’‘1

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