THE JOUKNAL.PJ NORTH N. a ^ L iLiiL ■! i , ... ■aggggr^gssgggg^— ffipOlplM .w j teWMwd hen todftHliy Clwrt«A F. Hlokory foaad la Un=ltoMttl« of L«a - •. WUaoa. tax ooUaetor of Wa- Cwata eoanty aad tSuaer Appa- f5Hrtliall star who has b««n tlaoo Daeotter It. ., . ^ Hio ah»tace> Haiaataa said, ''••aa NoToaihar S and continued ^Vaatn I^cambor I> as Wilson’s ac- ooaats had been ehotdted up to r tha fomer data aad nothin; oth- V than clerical errors had been teaad. Wilson, who Is 24 years old, named tax collector in Au- _ 1938, upon the death of his father, A. D. Wilson, who had •erred In that capacity for a number of years. Preaching Service Rer. J. C. Ldrlngstone will preach at Falrplains Community church on Siinday, January 7, three o*clook. All are Inrited to attend the service. NOTICE I virtue of a power of sale f mn^ined in a Deed of Trust to lecure a sum of money, executed on the 11th day of May 1933, by A. Key and wife, M. J. Key to Chas. G. Gilreath, trustee, for T. E. Gray, and recorded in office of Re^istn of Deeds of Wilkes Coun- in Book 167, Page 169, default Waving been maded in the payment toereof, and demand made upon the undersigned trustee by T. E. Gray that sale be held: The undersigned tristee will on Saturday, Pel^ary 3rd, 19^, ^ two o’clock P. M. at the Court House doOT in Wilkesboro sell to the highest bidder at public mc- tioa, for cash the lands described in said Deed of Trust as follows; Be^nning on a Sourwood, now a stone, and runs North 142 ■^lf| to a Dogwood; thence North 68 i degrees West 100 poles crossing ! Gray’s branch; thence a South- ’ westward course with said branch to R. D. Mathis’ comer; thence East with said Mathis’ line to a Spanish (^k Sapling, Mathis cor ner thence South with said Mathis line to a forked Poplar; theime East to the beginning. Contain ing 99 acres more or less, tor further and fuller description see the record of said Deed of Trust above cited. ^ ^ , This the 29th day of December, CHAS. G. GILKEATH, l-25-4t Trustee. SERVICE OF PUBLICATION •North Cai>lina, iWilkes County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, BEFORE THE CLERK U Mrs. Lizzie Dotson. Admr., of Wiley Dotson, deceased, and in her own right as widow of Wiley Dotson, deceased, —vs— Henry Dotson, Sr., Monroe Vh Wilev Dotson, Pauline Dot- ion. Sam Dotson, Una Triplett and husband, Frank Triplett, Allen Dotson, Vir Adams, Nell Bar nett, Lou lX,hon, Henry Dotson. Etta Dotson, hears at law and next of kin of Wiley Dotson, de ceased. The resnondents, Pauline Dot- son and Wiley Dotson, will take Notice that a Special Proceeding entitled as above has oeen com Dan Herring, young Princeton football hero who lost his left leg as the result of an injury In the Harvard game this fa!!, Is shown in a Princeton, N. J., hospital Just before going home to his family. Checrfnl as always, Don sees a good future ahead for a man with one leg '*who can lake it." The leg was amputated several weeM ago after doctors fought a losing battle to save it. Rock Creek News PoKo Victims In South Carolina Receiving Help The Rock Creek Baptist Sun day school classes gave a nice Christmas program at the church Christmas eve. Mr. and Mrs. Udy Wood spent Christmas week with Mrs. Wood parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brewer, of Bassett, Va. , Mr. J. D. Sebastian, (of Rich mond, Va., visnted his relatives during the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Trlvette and children and Mr. and Mrs. N. Bau- guess spent Christmas eve with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bauguess, of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Sebastian, of Hickory, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sebastian. Mr. and Mrs. George Honey cutt, of High Point, spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Honeycutt’s mother, Mrs. Julia Blackburn. iMr. and Mrs. Bill Sebastian re turned home Friday night after a weeks vacation with relatives. Mr. and .Mrs. Claude Elmore visited Mr. and Mrs. Size Elmore. Hotel Fire Claims At Least 18 Lives Cigarette Tossed Into Gar bage Chute Blame For Minneapolis Fire London.; Jan.' gdttil^ent, antfdpatk^tllb i^'rt of .'^6jreal wariV on. fro^ early In the aprl^’tonight ordered nearly 2,006,'OM more men to be ready to join the fight ing ranks by a royal proclama tion signed by King George VI in privy council. The proclamation, ordering six classes of conaeripts ranging in age from 19 through 28 yean to report for registration, will bring to well over 3,000,000 men the Britons actually under arms or liable to service. ' , The proclamation affects the age classes of 19, 23, 2'4, 2B, 26 and 27 and some who are now 28 years of age. It was the fourth roj^I procla mation calling up men for regis tration under the national servic es (armed forces) act since the crisis period preceding the out break of the war on Boptemher 3. Britain still has far to go be fore general conscription Is reach ed because the national services mm jsot bs(#aea 1> and 41 liable to military s#rlos. i ‘nuHuas.BliBll^ p^anent iwnndaiT of the nilnJatry said ft was beliered that^l •* new classes wonld be’^'called to the colors before the end of . get attirnttoBr^md idi’ ABMlNffilSA'hartNOTKS^ NORTH 6aROL!NA7 WILKES COiONTY. .. J | . Having qdslifled as the ’Admln- istrix of the estate of Mrs. Haitlis C. Glass, deceased, the undersign ed hereby gives notice ttiat all claims amnst said estate must he iresented to tiie nnderslff)^ at -ier residence, Route No. 2rVi|kes- boTO, N. C., on or before the 16th day of December, 1940. Otherwise thto notice will be plead in bar ot their right to recovery. AB^pw- Bons IndebM to said estate will lfkewii»e make immediate settle ment This 16th day of December, 1989- MISS Valeria glass, Administratrix of the estate of Mrs. ILtrtha C. Glass, deceased 2-l-6t (t) ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Elisa Catherine Duncan, deceased, late „„ — of Wilkes county. North Carolina, act makes every male British sub- this is to notify all persons having .. the eitato ot ez^it them to at or in ^nhds the 20th dap of ■ B* ■ 0, Admr.'hd Mrs, RSta CatheHne Danean, deceased ‘ OP SALE OP ’REAL ESTATE Under and by virtne of the pow er of sale contained in a e^tain. Deed of Trust exeented by W, H. Hnrieyi and wife, Da Honey, un der d^ at Jamiary 22, 1980, to the undersigned Trastee, to seenro the payment of the indehtednese therein mentioned, wfaidi Deed of Trust is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Wilkes, Coraty, in Book 178, page 88, end default having been made in the' lyment of saU indebtedness, andj nhand having been made on me: { I will, ’THEREFORE, on Friday, I January! 26, 1940, at the hour m, 10:00 A. M., at the coorthonse door in Willmboro, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, to-{ wit? I A tract of land in Reddies River: Township, Wilkes County; adjoin-, ing the lands of Elmore Kilby on' the North; adjoining the lands of A- B neisan en tha —«;■ iMsda . — Southl I—.. ^ of lea. Hahart MUdsq coctafailng FORTfv mora er laaa. . whayaon tha ''-.-|^ part Eva ThbiC' , „ Book' 180, to irtdeh fefarahiM’ w, made foe a Dor» eompidtir c tioB Oerdof-^to the same' as if aoMad hsadn. nia w 20th day of December, -h 1939. A. H. CASEY, Tnistaa. f.| l-184t. WnilAMS MOTOR CO. SS4-J T. K WlffikiBS, Owner Oldamobile Sales-Scrrice Bear Frame Service a’A Wheel Alignment Genera] Auto Repairiuf Wrecker Service—•BSectric and Acetylene Wriding USED PARTS—For all wuAm and models of ears and trneka Minneapolis. Jan. .7.—A cigar ette tossed down a garbage chute was blamed today for fire that claimed at least 18 lives at the Marlborough apartment hotel in the worst disaster in thi.s city’s history. Only 12 victims had been iden tified as firemen prodded about in the wreckage of the three- story, 4 5-year-old I'Uilding, seek ing the bodies of possible addi- -broke out. known dead, at hospitals. for. It may be true as Bandleader Kuhn charges, that he has 'been framed, but he will have to admit that he doesn’t present an attrac tive picture.—Norfolk Virginian- Pilot. entiuea as ----- -- ----- menced in the .Superior Court oi tional victims Wilkes County. North Caroliim, Cross workers said there Wore the Clerk thereof for the persons in the building purpose of selling all the real es- tote of Wiley Dotson, deceased, ''"p" for the purpose of allotting the these, Widow’s dower in cash to make were -- — assets with which to pay debts and had registered with the Red Cross a partition of the remainder either uninjured or slightly in- among the heirs at law, and next 19 were unaccounted of kin of Wiley Dotson, deceas- _ ed- and the said respondents, Pa\ilrnc Dotson, and Wiley Dotson, will further take Notice that they are required to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County m toe Clourt House in Wilkesboro. North Carolina, within twenty days af ter! the last publication of this Notice, and answer or demur to the Complaint in. said action or the petitioner will apply to the CkiVt for the relief demanded in her Petition. . TTiis the 1st day of .^nuary, C. C. HAYES, CHerk of the Superior Court of /Wilkes County, North Carolina. -l-2&-4t _ _ notice of s.'VLE of land Under and by virtue of the pow er Md authority vest^ m the un- S“'^st executed“to ^ trustee by Mrs. in SToffice of the Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, N. C., default having been nmde m payment of SSs^teTtherein secured, at the iSm^t of the holder of said notes, T*2dlTaeU at public auction to the ^Wdder, for cash, in front '!*^^^ltor Welborn’s Filling Sta- Wilkes County, N. C., on aSunTODAY. FEBRUARY 3, M.,thefol- b, .he ■ hv Zsck Higgins and Ar- on tS^ North by D. the Tug Wheatley 66 acres, more iwm to ~ ^ 2nd day lamuaY* C. JAMBS, TSm*tf^ NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OFi THE POWER AND AUTHORITY, response given _ CONTAINED IN AN ORDER OF Foundation and the Federal Gov- Charleston, S. C.—Victims of an epidemic of Infantile paralysis In South Carolina last suimmer which cost more than $15,000 for treatment and counted 438 cakes are still receiving help. It was revealed here today by .Mayor Henry M. Lockwood that the 175 victims In Cha iiston county have a fighting chance to emerge with a minimum of crip pling after-effects as the result of the recent re-assumption of orthopedic nursing service here. In a letter to national head quarters of the Committee for the ■Celebration of the President’s Birthday, which is now conduct ing Its annual campaign for funds for the National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis he declared that two nurses are working In the Charleston area after a lapse of more than a month. Only by careful supervls ion of victims of this, disease over a period of a year or more can permanent disabling be minimiz ed, according to Mayor Lockwood. 'Miss Margaret Arey, orthope dic nurse brought to Charleston through the cooperation of the Boston Community Health Associ ation last May, was forced to leave on October 2, because funds to continue her employment were not available. She declared that almost 50 per cent of her 175 patients would have some perma nent paralysis unless proper care were administered. Mayor Lockwood appealed at once to Governor Burnet R. May- bank for additional funds, and Miss Margaret Ladd, orthopedic nurse also from Boston, arrived in the city to resume orthoipedic work on November 13. Miss Arey followed on November 20. Both nurses are covering the Charles ton area, and probably will re main until June, 1940. While the present employment of orthopedic nurses is underwrit ten by the State, their original employment was underwritten by the National Foundation for In fantile Paralysis and the Federal Government, Mayor Lockwood pointed out. An appeal to Basil O’Connor, President ot the Na tional Foundation, last May brought a grant of $7,660 to the South Carolina emergency, an amount which was matched by Federal funds. “The people of this county are deeply grateful for the prompt 'by the National ernment,” said Mayor Lockwood. “It is in communities such as ours, struck by an epidemic that reached the proportions of 175 h out of a State total of 438, et als, therein directing a re-sale „ THE SUPERIOR (X)URT OF WILKES COUNTY, in an action entitled; J. G. Adams, Adminis trator of the Estate of D. F. Adams, deceased, v. K. D. Adams, et als, therein directing a of the property described petition in said action.; I will, on Thursday, January 18, 1940, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M., at the courthouse door in ■Wilkesboro, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder, the follow ing described tract oif land: All that certain tract or parcel of land in Newcastle Township, Wilkes County, on which D. F. Adams was living at the time of his death; Bounded on the North by the lands of K. D. Adams; Bounded on the East by the lands of K. D. Adams; Bounded on the South by the lands of J. G. Adams; Bound ed on the West by the lands of R. S. Gray and W. D. Rumple; Con taining 92 acres, more or less, and known as the D. T. Adams Home Place. The bidder at this sale will be required to deposit With the com missioner, or the court. Five (6%) per cent of his bid to be held pend- rng the confirmation of the sale by the court. This the Sud day of January, A, D„ 1940. _ ^ J. G. AT>AjKl, CommlMloner, i-uS*"*’ ihat the work of the Foundation and Its supporting Committee for the Celebration of the President’s Birthday'ls appreciated. “With the example of what was made posetble i n Charleston through these 'funds apparent to every citizen of Charleston, I am certain the present campaign will meet with unprecedented suc cess).” Governor Maybank, who Is State Chairman of the Committee for the Celebration of the Presi dent’s Birthday, also expressed appreciation for the aid rendered the State, and predicted the new campaign would be more success ful than any Infantile Paralysis campaign ever conducted in South Carolina. \ Some are now inclined to think it would not have been such a catastrophe after all if California had gone through with b«r ham./ and egg proposal. Hollywo^ wonld have bad no tronble f nirtilng tiia ham.—Ml eon graph, -f ' A Have You Jmued In With Ihe Hundreds Who Are Renewii^ Their Suhscriptions To The Journal-Patriot The hig drive is on to get every JOURNAL- PATRIOT reader a PAID-IN-ADVANCE SDh- scriher, as required hy the United States Postal Laws. We greatly appreciate the splendid co operation of the many suhscrihers vdio have sent in their renewals. There are yet, how ever, some subscriptions in arrears, & we wHI be most appreciative if every reader wiH see that his subscription is paid m advance. It is the ONE aim of this newspaper to be of service to thb section of North Carolina and to stand for what it believes to be of Uie best mterest of the people it serves. FHE DURNAlrPAmT ‘^Hkes County’s Only Semi-Weeldy Newspsqier” —Pubfished Ill«|days aid Ininda]^ •'.r- t«.-r

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