’ ' ■. ^ -1^ ^ A ^ 5.-'' [derekipmenta and accepted ^rac- In aatety. Harry Tucker of aaor of^hlfh- [■way eBglaearlBf and naUonally known authority on”htKkway uf*r I ety, will preside over the dlscus- Islona. ■' W -■ I Joanna Jones» danshter of |«nd^Mra. Norris Jonee, la Ul k an atUck of flu. ote are glad to loam^ that B. MoOoy baa rooorered an atteak of flu and is able jto be out again. I- ‘ ♦ ^ ^ ProfOt, j^rominent • etoaen of the Qoshen community, a tinslneas risitor in, this city Tuesday. 1 ***“• T* Alexander, wen known Hays community eitlsen, ^ka la this city Tuesday looking after boslneta matters. Mr. H. P. mier, proprietor of the Central Serrlce Station, was a business rlsitor to Charlotte • Yesterday. Mr. A. M. Holbrook. prominent cttiseu of the Absbera- commnnl* ity, was in this city Wednesday looking after business matters. I J^^r. W.M. Church, a well known Tfceldent of Jobs Cabin township, Was a business visitor to this city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brame and , little daughter, Virginia, have iK'&bred Into their attractive new brick home on **F" street. Mr. L D. Anderson has re- tnyned to the city after a few days’ visit in Baltimore with his parents, Mr. and JMrs. Daniel An derson. iMlss Vanie Andersou, his daughter, went with him to Bal timore but remained fur a two weeks’, visit. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Mrs. W. V. Williams, late of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed, whose address is North Wilkes- ^ro, N. C., duly verified, on or bo- fire the 11th day of January, 1941, - or this notice will be plead in bar of their right to recover. All per sons indebted to e^id estate will please make immediate settlement. This nth dsy of January, 1940. J. B. WILLIAMS, Administrator of the estate of Mrs. W. V. Williams, dcc’d. 2-15-(t) iMr. j. T. imn, well known lo cal Ureetook dealer,, left yester day morning tor Colnmbta, S. C.. to purchase livestock for his bus- iaeae here. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Talt return- ed several days ago from a rislt wlHi relatives of Mr. Talt at Wil mington, D e leware, Baltimore, Md., and Norfolk, Va. iMr. and Mrs. Lake Messick and Children have returned to their home at Purlear, after spending the Christmas holidays in Bel Air, Md., with Mrs. Messlck’s father, Mr. A. L. Barnette. Mr. S. Q. Myers, of Lenoir, was here the latter part of the week on a brief visit with his brother, Mr. J. I. Myers, and nephew, Mr. I. M. Myers. Mr. Myers recently recovered from a serious illness. Mr. N. O. Smoak, .of the Forest Furniture Company, Messrs. Jack Quinn,, Ivey and Henry Moore, of the Home Chair company, Messrs. J. R. Hix and A. B. Johnston, of the American Furniture company, Mr. John E. Justice, of the Oak Furniture company, are sttending the furniture exposition in Chica go this week. STORK BRINGS lO-POUND BOY TO WILKES SHERIFF WamphrrT BOGAITT- Ftora ROBSON PMII. KCU.T . NCMirT O-IKIU • LIE PATEICK Diiwctwl by UOYD BACON AWIiniER BROS.-FIrit Natloaal Pklara TODAY FRIDAY ;isvb5s^ OMltLES WINMNGER ARTHUR TREACHER REYE lUKE ^ WnUE FUH6 . oWartaA W / ■ JL so* CaalaiT Faa Ptc»«ra 4,'' , *' MONDAY TUESDAY BrteBlil—wrt enter” Sheriff Claude T. Doughton of this county became the father of a 10-ipound boy Monday and Con gressman R. L. (Farmer Bob) Doughton, chairman of the Ways and Means committee, has grandson. Mrs. Doughton and son are patients of a Winston-Salem hospital and are reported tonight as getting along fine. Sheriff and Mrs. Doughton are the parents of three girls, and the arrival of a son into their home today natur ally was the occasion of many congratulations from their many friends. Plan Safety Course For Truck Drivers Raleigh.—Methods for increas ing safety on the highways will be emphasized at N. C. State Col lege Jan. 17-18 when truck ope rators from every section of the State gather for a short course in safety. Details of the program were announced today by Director Ed ward W. Ruggles of the College Extension Dh i^ ion. The course is open to operators, drivers, safety suipervisors, dispatchers and any one elcj Interested in highway transportation. Registration will occur between 8:30 and 11 a. m. Wednesday, Jan. 17, and the safety school will begin immediately after a short welcoming address by Col. J. W. Harrelson, State College dean of administration. Experts in various phases of highway transportation will lead discussions designed to acquain' truck operators with the latest NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND Sk^KiUed Acdde^ h N.C Traffic Wrack#' Respon«ibla For Daatli# In Nortfi Carolina Charlotte, Jan. 8.—-Highway accidents were responsible for at least six deaths In North Caro lina over the week-end. Joseph Moore, 32, of Balti more, Md., was fatally Injured near Greensboro “when his auto mobile overturned.’ An automobile-truck collision near Iexlngton took the life of Wade D. Beck, 26-year-old tex tile worker. At Winston-Salem an automo bile hit Miss Margaret Carter Hobbs, 49, and killed her. It was Winston-Salem’s first 1940 traf fic fatality. Job Holland, an employe of the Conetone creek project, was kill ed when his automobile was wrecked On the Tarboro-Bethel highway. C. L. Winiams of Matthews wss killed In a coUison of automobiles about six miles from ChaHotte. Two other men were Injured ser iously. Near Albemarle, Jonah Al mond, 35, of Mt Pleasant was killed instantly when struck by a car. Use the advertUing columns of this paper as your shopping guide. Prttj^eu h *» Sta^enC^^# financial con- ditlhQ of Reln»*iird!vaBt Buri al one of the oatgUadlkt Uml -lAninnce ai- soclatlonB in the ’ nalion, Jb pub lished in this hewBtni$er t^y ou page six. The BtApMMnt 1h)WI Bthe as sociation'; to'ihe In edceeedlngly strong finance O0l|tdi^oii, .not withstanding the .fad v^at 226 claimB were-!Nitea(*qi,rS(t :te» I*** year.' Th» Baabetetira^ Aorpltts Increased ^during the^^year by about Add as of DeSnii&Sf—Si Showed a, cash balance 128,941.18. . The net '^d tnemibership in the association was 45,444, rep resenting a big Increase during the year. Dttth benefits' paid by the association totaled 121,2 00 in 1939. The statement as published lists all persons for whom bene fits were paid daring the year, contains detailed financial in formation and carries explanatory paragraphs by the association’s secretary, W. K. Sturdivant. Blind since birth, Uss f.iniaii iHU- lan e( New York saw a Itfetime amidtion realised recently when she was given a specially written part in a new Guild Theater play. ^Xfes World We Make.” standing 84>eclal8 listed for Fri day and Saturday of this week. Merchant Of City Staging Big Sales j Belk’s Department Store start ed their big January Clearance sale today with large numbers of customers visiting the store for the opening day. The store has hundreds and hundreds of bar gains in every department for the thrifty shopper, with many out- Spainhour-Sydnor Department Store started their big January Sale last week and the firm re ports good business, nunareds of people throughout this Bectlon visited the store over the week end and continue to take advan tage of the many values offered both On the main floor and In the basement department. The Goodwill Store’s annual January momlng^The store b9%j,many wortlrwhite des waiting for the thrifty buy-,' er» of this norUiwest j&ecUon of the state. The sale wlU eontlnse Jannaty 19, Paul B. Cra- for 16 days, the management an- nonheae, and many people are es- peeted to buy their winter mop- ’’'diandlM while it to In progress. Tlito to the last weak of the BieBttal 'White Goods Sale at the J, C. Penney company store^be w^tte: goods event started laat Wedc^Mid many people have taken adrantage of the many fine vat- nea offered by the store.- The white goods ereht wU^ ctMne to . an end Saturday. Manager Jim' McCartney states, and those who have pot as yet visited the store are cordially Invited to buy their | needs in white goods before the event end Saturday evening. Nortli WHkMboro flky will resile the half term gan. aaperintendent, sadd today, MM-tem exams -will beglir. eit Wednetdhy. January 17; and cob^, through .Friday lot that weeit^ .9 The schools hare operated smoothly'%iiI offtdently this year and average attendance has been high for the first four months. IP "t EU«rV HowotH Man b Killed In Road Crash Taylorsville, Jan. 9.—Jamea Harold Willet, Jr., 21, Hlddenlte, was instantly killed at 4 o’clock this afternoon at Stony Point while driving home from his work In Statesville. His car failed to make a curve and nm* Into a truck owned and driven by Bill MUstead of Tay lorsville. The truck was crowded off the highway and turned over. The car was demolished. Reeding the ads, gets you more for less money. Try it. POTTED PLANTS CUT FLOWERS FUNERAL DESIGNS —FINLEY PARK— Telephone 398 North Wnkesboro, N. C Start The NEW YEAR Right by MODERNIZING Your Electrical Equipment! Replace your old model electric range with a new modem electric range. We are now of fering our annual liberal trade-in allowance for old electric ranges. If you do not care to trade in your old range, we also have an exchange plan for replacing your old inefficient surface units with the new type high-speed calrod units which will add years to the life of your range and save you money each month! on your cooking bill. January RECONDITIONED r NORTH CAROLINA, WILKES COUNTY By viirtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of iSiist executed to me on the 27th day of April, 1936, by Ida Lue and S. F. Mastin, and the same being unpaid and past due and demand having been made on me by the holders of said note and Deed of Trust, I shall, therefore, on the 13th day of February, 1940, at 12 o’clock noon, sell to the highest bidder for cash at public atution at the Court House door in Wilkes- boro, North Carolina, the follow ing described land: Lying and being in Wilkes County, State aforesaid, in Ed wards Township, and described and defined as follows: Being lots Nos. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 36, 87, and 38, in Sec. A map of the R. L. Hickerson Development, as surveyed and plotted by H. C.. Landon, Surveyor, and recorded in the Register of Deeds office in Wilkes County, State of North Carolina, in Book 123 at page 331. Said land is being sold to satis fy a note and Deed of Trust exe cuted by the above-named parties. This the 11th day of January, 1940. I F. J. McDUFFIE, Trustee. , 2-1-4 (t),| DIRECTIONAL HEAT OVEN Big, roomy oven with top and bottom heat controlled by one switch. Im proves baking and roasting resalts. Duo-Speejl Broiler gives a great new flexibility and better flavor to broiled steaks, chops and fowL We have a few GOOD BARGAINS in used appliances including irons, percolators, hot plates, portable lamps, ranges and Kelvinalors. SMALL CASH PAYMENT BALANCE MONTHLY POWER COMPANY “Electricity Is Cheap—^Use It Adequately” Phone 420 North WilkeshM-o, N. C. Hours 9 A. M. to S P.t M. Used Cars and Trucks Buy At Low January Clearance Sale Prices 1936 Chevrolet 'Truck, Heavy Duty ttOftC SALE PRICE 1937 Chevrolet Truck, Heavy Duty RtOOC SALE PRICE 1937 Ford Stake Pickup V4-Ton BALE PRICE $295 1935 Ford Coach, Smooth V-8 QCk SALE PRICE «PXi7U 1936 Chevrolet Standard Coach, Hard To Beat—SALE PRICE 1936 Dodge Pickup, %-Ton, Eactra 0OA CJ Clean—SALE PRICE 1938 Chevrolet Pic^p,_%-Ton, $435 Like New-^ALE PRICE 1939 Dodge Pickup, %-Ton, Only 3,000 Mfles—SALE PRICE. 1938 Chevrolet Pickup, 3-4-Ton SALE PRICE 1934 Plymouth Sedan—Clean as pin d*0 A r SALE PRICE 1936 Ford Coupe, Spick and Span, ^OQC SALE PRICE 1930 Ford Coupe, Famous A Model OC SALE PRICE V1 OU 1930 Ford Cabriolet, Famous A Model C SALE PRICE — EXIIfA_apttS 1936 Chevrolet Sport Sedan $2^.00 1937 Ford V-8 Sedan $295-00 _ Fjisy, Convenient G.M. A. C. Payment Terms Gaddy Motor CoDipaoy —USED CAR DEPARTMENT— TENTH STREET — NORTH WIUCESBORO, N, C THE HOUSE OF HAZARDS ^ OH, BOY-ALL I mi 10 00 IS RETURN THESE leOTTLES.AN' MOM SAYS I (AN KEEP THE i DEPOSIT ON 'EM... I OONT THINK SHE REALIZES' V MUCH MONEY THERE YOU ARE, »lUlJ0H£S-« AT 3^ DEPOSIT APIEC£,0blkeS1D EAACTIN 364- PLEAiSE. /just OHI OFMIKE ’'^Yourie fellah-bettea/ tryoowmihest»«t ''LmSEE-YE-5 I 6UE96 THIS ON£ Hd 80TTLE ByBIacArdmr fiysw/ L, lU BET MM nor ' ONLY RSMIZEO HOW MUCH MONEY IT AMOQKIED IQ BHTMSOjRIICWrDtMlIIlT , BEFORE I WISHER^