gy - Okr Moon*. Ian. IS-^ iaa ot UttiAy Mottnt |o tha anbanuttorial « “d P)ai^ Umaelt to a laipout i^latfOrm .irMeh Indn^ Vtenka op»aln|r Uchvar di- ‘’^Wton and tha thraa east. 'PVtf wblla na ItM ^ttlva, ’''*^5|lad tl^tha aMMIlDiV. «y^ |M9r'«^ M OOV^MUIkcr W^coaM not,''p«tti^paf;;^ ... . . ..At.., . '«T THB JOtntNi HM S jgiaigg.'iSyitjg Vif I ;■/j'l-.--1-. g ^rATAtJTOBAlfy bai^ attaoked, thm look out.* *' Dr. &a|h«i>ida aUtad .tbat tba TicUm ot thk black cbould oSsau A at onea. bat acUast' tkd'uaa^or ‘^toktr or tnr other form of al^' ^h6r/ aa haa tiean oaUMbfced ^ thU la j^tat tkarwotat poaalbla; !meiUABe' and .ahonld ‘‘ Oraaaly «aa tha fourth Dtmo- ( Crat^.to wtar tha field, v Others J. M. ArotKhtoB, Balaigh at- i toMa^: Ueutenant Goramor W. yf^HarUa. ot Plttshoro; and A. J. . ■aiaaall of Balal^, atate rarenue oemmUatoBar.» BrouKhton paid hla llOS fUlnc fee today. Horton •■d HaxaraU had niad prartously. W«Ra emith ^ ot Ralelah, who hah been mentioned fr^oently as a pi‘olMhle* candidate, Is expect ed to annoanee within the week whether he will run. It Smith, or ahy other person, should decide to ♦pter the raea, the Democratic fWdVould toe the largest In the atlta*s history. The Democratic nomination is ««uiTalent to election. William H. Jordon ot Etfland, a Republi can, said last summer he would seek his party’s designation. Four Terms In Senate (^rely, a farmer and business man who has served four terms la the state Senate, promised an "efficient busineee administration in which 100 cents worth of val ue shall be received for every dol lar spent. Without Qualiflcation, he went on V, >nrd as opposing highway di- venilv-J^the transfer of money from the highway fund to the general fund. “Taxes paid for the construc tion and improvement of high ways, less the necessary cost ot collection, must be used for that purpose only,” his platform said. "If there is a surplus of highway funds over and above those thai can he efficiently used in the construction and maintenance of roads, then we should have a corresponding reduction In the tax on gasoline or license tags.” Raleigh—A death from the tofte of a black widow spider, the tini In eereral years, haa "been report ed to the State Board of Health. The -victim wwr Cerethg C. Clark, one month and twenty-flv».day old Negro baby, of Winston-Sa lem. The infant’s death occurr ed in a Winston-Salem hospital. The clerk In the Vital Statls- tlca Division, where the.certifi cate was received for recording, said the record would show the child died from "an attack by a venomoua insect.’’ ‘•■While the bite of the black widow ^Ider is not necessarily fatal, although it is always pain ful, the Importance of avoiding this venomous Insect Is emphasiz ed by this Negro child’s death,” said Dr. Carl V. Reynolds, State Health Officer. "I have jus,‘. consulted Prof. C. S. Brimley, that nationally-rec ognized entomologist, connected with our State Department of Agriculture, as to how to Identify this iK>l8onous species, and he said; ‘The hlaok widow has long, thiu, black legs and a body that is almost spherical. On its back is a red spot. It lives under rocks and plants, and I reckon that in the average back yajd there are anywhere from 2 to 100. The black widow spins an Barer to* reaorted meat of ^laon.' State CoO^ Ai^is Timely ;Fartii Question—How much Bafbon disulphide should toe used in a com crib to control weevils? Answer—^In a well-built crib, designed -with a view to fumtgatr ion, from ten to twenty pounds per 1,000 square feet Is a com mon dosage. However, in the or dinary crib as much as 50 pounds is used to the 1,000 square feet. It is better to use more of the fumigant than is actually neces sary than to overestimate the tightness of the barn and have to do the job all over again. In us ing the carbon disulphide It is wall to rememiber that gas is very explosive and inflammable and no lights or fire in any form should be allowed near the crib this is being fumigated. Bttl&r DSBSASKD oauBot ^qifed by seed tmtmeat. Qaestion—JtOw Biay beet, toh IBS Krm? Aiwhwr.'-lilir yart 0* «>• BBiiBan»aV he cured on tho ^ Ont tt^'.iueat Iff fire or six-Bouad tthantoi gud ruto With sBlt: PBoK tfae^Btosoes. tn a clean.^-vuihei 'of' harJT woibd.^;; or' aUme '"irara add cover with-u plokle made of one and ono-faalf BOVbISb of salt, one ounce of' sal^totW, one-quuter pound of sugar or syrup, aa^^e gallon of pure vTifer. 'Leave the meat tn this idckle for about two weeks and then lunoke lightly to improve the flavor.,.- If dried beef is desired, hang the meat and al low to dry out well. The rounds are usually dried. wehb and If you do not bother it, it will hide like it is ashamed of itself. But when It thinks it is Question—Is it necessary to treat sweet ipotatoes before plant ing in the hothead? Answer—Seed potatoes should he treated to destroy any surface borne disease organisms that might he present on the potato. A mercuric chloride 1-1000 solu tion (1 ounce to 8 gallons of water) should he used for fifteen minutes before bedding. Do not wash the potatoes. The solution irregular I should be warm or about 100 de grees P for the most effective control of organisms carried on the seed potatoes. Seed AL- h« .gmUMB ihPBld produeo «0t000,0dd and 171,000.009 - pouBtb of leaf in x|40. Jl. T. fBut,”' io eontinued, “praUfnt'; am that tt’iriii BMUi'to market ^ thin mueh -|fc h^jm ^ HMMt thtgi^l^ai^nf^flua jkM. DatjplUa^grbfin,- VTtidncm >1 'Sa M^ntry, and jjtimUfy for ma^mBm'po4ii^iBa.~&n4erlthe: AgrliUtaral gran&, keegi weli vHUiln to* bacco allotiiilnts, and gr^ ty of food for the family aa^ feed for the Itvi^oek. ■. SagfiW Prices Seen For 1940 Leaf Crop The Infant tobaoeo crop, now beginning Its Drst growth Iff plant beds, le expected to find a rough reception when It Anally reaches warehouse Aoors next fall, believes J. B. Hutson, as sistant administrator of the Trlplo-A. ^ Its preceding brother, the 1939 crop, turned out to be the largest On record, totaling 1,100,000,000 pounds of flue-cured leaf. It was larger than 1937’s record crop by one-feurth and la 326,000,000 pounds more than will be used during the current year. This means, Hutson explained, that world stocks will he 325,- 000,000 pounds greater at the beginning of the next marketing season than at the beginning of the past season. "Actually,” Hptson said, "we need less than half a crop of flue- cured tobacco this year. Accord ing to ,our acreage allotments. Pancc At fuhw^'lp^^^^^l^beld — ’d|||^''ten a.'jna^^^n. lTU|i Darj*’ ,1u/ai ndMKWt b com- at* iCMbOia ai Uie hoiM of her seii^ IReJk- ilBmaa^ W^. Mjk* ooaiiNntod tiia Hivtee at the hoidt ot^. Dan^Laai bdrial wu jn IKKES A recent order toy. G. L. Pate of Howland, tor 12,000 hlaefc locust seedlings is indicative of the mounting interest' among Robeson connty growers In ro- forestarion, says Assistant Farm Agent 0. P. Owens. Reading the ads. get yon mart for less maaurt hty & t^ VlQ^eeitfetft^. sad 'Heesta Darnell,'!^ yiuinoyi.?2e(nte and 6. Dameli, ot^Wagon^; Ma mie Itemell, of Lenoir; and An nie Darnell, 6t Auto, W. Va. Mrs. I^ffgie JoioM Claimed iBy Death Mrs. Maggie Jofnes, 46-year-old resident of the Reddies River community, died FVlday and fun eral services was held Sunday at Staley Cemetery near Reddies River. She is survived toy one daugh ter, MMa dies Rtver; WhMtfiiitoa, ahd two fis ^—’~W~ V>fta JoinS, one Mrs. Noah tUieiN ^d MrA Rotoy Btaley, both pi A senniary eg 37 ports ofwnlt demoioe^_ in tto mpeh irpg^ iaa4B ‘ these fai^ in tBe past fo«rv4 years. ■ lk.LS.Cooi^ t —CHmOPBACKHU- Office Next Door To Betaa43tnr^nat. be. -^TUephoBO M-S— OffiM Cbaad Every Tharsday lAfteneea mechanics lien North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under, by virtue of, and purro- ant to the power of sale contain ed in the North Carolina Code P roviding for the sale^of properly for the satisfaction of mechanics liens, being section 2435 and re-j lat^ sections, the undersigned, will offer for sale, _ for the non-1 payment of repaid bill the proper ty herein after described of one Luther Holland. Said sale to be I held on the 22nd day of January,; 1940, at 12 o’clock noon at the| Courthouse door in Wilkesboro, i North Carolina, the following de-| scribed proper^, upon which ai mechanic’s lien of 2174.20 is as-1 seesed, to -wit: one 1931 Ford| Roadster, Motor number A4269- 247. This the third day of January, 1940. YADKIN VALLEY MOTOR CO. By Andrew Kilby. l-16-2t (m) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain Mortgage Deed dated November 25, 1935, executed by L. W. Lunsford and wife, S. A. Luns ford, to H. C. Lunsford, it being recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Wilkes County ml Book 166, page 146; and, the samel having been assigned by H. C. Lunsford. Mortgagee, on the 28^ | day of December, 1938, to E. B.^ Halsey, therein giving, granting and conveying unto the .said E. B.| Halsey, his heirs or assigns, all of| the right, title and interest held by said H. C. Lunsford with full p0W*er and authority to collect the, same under the terms of the iwrt- i gagee; and, default having been mndp in the payment of said note:, I will, THEREFORE, on Mon. j day. February 5, 1940, at the hour, of ten o’clock A. M., at the court-1 house door in Wilkesboro, offer for sale to the highest bidder the fol- low^hg described real estate: I A certain piece or Iract of laud; lying and being in Wilkes County, State aforesaid, in Somers Town-! ship; Lying and being on the wat-l OT of Big Hunting Creek and bounded as follows: ,, beginning on a black oak and i running West 30 chains to a stake; ] South 47 chams and 67 Hnks to a pine; thrace 30 | chSni to a pme; thence North 41 plains and 67 links to the beginn ing; ctmtining 126 acres, more or '*A^oining the lan^ of Jones Henderson, Alvin Mayberry, the Cvnthia Hall lands and othOT, ^is the 3rd day of January, A. D, HALSEY, Assignee, care of R. C. Halsey, p. 0. Box 81, Sparta, N. C. l-»-4t (m) MOTOR CO. T >mJSPHOKB M4-J ; >g* H- Waiinm*. Owner OianmobRe Salea-Scrvice ttar Frame Service and ^ • Wked Alignment 'Ganmral Auto Repairing £3eetric and an makes These Icy, Snowy Roads Cause WRECKS or car. When you are driv ing these winter days you don’t know when you are going to smash a fender wreck your Should you be so un fortunate as to have a wreck, you will find u.s ready to put your car back in first- class running condi tion just as quickly as the job can be done. We employ only EX PERT WORKMEN— use the dependable Bear Frame Outfit And Guarantee Our Work To Give You Entire Satisfaction. M You Will Find our Prices Most Reasonablle, and We Repair All Makes of Cars and Trucks! -^IVE US A TRIAI Day and Night Wrecker Service Good line of USED CARS and TRUCKS— See Us For Bargains Williams Motor Co. ^T. H. WILLIAMS, Prop. Phone 334J North Wilkesboro, N. C. Report Of The Conditim Of The Wilkesboro North Wilkesboro, N. C. At the Close of Business December 30,1939 RESOURCES: Cash on hand and due from Banks 1515,425.43 U. S. Government Securities 188,426.64 State of North Carolina Bonds 51,296.88 State of South Carolina ^ Bonds 25,112.50 | 780,261.45 Other Municipal Bonds Loans.and Discounts Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures . 44,875.00 Other Real Estate other Assets ^ - ?1,993,708.74 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock—Common ... -I Capital Stock—Preferred .— oiao2 Surplus, Profits and Reserves 115,819.86 other Liabilities .29,512.18 Deposits — 1,742,026.70 11,993,708.74 OFFICERS; J. R. HIX, President DIRECTORS: E. M. BLACKBURN RALPH DUNCAN W. D. HALFACRE, Vice-President r FINLEY J R HIX S. V. TOMLINSON, Vice-President ^ jj HALF ACRE JNO. E. JUSTICE, Jr. S. V. TOMLINSON W. W. STAR, Assistant Cashier R- W. GWYN R. W. GWYN, Cashier Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. THE HOUSE OF HAZARDS By Mac Arthur WHAT./ VOU SAY YOU THE ATPC^ f=UtL OF , WANT TO BUY AMOTH6RJ 7HEM.EH? mLWi/RE^ NEW HAT? WHY THE (\ CiOUlO UP THERE MOW/ AMO RNO owe/ ATTIC MUST BE FILLEU WITH HAT& YOU ^couto wear' ''o’O' 'shucks, SHE WIN A6AIN/ I CAN'T Fl.«0 A SINGLE HAT OF HERS.. OH,OH, A UIHLE FIXING AND SHE COULD, WEAR THIS/ CVKITH A BAN^ [sewed on here '* IT WILL BE O.K. SAY. THAT LOOKS SWELL H-M-M- HOT BAD. MOT BAD AT ALL r^— THAT SOUMOeO JUST LIKE 'IDUR^ OOUAPSABLE OPERA HAT P0CS,WHEM IT OPENS UP. '^ER- T-H-A-T-S (what it W-A-S, , AhOeARlj ..•'■'.V'-Y