IS. 1940^ THEi --o- MhMm Tltftor to tills eltjr ^ -B«aS^«r, , ^ B. Bwasonior, ettlaeB « VnkMMto Roato 1 eom- ’*'• fo tiUo city Monday sttcr tHudivMa matten. V 'W ^ ^■■ *4"P* ®* OoftOy M able to be 5***® »ft«' btfBc confined to of Bonda. {; 9(>m» UnproY^eot la noted to- fer eereral days iKMae hare fflaeaa. cjn •®®. Jamee Augnrtus, Jr., jja bom on Snnday. January *V lo Mr. and Mre. J. A. Kirby, reetdents oi the Millers vtbok community nour llvins In AMynsta, Ga. . Dr. B. N. Phillips was advised thla afternoon of the death of his fePOtheMn-law, Mr. J. C. Herman, at HamleL Mr. Herman was dlTision superintendent of the Seaboard Air Line Railway com pany. Dr. Phillips will go to Hamlet tomorrow to attend the funeral service. 4J>MINISTRATRIX'3 notice jllTH CAROLINA, CLO» COUNTY. Haying (padified as the Admin- tetriz of the estate of Mrs. Martha C. Glass, deceased, the undersign- ' hereby gives notice that all I against said estate must be Dted to the undersigned at residence. Route No. 2, Wilkes- iboro, N. C., on or before the 16th ! day of December, 1940. Otherwise ?tna notice will be plead in bar of I their rq^t to recovery. All per sons maehted to said estate will Iflrawibe make Ainmediate settle- l^nsent. Ihia 16th day of December, 1939. MISS VALERIA GLASS, Administzatrbc of the estate of 14 Mrs. Martha C. Glass, deceased i l-l-6t (t) Eller’s Flowers h\ POTTED PLANTS CUT FLOWERS FUNERAL DESIGNS f - I Telephone 398 North Wilkesboro, N. C. —FINLEY PARK— day la the ^pdltion at Mrs. IMph'Dancan, who has been ill at her home on “O'* street. Mr. W. M. R. q^orch, ag^ Pti san of the Adley' oommqnity, > crttioally ill, friends regret .to hbiH, ^kttoriey F. J. iMcDuttle la con fined to his home in Wilkeeboro by Illness. Fitends hope tor an early recovery. Mr. C. M. Crutchfield, area engineer for the WPA was In Boone today looking after official business matters. Mrs. Alice Edglnger has taken a position In the office of Dick’s Service Station. Mrsi Bdlnger Is a sister to Mrs. A. A. Cashlon, of this city. Mr. G. F. Barnett, well known resident of Elk township, was among those here the last of the week looking after business mat ters. Mr. Buren Yates has resigned his position with Goodiwlll Store to accept a position with the Dur ham Life Insurance Company. He will be stationed In North Wilkes boro. Mr. Jack Quinn, now at the fur niture exposition In Chicago as a representative of the Home Chair company, will attend the furni ture show in New York City next week. Mrs. N. S. Forester, Sr., Mrs'. Presley Myers and son, Dudley, left yesterday for Miami, Florida, to spend the remainder of the month with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shoemaker. Mr. L. G. Critcher was able to return to his position as linotype operator with The Journal-Pa triot this afternoon after being confined to his home at Moravian j Falls for a week with Influenza. I Mr. B. G. Gentry and son, Gor- 1 don, Jr., have been ill with at- j tacks of flu. Mr. Gentry was able I to resume his duties today as I manager of the North Wilkesboro branch of the North Carolina I State Elmployment Service. Mr. S. S. Prevette, well known ' citizen of the Union Grove com- I munity, was in this city today , looking after business matters ' and called to renew his subscrip- ■ tion to The Journal-Patriot. He has been a subscriber for the past I 30 years. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holbrook have returned to their home In Wake Korest after a visit with their son, Charlie, who is a stu dent of the state deal and dumb school at Morganton. Charlie has been quite ill and his parents j spent several days with him. Mrs. ' Holbrook is a daughter of Mr. ^ and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, of Wilkes- i boro. Relative OlF Local V People .Dio* At Booneville Holie Yadkla VaUey, Jam 17.—MrA Nancy Jana Brown, 71, wife *ol W. L. Brown, dlad Sunday afUn^- noon at 8: SO o’clock at har bona naar Boonvllla. Mrs. Brown was t>om Ootobar 19, 1868. Sha te survlv^ by .her buaband; six ehUdren, -"deard,' North Wilkesboro; Marahall Brown, Herbert and Jane Brown of BoonvlUe, and Un. Angusto Stallings of BoonvlUe; two hti^ there, Robert and Charlie PliiN due of North WUkedboro; two atsters, Mrs. Fannie Pardue of North Wilkesboro and Mra. Min nie Soots at Midland. She was a member of Liberty Grove Baptist Church. Funeral services were held at the church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Ella Jordan and Rev. Loyd Pardue were In charge of the services. Interment in the church graveyard. January Clearance Of Needed Winter Merchandise lADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR Ladies’ Coats, regular ?9.95 and 810.95 values QC Reduced to One Lot of 82.95 Ladies Dresses— ^'1 QO Reduced to V -1 •2/0 All 86-95 and 87-96 Ladies’ Reduced to All Children’s and Ladies’ 81-00 Sweaters— 7Q/» Reduced to t J/C A Lot of 83-95 Ladies Dresses $2.95 WE HA'VE REDUCED ALL OUR LADIES’ SUEDE .A.ND SUEDE-TRIMMED SHOES all ladies $1.00 HAND BAGS— 7Qc reduced TO i l All Men's Suits Reduced... 25%| One Lot of Ladies’ SILK RAYON PANTIES A J A Special Value—each — I One Lot LADIES UNIFORMS— Each ■ ■ I - "__5PECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY— [If'MEN’S SOX—REGULAR 10c VALUE— :ONLY - V Buster Brown School Tablets Ke^nlsur Sc Values gPORgc Father George SHEETING 5 BROOMS! BROOMS! Saturday Morning 1 Ac Only—^Each imer’s Dept. Store V. - OPPOSITE HOTEL WILKES **** North Wilkesboro, N. C. NOR1 Will Demoti^ilrate ^ ApM ~ ' hemonstratioB .tte floe irorklnF .qoUMm «t vApes vri4Bar Daonm a '’ factof!|f>'rapr^ntothre. In charge. Thw huhlH haa a'ednfial; tnvita- tfon-'to ' - ^ and of the b(. Che ^New Jiipiuie*e ' GoverniM^ N*ined Named Assistant NYA Administrator Administrator Joihn A. Lang today announced the appoint ment of Warren T. Davis, Jr., of Nashville, N. C., State Supervisor of NYA Resident Training cen ters, to be Assistant State Ad ministrator on the State Office staff of the National Youth Ad ministration. Mr. Davis succeeds Mr. Carl G. Thompson, Jr., who resigned Decemiber 31 to accept other employment, Mr. Davis will have general supervision of per sonnel, procedures and public re lations and will represent the Ad ministrator In NYA field actlvl- tios. He took over his new du ties on Tuesday, January 16. 'Tokyo, Jan; 17.—A nisil’ Japan- eaa govem^^nMj^xadeir, Mltatunasair yoMl vraa', tji^Uisd today at the lihpwtal palace. The new'premier declacad that his cabinet, «omdd««d br Jtiouir ^ese and foreign observera alike, to be of stop-gap calibre, would continue generally the foreign policy of his predeccor. General Nobnyukl Abe, emphasizing set tlement of Japanese-American problems with the United States and Great Britain, while seeking friendship with Soviet Russia. The policy declaration was made In an Interview with the Japanese press. 77 TOTA 5 '■ 1^1 I iM ■! - . ^ . Loadon, Jam Oaomtkjwbo. kaa .u iCtl0lf0 lote la.. 8iwo ^ aifr ba jtiY»a.«';TaiBa,,l.a,t^a«o» :8^-ot a third' war, jte waa 4^. ported today, on^hta .JTth day. ‘ Shopld Prime IT Chcttberiala nak, 4 waa a^ Uoyd George might >I>e soa|iht .o«t f^; the. anoftidal xole, of ‘‘elder sUteamaa’* and adrlper, whofc itn. apirlag rewrd la the W^odd .Rite pould help animate tiib eQtuBtq^ war ^effort .agda,, •.. Tbia would bo ezpwted, to be. the case especially If Lloyd George’s old World War crony, WlnaUm Churchill, became prkne minister. , ‘Rie firey little 'ffjeWi^n with the flowing white mttd| aL ready hag seen the Allies in this war by the vietorlaa. Lai won over politicians, generalaf and admirals In conducting the World War. AFT WILL T llth COLN^pil /a®. 18.—Beaplw X OMci’^ wul ha 4bp^pdQClpei'8|)eal^«8 tb» lUb AWMl atatawtde ' StppaliBcaBC ^htaadla UflV dinner to. te ataged: bare H«|idiiy' iU|8^ K., waa) juiheriniead. toaWit. bp Worth D. B^endenua; ' ehalrmaa of the arrahganents emnailttaf. hoT'tbe dinner. s , ' Headaraon sold acceptaaca of the Invltatioa was received from Itw acnator late, this afternoon. elhdinnaa jmld TF»maa ' roOc^.jtbS. ' 'JB,- VaadeniMa*'- of wi '^haen coodden*! aa iCN^ in^u^aa ^tot to a 9lascnt pis ifir.^or 7'' ty la ^ animals baulUMetl^^adBd' coaiityT'.jr^lwliiiAa^dAat Farm Agent Johiyil^ W8ftrta]fe > 't: RAT TAKES HIS SOCK Spokane, Wash.—When Police man W. D. Thompson returned from a fishing trip he figured he was fortunate to have his trous- eis. He was awakened one night by a pack rat. Seizing a 410 gauge shotgun and a flashlight be killed the rat. Investigating, he found the rodent had carried Off his socks. Use the advertising columns of this paper as your shopping guide Williams! Lumber To Install Two Dry Kilns James„P. WHUams, proprletw of James F. Williams Lumber company with plant located near this city on highway 421, has Just purchased two dry kilns to be used in the manufacture of lumber. Mr. Williams states that the kilns are the'best type obtainable and will greatly Improve facilities for turning out finished building materials and other lumber pro ducts. BEWARE, IMFORTANT MtmCE^ (From a small Mississippi Paper) Positively no more baptizing In my pasture. Twice here In the last two months my gates have been left open by Christian peo ple, and 'before I chase my heif ers all over the country again, all the sinners can go to hell. Seventeen New Members Listed Sanford, Jan. 11.—"W. E. Hor ner, president, announced today a list of 17 new members of me North Carolina Press Association. The new memibers: Daily—The Greenville N*yw8- Leader, Greenville. Somi-Weeklles — The Monroe Enquirer, Monroe; the Person County Times, Roxboro; the Greensboro Patriot, Greensboro; the Journal-Patriot, North Wil kesboro. Weeklies—The Pender Chron icle, Burgaw; the Plain Dealer, Hemp; News Journal and Dur ham Messenger, Durham; : the Times, New Bern; Wallace En terprise, Wallace; the Johnston ian Sun, Selma; the Farmvllle Enterprise, FarmvUle; the Mt. Airy Times, Mt. AJry; the Madi son Messenger, Madison; the Stokes Record, Walnut Cove; the Mt. Airy News, Mt. Airy; the Danbury Reporter, Danbury. The association's annual Insti tute will open at the University of North Carolina Thursday, Port 'Stockton, Tex.—^Progress: The first frame house built In Fort Stockon, a landmark since 1906, has been razed—to make room for a filling station. Appreciation Of The Splendid Response To Our CallFor Renewal Subscriptions We greatly appreciate the many renewal subscriptions (and new ones, too), that have been received during our drive to get every suhscriher A PAiD-lN-ADVANCE SUBSCRIB ER as required by the postal laws. There are yet a few who have allowed their subscription to get in arrears. May we have your renewal, too, while our big big sub scription drive is on? Look at the label on the front page of your paper. If it shows your sub scription has expired, your renewal will be greatly appreciated. ‘‘Wilkes Coantjr’s (hJy Semi-Weekly Newspaper*' Published Mondays and Thursdays $>«VI1VO» SU(^, pound 5c Rich flavor Coffee, lb l?c GROUND TO ORDER PRUNES, pound 5c MATCHES, 3 large boxes 10c CHOCOLATE DR0PS,lb. . . . 10c SALTED P-NUTS,lb 10c QUEEN OF THE WEST FLOUR 12 lb. bag ■ ■ 45c 24 lb. bag.. 82c GOLDEN BANTAM, CREAM STYLE MENU CORN '3 cans 25c: CARNATION OR PET MILK 8 small or 4 large cans 28c NAVY BEANS, pound: . 5c CRANBERRY BEANSJ) . ..5c Idaho Baking Potatoes, Mbs... 20c No. 1 Grade Potatoes, 10 lbs... Sweet Potatoes, 10 Dbs 25c MEAT DEPT. PICNIC HAMS, B). 1514c PORK CHOPS, lb. .'...lOc PURE PORK SAUSAGE, lb.. Ik CHEESE “round”, B). FAT BAa, B). 7^c DEXTER BACON,Ib- 1% Nomii wtmEm m

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