SSfi 5«taKht?iB ‘* — liM' h«« today,- * *tx oooapuU. ' ' - • OmU -a Purrte. O^. ^ PriTote f«k OwToll. Mms., 2^ntad to aafti^. tha Much -■BW vahlte rolattMa oTHce ro- IMtBds. rtvy ware'unbhrt. ?Othore In the twtn-engiu6d #i»ft^ First U«{rt«MAt“Rh^md W. ■Binl, of Nashwonk. Minn., the 3>llot; First Lleutowuit-BenJajnln •. HoUoway, Colnflabus, Ohio; ■orgeant Gerald J). Wlfcox. Ben- ■•tt, Iowa, and FHrato Leonard ». Rlloy, Wichita faUs, Texas. The plane craSIBSirtwo miles MHrthmt of RlirersMft on Box brings Hill, only aeren miles naaa dta umy air i»ase destination at 'March field. D. M. Stephenaoa of Riyerslde, only known witness to the crash, nld Carroll landed near him by yarachute and together they ran ta the wreckage. Carroll was Heeding from the nose and mouth hot appeared unlajared other wise. Carroll’s account of the accl- leat, as told by Ste(>henson: “We were Hying high—about •i®W) feet, I guess—when the mo- ters missed and the ship went lato a spin, and we were all or dered out of the plane. “Something apparently was wrong with the emergency door, and only two of us were able to set out. The ship %vns .spinning, •nd there was nothing we could do to stop it. “1 landed in Pigeon Pass, near the Purris came ("own on Blue Mountain, some distance | away.’’ Stephenson said the plane nosed into the earth but did not hnrn. SUBfMIT, Jan. 22.—Rev. Hen- polntment at Yellow Hill Baptist church Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Martha Mlkeal spent Sun day In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mae Woodle. iMr. Clint Chnrch was a visitor la the home of Mr. Lonls Spears Sunday afternoon. Mr. Pressley Church spent a short while in the home of hla 'Ji other, Mr. Coy Church, Sun day. We are sorry to say that Mrs. Yea Blankenship is very sick at this writing. Mrs. Nancy Mikeal and daugh ter, Mae, and Mrs. Martha Mikeal spent Wednesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church. Among the guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amdol Keys Sun day were Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Church, Mrs. Vergie Mikeal and daughter, Dellamae, Mrs. Martha Mikeal, Mrs. Fannie Fletcher and children, Mrs. Iieah Church and niece, Helen ChurCh, Mrs. Mae Woodle, Miss Hettie Church, and Mr. and Mrs. Dempsy Church. Mrs. Winnie Keys, who has ■been sick for some time is not mprovlng very well. Messrs. Noah Beshears and Clint Church were visitors in the home of Mr. L. E. Woodie, Sun day. Mrs. Zora Haldoway and son Turner, who has been spending a friw days in the home of Mrs. Fannie Fletcher is now visiting relatives in Ashe county. Mr. Silas Church spent Sunday night with Mr. Churoii. Mr. Dick Waters spent a .“hort while with Mr. Lee J. Church, Thursday. We are glad to learn that Miss Ignorance about nature and farm life, which has caused so many guffaws at cKyites, is sometimes nearly equalled by their Illiteracy In ibooklsh mat ters. We "old country folks’’ In the "sticks’’ are not alone In our lack of any chronological knowl edge of history. There was the young woman from a West Vir ginia town, who not only looked on top of the mountain for the creek and old swimming hole, but asked If her great-great-grand- mother were not a daughter of President Benjamin Harrison. Now, President Benjamin Har rison, as we in the corn rows re call, was born In 1833, same year as the girl’s Confederate-sol dier-grandfather, and was obvi ously not the great-great-great- grandfather of a 31-year-old young woman. Then there was her sister who, albeit as old as Christ when He was crucified, married, and the mother of two little girls, asked. Doesn’t a cow give milk without finding a calf?’’ The meek little man was walk ing back from the funeral of his big and mast-rful wife. Suddenly A dislodged slate vriiirled down and landed with a resounding crack on hi.s head. “Gosh,” he mur mured, lookiiig up. “Sarah must Lave reached Heaven already.” Xovideen Waters, who has been sick for the past weak, Is much better now. Mr. Johnson Church spent Fri day night with Mr.s James Mi keal. Mr. Mae Woodie visited his But, apparently, they do. Twen ty years ago, old man Jake Staley, who lived at Dellaplane, had a little heifer IS months or 2 years old, that, Mr. Staley claimed, gave between a quart and a half gallon of milk, without all the ^ bother of calving. Very naturally he obtained this calf at the old Tilley Place. And, more recently, Mrs. R. L. Johnson has had a little heifer that gave a similar amount of milk without freshen ing. Lenoir, Jan. 22.- promlnent Lenoir -V .B. Gnire, manufacturer ROAIUNO StVBB: Jan. 24.—Hn.' Btaley was quite sick the past Sonday,, Miss Clyde Harris says that she. has been asked to announce to political leader, has annoyne- Wllkee friends that her cousin, I ed that he will not be a candidate Miss Viola Johnston, Pocahontas,; for Congress from the Ninth con- Va., is being married In this month to Mehin Miller, also of NOTICE OF SALE OF son, Mr. Kay Woodie, of county, Sunday. Ashe Dies’ Group Gets New Life For Year REAL ESTATE North Carolina, ■Wilkes County. - - - gY VTRTUE of the powers con tained in a certain dc^ of trust executed by Lester Queen and wife, Annabelle Queen, to the un dersigned trustee, on the 20th day of October, 1938, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of 'Wilkes County in Book 184, | ance. The page 292, said de^ of trust being Democrats to secure a note of even date therein executed, and default hav ing been made in the payment of same, I will, on Monday, February 19, 1940, at one o'clock, P. M., at the courthouse door in the town of Wilkesboro, North Carolina, offer fbr sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of land, to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake on the ^ South side of J. Street, 50 feet tension some Eastwardly from the South Cor- their position Washington, Jan. 2S.—^The Dies committee was given another year today to investigate un-American activities. After two hours of loud and some times angry debate, the House voted 345 to 21 for continu- opponents were 20 an^ Representative Marcantonio (AL), N. Y. All the Republicans who voted—and most of them did—^were for it. The committee was organized in 1938 and extended in 1939. The vote continues it until the end of the present Congress—January 3, 1941. The Democrats who opposed ex- of whom stated . vigorously—^were: Ber of*J. sWet and”*4th'Street,^nd Bradley, Dunn and McGranery of running South 27 degrees East Pennsylvania; Thomas F. Ford, parallel with 4th Street, 140 de- Geyer, Havenner and Izac of Cali- grees to an alley; ttence n^ing f^mia; Coffee and Wallgren of Washington; Froes, Keller, Me- \JX alley: 50 feet to a stake; North 62 degrees and 33 minutes North 27 degrees and 27 minutes Illinois; Hook and Tenerowicz of West parallel with 4th Street, 140 Michigan: O’Day of New York; feet to J. Street; thence South 62 Pierce of Oregon; Shannon of Mis- degrees and 33 minutes West, souri and Schulte of Indiana, along the South side of J. Street, A female lecturer said: “Since 60 feet to the beginning, 7000 STm adopted rrogdon’s Map of the Town of street car accidents have decreas- (Torth Wilkesboro, N. C. ed 50 per cent.” And a male voice •niis the 15th day of January, in the back row called out, “Why S40. ' not cut out street car accidents al- j^LIE HAYES, I together?” Si TOHN R. JONES, . Attorney mg? asked the passenger. 2.i5_5t l “Fare,” replied the conductor. No one knows less about the movies than I. No one read "Gone With The Wind” with more dili gence or rapture, though I read it in 1938 Instead of 1936. In the small illustrations accompanying articles about Selznick’s picture, in The Ladies Home Journal, Red Book, and other magazines, Olivia de Haviland and Leslie Howard look Just as one would Imagine Melanie and Ashley Wilkes. But, after the years of search and expedlture of many small fortunes, Vivian Leigh seems to look like a girl of the period indeed, "pretty, gentle, and witty as any girl ever seen,’’ (to borrow from an antebellum song-hit “Our Girls” in Grand ma’s music album), but not very much like Scarlett of the vim, verve, and bewitching bedevil ment, who shattered a vase and captured Rhett. We don’t know anyone who loked like Scarlett, however, unless Bette Davis might a little in “Jezbel” or “Jaurez"—and one does not fan cy green-eyed Scarlett O’Hara wa.s pop-eyed like “The Old Maid” and Queen Elizabeth. (Our only ex-fiance says pop-eyed peo ple like Bette haven’t much sense. He and all his family are slightly pop-eyed.) And Clark Gable, w'iiom I. like everyone else, tlioiight looked jn.'t like Rhett Butler, must have been as fright ened as he says in "1 Was Afraid of Rhett Butler” (Woman’s Home Companion), for lie doesn’t look like Rhett; he doesn’t even look like himself. From the photo graphs he appeal^ to make Rhett a loutish roustabout. Oh well, in the real pictuie, no doubt Scarlett, Rhett, and even .\unt Pittypat. are all perfect. 1 % Penalty On 1939 County Taxes If Payment Is Not Made On Or Before February 1st, 1940 Some critics have said “Goiie With the Wind” was just as sen timental, romantic a picture of the old south as ’Thomas Nelson Page or anyone else ever limned: the only thing that gave it real ism was that both the leading characters were complete scoun drels. That is just what they are not. Crafty, hard, and even mer cenary as Scarlett is, the reader never loses sympathy with her Pocahontas. The 'bride is a gradu ate of the Pocahontae high sohool and a daughter of Mr. Otho John ston, formerly of this commun ity. Mrs. Oomelia Johnson recently visited her youngest son, Mr. C. Ftank Johnson, at Roaring Hirer. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvle Johnson, of Roaring Riv er, have been U1 with eevere colds or flu. Their grandmother, Mrs. Lula Davis, visited them Sunday. Mrs. W. G. Benton killed some hogs last Thursday. Lonnie Sale, colored. Is said to ■be Improving a little from snake bites and having flesh ciit from his leg in the early fall. Little news has been heard from Rev. N. T. Jarvis. He was said to be about the same Sun day. Two weeks ago he seemed to improve slightly, but was not as well later. Mansfield Parks, colored, and nearly all his family have been ill with severe colds and neuralgic pain, but are convalescing. The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Greene Brown has 'been sick. Relatives and friends in Wilkes received announcements of the marriage of Miss Helen Fh-ances Hanes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ollie Hanes, In Winston- Salem, January 12. Mrs. Hanes, mother of the bride, is a native of this vicinity, being the former Miss Maggie Chambers. If it is any colder In. Finland, with the mercury 51 degrees 'be low zero, than It is here, it Is hard to see how anyone lives bombed, or unbombed. iMlss Clyde Harris recently re covered from flu. She could not be up for about a week. It la recalled by older residents that John Woodruff, who died recently in Tennessee, was once, In early youth, employed as a clerk In the store of Capt. John A Cooper at Dellaplane. Several men, afterwards more or less prominent, began their careers as clerks working with Capt. Coop er, or his successor, Mr. Brown, in the old store building at Del laplane. Among them, besides Mr. Woodruff, were Dr. J. Everett Martin: Frank Parks: W. J. Kin- youn, who later figured as a teacher and railway engineer; and H. E. Parks, the last one haring worked for Mr. Brown. All are now deceased, except H. B. Parks, who retired last summer a.s rural letter carrier. Considerable colds and flu fol lowed in the wake of the recent excessive cold. The late David Mastin, an uncle of ye scribe, used to say, “People take cold from getting too hot, not too cold.” An uncle-in-law, Stokes Lane, said. “It’s from getting too devilish cold.” Uncle Lane was right. greselonal district, which will be vacated by Oongreeaman R. L. Doaghton af’er 30 consecutive' yean of service. Mr. Guire has 'been strongly urged to maJee the race liy lead ers in the county and district, but declined after expressing appreci ation for the offers of support. “I want to attempt, at least In some measure," Mr. Quire said, “to express my deep gratitude to the people of (Jaldwell county es pecially, and to all others in the Ninth Congressional district who have so generously offered their support If I should bucome a can didate for Congress to succeed Mr. Doughton. "The unanimity with which all the people of my county have In sisted on my becoming a candi date and their assurance of their activity over the district in the event of my candidacy, has touch ed my heart as nothing has ever before. It is my hope and ■prayer that I may so live that none will ever regret their offer of their services to me In this connection. "After giving the matter seri ous consideration and tirylng to weigh every phase of the con templated undertaking, ■ I have come to the definite conclusion that it would be unwise for me, at my age and condition of health, to become a candidate; so I, therefore, reluctantly take this opportunity to Inform my friends of this decision.” «dl» wUeb ahiefed hiai itg jcmI* dent today to tegn ia tliat body to raise Poland "from the mins.” The slender plaaiet^e hands which won Paderewski world fana but have not touched a keyboasd since Germany invaded Poland bmshed aeide the cobwebs of #0 years’ pcditical retirement to take the president’s gavel of the nation al coiindL “I do not know,” the white-hair ed musician said as tears stream ed down the faces of the delegates in the grand ballroom of the Pol ish embassy, “if God will let me take part much longer in the work of the national eonndl.” Although he had to be helped as adaUHtM^ tor of iSa ' eatato of Hi*. 'W. T. \nniaiaa, lata of AtmBUa N. C., this ia to notify aBi bavhig claims acainst saM . to preawit them to the «mdendg>- ed, vAoee addreea is Nosth WQkea- boio, N. C„ doty verified* on orha* fire tbe 11th day of Jamutm. 1941, or ^ aetida ba |flead m to of tiiair right to recovw. AH pHS aona indebted to said estate wHl pleaaa makt lauaediate eeMetsent This 11th day of January. 1940. J. B. WILLIAHS, Administrator of the estate of Mrs. W. V. Williems, dee’d- 2-lMt) ADMINISTBATOR’S NOTKIB Having qualified as administra tor of the eetate of Robert Adaiw^ late of Wilkes connty, N. C., this ia to notify aO persons having claims to Ws fe^Va BecreS;ry7PadWe-l*^„the «aM to ms leet oy a semet^ undewipod. whose wsld’s voice gained *t«n8rth and'^^jj^ ^esboro, N. rose almoat to a shout as he cried: q ^ verified, on or before the “Poland is immortal. We will de- i iiith day of January, 1941, or this liver her from captivity and 'will * notice will be plead in bar of their raise her from the mins. We take this engagrement before God I” The one-time premier of Poland declared the creation of a powerful army was the government’s first aim and appealed for unity in in ternal matters to concentrate on rignt to recover. AU persoos in dited to said estate will please make immediate settlement. 'This 17th day of January, 1940. JOHNSON SANDERS, Administrator of the estate of Robert Adams, dec’d. 2-22-4t (t) Notice This is to notify all property owners and others in North Wilkesboro town ship required by law to list property or poll for taxation that “What do you do?” “I keep house, semb, scour, bake, wash dishes, cook, do the laundry. iron, sew." And the census taker listed her: “Housewife—^no occupation.” SERVICE OF PUBLICA’TION North Carolina, Wilkes Connty, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, BEFORE THE CLERK Mrs. Lizzie Dotson, Admr., of Wiley Dotson, deceased, and _ in her own right as widow of Wiley Dotson, deceased, "Maggie,” said Angus to his wife, “here is a ticket for tonight’s conjuring show, and when the con jurer comes to that part where he takes a teaspoon of flour and one egg and makes 20 omelettes, watch verra, verra close.” Pay Your 1939 Taxe* Now And Save TTii* 1% Penalty. T. Doughton, SHERIFF OF WILKES COUNTY NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT SERVICE BY PUBLICA'nON North Carolina, Wilkes County Wilkes County V8. Va.-Car. Mica Co., Inc. The defendant above-named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing a tax cer tificate and sale of land, and the said defendant will further take notice that it is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes Connty within SO days from this date and answer the said complaint as re quired by law or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief I demanded in said complaint. C. C. HAYra, Clerk of the Snperlor Court 4 .This the 16th d»y. ,flf JwMiary, ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of C. R. Triplett, ! late of 'Wilkes county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the nndersimed, whose address is North Wukes- boro, N. C., duly verified, on or be- Saturday, January 27, will bo the last day for listing. List now and avoid the rush and penalty pr^ scribed by law for failure to list. fore the 17th day of January, 1941, or this notice will be plead in bar of their right to recover. All persons indebted to smd estate wiU please make imimediatc settle- ®ent. . This 17th day of January, 1940. JOHNSON SANDERS, Administrator of the estate of C, R. Triplett, dec’d. 2-22-4t (t) T. H. SETTLE, List Taker for North Wilkesboro Township Henry Dotson, Sr., Monroe Dot- son, Wilev Dotson, Pauline Dot- son, Sam Dotson, Una Triplett and husband, Frank Triplett, Allen Dotson, Virgil Adams, Nell Bar nett, Lou Dotson, Henry Dotson, Etta Dotson, hears at law Md next of kin of^^^ey Dotson, de- The respondents, Pauline Dot- son, and 'Wiley Dotson, will take Notice that a Special Proceeding entitled as above has been con^ menced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North OaKrfiM, brfore the Clerk thereof for the purpose of selling all the real es tate of Wiley Dotson, deceased, for the purpose of allotting we Widow’s dower in cash to make assets with which to pay debts and a partition of the remamder among the heirs at law, and next of kin of Wiley Dotson, deceas ed; and the said respondents, Pauline Dotson, and Wiley Dotson; These Icy, Snowy Roads Cause WRECKS When you are driv ing these winter days you don’t know when you are going to smash a fender or wreck your car. Should you he so un fortunate as to have a wreck, you will find us ready to put your car back in first- class running condi tion just as 4uickly as the job can be done. We employ only EX PERT WORKMEN— use the dependable will further take Notice that the^ are reqnir^ to appear at the o: fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Connty in toe Court House in Wilkesboro, Norto Carolina, within twenty d^ m- ter the last publication of tto Notice, and answer or demur to t^ C^plaint in said action or the petitioner wm apply to tto (3ourt for the relief demanded to her said Petition. This the 1st day of January, 1940. O, Clerk of - Wnkea C' l-t64k Bear Frame Outfit And Guarantee Our Work To Give You Entire Satisfaction. You Will Find our Prices Most Reasonablle, and We Repair All Makes of Csu^ and Trucks! IIVE US A TRIAL Day and Night Wrecker Service Good line of USED CARS and TRUCKS— See Us For Bargains Williams Motor Co. 1 1