Sod«] Calendar Tta« Wflkf« Vall^ GNuudB ikapter of th« U. B a wiU moet MoncUy onenMMi^ « •^cloek at the home of Mr*. C. B. JenkluH, Sr. The JniUor Womaa’a dob of North Wilkesboro wiU meet Moadajr aftemooe at 4 o’clock •t the home of Mrs. R. C. F^m- »»tt on Ntnth Street with Mrs. C. M. Cmtchfield as co-hoetees. imiior Division of Music lever’s Club Holds Meeting The Junior division of the linsic Lover’s ciub held lu Jan uary meeting at the home of Jimmy Hethcock with Dicky Sloop as assistant host. Gordon Kfeiins presided for the regular httsinses period, after which an interesting program was given. Dicky Sloop gave a sketch of Ihe life of Victor Herbert and a number of the other children, Betty Somers. Frances Gllreath, Jinamy Helhcock, Jane Carter. Jane Cragan, Anne Cragan, and Billie Moore, either played piano aolos or gave articles about mus- fc. The meeting was largely at tended and during the social hour the hoaU served delightful re freshments. Two new members, Betty Blackburn and Lewis Sikes, were weloomed into the club. To close the meeting the group join ed in singing the club song, led by the Counsellor, Miss Ellen Robinson. this lor foorCNQ « dM rat* of aboot oo* car «vary ait^aav*a.aaooQdai A little muhipUcfUiOD, taking account of tb* aigbt- hour day and tba duration ol p*ft yaarly liKturing period^ sbowa that -Qacirta MaralirtB baa operated aa average of 439 caruuadb vrarib, ing day, or a total of aometiuiig likt I,ll0j000 eariK, ask for MENTHO-MUlSION IF IT FAIIS TO STOP YOURv COUGH DUE TO COLDS ASK FOR YOUR MONEY BAC For Sale By HORTON’S CUT-RATE DRUG STORE Demonstration Club Meeting At Ronda The members of the Ronda Home Demonstration club met on January 29th, with eleven present. The program was open ed 'by Mrs. F. T. Moore, vice pres ident. in the absence of Mrs. Everette Dobbins, president. Outlook for 194 0 was topic for the month. Showing of charts was demonstrated by Miss Har riet McGoogan and a report on achievement day was given. The roll w'as called and minute.s wore read by Mrs. Richard Martin, sec retary and trea.surer. Report on county council meeting on Jan uary 20th, was made by Mr.s. F. T. Moore. For recreation the songs “HaiTv" and "After the Ball" were sung. Those taking part in the .MIC contest were: Mrs. Hobson, Mrs. K. A. Biirchette. Mrs. Ralph Martin. Mr.s. ii. A. Fardue. .Mrs. F. T. .Moore. .Mrs. Richard Mar tin. Mrs. Krnesi Edwards. Mrs. J. T. .Martin. .Mrs. Warren Bentley, Mrs. O. D. Bentiey, Mrs. C. G. Tharpe, Vivian Blackburn, and Mrs. Rill Davis, from Elkin. f.VllI) OF '•'HA.NKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and assistance during the illness and death of our dear aunt and sister. .Mrs. Laura Greer Hester: also for the 'beau tiful flowers. MRS. O. If. GREER FAMILY. 2i% Penalty On 1939 County Taxes If Payment Is Not Made On Or Before March 1st, 1940 Pay Your 1939 Taxes Now And Save This 2% Penalty. C. T. Doughton, SHERIFF OF WILKES COUNTY cm We Always Appreciate Your Patronage WHEN YOU HAVE SOME THING TO SHIP FROM NORTH WILKESBORO TO STATESVILLB and POINTS ^YOND, JUST PHONE US. WE WILL CALL PROMPT- LY. V North Wilkesboro and Statesville Express Co. 74 ^ Sam Cathion, ManaSer N«tk Wllheeh^Ti^l bina at RoaHng tUv^TTaata y.'tram' PatamiSargi Ta, ’Jaapary :'f Vf. David to hta homa on Ronda 9 from Florida,-Jaiinary Mr. George Sparin, of Roaring River route S, yao in North Wll- kaaboro looking after tmsinoM matters, Saturday. Mrs. Nadine Hemrle is con fined to her room at her home in Roaring River with a badly Injured leg. iMlss Virginia Mathis, of Trap- hill, spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Da reus Math is, at Roaring River. Rev. N. T. Jarvis’ condition remains quite serious, his friends regret to learn. Mr. Jarvis has been confined to bis home on Roaring River Route 2 for a month. Mrs. Noah Jarvis visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ranee Sta^ fe-. piflg^t^* .Jan, MkDTf ;. tlin'CiaA^jBir^dim Chearte aoopa«3^i«^ today. PafaNgv4ba '■V m campaay*a only truck dilvar, maa^^ dismlas^ Saturday, Ut* eoanany said, baeiHise ^'chaogea In dto- tribution methods. ^ pittibMakad , . a lone picket Una,' wbldi 113 ^ other employes refused to eroas. MOTOR CO. TBl^PHONB, 3S4-J T. H. yraOams, Owner Oldsmobile S*lea-S«wien Bear Fnme Service and Wheel Alignment General Auto Repniring Wrecker Service—Beetrie and Acetylene Welding USED PARTS—For all make* and modete 9t ears and tracks GOP Leaders Plan Meetinf State Chairman Jake F. New ell has called a meeting i;f the North Carolina Republican execu tive committee in the King Cot ton hotel in Greensboro February 12 at 2 p. m. The meeting will precede the Lincoln day dinner that e''pning, which, according to Worth D. Henderson, chaiirmaii of the com mittee on arrangements, is ex pected to draw from to 2.Odd to liear Senator Roljcrt A. Taft. Since Republican cuiul’dates are to be selected by primary this year and the state convention will come after the final filing date, the meeting of the executive committee is of unusual import ance. Tlie executive committee is ex pected to make a check on prob able candidates, those who have tiled and those who are consider ing filing. In places where candidates are not planning to file, the commit tee will seek to get good men to make the race. W.H. Cooper Attends Philco Refrigerator Show I n Charlotte New achievements in home re frigeration, air conditioning and automobile radio were reported yesterday by W. H. Cooper, local Philco Dealer, who has just re turned from Philco’s mid-winter sales convention at Charlotte, where he witnessed the world’s prem'iere of I’hilco’s latest scien tific advances in these three fields. "New capital investments for new products revitalize the busi ness life of the nation with em ployment and tlie increased flow of wages throiigli tiie channels of business. Philco’s contribution to American industry and to the highest standard of American life forecasts a hoaltliy spurt in ibusi- nes.s throughout l h e United States. I look to 1940, not mere ly as the dawn of a new decade, but as the year of stabilization for America’s economic life.’’ "Philco has raised the stand ard of quality of its new refrige rator beyond all expectations,” Mr. Cooper, stated in reviewing what he saw at the convention. "An entirely new refrigerator, designed for 'beauty and utmost utility, and featuring sensational .scientific improvements, is Phil co’s contribution to the health and comfort of the American pub lic. For the first time in my long experience, I saw a refrigerator that is completely departmentaliz ed with a moist cold compart ment, a frozen food box, a dry cold chamber, a special meat stor age d.rawer, a freezing cold com partment, the famous conserva- dor which gives twenty-six per cent more usable space, a refrige rated freshener shelf, and re serve storage bin. And to top all that, the price is low enough to widen the consumer group more than ever before. “Announcement of the new short wave auto radio with which you can get foreign stations right in your own car caused quite a sensation at the meeting. For the first time In the history of the radio industry, a car radio has been designed which gives you the same reception as you get at home—regnlar broadcast and foreign and domestic short wave progrsuns. TTiis Innovation adds to Phdico’s unbroken record as pioneer of every Important ra dio Innovation for ten straight years. "With the lower prices and portable features of Philco’s new air conditioning line for home and office, the public should show the keenest interest in this new derice for year-rodnd health and comfort. Rounding out the dis play of Philco’s innovations were several beautiful additions to the table model radio line and a num ber of attractive additions to the Philco family of radio phono graph modele. “It is unprecedented that one organization should give the world at one tiime a series of im portant forward steps in three fields as different as home re frigeration, air conditioning and radio. The most extensive adver tising campaign in Philco’s hls- /lory, with newspapers receiving j the major share of the schedule, I will launch these new achieve ments in the United States and Canada.’’ COIT hTjo^nes HEADS C. OF C. :\anieti i'i-e.sioeni Of tiastoma Organization; I>r. W. P. Jacobs Speaks Gastonia, Jan. 30.—An address by Dr. W. P. Jacobs, president of Presbyterian college at Clinton, S. C., and the election of Coit H. Jones as president, featured the annual meeting of the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce here to night. ■Complimenting Gastonia and the piedmont section on the bless ings of spiritual soundness, com fortable climate and mutual un derstanding, Dr. Jacobs on the other hand pointed a warning finger at the South because of a tendency to ignore an agricultural problem created by using more cotton than we produce, because too much local capital is invested abroad, because the Souih makes no effort to keep for itself a youth seeking greater fields of endeavor. Speaking more generally. Dr. Jacobs warned against the dang ers of teaching youth to expect security as a gift, the dangers of industrial misunderstanding, and the peril of a nation living be yond its income. Other officers elected were: G. Reading and William Conn, vice president. E. N. Thurston, treasurer, L. A. Wolfe, Van Cov ington. Dr. R. E. Rhyne, H. S. Mackie, Ralph Dickson, Henry Matthews, J. Y. Todd. F. C. Rob erts, and W. B. Hair, directors, and J. C. Williamson, national councillor. Retiring President W. B. Hair presided. The meeting was held at the new comimunity building. F or-Amusement-Only Boards Net $212,040 Raleigh, Jan. 29.—Taxes col lected since June 1 on “for-a- musement-only” pinboard m a- chines and pinboard dealers total ed $212,040, the State Revenue department said today. The ma chines were legalized by tlie last Legislature. the SIGN of GOOD FAITH.... The number of prescriptions we fill for physicians directly—and for their pati ents—care our best testimony of the rood ' faith we have won through several years of prescription filling. RED CROSS PHARMACY Phone 98 —Your Service Drug Store— Tenth St. It PEIVIVEYS Coit Jones is a brother of How ard Jones, of this city, and a son of Mrs. iMollie Jones, of the Lew is Fork community. Goldsboro ‘Igloo* Not So Hot Inside Goldsboro, Jan. 29.—The old water tank on North John street has been decorated for nearly a week with icicles 40 feet long and many car loads of people have stopped to view the unusual and beautiful sight. The sunshine glitters on the frozen tower and the frosted trees . nearby. Water is blown in a mist' from the tank and this freezes as it strikes the ground and as it falls on a little house nearby. In the house live George Jones, his wife and child, Lizzie Budget, her mother and two children, and a brother. The roof and windows of the house are covered with Ice, and there is a five inch layer of ice in the yard. Members of the Jones and Padget families are ill with influenza. All night long those who are well have stayed up in shdfts, feeding the fires to pro vide warmth for the sick ones. The house has been transform ed into a veritable Igloo, and keeping it warm In such •s^eather is a probletn. The families are not ^ able to buy sufficient fuel and ^ the besutlfnl picture of lee onb- slde does not look so hot to them. Swaggers! Fitted Styles! COATS $7.90 Ri ;ht from the designers sktiches comes these charming advance spring styles! Tweeds, twills, striped boucles, fleeces and suede cloths. Ask about our Lay-Away Plan! SPRING STYLES! Spring Colors! HATS Freshen np your ^ winter, ^rardrobe, 1 wear them with your , new spring suit! Grand values! In grand colors! Here’s your chance to get AD VANCE styles in brand new spring coats! Beautifully tailored—in the smartest colors and fabrics! Choose yours TODAY! Our con venient Lay-Away Plan will make it EASY to pay for! Sparkling Prints! Solid Colors! Women’s Dresses $2-98 Is your wardrobe tired? Any one of these new Glen Row’’ frocks will freshen it up! Many dark ground prints that look stunning ■with furs, soft muted pastels and rich, deep colors! In advance styles for spring! 12-52. ‘Reg, U. S. Pat. Off. { Friday and Saturday Features LIMITED SUPPLY—COME EARLY 81x90 Unhemmed Sheets SEAMLESS OfZi Only 150 of these dv Velvety Soft! Velour Facial Tissues 500 in Box! Men’s New Spring SUITS $14.75 and $19.75 —SELECT NOW— Use Our Lay-Aw*y-Pl«n Ads. get attention And result*. PENNEY COMi ’tsY, Incoxpo.rated - *5-

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