^ Joe E. Johnson jMi^ Clyde Kilby Is , AUtertains For Daughter j Hostess To Hi I Top Club To Ikonor her daughter Mrs I membors of the Hill Top ««glnald Chapin, of Ridgewood’j J., who is here for a visit. meeting Friday evening at the Mrs. 4oe E. Johnson entert^ned I «t two lovely parties at her home ! Practically all the members on D Street Thursday and Fri-1 The guests spentvsome day afternoons. Two tables were ' sewing and conversation made up for bridge on Thursday | and on Friday rook wfis in play at two tables each afternoon the \alentlne motif being emphasiz ed. The high score award In the bridge game went to Mrs. Hill Carlton and in rook Mrs. W. B. Jonee was the winner. On each occasion a salad and sweet course delightful refreshments. The next meeting is scheduled to meet with Mrs. Ed Dancy. was served at the conclusion of I play. North Wilkesboro P.-T. A. j Held Monthly Meetini? “Founders Day’’ was observed : at the February meeting of the North Wilkesboro Parent' Teaeh- The Variety Club Is d By Mrs. Stevens Entertaine er Association which was held in the school auditorium Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C. C. Faw', the j president, was in charge of the usual business session, and Mrs. A delightful evening was spent | C. D. Coffey, Jr., opened the together by the members of the | meeting by leading the devotion- Variety club when they met on al period. Tuesday with Mrs. O. K. Stevens. ; The program for the cfternoon The guests spent an informal | was given under the leadership hour together after which a delic- I of Mrs. E. G. Finley, and at the ious dessert course was served by close a social hour was held in the auditorium during which time cake and coffee was se.wed by ■Miss Evelyn Sharpe’s Home Eco nomic girls. The attendance a- wards went to Miss Elizabeth Fin- lev’s third grade, and to Miss Mrs. Stevens. ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Noah E. &OWH, late of 'Wilkes county, N. G., this is to notify all persoas , Raving claims against said estate)Gordon’s s.xth grade, to present them to the undersign- The two study courses, which ed, whose address is North Wilkes- loro, N. C., duly verified, on or be fore the 2nd day of February, 1941, or this notice will be plead in Bar of their right to recover. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle-' ment. This 2nd day of February, 1940. LILUAN BROWN, Administratrix of the estate of Noah E. Brown, dec’d. (m) Relief At Last For Your Cough OJeomnlalon reUeves pnHnptlybo- caiiae It goes right to the seat of the trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm, increase aecretloo and t(t pos^e^ol. O04.L’ ed bronchial mucous membranes. No matter bow many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the: preceded the regular meeting, were taught by Mrs. Finley tor the high .school using as her theme “I'l) and Out,’’ and for the elementary grades Mrs. Frank Johnson, who spoke on “The Family’s Part in the Change.” 'WRkdhhon^ which vn« soi^nbk, t ed at four-o*etock. Sandayir4fteii| noon, February 11, at the hopth of the’bride’s parents, Mr.-and Mrs. Tyre Gilmore Johnson. Roy. A. E. watts, of Taylorsville, per formed the. ceremony, only fam ily menubers and a few intimate friends being present. The bride and groom entered the living room together, unat tended, and' took their vows be fore an Iraprovlsed altar of ever greens, Easter llllies, and white roses. Other bouquets of the white flowers were used about the room. For her nuptials the bride wore a navy blue suit, with which she used blue and- white accessories. Her shoulder corsage was of white roses and valley lil- lies. Mrs. Church, older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Johnson, of Abshers, is a graduate of Per ry’s Business College, of .Atlanta, Ga., and for the past six years has been secretary to Jones and Blown, Attorneys. Mr. Church, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Church, of Purlear, finished high school at Millers Creek, and for the past ten years has held a responsible position with the Wilkes Hosiery Mills. Immediately following the ceremony the bridal couple left for a short wedding trip to Southern Pines, and upon their return will be at home on North Wilkesboro, Route 1. gboits being seated at' tables Vhlch were In red candle light.-’ F.ollowlng the dinner rook was played with iMrs: J. Q. Adams and Mrs. J. C. Reins winning , the high and low score prizes. Mrs. Reginald Chapin, of Rldgeiwood, N. J., who is here visiting her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Joe E. Johnson, was a guest'of the club and was rememibered with a gift. A distribution of the club books was made during the eve ning. Mrs. Bryan Gilreath Entertains Her Club with Mrs. Bryan Gilreath as hostess the members of her bridge club were delightfully entertained at her home on B Street Thurs day evening. The top score prize in the game, which was played at two tables, was won by Miss.- Ila Holman. When cards were laid aside the hostess served a salad course followed by sweets. Man Sought On Abduction Charge Social Miss McNeill Hostess To Missionary Society The Missionary Society of Pleasant Home Baptist church met with .Viss Cora McNeill, at her home January 21. The busi- ne.ss .session was presided over by the president, Mrs. Lena Yates. An interesting program was given by the fifteen mem bers present, the topic for the month being “The Eternal Pur- The jmeeting^ •was adjourned to meet next month, February ISth. with Mrs. Lena Yates at .Millers Creek. nndentaBdlns that you are to like . Darlimr' the way It quickly allays the , „ or you are to have your money back, atraid or that police dog. He CREOMULSION ' “Yes he will Muvver for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis ing me no'W.” Don’t be He’s tast- Local Unit of N.C.E.A. Holds Meeting At Wilkes Hotel The local unit of the North Carolina Educational Association, which is composed of the high school and elementary faculty of the North Wilkesboro school, held a most interesting meeting at the Wilkes Hotel Thursday evening. Miss Kathryn Troutman, president of the unit, was in charge and presided dur.'-g the evening. Dinner was served at seven o’ clock after which the following piogram was given. Mrs. Lucille Farmer gave two vocal selections, after which Robert Taylor, chair man of the public relations com mittee. made a short after dinner talk, and Miss Evelyn Sharpe, ac companied by Miss Ruby Black burn, rendered a cello number. The guest speaker for the eve- nlng was Mrs. Ruth 'Vick Ever- ette, field secretary of the N. C. E. A. with headquarters in Ra^ leigh, and she was introduced by Paul S. Cragan, superintendent of the school. 3>^ . —4' “Perk” tip your correspondence with this smart smooth writing paper with the neat little all-over check pattern Clean, crisp pas tel check in Blue, Aqua, D ory or Grey. Buy a box of each size at this low price. 200 SINGLE SHEETS 100 ENVELOPES OR 100 DOUBLE SHEETS 100 ENVELOPES $1 .00 Printed with your Name and Address on Sheets and Envelopes ... or Monogram on Sheets and Name and Address on Envelopes. Statesville, Feb. 8.—Statesville police today disclosed that they are making diligent search for a middle-aged man wanted for ab- ’ duction of a 11-year-old girl. John Henry Smith, white, a- bout 50, a transient, had been liv ing in the home of George Lam bert, in the Bloomfield commun ity. Several days ago Lambert’s daughter, 11, left home the same day Smith disappeared. Police say they have informa tion Smith and the girl have been seen near Pineville and effort is /being made to locate the mlse- ing pair in that section and in South Carolina. Smith is a smalt man, weighs 110 pounds, five feet tall, has a scar on his left cheek, walks stooped and has a stiff ankle. Ella Lambert, 11, weighs about 80 pounds, has brown eyes, dark brown hair, bobbed. She was wearing a white fur coat when she left. They had o'/ money and are thought to K hitchhiking. Sisters, Servant Are Found Slain Carter-Hobbard Publishing Co. Phone 70 North Wilkesboro, N. C. Wilkesboro .lunior Woman’s Hub Holds Meeting The Wilkesboro Junior Wom an’s Club held their February meeting at the club house Thurs day evening. The members of the music department were hostesses. In the absence of the president, the vice president, Mr.-,. i..aiwreTice Miller presided. In opening the meeting Mrs. .Miller paid tribute to the great Americans born in Febrnarv ami called for the read ing of the .American’s creed. Aft er ilie usual bu.riness routine, an iii-spiratioiutl program was given under the direction of Mrs. Mack Profl’il, chairman of the music department. The theme of the program was “Music in our Eve ryday Lives.’’ A’ocal solos were rendered by Mrs. G. T. Mitchell and Miss Ruth Wright: a piano duet was played by Mis.s Helen Blevins and Mrs. Proffil; and pi ano solos were played by little Miss Agnes Kencrly and Richard Reins. During the social hour delight ful refreshments were served by Mrs. Joe Pearson. Mrs. Hay Ken nedy, and Miss Eleanor Smoak. SALE~OP PERSONAL PROPER TY TO SATISFY LIEN State of North Carolina, Wilkes County. By virtue of authority vested in the undersijrned by reason of sec tion 2017 of revised code of North Carolina, I will sell for cash at the garage of Joe Barber, in the Town of North Wilkesboro, N. C., on SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd. 1940 AT 1 O’CLOCK, P. M. One Ford Roadster, Motor No. A258520. It being the property of parties unknown. Amount of lien: For storage, 115.00. This the 1st day of Feb. 1940. JOE BARBER’S GARAGE By Joe Barber. 2-12-2t. (m) -li by tel«gnip^::onft ot hof TwV' itdblic atteraaiijE^i deny ing stori^ that she had determin ed upon a date fo^ marriage to Robert Sweeney, handsome young golfer and her companion on many recent occasions. The reports said she would wed shortly after receiving her Dan ish divorce decree, for which she has been waiting. . “No niarrlage plans made for 17th or 18th,” said the telegram. xte of Danish decree impossible to tell exactly since papers pre sented to Daiiish court o'n 18th of February -may take 'two or three weeks or perhaps a^ month to clear. “No proceedings will be filed, as has often been said incorrect ly, and denied, in Florida. “I deeply resent all this specu lation as to where, when and whom.’’ . 1116" pation’s .first v pUnt“ for maklng/sUtreh from sweet pota- VihsI'ip; yii^ di# to bmp to fni oot tilMfpr; and add lora RED CaROSK Pf New School Building At Jefferson Planned West Jefferson, Feb. 8.—At a meeting of the Jefferson. Parent- Teacher association this week a committee composed of Prof. Paul Miller, L. P. Colvard, Bryan Oliv er and W. B. Austin waS appoint ed to secure plans for a proposed new school building for which WPA application will be made within the near future. Rev. R. H. Stone, who was the speaker for the occasion, discuss/- ed “Readlug the Bible as a Hob by.’’ It was announced that the March meeting would be held at the home of Bryan Oliver. Use the advertising columns of this paper as your shopping guide ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE North Carolina, Wilkes County Having qualified as administra trix of 'Uie estate of W. A. Sprin kle, deceased, late of the County of Wilkes, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed for payment, duly verified, on or before the 3rd day of February, 1941, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said es-| tate will make immediate pay-j ment. 1 This the 3rd day of February, 1940; MRS. W. A. SPRINKLE,^ ministratrix of W. A. Sprinkle, ’edr" . . F. J. McDuffie, Atty. 3-ll-6tl Ik HtT Mkliet No. 5 IS ALL DRESSED UP WITH PLENTY OF PLACES TO GO. This New Hammer Mill Has Just Been Developed By The Meadows Mdl Company One of‘ the oldest manufacturing con cerns producing feed grinding equipment in Americsu THE MIGHTY MIDGET is now on duplay on our sales floor and everyone, particularly dairy and poultrymen, are invited to comte in amd see it. We are not distributors but we take great pride in displaying so worthy a product of a local manufac turer. Our agricultural engineer is always glad to discuss the application of electric power to any farm job. POWER COMPANY “Electricity Is Cheap—Use It Adequately” Phone 420 North Wilkesboro, N. C. Oliver Springs, Tenn., Feb. 5.— Two middle-aged sisters and a negro servant were found shot to death today in their home here, Sheriff Bob Smith reported. The victims were Miss Ann Richards, 4 8, and her sister, Miss Margaret Richards, 4 6, and Leon ard Brown, 16-year-old negro houseboy. Miss Mary Richards, 47, librar ian in tlie high school here and a sister of tiie two victims, dis covered the bodies when she re turned home from school this aft ernoon, officers said. Sheriff’s officers tonight were seeking clues in the mysterious shooting. The body of Miss Ann Richards wa-s discovered on the kitchen floor of the sisters’ large two-story house. The body of j Miss Margaret Richards was ly ing on a platform on the stairs and Brown’s body was at the ^ head of the stairs, officers said. 1 SALE OF PERSONAL PROPER TY TO SATISFY LIEN State of North Carolina, Wilkes County By virtue of authority vested in the undersigned by reason of sec tion 2017 of the revised code of North Carolina, I will sell for cash at the garage of Joe Barber, in the town of North Wilkesboro, N. C., on SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1940 AT 1 O’CLOCK, P. M. One Ford Roadster (wrecked) Motor No. A4111192. It being the property of Charlie Johnson. Amount of lieri: For towing and storage, $27.00. ’This the 1st day of Feb. 1940. JOE BARBER’S GARAGE, By Joe Bhiher. 2-12-2t (m) NOTICE By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a Deed of Trust executed by Arthur Petty and wife, Sadie Petty to the undersigned trustee for Claude M. Petty, and wife, Mae Petty, dated 27th day of July, 1938, to secure a sum of money, which Deed of Trust is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Wilkes County in Book 184, Page 181, default having been made in the payment of the debt, and the holder of the Note havii« made demand upon the undersigned to make sale of the lands described in said Deed of Trust; The undersigned tru.stee will on Thursday, February 29th, 1940, at two o’clock P. M. at the Court House door in Wilkesboro sell to the highest bidder at public auC' tion, for cash, the following des cribed land; Adjoining the lands of J. T. Ed wards, Arthur Hickerson, and sthers and bounded as follows: Beginning on a stake in Bugga Boo Creek in the line of J. T. Ed wards, and with the same North 78 degrees 30 minutes to a Poplar near a small branch; thence South 181 poles to a Red Oak; thence North 78 degrees 30 minutes W. to Bugga Boo Creek: thence up said creek with ita meanders to the point of beginning. Containing 100 acres more or less, except the tract on the Northeast comer sold by Obediah Sprinkle and wife, to David Edwards as per Deed on record in the office of Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, and sub ject to the line set up by the Su perior Court of Wilkes County at June Term 1938 in the case of Mrs. Jennie L. Crouch vs. Arthur Petty, and Mae Petty. 'This the 29th day of Jan. 1940. . CHAS. G. GILREATH, , Trustee 2-19-4t. \ Give ^^Reddy'* More Appliances So that he can serve you better! Check your home for “Reddy’s” services. They are practical, economical . . . and so helpful! Don’t punish yourself by living without them. Enjoy more of Reddy Kilowatt’s services during the coming year. Once Reddy serves you ... you are con vinced of his fine qualities. He so easily gets his work done ... is so clean ..'. saves you much of your time ... end above all saves you money. A small cash payment and long term arrangements can be made to pay for any or all of Reddy’s many appliances. Don’t deprive yourself of something that makes life take on a different hue and costs so little to possess. How many of thoio do you hart! ’'^1 Elacfric Coffaa Moker Univartal Hot Plotts Mixmotter 4 Automatic Toosrors \ Universal Waffle Irons I. E. Floor flr Table Lamps Pin-lt-Up Lomps Electric Percolators Automatic Bottle Warmers Electric Woter Heaters Universol Electric Irons Universal Oven Cookers Bfectric Heoting Pods Electric Chums And Many Olktrs POWER COMPANY ‘‘ELECTRicrnr is cheap- Pbooo410 -USE IT ADEQUATELY** Nordi WniMeboro, N. C 'a-

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