- H ¥»i6r the mnumKiu^ of Ih»n- j k»» Ohore and RlckacA.‘a Ohaoel — B. Zion chvrchM, Roya. R. K( Horton and 8. R. tMax. pas- »». an lnter-r^«liM ,i»deUn« irtU ■r h^d at Rlckerd’s Chapel A. ^ Zion church. Wllkeefboro •Riro), PabruaiT *3, 8 o’clock. This meeting for npproes and •whites who are ln^jiiiii|(ed in the ^■»twtting of the> crgj8th'.and the •wd of evil UODiNM^eAifloaUng Mwnd, and thplr . teachings •fMgh afCUla^d UBO»l«otions ■i**»olT operating haa heen an- ■oaftced. Seats vUl j^^serred white frienda Inters «ili la Imprpptpc^e relatlona »nd understandl|i*, l^ween the and in combatfihg the eTil, ihCuenceB of certf|jj.^.iMp ” The American Loct^^League. jranNISTILkTOR'S NOnCB Baying qualified as adimBlatni- Rir if the estate at G. R. firipintt, of Wilkes countp, N. C., tiiis iS'ha- noti^ all persons haybg against said Mtate to pee- thenr to the oadaraicDad, address is Norih Wukee- , N. G., duly yerified, on or be- the 17th day of January, MO. or this notice will he plead in tar of their right to reeayer. All pvBons indebted to said estate friC please mske inSmediate settle- ■RBt. This- 17th day of January, 1940. JOHNSON SANDERS, Administrator of the estate of Ci'JL. Triplett, deefd. 2-22-4t (t) -lUsr. 1l0eratacr:4A ttl' snaodnelng^Ae meeting ,'declarea rthnt the league haa tor its pur- poae tihe mppreeeion and eradi- oatton of theae poisonous ’‘isms” among negroes hy Informing them of their eyUs, and false doctrines generally spread hy foreign agl- tatora. These detrimental mental doctrines are Inimical to pure, real Americanism and tend to de stroy the good 'Will, understand ing, and racial cooperation in the South between the two races. It Is stated that the league strictly is non-political and Is a patriotic, religions and educational organi sation organized to preserve the goodwill and the sympathetic un- -derstanding among the races, and to defend and advocate the ideals of pure, real Americanism which have brought the negro citizenry to Its present position. Among the white and negro speakers for the occasion will be Bherlff C. T. Doughton, Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Olive. Music will be turnished iby the junior choir of Damascus Baptist church, Lincoln Heights high school glee club. Prof. J. R. Bdelin, principal and Wloodlawu school glee club. Prof. F. A. Parker, principal. This ag gregated group of singers will render music worthy of anyone hearing. Tiraa*^At/fw: ' 5 w ,-v'? '' v'frvtV igamer siw -IS'- iMr. John^4^^|g}^BQn of Bfr, of preasant Hoato-. ehureh March on home foTta .lilH week end. He left eetui^ex lUSeroodfi to SM his heat gin heaV" Harmony,, itakday night vw. , a . ^ / Home Demonstration Club Has Meetin^r ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra-: vus.s tar of the estate of Robert Adams, Me of Wilkes county, N. C-> this is tP-notify all perstms having claims 'tke said estate to present tUtsa to the undersigned, whose ai&ess is North WiUcesboro, N. d.‘dnly verified, on or before the TKh. day of January, 1941, or thu ■etice ■will be plead in bar of their to recover. All persons in- to said estate will please wake immediate settlement. This 17th day of January, 1940. JOHNSON SANDERS, .administrator of tne estate of Robert Adams, dec’d. The Boomer Home Demonstra tion Club met with Mrs. Charlie German on . Thursday afternoon, February 15, and as it was a beautiful day there was a good attendance. After the devotionals. wl\lch were led by Mrs. J. M. German, Harriet .MoGoogan gave a very intere.sting study of Millet, the French artist, and his beauti ful picture, “The Gleaners.’’ Different wall finishes were studied and discussed, after which Mrs. German led in the recre ations, and served delicious cukes and Russian tea. , The March meeting will be held at the uom® of Mrs. Ralph Swan son. Capt Kidd, tlie pirate, was the 2_22-4t (t) ^ clergyman. Sell Your Export and Ties —to -PARKER TIE COMPANY WEST JEFFERSON, N. C. LIST OF LUMBER WE ARE NOW BUYING WHITE OR CHESTNUT OAK Boxed or Free Of Heart: 5 X 12 X 16’ 5 X 12 X 15’6” .5 X 12 X 13’ $;lb.00 per M ',1., •SJ.OO per M 21.00 T>er M X 12x8' \ 12 X S' .. .822.50 per M . . 22..50 per M MIXED OAK (Any Kind Oak) SWITCH TIES: 7x9x9’ .. 7 X 9 X 10’ . 7 X 9 X 10’6” 7 X 9 X ir . S .8.3 each 7 \ 9 \ n'6” $1.27 each .95 each 7x9x11’ 1.32 each 1.00 each 7 x 9 \ 14'6” 1.37 each 1.22 each 7 .x 9 \ 18’ 1.50 each MIXED OAK (Any Kind Oak) BRIDGE TIES: ^ 10 X 10 X 10’ 81.19 oi-:h 12 x 12 x 18’ . $6.00 each MIXED OAK (Any Kind Oak) CROSS TIES: No. 5 Cross Ties No. 4' Cross Ties 70c each No. 3 Cross Ties .. 55c each N'o. 2 Cross Ties .. .... 35c each 25c each We Always Appreciate Your Patronage WHEN YOU HAVE SOME THING TO SHIP FRQ.M i^RTH WILKESBORO TO STATESVILLE and POINTS beyond, just PHONE US. WB WILL CALL PROMPT- LY. North Wilkesboro and Statesville Express Co. Phone 74 — — Sam Caahion, Manager -V =’.S8w‘' "Real modern Cowiboys’’ might be the way to describe the fam ous Golden West Cowiboys, who are well-known on radio, stage and screen, and who appear in person on the stage of The Liber ty Monday only at 2:45, 7:16 and 9:14. For just as most cowboys now roam the plains In automobiles and even airplanes, so do the Golden West Cowboys take the faster and more modern means of transportation in taking them a- bout the country for their engage ments In all parts of the country. This past year, they traveled over the rolling plains of the prairie, across the desert sands, and over the Rockies to star with Gene Autry in the motion picture, Gold Mine in the Sky,’’ adjudged one of the best Westerns of many years. From Hollywood, the Golden West C’owboy.s streaked hack to Tennessee and Radio Station WSM, wihere they have gained widespread popularity for their songs and fun-making on the famous Saturday night "Grand Ole Opry.’’ New-comers to the famous fourteen year old pro gram in comparison with some of the veteran combinations, the Golden West Cowboys brought to the Opry a new combination of humor and song-making that be came an instantaneous hit. So m ich so, that since their arrival, and with the exception of their appearance in Hollywood, this group has been traveling far and wide to appear on the stages of leading theatres the country over—returning always for their Saturday night radio engagement with millions of their fans. One reason tor ithe Aceat popn- larity of the Golden West Cow boys Is that each memiber of the group assembled by Manager J. L. Frank is really a star in his own right, as he formerly man aged Gene Autry along with such other famous stars, as Fibber -Mc Gee and Molly and many others. Pee-Wee King, director of the group, la one of the country’s best accordionist, playing on a thous and dollar accordion as ho leads his musical cowiboys. Lost John, as master of cere monies, is not only a fine comedi an, but In serious moments a fine singer. He has a hard time keep ing Cicero and Elmer, the fea tured comedians from getting in to trouble. Smiling Eddie, Oklahoma’s yodellng cowboy plays the guitar with the best of them, having -been the “best in tne West” in other days. He also brings many of the songs cowboys love to sing when alone on the prairie. Abner Simms is known far and wide as “radio’s fastest fiddler,’’ and is featured n the break-downs and “hot tunes’’ for which the Golden West 'Cowboys are justly famous. And, in addition to all the Cowboys, one of the big reasons for their success is the ability and personality of their Little Cow girl, Texas Daisy, in her ten gal lon hat, cowboy boots, a million- dollar smile and a million dollar He returned f^atoi’day night bringing the glri .i^tT him as hla bride. Mrs. Miller Miss Sophia Evans before marriage. ' Mrs. Lee Watson and small son, David, visited In the home of her grandfather. Ml*. J. E. Luther, Saturday afternoon. Mr. Earl Reeves, of Laurel Springs, and Mr. 0. L. Phillips, of this -place, have exchanged homes. ‘ Mr. Phillips taking his famitly to Laurel Springs and Mr. Reeves bringing his here, where he expects to mn a garage and 'illing Staton. iMr. E. T. Stewart visited Mrs. C. M. Miller last Friday. The home of Mn H. 8. Steel- -man is nearing completion. He expects to have It ready for oc- onpancy soon. Little Peggy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Greene, who has ibeene seriously 111 for some time, is still in the hospital. However there is some Improvement In her condition. Mrs. Jason Moretz, who has ibeen ill, is very much improved. Jack Wellborn, small son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wellborn, spent Sunday night with his -grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Triplett. Miss Lillian -Miller, who haa a position at North Wilkesboro, ’ spent last week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Miller. Mrs. Judson Greene visited her daughter, Mrs. Glenn Parker, at West Jefferson last Thursday. voice. ■you’ll .see them all. individual stars in their own right, and fam ous as members of the Golden West Cowboys on the stage of The Liberty. Boomer News |Fergu»on Home I I F> • X' Demonstration Club Items Id Drieij in Regular Meeting Rev. S. I. Watts filled his regu lar appointments at Pleasant Hill and Bethel Saturday. Mr. M. A. Kimbal, who is kept in willi a sprained ankle, is im proving, but is not able to be out yet. Wo hope he soon gets able to 1)0 out iienin. Mr. and Mrs. W O. Gilbert, of ! The Forgi'.son Home Dernon- .stratioii clui> met at llio school building Folirimry Sth. witli Mrs. Walter Davis as ho.stess. 'riio meetin.g was oallod to or der by the president, .Mrs. Sheri dan P. .Miller, roll called by the secretary and each memtjer an swered with name of some ab sent club member. A very incer- csting picture study “The glean- f.enoir, vi.sited In Uiis community - ers’’ l)y Millet, was in charge of last week. I Miss Harriet McGoogan, .Mr. Edward [. K-key is building | agent, wa.=i presented and enjoyed an addition to liis store house, Iireparatory to etiiarging his stock by all present. -Miss Addi-_ Casey will have charge of this feature of tta latter & “ ,vV . ( I,: . .-. MiMibhary 8«oi- peatpeaad to meeting from the thlfd Ganday night to the fourth in February. TTie with Mrs. Buren eoclety m Tatee. , Mr. Cyrus Fuw is at home a- giUn after graduating from the Appalachian Teachers College at Boone. Mr. Tommie Faw Is at home after serving his enlistment in. the United States army. He has been stationed in Hawaii, the Cross Roads of ■ the Pacific.” TTiese young men are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Paw.. The Elkin District Conference of the Methodist church is to be held at Friendship church the Sth of May. This will be the first district conference of this terri tory under the united -Methodist chnreh. Mrs. P. H. Pardne and Mrs. Maynard Pardue, of Roqda, were visitors with Mrs. M. F. Bum garner laat Friday. The widening of Highway No. 421 has reached Millers Creek. It is an Improvement much need ed and welcome. Mr. Troy Church is In the Wilkes Hospttal, having under gone an operation Monday for ap pendicitis. He Is said to be get ting along well. Misses Hazel and Ellen Bum- Chicago Surgapo^^' Taim Iitatniinent ^ From Man’s Heart . Chicago.—In a 90-mlmite ration, a surgeon Tueaday . ro- moved a manicuring Inatrnmmt from the heart of William Todd, 32-yoar-old paroled ronvlct and robbery suspect, who told 90UM “I’d rather die than go to the bjd house.’’ Dr. Andrew Toman, wiho prob ed directly Into the heart to ex tract a five-inch combination nail file and tweezers, said that un less an Infection developed Todd’s chance of surviving was good. Police said Todd attempted to kill himself last night ila the Shef field Avenue Station. TTie Instru ment penetrated an Inch Into the heart muscle but i^lssed import ant arteries and cavltlea It re mained there 18 hours until Todd was considered strong enough for an operation. Dr. Toman removed sections of two ribs, reached the Instrument and stitched the wound In the heart. Todd was seized Sunday night after a candy store clerk was robbed of $11. He hs4 served part of a grand larceny sentence in, Joliet prison. Traphill Honor Roll For The Fifth Month First Grade: Myrtle Caudill, Beatrice Holsclaw, ■Vera Mae Pre- vette, Paul Triplette, Jo Anne Holbrook, Joe Lyon, Harold Lyon. Second Grade: James Billings, J. W. Bryan, Buddy Smith, Billy Absher, Marie Ingool, Lngenia Ray. Third Grade: Rosa Mae .Adams, Wilhelmina Billings. Fourth Grade: Peggy Lou Brown, Mary I,ee Castevens, Bet ty Sue Lackey. Fifth Grade: Boyd Blackbiirn. Rita Prevette. Sixth Grade: John A. Absher, Glenn Brown, T. S. Bryan.' Seventh Grade: -Ruth Jolnes, Ruth Bauguess, Mary Livingston. Lamar I,ivingston, G. C. Richard son, Gladys Prevette. Eighth Grade: Claude Sidden, Ellen Spicer, Kathleen Adams, Evelyn Brewer, Samantha Lyon, Vena Speaks, Rosa Triplette, Faye Warren. ■N’inth Grade: F'antiy Bowers, Violet Carter, Beatrice Castevens, Lizzie Conch, Janie Hayes, Olene Holcomb. .Mabel Sidden. Ruth Spicer, Myrtle Spicer, Helen Bil lings. Tenth Grade: Melba Billings, Okie Lee Billings, Rosa Clean’, Maude Johnson. Metta Joines, Roxie Mayberry, Melba Waddell, Mattie Jane Warren. Eleventh Grade: Sally Ran- gnesa. Mary Belle McGrady. Max ine Sparks, Kerniit Spicer, Nina Yale. of goods. We hope for him much | the program next time. A very success. i interesting report w,'>a given on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown and 1 poultry by the project leader, children, of Taylorsville, visited 1 Mrs. Sam H. Jones. New .North .Mr.---, Brown’s parents. Rev. and ■ Carolina formtila-s husband and responsibili- He—“I think a wife should divide ties.” She—“So do I. You look after the bills and I’M take care of the money.’’ Mrs. S. I. Watts, Sunday. Mrs. Brown is spending the week with her mother. poultry were distributed. The year books prepared by Miss Me- Googan were also distributed to Mr. and .Mrs. Cowles Walker' each member, which will Drove visited Mrs. Walker’s parents, very heneficitl to those who give Mr. and Mrs. Charlie AValker, them careful „tudy. Sunday. \ -pjip demonstration foi" thi- ■Mr. Beath W alker visited his ^ jijg treatment of sister, Mrs. Einmit Harris, of Purlear, Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. Bernard W'alkcr, of Moravian Falls, visited Mr. Walker's Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Walker, last week. Mr. T. G. Walsh is right sick. We hope he soon gels better. Rev. S. I. Walts and Mr. Char lie Walker visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Proffit, of Go.shen, Monday. .Mr. Proffit haa been confined to his bed for the past three weeks with flu. He is be.ginntng to set up a little now, hut is not able to be out any yet. His many friends hope for him a speedy recovery. Mr. York Walker is on the sick list. We ho.pe he soon gets out again. Mrs. Nelson Larton is still right poorly. Her many friends anxiously ho'pe she may soon be up again. Mr. Walker Crews and family have moved to their new home near here. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson, of Granite Falls, visited Mrs. Johr- sn’s sister, Mrs. Linsday Rogers, this week. i walls and woodwork. After '.his demonstration was a very inter esting Valentine .game, followed by delicious refreshments being served by the hostess, Mrs. Da vis. Project leaders for the year w'ere appO'inted hy the president as follow.?: For February, Poul try, Mrs. S’. H. Jones; March, Gar dens, Mrs. W. H. McGuire; April. Home Beautification, Miss Beulah Ferguson; June, Food conserva tion, Mrs. T. W. Ferguson: July, House furnishing, Mrs. Carter West; August, Clothing. Mrs. Walter Davis; November, Food and nutrition. Miss Blanche Fer guson; The meetings will he held the second Thursday of each month and the March meeting is scheduled to be held with Miss Janie Spicer. Miss McGoogan is proving to be a very efficient a- gent and the Ferguson club unan imously endorses her very fine work. A man boasted that be had been in every hospital In town. “Impossible!’’ said a friend. “What about the maternity hos pital?’’ "I was born there.’’ A certain sportsman was play ing over a golf course in Scotland, and playing very badly. “Dear, dear!” he remarked at last, "there canna be worse play ers than myself!’’ "Weel, weel, maybe there are worse players,’’ commented the caddie consolingly, “but th^ din- ' na play.” TO THOSE WHO ARE PLANNING TO SEE GONE WITH THE WIND LIBERTY — SOON — Gone With The Wind will be shown here exactly as presented in its famed Atlanta Premiere. ON THE STAGE MONDAY ONLY IN PERSON MUSICAL STARS OF GENE AUTRY PICTURES X M presents W AND \ Mp the W ORIGINAL GOLDEN WEST COWBOYS FEATUR/r/Cr / MU5ICAL , V RODCO % /ofRAi)l06STAGE/ i/ 5lN(blNl YODELInI , jj COMEDY AND FUN Don't Mh$ Thh Treat WEDDI N6 INVITATIONS OR ANNOUNCEMENTS ON THE SCREEN CLEAR THE ROAD FOR FUN! The Higgins Family In “THE COVERED TRAILER’ — NOW SHOWING — 20 FOR ^3 50 FOR $4.25 100 FOR $6.75 Carter-Hubbard Publishinsr Co. Phone 70 North Wilkesboro, N. C EXTRA TODAY AND FRIDAY Crime Doesn t WILD ADVENTURE! GLORIOUS ROMANCE! THEMMI FKOMDAiOn WALLACE BEERY. JOHN HOWARD’DOLORES DR no ‘KNOW YOUR MONEY” JStanJ|yEimAIU>C»0OOftO7 I SHORTS ■fd^Lc:,: tf ^1 Ilf'p*^-'t - IT' ^1V i r'‘-f ^

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