"M- 'vS.vi '•'f>-CfcwtotU'- V*rcW '16. ,... VMt disastrous firs in Charlotte’s htory early yesterday* morning The •ept furiously through, th^ Guth- iT apartments Kita'' Mn.>k at 6^^ ' North fryon street, close to. the heart K. the business district, sad left o»en dead and seven injured, leveral seriously, and caused property damage of ah(out $100,- «Me. fVom the inferno firemen ear ned more than 20 per.sons, trapp ed in their rooms by flames and anoke. down ladders to safety ■ahile other occupants of the iiuilding, panic-strlckep, plunged from third story windows—some VL their deaths. Four bodies were found in the EBins after the fire had been lirought under control. Three oth- m persons died of injuries in hos pitals a few hours later. The dead: John Alfred Charity, 15-year- dd pnpil of Harding High school, aon of Mrs. Winifred Charity, lafrdresser at Belk's beauty shop. Mrs. Hazelle E. Martin, 4 3. manager of a gift shop in the first Nat! >r.al Bank building. SUward Martin, 22. Mrs. Mar ians SOB. Sussell H. Eley, 32, clerk for Jtandard Oii company, i Mrs. Etta M. Eley. wife of Mr. *ley. Miss Rowena Dickin.Mon. 25. mnploye ai the whoiesal.e lum ber compsry of C. K. Calla^ham. Miss Lucy Walton, a ’ trained auTse of .Morganton. .. .. 5E3i*S=c muinri Mrs. €. R.' Johnson has been ^ appointed educational leader tor the year and gave'an Interesting talk on the picture “Christ and the Doctor,” by the German art ist, Hoffman. Mrs. W. B. Pendry, home gar den project leader, made a splen did report on the meeting held recently by Miss Mary E. Thomas. Mrs. Pendry stressed the year- round garden. .-V canning budget leaflet ber.s of the club and a total of 52 1 a goat.—l^roni the National life Federation. Ild- Oeme on boys and get ’em. We goc plenty of nil kinds of seoos for yon‘. Save money by baying from ns. PEARSON BROTHERS. NOTICE By virtue of an Order of the Su perior Court of Wilkes County, signed by the Clerk thereof in the .. — Special Preceding entitled, J. R- was distributed to mem-i Finley, and wife, Fanny C. Finley, Mrs. Mary G. Ppllar^ and hus- quarts vegetables and fruits are required tor son per year for a 'balanced diet. She also talked on the advantages to having a garden in cooperation with the AAA program. Miss Harriet McGoogan, home demonstration agent, demonstrat ed ' Fiirnituro Arrangement’’ in the living room. Using actual pieces, she arranged an attractive study or reading group. Slie also demonstrated formal and inform- el mantle arrangement. ■At the close of the social hour the hostesses >■ ”ved delicious re freshments !j ne nine members present. 40 quarts band, B. F. Pollard, J. H. Greralee, eac^Sr! Mrs. Ella OgiMe, and husband, Mrs. W. J. Caroon’s Mother Succumbs Mountain View Home Club Meets -Mesdame.s F. C. and C. R. John son were hostes.ses to members of 'Jb« Mountain View Home Deraoti- jtration c!ul) Wednesday. March 13, with Mrs. Glen Dancy, presi- lent, in charge of the business lession. Pheae were cliscu.-ised tor the iistrict meeting to Jie held at North Wilkesboro in May and the ''ollowing committee was appoint ed: for decoration. Mrs. Grady tdiller, Mrs. Paul Church, Mrs. New Betn.—Mrs. Sallie Midy- ette (’,askill. wife of Captain Jos- e.;;li Gaskill. died at her home here following a heart attack Tuesday afternoon. She had been ill for several weeks. A native of Hyde County, daughter of the late Fienjamin and Amanda Giltbs Midyette. she was 77 years of age. Surviviiii; are her husband: a stepdaughtpi', Mrs. W. J. Caroon o: .North Wilkesboro: three sis- •ers. Mr.-. 10. .Armstrong of New ,:ern and 5li.ss .Annie Midyette lid .Mrs. I'loreiuc Whitehead of j IJiiglehard: ami two brothers. B. ! r. Midyetie of Middleton and Uharles Midyette of New Bern. Archie Ogilvie, F. Miller, and wife, Bettie Miller, W. W. Finley, and wife, Malissa Finley, Mrs. Ruth C. Finley, Anna Clementina Finley, Ruth Finley, Margaret G. Fin- jgy Atwater, and husband, Charles Atwater, and S. G. Finley, Jr., and wife, Ena h, Finley, Ex Parte, appointing the undersigned Commissioners to sell the lands de scribed in the Petition, Order of Sale, and hereinafter described, either at public or private sale.in their discretion for the purpose of partitioning the proceeds among the parties above named; The undersigned Commissioners will on Tuesday, March 26th, 1940, at two o’clock P. M. at the Court House door in Wilkesboro sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, selling said lands as a whole or in parcels as they may deem best, said lands being de scribed as follows: First tract: Lying and being or. the West side of Reddies River, North of the North Wilkesboro riant, Gordon Industrial Com pany, the lands of E. G. anj R. G. Finl-jy, and East of Unitei. States Highway 421. Containing 115.5 acres, and bounded as follows: Scanning on a leaning pine stump in the line of the original tract of Mrs. S. A. Finley, deceas ed, comer of lands sold by the Commissioners herein to E. G. and R. G. Finley, and running West wiih the outside boundary of the original tract, the following courses and distances. West 825 feet to a White Oak, North 35 de grees West 528 feet to a White Oak, North 13 degrees West 610.5 fet to a White Oak, North 27 de- North^iw^mtfflh of Tkitton Mill Drive, and running with the ori- •TotfciiM’ UtiyVf MAtl kUBUiail® waw AWUktlOVaV VTAMIAIA M&U VJ AJIU ginal line of Mrs. S. A. Finley s that alias summons were issued. _ hem fa> Cooit -4{t .WJnefl County, iUiks of N«r%and SUinnions has b^n Issued therein, returnable within’thbly da^ and tract. South '30 degrees 20 mm- utes East 1660.9 feet to an iron stake, comer of A. A. Knley Heirs: thence with the line of A. A. Finley Heirs, North 53 de^s 20 minutes East 700 feet to a Wal nut, on the West bark of Reddies in the sid.Sotl«« am Court wflf be asIa|(J? hm to. fix a tipih wfiicfa creditors ,, ^ dieir claims as dir Court. returnable wittdn thirty days, and that personal service of the same was duly made and had on the -‘'7. nf ibe above named defendant on the! ^ Court of I 29th day of February, 1940; that co^ of' the said complaint waft filed at i Wilkes County, and of ’ nut, on the West bark oi Keaoiesi the time of the issuance of ‘he ^ P River: thence a Northwest course said summons and any person or!**J® , with the thread of Reddies River persons, firms or corporations in- that the wice of- outside the line of original boun-.terested ar :editors, dealers or notrfi^ tht^t the priM ^ dary to the North margin of U.S. j otteiwise m Cte-.ffairs of the not include Hwhwav 421. comer of B. G. and,said defendani J. u. la Tr ding • nw u R. a mey; thence with_.the,M Western Ar o .Associate Store, iro, twice name^ .x.u, March l8th. .mtow uourv. , k lOill to te personally served mi the de-, This the 8th day of MmmWw fendan^ “Said .Notices shall alsoj M. P. MITCHBNER. , set forth, and dp hereby set forth RECEIVER of J. U. Taft, Tiadtag that an Inventory has been filed ^ Western Auto Associate St^ by the undersigned Receiver for ji^me Owned, By. 3-18-Zt J- iw* fkfi rafflVsa AT fhc I —' North margin of said U. S. High way 421, South 77 degrees 30 minutes West 847.5 feet; thence with same South 79 degrees 46 minutes West 100 feet; thenw crossing said Highway South 4'7 degrrees 50 minutes West 98.5 feet to the Northwest margin of Cotton Mill Drive; thence with the Nortt- west margin of Cotton Mill Drive South 57 degrees 47 minutes West 100 feet to a stake: thence Home Owned By, may appear, in tervene in said proceedings and become parties thereto for them selves or for others in like inter est under such rules as the Court for the purpose of justice prescrib es, or take such action as they may be advised. You are further notified that M. P. Mitchener'- whose present ad dress is North Wilkesboro, N. C., -- dee: thence .^^s diy appointed Receiver ol with same South M degrees 16 jtj,g defendant by His Honor WJLil Daiiix: minutes West 242 feet to the be-|j_ Rousseau, Resident Judge of ^nnjng. See Map of K. _M. Alten,' the 17th Judicial District of North price only applies to the merchan- Buy a LAWN MOWER at CARLTON’S Spring. Sale and Save $3.00. C. E. for full description, both the 23rd day of February, 1940. B. F. POLLARD, W. C. GRIER, Commissioners. By Chas. G Gilreath, „ Attorney 3-lR^t NOTICE Carolina, and has by virtue of said appointment taken possession of all of the property, assets and ef fects of the said defendant. You are further notified that upon Petition and Motion filed and made in the above entitled cause before His Honor Wm. H. Bobbitt, Judge holding Courts in and for the 17th Judicial District of North Carolina on the 8th day of March, 1940 at Wilkesboro at the March Term of Superior Court, the un dersigned Rweiver was authorized and directed by said Court as'fol lows: “The said Receiver is here by directed by said Court to forth with mail notice to all creditors he The funeral w..s held 'Wednea- icu w » r— ,!:iy af.mioon from the reaidence 1 fCree.s \\est 59-1 A® ii' hy the Rev. C. B. Culbreth, pas- NORTH CAROLINA, WILKES COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY, Inc., ; VS. J. U. *^*”sto^ ^H^e has knowledge of, to be and appear ^to Associate Sto , ® on the date mentioned herein. Owned By. in the' Wednesday the 20th day of To J. U Tait .defendant in the ^ above entitled action ! o'clock P. M. before His Honor T. 11 and anv Wm. H. Bobbitt, Judge holding To all .c editers in thp affairs oL Courts in the 17.th. Judicial Dis- others inteiested m the affairs ot Mocksville, N. C., Davie tor o f Centenary Metliodi.st church with internicnl in Cedar Grove cemetery. Tile wariest ,eame .N’ortli .America is -Mountain soat. He antelope dre.ssed up animal '-i, the Rocky i.s really an to resemble ANNOUNCEMENT Joseph M. Prevette —opens— REAL ESTATE OFFICE POINDEXTER BUILDING (Office formerly occupied by J. I. Myers) What have you for sale? Do you want to buy a lot, home or farm. Do you want to sell or lease that business property or filling station. Have some bargains in lots, homes and farms already listed. COME IN—LET’S TRADE North 38 degrees jVVest 397 feet to a stake comer of a four acre tract heretofore sold; thence leaving the original outside line, and running with the line of said four acre tract North 33 degrees 15 minutes East 1124 feet to a stake in the original outside line; thence East with the original outside line 848 feet to a stake, comer of lands formerly sold to Town of North Wilkesboro; thence with the line of the Town of North Wilkesboro the following courses and distan ces; South 33 degrees 60 minutes East 1023 feet to a stake. South 68 degrees 39 minutes East 174 feet to a stake. South 42 degrees and 39’ minutes East 173 feet to a stake. South 28 degrees 22 minutes East 929 feet to a stake, North 64 degrees 3 minutes East 260 feet to the thread of Reddies River, thence a Southeast course with the thread of Reddies Rover to the line of the lands heretofore sold by the Commissioners herein to E. G. and R. G. Finley: thence with then- land South 78 degrees 3 minutes West 100 feet to a stake near the West ba.ik of said river; thence with said line South 83 degrees 15 minutes West 1424 feet to the point of beginning. Second tract: Lying on the AVest side of Reddies River, and on the South side of United States Highway 421. and containing 42 You find all kinds of fresh flela and garden seeds at onr store. All at lowest prices. Seed potatoes, seed oat-s, seed beans, and lespede-/.a seeds. PEARSON BROTHERS. 2-26-tf County and show cau.sfe, if any they have, why the Receivership USE A FOR QUKK AtilON FOR RENT IXIR RENT: To couple, furnished apartment, with heat and hot water, and telephone. Close in. Call Journal-Patriot. It Fl’K.MSHElJ .AP.ARTMENT 1 n Wilkesboro for rent, three rooms, private bath; lights, water and refrigeration fur nished. Phone 289-R. .'j; 3-11-tf FOR SAI,E: I>i-y stove wood, .$1.00 load. Phone 40-F-ll. .3-21-2t-pd FOR S.\LE; I'wo tliree-ycar-old Horse.s. one eight - year - old Mare. Paul Vestal. 3-18-tf They're Here, Folks 50 Young Mules, Horses and Mares Just Received For Sale Or For Trade l\ PLANNING your Spring ward robe don’t forget the most im portant part—An individually designed foundation garment. For free figure analysis call Mrs. A. C. Dennis. Registered Spencer Cor.setiere. North Wil kesboro, N. C. Telephone 35-M. 3-21-2t STRONG, STURDY STOCK, WELL BROKEN. GUARAN TEED TO BE EXACTLY AS RECOMMENDED. FOR SAIjE: Scratch Pads, print ed on one side. Special, three (3) pounds for 5c.—Carter- Huhbard Publishing Co. tf THESE ARE JUST EXACTLY THE TYPE OF MULES AND HORSES YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. COME AND SEE THEM. IT’S FARMING TIME A- GAIN AND YOU’LL NEED SOME OF THIS STOCK. . IRVIN Livestock Deeler > Wilkesboro North Cft't'ftliiia'' for sale THE BOOK “Gone With the Wind” 391 pages, only— 69c Get yours while they last — At — THE GOODWILL Department Store FOR SALE: Two acres of laml near North Wilkesboro: beau tiful home sight. The price Is right. See or write Don Mel ville, care Wilkes Plumbing Company, North Wllkeaboro, N. C. 3-18-4t rRAOTORS: P12, P80, 10-20, 22-36, Fordson and high class r'ed farm Implements. Cars, 1639 Bulck 41 Sedan, 1937 LaSalle Coupe. Trucks, 1939 International and ' Ford Pick ups. 1938 Chevrolet 1 1-2 ton. Ridiculously low prices. Henk el’s, Statesville, N. C. 4-1-1 It ~N1J8UAL BARGAINS in good used cars and trucks, several makes and models. Wilkes Mo tor company, two miles west on Boone Trail. 10-2-tf Our New Improved ELECTRIC WAX POUSHER is at your dis posal. Onr polisher is brand new. It works fine. Renta hj the hoar or day. Carlton’s Hardware —’PHONE 109— ITS EASTBB AT EXCITING! NEW! Jean Nedra HATS Becoming styles in crisp straws and soft felts. Gaily trimmed. 1.98 Lovely Gaymode HOSIERY Sheer chiffons—sturdy serv ice weights. All clear and ringless! 79c Rayon Gloves 98c Classic slip-on or “dressy” styles! Women’s Spring SHOES Attractive styles—very low priced! Soft sup- $1.98 pie leathers! UNUSUAL HANDBAGS! Simulated leathers in new shapes—new 98c colors! MEN’S SANFORIZED* SHIRTS They’re Topflights — fine broadcloth in smart fast col or patterns for Spring! •Fabric shrinkage will not exceed $J.49 1%. Color for Easter! TIES Rich rayon blends _ 49c with wool and silk! i*LEATED STYLES! SLACKS Cassimeres, wors- O QQ ted weaves! •Reg. U. S. Pat. OfL TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SPECIALS! 3 CAKES LIFEBUOY and LUX TOILET SOAP 17 4 CAKES WOOUBURYS FACIAL SOAP 26 2 BOTTLES Large Size PEPSODENT ANTI SEPTIC—Special - 39c for First Bottle—Ic For Second 40 BOX OF 500 FACIAL TISSUES ISc LIMITED QUANTITY COME EARLY- WANTED fANTED: To do yonr radio re pair work on all makes and models. Expert repairmen. Sat- isfacUol ynsraateed. — Day Electric CO., Phone »28. 8-10-tf fAN'TEDff Bring yonr typewrit ers, cash registers. Adding Ma chines, computing scales, check writers, clocks, and sowing ma^ chines that need repairing and cteaiUng to me up stairs over Cari.or - Huibbard Publishing ’ Comiiany, Ninth street. W. O. Harrison. 1-1-tt mscEUANEoyft ^ ’LOST: car IlSdBse-PS*** ”^*“*®®* 562,216. Finder return to 805 Hlnshaw street for reward. T. R. Howard. It-pd Choose Your Meats At Our Market For The Easter Season WE WILL HAVE PLENTY OF FRESH BEEF, PORK and VEAL Also Fish and Oysters. WE WILL ALSO HAVE MANY OTHER SPECIALS FOR THE EASTER SEA SON—ESPECIALLY SWIFT’S, ARMOUR’S AND WILSON HAMS. -YOUR EARLY ORDER WILL BE APPRECIATED MOORE’S MARKET B. F. BENTLY, Manager B. F. HOLLAR, Owner Phone 401 Ddliver North Wilkesboro, N. C.