I** V »«"^qymv* jf>^ 'ij;Jk7Btoithter, Patricia Ann, was | Mr. Johnny Allen, of Kannap- bora on March 23 to Mr. and Mrs. oils, visited his parents, Mr. and C. H. ShoemaJcer. Mr. John W. Church, of Walsh postofflce wae &>.' .pleasant caller at this office today. Born Jo Mr. and Mrs. Glenn BumKarner, of Wilke= )oro route a daughter on March 23. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Quince Brown on Saturday, March • 30. More than 2o,UU0 drivers’ lic enses have been revoked by the Highway Safely Division since 1935. Ads, get attention—and r—nlta. IKST’HEtDS Wy iittfe jM«pli CAUEIA • Did FORAN Deisld MEEK • FvnyKMGHT Mvgoral HAMILTON Rvtii DONNEUr z:zzzzz:zzz W ««* WWT w. c wu» Oir«>*d by EDWARD CLINE br liSTM CCWAN A NCW UNIVERSAL PICTURE lA THUEISDAY o FRIDAY A fantastic >£NSATiCN Sb,r5e-’C’^ by TKr invK»b»e Mon bi» H. G. WELLS mf/nm f/tm K. M. Allen, of this over the weeM^nd. Mr. Clarence Holbrook, o f Traphlll, was among those here the latter pan of the week look ing after business matters. Mrs. J. D. Shields, a former resident ol this city, is recover ing from an operation in Memor ial Hospital. Reidsville. Mr. J. P. Harley, of Ellerbe, Richmond county. Is here on a visit with his son, Mrj A. M. (Jack) Hadley. Attorney Clyde Hayes is con fined to his home with a severe attack of tonsilitis. Friends hope I for an early recovery. I A son. weight eight potinds, i was born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. j V. H. Cordell at the Wilkes hos- i pital. 1 Mrs. Marvin Ilo.stian is spend ing this week in Winston-Salem with Mrs. H. X. Spainhowcr and _o!her friends. I Mr. Gilbert Weiidland. a stu- deiu of I.enoir-Uliyiie College at Hickory, spent the week-end heim I with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. I A. Wendland. I .Mr. and .Mrs. James l.owc and ' (iaiigliter. .\nn. and .Mrs. J. B. Hall, spent Sunday in Morgan- : ton, vi-iiina Mr. and Mrs. T. W. I KlonTz. I Mr. KIroy Wendland. who has I a po.sition with Mr. H. M. Scott in his cheese plant at Sweetwater. iTenn.. spent the week-end here j w ith his parents. Mr. and Mrs. ! H. .A. Wendland. { .Mr. Hubert Canter, who nnder- I went an appendicitis operation a I few weeks ago, has fully recover- : ed and has resumed his duties I as manager ot Tomlinson’s De- ipatTmeiu Store. .Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ritchie, Jr.. Miss Bella Ritchie and Mr. Rillie Ritchie returned to Rah way, X. J.. Saturday after visit- ling Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie I at Pores Knot). I Born to Mr. and Mrs. James ' Leslie Rhoades, of Wilkesboro 'route 1. a daughter, Alice Jane, I Weight 7 1-2 pounds, on Sunday, Mgrch 31. BqjJu mother and daughter are getting along fine. I Miss Hlizaheih WUkerson. who ! s a s'udem at Krskine College at !|!uc Wes:, S. C.. is spending the spring holiday.s here with her mici,- and a^tiit, Mr. and Mrs. Joe .loUnson. >>M BCt^kHKMai A A MtW UNIVtKSAl MCTWI • TUESDAY ONLY » •'Yoiir Fntertainment (^enter” iEPHEUM Mr. I’llll'S. for il I iiir ( trii-t, ■: 1,1;. P. r. Phillips, of Southern mm of the five candidates e Democratic nomination ■ ncrtss ill the Eighth di.s- uas a visitor in this city >■ ;m the interest of his caii- P’cnty of seed oat.s, potatoes, bean.s. lesjiedevai, grasses, and a I full line of garden seeds at PKAR- .SON BKOTHEKS. 2-26-tf NOTICEI-NOTICE! Pay V our Electric Light bill before the lOtb of each month. 5 per cent will be added after the 10th. Duke Power Co. PHONE 420 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. Penalty On 1939 County Taxes If Payment 1$ Not Made On Or Before May 1st, 1940 Pay Your 1939 Taxe* Now And Save This 3% Penalty c. T. Doughton, SHERIFF OF WILKES COUNTY Netws ot Ae Im ........ Woodard, of Durh^, oelved herb htat 'week. Vrs.' Woodard died Thursday aad the funeral and bnrlal services took, place Friday. She was the daugh ter of Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Hol brook, former rodents of Wil kesboro, and a granddaughter of Ml, and Mrs. J. C: Tlltcheil, who reside In Wllkeeboro. No chil dren survive. Resume Services At The Wilkesboro Presbyterian Church At a congregational meeting of t h e Wilkesboro Presbyterian church held Sunday afternoon for the purpose of determining the future of the church It was de cided to have Sunday school at the church each Sunday after noon at 2:30 p. in. and to have preaching services twice monthly. The meeting held Sunday aft ernoon, which was sponsored by the Presbytery’s commission on The Minister and His Work, was well attended, there being a large majority of the members present. Rev. John W. Foster, of Cooloomee, preached an inspiring sermon. Following the service a session of the church officials was held and it was decided to resume ser vices at the church. Rev. AV. M. Cooper, pastor of the North AVil- ke.sl)(iio Presi,yterian church, will preach on next Sunday immedi ately following a brief Sunday school session at 2:30 and it is understood that Rev. Mr. Cooper will he asked , to preach twice monthly. The Wilkesboro Presbyterian church is one of the oldest in this section of the state. Services have not been held at the church for the pa.st several years. llEi \ /' ^..A / " ‘■'f' ” ! /i Anniversary Celebration Date Set June 30—July 4 (Continuel from page one) J. C. Reins, all of whom heartily endorsed the proposed annivers ary celebration. Everyone present signified interest in the event by standing. Prior to the meeting, which .13 called by J. R. Prevette. head of the advertising bureau of the North Wilkesboro Commerce Bureaus, a number of selections were rendered by the high school hand. The meeting opened with the singing of “America,” follow ed by prayer by Rev. Mr. Cooper. Friday morning at a meeting of The directors of the Commerce Bureaus, twelve directors being present, a contract was signed with the Rogers Company by R. Finley, Commerce Bureaus’ president, and W. P. Kelly, sec- letarv, attested -Mr. Finley’s sig nature. it. V. Tomlinson, chaii- maii of the Commerce Bnrea:is’ hoard ot directors, presided over this meeting. Thus, wiih the Commerce Bu reaus sponsoring the event, and with the active support of the various civic organizations of tlie city, it is confidently expected that this June will bring forth cue of the gia,alest occasions this section has ever wiine.ssed. Further announcement and ar rangements for the anniversary celebration will be given from lime to time. -And in the mean time, local citizens are enthusias tically putting their shoulders to the wheels to insure the success to the city-wide undertaking. 1 1 : : S i \ *4 ’ V V’ ' 'V V North Wilkesboro high is^one ot approximately 3S North Caro lina high schools which will par- ilelpate In the- sMond annual North Carolina High, School Spee^ and Jlebate To)^9#ntent to held at Wake Forest College April 4-6. Miss Betty Rhodes and Wayne Caudill will represent North Wil kesboro on the affirmative side in debates on the query, “Resolved, That the Federal Crovemment should own and operate the rail roads.’’ Billy Wade Estes and Jimmy Moore will uphold the neg ative side of this question. Each school will engage in at least six debates before any are eliminat ed. Jack Massey, high school de bate coach, will accompany the North Wilkesboro team to the tournament. Arrang'ments are being mate to secure a carload of Austrta winter peas for seeding by WTIha» farmers, Lawrence Miller, cleilc anfl’seisrfetary of the Triple Ate Wllk'ft;'saidToday. - ‘ The shipment will arrive te June or July and orders are now being accepted from farmeiw, lit. Miller said. All who_pre intereeU ed are asked to notify Mr. Miller as early as possible in order that the order may be completed far early ship uent. The peas will be houghfeat go* ernment contract price and pap ment will be deducted from tlR farmer’s payment for compliaaf with the farm program this year See 08 for yonr needs In see* />tatoes, seed oats, onion sets, lespedeza seed, seed beans, ajsB, all kinds ef garden seeds. PEIAR- 80N BROTHERS. a-2(M* , John Loder and Isa Miranda share a moment of tenderness in this scene from Paramount’s “Adventure in Diamonds,” although their agenda! is crowded with a plan to purloin a hoard of gems. THe film is due Thursday at the Libwty Theatre. Brent and Miranda Star In Sparkling Comedy - Drama A cocktail sure to lift the jad ed moviegoer is coming to the Liberty Theatre. Thursday and Friday, mixed of a suspene-filled plot, crackling comedy, a dash of charming background and plenty of ice. The "ice,’’ of course, means diamonds, about which re volves the story of Paramount’s “Adventure in Diamonds.” which had its local opening last night. A new star team you’re sure to remember is made up of George Brent and Isa Miranda, w.ho now make their first joint appearance in a fast-paced tale of intrigue, conflict and love in the romantic diamond - mining country of the Union of South Africa. Played out against the novel, . v t j colorful background of the re-’ sistant-l.i-crime Jc^n Loder as mote dominion at the tip of the the chief of the ring, and Nigel dark continent, "Adventure in ^ruce. as a secret service officer. Diamonds” deals with the exper- George Fitzmaunce directed ex- iences of a beautiful internation-|eellently. al adventuress. Miss Jliianda, ' , . who embarks on the intrigue of State (ol|ojre Answers a lifetime when she marks the | Timely Farm Question ..rack-proof Kimberley mines for, ^ uliinder. Th s and her unexpected I ' . , ,, , romance with a handsome vo.ina officer ii the Royal Air Force are fellow-crooks in the act hut pro tect the girl from the law. The intrigue story is only one of the feature.^ that make “Ad venture in Diamonds ’ stand out as a sparkler of a movie! Miss Miranda, as glamorous and ex citing as ever in her latest role, wears clothes that will have the feminine fans talking for weeks. Cape Town, which evidently de serves its reputation as "the Paris of the Southern Hemisphere.” is a setting that supplies many a screen novelty, including the first ostrich race to be put on celluloid. Brent plays his officer role with the finesse he displayed in such previous successes as "Jeze bel,” “Dark Victory’’ and "The Old Maid.’’ The supporting cast is w'ell up to standard, includih|g i Elizabeth Patterson, in another [of her grand characters roles as Miss Miranda’s factotum and as- the chief ingredients of a high- karat plot. Brent, who naturally plays the yoiing aviator, becomes slighrly involved with the glamorous Miss Miiranda aboard ship enroute to a full ration’’ .Answer: It usually takes about three wcek.s for an animal to be brought to full feed, hint this should ihe regulated by the physi cal condition of the cow. The first day after freshening the grain Miiranda anoaru snip eiiruuie u ^ restricted to bran south days, the more ho when she decuies to use . CHARLOTTE MAN IS CLUB SPEAKER (Continued from page one) ness and indicated how that the federal constitution is the writ ten evidence of the democracy we all yearn to have. It is the individual’s greatest protection. It has given him independence of person, of contract and of prop erty. The efforts in recent years to invade its sacred precincts have been made both through legislative plans and by unscrup ulous political leaders. He quot ed Lord Macaulay to indicate how that these inroads on the consti tution may lead to its destruction. .so wnen sne oeemes i.u use . to aid her campaign to tap should Ktven a m.xture of i wheat bran and ground oats, equal parts. The animal may then he started on the regular milking ration and gradually brought to full feed in three weeks. A rea sonable amount of legume hay and a small amount of silage may him to aid her campaign ui lap ^ the fabulous treasures of Kim berley. Romance gets a big ' set-hack when Brent, in a thrilling se quence, spots Miss Miranda smug gling gems from the mine, shields her for the moment, then joins | forces with the British secret ] be fed at all times, service to break up the ring that j threatens South Africa’s greatest ’ industry. His ticklish assigtlment then is to catch Miss Miranda’s State College Answers Timely Farm Question Question: Is it necessary to ap ply any fertilizer to vegetable crops after planting? Answer: The quality of succu lent vegetables is dependent up on rapid growth and it is often necessary to make a side applica tion of quickly available nitrogen in order to maintain vigorous growth. The time of applying the side dressing will depend upon the vigor and maturity of the crop and upon seasonal condi tions. The grower must use his own judgment as to when to ap ply the side dressing. A total of 114 persons were killed in traffic accidents In North Carolina the first two months of 1940. All kinds of freA seeds—let pedeza, onion sets, tints, potatoM beans; also fertlllz'v. LowM prices and first quality.—■North Wilkesboro Oroeety Oo. S-M>7t FARMERS, be sure to .see us | for your seeds. We have a com- j plete stock—seed potatoes, onts. | beans, |e.spedeza, etc. PEARSON | Ads. (ret attention—aad resuHa. BROTHERS.2-tie-tf LAST CALL! LAST WEEK OF SPRING SALE! Spring Sale Ends Saturday, Apr. 6 Get Your Share of the Bargains While The.se I.ow Prices Are Still In Effect! YOUR SAVING — OUR LOSS! DON’T PUT IT OF F—C O M E NOW Good Field 4-Foot Scrub 3 large Harrow HOE WIRE TUB Octagon *6.95 39^ *2.39 25^^ 9^= 1 Quart Fum. Polish T9c || 1 1-3 Qt. Johnson’s 98c Aluminum sale .. 49c-59c AVERY CORN PLANTER $22.50 3-bumer UlL STOVE and OVEN $6.95 Alarm Cow 1 Plow 2 Trace Lunch Elec. Clock Chain I LLtr j Chain* Kit Iron 79*^ 25‘^| 19^= 59^^ *1.00 89^= Advantage of It! LARGE MAT - 7c j| LARGER SIZE CITY MAIL BOX 11c || TIN WA^fAN 6c Plow Handles 2'"16c Steel Rake ’ 45c Screcnr Door $1.69 14-quart Enamel DISH PAN .... O C _ IVVhite Enamel |knives-forks LAST CALL FOR THE SALE! Spring Sale Ends This Saturday ! -$2.00 ON A LAWN MOWER!- Garden PLOW for Buy Y our Chick Wire Thi» Week! 5c AND 10c PAINT ALL COLORJB Compressed Air SPRAYERS $1-99 50-gallon Hand SPRAYER CHICK FEEDERS and FOUNTS REDUCED 61-Piece Beautiful CHINAWARE $5.75 [KITCHEN LAMP A Big Bargain! 98c Now’s the Time to Save — Spring Sale Ends Saturday CARLTON’S HARDWARE The Northwestern Bank SPARTA, N. C. BOONE, N. C. BIURNSVILLE, N. C. BLOWING ROCK, N. C. NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C. BAKERSVILLE, N. C. JEFFERSON. N. C. TAYLORSVILLiS, N. C. VALDESE, N. C. STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS - MARCH 26, 1940 RESOURCES Cash in Vaults and Due from Banks $ 917,728.04 U. S. (Jovemment Bonds $246,491.98 N. C. State ^nds 242,788.74 County and Municipal Bonds — 663,601.70 Other'Stocks and'^fewds — 9vOOLOO .conn Accrued Interest on Bonds 12,599.65 1,174,488.07 Loans and Discounts 2,296,865.96 Banking Houses, Furniture and Fixtures, (9 Banking Houses) —— 108,178.72 Less Reserve for Depreciation 20,965.34 87,213.38 Other Real Estate Owned 12,049.59 Other Resources total $4,489,281.17 LLABIUTIES Capital Stock (Common) :—$205,000.00 Surplus , 320,000.00 XJjtdmded Profits 79,608.10 Reserve for Contingencies Unearned Interest ■— Reserve for Taxes, Other E:q>enfies and As- crued Interest Due Depositors Other Liabilities — 404,608J0 7,600.0« 29,963.31 10,590.36 4,088.06 DEPOSITS 4,032,531.35 ..$4,489,281.17 member FEDERAL DEP06IT INSURANCE CORPORATION

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