r»eent stody by the AiZBerican Itotltute o£ PiabUe I O^lAloa Indi ctee thut the IM^ i^ldenUal •lections be it mUch 'doaer -flair than those of 1932 and >36. Dr. Georgo Gallup^ director f the Institute, says of the 60,- 190,000 eligible voters 25,000,- ' >90 consider theinselves Demo- aratg and approximately 23,000,- •W consider themselves Republi- crznber around 11,500,000 and cans. Independent voters will •n them the spotlight will be famed. In 1936 more than 70 per cent •I the independents were for President Roosevelt. Today, in- atitute studies show a close divis ion in sympathy between the two parties on the part of the inde pendents. A little less than one- ttiird favor a Democratic victory, Ptcording to Dr. Gallup in the ■ay issue of Cosmopolitan Maga- aine, and approximately the same ■amber are on the Republican aide. A small majority of the in dependents with opinions are op- pesed to a Roosevelt third term at time. Dr. Gallup points out the Vghtly ridiculous angle of con- leversy over ~eciprocal trade w f l setision over the tactics of the t I mTf / i \ Administration in foreign politics 4 unusual. Dr. Gal- iui> ^■1 Mill f J f k w MJA r - ^ ■ “In one especially interesting survey the iiistitiiie found that a- !iOUt one person in every three has at least thought aoo-ui the FOR Ri:.\T APKIIj 0: 3-room I lu-ohlem (peacet and has some furnished apartment on street It’Uggesiion to offer. About iS.OOO,- noor; also two unfurnished j 000 voters, judging by the sur- apartments. Mrs. O. \V. Sehas-1 vey. are considering some iuter- ♦lao, phone 205-M. Ulnatioual organization, such as a for QUKK A(7I0N FOR RENT treaties which will be thundered from every side. Ridiculous be cause the institute study revealed the fact that the recis^ocal trade issue is beyond the immediate in terest and 'Understanding of 90 per cent of the nations' voters. Another Issue which both sides will make much of Is the Wagner LaMor Act which again is not a burning problem to many of the voters. While more people under stand its significance to a great er degree than that of the recip rocal treaties, researches show that over half the voters haven'i given the act much thought. The article goes on to say that .government spending is some thing on whieh nearly all voters have positive views. Reduction appeals to most of the people but the opinions on how such reduc tion in spending is to be brought about differ. Relief, public w'orks an/1 farm benefits can all be re duced. according to the voters, but a rise in defense spending seenu to meet with general ap proval. An overwhelming interest Is evidenced everywhere on the question of America entering the war. Members of both parties a- giee that we should keep out, wliicli is not surprising- However, tlu? almost total absence of dis- rR^TSHKn AIMRTMT:\T in Wilkesboio for rent, three xooms. private bath; lights, jvater and refrigeration fur- aished. Phone 2S9-K. 3-11-tf FOR SALE FOR S.ALE: Pl^s. .Shoa,t.s Fresh Milk Cow and a Veal Calf. H. G. Duncan, Wilkesboro, X. C. It-pd. FOR SALE: Seven room hoase; arage and other n-itb^ildings; X-Z acres of land: three miles west-of North Wilkesboro on Highway 421. See or write J. D. McLean. Cricket, N. C. 4-Mt-pd. OR SALK: One yoke good work iteersr weight 2100 pounds. - or write’ W. K. • Smithey, Willtesboro. N. C. 4-l-2t 3FOER SALE: Two thi*ee-yeiir-old mules; tw'o three - year - old horses: two eight-months-old mule colts: one three-year-old mare: one sU-year-old horse: one fresh milk cow. Paul J. Vestal, at United Supply Co. 3-2l-tf FOR SALE: Walko TiUdol.s, Poul try, Horse. CattU* ami Dog Remedies. At Red Cross Phar- nBcy. 4-1-H FOR SALE: ScratHi Pal.«, print ed on one side. Special, three (3) pounds f-ir r*e. -Cartor- Hubbard Publishing Co. tf ‘United Slates of Europe.’ a 'un ion of democracies,' a ‘world union,* as proposed bV Clarence Streit in ‘L’niou No'v’, or even a revived f/eague of Nations.” Court Order Asked To Stem Curiosity Of Census Takers Greenfield. Mass.—A superior court order was sought Thursday to prevent census takers from in quiring into personal incomes. Acting on a petition of a re tire! army officer, Judge J. Ar thur Baker directed Clarence N. Durant, censiir supervisor for Kranklin. Hampshire and Berk shire counties, to appear in T'ilts- field court Tuesday to show cause why a temporary re.straining or- d“r shiuild not be granted. (‘aptain B. Krankliu (tross, of vVilliamstowii. :*ontended that the income question in the 1940 census was a violation of the Fifth Amendment to the Con stitution. that it was an “unau thorized inquiry into private af fairs.” and that it would “deprive the complainant of personal lib- I rry and his private property without due process of law.'’ Miami Beach, Fla.—Police re ported that a "hospital" plane, carrying an injured man from Key West to West Palm Beach, crashed last night at Ocean Drive and Eleventh street, a heavily- populated hotel and business sec tion of Miami Beach. Police did not have a full re port on the accident, but believed no one had b^n injured. The pilot and man being bro-ught from Key West to We t Palm Beach were the only one'- In the plane, police said. The plane for more than 15 minutes circled at a low altitude over Miami Beach during a hea vy downpour of rain last night, barely clearing house and tree- tops. BIG OPEN HOUSE CELEBRATION FOR C, C. CAMP FRIDAY (Continued from page onei forces' exercised dtue V economy the control tJttfF hare roughout this session yesterday When the chamber pass ed a $1,021,639,700 labor-social security appropriation bill which was $55,651,058 above President Roosevelt's budget estimates. The increases were in funds for 1941 operations of two relief agencies, the ' clvlllaii qqpsciiVa- TRACTORS: FI 2, 10-20, 32-36, Ford^on and high class a^i&d farm implements. Cars. 1939 Buick 41 Sedan, 1937 LaSalle Coupe. Trucks. 1939 International and Ford Pick ups, 1933 Chevrolet 1 1-2 ton. Ridiculously low prices. Henk el's. Statesville, N. C. 4-1-llt “Doesn’t Know W’hcthor He f.ovfs Hi- Wifo or His Sister.” Fvcrytbinn was fine until !te was ralb--'! away uti business. Then the iniih ra;tu‘ out. Unad tins story oi' an ainazing mi\-up in the .\m* rira!i \Vf»okly Magazine with i.pxt Sunday’s Washington Tinu‘s- HeialU. now or sale. ^geSUAL B,\RGAIN3 In good oaed cars and trucks, several sakes and models. Wilkes Mo tor company, two miles west on. Boone Trail. lO-2-tf WANTED WANTED: Beaut3' ojM-'nUor, gtKHl personality, splendid opportun ity for right party. Write, send photograph, returned if re quested. Box 242. Liifolriton. HOW AN AUTHOR EXILE STAG EI> HIS OWN CNHAPPY ENDING. The brilliant dramatist noted out hU own last and mys- ieri(ms chapter. Read Adele Rog ers St. Johns* article in which she blames his suicide on banish ment from Hollywood and his broken romance with a lovely ac tress. In The American Weekly .Magazine with next Sunday’s Washington Times-Herald, now on sale. N. C. 4-l-2t-pd /ANTED: 'To your rwllo re pair work on aU mal es and »odelB. Expert repairmen. Sat- ifffactlot — Day Electric Co., Phone 328. 8-10-tf fANTEDff Bring your tjrpewrlt- era, cash registers, Adding Ma chines, computing scales, check writers, clocks, and sewing ma- ehinee that need repairing and eleanlng to me up stairs over Carter - Htibbard Publishing Company, Ninth street. W. G. Harrison. misoelaneous FOUND: Billfold ooiit»i*4»g Rex Moxley's driving license, re ceipts, etc. Owner , may have same bly calling at Journal-Pa triot office and paying for this wd. • it-pd HOtCND: Quantity of potatoes. Ovwer may have same by iden- ttfyfmg and paying for this ad. - JL N. Hendren, Wilkesboro. rente 2. It-pd. MAKING MOVIES THAT HAVE SOUND-^AND SMEf.L The inventors of the device say rhey can give audiences 5,000 difforent odors with their movies —anything from the fragrance of flower to the aroma of a turkey dintier. Read this up-to-date sci ence .story in The American Weekly .Magazine with next Sun- dayN W'r,shiiigton Times-Herald, now on .sale. THE ^LVN WHO MADE TIME STAND STILL FOR 60 YEARS. His name was Baron Ballysane and. from the days of Queen Vic toria until his recent death, he refused to admit that the world was changing. Read about his strange existence in The Ameri can Weekly Magazine with next Sunday’s Washington Times-Her ald, now on sale. vitations to come and bring their friends. Company 3420 was organized at Stafesville in 1935. with 25 colored men. who wore relieved a few weeks later by an advanced cadre of 2 5 white men from Mays- ville. The company remained iliere until September 20. 1938, wlien it was moved to its present location at Laurel Springs. Camp Meadow Fork, as it is now known, was first occupied in June. 1933. by a cadre of men from Dobson. Between June and December the con.slructinii of the company was completed, and on September 20. 193S. ('amp NC SCS-21 was changed to Camp NC NP-21. The company is located on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is the only camp, the duties of which are confined sohdy the Parkway area, in Nortii Carolina. The principal project of the •amp is landscai'/e and develop-, mont along a designated portion of the Parkway. The work is to L great extent confined to grad- ng. planting and .seeding, or sod ding cuts and fills along the scenic motorw'ay which is being built expressively for tourists. Another important job is the de- elopment of bays and vistas by selective cutting and planting. Not all the Parkway is being planted in trees and shrubs. There are many miles of open area that the camp will reseed, lime or fertilize for pasture. The camp has, since its establish ment less than two years ago, worked on approximately 15 mile.': of the Parkwav. extending rom lughw'ay 21 to highway 16. Much of the work except grading is seasonal. There are also many other jobs which the camp does. Some of hem are the construction of per manent maintenance buildings or the Parkway, the building of arkway signs, and the assistance n surveying and the construc tion of a 3.000.000 gallon dam. The company strength is low approaching 2(M». the maximum numher of enrollces perniitte( to a .single camp. Around 500 boys have lieen trained in Uie camp since ItKis. Not only do they work or. tile I’arkway. eal they are given classroom instruction, have access to an excellent library and readiiyg room, ai:d are trained in ii completely eqMiiM)ed machine .‘>iiop. Tile food is excellent. For recreation there is a tennis court, a volley ball court and billard table.s. An archery range is being planned. The organization pre pares tlje enrollee to meet life's problems by teaching him the proper method of dealing w'ith life’s situations. They receive $30 a month, plus room and lifoard. Friday’s anniversary celebra tion will get underway with breakfast at 7:30. inspection of rooms and cadet corp.s by com pany commander at 8 o'clock, lunch for the enrollees at 11:.10, lunch served to all visitors in the open at 12 o’clock, a motor trip on the work project at 2 o'clock, and an in.spection of the camp at 3 o'clock. Camp officers, besides Captain Baker, are George L. Partlow', subaltern: Howard B. Gaylord, educational supervisor: and Dr. Benjamin M. Krugman. camp physician. Ibider the National Park Sendee project superinten dent. Clarence L. Fink, are Mar cus Hall, foreman engineer; Rom ulus Church, blacksmith; Alfred Gates, mechanic; Richard Clark, senior foreman; and Glenn Rich ardson, Dewey Broyhill, Thomas Isbell and James Perkins, all junior foreman. admlnlBtratlon. CCC funds were upped‘*$50,000,009 above Mr. Roosevelt’s $330,000,000 .budget figures, whiite the NYA was given $17,450,000 more than the $85,- 000,000 requested. It was the firtt time this year that the House had approved a supply bill whose total was great er than recommended in the Pres ident’s "bedrock” bhidget. Passage of the measure also involved an implied rebuke of the national labor relations board, storm center of the. congressional fight over amendment of the Wagner act. and the wagee-hour division. Funds for operations of timates by the House appropria- both agencies were cut below' es- tions committee and the House voted approval. Efforts of economy leaders to dislodge the CCC and NYA in creases were un.successful. On roll call votes, the chamber approved the CCC fund 204 to 170, and ttie NYA boost 221 to 157. fcy virtue of der of the Supertor Cbort dfj Wllkee , County. entUled "Wilkie dikes' Counfy, W. County*versus G. W. Mastin ani wife, Mrs. G. W. Mastin." thh undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April. 1940, al 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of and being in Edwards tion corps and the ^tlonal ■^'ownship, Wilkes County, N. C„ being 1 lot of land, more or less listed in ^ ■ Township in the name of r ■' *0"^ Being all owned and or listed in 1936 uy Q. W. Mastin. F’or further description, refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , in the lU i.4iS Ooiirt;: ik4*oro. K. highest' r eertahi' being in Iaa4.- 3816, hr John OwyM. ^ ± i #or fdrtbet descilFtloF^ ence Is'made to desor^tog fohh ‘ in . Book , Pago la the^ acres of land more or less. Hated If) Edwards Township In the name of Andrew Greenwood, in 4 1936, ibelng all the land owned and or listed In 1936 by Andrew Green wood^' For further description refei- iglster of Deeds office of Wilkes jttnty. ‘7 This the •298H*'day),of M»re)u 1940. F. J. MoDUFFIE. ^ 4-22-4t-( M) Commissioxw* NOTIC'E OF SALE OF LAND V Under and IV virtue of an or- ence is made to description found | der of the Superior Court of in Book , Page , In the i Wilkes County, entitled "Wllko^* Register of Deeds office of Wilkes . County versus W. S. Gwyn and Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. i This tl^e 29th day of March, 1940. i : F. J, McDUFFIE, 4-22-4t-(M) Commissioner. County. This the 29th day of March. 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 4-22-4t- (M) Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND Wear something white on your clotliing if you walk on the high way at niglit. DO YOU DARE KEEP A DLUIY? Eminent psycholc^st. w*ams that^Uke snakes^ self-re- vcalin^ diaries often turn on the I>eople who write them. Bo sure to read this informative article in the April 14th issue of The Amer ican Weekly, the big magazine distributed with the Baltimore American, On Sale at AH News stands. .NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus David Martin and wife. Mrs. David Marlin,'* the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April, 1940. at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Wilkesboro, N. C.. offer for sale to the highe.st bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Ed wards Township. Wilkes County, North Carolina, being 1 lot of land more or less, listed in Ed wards township in the name of David Martin in 1936. being all the land owned and or listed in 1 936 by David Martin. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book —. Page —. in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 29th day of March. 1940. F. J. McDT'FFlE. 4-22-4t-fM) Commissioner. Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court df Wilkes County, entitled "Wilkes County versus Rudd Welborn and wife, Mable C. Welborn,'’ the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April, 1940. at 12:00 noon, at the Court House door In Wilkesboro. N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Mo»*avian Falls Township. Wilkes County, N. C., being 120 acres of land, more or less, listed in Moravian Falls Trtwnship in the name of Rudd Welborn in 1936. Being all the land owned and or listed in 1936 by Rudd Welborn. For further description, refer ence is made to description found in Book . Page . in the Register or Deed.s office NOTICE OP SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or of the Superior Court of Wilkes County entitled "Wilke*^ County versus Weaver Holcomb and wife. Mrs. Weaver Holcomb,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April. 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Wilkes boro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest hjldder for cash, that cer tain tract of land, lying and be ing in Edwards Township. Wilkes County, N. C.. being 27 acres of land, more or less, listed in Ed wards township, in the name of Weaver Holcomb, in 1936. by Weaver Holcomb. For further description refer ence is made to descriptmn found Book . Page in in the wife, Mrs. W. S. Gwyn,” the un dersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April, 1940, at ’’;00 o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Wilkesboro. N. C.. offer for sale lo the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Edwards Township, Wilkes County, N. C.. being 5 acres, more or leas, listed in Edwards Township in the name of W. S. Gwyn, in. 1936, being all the land owned and or listed in Edwards Township in 1936, by W. S. Gwyn. For further deacrir/tlon refer ence is made to description found in Book . Page . in the Register or Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 2ruii day of March, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE. 4-22-4t-t .M i Commissioner. an or- NOrrCE OK SALE OF I UpHor and l*y virtue of an der of the Superior Conn of Register of Deeds office of Wilkes I Wilkes County. entitLd “Wilkes County. 1 County versus Floyd English and This the 29th day of March. ! wife. Mrs. Floyd English, the 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE. 4-22-4t-(M) Commissioner. W'ilkes County. I This the 29th day of March 'l940. t F. J. McDUFFIE. 4-22-4t-(M) Commissioner. NOTICE OK SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of Mie Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus R. P. Day and wife Mrs. R. F. Day.” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April. 1940. at 12:00 noon, at the Court House door in Wilkesboro. N. C., offer for sale to the highest I)idder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and iieing in Edwards T(>wii.sliip. Wilkes County. N. C., tKMiig 15 acres of land, more or h'ss, listed in Edwards Township in the name nf R. F. Day in 1936. Being all the land owned and or listed in 1936 i>y R. F. Day. For further description, refer- eiue is made to descMiption found in Book , Page . in the Register of Deeds Office of Wilkes County. This the 29th day of March, 1910. F. J. McDUFFIE. 4-22-4t-(M) Commissioner. REV. E. V. BUMGARNER TO PREACH IN THIS CITY Rev. E. V. Bumgarner, of Tay lorsville, will speak Thursday night at the Woodman Hall fa- cross from Post Office on C Street), Rev. Mr. Bumgarner is.a w'ell-known pastor and leet^rpr. Thursday night he will tell of his visit through the Holy Lands— Palestine and Jerusalem. ’ Every one is inrited to hear him. : Use the advertisis^ cohunns of this ptLpn as your shoppinir NOTICE OF sale OF L\M) Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled "Wilkes County versus Fannie Kimmer and husband Kimmer.” the undersigned Commissioner will on 29th day of April. 1940 at the Court House Door in Wilkes boro, N. C.. at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain' tract of land, lying and being in Ed wards Township, Wilkes County. North Carolina, being 5 acres of land, more or less, listed in Ed wards Township in the name of Fannie Kimmer in 1936. Being all the land owned and or listed in 1936 by Fannie Kimmer. For further description found in Book . Page in the NOTICE Or SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Mrs. J. M. Minor and husband, J. W. Minor,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April. 1940. at I2:00 o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Wilkeslmro. N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Edwards Township, Wilkes County, N. C., being 1 lot of land, more or less, listed in Edwards township in the name of Mrs. J. W. Minor in *1940. 1936. being all the land owned' NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of offWilkes County, entitled “Wilke.s , County versus H. H. Couch and wife. Mrs. H, H. Couch.’' the un dersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Wilkesboro. N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Edwards Township. Wilkes County. North Carolina, being 2 acres of land more or less listed in Edwards Township in the name of H. H Couch in 1936. being all tb*^ land owned and or li.sted in 1936, by H. H. Couch. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book Page , in the dersigned Commissioner will if the 29th day of April. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock noop. at the Conrr House door in Wilkesboro, N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash.dhat certain tract of land. lying and being in Boomer Ty\vMsh»p. Wilkes County, North Carolina, being 9 acres of land, more or less, listed in Boomer Township in the name of Floyd English in 1936. Being all the 'land owned and or listed in 1936 by Floyd English. F'or further description, refer ence Is made to description found in Book . ^age . in the Register or Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 29th day of March. 1940. F. J. McDtrPFTE. 4-22-4t-(M) Commissioner. Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 2^h day of March, F. J. McDUFFIE, and or listed in 1936 by Mrs. J. *4-22-4MM) ‘ Commis.sioner. W. Minor. For further description refer- encee is made to description found in Book . Page . in the Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 29Ui day of March, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE. 4-22-4t-( M) Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County,, entitled “Wilkes County , versus EMdie Adams and husband VJ Adams,” the undersized Commissioner will on the 29th dav of April, 1940, at 12:00 noon, at^ ' the Court House door in Wilkes boro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that cer- tain tract of land, lying and be ing in Edwards Township, Wilkes j County, North Carolina, bein|f 3^. NOTICE OK SALE OF LAM) Under and by virtue nf an or der nf the Superior Court of Wilkes Coiiniy. entiiied ‘Wilkc' (U)unly versus Andrew Green wood and wife, Mrs. Andrew NOTICE OF SALE OF U\Si) Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of _ Wilkes County, entitled | acres of land, more or less, iTst^ County versus John Gwyn and | Edwards Township, in the name wife, Mrs. John Gwyn. the under-Eddie M. Adams, in 1936. be- signed Commissioner will on the i ^11 the land owned and or list- 29th day of April. 1940. at 12:00 Edwards Township in 193 o'clock noon, at the Court Eddie M. Adams. door in Wilkesboro. N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of iaiul. lying and heinir in Edw'nri^ T .-jhip, Wilkes County, North Car olina. being 2 acres nf land more or less, listed in Edwards Town- 4-22-4t-(M) For further de.scription found m Book , Page , in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 29th day of March, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE. ^ Commissioner. Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 29th day of March. 1940. F. J. McDT’FFIE, 4-22-41-(M) Commissioner. NOTICE OF S.ALE OP L.AND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus A. 0. Bray and wife. Bera Bray, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April, 1940, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Wilkesboro. N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Brushy Mountain Township, Wilkes County, N. C.. being 8 acres of land, more or less, listed in Brushy Mountain Township in the name of A* .O. BrAy^Jn 19$^. .^ing all the owhelf or listed in 1936 by* Bray. For further description, refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page in the Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. , ^m^'the 29tb day of March, OUR FIRST TIME AT THIS LOW PRICE! Pronto Private File for keeping personal papers and other valuable records at your finger tips 1. Confidential compartment built in cover, with separate lock • . • designed for insur ance policies, copy of will and other val uable papers. 2. Complete filing system, including a set of expritstve red rope A to Z fotdecs. 3. Additional folders labeled "Unpaid Bills**, "Bank ' Statements”, "Light-Heal-Phona”, "Taxes”, etc- 4;* SBding front makes filing cosy and he^ locate records instantaneously. 9. Rubber feet prevent marring furniture. 6. Non^omishable chrome handles with tpoc# for index nr ■■ms card. 7m Mode of COLD ROLLED STEEL in rich dork olive grenn fioi*h. Complete with 2 lodes and set of 2 keys. S. DinMnstona-^ll^* hiS^ wide, deep. Carter Hubbard Publishing Co. 4