^ki\^: ^ ■ ^.-. ' > mimimiimBLi£>^^ jVf 11 iiipiaaBaiBM r.ri‘"">:'jt!;' vf. »''^?i.'V^?'-'^",'Jjt'He!’tiflsn *Vr- ud'Mn. Bddle Myers spent week-end in Joneerllle vislt- Mr. Myers’ father. J-, 'Friends will be glad to know O. W. Miller, who has been . Quite ill, is able to be up again. ^ Mrs. Maggie Waddell and chil dren spent Sunday at Rock Creek ^^tlug her mother. Friends will regret to learn that Mr. Stewart Pardue is ill at his home with pneuimonia. Mrs. Mollie Jones, of the Ready Branch community, was a visitor in this city yesterday. Mr. Buster Staley, of Berry’s Lane, spent Wednesday in this city. Mr. J. V. Heath, of Winston- Salem, is here this week visiting his sister, Mrs. J. W, Mitchell. Mrs. Arthur Sparks, of Roaring River, is a patient at the Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. Mr. W. E. McXeil, of West Jef ferson, spent "^'uesday and Wed nesday here visiting his sister. Mrs. E. ,E. EHer. ^ F. W. f'oster, who recent- lyi^returned home from the WTIkes Ho.spital. is showing some improvement. Mf- Henry Coleman, of Cycle, has been seriously ill tor some time, doesn’t show any im provement. friends regret to learn. Misses Cora Caudill and Elea nor Smoak returned Sunday from a week’s visit to Miami and oth er points of interest in Florida. Mr. N. C. May has accepted a position as local warehouse man ager for the firm of Gibson-How- ell, brokers, of Asheville. Mr. George E. Blevins, well known citizen of the Springfield community, was a visftor in this city Wednesday. Miss Corinne Fa'W', student of Duke University, is spending the spring holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Faw. Rev. N. T. Jarvis, of Roaring River route 2, doesn’t show any improvement, friends regret to learn. PE.AKSON BROTHERS—Head, quarters for Seeds of aU kinds— Potatoes, oats, oiUon sots, lespe- deza, beans, etc. Lowest prices. I I .Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Haynes and i Mrs. Vera Shew', of Cycle .were in [this city shopping Wedne.sday afternoon. Mr. Rufus Johnson, of Windy Gap. wii.s a visitor in this city at tending l)usiness matters Wed nesday. ! Me.'.srs. .^vcry Coleman and iS’.irgeon Goforth, of the Cycle j comn’.unity, were visitors in 'town Monday. ! .Mr.s. Percy .lohnson and sister, I .Mrs. Peudergra.ss. of Windy Gap. were shopping in North Wilke.s- boro Wednesday. Mr. and -Mrs. J. F. Jordan and j daughter, tioldie, spent Sunday in Concord with Mr. and -Mrs. Ed I Deviney. .Mrs. Deviney served a delicious liinhday dinner in hon- >r of her mother. .Mrs. Jordan. KNOW* 1^1 How This Bank Serves the Oommunity ■We ARE naturally interested in the welfare, growth, and success of the community because anything which helps the community grow and prosper helps this community bank. Here are some of the ways we serve: We ex tend sound loans to enable merchants to lay in stocks of goods • we help buyers take advan tage of cash discounts • we assist in the expan sion of business which in turn means employing more people. We offer checking service which makes possible the rapid, safe and convenient transfer of funds • we provide a safe place for you to keep your money and valuables • we furnish advice to you on financial matters. We cash checks * encourage thrift • collect drafts and checks nationally and locally • supply cur- ren:y, change and v--.iyrnl! funds. Our service to the community truiy nas many sides. The Northwestern Rank Resources Over $4,000,000.00 Serving ivorlhwestern North Jima Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Mr. W. M, Mlller-Joiies’Dioe irm tfas .c^ fined to his room by Illness Wed nesday.' , • .'•■’S’.* •* ■ ', . Mrs. Millard Duncan, of Roar ing River, was admitted to the Baptist Hospital In Winston-Sal em for treatment Saturday. The interior of the ’yadkln 'Val ley Motor company showrooms have recently been repainted, add ing much to the good appearance of the place of ibusiness. Mrs. I. M. Myers, who has been ill, was able to leave her room Tuesday for the first time in three months. Friends are glad to learn that she is recovering. Mr. I. M. Coleman, of Cycle, underwent a serioua operation Monday at the Wilkes Hospital. He is reported to be resting as well as could be e.vpected. Rev. J. C. Livingstone will preach at the Fairplalns commun ity church on Sunday, April 7, seven o’clock p. m. The public has a cordial invitation to attend. M'ls.s Ethel Staley, of Welch, W. Va., spent the week-end In the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mayberr.v, visiting her sister, Mrs. Carl Mayberry, and little daugh ter, Barbara Ann. -Mr. Lee Settle, Mr. Hayden Hayes and Mr. Shelton Canter, all ot whom arc in school at Wake Fore.st Colle.gc, spent the week end at their respective homes in \Vilke.s. Mrs. H. B. Smith and daugh ter, .Vnne, returned Monday from Cheraw, S. C., where they spent I ell days '.vilh relatives. Dr. Smith went there Sunday and accom panied them home. .Mr. and Mr.s. Orioii Boren and children and Mrs. Clarence Call, mother of Mr.s. Boren, all of Greensboro visited .Mrs. Call’s other daughters. Mrs. jrfhn E. Justice and Mrs. J. B. Carter, here Sunday. The Rangers male quartet from radio station WBT gave a pro gram Tuesday night at Mulberry school before a large crowd. The show was sponsored by the La dies aid society of Baptist Home church. .Ml are reminded not to forget the amateur shew and perform ance by the Southern Harrnoiiiz- ers at the courthouse in Wilkes- boro Friday night, eight o'clock. Proceeds from the admission charges, J5 and 25 cents, will be used for the benefit of North Wilkesboro base'tlall club. .Wilmington. Margaret Lindsay as Hepzihah ir Universal’s screen dramatiza tion of Nathaniel Ha'wthorne’s “The House of the Sever Ga bles.” Famed Novel Comes To Life In Film Medals I liiii my uniform there is a med.il j.iting me for Iiravery, I'lared there by a General l\\i:li u kiss, a sigh, a tear. I I was happy my mother too. .\iy soldier friend gave a cheer. 1 .My officer.s, Gieir souls with good- ' ness hem j Drinked a toast to Democracy. 1 On my .soul there are medals; ■ Loyalty, Honesty, Bravery, I Placed there bv my father ! W lio..;e I on I lie buttle field was ' spent. il.' KRr MINTON. F..\RNIER.S. be sure to see ns for your .seeds. We have a com plete stock—seed potatoes, oats, tiean.s, lespedeza, etc. PEARSON RROTHER.S. 2-26-tf That no Hollywood picture pro ducer has ever placed Nathaniel Hawthorne’s immortal “The House of the Seven Gables” be fore the cameras until the pres ent is somewhat surprising, but that oversight has now been rem edied. The picture Is now com pleted and will be the featured attraction at the New Orpheuni Theatre Monday and Tuesday. When Universal discovered that the Hawthorne tale had never be fore been filmed, it quietly began preparations for its production. They did not want any other stu dio to 'b^t them to the screen with it. Jack Otter.son, the studio’s art director, was sent to Salem, Mass., to inspect, photograph and draw- plans of the “The House of the Seven Gables” of Hawthorne’s dramatic masterpiece. It ■wasn’t until sets were ready for the cam eras that the studio announced that the picture would be made. Joe May was assigned to the di rection. The cast includes George Sanders-, Margaret Lindsay, Vin cent Price. Nan Gray and Dick Foran. Miss Lindsay appears as Hepzihah; Sanders as Jaffrey Pyncheon; Pricee as his brother, Clifford; Nan Grey as Phoebe and Dick Foran as Matthew Maule. Three of Universal’s .stages were crowded with sets represent ing interiors nf the ill-fated and forbidding mansion in which most of tiie action lakes place. Otter- son’s plans and drawings result ed in the creation of replicas ot tiie main living rooms of the houst, the upper and lower hall ways. and in the construction of a duplicate of the m^sion on the studio’s back lot. Only slight changes were nec essary in Hawthorne’s story, Burt Kelly, associate producer of the picture declares. Hepzihah and Clifford, brother and sister in Hawthorne's original tale, will appear as distant cousins in love with each other. Jaffrey, Clif ford’s uncle in the book, will be seen as his cruel and grasping t'l'other. A prologue,, covering de tails told in retrospect in Haw thorne's novel, was filmed to fur ther enhance the action of the picture. ak; ii^MlfCL camji.lgl>f cov€fr flii itate Carolina' In' a aound lftack.-Mal^ day, 'April 8, ha announced last night.' Cooper, -who received his sound truck at Wiilson. Monday after noon where he addressed the' 300 workers in the plant where It was constructed, said he plicae to coyer the* eastern-most section of the state during his first week of active campaigning. Thursday Cooper will partici pate in the parade , staged in fflny., ston as a part of the Bast Caro* lina Music Festival and then Vifl' return to Wilmington to.c0n^let» his plans for his state^vride tou^^ At WBson Monday Gpoper toi& the workers In the .AI^ factory, “You haye -bi^.for mA a machine with iirtUclt^.to machine. Just like yoix jwit with fire, I am going to i^ht the machine of organizedi^ft^ClaBS in North ‘ Carolina wHh '.Oia .ma chine which you have Just com pleted. ' - “I am going to take this ma chine,” Cooper said, “all over the state and tell the people how they can secure through my election, efficient honest government, gradual elimination of the sales tax, a better farm program, -bet ter rural schools and libraries, better education, $5 automobile license tags and lower gasoline taxes, and how to put an end to this centralization of authority In Raleigh which has made it im possible for a man to run his bus iness or his farm without first asking permission from Raleigh.’’ Episcopal Service There will be no service at St. Paul’s Episcopal church on Sun day, April ‘7th, as the Mite Box Presentation Service for Church Schools will be held in Grace Church, Morganton, that after noon at 3:30 o’clock. All mem bers of St. Paul’s church school are urged to attend the service in 1^.m^unced ''^kphool dinlc^will pj^nr sehopl on MondaSt Appil AAll parents -who ^ve children to enter school next year are urged to have them at the clinic for, free examination and immnn- ization against contagious dl- seases as required -by law. li-to'' ad eotton for -pBWdly'tiMWto* cotton of eflpal -yaliia.^ FanMn, wo h»vo fertUtosr, !?► pedeza seed, cabbage irfantA ^ ton sets, seed oats, seed beaao and seed potatoes. Be sure t«_ as for your needa,—N«rth ^ keeboro Grocery Oo^ MARKET Mr. Newlywed: "I wonder why it is we can’t save anything.’’ Mrs. Newlywed: “It’s the ii-ji^hbors, dear; they are always doing something we can’t afford.” See ns for yonr seeds In seed potatoes, seed oats, onion sets, lespedeza. seed, seed beans, and | all kinds of garden sewls. PEAR SON BROTHERS. 2-26-tf 920 B STREET NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C SUGAR, lb. 5c PURElARDJttrr”! ■ROSE ^MWW Wf* 8 SMALL OR Mlldl^ 4 LARGE 25' Coffee “Reduced” Rich Flavor, lb. Master Blend, lb. Royal Guest, lb. “Ground As You Want It” 15c ., 17c 19c MATCHES'^ S" .McCOKMICK’8 MAYOMISE 35- One Cent SALE ‘ 1 ^ Snow Baking 1 One Can 10c King Powder! Another for i BACON ...I9c Bologna, 2 lbs. 23c Weiners, lb. 17c Fat Back, lb. 8c NOW IS THE TIME TO GET TOOII NEW 1940 GENERAL ELECTRIC ‘^ome look long €\. ^ - ■■ time for good Used l^r ..ISome PXJR^TS Five National forests in North Carolina contributed $9,8S2.74 the State as 25 per cent ot the gross receipts frem operating the forests in 1939. smart,come 1939 Dodge Coach 1939 Chevrolet Coach see me! 1939 Ford Coach 1537 Plymouth Coach Yadkin Valley Motor Co. FORD—MERCURY—LINCOLN ZEPHYR ' .lA .Uy ■ V-'• ' Teacher: “How old -would a person be who was born in 1890?’’ Smart Kid: “Man or tVoman?’’ Light as a zephyr to save post age . . . crisp as an organdy rnf- flo . . . Specially priced for April . . . RYTEX-FIJGHT Printed Sta tionery in DOUBLE THE USUAL QUANTITY . . . only $1 . . . 200 Single Sheets, or 100 Double •Sheets and 100 Envelopes, printed with your Name and Address or Monogram. In four smart colors ot paper . . . printed Envelope linings in contrasting colors . . . and t-wenly Air Mail labels in eve ry box.—Carter-HuUbard Publish- ng Co. Sweeping Price Reductions Now In Effect! Big Beau tifully Styled Cabinets! Spacious Interiors! New Conveniences! AND CON DITIONED AIR! Greatest Values General Electric Ever Offered. Present prices are the lowest in G-E history, yet the new 1940 deluxe models are the most complete, the thriftiest G-E Refngerators you’ve ever seen. Shop around, compare values! See now much you now get for your dollar in a big, new General Electric. in*Steel G t shelfarea. sS, 4 / ^13975 T/¥/frS THE ^uy/ I If you’re planning a Spring Wedding let Mrs. Mabel Meadows at CarternHubbard Publishing Co. show you the exquisite new line of .RYTEX - HYLITBD WED DINGS. Whether it’s a brilliant church wedding ... or a charm ingly small one . . . these RYTEX- HYLITED iWedding Invitations or Announcements are in perfect taste. And such a modest price . 25 RYTEX-HYI.ITED WED DINGS for only $3 at Carter- Hubbard Publishing Co. All kinds of fresh seeds—les pedeza, onion sets, oats, potatoes b^s; also fertilizer. Lowest pHoes and tint qnaHty^ "Ifertib WilkesiMPo Gtooerr O. YOU'LL ALWAYS BE GLAD YOU BOUGHT A GENERAL ELECTRIC CONDITIONED AIR! Controlled temperature, humid ity, and constant circuladon of freshened air. SELECTIVE STORAGE All four needed zones'—Sidv Freezing Storage; Extra-Cold Storage; Crispii^ Storage; Safety-Zone General Storage. ALL-STEEL CABINET, built for long life. One-Piece porcelain interiors—and porcelain exteriors, tootl ‘I STAINLESS STEEL Super-Freezer- STAINLESS STERv Sliding Shelves! 1 ^ IliUMINATED nMPERATVRE DIAL Tel-A-Prost'In^ dicator. Thriftometer. Interior Lighting. Easy raA.' leasing, fast freezing Quick Trays. Pyrex Dishek ^ SEALEIMN-STEa M THRIFT UNIT famed throu^osc the world for quiet, lowost operation and endur- 1 ing economy. f MUIXE 6-E MODEL B«-tO Read What General Elactric Says: "We beUeve the new 1940 G-E Refrigerator to be the fineat product of its kind ever offered to the American public—one that will cost you lets to own than any other refrigerator you can buy at any price.” Key and Wab Electric Co. . . 3 MILES NORTH ON HIO^AY 18 THOWE 36*F-(tt i ELECTRIC SUPPLIES !—-—-rJ--- ELECTRICAL^CONTRACTING I