-fcfc--- ' iijiiaajiiiiBia"* ^tV -^:\ Ijiam. Wn « why «k»t yon? Yott hklp onror Srhnt yWT'^liWtt llk« in a book and Unser over It In me." .SVA On«i W«k Beautiful Of Face! One Waa Beautiful Of Heart! Sisters . . . Who Lored The Same Man! Drama of beanty-baited man traps . . in Manhattan’s (glamorous social whirl! HOW SOCIETY BEAUTIES GET THEIR MAN I Alice Duer MHIer't' frank, startling X-ray of sodety's sabled maivhuntersi From the excHing Soturday Evening Post love dromo! Monday and Tuesday WILKES’ FINEST LIBERTY An Unforgettable Adventure! George Brent—Isa Miranda “ADVENTURE IN DIAMONDS” • NOW SHOWING e mi0i^ SdibolsIS I STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY FOR SALE BY Dick’s Service Station DAY and NIGHT BIGELOW WE AVE RS The Perfect Room Starts With A RUG TT4AT FITS . . . YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND k ‘‘Floorcovering Foram^* TO BE HELD AT OUR STORE ON April 5th, 1940 A special representative of the Bigelow Weavers, makers of the famous Bigelow rugs and carpets, will be in our .store all day to conduct the forum. He will be glad to give you expert, individual advice on your home decoration problems. Rhodes-Day Furniture Co. CoinpIete fumiahera Of The Home* No»tk.WilkMfco«>» N. C. The North Wllkesboro high school debating team is leaving early Thnreday morning for Wake Forest College. They -will partici pate Thursday, Friday and Satur day, in the Annual Speech Tour- niuhent, which is being sponsored by the college. Only nine months standard schools are participating in the tournament. Team members representing North Wllkesbbro are Miss Betty Bhodes, Wayne CandIU, Billy Wade Estes, and Jimmy Moore. of eohta^a^. QvMo^ T^Umot*' foHowi: fmiith, Rhh. Ruth Ry^rottDBlktb, AiiiitB Johnston; seventh, Ourtls Well- ;bom; eighth, Ella Mae Oambill. vli^efs Anqie Johnston was t h o school irlnner and will represent North Wllkeaboro In the Spelling Contest at Winston-Salenl Satur day, April 6th. About thirty high school boys and girls are planning to enter the Tennis Tournaments spon sored by the North Wllkesboro High School Activities Associa tion. The tournament for boys Is under the direction of Mr. Robert Taylor, Miss Ruth Webb Is In charge of girl tennis. Games are to be played in the afternoons and on Saturdays on the school court. Suitable awards will he made to the winners. Oudook Dark For The Tobacco Crop 2 Great New Gasolines! Several classes from North Wil- kesboro high school visited the Carolina Mirror Corporation plant on Monday and Tuesday. On Mon day forty girls, members of the second year Home Economics cla.sses, visited the Mirror plant. They were accompanied by Miss Evelyn Sharpe, teacher of Home Economics. On Tuesday the members of the Chemistry class, taught by Miss Ruth Webb, and the Occupations class, taught by Mr. Cragan, were visitors at the Mirror Plant. Twenty members of the North Wilkeshoro high school Chemistry class were vi.sitors Tuesday after noon to the plant of the North Wilkesboro Ice and Fuel Com pany. Their visit was a very ben eficial one, inasmuch as they learned the practical application of Chemistry and mechanics in a modern business. Miss Ruth Webb, teacher of Chemistry, ac companied the class. Washington.—A genersilly un favorable outlook for flue-cured tobacco during the 1940-41 sea son was reported Monday 'by the Department of Agriculture on the eve of the capital parley on pro posed amendments to the AAA tobacco program. Abnormally large prospective supply and reduced export outlets are the major factors in the gloomy picture forecast for flue- oured tobacco growers by the department. Reduced exports and the large 1939 production of 1,132,400,000 pounds are expected to result in flue-cured slocks as of July 1 to taling 1,450.000,000. This Is more than 53 per cent larger than fluecured stocks a year earlier. These facts will be reflected In the meeting Wednesday at which the entire legislative program for flue-cured tobacco is to be thrown open tor discussion. Growers, farmer representatives, mem'bers of Congres.s from all flue-cured tobacco areas, and other interest ed individuals are expected to participate in the meeting. The piano pupils of Miss Ellen Robinson will be presented in a recital in the auditorium at 3:30 Thursday afternoon, April 4th. North Wilkesboro high school opens the baseball sea.son on Fri day afternoon of this week, when they play the Taylorsville FIA’STERED A young man was doing his own shopping. He said to the pretty girl .behind the draper’s counter: "I want a pillowcase, please." “Yes,” said the girl. “What size?" The young man looked awk ward. “Why—er—I’,m not sure," he said, “h-nt I take a 6 7-8 hat!’’ NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA, WILKES COUNTY. Un-der and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by C. R. high Triplett to W. Bryan Booe, on the schoor‘t“eam“at Taylorsville. Uni- Wth day of Feb. 1931 to sec^e , , , . the payment of a note of even forms were issued to about twen- date^erewith, the same being re- ty-five ?quad memher.s on Mon- carded in the office of the regis- rlay of this week. No positions j-gj. gf deeds of Wilkes Countv in are definitely assigned as yet. in- ’smuch as the local high school Book 169 at page 175 and default having been made in the payment ,s i-esiimiiif baseball after a lapse i of .said note on demand. NOW if several years, there has been THEREFORE: I will on the 22nd , . ,, f „ dhv of April, 1940, at the Court i free-for-all fight for every PO'lj^ogj-e Door in Wilke.sboro, North -dlion on the team. The starting Carolina, offer for sale for cash, ine-up is still very much in f„ the highest bidder, at the hour ionlit. The schedule for the sea- of 12:00 noon the following de- ■!on is: April 5th, Taylorsville, scribed lands to wit; Lying and be- Ihere: .April »th, Boone, there: i lima, adjoining the lands of F. J luth Virgil Mortz,, Judd Green and others and bounded as follows, 23rd, to wit; 2'ilti,( First Tract: Beginning on a lo- ■April 12. Galax, there: Kith, Boone, here; April Wilkeslvoro, there; .April I'aylorsville, here; April Wilkesboro. here; April 30th, lia- cust near the head of Stony Fork lax, here. creek, running South 40 degrees East 140 poles to a chestnut oak ,, stump; thence North 50 degrees The members of Miss II n- poles to a stake; thence drens fifth >;iade of the Noilli j^g^th 40 degrees West 145 poles Wilkesboro school enjoyed a kite- to a stake in F. J. Hartleys li flying contest at the Fairground thence South 50 degrees West last Thursday afternoon. Eigh-’ with .said line 110 poles to a stake teen homemade kites were enter-Isaid line; thence South 40 de- .he ,0,..., lips won tirst place for the giils. . ggegnd Tract adjoining the above Bonlee Wingler was first plucB; tract: Beginning on a chestnut winner for the boys. land chestnut-oak the second cor- Iner of the above described tract. The fifth grade of the Northland running with the line of said Wilkesboro school had an Arbor ffact North 50 degrees Elast 96 Day celebration on Wednesday, April 3rd. The program was par ticipated in by all the pupils. A white oak tree was planted with ippropriate ceremonies on the school ground near the south side of the elementary building. Miss i-Iendren and Miss Troutman are the fifth grade teachers. .A Spelling Contest in grades 4. 5, 6, 7, 8 was conducted in the North Wilkesboro S'chool auditor ium Wednesday afternoon, April poles to a chestnut-oak and sour- wood on the ridge above Chapman Greens: thence with Chapman Greens line South 40 degrees Blast 20 poles to a chesitnut, continuing the same course In all 167 poles to a stake in William J. Churches line, thence S. 60 degrees W. 96 poles to a stake;, thence N. 40 de grees W. 167 poles to the beginn ing. Containing 80 acres more or less. This the 19th day of March, .1940. W. BRYAN BOOE, Trustee I By T. R. Bryan, Attorney. 4-18-6t. (t) North WUkoBbpro’s atpst roooat addition to. the ’Uuslness ..AMrlct- is Modern Dry Cleaners, now' for business in a new brick build- log located just back of Beeche’a' Place on Tenth street. The new business firm, under management of Ray Hayes and L. D. Cook, (proprietors, win ren-. der a complete dry cleaning and pressing service at very popular prices. Several weeks were spent in preparation for the opening and as a result the proprietors have secured new and most modern equipment in order to render a high type of service at all times. Delivery service is .provided all customers who want It and dis counts are offered for cash and carry work. The new business firm cordial ly Invites a visit from every per son in this vicinity- and asks the opportunity to make the public acquainted with the service offer- ' ed. I EHrECnu^lBING JOB, i Let ug eatunate your job for you. Low- ert pric—'-^gwranteed work. Hot Point Eilectric Rantre as low as.. $114.95 Puktr Electric Co. Eloctrical Cmtractora — Electrical Supplies ’Phone 22-W Wilkesboro, N. C. There was an eminent lawyer in New York, years ago, who was ^ fond of displaying his legal learn- •, ing, especially to members of his office staff. He was not too proud to give even the office boy the benefit of his wisdom and his experience. Someone asked the boy; “How .much does your boss pay you?” The boy said, “Ten thousand dollars a year." “What, ten thousand a year for an office boy?’’ “Yes,” said the boy, “Four dol lars a week in cash and the rest in legal advice." HEARH WELCOME TO OUR NEW NEIGHBOR— Modem Dry Cleaners This new firm will give you good service, and will appreciate your business. 0. K. Shoe Shop C. H. DANCY, Manager Rear Beeche’s Place—Just Off Tenth Street Let the advertising eohinuu of this paper be your shopping guide. And Readiness For Service! MODERN Dry Cleaners h New Building-Back Of Beeche’s Place A Few Feet Off Of Tenth Street BEST WISHES TO THE NEW Modem Dry Cleaners Now open fbr business near our cafe. We wiiih the owners much success in the fu ture and hope the public will extend them a generous patronage. Beeche’s Place Where Yon Ge^ .Good Things To Eat and Meet Your Friends New and Most MODERN EQUIPMENT After several weeks of preparation, we are now ready I for business, offering you complete satisfaclion in all kinds of dry cleaning and at very popular prices ... so popular, in fact, we say “Better Come See!” DELIVERY SERVICE i- DISCOUNT ON CASH-CARRY WORK ★ Phone 156 DRY ( RAY HAYES and L. D. COOK, Prop*. 10|h Stroet KoHli* Wilkeeboro j