^ sJitty prlias will be glTeii away by Gooper*a Radio Serrlce com* pany In'a Comet Model Airplane Conteet which begins today and runs for five weeks. A contest was held recently and was BO successful that there was a great demand among the 125 ehtrants and others Interested for another. The contest beginning today has more and better prizes and all who are Interested in bhiilding model planes are invited to enter. Further details may be found in Cooper’s Radio Service company’s advertisement else where in this newspaper. State College Answers Timely Farm Question Question: What is the right a- mount of cotton seed to plant on one acre? Answer: Do not use less than one and one-half bushels to the acre of seed that germinates 80 percent or better. With a lower germination a higher rate of seed should be used. Where the seed have been treated with ethyl mer cury chloride from four to five pecks of seed is sufficient. In all cases, the seed shoulJ be treated before planting to prevent damp ing-off disease and the saving in planting seed will more than pay the cost of treating. See your ^:ounty Agent about thia treat ment. “I turned the way I signaled,” ^4|said the lady, indignantly, after the crash. “I know it.’’ retorted the man, •‘that’s what fooled rae.’’ NOTICE OF S.4LE OF Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus W. S. Gwyn and wife. Mrs. W. S. Gwyn,” the un dersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of .■tpril, 1940. at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Wilkesboro. N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Edwards Township. Wilkes County, N. C.. being j acres, more or less, listed in Edwards Township in the name of W. 3. Gwyn. in 1936. being all the land owned and or listed in Edwards Township in 1936, by W. S. Gwyn. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Bock . Page , in the Register or Deeds office of Wilkes Cbunty. b This the 29th day of March. 1940. F. J. McDUFFTE. ^ l-22-4t-(M) Commissioner. NOTicp: Of .s.\i,e of i-am> Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus David Martin and wife. Mrs. David Martin,’’ the undersigned Commissioner will . n the 29th d.:/ of .\pril. 1940. 12:00 o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Wilkesboro. X. C.. offer for sale to the highc.st bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Kd- g wards Township. Wil’aes County. * .North Carolina, iieini 1 lot of land more or les.'. li:ited in Ed wards townsltip in ’.iie natne of David Mar'iii in tieiiii: all the land owned an.I or li.-'cd in lO.gtl tiy David .Marin. For further descrintion vei'er- enee is made to dt'.- "iption foatid in Uoo’k —, I'aae , i:i tlie Reg ister of Di‘ed.s offi. t' of M ilkes County, This the ’.’9th day of March, 1940. F. .1. McDUFFIK, m Assets Increase Reporter’* 'P«tlnir«y Filled With'Hurdlte 4-22-4t-(M ) Conimissioner. SAMPSON’S S. C. R. FOR DISCOMFORTS DUE TO COLDS—COUGHS The assets of North Building and Loan and Federal Savings and Loan Associations went over the one hundred mil lion mark In .March, according to J. B. Williams, Secretary of North Wilkesboro Building and Loan Association, North Wilkesboro. On December 31, 1939, the combined assets of building and loan associations and Federal sav ings and loan associations reach ed the total of $98,471,925. This represents an increase of 14.1 per cent over December 31. 1938. This figure represents a new all time high in assets, the previous highest total having been in 1929 when the assets were $95,848,- 056.86. Another new high was made in the loan activities of these home financing Institutions tor 115,671 loans were made to the large amount of $25,930,784, which was the largest in the past decade. The total Reserves tor Contingencies hit a new high on December 31, of this past year, when they amounted to $2,783,- 5 89. The associations were also in a much more liquid position than ever before. There are 177 building and loan and Federal savings and loan associations in North Caro lina, all of which belong to the North Carolina Building and Loan League. The League, of which Martin F. Gaudian of Ra leigh is Executive Secretary. give.s a valuable consultation service to the a.ssociations by keeping them informed of all the latest devel opments in home financing, not only in North Ca’olina but in the entire country. An ever inci.''psin,? percentage )f the loans of these home financ- ng institution.^ are being devoted .0 construction of homes, as shown by the fact that more than 40 per cent of all loans during 1939 were of this type. During the past year. 6.14 6 new homes were erected through loans of .$11,146,806 made by these local nstitutions This represents an in crease of two and one half mil lion dollars over the 193,8 figure. In addition, they enabled 3,678 individuals to purchase homes valued at more than five and one half million dollars. The balance of over nine million dollars in loans of the associations were made for repairs, refinancing, and other miscellaneous purposes. The building and loan associations, through the.se loans, are not only helping to build the communities of North Carolina and creating taxable values but also making individuals become more self-re liant and financially independent through home ownership and en couraging thrift. Their import ance as savings institutions is shown by the fact that during 1939 they declared dividends or profits of $2.9S2.:i4S to 13,5.744 shareholders. The increased competition whicii the ituilding. savings and loan associations are facing in the home mortgage field has quicken- l.'d the pul.se of the entire husi- I Iiess. More lliaii three quarters :,if the larger a.ssocittums have Iinrntd into or h-.iili new homes j (ir reniotleled Iheir fdd one-. New I loan plans are being iidopted. the value of ad'ortisiiig is being ree- ngiiizetl ;is shown by ll'e Id per cerr increase in advertisii;: al'e propi.ations during Ki.’l!'. I.oun plans are being streainlii.ed and in short llie enti.» business has been pepped up to meet the chal lenge of those wlio have come in to t'ae l)usiness. .\n illustration ! of this enthusiasm was the great ! increase in attendance of Boards of Directors at the District Meet- iiifs held last Fall which were attended by more than one-third of the Directors of the slate. To aspiring young Journalists who look upon their chosen ca- Carolina reers as a glamorous profession, Dorothy Kllgallen, New York columnist, has a word to say. Reporting Is a hard job de manding the utmost In personal sacrifice and physical strength. Miss Kllgallen writes in the May Issue of Cosmopolitan. But movies have given young people the idea that newspaper work Is all .horset- play and front page by-line, and this Is tar from the truth. There are few short cuts* to page one and few rules for be coming a great journalist, she says, but there are some things you must, and some things you cannot do. Here they are in six ea.sy lessons: Lesson 1—You’ve got to be pretty smart to start with. You must be able to talk with any and every one on any and every sub ject. Lesson 2—Be accurate. The best story in the world is not good if it’s not accurate. Lesson j—You need stamina. A girl who faints easily or cannot look at a dead body had better find herself another career. Lesson 4—Being a girl doesn’t help: It makes the job harder in every respect. Lesson 5—Most of the interest ing people aren’t interesting. You have to make them so. Lesson 6—Never buy a round- dr when yen'll be ' j - In addition, eenh1wb«'|tiM Kll--' gallen, a good , should have tact, perunasiyenese, persist ence, pencils and good judgment; know where the nearest phone Is and have plenty of nickels. Fin ally a little luqk will do no harm. JStdbni smd t 'e » "fife CHICKENS Miss Ha Hotanaii, of Wilkesboro, Professional and Tice Director of the Work* Pro gress Administration, Seventh District, was In the county last week meeting with the County :'t(ril^:>pftic^” toe Ihiit^alMil.-Mne 'Avery Herald.'^ Dinsf-: win- IHAIR CUTS* BEAKS I Heayy rains In Florida’s lower I1.M week meeting with the county ' Oljlabar is me najne of a new Supervisors of the varloua pro- cosiat veyotable area durinfir 1 ,1.. o T\i—tho InttAv Dart, of March wiped breed of chickens developed by the Oklahoma A. & M. College. Their sex can be determined as soon as they hatch. NOTICE OP SiVLE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the S’lmerlor Court of ■Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus H. H. Couch and wife, Mrs. H. H. Couch,” the un dersigned Commissioner will on the 29th day of April, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the Court House floor In Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der tor cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being In Edwards Township. Wilkes County, North Carolina, being 2 acres of land more Or less listed in Edwards Township in the name of H. H. Couch in 1936, being all the land owned and or listed in 1936, by H. H. Couch. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , In the Register of Deeds office of Wilkes, County. This the 1940. 29th day of March, F. J. WILLUIHS MOTOR CO. TELEPHONE 334-J T. H. Williams, Owner Oldsmobile SaIes*Servlc« Bear Frame Service and Wheel Alignment General Auto Repairinf Wrecker Service—Electric and Acetylene Welding USED PARTS—For all “lakes and models of cars and trucka TE.N.WTS In 19.3 7. two out of every five farmers in the United States were tenants. “Ran .Nine Little Mice Into a Big Fortune.’’ 100.000 of their descendants being mobilized to help in the war, and the ingen ious scientist breeds various col ored mice and hopes eventually to produce rainbow mice. An illus trated feature in the American Weekly Magazine with next Sun- i day’.. Wa.shingtou Times-Herald. now on sale. Calling All Boys! JOIN OUR COMET MODEL AIRPLANE CONTEST TODAY Here’s your chance to show your Model Building Skill. Get in ci’' *“S ar l win a Comet Giss Powered Mod el or a Giant Flier. Start now, so you’ll have plenty of tirfte for building the model you want to enter in the contest. Come in todav and get full information, fill out vour entrv blank. Models are priced at 10c, 26c,' 50c $1.00 and nn. We also carry in stock most all supplies, etc., for models. ITus contest starts today -and will run for five weeks. 50 prizes will be ^ven away. COOPER’S RADIO SERVICE CO. Next Doir To Liberty Theatre “MODEL AIRPLANE HEADQUARTERS ’Telephone 134 4-22-4t-fMl McDUFFIE, Commissioner. jects of the D. and S. Division. Others from out of the county at tending the meeting were Mrs. Mary Ellen ’White, District Sew- the latter part of March wiped out about half of the State’s ear ly bean crop. NOTICE OP SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Coart of Wilkes County, entitled "Wilkes County versus John Gwyn and wife, Mrs. John Gwyn. the under signed Commissioner will on the 29th day of April, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the Court House door In Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being In Edwards Town ship, Wilkes County, North Car olina, being 2 acres of land more or less. Hated In Eldwards Town ship In the name of John Gwyn, In 1936, being all the land owned or listed In Edwards township In 1936, by John Gwyn. For further description refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , In the Register of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 29 th day of March, 1940. F. J. McDUFFIE, 4-22-4t-(M) Commissioner. IIARi^ES OQ Permanoita lifalkipa* and Finger Wave ZSe SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE North Wilkesbero, N. C. CKMil WITH THE WIND wdi not be shown anywhere except at advanced prices... at least until 1941 BUY RESERVED SEATS NOW FOR Night Shows All Seats Rgserved (tl.lO inc. tax) Weekday Mats. Continuous Not Res. (75c inc. tax) UBERH THEATRE Starting Monday, April 15th, 10 A. M. SPECIAL SPRING OFFER ON 1940 KELVINATORS OOK AT ALL THESE •INE. FEATURES: • liy» Square feet of shelving • Automatic light • Easy-Touch door handle • 84 Ice cube capacity—9 Iba. • Automatic Kelvin control • Permalux cabinet finiah • Porcelain-on-steel interior • 2 Extra-fast freezing shelves 9 Embossed freezer door « Big cold storage tray —and many other features you’ll enjoy. if you’re buying a new refrigerator, here’s something ihafs REAL good news! Today you can get a beautiful new 1940 Kelvinztor foi the lowest price in history! They’re the size you want- a full 6 cubic foot capacity or more. They re a quality ■iroduct made by Kelvinator-America’s oldest maker oi electric refrigerators. And they give you savings never be fore thought possible. 6!ach Kelvinator is powered by the amazingly economical POLARSPHERE sealed unit ... all cabinet fxtermrs are finished in gleaming, long-life Permalux, and fitted with the modern conveniences you want. SEE THESE IN OUR SHOWROOM! YOU PAY ONLY... slO CASH AND DIVIDE THE BALANCE OVER 24 MONTHS DUKE POWER COMPANY NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. PHONE 420

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